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How do [you] split [your] time with the moonless air? I am a creature of the night. Moonlight erases colors and embellishes contrasts. In the dark opal seems to have its own glow and shadows are really bottomless pits. That is probably why my drawings are monochrome. I divide my time between this unquiet vigil and a somnambulistic walk under the merciless sun.

Although of late estranged, what can be said

of [the] sexuality she/it/he seeks? Some time ago I was walking alone in a huge garden. I watched the plant species most of which were unknown to me. They were so strange that they could have come from another planet. Their long stalks rustled in my passage, extending their hairy leaves to my naked limbs. The bushes thickened and soon they were so high that their prehensile tentacles leaned toward me hugging my neck in an insistent caress. I thought I was lost when an opening widened in the roof of this abusive greenery. I looked up at the sudden light, freed of these plants fondling. I stepped over and I fell into a dark and icy pond, which tore me from my sleep and brought me back to my bed near the monster lying beside me exhausted by coitus.

Why had (Another hid his eyes behind his wing) from a kind of symbiotic organism for all societies?

Secret is an intrinsic necessity to enlightenment. Every society buries the realities it denies. Drawing is trying to see the present through the filigree of myth. Drawing is to use the mist of trance to ward off the fog of lies. The artist is by definition a symbiotic organism clinging to a reality as a mussel to the rock. It bothers her host by externality while making him aware of his interiority.

but [you’ve] never been the same as a vaccine composed of dead viruses, have you? I’ve never been anything else. Like all symbiots, it must be smart enough not to kill its host, and not to be killed by it. The vaccine is the perfect example: virulent enough to create an itching and resistance; weak enough not to be lethal. Observing the mentality of the patients, do Le paysage nocturne ([you] think I see you now)? The terms “patient” and “passion” are relatives; Both originate in the same root from the Latin “suffer.” Indeed we are all patients. We look, at each other, sitting in the waiting room of life. Sometimes we exchange a knowing smile and we stand up for a quickie in the toilet. We are all suffering; all too aware of our mortality and it is only when we recognize ourselves in the eyes of others that we feel for a brief moment really alive. only at the beginning of [your] exploration

did [you] forg[e]t all [your] duty to society, to follow him? I’ve never been a great follower. To be honest, the herd scares me. I prefer to look for an alternative path. Looking for guidance through stars that are my own. I of course got often lost; but that’s how I finally found myself.

is the execution of the catechism your mirror to contemplate safely? It requires a precise ritual to ward off that part of yourself that you’re scared. You have to be able to find somehow the way back, even if the road transformed thee so deeply that you will not manage to recognize yourself in the mirror. Even if you become the other — or the thousand other — you have to know where is the one and indivisible. as a new vibration, much lower,

could it be: The Burial of the Dead? The dead are always here; they accompany us quietly: you can see their faint shade, if you look long enough. The dead are with us because we are the product of their countless generations. Our flesh is made of their flesh, they have drawn first the symbols we use today. We walk in their footprints. In waving the Christian symbols, the level of abstraction is automatically high? Transubstantiation is much older than Christianity. Since ancient times some individuals chose to offer their flesh and blood. They chose to dissolve in the community, to integrate in the form of meaningful fragments the other members of the tribe, to refine in a slow process of abstraction. What remains of the flesh of Michelangelo? Billion residual images in our collective memory.

Does the theory of darkness mean The bright sun was extinguish’d? In the darkness theory, a music marketing theory, something pretending to disappear will stand out, highlighted by obscurity. Because where everything appears to be easy and at hand, some difficulty could be of interest. Of course puzzling about things somehow could be a pastime, before the sun completely switches off. It could just be only a speculation on a speculation on a speculation. Is With mad disquietude a pastime that [you] enjoy more? Yes. Madness too can be of some help in anxiety management,

but being the management itself which more often drives you to madness, I often need to search for more anxiety and disquietude, to avoid the management.

How much do you love

our “society of the spectacle”, and their feeble breath?

Showbiz is my life. But I don’t like managers that much. This is a problem you might understimate, for instance when you start playing a guitar, or when cutting out and sticking tiny scraps of paper. Managers sometimes drink too much and yes, you could have to deal with their breath. But I already have to deal with mine (and I like to drink me too. It helps me in the management avoidance, also).

Are you trying to find the time to drink from the whole wine?

Now I don’t think no more an artist and his manager can be a same person, even disguised by darkness. Part of the playfulness of ✁collage is in the ambiguity of result, if it can be viewed as a double image. In the same time it is a form of art and a mockery of it. But like Jekyll and Hide, Matti and Puntila, etc. social roles tend to follow unpredictable, perverse and mandatory logic, then the ambiguity deteriorates, in time ©}©.

So Two thoughts were so mixed up that they were recognizable but unrecognizable? I do think deception and mystification are the essence of both language and art (which can be regarded as a special form of communication too. Nothing so special anyway, but art is also useful in remix and mix-up things). Okay but obviously I couldn’t say this without be lying myself in the same moment. ῗ also said it on purpose, to point out the antithesis I use to be puzzled by: on one hand there’s NO reality OUT of language (nothing that couldn’t be object of knowledge, or at least nothing that couldn’t be communicated), BUT language itself is a reality, a part of the world, a fact among others (not a pure, immaterial substance). I wish I could be more clear… and the alienating effect is an effect-machine;

Surely some revelation is at hand?

I’m not going to be very much fascinated by religion, I guess, and I would not enjoy technocracy as well, I only feel a sort of collision of logic in the real world, and I’m hypnotized by the ‘logic’ side of it, and how it shows up, in images, or ◔|◔ isn’t it weird?

at the same time to vandalize, deface together and make it back alive:

Surely the Second Coming is at hand?

It might be considered as a clash between representation and operation, map and territory, etc. On this semiotic side I just keep making my semi-blind experiments in visual communication, to manage my anxiety about logic, about the conceptual problems áż—, antithesis that arise everywhere, while real endemic wars are going on everywhere, contradictions in terms of blood flowing in the streets, and the language. since excessive or synthetic, unsettling or ironic, Deep still love’s sleep endures? Deep love still endures. Very necessary to sleep. (also good, on the other side, to get anxiety and disquietude, and to avoid the management).

῟⌡῟ A desperate love, eternal and lost, should be probably too excessive, or too ironic. Some darkness can be nice, I recommend it. The lady of situations may be quite appropriate? Jekyll-Hide ladies or gentlemen aren’t appropriate to themselves, but probably would be good for each others and perfect collages of our schizophrenic society. I hope in time they will all enjoy the ryzhomatic association I designed, called “The Scientific Church of Antithesis” (now on facebook) (Link: https://www.facebook.com/scientificchurch.ofantithesis). It was designed at first to publish an essay

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