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Table B (cont’d) 2. B. External programme coherence UNDP proactively pursued the New Way of Working in select areas

9. UNDP established strategic and programmatic partnerships with government development initiatives (Strategic partnership with government)

a. Were programming context risks collectively dealt with? b. D id UNDP programme and approaches improve strategic partnership with the government (in terms of aligning with government initiatives)? c. W ere UNDP programme choices and programme approaches appropriate for promoting longer-term development/ peace efforts?

• Document review- UNDP project documents; monitoring data on integrated programming in national development programme processes in the area assessed • IEO Survey (on Coherence) • Interviews on the extent UNDP proactively sought to engage central and relevant line offices within the government for enhanced national development process; applying a nuanced approach as required; the extent to which UNDP enabled national programme coherence • Evidence from decentralized evaluations

10. U NDP established strategic partnerships with United Nations agencies

a. To what extent were partnerships forged with United Nations agencies to enable a coherent programme response within UNSDCF?

(Strategic partnership with the United Nations agencies)

b. D id UNDP programme approaches improve cooperation with United Nations agencies or enhance synergies within UNSDCF? c. W ere partnerships established with United Nations agencies beyond funding-related joint projects? d. Did partnerships with United Nations agencies contribute to the consolidation of development outcomes? e. D id partnerships with United Nations agencies enable sector programme models, improve the sustainability of outputs, and improve the level of outcomes achieved?


• Document review- UNSDCF for mapping expected areas of work of different United Nations agencies; joint programme documents; United Nations country team working group documents; monitoring data on enhanced outcome and enabling coherence in national development programme processes in the area assessed • IEO Survey (on Coherence) • Interviews on the extent UNDP reached out to United Nations agencies operating in complementary areas under UNSDCF for joint efforts, collaboration, and coherence; and opportunities taken or missed • Evidence from decentralized evaluations


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