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I. W HY A PERFORMANCE RATING SYSTEM? The UNDP evaluation function has experienced significant growth over the years, increasing the need for evaluation knowledge management strategies to support users to make sense of the increasing wealth of evaluative data on UNDP performance. The Independent Evaluation Office (IEO) has taken various steps to streamline the evaluation process, improve quality, and expand the use of its evaluative work. Such efforts have included the introduction of specific methodology tools, ongoing efforts to leverage machine-learning to support evaluation synthesis, and new lessons products such as evaluation synthesis reports. The introduction of a programme performance rating system (hereafter ‘rating system’) for use in UNDP Independent Country Programme Evaluations (ICPEs) to determine the contribution of UNDP country programmes is another effort to consolidate the IEO resources and data architecture to support organizational learning. The rating system will enable evaluation performance to be summarized and quantified, as well as facilitating the codification of performance across internationally recognized evaluation criteria for comparison, analysis and synthesis. Rating systems have been widely used by multilateral development banks and international financial institutions (IFIs) in their corporate evaluation practices. In UNDP, rating systems have been unevenly applied across some global thematic evaluations, and at country level in the context of decentralized Global Environment Facility evaluations. The rating system was developed in 2021 and piloted in 12 ICPEs. An IEO Evaluation Advisory Panel meeting in late 2021 featured a session on the rating system, where issues observed during the pilot phase were discussed. This was followed by an internal workshop of the lead evaluators of the ICPEs to identify areas requiring further clarification and revision. Based on this, the rating system has been improved, ready to be rolled out in all ICPEs in 2022. IEO also plans to develop a similar system for decentralized evaluations. This version of the rating system is based on the 2021 pilot. Quality assurance measures have been introduced, and accountability and learning for evaluands clarified. This rating system does not use a weighted score, continuing instead with the four-point scale until this is revisited. The rating system has been developed to consistently quantify evaluative programme performance and data on the contribution of UNDP at country level, across ICPEs. These quantitative assessments will bring to light differences in the levels of UNDP contribution and enable the aggregation and comparison of UNDP programme performance across countries.



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