UNDP also promoted environmental issues, namely green finance, with the public and private financial sectors. UNDP worked with the National Corporation for Popular Credit and Savings Finance Operatives (CONAFIPS), to develop green credit lines and socio-environmental risk management systems.152 This enabled an agreement between the Quito Stock Exchange and MAEE to be signed, leading to the launch of the first issue of Green Bonds in Ecuador.
2.3 Outcome 3: Socioeconomic inclusion and livelihoods CPD Outcome 3. By 2022, Ecuador has policies and norms favouring diversification of the productive structure, generation of decent work and sustainable livelihoods and economic inclusion, with equal opportunities for women and men. Related outputs: OUTPUT 3.1. Public policy instruments and/or mechanisms designed or implemented to promote equitable economic inclusion and improve people’s livelihoods.
A total of six projects with eight project outputs were implemented under this outcome, with a budget of $19 million and expenditure of $12.4 million.153 All six projects (100 percent of expenditure) were directly implemented by UNDP (DIM). This outcome experienced rapid growth in budget and implementation in 2020 due to the inclusion of COVID-19 response projects. Government cost-sharing represented 86 percent of expenditure. The municipality of Guayaquil has been the primary source of funds for this outcome (84 percent of expenditure), followed by UNDP (7 percent of expenditure) and the Government of Italy (4 percent of expenditure).
https://www.finanzaspopulares.gob.ec/creditos CONAFIPS grants loans to organizations in the popular and solidarity-based financial sector, such as cooperatives, i.e. savings and credit cooperatives, mutuals, savings banks and village banks. The aim of CONAFIPS is to strengthen these organizations in order to enable them, in turn, to provide loans to entrepreneurs in the popular and solidarity economy. The financial resources correspond to the period: 2017 to June 2021.
Chapter 2. findings