expenditure decreased in 2019-2020 compared to 2017-2018, mainly due to the completion of the Global Funds project. The programme in this outcome area builds heavily on the advances of the previous cycle with regard to justice sector reform, citizen security and local development, advances made towards combatting human trafficking and efforts towards legal reform for people living with HIV. In this sense, the current programme is a continuation of the previous programmatic approach, however with a stronger emphasis on gender mainstreaming and women’s empowerment. The programme focuses on the inadequacy of national systems to ensure safety, security and justice services and the protection of human rights, and aims to address this through the promotion of justice sector reform, strengthening the capacities of national and local actors, public awareness and protection of human rights, and gender mainstreaming. The approach focuses on enhancing democratic systems to ensure stronger social cohesion, citizen security and safety, and the rule of law. It does this by: fostering integration of human rights and mainstreaming gender equality
in national policies and legislation; strengthening the capacities of rule of law and local government institutions, and CSOs, to prevent violence and improve safety and security, including at parish level; providing diverse types of support; improving access to justice and protection systems for vulnerable populations (especially women and children) through strengthened court systems; increasing citizens’ awareness of human rights violations and violence (including gender-based violence); and fostering their active participation in the decision-making processes. While there is no change to the programme design from the initial country programme, the MCO reported changes in indicators58 and there have been changes related to the projects under this outcome. The Gender Seal project was cancelled due to inadequate income generated from the private sector, which was expected to sustain the project after its initial phase. According to the MCO, the buy-in from the private sector was not as expected, as the companies opted to partner with a similar UN Women project which did not have costs associated with Gender Seal certification. Likewise, the Global Fund project was shortened from three years to two years after
FIGURE 3. Evolution of budget and expenditure in support of democratic governance, citizen security and safety, 2017-2020 (US$ million) 100% 90% 80% 70% 60% 50% 40% 30% 20% 10% 0%
$5 $4 $3 $2 $1 $0
2019 Budget
2020 Expenditure
Source: Atlas Project Data, Power BI, January 2021
Indicator 2.1.3 related to trafficking in persons was changed, as the indicator was formulated at a higher level of result, over which UNDP had no control. The MCO decided to lower the level to be able to ensure the attribution.