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Voluntary National Review (VNR) of implementation of the Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) in 2019, and reported significant progress towards achieving Goals 1, 8, 13 and 17, while the achievement of Goals 2, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 was moderate, and no progress was found on Goals 4, 6, 10, 12, 15 and 16.41 Moldova’s reform process is influenced by its aspiration to EU accession. Within the governance sector, the Government implemented the second phase of Public Administration Reform (2016 –2020), to reorganize ministries to optimize staffing and digitize and streamline public services, with the aim of consolidating the central public administration, improving decision-making processes and reducing bureaucracy and administrative costs. Since 2011, about 40 public services have been transferred online.42 The Law on the Protection of Whistle-blowers entered into force in 2018, establishing a mechanism for reporting integrity incidents, irregularities and abuses and providing protection for whistle-blowers. Although the overall quality and transparency of decision-making and public administration has somewhat improved, capacity gaps remain and need external expert support. Moldova has ratified seven of the nine core United Nations human rights treaties, and is mostly addressing the recommendations of international human rights bodies, developing the National Human Rights Action Plan for 2018-2022.43 Freedom of expression and the right to access information are generally respected, although challenges still persist in securing the right to a fair trial and not be subjected to torture or inhuman and degrading treatment.44 Moldova ratified the Convention for the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW) in June 1994, but has not yet ratified the Istanbul Convention against violence against women, or aligned its legislation with international standards on gender-based violence (GBV).

1.4 UNDP Country Programme in Moldova The UNDP Country Programme for Moldova (2018-2022) aims to contribute to the National Development Strategy ‘Moldova 2030’ and sectoral policies and programmes. The overarching goal of the programme is derived from the vision of the United Nations Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development (UNPFSD) 2018-2022: a country free from poverty and corruption, with reduced inequalities and strengthened social cohesion and inclusion, where human rights, gender equality, the rule of law, environmental sustainability and the wellbeing of the population are nurtured and respected across the conflict divide.45 UNDP pursued three of the four UNPFSD outcomes: (a) governance, human rights and gender equality; (b) sustainable, inclusive and equitable economic growth; and (c) environmental sustainability and resilience (Table 1). UNDP joined forces with the United Nations Population Fund (UNFPA), United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) and UN Women in a programme to address gender equality and the needs of vulnerable groups affected by the COVID-19 pandemic. Also, together with the International Organization for Migration (IOM), Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR), UNAIDS, UNICEF and the United Nations Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC), UNDP is implementing the Joint Action to Strengthen Human Rights in Transnistria. Other joint programmes include: collaboration with the World Health Organization (WHO), UNODC, UNFPA and UNICEF on the United Nations Joint Plan for HIV under the Unified Budget,

41 42 43 44 45

Government of the Republic of Moldova (2020) Republic of Moldova voluntary National Review Progress Report 2020. Government of the Republic of Moldova, Public Administration Reform Strategy 2016-2020. Government of the Republic of Moldova, the National Human Rights Action Plan 2018-2022. United Nations Moldova (2020) United Nations Country Common Assessment for Moldova. Government of the Republic of Moldova and United Nations Partnership Framework for Sustainable Development 2018–2022, United Nations Development Assistance Framework for the Republic of Moldova.

Chapter 1. BACKGROUND AND introduction


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