This chapter presents the findings of the outcome analysis and an assessment of cross-cutting issues. The main factors that influenced UNDP performance and contributions to results are also described here. The assessment was based on an analysis of the correlation between project results and contributions to the expected outputs under each outcome, and consequently to the overall outcome objectives of the CPD.
2.1 Governance, human rights and gender equality CPD Outcome 1. The people of Moldova, especially the most vulnerable, demand and benefit from democratic, transparent and accountable governance, gender-sensitive, human rights- and evidence-based public policies, equitable services, and efficient, effective and responsive public institutions.
UNDP implemented 28 projects under this outcome, three of which had budgets exceeding $2 million, five had budgets between $1 and 2 million, and the remainder were of smaller scale.50 The total planned budget for the Outcome was $26.5 million, and expenditure to November 2021 stood at $24 million, a 90 percent execution rate. The focus of the Outcome has been to address key strategic issues such as the capacity of the Government, Parliament and local representative bodies (including the Gagauz Yeri People’s Assembly), support for the CEC, cross-sectoral anticorruption measures and justice system reform.51 Many of the focus areas and interventions were continued from the previous CPD, when UNDP results were also affected by the volatile national context and included support to implement the EU integration agenda, anticorruption through the increased transparency, integrity and accountability of central public administration institutions and focused support to the National Integrity Commission established in 2013, support for Parliament’s legislative, oversight and representation functions, and institutional strengthening of CEC and the Centre for Continuous Elections Training (CCET).52 UNDP supported a number of governance issues at national and subnational levels, including: legal, policy and strategic frameworks; support for governance institutions, the functioning of selected public institutions and the capacity of public servants and civil society actors to interact with Government and influence decision-making; and support to gender mainstreaming and equality in Parliament and women’s empowerment. The majority of UNDP interventions focused on institutional and individual capacity-building and strengthening CSOs to improve accountability. UNDP support also included the system-level integration of the SDGs into government strategies, policies and programmes, in particular the first VNR which took stock of areas of progress and challenges and identified the accelerators of sustainable human development in Moldova.
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Key projects include ‘Strengthening Parliamentary Governance in Moldova’, ‘Construction of jointly operated border crossing point Palanca on the territory of the Republic of Moldova’, United Nations Joint Project on ‘Strengthening the National Statistical System of the Republic of Moldova’, ‘Enhancing democracy in Moldova through inclusive and transparent elections’ project, ‘Strengthening Prevention and Analysis Functions of the NAC’, ‘Strengthening capacities of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and its internal subdivisions for the effective implementation of the sector reform agenda’ project, ‘Curbing corruption by building sustainable integrity in the Republic of Moldova’, and others. UNDP, Country Programme Document for the Republic of Moldova (2018-2022). UNDP, Republic of Moldova, country programme performance summary. Reporting period: 2013-2017.
Chapter 2. Findings