Of the expected $22 million in core resources, the country office received $11.9 million (54 percent). UNDP classified Nigeria as a middle‑income country in 2018. The transition of a country from lower‑ to middle‑income status triggers a reduction in allocation of core resources. Bilateral and multilateral donors are the most important source of funding for the country programme, representing 60 percent of expenditure. This is followed by vertical funds (Global Environment Facility, GEF) which accounted for 11 percent, UNDP core resources at 6 percent and government financing at 5 percent. The GPS portfolio is the largest programme component with 71 percent of actual budget allocation, followed by the environment programme with 20 percent. The inclusive growth programme is the smallest with 9 percent of total expenditure. Under the joint United Nations response plan to COVID‑19, $53.3 million was mobilized through a basket fund mechanism with contributions from bilateral and multilateral donors, the private sector and United Nations agencies.
TABLE 1. Country programme budget and expenditure, 2018‑2022 (million US$) Programme component/outcome Governance, peace and security: By 2022, governments at all levels apply principles of good governance and rule of law in public service delivery. Inclusive economic growth: By 2022, Nigeria has inclusive and diversified economic growth driven by science, technology, innovation, investment in infrastructure and job creation. Environmental sustainability and resilience: By 2022, Nigeria achieves environmental sustainability, climate resilience and food security through efficient management of its cultural and natural resources. Total
CPD Planned Budget Actual Budget* Expenditure* Regular Other Regular Other (delivery rate) Resources Resources Resources Resources 6
87.2 (52%)
13.2 (8%)
28.8 (17%)
129.2 (76%)
Grand Total COVID‑19
376 ‑
169.7 ‑
‑ 53.3
45.2 (85%)
Source: UNDP Corporate Planning System (Atlas).*Status as of 19 of January 2022
Programme implementation. UNDP partners with the Government of Nigeria at national and subnational levels for implementation of the country programme. The programme is increasingly implemented using direct implementation modality (DIM), with 80 percent of expenditure through DIM. Several stakeholders were in favour of DIM, noting capacity constraints, particularly at subnational level, and the high risks related to procurement and cash management in conflict‑affected regions.
Chapter 1. BACKGROUND AND introduction