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Table 3. Sources of information for an evaluation team
Table 3. Sources of information for an evaluation team
Country, regional and global programme results frameworks and theories of change
▪ Addressing the key outcomes that UNDP plans to achieve in a three- to five-year period ▪ Relevant theories of change at country and regional levels ▪ CPDs provide background information and UNDP perspective on development in a given country
Monitoring (regular reporting, reviews, steering committee meeting minutes) and evaluation reports
▪ Evaluation reports on related subjects commissioned by IEO, UNDP programme units, government or other development partners and stakeholders ▪ Annual and quarterly progress reports, field visit reports, and other outcome and key programme or project documentation ▪ The ERC can be used to search for relevant evaluations carried out by other UNDP units on similar topics
Reports on progress of partner initiatives
▪ Reports which show progress made by partners towards achieving the same outcome, and information about how they have strategized their partnership with UNDP Data from official sources ▪ Information on progress towards outcome achievements may be obtained from sources from the government, private sector, academia and national, regional and international research institutes, including those in the United Nations system ▪ In many cases, nationally adopted DevInfo systems and the websites of national statistical authorities are good sources for national statistics ▪ Data disaggregated by sex and other relevant social categories should be provided whenever available
Research papers
▪ Topics related to the outcome being evaluated may have been addressed in research papers from the government, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), international financial institutions and academia
National, regional and global reports
Financial and management information
▪ Data can be found in various reports such as the national Human Development Report (HDR), national SDG report and other reports published by national, regional and subregional organizations, international financial institutions, and United Nations organizations ▪ National strategies and sectoral strategies as well as progress reports ▪ Reports on the status of gender equality and the empowerment of women may be useful, such as the Gender
Inequality Index of the HDR20 ▪ Relevant reports from Atlas, audit, Corporate Planning System, Executive Snapshot, Integrated Work Plan,
Transparency Dashboard (International Aid Transparency Initiative)
20Access at: http://hdr.undp.org/en/composite/GII
▪ A number of corporate tools provide financial and other management information that is relevant to evaluation. They include delivery, resource mobilization and human resource management ▪ Programme and project quality assurance reports
Additional sources at country level
Reports of related regional and subregional projects and programmes CPD or United Nations Development Assistance Partnership (UNDAP) in full Delivering as One countries and results-oriented annual report UNDAF/ UNSDCF, UNDAP and country programme annual reviews and Common Country Assessments (CCAs) as well as evaluations
▪ These reports indicate the extent to which these projects and programmes have complemented contributions by UNDP and partners to progress towards the outcome
▪ The results-oriented annual report provides a summary of the contributions of projects, programmes, subprogrammes and soft assistance that contribute to each outcome, on an annual basis ▪ Also included is information on key outputs, strategic partners, the partnership strategy, how much progress has been reported in previous years, the quality of outcome indicators, the need for further work and baseline information ▪ These documents include baseline information on the country’s development situation, partnerships and joint activities of UNDP and other United Nations organizations