[Infographics]Software for the launch of declarations

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Software for the Launch of the Unified Register of Declarations of Persons Authorized to Fulfil State and Local Government Functions: Timeline and Quality Assurance Is the Software System Complete? - YES

Has Proper Quality Control been Ensured? - YES How do we know?

How do we know?

Law On Prevention Section XIII Paragraph 2

16 September 2015

“...The start of operations of the system for registering and publicizing the declarations of persons authorized to ful�l state or self-government functions is, in accordance with this law, announced through a decision of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention”

Ministry of Justice of Ukraine requests UNDP to support development of software modules for the e-declaration system. Quality Assurance Group (QAG) established to scrutinize deliverables under the software development contract. QAG membership: Ministry of Justice, NACP, World Bank and UNDP. YES!

NACP Decision #2 as of 10 June 2016

“…determine that the system of registering [accepting] and publicizing declarations of persons authorized to ful�l state or self-government functions in accordance with the Law of Ukraine “On Prevention of Corruption” shall launch its operations in 2 waves: 1) �rst wave starts from 00 hours 00 minutes on 15 August 2016…”

Hence: Neither the Law nor the NACP Decision mention the necessity for the verification module or integration module (private API for integration with other state bodies’ digital registries) as a prerequisite for full-scale system launch on 15 August 2016 The current state of the submitted to NACP software, which was officially accepted by the institution is - in accordance to law and in practice FULLY READY FOR LAUNCH

10 May 2016 QAG reviews and accepts – in full – the software that enables submission, in-take and publication of the declarations in full alignment with the legal scope. Relevant protocol signed.

21 July 2016 NACP calls together an Interagency Working Group (IWG) to once more verify that the software may be accepted as ready for public launch. The IWG: MoJ, NACP, State Agency on e-Governance, State Service of Special Communication and Information Protection (SSSCIP), World Bank and UNDP.

25 July 2016 Conclusion based on the results of the inner functional testing conducted by the IWG that the software complied with the ToR and the system was fully operational.

Hence: The system officially transferred to NACP on 27 July has undergone two independent testings. Both reviews concluded in signing protocols that deem the SYSTEM OPERATIONAL AND READY FOR LAUNCH

The software for the Uni�ed Register of Declarations of Persons Authorized to Ful�l State and Local Government Functions was developed with support from the UNDP Enhanced Public Sector Transparency and Integrity Project that is funded by the Danish Ministry of Foreign Affaisrs. The system of the Uni�ed Register of Declarations of Persons Authorized to Ful�l State and Local Government Functions is property of the National Agency on Corruption Prevention as of 27 July 2016.

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