Syria water projectok

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Another crisis waiting to happen in Syria:

Severe water shortages compound the misery of millions of humans. The situation inside Syria 12.2 million people in need of humanitarian assistance. 7.6 million people internally displaced. 5.6 million children in need of humanitarian assistance. 50 % decrease of water availability compared with pre-crisis level. 5 million people in Aleppo, Rural Damascus and Dar’a are left without water when the main supply is cut. 3 000 % increase in water prices in Aleppo.

About UNICEF UNICEF works in more than 190 countries and territories to help children survive and thrive, from early childhood through adolescence. The world’s largest provider of vaccines for developing countries, UNICEF supports child health and nutrition, good water and sanitation, quality basic education for all boys and girls, and the protection of children from violence, exploitation, and AIDS. UNICEF is on the ground in Syria, leading the emergency response on water and sanitation, education, nutrition and child protection. UNICEF is funded entirely by the voluntary contributions of individuals, businesses, foundations and governments.

Five years into the crisis, Syria is the largest humanitarian and protection crisis in the world. The people of Syria continue to bear the brunt of the conflict that has severely affected all basic social services leaving people deprived of many of their basic human rights. Poor water and sanitation conditions inside Syria is one of the reasons underpinning both internal and external displacement. Severe water shortage. There are multiple factors contributing to water shortages in Syria: • Shut down of electric power systems. • The overburdening of existing systems due to the large number of internally displaced people. • Deliberate cutting of supply by parties to the conflict for political and military gains. In recent months up to five million people living in cities and communities – about half of whom children – across the country have suffered the consequences of long and deliberate interruptions to their water supplies.

Immediate needs: Fatal consequences of water shortage:  • Families must rely on unsafe water, exposing

especially children to the risk of contracting diarrhea, typhoid, and hepatitis.

• High risk of major outbreaks of diseases,

dehydration and malnutrition.

• Children are exposed to danger, such as mortar

attacks, on the way to collect water.

• Millions more will be displaced or join the

exodus of asylum seekers.

Strengthening water sources to ensure sustainable access to 3.5 million people

Life-saving water trucking operations: • Distribution of clean water • Distribution of water treatment supplies Develop alternative water sources: • Develop permanent groundwater wells in Aleppo and Damascus to build population resilliance and reduce the dependency on main network that is fragile and subject to deliberate cuts. UNICEF has a funding gap of 40 million US$ for its work in Water, Sanitation and Hygiene inside Syria. Without additional funding, about 5 million people, including nearly 2.5 million children will have to rely on unsafe water.

Your gift will support our effort to prevent another humanitarian catastrophy in Syria: Activity Develop groundwater wells (Installation of pumps, generator sets, pipes and contractors)

Life-saving water trucking operations

Cost example 500 000 NOK is average cost for one permanent well serving 5 000 people

185 000 NOK provides 15 000 people with clean, drinking water for one month

65 000 NOK provides 5 000 people with clean, drinking water for one month

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