Unicorn/Dream magazine issue 4

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Unicorn/Dream Magazine

..Why stop

dreaming when you wake up?


Behind Unicorn/Dream Editor-In-Chief: Noni May

Cover + photos pages 4 + 6 + 182 + 188: Photography: Noni May Styling: Letizia Luijs Hair & Make-up: Anika Roelink Models from Left to right: Dienke @ De Boekers, Karina Krijgsman, Rosan @ DeBoekers

Contributors: Micaela Hoo, Anna “PinkTigerTextiles”, Sanja Marusic, Lotte Bruning, Aline Beuttenmuller, Fashion Milk, Yee-Von Chan, Amy Hodgson, Florah Deborah, Betsey Üna Bella Vita”, Hungry Design, Nancy Alice Wood, Marianne Lock, Eleonor Leonne Bennett, Jules “The Stone Soup”, Adrianna and Caroline, Jean Philippe Moulet, Sarah Nieman, Fenkee Zhang, Laura Olivia Baker, Rosanna Graf, Lucia Rubio, Keri-Ann Pink, Diana Catherine, Cecilia Colombara, Teresa Q.

Clothes: Cover and page 6 and 182, : Dienke: Dress H&M, Heels Cafe Moda, Karina: Dress H&M, Heels ASOS, Rosan: Dress Janneke Lemmers. Photo page 4 and 188: Karina: Dress Roya Hesam, Dienke: Top Janneke Lemmers, Pants Roya Hesam

Issue 4 As sure as the sun and as calm as the cloud? By Micaela Hoo page 12 Etsy Feature “PinkTigerTextiles” page 26 Pure Romance by Sanja Marusic page 34 The Forgotten Clothes by Lotte Bruning page 60 What I Wore Today by Aline Beuttenmuller page 80 Once you go Dutch, There‟s nothing else you‟re gonna love that much page 82 Illustrator Feature “Yee-Von Chan” page 86 Last December page102 Flower of Summer by Florah Deborah page106 Blog Feature “Una Bella Vita” page128 Christmas special page132 Each colour has something to say page144 Things to wish for/NY Resolutions page148 Animals are my friends.. And I don‟t eat my friends page152 You Destert it page158 Le Fil by Jean Philippe Moulet page164 Photographers behind the quotes page186 ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥♥ Find Us: Unicorndreammag@gmail.com www.unicorndreammagazine.com Facebook

Contributors Iâ€&#x;m Flora Deborah and I live in London where I take pictures and like to eat pretty cakes with a cup of tea. I was born in France in Evian, but my family and I moved to Italy when I was 3. My favorite game was 'make believe', and colorful pens where my best friends. I had an idyllic childhood that nowadays I try to revisit trough my work. Iâ€&#x;m Betsey and I am a twenty-one year old student from New Jersey, and am currently attending school in Georgia. I love blogging, photography, art, reading, traveling, and spending time with friends. I can't go through my day without Starbucks, but nothing is better than a good cup of tea. Page 128

Page 106

Editor letter It’s December, are you stressed out already? Most people panic even thinking about all the stuff that needs to be done this month: parties, decorating, gifts and diners. But I love December: I like, like, like the fashion: all silk, lace and (fake) fur items. Finally the world isn't afraid to overdress. But December has also the best food in the year, champagne, all the parties makes me happy and how about the houses and streets: full of beautiful decorations. Yes, I’m a sucker for December. It's also the time to take a look at your life: is it how you imagined and are there more things you'd like to do? I like to do this in a collage. Each year I make two big collages: One about the old year, one about the new year. And besides this I like to finish my old scrapbooks/notebooks and start with fresh ones. It keeps my mind off the December stress and I have a clear vision for the new year, without having it all written in stone. I like to add beautiful quotes to my collage as well: Throughout the magazine you find some beautiful quotes with beautiful photography (you can found the list of talented photographers on pg. 186), the quotes are sentences we found throughout the internet. Hope you’re inspired. So.. Happy new scrapbooking and see you in the new year!

X Noni May


eam magazine

Last Ch I gave you But the ver You gave This to save me I'll give it to so

hristmas, u my heart ry next day, e it away s year, from tears omeone special

Everything is going wron

ng.. But we’re so happy...

Photography: Micaela Hoo Model: Erin Cherry


As sure as the sun and as calm as the clouds

Etsy Feature

This issue we feature Anna Carter from PinkTigerTextiles. (http://www.etsy.com/shop/PinkTigerTextiles) Her shop is full of cute handmade Christmas gifts. Read more and enter the world of cute christmas D.I.Y!

What’s your relationship with Christmas (interior) decorations? As a craftsperson I have a strong relationship with Christmas decorations. I am inspired by all the festive imagery around us at this time of year and using my craft skills I can turn what I see into lovely and unique Christmas items. I think handmade decorations are so much more prettier than some of the mass produced ones you see in the high street stores, some of them just look tacky! With handmade you get a piece of someone's hard work not just a factory item that millions of other people have. Also with the sort of economy we've got at the moment I think that handmade items will become more and more popular as people start to revert back to 'make do and mend' ethos we used to have years ago. What do you like the most about Christmas? I love the fact that I get to spend time with my loved ones, my sister and her family come and stay just after Christmas and I always look forward to that more than the day itself! I also love the food, it's the one time of year you can sit and pig out and not feel bad about it! What’s your favourite Christmas decoration? I have a couple of favourite decorations for the tree at home and they are vintage baubles in beautiful magenta and blue colours, we've had them for years. My favourite decoration from my shop on Etsy is the Christmas Pudding as it's cheery and fun, and also made from scrap fabrics. The brown part used to be part of a curtain! So it's an eco-friendly decoration. -> Do you sell more items in your shop during Christmas times? I want to! At the moment sales have been rather slow in my shop but I am an active member of Etsy and promote on the forums. I also have a Facebook page that I use to help promote my work. What’s on your Christmas list? I don't have a list!! But I have hinted to my boyfriend that I would like a Disney DVD or two to add to my collection! So if you're reading this Dale that's what I want! : )

Best present to give? The best present to give at Christmas is Love! or failing that something you've made yourself always goes down well, it could be a handmade decoration or toy or accessory? Or even something to eat that you've baked yourself? Favourite (sweet, candy) treat? Ooh at Christmas it has to be those Lindor chocolates by Lindt, in dark choc! I just love them! Or a nice box of vanilla fudge :) Your favourite recipe to make for Christmas? I like to make biscuits cut out in Christmas shapes for my neices and nephew when the come to stay, and last year I made members of my family some chocolate slabs, melted good quality chocolate sprinkled with fruit and nuts and then set in the fridge, it went down a treat!

See page 138 how to make these Christmas bird yourself!

What is your favourite Christmas carol? I don't really have a favourite carol as I'm more of a Christmas pop song fan! My ultimate favourite being Wham's Last Christmas. Real or fake tree? I have a fake one but I much prefer the real thing! Bells or snowflakes? Snowflakes all the way :) real and fake! ♼

I want to fee

el alive again

Photography: Sanja Marusic Styling+ concept : Roos van Rij models : Tim Boot & Sarah van Rij http://www.sanjamarusic.nl/

Hoping with a fragile hope

The Forgotten Clothes

Photography: Lotte Bruning models: Loren Kemp @ Elite Models Amsterdam Make up artist: Jennifer van Leeuwaarde Styling: Sarah van Klootwijk http://www.lottebruning.com




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Aline beuttenmĂźller is 21 years old, pisces, from joao pessoa, Brazil. Sheâ€&#x;s a newly formed fashion designer and student of interior design. She loves coffee, herdogs, drawing and listening to belle and sebastian. www.flickr.com/photos/dearchaos

’ By Fashionmilk http://fashionmilk.com/


! Fashion milk is a Dutch website about the model world with facts instead of rumors. And even if you can‟t read Dutch it‟s lovely to visit the site because of all the beauties. Even if we don‟t focus on Fashion with U/D we do love ifashion and especially the models! U/D loves to give new talent a chance therefor we love new models!

Itâ€&#x;s true, our country is spoiled by its inhabitants: beauty is everywhere! W and doe-eyed little town ladies. Whatever they put in the milk here, it scr Dutch models: their latest editorials, campaigns, runway appearances, lo ming new colleagues. With Lara Stone currently being a role model, being by one our girls are conquering the fashion world.

Our Dutchies are famous for being beautiful, not only in print, but on the fashion weeks we saw a huge amount of Dutch girls strutting their stuff o Queen show, seven Dutch models walking the Balenciaga show and eight were booked exclusively for Calvin Klein, meaning that they were not allo models were Daphne Groeneveld, Hanna Samokhina, Lara Stone and Iris more of our Dutch beauties! ♼

We seem to be producing gorgeous farmer girls, long-legged city babes reams fashion! Therefore, we created a website entirely devoted to our ok books, backstage photos, streetwear and of course, their up and cog listed at number ONE in model bible models.com, we are sure that one

e international runway as well! During the previous spring/summer 2011 on the runway. There were ten Dutch models walking the Alexander Mct Dutch models walking the Calvin Klein show! A total of four Dutch girls owed to walk in any other show in New York that week. These four lucky s Egbers. We are absolutely sure that we will be hearing a great deal

Illustrator feature

Tell us a little bit more about yourself! Iâ€&#x;m Yee Von, an illustrator from Malaysia. My artworks are mostly about fairytale girls that live in their dreamland and whimsical forest animals that have their stories. They are inspired from nature and other things that I enjoy very much. I love daydreaming, watching the cloud and stargazing. Also, I keep a small sketchbook about the dreams I had at night.

What’s your dream assignment?

Which of your illustrations is your favourite?

Definitely a group show with my favourite artists like Audrey Kawasaki, Amy Sol, Anne Julie and other amazing artists. That would be like a dream comes true! At the moment, I‟m taking one step at a time and keep myself busy improving on my skills and ideas.

I know this may sounds cliché but they are all my favourites! I love the quiet and calming moment from my dreamy girls and the sweet cuteness from the whimsical forest animals. I guess that is also due to the hectic lifestyle that I‟m having right now (haha). They are kind of like an escape to let my imagination roam freely. I love the part that each of them has their own stories and personal moments from me.

Are you a full time illustrator? You seem to do lots of other creative things.. I‟m not a full time illustrator yet* but hopefully I can become one very soon! Currently, I‟m working as a full time graphic design lecturer. The only time that I get to involve in my creations is either after my work or during the weekends. I like to keep the momentum going to keep the sensitivity for inspirations. What or who inspires you? Mother natures, special moments in my life or personal thoughts that passed by my mind occasionally. I‟m a type of person that when I love something, I love to keep doing it. And I enjoy putting myself into my illustrations: my feelings, my thoughts and the things I love. Sometimes, dream is part of my inspirations too!

“ A group show with my favourite artists like Audrey Kawasaki, Amy Sol and Anne Julie would be like a dream comes true! “

What kind of materials do you use for your illustrations/ work?

I love to draw on papers with pencils, pen & ink. I like to feel the paper textures and enjoy the part when the pen leaving marks on them. It is kind of a personal thing to me. As for the colouring part, I use Photoshop simply because it is less messy and I get to try out different colors before I settle on the final one.

When did you start painting, illustrating, photographing? When I was a kid, I used to doodle on every page of my storybooks and somehow that part of me subsided after I went to school, got my degree and worked as graphic designer. Only until when I studied my Master last year, I came to realize the thing that I really want to do, is to keep on drawing. I was walking in a big circle to find my passion! But as they said, you‟ll cherish more when you‟ve been through a lot =) What are your plans for the future? I have a lot of things that I want to do and to achieve. However, at the moment, I‟m taking one step at a time. No one can predict the future and my plans might change in future (who knows!). Yet my biggest plan is just to be whoever I am and love whatever I‟m doing. What kinda music do you listen to? Pop, Hip Hop, R&B and all sorts of music. My music selections often changed from time to time but lately I‟m more into Jazz.

In what way is your personal life reflected in your illustrations? I think the biggest part of me that reflected in my illustrations is those things that I experienced and the things that I love. I love to have fun with friends; I enjoy companions of animals (even though I have only dogs and birds); I like to have quiet moments and often find myself daydreaming. All these meld into my illustrations and at some point they have become like my journal or diary, recording my life happenings and those wonders that inspired me.

What would you like to accomplish in the future? Becoming a full time artist (haha) and get involved into group shows! I wanted to buy myself a new laptop, have my own studio and try all sorts of projects like children story book, mural painting, packaging illustration, or something fun. Or maybe travel to New York or back to Melbourne some day in future. The lists just keep adding on!

What would you like to do in the future?

Would love to live in a cosy cottage somewhere in a countrys looking for bunnies, making some apple strudels and do som What’s your favourite December candy?

Definitely chocolates, or hot chocolate with strawberry mars well, at least for me! What’s your favourite Christmas carol?

My childhood favourite „Silent Night‟ which is very calming a cond goes to „All I want for Christmas‟ which is more fun and What did you ask for Christmas?

I‟m looking for an adjustable chair because the chair in my o ache. No, I‟m just kidding on that part. Actually, I‟m hoping me. But I think the best way is to manage my time properly!


side where I can enjoy my day wandering in the meadows, me sketching. Somewhere quiet and peaceful.

shmallow! They are so tempting that I find it very irresistible,

and best to play especially on the night of Christmas Eve. Sed exciting! I love Christmas!

office is too low for the table and that often cause my shoulder to have more personal time for myself and people around !♼


The small tufts of spongy grass brushed between my toes as I ran towards the huge oak tree. I was breathless from laughing, my stomach ached and my heart beat in my head, but I was oblivious to it all. I glanced behind, violently swinging my head around and losing my balance. Then I fell, onto the grass. Green stains smudged over my bare knees and elbows, a dull pain radiating in my palms from the impact. But I only laughed, ignoring the pain, something else was much more important. I rolled over onto my back, my chest heaving with my heavy breaths. He stood over me, casting a harsh shadow over my pale face, smiling wide trying not to laugh.

“Come down here will you?” I laughed happily. He leant towards me, bending slowly, smiling as you do. “If you could have any wish what would it be?” he asked me as he collapsed onto the soft grass beside me. “I would wish for this December to never fade away, for it all to last forever.” I answered with a smile, my grey eyes gleaming with happiness.“All of it?” “Every breath, every step, every glimmer of light and shadow of darkness. I want it all to never leave my side. I would be terribly lonely otherwise, wouldn’t you?”

“I’d be lonely without you.” He spoke quietly, watching his wiggling toes in the sunlight. These are the days I will always remember, the days where the happiness overflowed. The delirium dug its roots into my skin and refused to let go. The summer where a boy took my heart away for the first time, and refused to give it back.

By Amy Hodgson, 14 years old, Melbourne Australia. www.quirkypantsamy.blogspot.com

You may have to fight a battl more than once to win it


Flower Of Summer Photographer: Flora Deborah Make-up and styling: Michelle Dacillo Model: Kathleen at m and p models http://floradeborah.com




Hi, Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself?

started getting followers, I just kept blogging and one day I realized that there I'm Betsey, 21 years old, currently were more than a few people following and commenting. I still don't know how it in my last year of college in Georgia. I grew up in New Jersey, lived happened, but it's really awesome to see in Holland for about a year when I how many people are interested in what was young, and now my family li- I'm posted, and who are inspired by the ves in Pennsylvania. I love to travel same things that inspire me! -- I've been to England, Russia, and What do you do besides blogging? Italy. I am currently obsessed with red nail polish and cinnamon dolce I'm a student, studying Biblical & Theololattes from Starbucks. gical Studies, so I do a lot of papers and reading during the week. On weekends I When did you start blogging? try to stay off campus as much as possiI started in May 2008, I wanted to ble, I like to go to the mall, movies, out to eat with friends. There's also a really do something where I could post photography and quotes and pret- awesome store near me that sells used DVDs for $2! That is one of my favorite ty things that inspired me. I never thought other people would actual- places to go when I need to get away (I think I have something like 210 DVDs!) ly be interested in seeing it! When did you first noticed your blog can be a success? I don't even remembering when I

What's your fav.december treat? Hot Chocolate and gingerbread cookies!

“For Christmas I love to get something that was uniquely made for me, or something that was uniquely picked out for me. None of those body lotion sets! Same goes for giving gifts, I love to give things that I've either made specifically for that person, or that something that is unique to them.”

What are your fav. Magazines/books? You're probably going to think I'm strange, but I love Real Simple! Haha! I like the combo of fashion and practicality it offers. What magazine I buy usually depends on the cover, I just got the Marie Claire one with Emma Watson -she's so cute! But there isn't (besides RS) that I buy regularly. I love books! I don't know if I can narrow it down, let's see, one of my very favorites is called "Extremely Loud and Incredibly Close" by Jonathan Safran Foer. I also really love all of the different series by Alexander McCall Smith and travel books by Francis Mayes and Peter Mayle. Oh! And for light reading I love "Entre Nous: A Woman's Guide to Finding Her Inner French Girl" by Debra Ollivier. What’s your guilty pleasure?

I love watching TV shows online. I keep up with a bunch; Castle, ANTM, Grey's Anatomy, Vampire Diaries, The Challenge and even Survivor. What do you like to do on a free Saturday? Sleep in! Although I usually can't sleep past 11 o'clock. Then it really depends on what is going on around campus, sometimes my friends and I will go to the mall or downtown to do work in Starbucks for a few hours. The best thing about Saturday is that you don't have to make plans, there is always something going on! What can we expect from you in the future? Hopefully more posts with my own photography. It's hard to get out to shoot when I'm at school, but I'm about to go home for break and will have loads of time. Besides that, I can't say! ♥ http://peacelovebellavita.blogspot.com/

Optimism is the faith that leads to achievement. N

Nothing can be done without hope and confidence.





Givea Did you receive any Christmas gifts? If not: we have lots and lots of giveaways this issue! Email us before january 20th at unicorndreammag@gmail.com and explain to us why you want to win and what.

Brooch by Hungry Design, choose from 3 styles. http://www.hungrydesigns.com/

aways Little birdies from page 30

1 Kisses Hatemail card by Marianne Lock

Download the quotes you read in the magazine: www.unicorndreammagazi ne.com/quotes.php 1 copy of �The style diaries by Simone Werle, Prestel

FREE: Desktop Wallpaper by Wolf and Willow

Win a print of Keri-Anne Pink http://www.flickr.com/photos/gingerlillytea/

You can download this cute cherry desktop wallpaper made by Nancy Alice Wood from Wolf And Willow at our website: www.unicorndreammagazine.com/freebies What’s your relationship with Christmas decorations? Here in Australia, Christmas means summer time, so I guess it makes me think of sunshine and gorgeous colorful decorations in bright cherry red and cool mint green. What do you like the most about Christmas? Wrapping presents and pavlova! What’s your favourite Christmas decoration? The angel, of course! my mother and i used to sew our christmas angels out of felt. we would give them glittery silver wings, white hair and lovely long eyelashes. Do you sell more items in your shop during Christmas times? Yes, I sell a lot of girl's dresses and hair accessories from etsy, but this is the first year i have sold art prints, so i'm not sure how they will go? What’s on your Christmas list? A beautiful lavender vintage bike. Best present to give? Anything for my dog, I love to spoil him Favourite treat? Chocolate truffles mmmm Your favourite recipe to make for Christmas? Chocolate mint pavlova What is your favourite Christmas carol? I think 'silent night' is very sweet, it has a nice melody Bells or snowflakes? ooh... tough one! bells ;) http://www.wolfandwillowblog.com/

Step-by-Step Guide to Making the Christmas Birdie from page 30 yourself: Draw a template of a bird on a piece of paper. Keep it simple, nothing too fancy. Draw a separate template of the wing. Cut out. 2. Take a piece of your fabric, pin the template to it and carefully cut around it leaving a 5mm edge. Do the same for the other piece of fabric. 3. Pin the wing template to the patterned piece of fabric and carefully cut around it, no need to leave an edge this time. 4. Position and pin the wing to the bird and stitch into place (I kept my stitch very simple but you could use a fancier blanket stitch if you liked) 5. Take your button and stitch it securely to the bird. 6. Place right sides together and pin in place. 7. Set your sewing machine to a running stitch and check the tension is right before sewing the pieces together. I recommend starting at the tail end and working your way around leaving a gap big enough to insert your ribbon and of course to stuff the bird. 8. Turn the bird inside out and take some stuffing (I like to use scraps of fabric, it saves waste!) and stuff the bird until it's plump. 9. Turn the raw edges at the gap in and press gently to ensure it will be neat enough for you to sew shut. 10. Take your piece of ribbon and pin in place, pin the gap closed. 11. Using a discreet slip stitch, sew the gap up making sure youve securely sewn the ribbon into place, tie off loose ends and trim any stray pieces of thread. 12. You can add a finishing decorative touch by gluing a cute ribbon, or any other embellishment at the spot where the ribbon is. 1.

What you will need:  Paper  Pencil

Fabric and paper scissors  Embroidery and machine thread (floss)  Button  Fabric, 1 piece of patterned, 1 piece of plain (in a similar colour to the patterned piece)  Sewing machine  Iron  Pins  Stuffing  Ribbon  Decorative embellishments (optional) 

Mary and

How about a new typ

Hatemail We all get our hearts broken from time to time, luckily there are many many songs written about it. These cards are for sending to the ones who did it to us

the Locks

pe of christmas cards?

Series of 3 screenprints Limited Edition Kisses' and 'Chocolate By Marianne Lock http://www.maryandthelocks.nl/

- Ea ch c o lour has s omet hing to sa y By

Elea nor Leon ne B 14 y enne ears tt, old, M anch http:/ ester /www , UK .flickr .com/ . photo s/elea norleo nne/

Because of you..

I’m constantely high

h without even using

♥ Ipad.. ♥ Focus fulltime

e y B , e y llo B e H

on U/D ♥ Featuring the best indie artist ♥ Go for quality instead of quantity ♥ Add some editors to the U/D team.

♥ A new design for our website

, 0 1 0 e2 ! 1 1 0 ,o 2

♥ Read at least 52 classicbooks this year

♥ Dress more like the fashion bloggers

from our new favourite book: “Style Diaries” by Simone Werle. Everyday.

♥ Buy a brand new notebook to write, scrap and draw in ♥ Spend less time behind the compu-

ter, more time with friends and family

♥ Start a big project..

“Animals are my fri and I don

It’s hard for vegetarians to eat our during Christmas. And it’s even hard pes from Jules from The Stone Soup (http://thestonesoup.com/blog/) Ma Home Cooking. Jules decided to commit to only cooking recipes with no not that hard actually!

iends... n't eat my friends.” Quote by George Bernard Shaw

der to cook a vegetarian diner if you’re not. We got two declicious reciake sure you check out her website—it’s woth it if you like Minimalist o more than 5 ingredients for the rest of her life. And she shows us it’s

Serves 8: 8 portabello mushrooms 1 quantity classic dressing with macadamia & sage using the quantities for 6-8 servings.

Stuffed portabello mushrooms This is a great recipe to vary depending on your number of vegetarian guests. It‟s one mushroom per person, unless your mushrooms are very small or you‟re feeding some particularly hungry people. If you‟re also cooking turkey and dressing for carnivores, you might like to increase the number of mushrooms so everyone can taste. It‟s up to you. I‟ve given two cooking time/temperature options. If you‟re cooking a turkey, the mushrooms can be cooked on the floor or bottom shelf of the oven for 1 1/2 hours OR for speedier mushies, bake at 400F (200C) covered for 1/2 hour or until mushies are soft, then uncover and bake for another 10-15 minutes or until stuffing is golden and crisp on top.

1. Preheat oven to 200C (400F). [Or 160C/325F if cooking with the turkey] 2. Make dressing as per the instructions in the link above to the end of step 5. 3. Generously drizzle olive oil to cover the base of an oven proof dish, large enough to hold the mushies snugly in a single layer. 4. Wipe mushrooms clean with paper towel and trim to remove stalks. Place in the dish stalk side up. 5. Fill cavity generously with stuffing and place any remaining in a separate ovenproof dish. Drizzle with more olive oil and season. 6. Cover tightly with foil and bake for 1/2 hour or until mushies are soft, then uncover and bake for another 10-15 minutes or until stuffing is golden and crisp on top. [Or bake on the floor or bottom shelf of the oven for 1 1/2 hours or until mushrooms are soft, checking every half hour or so. This can be done in advance then while the turkey is resting, bake uncovered for 1015 minutes or until stuffing is golden and crisp on top] Prepare ahead? You can prepare the dressing and stuff the mushrooms in advance. If preparing the day before, best to refrigerate overnight but if preparing on the day, it’s fine to leave it sitting at room temperature for up to 4 hours. They could also be baked, covered until soft ahead of time. Just allow a little longer in the uncovered cooking time for them to heat through and the stuffing to brown. ♥

Green bean salad Prepare ahead? Cook beans then drain and refresh under cold running water. Pat dry with paper towel then toss in the dressing. Refrigerate for up to a week. To serve, toss through dill and sprinkle over the almonds. Variations for dietary requirements: Nut free - Skip the almonds or replace with 1/4 small red onion, very finely diced for crunch and colour and tossed in the dressing before the beans. troubleshooting guide: Too crunchy - It's really easy to undercook beans, so make sure they're tender before you drain. If you've already dressed the beans there's not much you can do unless you're prepared to pop them back in a saucepan of boiling water and make a fresh batch of dressing. Beans turning brown - Either your beans weren't at their freshest or they've been overcooked. The pH (acidity or alkalinity) of your water can dull the green colour of beans. A good way to test is to boil some beans in filtered water or bottled water and if they keep their colour, you know it's a water problem. Steaming rather than boiling can help preserve colour. Too creamy - I've made this quite a generously dressed salad. If you prefer your salad a bit more modest, you could halve the dressing OR if you've already dressed it, use paper towel to blot away excess dressing and transfer to a clean bowl, leaving as much dressing behind as you like. Can't find dill? - Dill can be a bit hit-and-miss to find in my market. Replace it with another fresh leafy herb such as parsley, chives, basil or even tarragon. Leftover potential: I prefer this salad while the beans are sill warm, but it’s fine to keep in the fridge and serve cold. ♼

variations for serving sizes: Cooking time will pretty much be the same for different serves. Serves 6 as a side 600g (1 1/3lb) green beans, stalk end trimmed 3 tablespoons white wine or sherry vinegar (+9 tablespoons oil) 3 tablespoons dijon mustard 1 large bunch dill large handful almonds, chopped Serves 20 as a side 2kg (4lb) green beans, stalk end trimmed 1/2 cup white wine or sherry vinegar (+ 1 1/2cups oil) 1/2 cup dijon mustard 4 bunches dill 4 small handfuls almonds, chopped

You de

esert it!

Adrianna and Caroline are the writers and cooks behind A Cozy Kitchen. They started the blog in 2009 to share all the things they were cooking up in their kitchens. They both live in L.A where they spend most of their time dreaming up, cooking, and taking pictures of cozy and comforting food. We like! You can find more recipes of them on their website: http://www.acozykitchen.com/

White Hot Chocolate with Ginger

This recipe works well with any milk that you prefer to use; I used soy milk and it turned out great. I implore you to not skimp on the quality of chocolate chips you buy (I used Ghiradelli), it will make a big difference in the final result. Serves 4 1/3 cup chopped peeled fresh ginger 1/4 cup sugar 1/8 cup water 4 cups milk 3/4 cup premium white chocolate chips Combine first 3 ingredients in a large saucepan; cook over mediumhigh heat until sugar dissolves and mixture is golden (about 5 minutes), stirring frequently. Remove from heat and strain through a sieve to remove chunks of ginger. Return liquid to the saucepan. Add milk and chocolate, stirring constantly with a whisk. Heat over medium-low heat until bubbles form around edge of pan, stirring frequently (do not boil). Once the chocolate is melted and the mixture is heated through, ladle into mugs and get really comfy on a couch, cause youâ€&#x;re not going anywhere for a while. ♼

1 tablespoon of vegetable oil (I used grapeseed) 1 cup of popcorn (kernels, un-popped) 2 tablespoons of unsalted butter 12 oz of chocolate chips of your choice (I used semi-sweet chocolate chips) Splash of milk or half & half (I used half & half since that‟s all I had) 2 tablespoons of sea salt (or until taste) In a medium saucepan pour the tablespoon of oil and heat over medium heat. When oil is hot, throw in popcorn. Make sure all of the kernels are touching the bottom of the pan. Cover the pan and wait until you hear kernels start to pop. Once they start, grab the pan with one hand and grab an oven mitt or towel and hold down the lid. Pick up the pan and start to shake until all for a few moments. Return pan to the stove and repeat a few times. It takes some coordination, but it‟s way easy and this way you won‟t have any unpopped kernels and the popcorn won‟t be burnt. When the popcorn is done, turn off the heat and set aside. In a double boiler, or just a glass mixing bowl over boiling water, throw in the butter, chocolate chips and splash of milk or cream. Stir until melted. Pour the popcorn in a mixing bowl and add the melted chocolate. Grab a wooden spoon and gently stir in the chocolate, ensuring that all of it is covered in chocolate. Then spread the chocolate popcorn out on a baking sheet or baking mat and sprinkle, liberally with sea salt or kosher salt. Let it sit for 3-4 hrs or until dry and then put in airtight container until ready to serve. ♥

Chocolate Popcorn with Sea Salt

What’s your favourite Christmas recipe? A: I REALLY love Steak Au Poivre. It's not a super Christmasy recipe, but in my house we always make it for Christmas dinner. I actually don't even have it on the blog. But a steak covered in peppercorns and finished off with a little cognac and cream--it's seriously dream-worthy! What’s on your Christmas list? A: Oooo! Well this year I passed on all the kitchen stuff. I think I'm good on that front. I have a Rebecca Minkoff bag on my Christmas list, a few pretty scarves and Sophie Dahl's new cookbook, Voluptuous Delights. Best present to give? A: Books! Giving someone a book is just such a classic gift. It's actutally quite personal, if chosen right. I love finding a book and it reminding me of someone I know. And plus, you can always write a note inside that will remind that person who gave it to them. Favourite (sweet, candy) treat? A: I always grab for those cheap candy canes in the plastic wrappers. They always seem to be around and they're so refreshing! What is your favourite Christmas carol? Auld Lang Syne. Such a pretty song and it reminds me of that amazing end of 'It's a Wonderful Life.' Cue the tears! Bells or snowflakes? A: Snowflakes! I live in LA so snowflakes are totally appreciated.

Photography: Jean Philippe Moulet http://www.jpmoulet.fr

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Thanks to all ou 2010 was our first year an we couldn't have do

Sifra Hartog, Anna Paramita, Kalie Garett

Plangue, Soné “Polli”, Carmela Sag-ritalo, Brigi

van der Perre, Melissa, Freja, Mike Bailey G

crushes, Meri Moor, Anna Aden, Bryant Esl

van den Hoek, Laura C, Lenneke "A little Ha

ters to Crushes, Caroll Plangue, Diana Santiste

Katerina Plevkova, Aleyn Comprendio, Jeska “PinkTigerTextiles”, Sanja Marusic, Lotte Bruning,

Amy Hodgson, Florah Deborah, Betsey “Una Bella V

ne Lock, Eleonor Leonne Bennett, Jules “The Stone S Sarah Nieman, Fenkee Zhang, Laura Olivia Baker, ana Catherine, Cecilia

And our lov X, Love and a

ur contributors, nd it was amazing! But... one it without you..!

t, Charlotte Boeyden, Gi-ulia Agostini, Caroll

ida “Yardia”, Ivy Ha-kanson, Joe Speier, Sophie ates, IrenaSophia, Nevin Hirik, Let-ters top

lava, Rachel Kearley, Thenotebookdoodles, Sophia

amster", Annette Pehrsson, Jemma, Farah, Let-

eban, Sarah Betty Andrews, Alessia Marchioro,

a “Lobster and Swan”, Oly, Micaela Hoo, Anna Aline Beuttenmuller, Fashion Milk, Yee-Von Chan,

Vita”, Hungry Design, Nancy Alice Wood, Marian-

Soup”, Adrianna and Caroline, Jean Philippe Moulet, Rosanna Graf, Lucia Rubio, Keri-Ann Pink, DiColombara, Teresa Q.

vely readers! happy new year.

Photographer Sarah Nieman sarahnieman.carbonmade.com

Fenkee Zhang http://www.flickr.com/photos/fenk/

Laura olivia Baker http://www.lauraoliviabaker.com/

Rosanna Graf http://www.flickr.com/photos/fuchsgol

Keri-Ann Pink http://www.flickr.com/photos/ gingerlillytea/

Keri-Ann Pink http://www.flickr.com/photos/ gingerlillytea/

rs behind the quotes


Laura Olivia Baker http://www.lauraoliviabaker.com/

Lucia Rubio http://www.luciarubio.com

Keri-Ann Pink http://www.flickr.com/photos/ gingerlillytea/

Teresa Q www.flickr.com/photos/teresaqueiros/

Cecilia Colombara

Diana Catherine http://www.flickr.com/photos/ little_apple/

Issue 5: February 2011

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