Unicorn/Dream magazine issue 2

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When we are dreaming alone it is only a dream. When we are dreaming with others, it is the beginning of reality.


Editor-In-Chief: Noni May Interior Editor: Sifra Hartog Graphic Design: Anna Paramita

Cover photography: Aleyn Comprendio

Contributors: Annette Pehrsson, Jemma, Farah, Letters to Crushes, Caroll Plangue, Diana Santisteban, Sarah Betty Andrews, Alessia Marchioro, Katerina Plevkova, Aleyn Comprendio, Jeska “Lobster and Swan”, Oly.

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The girl who’s from the middle of nowhere By Annette Perhsson Page 8 Tell us your dream Page 22 Letters To Crushes Page 26 Magic etsy finds by Caroll Plangue Page 32 Garden of Spring by Diana Santisteban Page 36 Poetry by Sarah Betty Andrews Page 44 Spend your sunday with Ana Kras by Alessia Marchioro Page 46 Hi, IAMKAT, who are you? By Katerina Plevkova Page 62 I am nothing but a memory by Aleyn ComprendioPage 76 Home is home, be it ever so humble Page 90 Oly Page 108 Our inspiration for issue 2 Page 114

My name is Sifra, born in 1984 in The Netherlands. You may know me a bit from my blog Loveology. (http://mila-loveology.blogspot.com) I am collector. A BIG collector. Of many things, actually. Let's say a collector of beauty. That's also the main reason why I started my blog back in 2007. I do not want to forget about all those beautiful things. And I want to share them. With you. This magazine is a great place to do that! I’m Caroll and i’ve grown in a french villa ge surrounded by woods, green, stories and mystery, in the country of witches. I like : - trees, trains, ghosts, - making jewelry for my Etsy shop, - playing with my daughter, - catching photographers during full moon and making a blog of them, - taking pictures with cameras films, about foggy dreams of true or fake memories, (http:// www.cutebone.net) - and collect vintage items / abandonned things with a story, and a soul. An invasive and obsessive passion, shared with my husband, that made of my small flat, near Les Puces de Saint Ouen, a perpetual brocante...

Wecome to the second issue of Unicorn/Dream magazine! So hey, i’s summer over here, altough its been raining for days now. But what do we like to do in the summer? Yeah, probably everything exept sitting behind a computer working on the new issue. While i did a trip to Berlin and went crazy at almost all the festivals of the country, it was always busy in my inbox. I got love letters, questions and so, so, so many submissions! Which made me smile everytime i checked my email. Some of them we feature, some of them we want to feature in the future when they have grown. And some of them.. Maybe two in total, were just too overdone photoshopped photos which we would NEVER publish. (You know the kind of photos where you can’t actually see the photo but just weird colors?) But we always write back and appreciate the mail. And that’s hard when we prefer laying on the beach.. So this is my new life now and i should accept that i have a dutty to fulfill. Make an even more beautiful magazine every issue. Now you know why issue 2 was delayed. So watch out for issue 3, it’s gonna be crazy and on time!!

If you like to contribute to issue 3: Submissions are welcome, just email us: unicorndreammag@gmail.com

Unicorn/Dream magazine

the gir the mid An interview


rl who’s from ddle of nowhere.. with Annette Pehrsson


Hi, Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself? I'm a 21 year old girl who lives in the middle of nowhere, in Sweden. I have basically been growing up with photography all around me, so this is maybe a natural passion for me. What’s your dream assignment? It would have to be to shoot a series of photographs with a theme of my own for a large magazine, or for a solo exhibition. What do you prefer and why? Capturing moments or creating moments? (set, styling etc.) Capturing. I definitely prefer things to be a little more on the spontaneous side, I want everything to be as natural as possible. Though I guess I do a little bit of creating as well, since I often use myself as a subject in my photographs, but when my friends are in front of my camera I always like them to just interact normally with the surroundings. I don't really give too much thought when it comes to styling, but if I have a specific idea I usually have an outfit in mind or prepared. Favourite ice cream flavour? Strawberry mixed with vanilla is always a win for me, but in a few rare places where I live they have something they call rainbow flavoured ice cream. I have absolutely no idea what's in it because I can't really tell what it tastes like, but it is utterly delicious! Which of your photos is your favourite? I constantly change my mind about this, but if I were to mention one it would have to be the one where Leo is sitting on the floor behind our bed, holding his arms around my waist Shoes or bags? Shoes, especially vintage ones. Though I don't seem to have a knack at finding what I like, so I just end up wearing my old converse sneakers.

What’s your ultimate life goal since you where young? When I was little I always wanted to become famous and travel all around the world. I wanted to be a writer, painter, dancer, photographer, singer, actress or just about anything. Now I don't really know about the famous part, but I would sure like to at least make a name of myself and what I do these days, and be able to travel and maybe move to another country in the future. Do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend? Yes, a lovely fellow named Leo. We met about five years ago, and I'm so happy to still have him in my life. What’s your favourite children’s book? Oh, it's been so long since I've read any children’s book that I can hardly remember any of them. I can recall one book that I always made my mother read to me before bedtime, but I can't remember the name of it. It was about a little girl who fell out of her bed each night and went on adventures with her flying cat, to mysterious places she had only seen in her dreams. What’s the soundtrack of your life? I don't think I have one. But from time to time there are definitely a lot of different songs that I feel suits me at a certain moment. What’s your photography dream? To have a solo exhibition in some big city, somewhere in the world. Something that could give me new opportunities, so that one day people might know my name. What’s the most important for you in your photos: the light, the camera, the models, the expressions or the clothes? Definitely the light. Preferably natural that gives a nice depth.

What’s your most inspiring movie? I'm not sure I can mention any specific movie, except for maybe 'The Return', by Andrei Zvyagintsev. The photography is just so incredibly stunning, each frame seems to have so much thought in it. It is truly the most beautiful and perfect movie I have ever seen. Otherwise I always feel inspired by anything made by director Krzysztof Kieslowski, such as 'The double life of Veronique' or 'A short film about killing', and not to forget – the 'Trois couleurs' trilogy. When did you buy your first camera? I was probably around 13 years old when I bought my first digital camera. Before that I was given a 35mm point-and-shoot camera by my father for christmas when I was seven, and I used it up until I bought the new one. I still have it in my closet somewhere as well. Do you have favourite photographers? Nan Goldin and Anton Corbijn are my absolute favourites. Nan is the queen of documenting personal moments, both in her own life and with the people around her. Anton takes the most incredible black and white portraits of people I adore. I would also like to mention David Hamilton. His photographs are like paintings, with beautiful women in soft light and warm colours. Which camera’s do you use? A 35mm Zenit-b, a medium format Photina Reflex tlr and various polaroid cameras. Who was your teen crush? Aside from a couple of boys at my high school, it had to be Alan Wilder of Depeche Mode, or at least the 80's version of him. I just loved everything about him and the music he created, and I even had dreams about him during many lonely nights. I actually still have a poster of him on my bedroom wall, but now it's mostly because I think it is a really great photograph by Anton Corbjin. What can we expect from you in the future? I think it's too soon to tell, but in the near future I do have some group exhibitions coming up that I feel very excited about.

Are you a full time photographer? Both yes and no. Or I mean, at least I don't have any other job at the moment, so it is the only 'work' I'm doing. What do you wanna do when you grow up? I would love to have my own photography business so that I could actually be a full time photographer, or just anything that has something to do with art at least. Like a gallery curator or something in those lines. Black or Pink nailpolish? Black. I hardly wear nailpolish anymore though, but if I do, it's usually a red colour or just transparent. When are you happiest? I am always quite happy I think, but I can easily feel full of bliss when I see pleasing results on a newly developed roll of film, after I've seen a really good movie, or just doing something fun with someone I like. What’s the worst nightmare you ever had and what was it about? I hardly remember my nightmares anymore, I usually just suddenly wake up and find myself being both too cold and too warm at the same time, trying to figure out what just happened. The last nightmare I can actually remember having was about my boyfriend being kidnapped, held captive and tortured by a close friend to our family who I initially thought we could trust. I have a strange feeling that I dream about things like these quite often, probably due to a fear of losing someone who means the world to me. Can you tell us something about your photos? They're sort of a way to keep a visual diary of days, moments or thoughts. ♼

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Letters ♥

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To ♥ ♥

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Magic EtsY Finds


Photography & Styling: Diana Santisteban Model: Leana Herrera http://www.flickr.com/photos/owlgardens

Alice, alone “Alice, Alice, where did you go? When you wondered down the rabbit hole?” That’s what they ask you, when they see you in the streets, Not just once, but every person you meet. The white rabbit seems to love the attention, And the Cheshire Cat doesn’t mind the odd mention. But you sweet Alice, with your tiny height, Found it all too much, it was all too bright. They all had your hair, and your stripy socks, And you were never alone between the ticks and the tocks. So you went away, to another wonderland of your own, And sit, each day, happy and alone.

Both pages poetry by: Sarah Betty Andrews, 25, London, UK. http://www.sarahbetty.co.uk

Too much too soon The people who love us can ruin us, I have learnt that. It is sometimes a mistake to let those people in, so that they can rampage through the caverns of your heart, those dark places that no one was supposed to know about and quite by accident, they find the passage de secrete that was hidden behind all those thorns you resurrected. But I have also learnt that, sometimes there is nothing you can do to stop those mistakes from happening. They have to occur in order for us to be able to move on from the worst hurt; the kind of pain that feels like a being is silently ripping you apart inside. As arteries, veins and ventricles are slashed and pulled from one another; time is the only kind of surgeon that can slowly sew it all back together again. And sometimes, people can only use sellotape and string as a way of delicately holding it all together, because it was all too much, too quickly.

Spend your Sunday with Ana Kras Photography: Alessia Marchioro Styling: Carolin Bethge Hair: Mino Rossetti Make-Up: Gaia Bonizzoni Model: Ana Kras Dog: Nietzsche http://www.anakras.com/main.php http://www.ikebana-albums.com/main.php

Left page: t-shirt Marios, trousers Sess첫n, suspenders 55dsl Right page: dress CELYN b. by Elisabetta Franchi, cardigan Ontour

Dress Sess첫n

Right page: dress CELYN b. by Elisabetta Franchi, scarf vintage

Under: top Sess첫n, skirt Loreak Mendian, cardigan adidas Originals


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Who are you? Interview with Katerina Plevkova. http://www.iamkat.com

Hi, Can you tell us a little bit more about yourself? Well, my name is Kat. short for Katerina. I was born in Prague and moved to Holland at the age of 13. I like to create stuff, well to put it in other words I need to create! I cannot sit still and do nothing. Are you a full time illustrator? You seem to do lots of other creative things.. I work as a freelance photographer, illustrator and graphic designer. When I work on a project I don’t want to limit myself with one discipline. So I basically do what I feel like doing, I am also sewing puppets and sometimes I direct a music video. What’s your dream assignment? Dream assignment…..hmmm, a photobook with portraits of all the people I admire I think… some of them would be hard, because they are dead….but it would be cool. Which of your illustrations is your favourite.? I don’t really have a favourite one. It depends on my mood what I like on a particular day. What kinda materials do you use for your illustrations/work? If I want to express something I want to use all kinds of media, film camera, photo camera, paper and pencils, sewing machine, all kinds of things I can find. You can make everything out of something… What would you like to accomplish in the future? I am still learning a lot and I hope one day other people wil put me on their list of people who inspire them :)

What or who inspires you? Everything around me…people, artists like Frida Kahlo, Picasso, Basquiat, modern art, music…foreign countries…nature... What’s your favourite cupcake? Haha, I think I’m the only female on this planet who isn’t crazy in love with cupcakes…. I am not really a (cup)cake person so I don’t have a favourite one......I am more of an ice cream person! :) What would you like to do in the future? I hope I can continue doing what I am doing right now. And live at three different places…

When did you start painting, illustrating, photographing? When I was a child, my father had contacts with all kinds of artists in Prague. I don’t know exactly what his job was, but I met all kinds of interesting people because of him,...There was this Czech illustrator Adolf Born and one time he came to my fathers work and I was just sitting there and drawing….he came to sit next to me and we started drawing together….he made all kinds of drawings for me and he told me that he could see that I was very creative and that I should never stop drawing, that made a big impression on me…and I was unstoppable. I remember I was always making something, drawing, making collages, building miniature houses for dead insects, that kind of stuff. Photography came years later….. my mother was photographing a lot and at one point we had a darkroom in the house. I started experimenting with it, but analog photography takes a lot of time, and one thing I really didn’t have back than was patience…..so I kind of gave up, but than digital photography came along. That made it a lot easier for me…..Right now I see the beauty of analog photography and like to work with that aswell, it’s really worth the wait! In what way is your personal life reflected in your illustrations? In every way actually…. Memories, things I have seen, heard or things that happened to me. >>

….I like to watch people, read about their lives, I am a big dreamer and I use the images to express what I feel about certain things, because I am not good with expressing myself in words… What kinda music do you listen to? (if you’re working..) Well, most of the time my boyfriends music,he is musician and we both work at home and he writes a lot of music at home….and I love it, because you hear how a song is born! When he is not here I listen to all kinds of stuff…..usually I have one favourite song and I can listen to this one song the whole day. Right now I listen to The Black Keys a lot, Aloe Blacc, Johnny Cash, Sam Amidon…. What are your plans for the future? A lot of plans….I would like to live in New York for a couple of years…..I love being there….it’s a good thing about working freelance, I can do my work everywhere…we travel a lot and it’s very inspiring…. ♥

I am nothing but a memory Photography: Aleyn Comprendio http://www.flickr.com/photos/wallposterstar/

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An interview with Jeska (Lobster and Swan) by Sifra Hartog

ome is ome, t ever umble

Where do A day ou mory.

Where do dining ro Supposed tever I am lounge an

How did business It was a r swans pa other and

Your fav garlands

oes your inspiration come from? ut, a old book, a feeling, a nostalgic me-

o you do most of your work (i.e. the oom table, a studio, etc)? dly my dedicated workroom, but wham making often spills out onto the nd kitchen tables and walls.

d you come up with the name for your s? romantic notion that Lobsters and aired for life, like people can with each d with good design.

vorite thing to make? s and decorations, and baking cake.

What is your all time favorite design from past or current collections? My favourite things to design are colourful collections of inspirational things for other people to create with. What advice do you wish someone had given you when you first started your business? Stick at it and believe in yourself, as it is very hard at first, but if you stop or keep changing your mind on direction or style people get confused. Let your business evolve and change course naturally. coffee or tea? Coffee in the morning, tea in the afternoon. Favorite magazine/blog/daily read? http://sunday-suppers.com/ and my new favourite magazine is http:// www.foodandtravel.com/ If you could follow one person around for a day, who would it be? The buyer for http://www.anthropologie.eu/uk/page/home

If you could travel anywhere in the world, money and time being no object, where would you go and why? China and Japan researching the culture and traditions. If you had to spend a year on a deserted island, what 5 things would you take with you? My husband, a huge ball of twine, a hammer, fairy lights and a boat! The thought of being on a deserted island really scares me, I am such a home body and would love to live out in the country, but be very happy knowing there was a city near by. ♼

Our music playlist for issue 2: ♥ The XX ♥ The Smits ♥ The National ♥ Au Revoir Simone ♥ Yeasayer

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