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I am pleased to present the Graduate projects of the Engineering Division that were made in the Second academic semester of 2020. The Engineering Division is one of the most robust of the Universidad del Norte: it has 6 undergraduate programs, 9 master's degrees, and 5 doctorates. In addition, a broad portfolio of specializations that are offered from the Specialization Department of the University.

Since 2010 the six Engineering programs: Civil, Systems and Computing, Electrical, Electronics, Industrial and Mechanical were accredited by EAC (Engineering Accreditation Commission) of the agency ABET Inc. (Accreditation Board for Engineering and Technology), of the United States. In this way, Uninorte became the first university in Colombia to obtain this certification and one of the four in Latin America. In 2016, the six undergraduate programs in Engineering were accredited for the second time.


The graduate programs are in the process of accreditation of high quality and currently the Master's programs in Industrial, Civil Engineering, Mechanics and Systems and Computing have been accredited by the National Accreditation Council.

The departments of the Engineering Division bring together 66 doctors and 26 Masters who have guided, supported and stimulated the work of the students. As for its research groups, there are 11, of which 6 are in category A1, the highest distinction of Colciencias to recognize the quality and research relevance of research in Colombia, 4 in category A and 1 in category C. The research carried out by these groups is It stands out for its innovation and its links to industry, through university & business projects, and for its relevance in the environment from the Institute of Hydraulic and Environmental Studies -IDEHA-, the Institute of Sustainable Development and the Center of Excellence in Ports, Transport and Logistics and the Magdalena River Observatory.

Cordially Javier A. Páez Saavedra Dean College of Engineering Universidad del Norte

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