Marketing Executive (Level 4 apprenticeship)
Digital Marketer (Integrated Degree Apprenticeship) (Level 6 apprenticeship)
University of Bedfordshire Business School
School of Aviation, Marketing and Tourism

Marketing Executive (Level 4 apprenticeship)
Digital Marketer (Integrated Degree Apprenticeship) (Level 6 apprenticeship)
University of Bedfordshire Business School
School of Aviation, Marketing and Tourism
My name is Sallie Phillips and I am the Portfolio Leader for the International Business and Marketing courses. I am also the Course Coordinator for the two marketing apprenticeship courses, which sit within the University of Bedfordshire Business School. I am excited that you will be joining us in September and I hope that you are looking forward to studying with us.
Our team is committed to supporting and inspiring you to achieve your goals. During your time at university, you will have unit coordinators and an apprenticeship coordinator who will support you throughout your studies. Course teams have weekly office hours so you can book an appointment if you need to discuss anything with them. We will be with you every step of the way.
Your induction will take place during Welcome Week, where you will learn about your course structure and approach and meet your course team and fellow students. Plus, there will be plenty of events and activities organised by the Students’ Union for you to enjoy, including the annual Freshers’ Fayre.
This booklet provides you with important information that will help you prepare for your course and your first few weeks and months at University. If you have any questions before you arrive on campus, please get in touch with a member of the team (see page 5).
I look forward to meeting you in September.
Sallie Phillips Course CoordinatorStudent Information Desk (SiD)
Student Support
BedsSU (Students’ Union)
Apprenticeship Course Coordinator
• Sallie Phillips,
Apprenticeship Coordinator
• Augusta Evans,
Unit Coordinators
• Giles Robertson,
• Ioana Stoica,
book an appointment.
Welcome Week gets underway on Monday 18 September 2023, which is the week before your course starts.
Our academic induction follows four key sessions which happen at the same time for all our Business School students.
We start the week with an online session to say hello (this will be at lunchtime on Tuesday 19 September for an hour). This is also an opportunity to hear from Faculty Executive Group members.
On Thursday and Friday there are specific sessions designed to help you get ready for your studies. As an apprentice, the sessions on Tuesday and Thursday are optional, but we recommend that you attend them as you will come away feeling more confident about how everything works. The sessions on Friday are essential for all apprentices, so please put this date in your diary.
Thursday Take part in the Big Business Challenge – meet faculty executive members and some of the employers we work with, who will host a fun team challenge
Meet the Apprenticeships team – your apprenticeship coordinator is the link between you, the University and your employer. They will help you negotiate your work-based assignments and act as your mentor throughout your studies. You will also meet other tutors who will work with and support you during your studies. As well making sure you understand your course, they will help you to access the systems and learning resources you will need throughout your studies. If you have a laptop, you should bring it to this session.
Don’t forget, all apprenticeships students are welcome to attend the Freshers’ Fayre (20 -21 September), which is run by the University of Bedfordshire Students’ Union. This is a great way to find out more about what happens on campus and you can pick up some freebies too! They will host plenty of events and activities, so keep an eye on their website and follow them on social media to find out more (see p.5).
We use an online noticeboard called Padlet to help our students keep up to date with everything that’s happening.
All the details about rooms and activities during Welcome Week will be added to our Marketing Course Welcome Page
We will update this page closer to the time – it’s advisable to check for any changes to your Welcome Week schedule before you arrive on campus.
Feel free to take a look at these boards and become more familiar with some of the exciting things happening in your subject area.
Once your registration is completed you will also have access to our virtual learning environment (BREO). We can tell you more about that during Welcome Week.
The course assessment strategy is closely aligned to the University’s teaching and learning strategy which is designed to:
• Have an immediate relevance to practice
• Draw on expertise by experience
• Foster active learning and be learner-centred in approach
Your apprenticeship features distinctive work-based assessment tasks. Your apprenticeship coordinator acts as a bridge between you and your employer to agree suitable assessments.
These assessments help put into practice what you are learning at university and can help increase your confidence.
Types of assessment for these units include:
Marketing plans
Leaflets and posters
Reflective case studies
In-class tests
Assessments are purposefully diverse and created to relate to industry practices.
Once you have met the conditions of your offer, you will receive an email to complete your online registration. Keep an eye on your emails and junk box to ensure you don’t miss it!
• Enjoy an amazing virtual tour of our campus
• Watch how other apprentices have enjoyed their experience at Bedfordshire
Take time to familiarise yourself with the layout of our campus and the names of buildings. This will help you get around with ease when you arrive.
• Luton campus
• Eating and drinking on-campus
To find out how to access your timetable go to
Academic information
Guide to referencing Study Hub
Your classes will be held on Fridays in the Business School (Room H202).
On weeks 1, 3, 5, 7, 9 and 11 you should be on campus for the day. On weeks 2, 4, 6, 8 and 10 your studies will be online.
Your employer should release you for a full day for your studies. Please chat with your apprenticeship coordinator and mentor if you have any questions or concerns about your study days.
You will study these three units in your first academic year:
Introduction to Marketing Practice
Practical Professional Development
Introduction to Digital Marketing
It's important that you read and make use of the definitive Course Handbook and the Apprenticeship Handbook which can be found on your course Padlet page (see page 8).
Will I have access to the same learning facilities as other students at the University?
Our library and learning resources are available to all Bedfordshire students regardless of which course or at what level you are studying. You will have access to a range of facilities including silent study rooms, groupwork areas, digital databases, e-journals, PCs, laptops and printing as well as our Study Hub and other student support services.
What should I do if I’m unable to make a session?
It is important that you email your unit coordinator, the apprenticeship coordinator and your employer explaining why you are unable to make a session. You will also need to propose how you will keep up with the work you have missed. For independent advice or for ongoing attendance issues you can contact
What support is available for students with a learning difference or disability?
Our Disabilities team supports students with a range of disabilities including sensory and physical impairments, mental health difficulties, specific learning difficulties such as dyslexia, and medical conditions such as epilepsy, diabetes, sickle cell anaemia and arthritis. You may be eligible for a Learning and Teaching Agreement, where you can discuss any reasonable adjustments needed for classroom learning and examinations. You can email for further information and advice.
Are there clubs and activities I can get involved with?
Yes, the Students’ Union can tell you everything you need to know about sports clubs, activities and events for all our students. You can even set up your own society! Contact Beds SU by emailing
The unique Level 5 digital creation unit allows you to get hands-on experience.
Always remember, our team is here for you!
We know there’s a lot to take in when you start a new course. We’ll support you throughout, especially as you find your feet at the beginning. Some people adjust to new learning experiences more readily than others and it can take time to settle into your course and work placement.
We are confident that you will enjoy your days on campus and everything the University of Bedfordshire has to offer.
You will be given work-based assignments, which will give you practical skills which can then be implemented in the workplace.
You study one unit at a time, so you can really focus on one topic at a time.
Your Level 4 studies meet the requirements to register as an Affiliate Member of the Chartered Institute of Marketing (CIM), which means you can have access to brilliant resources, training and professional development.
You can earn while you learn – it’s great to earn a competitive salary while working towards a nationally recognised qualification.
Our tutors have been working as subject experts for many years and have a great deal of knowledge and insight to share with you. There is a good mix of on campus and online classes.
There is one dedicated study day each week, which means we get everything done in one day and we can work the remaining days.
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