BA (Hons) Primary Education (with QTS)

BA (Hons) Primary Education (3-7) (with QTS)
BA (Hons)/MPhysEd Physical Education (Secondary) (with QTS)
Faculty of Education, English & Sport
School of Education

BA (Hons) Primary Education (with QTS)
BA (Hons) Primary Education (3-7) (with QTS)
BA (Hons)/MPhysEd Physical Education (Secondary) (with QTS)
Faculty of Education, English & Sport
School of Education
We are delighted that you will be studying with us. This booklet provides you with important information to prepare you for your course and for your first few weeks and months at University.
There are a wide range of people and teams to support you during (and after) your studies. These include your unit coordinator who is responsible for each of the units you study. There are a host of support services to help you with every aspect of student life, some of which you can read about in this booklet.
Perry Knight Head of School of Teacher EducationWe are so excited that you will be joining us in September. The first week will be your ‘Welcome Week’ where you will be introduced to your course, lecturing team, fellow students and the campus and facilities. You’ll also meet your personal academic tutor (PAT) who is there to support you throughout your course. They will have weekly office hours so you can always book an appointment if you need to chat to them. We will all be with you every step of the way.
BA (Hons) Primary Education (with QTS)
• Karen Tozer,
BA (Hons) Primary Education 3-7 (with QTS)
• Caroline Sadler,
BA (Hons)/MPhysEd Physical Education (Secondary) (with QTS)
• Sophy Bassett-Dubsky,
Student Information Desk (SiD)
Student Support
BedsSU (Students’ Union)
It is very important to start your course well. Welcome Week is an essential part of navigating student life and your studies, and it’s a brilliant way of getting to know staff and students. It includes key information, course activities and, of course, a lot of fun!
The following is a typical Welcome Week schedule (the exact schedule will be available to you prior to starting).
Welcome from your head of school, course coordinator and staff team
Day 1
Ice breakers, social integration and tour of campus and facilities
Meet your personal academic tutor
Getting to know your course and lecturers
Day 2
Practical workshops and seminars
First meeting with personal academic tutor
Transitioning to university
Freshers’ Fayre for clubs and societies
Day 3
Getting to grips with our virtual learning environment ‘BREO’ Occupational health and ID and document check appointments
Becoming a teacher
Day 4
Starting your initial teacher training
Continuing professional development
Practical workshops
Practical workshops
Meet current students from year two
Day 4
Second personal academic tutor meeting
Preparing for your first week of formal teaching
End of week Q&A
Professional Studies
Early Literacy and Reading
Primary Education
Mathematics and Science
Child Development and Theories of Learning
Professional Studies
Developing Physical Literacy through Games, Outdoor and Adventurous Activity and Health
Physical Education
Developing Physical Literacy through Athletics, Dance, Gymnastics and Swimming
Scientific Foundations of Physical Education
How to find your Timetable
Information about your learning with BREO
Get support with your learning and assignments Study Hub
Visit the Library
Begin@Beds Start your student journey
Thrive@Beds My Beds Life
Succeed@Beds Careers and Employability Service
As you enrol on your professional course you will need to complete an enhanced DBS check along with ID checks and an occupational health assessment. You will also be asked to read and sign our Partnership Agreement which is in line with the Department for Education’s Teachers’ Standards, identifying expectations of performance, conduct and ethics.
You will spend time in school placements each year, giving you the opportunity to experience a range of settings, approaches, pupil age groups and subjects.
Our course assessment strategy is closely aligned to the University’s teaching and learning strategy which is designed to:
• Have an immediate relevance to practice
• Draw on expertise by experience
• Foster active learning and be learner-centred
A distinct feature of the course is the range of assessment tasks, including workplace relevant assessments that can have an immediate impact. These will help you put into practice what you learn at University and increase your confidence.
These can vary depending on the course you are studying, but here’s an example of what your assessments might include:
Reflective case studies
In-class tests
School placements (including plans, resources and evaluations of teaching)
Once you have met the conditions of your offer, you will receive an email to complete your online registration. Keep an eye on your emails and junk box to ensure you don’t miss it!
Your course coordinator will be in touch with you via email shortly to let you know the details for Welcome Week and arrangements for the start of your course.
The whole campus is equipped with high speed wifi, so if you have your own device, bring it with you and log on. As a Bedfordshire student, you have free access to MS Office software for use on your home computer or laptop if you need it. There are desktop computers for you to use on site, and we also have a number of laptops you can borrow.
Most importantly, bring your personality and enthusiasm, your curiosity and courage. So hold tight, this is a major turning point in your life.
We have selected some useful videos for you to watch ahead of your arrival on campus.
• Primary Education
• Physical Education
The Teachers’ Standards set the minimum level of practice expected of student teachers who have gained qualified teacher status (QTS). You should become familiar with these standards as they will become a central part of your practice as you train with us, and long into your career.
• Teachers’ Standards – Guidance for school leaders, school staff and governing bodies
Take time to familiarise yourself with the layout of our campus and the names of buildings. This will help you get around with ease when you arrive.
• Bedford campus
• Eating and drinking on-campus
As a first year student teacher you will begin your journey with a full term of university study. This will set the foundations for the rest of the year including your school placements. Each year, you will spend blocks of time in university and in school, which will allow you to build your knowledge, skills and understanding.
When completing your school placements, you will be required in school five days per week. During your time on campus, teaching is typically spread over three or four days, with one or two days to focus on your studies, prepare for assessments, gain further voluntary school experience or for paid employment.
When will I find out which school I will be working in for my placements?
We aim to provide students with their placement locations once these have been confirmed with the schools. This is typically well before the placement starts. You will be given an opportunity to talk to and meet your school mentor before the start of the placement. Detailed briefings are held each year prior to starting.
What happens if I miss classes due to illness or personal difficulties?
We understand that everyone will face some difficulties now and again and we aim to be flexible. We ask that you communicate any absence to your lecturers as soon as possible, along with the reasons and how you will catch up on any missed learning. You are encouraged to discuss ongoing issues with your personal academic tutor or unit coordinator.
The academic team is always available to guide you with your assessments. All assessments will be thoroughly explained during session time using the assignment brief document. You can also book a tutorial with your unit lecturer to discuss your plans. If you need more time to complete an assignment, please contact the Student Engagement and Mitigation team (SEAM) who deal with extensions for assessments. Their email is Support is also available from the team in our Study Hub
Will I be able to practise skills before I attend my placement?
Yes! You will have many opportunities to observe your lecturers modelling good practice, as well as peer teaching opportunities in class. ‘Microteaching’ is also built into the programme where you will have the support to collaboratively plan, teach and reflect on experiences with pupils who will come to the university. On your placement, you will always progress from observation of other teachers to small group and co-teaching before you eventually teach a full class.
What support do you provide for learning differences such as dyslexia?
There is plenty of help available. You may be eligible for a Learning and Teaching Agreement, where you can discuss any reasonable adjustments needed for classroom learning and examinations. If you need more help, you can talk to your personal academic tutor or contact Student Support or the Study Hub.
Are there clubs and activities I can get involved with?
Yes! All Bedfordshire students are members of the Students’ Union (SU) by default. The SU has lots of sports clubs, activities and social events. If you don’t find a club or society that appeals, you can apply for funding to start you own by emailing
You become part of a worldwide ‘family’ of educators. The satisfaction you get from knowing you helped make a real difference to a pupil is amazing. Watching them develop is inspiring.
Always remember, our team is here for you! There is a lot to take in when you begin studying on a professional course like this one. The course team have worked as teachers and teacher educators for many years and will guide you all the way to becoming a teacher.
Your school will become a family.
You may one day be the ‘mentor’ responsible for helping a new student teacher navigate their initial teacher training.
You will always be employable. Teachers are always in demand.
Teaching shapes lives – you will be a significant adult in your pupil’s lives and will help to guide them through their educational and life’s journeys.
Every day is different –and often unpredictable. It’s not a typical 9-5 job!
You can keep studying or learning through continuing professional development opportunities after you qualify as a teacher. There is no limit to the knowledge and skills you can gain.
Every day is a school day –you will be fascinated by what you learn every day, often from your pupils!
Teaching is the profession on which all other professions depend – we activate children and young people’s future jobs and careers, many of which are yet to be created.
Luton campus
University Square
United Kingdom
Bedford campus
Polhill Avenue
United Kingdom
MK41 9EA
Aylesbury campus
Stoke Mandeville Hospital
Mandeville Road
United Kingdom
HP21 8AL
Milton Keynes campus
2nd Floor Exchange House
Midsummer Boulevard
Milton Keynes
United Kingdom
Putteridge Bury campus
Hitchin Road
United Kingdom