Erasmus Guide 2018

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CONTENTS 3 Welcome 4 Before you Arrive 5 Travelling to the UK 6 How to Find us 8 Campuses & Maps 10 Arriving on Campus 11 Orientation 12 Registration 13 More than a Degree 14 Students’ Union 16 Student Support 18 Student Information Desks


WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE Thank you for choosing the University of Bedfordshire one of the top universities in the UK for improving the experience and career prospects of our students. We are a truly international institution with students from over 120 countries around the world. As a part of this diverse community, you will receive excellent quality teaching, while discovering new cultures and making important connections that can last a lifetime. Here at Bedfordshire, we strongly believe that university is about so much more than just a degree and therefore we offer numerous opportunities for you to grow, develop you interests and gain valuable experience outside a classroom. Employability and entrepreneurship are very high on our priority list and we work hard to ensure we have them embedded in our curriculum and everything else we do, to complement your learning. We are committed to helping you graduate as a professional.

Professor Ashraf Jawaid OBE Deputy Vice Chancellor (International Relations) 3

BEFORE YOU ARRIVE Make sure you read this guide, as well as any communication you may receive from your faculty, very carefully, and contact us if you have any questions Make sure you have had your accommodation confirmed and remember to bring your contract with you* Make sure to bring the documents you need for registration: Your passport, and learning agreement* Take a photocopy of your passport just in case* Book flights, ensure you have received your travel tickets and make sure your family and friends know your flight details so they can check you have arrived safely Carry your travel insurance documents with you if applicable* If possible, bring a short medical history. This will help when registering with a doctor in the UK* Bring your credit card if you have one. This will help with credit checks in the UK* Bring your Driving Licence if you plan to drive during your stay in the UK* Weigh your baggage to avoid excess charges and make a list of the contents of your luggage (in case you need to make an insurance claim)* *It is best to carry these items in your hand luggage


TRAVELLING TO THE UK Setting off on the journey to your new life in the UK is an exciting step. This guide is designed to make your transition as smooth as possible. The main surrounding airports are Luton, London Heathrow and London Gatwick. Make sure you book your flight well in advance - this will make things much more affordable. Please ensure you are at the airport in plenty of time (usually two to three hours before take off) and that you know when your flight is due to land. It is best, where possible, to try and arrive between 0900 and 1700, as this will ensure you have an easier journey up to Bedfordshire.


It is compulsory to arrive in time for the start of Orientation Week, which is specially designed to help you settle into life here at the University.

Be prepared

Travel Insurance

Withdrawing Cash

Weather in the UK can be quite unpredictable. Temperatures range from 30 degrees in the summer months, to -5 degrees in the winter. Don’t worry if you can’t find the space to pack an umbrella or bulky, warm clothes with you; there are many shops and markets which sell at bargain prices.

It is a good idea to take out travel insurance to cover your journey and belongings, especially if you must bring any items of value with you. If your luggage does get damaged or lost on the journey, it is vital that you report it at the airport before leaving to come to Bedfordshire.

Check with your bank at home whether your current credit/ debit card allows you to withdraw money from UK ATMs.


HOW TO FIND US Our campuses are easy to get to by road, rail or air. So, wherever you are coming from, just follow these simple directions:

Luton Campus 30 miles north of London, with superb road, rail and air links. Full campus address University of Bedfordshire University Square Luton LU1 3JU


Luton is just off the M1 at junction 10 north bound, and junction 11 southbound • Luton railway station is a five-minute walk from the Luton Campus, and is served by Thames Link trains from London St Pancras International and Bedford • London-Luton Airport is only three miles away and has easy access by taxi or airport bus •

Bedford Campus 46 miles north of London on the A6, with easy access from both the north and south. Full campus address University of Bedfordshire Pollhill Avenue Bedford MK41 9EA From the north, leave the M1 at junction 14 and take the A422 • From the south, leave the M1 at junction 13 and then follow the A421 • Bedford railway station is served by Thames Link trains from London St Pancras International •

Milton Keynes Campus 46 miles from London Euston, with great road and rail links. Full campus address University of Bedfordshire Milton Keynes campus 502 Avebury Boulevard Central Milton Keynes MK9 3HS Located on the M1 at junction 13 northbound, and junction 14 southbound • Rail connections maintained by Virgin and London Midland • Coach services to many cities can be accessed via the train station, town centre or Coachway •

For more detailed directions and information, please visit: 7

CAMPUSES & MAPS Our main campus in Luton is located right in the heart of the town centre. In addition to our flagship Campus Centre, it features a brand-new, seven-storey library, Postgraduate and CPD Centre, and Art & Design building. With a professional theatre, dance studios, and a Sport Science Centre, Bedford is home to many of our Performing Arts, Sports and Teaching courses. Our newest Campus in Milton Keynes features top quality audio-visual and ICT equipment and is mostly used for Business and Education.

Luton Campus


Bedford Campus D9

Bedford Campus Sports Fields













R3 Campus Living Student







D Campus Centre & Theatre G Gateway H Student Support Services J

Offices & Classrooms

K Offices & Classrooms L

Offices & Classrooms

P Offices & Classrooms Q Library R1



Student Accommodation


The Tower – Student Accommodation


Student Accommodation




SeedBeds (Chaplaincy)


Classrooms & Reprographics




T Classrooms Bedford


Smoking Shelter






> Changing Rooms


R2 Accommodation >


R1 Building Letter




> Entrance to University Buildings

P Parking


Vehicle Entrance


Sports Arena



Bus Stop

Reception & Student Information G Desk Gateway

Dance Studios


Concourse >


The Hub Learning Hub

F it n e







Sports Science Dance Studios Labs

Shop > Student Bar Union

Campus Centre

> Campus Access Points









ss su it e

Teacher Education Centre

Astro Turf Pitch




Liberty Living Student Accommodation



Pavillion & External Changing Rooms

Milton Keynes Campus


ARRIVING ON CAMPUS Top things to do when you arrive and during your first week Visit halls of residence and pick up your keys, or if staying somewhere privately, contact landlord Register to become a student at the University if you have not done so already. Visit the International Office for details (Luton Campus, level 1 next to SiD) Access BREO - log into: to change your password, then you can access BREO at any time, at: What is BREO? For info, visit: Get your individual timetable via our MyBeds app (download from: or visit: Attend welcome events and activities during your first few weeks. Visit: Take tours of the University and Town Centre (see Orientation Schedule) Open a UK Bank Account. You will need a letter from SiD (see page 20). During Orientation, there will be representatives on campus to help you Register with the Doctor. Doctor registration will be on campus, please ask a member of staff Check out our ‘Get to Know Your Town’ guide at: Stay connected with us on Social Media:



Orientation is your first few weeks at the University of Bedfordshire. We want to make your transition into life here as easy as possible, so that you can make the most out of this enjoyable and life-changing experience. We organise a varied schedule of exciting and informative events and activities for you, to help you settle in, and support you as you arrive at university. A few of these will be compulsory for you to attend. There will be sessions where you learn about all the different support services we have to offer, whether it’s for personal use, or to support your learning. You will get to know the University, meet your fellow students, have the opportunity to take part in themed social events, and more.



REGISTRATION It is important you arrive in time to start your studies on day one. The start date of your course is on your offer letter. In your first week you will register and receive your ID card. You will need to bring: • Your learning agreement • Your current passport




Here at the University of Bedfordshire we believe that university life is not justat about acquiring new knowledge. What you do that in addition to life Here the University of Bedfordshire we believe university yourisstudies will distinguish you from others when it comes to not just about acquiring new knowledge. What you do in addition securing those all important graduate jobs. We offer both to your studies will distinguish you from others when it comes to extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, so whether you want to securing those all important graduate jobs. We offer both complement your studies, or boost your skills and experience, we’ve extra-curricular and co-curricular activities, so whether you want got it covered. to complement your studies, or boost your skills and experience, we’ve got it covered.


We work with lots of big national and international organisations. We work with lots of big national and international organisations. Take in masterclasses, external competitions, and live briefs Take partpart in masterclasses, external competitions, and live briefs to to equip yourself with industry knowledge and experience, equip yourself with industry knowledge and experience, and help and help differentiate from other graduates. differentiate you fromyou other graduates.

RadioLaB LaBisisthe theUniversity’s University’s very very Radio own community radio station. own community radio station. Broadcasting from 97.1FM throughout Broadcasting from 97.1FM throughout Luton and Bedfordshire, you can get Luton and Bedfordshire, you can get involved in presenting and producing involved in presenting and producing your own shows. your own shows.


Listen online: Listen online:



Boost your one ofof ourour evening classes. Boost your CV CV and andlearn learnaanew newlanguage languagewith with one evening classes. Choose from Spanish, German, Mandarin or Arabic, and study alongside your Choose from Spanish, German, Mandarin or Arabic, and study alongside your degree for a small fee. There are in-class assessments to help you judge your degree for a small fee. There are in-class assessments to help you judge your progress, and upon completion. progress, and you’ll you’llreceive receiveaaCertificate CertificateofofParticipation Participation upon completion.



Our Aspire Gyms in Luton and Bedford Our Gyms in Luton and Bedford giveAspire staff and students exclusive use give staff and students exclusive use of convenient, campus-based fitness of convenient, campus-based fitness facilities at great prices. We also have facilities at great prices. We also have a programme for free non-competitive a programme for free non-competitive sporting activities. sporting activities.


PAL (Peer-assisted Learning) sessions are weekly sessions run by second and third year PAL (Peer-assisted Learning) sessions are students weekly for first year Being a PALyear leader enables sessions runstudents. by second and third students for first students.many Beingtransferable a PAL leaderskills, enables youyear to improve including you to improve many transferable and skills, including communication, presentation, organisational skills, commication, presentation, andleaders organisational skills, to name a few. 98% of PAL said it improved totheir namestudent a few. 98% of PAL leaders said it improved experience. their student experience.

Plus lots more. Plus lots more. Visit:



STUDENTS’ STUDENTS’UNION UNION your Students’ Students’ Union Union.. We Wewant wantyou youto tofeel feelwelcome welcomefrom from We are Your the very first moment that you decide to study with us. We work hard to make sure that you feel at home and can find out everything you need to know about We to town. make sure that you feel facilities at home and and services can find out you need know about yourwork newhard home Including all the thateverything Luton, Bedford andtothe surrounding your new home town. Including all the facilities and services that Luton, Bedford and the surrounding areas areas have to offer. have to offer. One of the best things about Beds SU is that it gives you the opportunity to meet new people, often One the bestthe things about Beds SU is gives the opportunity tointernational meet new people, oftenBeds going goingofthrough same experiences asthat For allyou students, especially students, through the same experiences as you. For all students, especially international students, Beds SU can help SU can help with feelings of homesickness or culture shock and joining a Society or sports team can with feelings of homesickness or culture shock and joining a Society or Sports Team can aid further with aid further with this. this. Our Volunteering service allows you to gain valuable skills and work will also enable you to valuable meet new people Ourexperience Volunteeringand service allows you to gain skills and and learn about the local area. Some of the opportunities include: work experience and will also enable you to meet new people Cooking, IT about Support, a Support and much more. and learn the being local area. Some Worker of the opportunities include:



Cooking, IT Support, being a Support Worker and much more.

At Beds SU we have a diverse range of societies for everyone, whatever At Beds SU we have a diverse range of societies for everyone, your interests, and with the number of societies growing whatever each yearyour there interests, and with the number of societies growing each year there is now is now more choice than ever. Whether it be making new friends, more choice than ever. Whether it be making new friends, learning new skills or learning new skills or just finding new interests there are endless benefits just finding new interests there are endless benefits to joining a society. to joining a society. Our range of societies include academic (computing, Our range of societies include academic (Computing, Law, Psychology), law, psychology), recreational (Disney, otaku, sci-fi and fantasy), cultural recreational (Disney, otaku, Schi-fi and fantasy), Cultural (Nigerian, Portuguese, (Nigerian, Greek, Indian), faith, political, and more. Greek, Indian),Portuguese, Faith, Political, and more.




We have a large number of sports teams that compete in BUCS (British We have a large sports leagues, teams that compete in BUCS Universities andnumber CollegeofSports) and have had a great(British deal ofUniversities success and College Sports) leagues, andmen’s have had great dealteams of success in theof last in the last few years. We have andawomen’s for people allfew years. We have men’s and women’s teams for people of all abilities. abilities. Through Beds SUSU aims to to provide a platform for everyone to Throughthe theBedfordshire BedfordshireBulls, Bulls, Beds aims provide a platform for engage with whether you are a serious or just want to stay active everyone to sport, engage with sport, whether youcompetitor are a serious competitor or just and keep up a hobby. Our Clubs don’t just finish when you leave the pitch or court, want to stay active and keep up a hobby. Our clubs don’t just finish when you with flourishing that allows to make friends life. you leavea the pitch orsocial court,scene with beyond a flourishing socialyou scene beyond that for allows Our Sports Teamsfor include, Football, Cricket, Badminton, Cheerleading, to make friends life. Our sportsBasketball, teams include, football, basketball, cricket, Swimming and many more. badminton, cheerleading, swimming and many more.


There isis also alsoaaconfidential confidentialadvice adviceservice service where you down with There where you cancan sit sit down with a a member of Beds SU staff and talk about any issues affecting you – whether member of Beds SU staff and talk about any issues affecting you – whether it it be homesickness, money worries, problems course or anything be homesickness, money worries, problems withwith youryour course or anything else. Beds canSU help. else. SU Beds can help.

There is so much to get involved in and be a part of at Beds SU that will really enrich your student There is so much to getare involved andup betheir a part of at Beds SUand thatsports will really enrich student in any experience. Students free toinset own societies teams andyour get involved experience. Students are free to set up their own Societies and Sports Teams and get involved in any of of the activities and events that Beds SU put on. Beds SU have a website, strong social media the activities events newsletter that Beds SU on.toBeds has a website, strong social media presence presence andand a weekly in put order keepSU students up to date with everything that goesand on.a weekly newsletter in order to keep students up to date with everything that goes on. Keep in touch: Keep in touch: Locations: G110 Campus Centre (Luton) | P0.84 The Hub (Bedford) Locations: G110 Campus Centre (Luton) | P0.84 The Hub (Bedford) Email: Email: Telephone: +44 (0) 1582 743589 Telephone: +44 (0) 1582 743589 Twitter: @bedssu Website:@bedssu Twitter: 15 Website:


STUDENT SUPPORT We offer a wide range of practical and confidential advice and support services for you throughout your studies. International Office

Community and Faith

We have an office dedicated to international students at our Luton Campus where you can access all kinds of support. Visit:

All students are welcome to join our exciting programme of activities or access our confidential, personal, and spiritual support - whether you think of yourslf as religious or spiritual, or you don’t think that way at all.

Disability Support

Sign up with us: Email:

If your studies are affected by a disability, longterm medical condition, or a specific learning difficulty, contact this team. Email:

Mental Wellbeing Personal support is available if you experience mental health difficulties during your studies. Email:

Study Hub The Study Hub based within our library facilities brings together three teams of specialists: Academic Liason Librarians, Computer Skills Trainers, and Professional and Academic Development (PAD) Tutors and Trainers. These teams offer a wide range of learning opportunities which will help you develop your academic skills and improve your assignment writing techniques, leading to better grades and enhanced employability. Visit:

Counselling Service This service can help if you are experiencing any problems of a personal or emotional nature that may be interfering with your academic work and your personal life. Email:


Communication Skills This unique and compulsory programme is designed to help international students adjust to studying in the UK. These classes will help you to learn how to prepare your assignments, paraphrase, how to do presentations, and more, in order to make the most out of your time here, and boost your grades. Visit: Email:

Your Resources YourLearning Learning Resources We’ve library at at We’ve got gotaabrand brandnew newseven-storey seven-storey library our main campus in Luton. Our students have our main campus in Luton. Our students have fantastic atat their fantasticmultimedia multimediastudy studyresources resources their fingertips in our cutting-edge, well equipped fingertips in our cutting-edge, well equipped learning learningresources resourcescentres centres(LRCs). (LRCs). The books and The Library Libraryisisnot notjust justa arepository repositoryofof books and study resources; it’s also an important partner study resources; it’s also an important partner in research and in teaching, working towards in research and in teaching, working towards equipping you with the skills and knowledge equipping you with the skills and knowledge needed to achieve academically, and to needed toyour achieve academically, maximise future employability.and to maximise your future employability. Visit: Visit:

Student Engagement

Student Engagement

This team can advise you on academic, This teamand canhealth advise you on academic, personal, issues that may impact personal, and health issues that on your studies. They work closelymay withimpact all on your studies. They work closely with all support teams at the University, and can also support teams at the University, andlocal can also advise you of services available in the advise you of services available in the local community. community. Email: Email:

University Police Liason

University Police Liason

The University’s Police Liason Officer provides crime prevention and safety advice, as well as The University’s Police Liason Officer provides promoting volunteering and employment crime prevention and safety advice, as well as opportunities within the Police Force. promoting volunteering and employment opportunities within the Police Force. Visit: Visit:

Student Information Desk (SiD)

Student Information Desk (SiD) All of our support services can be accessed through the Student Information Desk (SiD). They’re located across all campuses and you All of our support services can be accessed can speak to someone face-to-face, or through the Student Information Deskget (SiD). access 24/7 . The SiD team have and beenyou They’reonline located across all campuses trained to know about allface-to-face, services available, can speak to someone or get and will online make sure in touch with access 24/7.they The put SiDyou team have been the right person. Read more details about SiD trained to know about all services available, on 18 - 21. andpages will make sure they put you in touch with the right person. Read more details about SiD Visit: on pages 16 - 19. Visit:

13 17


SiD is the way for you to access information and support during your studies. There is a Student Information Desk on every campus and the SiD team are on hand to help. If you have a more complex problem, SiD will advise you on the best course of action. SiD will log an enquiry using SiD Online and allocate it to the relevant person, and you will receive email notifications to keep you up to date, enabling you to spend time focusing on your studies.

SiD Online As a University of Bedfordshire student you have the self-help support tool SiD Online at your fingertips, available 24/7. You can:

• Log your own enquiries • Request a letter and we will notify you when it is ready to collect • Make an appointment to come and see us • Search the frequently asked questions, receive appointments with different services and download the relevant forms • Ask a question, and we will email you the answer • Check the status of, and update existing enquiries 18

In Luton: You can find us on Level 1 in F block next to the International Office, and on Level 2 of the Campus Centre. In Bedford: You can find us on Level 1 of the Gateway Building. In Milton Keynes: You can find us at the Reception Desk in the Milton Keynes Campus.

Need Needa aLetter? Letter? You You may may find find that that during during your your studies studies you you need need aa letter letter from from the the University. University.This This could could be be for for aa number number of of reasons. reasons.There There are are aa number number of of departments departments that that provide provide these these letters. letters. Here Here is is aa list list of of letters available from the University with details of which department can provide them: letters available from the University with details of which department can provide them:

Letters by SiD Letters by SiD

SiD issues a range of letters, through an online SiD issues a range of letters, an letter online letter request service. We willthrough print your lettercontact request service. print and you when We it is will ready foryour you letter to and contact you when it is ready for you to collect. collect.

Student status letter: This letter can be issued once you status have registered. confirms thatissued you are a Student letter: ThisIt letter can be registered student at the University, once you have registered. It confirmsand thatcontains you are a the start and end dates your course. registered student at theforUniversity, and contains the start and end dates for your course. Bank letter: This letter will help with opening a bank account. You This should know bankopening you want to Bank letter: letter willwhich help with a bank open an account with before requesting the letter. account. You should know which bank you want to open an account with before requesting the letter. Council tax exemption: Full-time students who live in privately accommodation, are entitled Council taxrented exemption: Full-time students whotolive Council Tax exemption, therefore you do not need in privately rented accommodation, are entitled to to pay for council tax. Council Tax exemption, therefore you do not need to pay for council tax. Vacation letter: You will need a letter to confirm you have a vacation youwill wish to work fulltotime during Vacation letter:ifYou need a letter confirm you vacations.You will needwish oneto ofwork thesefull letters give to have a vacation if you time to during your employerwill justneed before a vacation Yougive willto vacations.You one of these period. letters to not a letter to before work part-time asperiod. your passport/ yourneed employer just a vacation You will visa should already not need a letter to state work this. part-time as your passport/ visa should already state this. GP Registration letter: If you are not registering with the University Health Centre you do GP Registration letter: If youthen are the not surgery registering join, you forHealth this letter. with will the ask University Centre then the surgery you do join, will ask you for this letter. Applying for a visa to visit other countries: If you need to apply a Schengen visa for a holidayIfinyou Applying for aforvisa to visit other countries: Europe then you will need this letter. need to apply for a Schengen visa for a holiday in Europe then you will need this letter.

You can request letters from SiD by using the online system (see the ‘How to’ guide on the You can request letters from SiD by using the next page) or in person at your campus’ SiD. online system (see the ‘How to’ guide on the next page) or in person at your campus’ SiD.

17 19

How to...

Request a letter online Log into SiD Online either via our website (, e:Vision ( or BREO ( Type in your question or a keyword in the search bar.

When you have found your result click on ‘Log Enquiry’

Select the ‘request a letter’ option on the select a category dropdown menu. Select where you want to collect your letter and then fill in the other boxes with any other details.

Click on ‘Send’ to log your new enquiry.

18 20

How to...

access your timetable Go to:

Click on ‘Course timetables’ or for Personal Timetables click ‘ Student’ and enter your student number Select your department, year and course from the dropdown lists.

Select either ‘This Week’ or the current semester. Oct to Jan = Semester 1 Feb to June = Semester 2

Click ‘View timetable’. Your timetable should be displayed.

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Luton Campus University Square Luton, Bedfordshire United Kingdom LU1 3JU Email us:

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