MBA (with Placement) Our new MBA Programme includes a subject related work placement
About this Course
First Intake January 2018 (Duration: 22 months)
The MBA remains the flagship management qualification designed to meet the needs of early career individuals, and is structured to support your aspirations for fast track career progression through the development of leadership and strategic management skills, and a contemporary understanding of entrepreneurial business. This course combines core MBA disciplines with innovative subject areas supported by the latest research in strategic management and leadership to develop business competence and strengthen your confidence and credibility, providing you with the practical and theoretical capabilities to master the complexities of a competitive and changing business environment. The MBA programme is underpinned by the signature corporate work undertaken by faculty staff.
With help from your project supervisor, you will be given appropriate graduate level work experience or an internship which you will undertake as a part of your project, for a period of 32 weeks, for a minimum of 15 hours and up to 20 hours, per week.
Why Choose this Course? • The course adopts a practice-led curriculum and aims to develop leading edge knowledge of organisations and their effective management in competitive global contexts, and the ability to creatively apply this knowledge to complex issues to innovatively enhance strategic business and professional management practice • Work with academics and professors of practice on live consultancy projects with leading employers in organisations across private, public and not-for-profit sectors to support your personal and professional development as a creative and innovative leader • Develop the attributes and skills expected of leaders, as recognised by professional and industry bodies such as the Chartered Management Institute, including team-working, decision making, negotiation, leadership, and the ability to plan and organise complex projects
Unit Information - What will I Learn? • Leading and Managing Organisational Resources • Strategy and the Global Competitive Environment • Corporate Innovation and Entrepreneurship • Project Management • Management Practice (with placement) • MBA Placement Project with work placement
How will this Course enhance my Career Prospects? The MBA Placement Unit Project will enable you to work as part of a team inside an organisation on a project provided by the company. The exact nature of the level of work, and nature of responsibility will depend upon the chosen organisation and will be subject to a learning agreement. However, there will be close discussion between the company and the Business School to provide a challenging organisation experience. This unit will increase your personal and leadership skills and potential by giving you higher levels of organisation experience and will enhance your professional employability.