Postgraduate welcome guide - Summer 2020

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WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BEDFORDSHIRE We are delighted you have chosen to study with us – you can be confident you have made a great choice. You have joined a progressive institution and a diverse community of more than 20,000 students from over 120 countries. Our tutors, world-class professors and student support teams are devoted to supporting you and helping you to reach your full potential. Here at Bedfordshire, we deal with individuals, asking each and every student the same question: what do you want to be? We believe in delivering the best possible student experience, and in cultivating a student environment that encourages creativity, entrepreneurship and the free exchange of ideas. During these exceptional times I would like to reassure you that there is still support available for you. Scheduled classes will be displayed on BREO as well as information on further reading you should undertake and electronic copies of the lecture slides. Further details on BREO are available later on in this guide. Your tutors will also have scheduled access times during this period of remote working as well. For students with additional support needs, please ensure you contact Student Support. I hope your time at the University is enjoyable. Welcome! Professor Rebecca Bunting Interim Vice Chancellor and Chief Executive

Click here to view the VC’s welcome video

JOINING THE UNIVERSITY What to do before you arrive: Apply for your student finance, if applicable, in good time as it can take 6 weeks for your application to be reviewed: Joining instructions will be sent to you by email, so you can pre-register online via e:Vision at: If you have a pre-existing disability, and would like to discuss how the University can support you in your studies contact: Find your reading list for your course at:

Complete your online registration: Upload a passport style photo Complete the three pre-registration stages online. If you cannot progress at any point, don’t worry, email for more instructions if you get stuck. Follow the next steps sent via email, regarding your tuition fee arrangements You should aim to complete your registration before teaching begins on Monday 8th June. If you have not registered by Friday 5th June, your start will be deferred. For help with any registration enquiries, email:

JOINING THE UNIVERSITY What to do once you are registered: • Complete your online induction, where you will be introduced to your lecturers and learn about the support services that are available to you • Confirm your tuition fee arrangements with our Finance Team if not completed at registration e: T: 01582 743993 • We will contact you with regards to getting your student ID card. You will need this to access the campus facilities once re-opened

• When we are able to meet in person, we will also need to see your original identification documents and evidence of previous qualifications • Log in to BREO to access learning materials for your course, including your class timetable: • Log in to change your password. Once you have done this you will be able to securely access your other accounts:


Our extensive, sector-leading, digital library is available on most devices with internet access. Explore the full range of print and online books, journals, articles, databases, exam papers and dissertations with DISCOVER – the online single search tool that searches most electronic resources and the library catalogue in one go. It saves time by showing what’s available to read online, what’s on the shelves and how to reserve items from another campus. Visit the learning resources website for information and support. You can also access resources from other University Libraries by joining the Sconul Scheme. Reading lists Each unit you study will have a reading list to guide you into reading for your course, to help understand concepts and theories that will be discussed in your lectures. This contains links to digital material such as eBooks, book chapters and journal articles that form part of the University Digital Library, as well as links to the library catalogue for print books. You'll find a link to the unit reading list on the BREO unit or you can search the readinglists site. Find more information on the Digital Library here.

ESSENTIAL SUPPORT FOR YOUR STUDIES Academic Tutors Your academic tutors will be able to support you with specific questions about your course and assessments. For this period of remote learning, all your course activities will be available on BREO. There is also a specific BREO unit for students that provides advice and guidance on the methods used to deliver your course online. Study Hub It is important to identify the key skills you need to develop to succeed in your studies, for example time management, research or writing skills. Once you have identified these, go to Study Hub Online where there are many self-help guides and activities to help you build these skills. Assessment deadlines Late submission of assessments are not accepted, however we appreciate that sometimes unforeseen situations outside of your control may prevent you from carrying out your academic work. We refer to this as mitigating circumstances. If you cannot submit an assessment on time, you must complete the form and submit supporting evidence before the deadline passes. Please review the criteria now, so you are prepared to act if needed. Applying for mitigating circumstances.

STUDENT IT SYSTEMS BREO You will be expected to log in to BREO daily to access learning materials for your course and information about assessments/exams. Watch the BREO navigation video for detailed guidance. MyBedsLife mobile app and portal Download the MyBedsLife mobile app or log in through a browser and easily access all the services and systems you need as a student. Learn how to install it and how to use it with our video guides. Outlook student email Once registered for your course, you will have a personal Outlook University email account. Log in here. e:Vision Log in here to register for your course each year, update your contact information with changes at any time and access your results transcript after your assessment and exam grades have been confirmed by the exam boards. The password is not linked to your other accounts.

Password reset Students are asked to set a secure password and security questions on joining the University. You will be asked to reset your password every 6 months and will be reminded to do so by email, if you don’t you will lose access to the systems. Note that all accounts are linked with one username and password, except for e:Vision.

STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Student Information Desk (SiD)


SiD advisers will be able to help you with any query you may have, or direct you to someone who can. You also have access to SiD online, our 24/7 support tool which enables you to log, view and update enquiries, and search our online database of Frequently Asked Questions.

If you have any queries about your tuition fee payments or processing of your Student Finance payments during your studies, you can get in touch with our finance team.


Telephone: 0300 300 0042

Email: Telephone: 01582 743993

STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES Our Student Support teams offer practical and confidential advice and support throughout your studies. Meet Jon our Student Services Operations Manager. Student engagement

Counselling service

The student engagement team can advise you on any academic, personal and health issues that may impact your studies. They are also able to advise you of services available in the local community.

If you are experiencing any problems of a personal or emotional nature that may be interfering with your academic work and personal life our counselling service can provide you with confidential support.



Disability support

Community and faith

Our disability support team can assist you if you are affected by a disability, a long-term medical condition, or a specific learning disability.

All students can access our confidential, personal and spiritual support - whether you are a person of faith or not.



STUDENT SUPPORT SERVICES An award-winning careers and employability service, meet the team. Student money advice Get confidential advice and support from experienced advisers who are able to give general advice on budgeting, and direct you to alternative sources of funding that may be available.

The University’s Careers and Employability Service provides you with professional, highquality information, advice and guidance including: • Specialist employability advisers


• Access to a wealth of careers information and resources online

Mental wellbeing

• Help with securing internships, part-time jobs and volunteering opportunities

Personal support is offered if you experience mental health difficulties during your studies.

• Employment-related events, competitions and careers fairs


• Coaching on CV writing, interview skills and assessment centres

STUDENT VOICE Your feedback is important to us, it helps us to understand what we do well and where we can improve. Academic Representatives are valuable individuals who get training organised through the Students' Union to help develop their skills. It is an important job and one which carries weight on a CV. You can put yourself forward as an Academic Rep if you want to: • give a voice to students on your course and in your faculty; • help to resolve course/faculty related issues; • work with course teams to make courses deliver the best student experience possible If you do not want to become an Academic Rep but still want to share your views, you can use the Digital Rep system to submit your praise, concerns or ideas online. Find out more at:

STUDENT VOICE Surveys The University of Bedfordshire values your opinions on your learning experience, so we undertake BUS surveys for each unit you study and national surveys such as the Postgraduate Experience Surveys (PTES and PRES) for views on your overall experiences. All survey results are anonymous so we encourage students to be open, honest and constructive. You should see the results of previous surveys in your BREO units and this is also where you find out how we have responded to your feedback, once the data has been collected and analysed. Tell Us Tell Us allows you to share positive feedback with us, or raise suggestions and concerns and get a direct response (providing you give us your contact details). You can use Tell Us to comment on the wider experiences and services that work for you and help you - or identify what we can do better. Visit Email: For more information on the Student Voice please visit

When you join the University of Bedfordshire, you also become a Member of Beds SU, your students’ union! We are here to help every student at the University of Bedfordshire get the most out of their university experience. We provide independent advice, campaign on issues that you care about, as well as providing lots of opportunities for you to meet new people, develop your skills, campaign for change and try something new.

Beds SU is led by four Student Officers who are elected annually by students.

Beds SU Welcome Video Beds SU Welcome Guide

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