Union Magazine Issue 4

Page 12


Preaching Christ: Comment, Caution, Counsel Sinclair Ferguson Preaching Christ is undoubtedly

the present day. That is but a fraction

preaching Christ also stress the

a subject that merits book-length

of books on preaching published in

importance of the blessed Trinity?’


this period. But to a contemporary eye

But that aside, in any discipline a

there is a surprising common feature

statistical ‘spike’ or ‘cluster’ of this

There is more in those last three

in the books I own published between

nature (e.g. a particular disease),

words than meets the eye, but to that

William Perkins’ Puritan classic, The

leads students of the discipline to

we will return momentarily.

Arte of Prophecying (English, 1606)

seek a specific cause for it.

and the two classics of the modern Our responsibility to ‘preach Christ’

era, D. M. Lloyd-Jones’ Preaching and

So, what explains this ‘cluster’

lies on the surface of the New

Preachers (1971) and J. R. W. Stott’s I

of interest and emphasis in

Testament. He is the heart of the

Believe in Preaching (1981, USA title


gospel (Rom. 1:1-6), although it

Between Two Worlds).

should always be remembered that

Perhaps in fifty years or so

he is not the whole of the gospel (it

The common feature? Only one of

someone will provide a magisterial

is ‘the gospel of God, 1 Thess. 2:8).

my hundred volumes has Preaching

analysis and interpretation. My own

Christ himself taught his apostles to

Christ as (or in) its title — a single

guess, for what it is worth, is that

preach him (Lk. 24:46) and to teach

address by the admirable American

part of the answer is found in one

others to do likewise (Matt. 28:18-

Episcopalian Bishop Charles P.

word: Hermeneutics. Its coming

20). Thus, from the Day of Pentecost

McIlvaine, a brilliant fellow-student

to prominence brought with it a

onwards, Jesus Christ was preached

and friend of Charles Hodge (and as

new interest in the (actually old,

(Acts 2:22-36; 3:11-26; 8:4-5 etc.). It

far as I know the only American ever

but much neglected) discipline of

is particularly clear that Paul saw this

to lie in state in Westminster Abbey!).

biblical theology.

1 Cor. 1:23; 2:1-2; 2 Cor. 1:19; 5:18-

More striking still, none of these books

I remember as a teenager reading

21; Gal. 3:1; Eph. 2:13; Phil. 1:15-18;

contains a chapter on preaching

that the ‘conference joke’ at the

Col. 1:28).

Christ – not C. H. Spurgeon (Lectures

first Keele Congress of Anglican

to My Students), not Dr. Martyn

evangelicals (1967) was that

In this context, however, we encounter

Lloyd-Jones, not Dr. John Stott. But

‘Hermeneutic’ was a German

a curiosity-arousing fact about book-

in more recently published books

professor of theology (Herr

length treatments of preaching which

it has become de rigueur to focus

Meneutic!). A discipline involved in

is worthy of comment:

on preaching Christ. It might not be

the interpretation of any literary field

too strong to say that any book on

was now being applied in a much

preaching that failed to do this would

more detailed and self-conscious

in many circles today be regarded as

technical manner to the reading of

profoundly inadequate.

the Bible.

hundred volumes large and small,

Now, it might be asked by way of

In turn this raised the profile of

dating from the Reformation period to

a tu quoque, ‘How many books on

biblical theology. Heretofore to most

as central to his task (Rom. 10:13-17;

Comment The ‘preaching section’ of my bookcases contains perhaps a


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