the lost hallmark of human understanding
The Great Library of Alexandria by Daniel t. Gomes
Ancient Egypt was home to several great marvels of its time, defying the splendorous constructions found in other Near-Eastern and Mesopotamian cultures. Out of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World, only the Great Pyramid of Giza has withstood the test of time. Magnificent temples in Karnak, Luxor and Abu Simbel continue to inspire awe despite their decay, while the tomb of Tutankhamun stands as a testament of pharaonic power and wealth.
22 ISSUE #12
Yet it was in Egypt’s twilight years that the city of Alexandria affirmed itself as a Mediterranean power. The Ptolemaic reign of Ancient Egypt undertook two innovative enterprises in Alexandria, the Lighthouse and the Great Library - one to light up the coast’s physical darkness, the other to light up the citizens’ intellectual darkness. While the Lighthouse was a renowned prowess of engineering, the Great Library was at one point the largest vault of human knowledge and the hallmark of Hellenistic