1 9 4 2 - 2 0 2 2 “Fear none of those things which thou shalt suffer but be thou faithful unto death And I will give thee A crown of life.”
Interment: Church of God Auditorium Church Cemetery Fowler Street, Nassau The Bahamas
Love was in the air and so was the love of welcoming a precious baby boy. On Saturday the 14th day of February, 1942, in the quiet settlement of Millers Long Island, a bouncing baby boy was born to the proud parents of Leroy and Caroline Miller. They named him Felix Forrester Norris Miller. Felix grew and was nurtured in the home of his loving, devoted parents. Felix received his early education at McKanns All -Age School to completion. Felix was very enthusiastic about working. He left Long Island at the tender age of 17 years and came to New Providence to seek employment. He began his employment at Allan Carey Grocery Store as a clerk and also in stores such as The Nassau Shop and The Island Shop. He loved meeting and interacting with people from all walks of life. Felix was also employed as the warehouse manager of Estee Lauder and Kentucky Fried Chicken. His final employment was at the National Office as Manager of the Convention Center until his retirement. In 1968, Felix met and married the love of his life Agnes Louise McPhee. This union produced one very beautiful daughter and two handsome sons. Agnes is a very loving, devoted, and dedicated wife. She ensured Felix was always well taken care of.
Felix was a very well- known man especially in the Kemp Road area, with a warm, loving, caring personality and a great spirit of humility. His love and his passion for life was expressed to all those he came in contact with. He was a devoted husband to his wife and a loving father to his children. He ensured that his family and home was well taken care of by providing and helping with the daily tasks of life. His family was always remember the giant of a man that he was, with a great legacy for the various vacation trips abroad and numerous family gatherings.
The Life of Bishop Felix F. Miller _____________ 1942-2022
On holidays, the many trips to the beach and doing whatever it took to raise his children in the fear and admonition of the Lord. He encouraged his children to always do the best that they can in whatever capacity they serve in and to always put God first in all things. Bishop Felix Miller joined the Church of God Auditorium, Fowler Street in September of 1959. At the age of seventeen he accepted the Lord Jesus Christ as his personal savior, under the pastorship of Bishop W.R. Franks. He then started his evangelistic ministry throughout New Providence and the United States. Bishop Felix Miller was a man who preached the gospel without ceasing. He was known to be “A Power House of Fire”. Many souls were saved and filled with the Holy Spirit during his evangelistic ministry. In 1966 Bishop Felix Miller received his Exhorter’s License and later in 1972 he was appointed as the National Evangelist of The Church of God in 1972 and served as District Overseer for South Andros from 1973 to 1975. Also, during the period of 1973 to 1976, Bishop Felix Miller held other positions such as Sunday School Superintendent, President of Family Training Hour, Member of the Pastor’s Council, Sunday School Teacher, and District Youth Director which he held Street and in 1986 he was appointed Pastor by the late 1975 to 1980. Bishop Felix Miller also served as second Vice President of The Bahamas Pentecostal Fellowship from 2000 to 2004.He served as the church’s clerk from 1980 and held this position for many years. In 1981 he was elected Assistant Pastor of the Church of God Auditorium, Fowler Street and in 1986, was appointed pastor by Bishop William Johnson. Bishop Felix Miller served as pastor until March of 2005 and was ordained as Bishop on June 25th, 2012. In 1991 and 1994, Bishop Felix Miller obtained his Bachelors and Masters Degrees in Theology respectively from the Caribbean Ministerial Academy.
On the 14th day of February 2022, Felix fell ill and was admitted to the Princess Margaret Hospital. On the 26th of February, Felix met his demise. His earthly tabernacle got tired and weary. He knew that he had a building that was made without hands, but eternal in the heavens. Felix heard the sound of trumpets echoing throughout the walls of the hospital. Felix rose up, his chains fell off and his heart was free. The Lord then said to Felix, “Come forth and receive your well deserved crown. You have fought a good fight, you have finished your course. Welcome Home My Son! Your Earthly Work is Done. “I have fought a good fight; I have finished my course. My earthly tabernacle has been dissolved. My Savior, My Lord, My Everlasting King, The bells of heaven will now sweetly ring, as the angels come down to gently take me to be with my Lord for all Eternity. “ The Life of Bishop Felix F. Miller _____________ 1942-2022
: : Agnes Louise Miller; : Natasha : Davon Miller and Valentino Miller (deceased); : Gabrielle and Davonya Miller; : Dion Johnson and Montgomery Lewis; : Gabrion Prophete, John Mackey 3rd, and Johnathan Mackey; : Leroy ‘Mikey’ Miller; : Gertrude ‘Trudy’ Williams and Prescola Rolle; : Dawyna and Donniqua Rolle, Shacara Woodside, Clarissa Laing, Alexis McPhee, Fiona (Andre) Wildgoose, Tamika (Hugo) Andrews, Keshelia Dixon, Kenva and Jennel McPhee, Patricia Hutcheson, Krishna (Zoltan) Johnson, Janice (Rex) Pratt, Carol Wilson, Verdell Ferguson, Gay, Lavern, and Marvelle Miller, Bettymae Musgrove, Sharon Turner, Linda Clarke and Cindy Godet : Delvaughn Woodside, Stephen (Jania) McPhee, Daniel McPhee, Nathaniel Flowers, Dwayne Rolle Jr., Kolya McPhee, Keno Clarke, Andrew Mcphee Jr., Pedric and Takeshno Dixon, Allen (Iricka) Dixon Jr., Lynden, Kevin Jr. , and Jackson McPhee, Jeremy (Gardina) Laing, Jermaine Laing, Urie and Rayshon McPhee, Andre (Gillian) Moss, Darrow (Olivia) Rolle, Elvis, Kent, Reno, Kevin, and Neil Miller, Dwight Russell and Ashley Williams. : Randolph (Sharon) McPhee, Kevin McPhee, Andrew (Bridgette) McPhee, Stephen (Emmerita) McPhee, Neville McPhee, Clinton Williams, and Rev. Heuter Rolle, : Deborah (Allen) Dixon, Sharlene McPhee, Ladonna (Dwayne) Rolle, Karen McPhee-Laing, and Theresa Miller : Brenda Miller, : Louise Adderley, Rudolph Minnis and Stanley Adderley Sherry Fox, Angela Archer, Lillian Smith, Agnes Rolle, Joseph Thompson, Delores Ingraham, Drexel Miller, Nicole Campbell, Ilene Sweeting, Janet Dickerson, Roslyn Sumner, Linda McDonald, Thelma Major, Michael Major, Beverley Taylor, Gwendolyn Pinder, Sylvia Moree, Burnetta Simms, Myrton King, Prudence Morris, Sharon Wrinkle, James, John, Brenville, Floyd, Daniel and Lynden Miller, Patsy and Iverina Miller, Debra Wallace, Helena Curry, Randolph, Kenneth and Carl Miller, Isabelle, Catherine, Preslene, Lynton, Sandra Cunningham, Abdule and Kirkland Miller and Bishop Quan Miller : Eddie Miller, Duke Smith, Rowena Cooper and family, the entire settlement of Millers. Miller;
: Bishop Moses and Cynthia Johnson and Family, Bishop Victor and Jackie Johnson and Family, Bishop Durant and Keva Smith and Family, Bishop Carlton and Jenesita Stuart and Family, Bishop Revy Francis and Family, The Nairn and Butler Family, The Church Of God Auditorium Family, The National Church of God Family, Phyllis Sullivan, Prophetess Jenniemae Humes and Family, Phyllis Kelly and Family, Patricia Miller, Elenor Knowles and Family, Natalie Barton and Family, Joseph McPhee, Angela McPhee, and the entire staff of Asa H. Pritchard Ltd Family and Bethel Brothers Morticians.
The Life of Bishop Felix F. Miller _____________ 1942-2022
Eastern District Overseer
Senior Pastor Praise Team
Eastern District Overseer
Some glad morning we shall see, Jesus in the air Coming after you and me, joy is ours to share What rejoicing there will be, when the saints shall rise Headed for that jubilee, yonder in the skies
Chorus: Oh what singing, oh what shouting
Seems that now I almost see, all the sainted dead
When with all the heavenly host, we begin to sing, Singing in the Holy Ghost, how the heavens will ring, Millions there will join the song, with them we shall be, Praising Christ through ages long, Heaven’s Jubilee.
Rising for that jubilee, that is just ahead In the twinkling of an eye, changed with them to be All the living saints to fly, to that jubilee.
On that happy morning when we all shall rise Oh what glory, Hallelujah When we meet our blessed Savior in the skies
Grand Daughter
Friend Brother-In-Law
Some glad morning, when this life is over, I’ll fly away To a home on God’s celestial shore, I’ll fly away
Just a few more weary days and then, I‘ll fly away To a land where oy shall never end, I’ll fly way Chorus: I’ll fly away, oh Glory I’ll fly away When I die, hallelujah, by and by I’ll fly away
Nephew Niece Grand Daughter
National Overseer
National Overseer
There was a time I travelled A lonely sinful road Beneath a heavy burden bending low But now all things are different For Jesus took my load It’s alright now I’m His I know A-down a lonely pathway Without a friend to guide I walked in sin a sorrow all alone ‘Til Jesus came and found me And drew me to his side It’s alright now for I’m His own
Chorus: It’s alright now for I am in my Saviors care. It’s alright now my Savior hears and answers prayers He’ll walk beside me ‘til I climb the heavenly stair And everything is alright now
No more in sin I wander No more in darkness roam The Lord has placed my feet on higher ground Each day new heights I’m gaining My soul is nearing home It’s alright now I’m heaven bound.
The Life of Bishop Felix F. Miller _____________ 1942-2022
There will be a happy meeting in Heaven, I know When we see the many loved ones we’ve known here below Gathered on that blessed hilltop wit hearts all aglow That will be a glad reunion day Chorus: A glad day, a wonderful day, A glad day, a glorious day. There with all the holy angels and loved ones to stay That will be a glad reunion day When we live a million years in that wonderful place, Basking in the love of Jesus, beholding His Face. It will seem but just a moment of praising His grace. That will be a glad reunion day.
There’s a line that is drawn through the ages On that line stands an old rugged dross On that cross a battle is raging To gain a man's soul or it’s loss
Chorus: It is finished, the battle is over
On one side marks the forces of evil All the demons and all the devils of hell On the other the angels of glory And they meet on Golgotha’s hill
The earth shakes with the force of the conflict And the sun refuses to shine For there hangs God’s Son in the balance And then through the darkness He cries
Yet in my heart, the battle was raging Not all prisoners of war had come home These are battlefields of my own making I didn’t know that the war had been won
Then I heard the King of the ages Had fought all the battles for me And that victory was mine for the claiming And now praise his name. I am free
It is finished, there’ll be no more war It is finished, the end of the conflict It is finished, and Jesus is Lord.
The Life of Bishop Felix F. Miller _____________ 1942-2022
When peace like a river, attendeth my way When sorrow like sea billows roll Whatever my lot, thou hast taught me to say It is well, it is well with my soul
Though Satan should buffet though trials should come
My sin, oh the bliss of this glorious thought My sin, not in part, but the whole Is nailed to the cross, and I bear it no more Praise the Lord, praise the Lord, O my soul
Let the blest assurance control That Christ has regarded my helpless estate
And hath shed his own blood for my soul
It is well (it is well) With my soul ( with my soul) It is well, It is well, with my soul
And Lord haste the day when my faith shall be sight
The clouds be rolled back as a scroll The trump shall resound and the Lord shall descend Even so, it is well with my soul
There’s a city of light Where there cometh no night ‘Tis a city of beauty untold; All my treasures are there And it’s beauty I’ll share; When I get to that City of Gold
There’s no sorrow up there In that city so fair And no sickness can enter I’m told; Shadows all would have flown, I will meet friends I've know When we get to that City of Gold
Won’t you go there with me To the home of the free, Would you see heaven's beauty unfold; If you will, come along We will sing heaven’s song When I get to that City of Gold
No tears in heaven, no sorrows given, All will be glory in that land; There’ll be no sadness, all will be gladness, When we shall join that happy band
Glory is waiting, waiting up yonder, Where we shall spend an endless day There with our Savior, we’ll be forever, Where no more sorrow can dismay.
Some morning yonder, we’ll cease to ponder Over things this life has brought to view; All will be clearer, loved ones be dearer, In heaven where all will be made new.
When I leave all trouble and care, I will say good morning up there; I will have great gladness untold, When I get to that City of Gold
No tears, in heaven fair, No tears up there, Sorrow and pain would all have flown; No tears in heaven will be known
The Life of Bishop Felix F. Miller _____________ 1942-2022
“But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work of an Evangelist, make full proof of thy ministry. For I am now ready to be offered and the time of my departure is at hand. I have fought a good fight. I have kept the faith. Hence forth there is laid up for me a crown of righteousness which the Lord, the righteous judge, shall give me on that day and not to me only but unto all them also that love His appearing.”
Darling As the sun rises in the East and sets in the West, my thoughts are always of you. You were an incredible man; a man of excellence and greatness who loved the Lord and your family. You always made sure that we were well taken care of but God was always first in all things. I will miss the happy times that we shared together with our children and grandchildren. Your beautiful, warm smile and laughter will warm my heart forever. When it came to the work of the Lord, you labored with all of your might. You let everyone know that the wages of sin is death but God’s free gift is everlasting life. Many souls were won for the Kingdom of God. You have fought a good fight; your work on earth is finished. Jesus said, “ My son come home. I have a crown of life for you that will never fade away. Enter into the joy of your Lord.” Felix, I love you with all of my heart. I will miss you and your beautiful, gray eyes. My darling husband sleep and take your rest. I love you so much but King Jesus loves you the best.
To My Beloved Father, My Awesome daddy! My Hero! The joy of my life! No man on earth can ever compare to you. You always called me ‘Your Precious Daughter’. Nothing on earth that I wanted you ever denied giving to me. Your baby girl was always the light of your life. I will never forget all the times we shared together, just you and me, all alone, every day. The years that flew by will always be kept as my precious memories. The laughter, the tears, the discipline, and respect you showed made me the strong, confident woman that I am today. Daddy, I love you more than life itself. My heart is truly broken now that you are gone, but I know you are in heaven with your Savior and King. It was truly a joy and a sacrifice taking care of you. It was not always easy but God knows I did my best. Daddy, you will always be the best man in my life. I will miss your smile, your beautiful gray eyes and your ever loving presence in my life. I will never forget you or the love you gave to me. I love you daddy. You’ve earned your rest. I wish you were still here but God knows best.
Daddy you are the best father in the entire world, no man on earth can compare to you. Words can't express the many things you have done for me and the love you have shown me. You were always there for me through thick and thin, I will never forget the love and devotion you gave me and our family. You were not only a father to me but all the other young boys in Kemp Road where I grew up. Daddy I love you and I will always miss you, You are the greatest evangelist that God has ever chosen. My loving, dedicated, devoted father I will never forget you or the legacy you left behind for me to follow. Sleep well and I will see you in heaven some day.
As a child you promised none of life’s dangers would bring me any harm. Daddy, nothing was too good for your GABRIELLE. I wasn’t just your grand daughter; I was your little girl. We shared a bond that could not be broken. And now that you are gone my heart will forever be broken. My love for you still remains. As silent tears flow. I still call out your name. God saw that you were tired so he took you home to be with him. Sleep now daddy, you’ve earned your rest. I love you but Jesus loves you the best.
My Brother Today I celebrate your life, but I do so with mixed emotions. I know that you are in a better place, and the greatest thing is, with the Lord. As you are absent from this body, I know without a doubt that you are indeed present with Him. All these things bring peace, but undoubtedly so, a void has been left in our family. My entire life, I have known you to be a devout Christian, always allowing your light to shine, while preaching the Gospel to advance the Kingdom of God. All your church’s achievements you ensured that I was made aware and in attendance. Your last major accomplishment we celebrated together; you were consecrated as a Bishop. What a proud moment for me to see you being robed. I can recall that moment and the smile on your face that night. You were also an immaculate dresser, one would say “sharp as a thumbtack.” “Thank you” is the sentiment I have as I think back over our relationship. I never overlooked an opportunity to let you know for grateful I was to you. You were always there and when needed and made yourself available for my family. Thank you for being a brother to my husband as if he were your own. He was most certainly your “Bren.” Thank you for being a loving big brother to me, and caring uncle to my children. You truly represented the Miller name well. With living near each other, you became Krishna and Darrow’s driver from Temple Christian School many evenings and took joy in doing so. As my husband and I worked to build our business, you were a source of constant support, ensuring that my children were secured. There were days when I would be deeply engaged in a work task and would not want to break for school pickup. I would call you and you would say “ok sis.” I learnt after high school graduation, that you were Darrow’s first driving instructor. You would sit him in your lap and allow him to drive your car home through our corner. You and Krishna developed a special bond that was based on her satisfying your sweet tooth. Many weeks, calls were made, asking to speak to your “Sticks and Bones’ for her to bake you a cheesecake. You both shared a special bond that was tied to love of the kitchen. Both Krishna and Darrow have many stories they can recall and will cherish of their time spent with you and impact in their lives as they grew up. The most memorable memory was your response when you forgot to pick up Darrow, and how you laughed. They loved to see you laugh and will miss that that most. I will miss visiting you at home. During my last visit to see you in hospital, we assured each other that all was well, although you were not able to respond. I knew that the end was near. It hurt deeply as I said my “goodbye” for the final time and I left with a heavy heart. The following day, you transitioned. I can only imagine the reunion with your Miller Clan. We will always remember that special smile, that caring heart, that warm embrace, you always gave us. You have fought a good fight, you have finished your race, you have remained faithful, and now your prize awaits you. I will always cherish the memories. Take your well-deserved rest my brother.
Prescola Your Sister, Prescola Rolle
Rolle, Sister
The Life of Bishop Felix F. Miller _____________ 1942-2022
We, the family of the late BISHOP FELIX FORRESTER MILLER would like to extend our deepest and sincerest gratitude to all the individuals who provided us with many expressions of love, kindness, support, and prayers that comforted us in this our time of bereavement . May God continue to bless, guide and keep each and every one of you. -THE MILLER FAMILY
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