Unit C_2107- Graduate Show Book

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unit would approach design through the lens of thinking and research, employing narrative inquiry. This studio would seek a re-thinking of Architectural Narratives (Arch Representation & Design Process) that challenges existing utilitarianism of buildings, while also broadening conversations about imagination and design. In today’s context of crises, on both the micro and macro levels, our design project for the semester of 2021/

July-November focused on the development

of narrative design through ‘thinking and research’ in the studies of Bandar Meru, Klang’s town identity and community. Based on the site studies, the following themes were proposed:


unit c

School of Architecture and Built Environment, UCSI University studio tutors | Aainaa Suhardi, Ar. Norizan Daud, Ar. Hisham Saihari, Ashran Bahari & Taufiq Nazarudin



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manifesto introduction project 01 project 02 project 03 appendix


crisis & liminality

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This year, the focus of the studio would look at Liminality as being the transition or threshold of Community, Climate, City + Crisis in using design thinking & research to re-think the typology of architecture in response to the current Crises such as Covid-19 in specific, as well as other existing themes we face today. The site context also looks at the area of Meru, Klang where the liminality of urbanisation/ sprawl looks at the transition of urban & rural.

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neue-aesthetics, urban morphology, anthropological, and ruralism.


4 proposed themes A- Neue aesthetic refers to a new aesthetic that communicates with targeted community and puts feelings before function. Architects build a special connection which enables them to fully understand the existing and future issues revolving the city and community. B- Urban morphology refers to the study of urban form that focuses on the formation and transformation of cities, towns, and villages over time; their spatial patterns at various scales; and physical characteristics to inform appropriate urban interventions to promote sustainable urban development. C- Anthropology shows interest in learning about the cultural aspects of human societies is referred to as anthropology, and the focus of research is on the social and political organisations of a town. D- Ruralism refers to fields or lands or their tenure, agrarian landscapes, and an agrarian way of life that is more organised or designed to promote agricultural interests, more of an advocacy of rural life instead of urbanism or city living.


proposed site meru, klang The manufacturing workers’ neighbourhood in Meru, Klang, was one of the afflicted clusters that led to the rising number of Covid-19 cases in our country. There was an outbreak among the workers at one of the factory complexes in Meru, Klang, during November and December 2020. During the outbreak, about 6,500 workers tested positive. In May 2021, factories and construction sites jointly contributed about 60% of the total number of infections. The failure of factories to provide workers with housing was revealed in the news as the cause of the rising number of instances. They did not fulfil the Malaysian Labor Department’s minimal housing and amenity standards. Even before the crisis’s strike, the factory workers’ living conditions in assigned lodgings were not being effectively addressed, due to the building’s architectural design. Within Meru’s urban fabric, there are three distinct configurations: Setia Alam’s developed area, Pekan Meru’s rural area, and Meru’s industrial zone. These districts are also divided into two municipalities: Majlis Perbandaran Klang and Majlis Bandaraya Shah Alam, which explains why local planning agencies and private investors aren’t working together. The current situation of these places is defined by the dispersed operations of agricultural and small-to-medium enterprises (SMEs) as a result of this bad spatial planning. The expansion into Pekan Meru has resulted in a hybrid of urban and rural development. The dispersion of urban activities and intensifications has resulted in a new type of sprawl that lacks centralised infrastructures and territorial rationalisation, posing infrastructure issues such as solid waste management and urban-rural drainage. At the same time, increasing population through immigration from outside Malaysia and internal movement exacerbates the sprawl problem. Without strategic planning, the urbanisation process will spiral out of control. The study sites included in the study; (A) The study area located in the northern part of Pekan Meru surrounded with public institutions and amenities. (B) The rural-urban area located in the central part of the main road of Jalan Meru with existing residential areas. (C) The rural-urban site along Jalan Meru and is also located in between the industrial zone of Meru. The major challenges of these sites are the intervening urbanism in rural areas which produces a sense of social disconnection and cultural dissociation among the communities.



project 01 The phenomena of urban sprawl can be understood in relation to the division of town and country. It is characterised by low-density development and decentralisation and differs from the typical spatial organisation of a city. However, the town of Meru, Klang challenges the traditional concept of town and country, as well as that of the urban sprawl. Within this urban fabric, there lies three different configurations: the developed area of Setia Alam, the rural area of Pekan Meru and Meru industrial park. The sprawl into the rural areas has created a form of development that is neither urban nor rural. It is the liminality of the area. Liminality is defined as a point of transition or a juncture between Community, Climate and City (+ Crises). The design project aims to answer to current crises such as Covid-19 in particular, as well as other existing themes we face today, via design thinking and research to re-think the typology of architecture. The site context of Meru, Klang portrays the liminality of the urbanisation and the transition of urban & rural.


Defining Liminality | Site Analysis & Site Reaction Addressing the existing crises or issues of the urban and rural areas.




new realm of rejuvenating Meru, Klang is home to hundreds of industrial complex which have a significant bearing on the Malaysia’s economy. The occurrence of development and industrialization are transforming Meru into a place where provides different job opportunities and it successfully attracts settlers from other countries or states to explore their occasion. However, due to the phenomenon of urban sprawl, Meru is rapidly losing its own identity by resulting in negative consequences such as environmental pollution, poorly planned and vulnerable social structure. Aggravatedly, Covid-19 pandemic erupts, the internal condition of those factories especially Top Glove is exposed. There are many entrenched issues affect its community well-being including migrant worker issues, health and safety issues connected to Covid-19. Additionally, the relationship between locals and migrants are becoming even worse and the misapprehension cause fragility or a ticking bomb which will make Meru getting into a real state. Indeed, a strategic urban planning for Meru is a paramount issue now in order to recover and redefine its identity. New Realm of Rejuvenating is the creation of vigorous 15-minutes urban space, elucidating in three keywords which are adaptability, community and intervene. This proposal is aimed to shape an integrated community among locals and migrants by blurring their boundaries and vanishing the estrangement which caused by contradiction and community tension. Definitely, adaptive approach for this post-pandemic era is deliberated; proposing urban farming for emergency supply as well as quarantine facilities and temporary shelter are able to be set up at the transformable space in the 15-minutes circle. To build a comfortable environment of 15-minutes urban space, greeneries are proposed to be installed around the site and conceivably this idea could create an awareness to the community for conserving Meru’s environment. As a means to build an inclusive community, a community plaza is proposed at the centre of Meru, it plays a role as a cultural melting pot by merging and creating new opportunities to mould a youthfully cohesive community in future. Yet, because of Meru’s development background, the town is now formed by not only locals from other states and also migrants from different countries. In order to tackle segregation among them, Meru Community Plaza is brought forward to offer the possibility to have effective community interaction. The plaza is promoting dialog for sharing their own experience, cultures and ability to hold community conversation. Besides, the art and craft market is a part of the plaza which will provide a platform for the Meru local artisans to bolster and bridge themselves to the young generation. Aside from that, the plaza location is strategically situated at the center of Meru Town and 5-minutes walking distance from two primary schools, SK Sungai Binjai and SJK(c) Tiong Hua. It is also in a way to educate the teenagers to understand and learn other’s way of life, typically migrant community background. Undeniably, the plaza space and programs like traditional games would foster young generation to be inclusive and empathetic. Tan Yong Quan, Unit C 2021



meru 3/10mi. street

Meru 3/10mi. Street. The name 3/10miles came from the actual street length ( 500meters ). A street proposal that aims to resurrect the place of Meru. With interactive spaces that could provide benefits to the people. A street that is designed to overcome the current pandemic situation while giving a sustainable action for post-pandemic. A street that must pass by to and fro in Meru, where people might stop by and visit. Not only for advertising or business purposes, but we also hope this street can be set as the landmark, where people remember this in Meru. This proposal introduces the concept of Link and Place; it illustrates the range of street functions and greater consideration of the needs of people. Design solutions are influenced by user needs and helped to determine the appropriate street space and capacity to be allocated to different street user groups. Previously the road was without any pedestrian pathways besides and also insufficient of infrastructure. Along this road street, says the word ‘’common’’ to define it. Where the contexts beside are visually impacted from the industrial areas to residential areas. It shows a gap between, whereas the road street became the partition. Aim to resolve the impacts between residential areas and industrials areas. How can both spaces be well blended into the whole context? And how can the places be modified into interactive spaces? Making this street become a part of a significant landmark in Meru, a place where brings attraction and joy. During the pandemic situation, everyone is having a hard time, especially for those low-income groups, suffering economic issues. These proposed urban spaces would provide them to do small businesses to cover their living costs. Or people with the ability could also set up a food bank to help more. Online platform services such as food delivery, groceries delivery to be encouraged for both parties too. For post-pandemic, the street business is still operating but with more active engagement. This street will be marked as Meru’s significant place. Festivals, events or celebrations will be held here. A lively place where gather most of the residents and attracts tourists to visit. Christopher Phang Min Kiat, Unit C 2021



zones with zones

The overall design proposal derived by identifying the existing intersection lanes at the centre point of Pekan Meru, which is being speculated into a border that somehow divides and isolates the town into four segments. While speculating about the urban fabric, the issue of pandemic and the insufficient public spaces are being brought up in order to navigate the best proposal possible for the community of Meru. That being said, by moving towards a smaller scale, one of the four segments is chosen to further explore and develop into details. Where from the segment, zones are selected within by identifying and using the existing pocket spaces between houses and buildings. Moving forward, each zone is designed or proposed with two specific purposes, where the first one is designed so that the space is made ready or possible to be used as a Covid check point or even foodbanks, the reason for this purpose is to help counter and prevent clusters to happen on one point. On another hand, the second purpose is to provide a space based on the surrounding context of the zone. By starting from the first zone, it is proposed to be a public street located above a exiting river creek, the reason for it to be above the creek is due to the fact that there is no visible appreciation and advantage done towards it, therefore, by taking advantage to create a street where the community could gather and appreciate the existence of the creek. Moving towards the second zone, due to it being surrounded by public schools, a common area is proposed to provide a space where the students could gather, along by providing concrete panels around the parameter to allow the community to put their artistic minds to decorate it with their creativity. Other than that, for the third zone, it is slightly different compared to other spaces proposed. The space uses an unoccupied warehouse along with an outdoor garden to create a space which allows events to take place with an indoor and outdoor experience. Last but not least, the fourth proposal is located at the far end of the segment, which is towards a residential area. And by that, a linear park is proposed along with small market spaces to allow families around the neighbourhood to hang around the park.

Tan Ming Tiek, Unit C 2021



students Lim Kai Xuan

Dora Amelia Tanjung

Htoo Lin Htike

Kishanraaj A/L Ganesan

Annauth Roshan Roy

Cindy Collins

Adam Ng Cen Yee


Jayson Louis

Lee Jian Zong

Dea Tanneysa Aileen

Lai Hui Ling

Lean Soong En


Nif’aa Mohamed Nazeef

Lim Jiang Wei

Fong Li Theng

Meral Ahmed Gad

Ong Khai Zhen

Wong Tze Wern


Wong Qin Yi

Zharif Ramli

Eunice Tan Kai Yi

Tam Zi Syn

Tee Yi Qi

Tan Wei Zhe


project 02 The phenomena of urban sprawl can be understood in relation to the division of town and country. It is characterised by low-density development and decentralisation and differs from the typical spatial organisation of a city. However, the town of Meru, Klang challenges the traditional concept of town and country, as well as that of the urban sprawl. Within this urban fabric, there lies three different configurations: the developed area of Setia Alam, the rural area of Pekan Meru and Meru industrial park. The sprawl into the rural areas has created a form of development that is neither urban nor rural. It is the liminality of the area. Liminality is defined as a point of transition or a juncture between Community, Climate and City (+ Crises). The design project aims to answer to current crises such as Covid-19 in particular, as well as other existing themes we face today, via design thinking and research to re-think the typology of architecture. The site context of Meru, Klang portrays the liminality of the urbanisation and the transition of urban & rural.


Rationalising The Neue Norms | Context, Crises, Community & Concepts Manifesting an individual or a collective urban-rural programme in response to the Covid-19 crisis and other crises.




confronting biophilia as an urban construct Not many towns can claim to have endured so much within a hundred years. Growing from a somnolent village of Javanese settlers to a ruban area with concrete jungles and then suffered the gradual deterioration of its prosperity during the post-pandemic. WHAT IF Meru town was given a chance? WHAT sort of society would we want to be, and how does the approach of ‘ New Urban Construct’, help recalibrate Meru into a resilient dreamland? The project seeks to establish biophilic urbanism that could have gone to great lengths and morphed Meru

into the haphazard greening of production green land, and building roofs, in the name of bringing people closer to nature.The cycle emerges from an understanding of the needs of a community, where a platform or a medium of expression for the people, where they could work together to carve out their own space using locally available resources. It somehow provides a canvas encouraging the communities to come together to overcome the traumas of distress due to the pandemic, where survival becomes the primary factor.

Lean Soong En, Unit C 2021



rural - functionalization - urban system Meru Town of Klang facing the issue of agricultural decline due to the rapid urban growth and industrial development taking over the places of rural areas which has impacted rural communities’ livelihoods and their job opportunities. Thus, the design statement of the proposal is to revitalise the community’s rural living circumstances with social, economic, and ecological consequences, eventually promote the local agriculture by educate city folks and rural youth the ecological values and to engage them in eco-agricultural chains, from nurturing crops, to marketing products, to achieve the revitalizing of rural towns and communities. From the above design statement, design intention is to demand a new way of rural agriculture system by providing multifunctional landscapes including ecological engagement, participatory education, farming experience and agricultural sightseeing, progressively become production resources in the rural areas and turn these resources into landscape products that can

be consumed, to stimulating the declining rural economy through transforming the existing rural industry into rural-urban system as a place-making of farming and living that provides the strategies and multiple functions from the participatory agricultural humanities and multifunctional approach, thereby becoming a functional part of the urban-rural system and a farming and living place at Meru. that called the ‘Rural Functionalization ‘. Thus, overall the design concept is from a rural life slowly integrated with some rural advanced approaches and urban culture that offer the local people and community leading and living in a future rural life simultaneously build a rural prosperous and sustainable future for all. The proposal planned in an open and flexible way to achieve multifunctional agriculture land use, thereby stipulating future rural-urban life.

Tam Zi Syn, Unit C 2021



new ruralism in meru - reconnecting by agrihood Based on the literature review study, New Ruralism framework is a potential tool for forging beneficial bonds between urban and rural locales. In past, Meru is a town that rich of agricultural activities and agricultural areas. However, due to occupation of factories and unauthorized development in agricultural areas. Hence, this have caused the problem of diminishing of agriculture area and neglect of Agricultural Sector and Workers which also caused the problem of Agricultural Workforce Crisis. From the literature that study, it mentioned that New Ruralism is a framework for creating a bridge between Sustainable Agriculture and New Urbanism. Hence, in the poster that produced we can clearly see a linking bridge at the middle of the poster that linked between urban and rural in Meru. Besides, at the two side of bridge at the poster we can clearly see two current trends which is smart growth and sustainable agriculture in order to demonstrate the information gather from the literature review which is New Ruralism combines two current trends: smart growth (organizing cities around compact neighborhoods) and sustainable agriculture (cultivating food in a way that promotes environ-

mental health and socio-economic equality). In conclude, the illustration is produced in order to demonstrate idea of ruralism and urbanism are interlinked and yet distinct from each other and New Ruralism Frameworks as a potential tool for forging beneficial bonds between urban and rural locales in Meru. Furthermore, the model produced is demonstrate the same idea with the poster. The top of the model indicates the urban area while the bottom of the model indicates the rural area. Between the urban and rural, there demonstrate the aim and objective of Agrihood and it show how Agrihood help in connect the urban and rural locals. In short, the model is made in order to show how agriculture is forging beneficial bonds between urban and rural locales and demonstrates the aim and objectives of Agrihood in order to prevent forget about the main intention of Agrihood.

Tee Yi Qi, Unit C 2021




Tan Yong Quan

Eunice Tan Kai Yi

Tan Wei Zhe

Wan Nur Amirul Hakim

Lim Kai Xuan


Lee Jian Zong

Fong Li Theng

Meral Ahmed Gad

Nif’aa Mohamed Nazeef

Wong Tze Wern

Ong Khai Zhen


Lai Hui Ling

Lim Jiang Wei

Tan Ming Tiek

Dea Tanneysa Aileen

Dora Amelia Tanjung


Jayson Louis

Htoo Lin Htike

Christopher Phang Min Kiat

Wong Qin Yi

Adam Ng Cen Yee

Annauth Roshan Roy


project 03 Cities are often hotspots of Covid-19 infections due to their high population density and economic activity. As a result, designers are struggling to investigate the dynamics of the pandemic in urban areas to comprehend the effects of Covid-19 on existing crises of the cities. Designers are harnessing ideas for design solutions and proposals of post-Covid urban planning and design. The crisis is helping to pave the path for future cities that will be more resilient to future pandemics.


Resilient Design for Crises | Proposing innovative and adaptive design strategies, both urban and architectural scales.




re-home The theme that was chosen for this semester is Urban

to the community, and by proposing recreational spaces

Morphology. The literature review that was looked into that

such as jogging and cycling route to encourage community

is name “Vibrant City In The City Of Kanpur” consist of a few


concepts that are used in my project that could solve the

The neighbourhood scale project that is proposed can be

issues of the town of Meru, which includes Sakriya, a model

implemented in any other sites within Meru that could help

for achieving social equality by planning citizen first city

battle the existing problems that are presented in Meru. The

governance. Swasth, by creating a low impact carbon neutral

project is designed by phase strategy, and with each phase

model for a healthy environment. Sampan, an economic en-

consisting of at least 2 typologies, the project provides a

gine providing pro business environment and lastly, Sachal, a

mixed use area that could accomodate to many user group

walkable well connected mixed use area visible to the public.

that includes tourist, urban and rural community and migrant workers.

The town of Meru which recides in Klang consist of urban, rural and mostly industrial sectors. The presented problem statements that exist in the town of Meru includes economical inequility due to different social classes, lost of cultural identity, improper garbage disposal, and lack of public spaces and recreational space and informal settlements that are caused by generational growth. The proposal that is intended are to propose a neighbourhood scale sustainable township that utilises bioenergy that could provide electriity to the site and produce gas that could be then made into profit

Adam Ng Cen Yee, Unit C 2021





4 Exterior Perspective 5. Interior Perspective


Adam Ng Cen Yee, Unit C 2021


an immigrant story The project proposed is a community center and immigrant housing in Meru, Klang. The site is set within a factory zone and therefore the aesthetic of the project takes on a Bauhaus industrial design. The proposed programs are set with the neighborhood context of Meru in mind, The project tries to bridge the gap between the local and the immigrants by providing activities that would attract the locals and the immigrants, such as an open marketplace and different social gathering areas and provide a comfortable space for them to interact. The housing is set in mind to offer the immigrants better living prospects far from the cramped sardine can like studios where more than 8 people reside. The project takes a biophilic approach letting natural light and ventilation create a sustainable design with green areas placed throughout to enrich the spaces. The views from the building are focused inwards toward the courtyard and reflection pool, with limited views on the outside. This was done to promote privacy and with factories all around limit unwanted eyed inside.

Annauth Roshan Roy, Unit C 2021






1. Inner Courtyard View 2. Bridge View 3. Open Area 4. Open Cafe 5. Drop Off Area


Annauth Roshan Roy, Unit C 2021


artisan meru farmers Meru, a town in the Klang district of Selangor, has faced a lot

on heritage crops, which for this project is coffee.

of challenges due to the urban sprawl which inflicted on the issues of social segregations and caused quite a contrast in

The proposed project introduces the production and distribu-

community’s lifestyles. As the pandemic started to spread in

tion of local coffee as well as the craftmanship from the ba-

the town, it escalated the problem thus increasing the diffi-

nana leaves. The project’s programmes are divided into three

culty in balancing the community’s life and need. Denoting in

main sections in circular form, two of them are used as work-

ruralism in agriculture, this project aims to provide a space for

shops and one is used as an artisan market which is located

interaction and job opportunities that is able to sustain and be

at the centre, act as focal point for both farmers and consum-

resilient to the social crisis even during the pandemic.

ers. The building itself is surrounded by the agriculture crops and collection posts are located at the centre surrounding the

In consideration of the site context, the project approaches it

market. The entrance is divided into two area, one for vehicle

by taking advantage of the site location which is surrounded

and another for pedestrian walkway. As to strengthen and

by trees and existing community’s houses. The project made

embrace the community’s social life, the pedestrian walkway

use of the roads as pedestrian link to connect between the

is designed linking from community living area to the main

main street and existing residential area. Moreover, the local

proposed programmes. By introducing artisan community,

banana trees on site will be used to provide shade to the

this project hope to strengthen the identity of town and able

proposed crops and proposed programme.

to thrive in managing their life.

Targeting for local farmers and workers, the project Meru Artisan’s Farmers is a proposal for an artisanal community hub fostering local agriculture and craftmanship as their identity and source of living. It is not only built stronger identity to the community, but also introduced economic community based

Cindy Collins, Unit C 2021






1. Homestay 2. Farm Resting Area 3. Drying and Depuying Area 4. Artisan Market 5. Artisan Market


Cindy Collins, Unit C 2021


ruralism in living factory The ideology of the building design is based on the issue and

to give a comfortable life for the workers and increasing the

problems that happened on the site, which is Meru, Klang.

job opportunities, also to give an image of “eco-friendly” or

Start from the issues there, the covid-19 cases in Meru was

“green-living” design.

spreading badly and it affected most of the people who lived there especially most of the foreign workers who were work-

At the end, the design is to tell about an industrial factory

ing in the factories. Because of the pandemic, many people

where it producing food product and materials based on

have lost their job and also many of the workers still don’t

banana (banana tree was founded a lot in Meru). Where the

have proper accommodation to live in. Not to forget it was

buildings are built in sequence, from the farming area (ag-

caused by the lack of health protocol, poor living condition

riculture) then next to the collecting and cultivating the raw

and not only that the pollution that caused by the factories.

product which is on the last building. And then after all the

Because of this, it is affecting Meru and life of the people in

basic steps done, the food production and materials will be


1 done in the second building and lastly it will be distribute or

sell in the first building which is the public zone. Lastly the last From those issues, a strong idea came out which is

building would be the accommodation for the workers with a

industrialization led to urbanization by creating economic

proper design and interactive space. Overall the design itself

growth and job opportunities where it will required educated

will be surrounded with nature and mostly using natural ven-

workface and pleasant living conditions in order to attract

tilation and natural lighting. With landscape and market park

public workers. On the other hand, the definition of the Meru

as the entrance area to make people feel walking in nature

is exactly as “concentrations of many people located close

and experience the industrial context but at the same time

together for residential and productive purposes”. It is strong

green environment. That is how the interpretation of ruralism

enough to generate an idea of how to build a factory that

that is happening in a working factory at the same time.

will benefit human and environment and at the same time

Dea Tanneysa Aileen, Unit C 2021






1. Exploded Axonometric 2. Living Room in Dormitory 3. Interior Banana Harvesting Area 4. Banana Farming Area 5. Sectional Perspectives


Dea Tanneysa Aileen, Unit C 2021


labour district - a dystopian architecture in meru This project is a criticism architecture of the discussion on

Chapter 1: Top Glove Factory, City as Machine – the produc-

the living crisis of labor worker in Factory, using Top Glove

tion cycle and machines as the main system of the district,

and Meru as the main studies.

as it is the key factory leading to capitalism and death-labor,

It all started with looking Meru as a city of systems, a living

which also part of the aesthetic to highlight Top Glove as the

town that is slowly morph from economic into a Dystopian


town as it influenced by the Industrialization movement, which turn the town into main base of Top Gloves company

Death-Labour, City as Product – the workers as part of the

and other factories. Yet this created huge impact on Meru’s

factories ecological system, and their lives is akin with prod-

social class as majority of factories has become the house

uct, which dependent on the machines starting from their

of dead labors –each of the lives are to be controlled and the

entry to their death inside factory.

owner gains the gold from their sweats. “Factories has become part of living condition of labor work-

The Owner- City as Capitalism – portraying political system

ers” and “The Dystopia is existed here” are the main objec-

of the owner’s power who has the freedom, either to be

tives that is essential to be highlighted for the Meru people, by

sympathy of the worker’s life and to experience the situation

creating a living-factory zone- in which labor workers as the

to be seen as product, or to savor the prosperity of owing the

main community and the Top Glove as the main system.

district of machines and human product.

With the project title of “Labour District” and adding with cinematography approaches of “Metropolis 1927” as the main reference, this allows The Labour District to be seen as a small-scale city in three different perspectives,

Dora Amelia Tanjung, Unit C 2021






1. Site Overview 2. Accommodation Perspective 3. City as Capitalism 4. City as Product 5. Viewing Decking


Dora Amelia Tanjung, Unit C 2021


the super centre - transervices hub The word starts with ‘super’, which emphasizes a bigger

services workshops get benefited. Offices services such as

picture of this concept. A super centre provides most of the

food delivery, courier services, air bnb services and bank ser-

fundamental services that human needs. We aim to increase

vices are provided here as well. As a booster of convenience

the human density and connectivity here by solving the

for Meru people and visitors. This acts as a main chain link of

current needs and improving the town condition. By revealing

Meru, where everyone approaches and a big pull up for the

the overall condition of the urban site, we see the scattered

overall economic situation. Overall, this super centre seeks all

form of the services provided. In this case, the business

the hidden opportunities and make into a whole. Maximize

might be affected in terms of the places and connectivity,

the limits in order to resurrect Meru Town especially in rural

especially during the current pandemic situation. The site has

areas without well-equipped infrastructures.

an overall lack of a network system, whereby people from rural areas are not familiar with the functionality of high-tech. The business chain services such as food & beverages, car services, courier services, and room services are scattered in Meru and have been in a downward motion. By proposing this concept, we design a network system that helps cities and rural regions collaborate to achieve a mutual advantage of pooling connectivity resources. Transportation hub programmed with buses and future development of LRT, this is a direct link to the nearby city area and to bring Meru a significant drop off point for grab car services too. Meantime, as the public transportation volume increases, nearby car

Christopher Phang Min Kiat, Unit C 2021






1. Longitudinal Exterior Perspective View 2. Exterior Material Choice and Texture 3. LRT Station 4. LRT Interior View 5. Overall Exterior Bird Eye View


Christopher Phang Min Kiat, Unit C 2021


creative pivot By introducing creative hubs in Meru is trying to increase the positive impact of industries on the community and


contribute well-being to the town. It is playing an integral role

to the growth of the economy, gathering, and supporting to

the design idea starting from making mock up product

represent a creative community. It acts as a “performance stage” for the local and foreigner community to show their

Transform own design from 2D to 3D and explore more by using hand tool.

Experiencing the fun of making 3D modelling.

creativity and talent by making product by themselves. This also a collaboration platform for some of potential industries

Digitalize Co- Working Space:

for idea and knowledge sharing.

The advantages of creative hubs range from supporting

Product making incorporates with hardware design such as electronics schematics and layout design.

small scale entrepreneurs and startups, representing a place

The components solder by programming of embedded systems with a high-level programming language.

where people from different backgrounds can meet, discuss, develop and implement new ideas, to representing an

Manufacturing Area:

environment for the empowerment of different social groups,

Utilizing the tools and machines. This dimension

their inclusion and awareness raising about various topics.

incorporates the use of manufacturing infrastructure to

Creative hubs act in the center of creative economy and

make a particular prototype. It includes the utilization of

represent successful tools for its enhancement. They facilitate

the vendor’s software to operate the machines

the working process of creative entrepreneurs by providing space, consultation, training and funding.

Besides, program of urban farming is introduced as a supportive element program. Biophilic design is apply into

The core content is divided into four parts which is incubation

the urban farming at the center of the site. It is to ensure the

space, makerspace, digitalize co-working space and manu-

spaces is more exposure to nature and nature and the users

facturing area.

can gain more psychological benefits. Abundant plants and nature materials to enhance the quality of environment in de-

Incubation space:

sign. By promoting agriculture-based entrepreneurship within

Provide theoretical knowledge and design artistic con-

the agriculture industry value chain such as crops and food

cept to spark the creativity, imagination, and motivation

processing. The program is encouraging local community is

to create their own product.

encourage to involve in small scale farming business and it

Master the aspects of 2D design and set of abilities or

can be foster up the utilization of technology and innovation


among the agropreneurs specifically on crops.

Eunice Tan Kai Yi, Unit C 2021







1. Urban Farming Area 2. Corridor to Courtyard 3. Courtyard 4. Product Experiencing Area 5. Workshop Area 6. Research Library 6

Eunice Tan Kai Yi, Unit C 2021


meru recovery by horizon The project looks at the challenges identified in Meru,

The project titled, Horizon by Meru, consists of 3 main blocks:

centering on the COVID-19 Crises that highlighted the town

the commune as social platform and, food bank and shelter.

and brought upon the issues of migrant workers mistreatment, the deteriorating public health and the community

The food distribution acts as the main skeleton of the building

segregation caused mainly by xenophobic response. With an

with its own transportation chain to ensure efficiency, where

anthropological approach, the project is designed to target

the social platform and shelter are laced together around

the users through programs catered to foster community for-

the main skeleton. These blocks are layered on top of one

mation and integration with the objective of building networks

another and with the layering, I was able to create a central

for the community to engage in common discourse based

communal space to promote social inclusivity and break the

on trust and respect while being able to function as one and

xenophobia among the Meru community. The safehouse

help one another.

shelter concept is to provide shelter but in return the occupants of the safehouse would volunteer in the food bank as

With the issue of social exclusion present among the

part of a skillset training.

communities during the pandemic, the society is seen to be

With Meru flooded with crises from time to time, the project

disintegrated and dysfunctional. The communities are hence

aims to build resilience among the Meru community. With

not be able to understand the needs and rely on each other

research on the disaster management cycle and disaster

for help at times of crises as seen during the pandemic.

recovery, it cites each disaster is a unique event that requires careful assessment, and it is important to create a strategic

The project approaches the site taking into consideration

plan of response to identify and help the most vulnerable

the nearby existing facilities that are currently functioning to

and severely affected people. With that, the project centres

provide aid. It tests the potential of bringing food donation ac-

on the 4 main recovery phases being the emergency relief,

tivity to a proper platform, by using food and support to bring

early recovery and community development, disaster risk

people together from every walk of life as there has been

reduction. Thus, allowing the building and it’s program to be

proven surge in solidarity at times of disaster and crisis.

able to function based on the given situation accordingly to these phases.

Fong Li Theng, Unit C 2021







1. Site Plan 2. Sorting Point 3. Sorting Point 4. Communal Platform 5. Shelter Perspective 6. Shelter Perspective 6

Fong Li Theng, Unit C 2021


neighbourhood performing & craft centre Meru is a town in the Klang District which lacks connectivity in terms of physical or social. And as well as due to the un proper management, they have increased in covid cases. So my main objective here is to create a sense of community which provides a public space where they could utilize for both social and activities. And as well as create an environmentally friendly area which could help cooling down the surrounding and making history back. My main intention regarding the design is to have a modular system building where they could modify the building over time as depending on the usage by following the grid since the surroundings have the grid system layout. The main features of the building will still be the theatre but somehow combining with the village typology which have the multiple blocks with social gathering spaces in between to elevate the quality of the spaces.

Htoo Lin Htike, Unit C 2021




1. Workshop and Restaurant 2. Exhibition / Gallery 3. Theatre Perspective


Htoo Lin Htike, Unit C 2021


community prefabrication district The fabrication district is created for the community to have

to get a harmonious community as a whole.

a sustainable construction of the walkway. The walkway is in response to solving inequality and segregation in Meru, the

Aim and objectives:

programme provides a component of fabrication, community,

Meru community is segregated especially between the

and public space as an infra.

foreign and local communities. The project is aimed to solve

The main material of the prefabrication is plastic waste on-

three main causes of segregation in Meru which are infra-

site, the waste material harvesting will also tackle the waste

structure, political and neighborhood structure. Each theme

management issue on site. The plastic waste will be convert-

has its objective which are;

ed into plastic seed and then turn it into plastic lumber waste for the construction of the walkway. The proposed building is

In terms of infrastructure - To create a connector & spaces

located at site 3 where it is located in between the manufac-

for the community to reconnect

turing area and a residential area. In terms of politics - To create a new working and living Problem statement:

where both communities can learn and work

The main purpose of this project is to reconnect segregated Meru especially between community and foreign workers

In terms of neighbourhood structure - To bring the communi-

(which make up roughly 20 % of the community in Meru)

ty together while solving the waste issue on site

by creating an elevated walkway from waste material in a sustainable way to evoke connectivity and awareness among the community in Meru, Klang to regenerate the lifestyle and

Jayson Louis, Unit C 2021






1. Building Exterior Perspective 2. Co-Living Area 3. Recreational Area 4. Elevated Walkway 5. Manufacture Area 5

Jayson Louis, Unit C 2021


the meru berongga Selangor is heading into a future of water disparity. This is

The proposed building acts as ‘Final Destination’ and it is a

due to the government’s failure to manage water supply and

continuation of the elevated canal whereby this elevated

its delay in restructuring the state’s water industry that have

canal will flow into the building to serve two purposes. First is

led to inadequate maintenance of the water supply system

for water purification purposes in which no more under-

in Selangor whereby decades-old of underground water

ground pipes will be required and these decades old pipes

pipes have not been replaced and what it does is that, they

can be replaced and Air Selangor can be revived and given

cause frequent pipe bursts that in turn caused frequent water

a new life. Second purpose is for the tourists or the locals

supply disruptions and every time a pipe bursts, dirts and

themselves to explore the site by flowing through it from the

soil enter the water supply system causing contamination by

beginning until the end of the building. Eventually, this river

bacteria, minerals or heavy metal which eventually jeopardis-

that flows through the building will create a loop system that

es the local’s health. On a micro level, Meru town is lacking in

will be used to navigate for the people. So now this river will

access to leisure, causing the town to build up on tension as

enable the tourists to twist and turn around the site which

the town grows physically.

is integral and the river goes through all the spaces. This way the people can get down from the river and occupy the

This proposal rethinks the spatial and social constructs of

additional social spaces. Water treatment centre being the

essential needs through an intervention at Meru’s Water

core program with social spaces as a secondary program

Treatment Plant examining how such concepts are bound to

would empower and engage the locals for a healthier work

issues of water disruption, lack of access to leisure, and seg-

/ life balance while being able to tackle the water crisis. The

regation. The thesis proposes to insert a public space within

injection of hotel into the building would eventually enable it to

the facility, which is located centrally to two disconnected

fund and run the proposed building.

neighborhoods of different income levels and ethnic groups.

Kishanraaj Ganesan, Unit C 2021






1. Hide and Seek Installation 2. Pocket Park 3. UV Tank 4. Hotel 5. Concept Sketch


Kishanraaj Ganesan, Unit C 2021


conurbation remedy The users are focusing on the migrant worker in Meru as

a social interaction space for the 2 group in the middle of the

there is a social gap between the local and foreigner and the

site. The space of landscape was fixed was the space was

equality between can be achieve on when the self esteem

shaded by adjacent building and covered by trees.

of the group getting improved. The migrant worker in the site faced with modern slavery which they were getting

The floor plan was shown in different blocks where connec-

underpaid salary, getting terrible working environment,

tion was provided from space to space, block to block. The

facing violence and harassment by their supervisor and

connection on different blocks provide liminal quality as a

poor condition on their living environment. Hence, tenaganita

junkspace where no thinking require while passing across the

the ngo that dedicated in helping, building and protecting

space as it only reaches real rest when you get ur physical

migrant, refugees and woman and children from exploitation,

and mentally rest at the same time. Starting with a local

discrimination, slavery and human trafficking into the building.

approach where an exhibition hall or gallery was first intro-

The main program was to provided a therapeutic sanctuary

duced as the space is functioned to help tenaganita to help

and a space for tenaganita to help the migrants on case

the public to understand on the problem facing by migrant

management and legal address, counselling and therapy and

workers and raise awareness among the local to improve the

advocacy campaign or workshop for the migrant workers.

understand towards foreigner. On the foreigner approach, the

There were supportive programme on the landscape which

food stall and mini mart will be first in the sight while there

will be more focusing on sport amenities and social interac-

will a forest like park proposed to provide a discreet entrance

tive area. Food stall and mini market will be provided for the

to the foreigner to give a sense of security while entering the

foreigner worker to grab a quick lunch on their lunch hour

building. A counter will be first seen for foreigner to approach

during working day. Residential program was proposed to be

tenaganita and then further leading to offices and counsel-

a hostel for the tenaganita workers and a temporary shelter

ling room on the upper floor. The composition on the space

for the migrant worker when they were on the situation

encourage the exploration in the area where every path lead

without a place to stay.

to a different view. In the middle of the site was the theatre or auditorium where it is a space where different identity

So for the site synthesis, in human culture had introduced 2

of people gather together and share their stories. A talk or

approach to the site for local and foreigner where the local

sharing session will be held once a month where a resident in

was entering through vehicular approach and foreigner enter

Meru share their stories or daily life to thee others. The hostel

the site through the pedestrian or cycling entrance. A back

and services was proposed at the back. On the sections and

lane was proposed for the access of foreigner and improved

elevation, different level was proposed to provide a sense of

the connection between Jalan Meru and Jalan Teratai. A

hierarchy throughout the space and form of the building.

route was proposed to connect the 2 approach where could Lai Hui Ling, Unit C 2021







1. Consultation Room 2. Liminal Space 3. Tenanganita Counter 4. Theatre/Auditorium 5. Sharing Session (Private) 6. Exhibition Corridor


Lai Hui Ling, Unit C 2021


self sustainable eco central village If future living means to approve of the current state, then

The proposal is to create a prototype of transforming existing

today shall be the foundation of building a better future.

potential land between residential to green production land to

When the old elements can contribute to the creation of a

solve the current poverty issues and a better future. It is time

better situation, it cultivates a sense of purpose and extends

to take concrete measures to conserve the green production

interaction and interdependence between the migrants and

areas. A systematic harvest system and platform allow the

locals. Such ties are even more obvious in Malaysia culture,

communities to earn income using locally available resources.

as this is how our culture passes down.

In this way, the fundamental problem is solved by living in a green production area. Meanwhile, we could introduce Ma-

The ECO sustainable village is envisioned to best represent

laysia and foreign’s traditional cuisines from the ingredients.

the specialties of us.

Traditional food has always been the ‘national language.’ among the people in Malaysia. What if the foreigners in Meru

Due to the pandemic, the outbreaking Covid-19 cases that

could share their traditional cuisines with the locals as well?

happened massively forced lots of locals and foreigners to

The coexistence and integration of foreign workers with local

struggle to maintain their jobs. Therefore, the population of

communities are critical to building a solid bond for a better

foreigners facing poverty issues is high among the commu-


nity, and it causes poor community engagement between them and the locals.

Nowadays, commercial agriculture is becoming increasingly mechanized and reliant upon resource-intensive inputs like

The idea emerges from an understanding of the needs of a

synthetic fertilizers and chemical pesticides. Over time, farms

community in distress, where survival becomes the primary

became larger, more specialized and centralized, creating

factor. The project provides a platform or a medium of

a process of extreme consolidation that drove many small

expression for the people, where they could work together to

traditional farms to lose their identity. The whole project

carve out their own space using locally available resources

makes the most efficient use of renewable resources, on-

like agricultural land beside their residential. It means to

farm resources and integrates natural biological cycles and

overcome the traumas of distress and together RE-building a


community. It also provides a canvas encouraging the communities to come together and give them a unique and local character. A new identity for Meru is now formed. Lean Soong En, Unit C 2021







1. Biofertiliser Area 2. Production Area 3. Isometric View 4. Production Area 5. Sectional Perspective 6. Social Housing


Lean Soong En, Unit C 2021


community wellness spine in pekan meru Pekan Meru is a residential housing area which consists

living quality towards the neighbourhood community.

of different types of housing which are terraced housing

The Wellness Spine is created from a green spine which is

and rural housing. The diversity of neighbourhood housing

designated to connect to a greenfield which leads into the

quality and mismanaged neighbourhood public spaces are

deeper forest near the site, providing the potential to bring

disconnecting the neighbourhood community and needed

in farming activity for local farmers. Along the green spine is

a solution to reconnect or regenerate the community from

connected to a cluster of community hubs which is the in-


tersecting point of circulation of the housing neighbourhoods targeted to enhance the relationship of local neighbourhood

With the literature review study of community regeneration


which leads to the deeper study of the relationship between housing quality and mental well-being, it conclusively shows

By generating the renewed group of elderly in Pekan Meru, a

that improving mental wellbeing, and reducing inequalities is

nursery home and public elderly home will create opportu-

a stated aim of regeneration. The implementation of improv-

nities for the elderly to nurse or vacate with the living envi-

ing neighbourhood living environments by generating a new

ronment of greenery planting and gardening along the green

or renewed psychological dynamic among the resident group

spine. Also the renewed group of children in Pekan Meru are

to lift their spirits and aspirations. Increasing building capacity

provided a community childcare centre along the green spine

to enhance capabilities and opportunities.

which will enhance the living quality of parents by placing their children for daycare while busy working.

Therefore in the project of Community Wellness Spine, it is focused to regenerate the neighbourhood and the community by generating renewed dynamic groups of elderly, children and local farmers in the project site to provide the uplifted

Lee Jian Zong, Unit C 2021






1. Elderly Home Front Entrance 2. Farming Land View 3. Elderly Nursing Home Corridor 4. Elderly Nursing Home Unit 5. Childcare Greenhouse Entrance


Lee Jian Zong, Unit C 2021


volunteerism community centre The project is called Volunteerism community center. Its con-

2. One-fifth of the food is donated to Food Bank, and the

cept is understood as coexistence, encounter, and communi-

rest is sold to the market and recycled to users and building

ty. Communes representing social platforms as well as food

systems for maintenance. (Sales & give)

banks and shelters. In addition, trying to introduce a deeper

3. Community kitchen + healthy cafe (consumption + use)

urban theory and understanding of the agricultural/social

As a place for farming, it stimulates economic recession and

relationship will elevate the design concept to a higher level.

becomes a functional area of ​​Meru. A sense of place with in-

Mainly the spatial strategy of the building is let the space

teractive and social participation experience, using agriculture

be full of vitality and flexible use and create a space for the

as a dynamic living laboratory for innovation and education to

exchange of knowledge and ideas. Because it is a community

support sustainable agricultural economy and community life.

center, it is a multifunctional and flexible building that can adapt to the changing needs of citizens and the needs of

In addition, the concept of shared shelter is to provide

the community will change at different times. For example,

accommodation for organization staff or organizations from

during a pandemic, you may need a food bank, a vaccination

different places. In addition, under the accommodation, create

center, etc.

a central garden public space to allow most of the natural environment of the entire space, while considering the res-

In addition, through the integration of the intellectual produc-

idence It can improve the user’s health and comfort and air

tion space and the vegetable production space, a circular

quality, and create a healthy environment.

economy method of interconnected procedures has been produced, and a new strategy is proposed for the economic

Finally, considering that Meru is flooded with crises from time

effect of the agricultural workshop system. This method is:

to time, through research on disaster management cycle and disaster recovery, it focuses on 4 main recovery stages,

1. Hydroponic farm + production land (production) Considering

namely early recovery, emergency relief, and community

the hypothesis that the epidemic will break out again, locals

development, and disaster risk reduction. Therefore, the

who cannot travel more than 10 kilometers can produce their

building and its programs are allowed to operate according to

own food here.

the given conditions at these stages.

Lim Jiang Wei, Unit C 2021





1. Community Kitchen View 2. Acre-Cafe 3. Co-Housing Area 4. Green Cafe View


Lim Jiang Wei, Unit C 2021


agriculture research institute The existing Meru, Klang is in a condition which is the rural area and developed into an industrial area rapidly nowadays. The agriculture sector had been eliminated by the commu-

To create a diverse and multifuntional space to transfer into the quarantine space during pandemic.

nity and Meru town. It is a well-known fact that, agriculture is the origins of Meru, Klang over the years. This situation is

The intention of the design is to appreciate the memories and

causing the Meru town losing their identity gradually. In Meru

civilization characteristic which inherited from the ancestor.

town, the local community is facing some pandemic issues

The wisdom is a priceless treasure for the younger genera-

due to the immigration of the foreigners within the industrial

tion to carry forward and develop it to a next approach.

area. The low awareness at rural area also brings the aftermath which the Meru town become the virus outbreak point.

All in all, the industrial zone in Meru town brings a lot of negative impacts to the local community and environment.

Meru, Klang as an urbanizing ruralism area is losing its own

The ruralism theme is to appreciate the origins of the Meru

identity and characteristic. The main objective that focused in

town which brings back the agriculture elements to the Site

the proposal is to remind the starting point of Meru which is

1. The introduce of sustainable energy is to save the power

the agricultural community. The main concept is the linkage

usage and minimize the negative effects to the environment.

of the rural area and urban community from cultural and

Besides, the system is functioning as an electric generation

economic aspect as well as the human behavior between

station which can supply to the local community during

the community. Therefore, the proposal is based on the three

emergency period. The design has been based on the theme

main objective which aim to cure the problems in Meru.

ruralism which beneficial to the local community and natural environment as well as resilience to the flash flood event and

To provide a modern self-production agriculture city that is sustainable and beneficial to local community.

To immerge the cultural of the local community and foreigners.

Lim Kai Xuan, Unit C 2021

ruralism for a better future.





1. Exterior Perspective 2. Library 3. Workshop Area 4. Office Area


Lim Kai Xuan, Unit C 2021


bio-recycling centre The project is titled Bio-Recycling centre. Where different

from heavy rainfall and later used to water the crops. The ac-

food wastes as well as flood water is being recycled in the

commodation is a co-living space for anyone seeking shelter

building designed.

during floods or anyone interested to stay and learn more.

The building represents the process of food waste compost-

The purpose of the building is to experience the process

ing and how beneficial it is to the community overall. The

rather than look for a final destination. The process of how

process begins at the storage unit 1 where garbage trucks

a simple thing such as food waste can end up becoming

drop of food waste, and it is later filtered through to check on

a beautiful landscape and even crops to be used for food

whether the waste can be used in the process of composting

in local markets. The retention pond serves to be used in a

or not. Next it goes to storage unit 2 on a conveyor belt and

recycling process, but it is also an aesthetically pleasing point

then to the fertilizer unit where the waste is anaerobically

in the middle of the library for a beautiful lookout point.

digested so it can be used as fertilizers for the crops being grown on site.

The building shows the process on a small scale but is a hopeful start to an envisioned urban scale process.

All that can be seen from the gallery bridge. The bridge starts at the main lobby building, and it extends 100 meters to the educational laboratory and theatre, overlooking the storage units as well as the fertilizer unit. The educational lab/theatre is a space for the youth, or anyone interested to get a handson experience at testing plant, waste, and fertilizer samples to check credibility. There is also a theatre for lectures. The water retention centre has a pond where water is collected

Meral Ahmed Said Gad, Unit C 2021







1. Bridge Gallery View 2. Patio Perspective 3. Water Retention Pond 4. Composting Garden 5. Library 6. Accommodation Perspective


Meral Ahmed Said Gad, Unit C 2021


farmer’s hub for the meru agrarian community Due to the industrialization and the urban sprawl, Meru

selling crops from the farm, a restaurant supplied by the

has lost its traditional functions in the rural communi-

farms and gardens in the district, gathering spaces for

ty causing the agriculture industry to decline. These

festivals, ceremonies and events, gardening workshop

developments diminish the rural communities in Meru

and community gardens. Infra space includes a collection

by destroying the green spaces and causing economic

area and compost area for waste and water canals and

disparity resulting in a social class gap between the

the water system.

urban citizens and rural communities. In the process of development rural areas are not enhanced, hence, they

The hub features vertical farming for rice, a staple within

also have faulty and inaccessible physical infrastructure

the community and vertical as well as roof gardens

causing unpleasant roadside waste, inadequate street

for other crops and conventional gardening for easier

lighting within neighbourhoods as well as faulty drainage

crops. Harnessing the opportunities at the site, the rural


infrastructure links between communities and facilities while also aiding in these agricultural systems for the pro-

Targeted at the rural community and the urban citizens,

posed agro-district. This project aims to take inspiration

the Farmer’s Hub aims to tackle the community segre-

from ancient agrarian cities, and how water is a crucial

gation and economic disparity in rural Meru by providing

element within these communities. The project proposes

income opportunities. The project also proposes a more

a water canal within the site, harvesting rainwater, and

suitable architecture that is integrated with the environ-

channelling this stormwater for agriculture, living and rec-

ment and the surrounding while introducing improved

reation and to control the flooding around the site.

rural infrastructure as an aid to the new agrarian district. This rural development project for Meru introduces The Farmer’s Hub has three main spaces: Home-farm,

innovative farming methods with lower labour and new

Communal space, and Infra space. The Home-farm in-

economic prospects. The interactive farming hub allows

cludes vertical rice farms directly accessible from homes

for community growth as well as self-sufficiency and pro-

and housing for the farming community. The houses also

vides a sense of place and belonging while also creating

feature vertical farms and roof gardens for other smaller

an environment for co-existing and mutual learning.

crops. The Communal spaces includes a marketplace for Nif’Aa Mohamed Nazeef, Unit C 2021





1. Restaurant 2. General Facilities and Nursery 3. Farming Area 4. Accommodation


Nif’Aa Mohamed Nazeef, Unit C 2021


ruralism experiencing centre The project is to create a space were it represents the idea of ruralism and have people/visitors to experience the advantage of ruralism. 3 selected point of ruralism is emphases while designing this project: 1)The agriculture area with the vertical and soil-based farm, and the paddy field, representing the self-sustainability and healthier life overall in rural spaces, 2) The wide open public space and recreational space, where people get to connect with each other, creating a stronger bond between each other, 3) and wide use of recycled timber facade and structure and lots of trees as preservation is one important part of ruralism. The site choose is based on the access of public were site 1 is nearby schools, rural community, public transport, religious space and so on. Public will be able to access the site easily. During design the irregular and wired shape of the site boundary makes the process complicated and hard as I am trying to make use of all the space. All and all, I came out with

Ong Kai Zhen, Unit C 2021

the shape that follows the boundary line, making the building an organic-like form. Building are separate into 2 pavilions sandwiching the public space/plaza at the middle, and semi-private space at the site on top of the paddy field. A ton of trees will be planted along the site boundary to separate the site and the urban area around it so that users can be isolate, decreasing the noise and air pollution. While walking though the site, visitor will be felt that they are surrounded by nature and fresher air compare to the surrounding urban area. Users of the site will be able to relax and slow down their pace of life and enjoy the quietness and freshness that a rural area will provide. Users can walk along the walkway around the site and also above the paddy field to enjoy the beauty of the site and the nature. With all the program and design implemented, users will be able to experience the life and space of the idea of ruralism, hence the project is called Ruralism Experiencing Centre.







1. Viewing Platform Above Market 2. Farm Overview 3. Restaurant View 4. Hydroponic and Soil Farming 5. Paddy Field and Cabana 6. Hotel Lobby and Front Yard


Ong Kai Zhen, Unit C 2021


meru community centre Addressing the main issue in the site which is the migrant workers by looking into these issues the design tries to bring back the missing social integration and culture of the site by proposing programs and activities that involve the migrant workers with the local community. The building is divided into four sections which are accommodation, educational, cultural and commercial with other purposes. such as offices and sura etc. on the first floor which every block serve a purpose with specific spaces needed for every program. The three main programs are the community accommodations centre which focuses on spaces for males and females as well as guesthouses. where spaces such as shared education for library and workshops. The third section that is cultural included theatre, gallery, multi-purpose hall. The commercial section includes a food court, coffee shop and outdoor kiosks.

Sami Mohammed Ghaleb, Unit C 2021





1. Plaza View 2. Hostel Units View 3. Hydroponic Farming Area 4. Sky Garden Are and Tower Access


Sami Mohammed Ghaleb, Unit C 2021


agri-hub + farmstay To resolve the flood issue on-site and implement with the

commodation for users and visitors that provide the sense of

proposed new agriculture system by provides the strategies

place like living and farming together with farmers to support

and multiple functions (Exp like provide rural employment

agriculture sustainable economy and community living.

opportunities, promoting farming and learning education, experience and participate in agriculture ) to bring improvement

Agri Hub :

of agriculture for future rural life through transforming the ex-

An agriculture hub that provide multi farming methods imple-

isting rural industry into rural-urban system as a place-mak-

mented with flooding management system and agroeco-

ing of farming and living to stimulating the declining of rural

logical engagement that form the new farming system that

economy, thereby becoming a functional area at Meru.

supports a sustainable regional agriculture food network Provide a green working environment for farmers, rural

Multifunctional Agri- Hub + Farmstay

community and rural youth

5 main functions

Farmstay ( Homes with Farms ):

Agroecological Farming System

Offering accommodation for visitors that provide the sense

Agriculture Flood Mitigation

of place that living together with the farmers simultaneous

Agri- Food System

experience farming & planting

Agriculture Education + Participatory System

Offering accommodation for famer’s family to improve

Farmstay Program Exchange Planning

the agrarian lifestyle ( provide working & living place ) and provide agriculture education place for cultivating farmer’s

Multi- farming methods with interactive and socially-engaging experience that agriculture as a dynamic living laboratory for innovation and education at the same time offering ac-

Tam Zi Syn, Unit C 2021










1. Agriculture Programming 2. Overall Programming 3. Exterior Perspective 4. Left Elevation 5. Right Elevation 6. Exterior Perspective


Tam Zi Syn, Unit C 2021


intersecting point The overall proposal revolves on the idea of creating a hub

By looking into the proposal for the foreign community, a

which provides the opportunities for local and foreign com-

free temporary hostel is provided for those whom lost their

munity whom lost their source of income due to the strike of

jobs due to the pandemic. But in order for them to stay,

pandemic to create or begin another source of generating

they’re required to provide services within the facilities, such

income. The idea derived from the speculative of creating a

as, guiding new users to work on tools and machines at the

community which are able to sustain themselves during the

workshop area or even maintaining the other programmes

pandemic. In another hand, the proposal includes the idea of

within the proposal. Other than that, programmes such as the

creating a whole by patching different pieces together, similar

commercial area and horticulture area provides the opportu-

to how the entire urban fabric of the town has developed into,

nities for the foreign community within to land on new jobs in

where it is noticeable that the major jumps in characteristics

order to generate new income.

between buildings are somehow patched together. Moving towards allocating the programmes, multiple site strategies are proposed based on the context of site to identify the possible type of programmes and placement. And base on the following neighbouring context, public spaces, commercial spaces, coworking spaces, educational spaces, and residential spaces are proposed to support to context and also the idea of providing the opportunities allowing the community to sustain themselves.

Tan Ming Tiek, Unit C 2021




3 3



5 5

1. Exterior Perspective 2. Exterior Perspective 3. Library Perspective 4. Event Area Perspective 5. Residential Perspective 6. Workshop Perspective


Tan Ming Tiek, Unit C 2021


eco waste communal hub This project seeks to revamp the Meru town by slowly transforming it into a resilient town by cultivating an awareness to the local community about the socio -environmental crises in the town. It sets out to incorporate waste infrastructure and communal hubs, so as to complement the natural environment and the public spaces so the community would benefit from it socially, environmentally and economically. Waste management and social disconnection issues are curbed by implementing the waste facilities and technological advancement techniques that complement the ideology of circular economy.

Tan Wei Zhe, Unit C 2021



3 3




1. Stepped Urban Farm 2. Waste Experiential Gallery 3. Waste Managment Facilities 4. Green Infrastructure 5. Sectional Perspective 1 6. Sectional Perspective 2


Tan Wei Zhe, Unit C 2021


inhabitable continuum - meru public rural centre The project is exploring in depth based on three main issues-

Meru Public Rural Centre is a multidimensional space con-

ruralism indigeneity, social inequality and environmental

sisting of water treatment plant, community development

deterioration (water crisis). These issues have a significant

programs, third space, commercial space and restoration

bearing on the formation of “New Ruralism”. In order to avert

of landscape. Water is used as a main core that presents

catastrophic crises which are caused by urban diseases from

the concept, New Ruralism; cleansing, filtering, recovery and

urbanization, new ruralism is a possible remedy. New ruralism

return to rural from urbanization. Clean environment, clean

in contrast with urbanity. Ruralization to make balance with

water, community without contradiction, local memories and

urbanization or overtaking urbanization at Meru to make a

culture are to be restored. The insertion of the community

return of rural as a space of inhabitability. “Inhabitable Contin-

layer to wastewater plant is an unconventional approach to

uum” aims to narrate a new concept of ruralism by reforming

make social possibilities; appraising how the new ruralism is

typology of rural with resilience, equality and sustainability.

attached to issues of different class, race and background in terms of equality. The idea is also to make interaction and

The selected site for the proposed building is remote with for-

engage the public with water. The space like water gallery is

est yet to be developed among residential houses. The site is

to expand and deepen the awareness of the value of water

facing Jalan Pepauh, next to Jalan Meru with high traffic and

among the community, explaining that water is a precious

also close to three institutions. It has the potential to attract

and limited resource that needs to be recycled and reused.

diverse communities to enter as it is located at the center of Meru which connects town and village area.

Tan Yong Quan, Unit C 2021






1. Section 2. Internal Garden 3. Hot Bath Space 4. Water Plant Gallery 5. Open Bath and Farm


Tan Yong Quan, Unit C 2021


into the agriculture hub and agrihood Meru is home to Top Glove which is the nation’s largest

citizens to appreciate rural villages and agriculture traditions.

producer of latex gloves. Numerous small-medium industrial

Hence, this have led to the idea of proposed an Agriculture

complex is located in Meru which is less than 10 km from the

Hub and Agrihood to the selected site.

heart of Klang. In past, Meru is a town that rich of agricultural activities and agricultural areas. However, due to occupation

The site chosen is located at the intersection heading to two

of factories and unauthorized development in agricultural

opposite direction of rural areas and the site is surrounded

areas. This have caused Meru town is currently losing its

by plenty of school. Hence, it may be a potential social hub

prominence. Besides, this have also caused the communities

that promote rural and agriculture traditions to the teenagers

on the edge of metropolitan area are most at risk for ruin

and public. The building proposed houses a community hub,

by uncontrolled sprawl and rural communities may have

an educate hub, a commerce hub and a resource hub. All

difficulty integrating New Urbanist concepts in a low-density

of these facilities are designed in open structures that allow


people interact to each other and maximize the interaction between indoor and outdoor. The building is proposed built

Hence, the project objective is to connect the urbanist and

mainly by timber structures and floating volumes with trans-

ruralist while provided a safe working space for agricultural

lucent polycarbonate panel. Besides, the building proposed

workers and promote urban agriculture activities and agricul-

also have designed floating concrete walkway which is the

ture traditions to public communities in order to minimize the

“sky walk” to enable programmatic and social interaction

problem of Agricultural Workforce Crisis and urban sprawl

within the building.

crisis. Moreover, promote agriculture activities to the teenagers or public in order to solve Agricultural Workforce Crisis is also another main objective of the project. Besides, engaging

Tee Yi Qi, Unit C 2021







1. Exhibition and Plantation Area 2. Greenhouse Perspective 3. Agro Market Resting Area 4. Agro Market Area 5. Open Kicthen Area 6. Nursery Plant Market Perspective


Tee Yi Qi, Unit C 2021


meru’s spare Meru was a place where people live together in harmony

spare. Meru’s spare means all the old generation things bring

back in 19 centuries, they used to live together without any

back to alive in one place. Moreover, it is just not about the

hesitation and doubts. After Malaysia getting successful in

identity, it is also for the people to generate income and do

all jobs, for an example business to be more precise. They

some healthy activities from the bad situation that is going

are turning Meru into the industrial world from residential

on now in Meru. The targeted people are the locals, and

because Meru has a lot of advantages in all ways like the soil,

some are from the workers that working from the factories

the strategic position of the area. Meru such a good area

to give comfort and privacy to the local people. Meru’s spare

to develop all these industries because it is far away from

provides an apartment to those who needed, and it gives the

the city, and it is near to the source of their income. Meru

vibe of the old style in design.

was a good place before because they live in happily and harmony with different cultures. From architecture elements, they have different types of design in architecture such as the façade that made from carving because of the different culture that have their own ways to carve. Therefore, from all those types of different styles in culture, soil, area, and design. They have made the identities from it to develop Meru back in 90 centuries, but not after they developed all the industries that caused of loosing identity slowly in Meru. To sum it up, to bring back the identity of Meru, I have made a design that include all the identities into one, it is called Meru’s

Wan Nor Amirul Hakim, Unit C 2021







1. Market Area 2. Market Area 3. Corridor View 4. Accommodation Unit 5. Accommodation Entrance 6. Accommodation to Market View


Wan Nor Amirul Hakim, Unit C 2021


agriloops A revolutionary take on the relationship between cities and

can be replicated throughout Meru. The design of the open

farms makes for a connectivity-focused master plan for a

space within each cluster supports collaboration, community

major city bordering Meru, klang. Conventional development

activities, and urban agriculture practices. it is imperative that

patterns dictate that agriculture is located at the periphery

future growth seriously consider food security as a priority.

of the city. Located on the outskirts of Meru, Klang’s distance

The master plan for Meru offers a model approach which

from Selangor’s urban core allows for the formation of a new

shows that agriculture can coexist with development, as well

paradigm of development where traditional relationships of

as help to generate new economic opportunities.

city, open space, and farmland are reconfigured. The master


plan for Klang envisions a series of self-sustaining communi-

Another element of urban agriculture planning is about ani-

ties that are designed to encourage creative pursuits, offer a

mal farm, it can produce supplement like egg and so on. The

high quality of living, and integrate with larger regional open

urban animal farming is to educate the youngest generation

space and hydrological cycle systems. The plan inverts the

how is the ecological cycle.

traditional pattern. Development forms the periphery of the city and the farmlands within allow for a diversity of edge


conditions that foster interaction with the urban fabric. This

Many consider the mass use of hydroponics as the future of

strategy creates a balance of development and open space

agriculture. This diagram shows the operation of hydroponic

that ultimately facilitates a higher quality of life through


self-sustenance and new economic opportunities based

Both the raised beds and the vases can enjoy a system of

on research and the scientific advancement of agricultural

sub-irrigation. This system is ideal for people who travel

products and processes.

frequently, because it offers autonomy for many days, and even weeks, for plants.

Cultivation A significant amount of the food source for the development can be grown on site, creating a model for food security that

Wong Qin Yi, Unit C 2021






1. Exploded Isometric 2. Section 1 3. Section 2 4. Section 3 5. Right Elevation 6. Isometric Perspective


Wong Qin Yi, Unit C 2021


community healing centre The concept on the poster was to improve the public health care and living conditions in Meru town. The Literature review was studying how to tackle Covid-19 in Meru town. Imagining the current situation for the future is the protection for the building like a pandemic resistance such as the building all area wrapped as well as trees and the people to prevent the pandemic. Planning Strategies Within the site in the middle possible to create a water garden. Water garden was also created for the patient, as well as the public. The water garden is accessible for meditation. The title of the project is a Community Healing Center. The concept and ideas were to improve the public health care system in Meru and to create more natural elements for Meru people. In the design intention is to provide a place that in the sense of feeling relaxed and peaceful for the community and to reduce stress

Wong Tze Wern, Unit C 2021

in their lives as well as allow them to spend time in nature to recover tense situations in their daily lives.








1. Section 2. Accommodation Second Floor 3. Bike Cycling Area 4. Rock Seating Area 5. Education Area


Wong Tze Wern, Unit C 2021


meru; agro hub- regenarative agriculture Problem statement :

the urban space in a more efficient and compact way and a

The main purpose of this thesis is to design a platform based

responsive design as an environmental mediator supporting

on sustainable architecture to evoke awareness among the

the sustainable approach ensuring the agriculture needs

community on the agriculture decline in Malaysia especially

meet the quality output.

in Meru, Klang in an effort to regenerate the agrarian lifestyle and to get a harmonious community as a whole. Aim and objective : To explore different approaches to environmental awareness through programs, technologies, and design to achieve good environmental responses. 1) To create a sense of appreciation, knowledge, and a greater understanding of the need of preserving farming via the programs(T1 Educate, T2 Interpret, T3 Execute). 2) To provide a platform for the local farmers to exchange ideas and utilize the facilities onboard. 3) To incorporate a multifunctional design to allow to use of

Zharif Ramli, Unit C 2021






1. Overall Axonometric 2. Sectional Perspective 3. Main Entrance 4. Recreational Park 5. Water Filter Tower


Zharif Ramli, Unit C 2021


unit c Unit C Studio Tutors Unit C Semester 6 Students Aainaa Suhardi, Adam Ng Cen Yee Ar.Norizan Annauth Roshan Roy Ar. Hisham Christopher Phang Min Kiat Ashran Bahari Cindy Collins Taufiq Nazarudin Dea Tanneysa Aileen Dora Amelia Tanjung Eunice Tan Kai Yi Fong Li Theng Htoo Lin Htike Jayson Louis Kishanraaj A/L Ganesan Lai Hui Ling Lean Soong En Lee Jian Zong Lim Jiang Wei Lim Kai Xuan Meral Ahmed Said Mohamed Abdalla Gad Muhammad Zharif Bin Haji Ramli Nif Aa Mohamed Nazeef Ong Khai Zhen Sami Mohammed Ghaleb Abdullah Mohammed Tam Zi Syn Tan Ming Tiek Tan Wei Zhe Tan Yong Quan Tee Yi Qi Wan Nor Amirul Hakim Bin Wan Nor Azahan Wong Qin Yi Wong Tze Wern



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