EASY-EU: Engagement and active citizenship for seniors and youth in promoting Europe
Project N° 101081407
Funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union. Neither the European Union nor the granting authority can be held responsible for them.
Introduction and Context
This document presents the replicability plan for the EASY-EU (Engagement and Active Citizenship for Seniors and Youth in Promoting Europe) project, which was co-funded by the Citizens, Equality, Rights and Values (CERV) programme of the European Union. The strategy paper was written at the end of the project period and looks at possible sustainable future implementations and further utilisation of the project results.
Its main objective is to ensure the active utilisation of the project results after the end of the project by sharing, promoting, transferring and sustainably integrating them into political systems and practices of participatory democracy at local, regional, national and EU level. This replicability plan will define the tools and instruments for transferring and replicating the project results and outcomes even after the end of the project.
An overview of the project is provided to put the project objectives and results into perspective and to consider them against the general project background and underlying themes: European elections, democratic engagement and civic participation, environmental protection and equal opportunities. Looking at the project events is important as they each fulfil specific tasks that work towards the overall goal of engagement and active citizenship for seniors and young people in promoting Europe on multiple levels.
The Replicability Plan can serve as a guide for organisations to integrate European, environmental, social and civic replicability into their operations. It is a comprehensive document outlining organisations' commitment to replicable practices and setting goals and targets for achieving them. It illustrates future actions that can be taken and identifies possible ways in which the EASY-EU project can continue to be an important factor and actor in the future. The importance of this replicability plan lies in its ability to align possible project-related future activities with broader societal and environmental objectives and to provide a roadmap for future implementation by setting goals and targets, integrating replicability and sustainability considerations into decision-making processes, and providing ideas for possible applications to enable a broader dialogue on the future of European democracy.
Ultimately, a replicability plan seeks to be a commitment to creating positive change in order to strengthen citizens' sense of belonging to Europe, improve awareness of European democratic values and encourage engagement in key EU policy areas such as the European Green Deal.
Project Partners
The project involves a consortium of five partners from Italy, Greece, Ireland, Austria and Croatia. This partnership facilitates knowledge sharing, capacity building and the implementation of activities to raise awareness for the 2024 European Parliament elections, promote the use of innovative democratic tools and engage citizens in debates on climate and environmental issues.
The EASY-EU project partners:
P1: Co&So - Consorzio per la cooperazione e la solidarietà – consorzio di cooperative sociali – società cooperativa sociale, Italy:
The organisation is one of the largest non-profit social service providers in Tuscany, operating in the field of education and social inclusion. Co&So has over 30 years of experience in working with young people and senior citizens and in managing around 100 day and residential facilities for these target groups, including three youth centres and the EURO DESK in Florence, on behalf of the local authorities.
P2: USB – United Society of Balkans, Greece:
The organisation is a non-governmental organisation active in the field of youth mobility, promoting youth empowerment, volunteering and human rights. The USB was involved in 1500 youth projects that reached 3000 young people. All projects aimed to promote active citizenship and democracy to create a better future for European youth, foster solidarity and respect for diversity in society and promote sustainable lifestyles.
P3: TRH - The Rural Hub Company Limited by Guarantee, Ireland:
The organisation is a non-profit organisation that aims to bring educational innovation to small rural communities where many services are lacking and where there is a gap in the provision of quality out-of-school education. The Rural Hub offers different types of educational programmes for the specific target groups of young men and women as well as senior citizens.
P4: JaW – Jugend am Werk Steiermark GmbH, Austria:
The organisation is one of the leading providers of social services in the province of Styria. In 100 facilities, employees endeavour to support people - children, young families, adolescents, adults, people with disabilities and people in social emergencies - close to where they live and assist them in difficult phases of their lives with appropriate offers and services.
P5: Sirius - Centar za psihološko savjetovanje, edukaciju i istraživanje, Croatia:
The organisation is a non-governmental organisation that provides psychological and psychosocial help and support for individuals, families and groups and to prevent risk behaviour and improve the rights of children and young people. Sirius is the regional coordinator of the Youth Activation Network (ESF) project, which aims to engage the academic community, policy makers, civil society organisations and young people in an open dialogue on youth.
Project Background
“The European Union is not only about parties and politics, rules or regulations, markets or currencies. It is ultimately and above all else about people and their aspirations. It is about people standing together. For their liberty, for their values, simply for a better future.”
(Commission President von der Leyen, 2019)
Many citizens see the European Union as undemocratic, elitist and aloof. Apart from voting in the European elections, most people see no other way to participate and realise the benefits of European citizenship. As the EASY-EU project is based on the findings of the 2020 European Citizenship Report1, many challenges were identified in this report. In order to make Europe known to all citizens and encourage their participation in the European institutions, steps must also be taken beyond the EASY-EU project to promote more innovative forms of dialogue.
One of the event themes within the project was the EU elections in 2024 and the project partnership has sought to promote better communication aimed at involving citizens in the electoral process in order to protect and promote the rights and values enshrined in the Charter of Fundamental rights of the EU2. By stimulating discussion, reflection and debate to raise awareness among European citizens on the importance of voting at EU level, on climate and environmental protection and on the importance of e-democracy, the events in the partner countries have played a crucial role in achieving this objective, thus supporting the Political Guidelines of the Commission 2019-20243
1 https://commission.europa.eu/system/files/2020-12/eu_citizenship_report_2020__empowering_citizens_and_protecting_their_rights_en.pdf
2 https://www.europarl.europa.eu/charter/pdf/text_en.pdf
3 https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024_en
The project is in line with the European Democracy Action Plan4, which aims to strengthen the resilience of EU democracies in the face of challenges by addressing the areas where our systems and citizens are most vulnerable.
The project partners are characterised by their strong involvement in civil society and in the social and educational sectors, which is why the project builds on their good practices and projects already implemented. In particular, the partnership will
The methodology already successfully tested in these projects was used to identify success factors and provide recommendations for civil society organisations and other organisations in the EASY-EU Policy Paper, which was developed in parallel to the EASYEU Replicability Plan.
The concrete objectives of the EASY-EU project are:
• to develop activities involving local communities.
• to strengthen the sense of belonging to Europe.
• to promote meaningful interactions between youth and seniors.
• to improve transnational cooperation to facilitate European democracy.
• to foster the participation at the 2024 European Parliament elections
• to promote innovative approaches and tools in the frame of e- democracy.
• to engage citizens in debates and actions related to our climate and environment.
Open space technology has mainly been used to organise informal groups of European citizens and is highly recommended where possible. However, for target groups facing multiple challenges, it might be useful to create a guided setting with a moderator leading the event.
Open Space Technology was developed in the mid-1980s by the organisational consultant Harrison Owen when he noticed that the participants at his conferences showed more energy and creativity during the coffee breaks than during the formal meetings. Open Space is structured in such a way that this informal and open atmosphere is combined with a clear objective. Open Space events start without a fixed agenda and are based on self-organisation.
4 https://commission.europa.eu/strategy-and-policy/priorities-2019-2024/new-push-europeandemocracy/protecting-democracy_en
The participation of people who are interested in and enthusiastic about a topic is much higher than in traditional meetings where people are forced to work on something that has been imposed on them.
The EASY-EU events were of course structured differently in the individual partner countries, as they took place spontaneously, but the following mechanisms were mostly implemented in all events, where applicable:
• The participants' chairs are arranged in a circle, an ancient form that encourages dialogue.
• A ‘pinboard’, a large blank board that indicates time slots and spaces for interruptions.
• A ‘marketplace’ where participants make their choices based on the given topics and working groups.
• A ‘breathing’ pattern of flow, an OS event that follows the pace of the group rather than a predetermined agenda.
The following best practice examples shall serve as a practical source and inspiration to allow the replication of the events in other settings.
“The event started with a warm welcome to the participants by the Headof the European Projects of CO&SO. It continued with an introduction on the European Union, its institutions, member states and the importance of e-democracy.
A keynote speaker, working in the communication, information and documentation area of ARPAT, the regional agency for the protection of the environment of the Tuscany Region, gave an interesting presentation on the general principles of European environmental policies, starting from article 9 of the Italian Constitution which establishes "Republic of Italy... protects the environment, biodiversity and ecosystems, also in the interest of future generations..."
At the end of the event, the participants were actively engaged in round tables, divided into intergenerational groups, made up of seniors and teenagers to explore specific topics related to environmental protection and find the best solutions in different contexts and typical situations to protect the environment.”
“The event titled "European Elections 2024: the importance of our participation was a collaborative effort between USB, Law to Impact, and the Heinrich Boell Institute. Its primary objective was to engage the community of Thessaloniki by delving into crucial facets of the upcoming EU elections in 2024. The event comprehensively covered various vital aspects, including defining European elections, their scheduling and procedural aspects, the election process of Members of the European Parliament (MEPs), and an in-
depth exploration of the functioning of the European Parliament. Additionally, it shed light on the diverse political groups within the European Parliament, elucidated voting rights, and highlighted the current global challenges and agendas pertinent to the 2024 European elections.
An integral part of the discussions centred around the importance of individual votes and their impact, emphasizing the relevance of ESG (Environmental, Social, and Governance) principles in shaping Europe's green future. The event also addressed the concerning trend of youth abstention from electoral processes, specifically focusing on the European elections, while exploring avenues for political participation beyond voting through European active citizenship.
Moreover, the event drew conclusions from the 8th Young Europeans Conference, delving into the challenges of independent living and the corresponding responses from the European Union. It also spotlighted the significance of green policies as a means of bridging the gap between Brussels' policies and their impact on local communities, exemplified by the European Green Deal.”
“The Rural Hub participated in the Community Showcase 2024 This event was organised by the Public Participation Network, Cavan (PPN), and was attended by different organisations working for the county and by local politicians.
The event started with a welcome address followed by the launch of the 2024 Roadshow report and the distribution of biodiversity and migrant fliers. These materials highlighted the ongoing efforts and plans to improve community engagement on innovative democratic approaches and tools.
The audience was briefed that the initiative of the EASY-EU project aims to foster the participation of both young and senior citizens in the civic and democratic life of the European Union. The presentation emphasised the project's goals and the importance of inclusive civic participation. Additionally, the facilitator highlighted innovative democratic approaches and tools, with a particular focus on e-democracy, in relation to the EU's strategies for achieving a greener economy. The presentation covered the EU Green Deal and the 2030 Sustainable Development Goals. Following this, the audience was invited to participate in a structured, inclusive debate. The discussion brought together young and senior participants to explore two key topics: the transition towards a circular economy and the promotion of environmentally oriented behaviours.
The event focused on the potential of innovative e-democracy tools and platforms to transform public participation in democratic processes. Participants were introduced to various platforms. These tools are designed to enhance citizen engagement by allowing direct input and influence on decision-making. The discussions highlighted the importance of using these digital platforms to foster a more inclusive, participatory, and transparent democratic environment. Additionally, the seminar explored the role of social media and digital services in promoting civic engagement, emphasising their capacity to connect citizens with public institutions and facilitate meaningful dialogue.”
“The event was split into a short overview of the Easy-EU project, its’ aims and goals, an interactive presentation, and was based on open-space elements.
We started with a short introduction of ourselves and a quick welcome round. After this we introduced the project and the aim of the event. We continued with a knowledge transfer of climate change and its definition, and what/who contributes to climate change. After this, we focused on the European Green Deal and gave detailed background information. By asking questions to the audience and giving room for sharing thoughts we could create a very interactive, open setting. The European Green Deal was described in its different stages and various goals afterwards. The format of the presentation was a PPT presentation, mixed with interacting with the audience, and showing a short informative video (source: audiovisual service of the European Commission) to gain even more interest. After this we switched over to a very interactive part asking the participants “How can I contribute to the European Green Deal” and “what personal actions can I implement into my daily life to counteract climate change?”.
The workshop finished with some feedback round where everyone gave one sentence on “this is what I take home”. “
“The event was organised in two sessions in two places – one caffe bar and a vegan restaurant with space for events. Participants were elderly people from different organisations, volunteers and interested citizens and young people of different faculties in Zagreb.
The event started with a warm welcome to the participants by the president of the Centre Sirius. Also, she made an introduction by presenting the project activities and objectives.
The first part of the event included a debate about climate changes and sustainable development with the reference to EU and national politics.
The other part of event was organised as pub quiz about climate changes after which we had a short presentation that was prepared by one young professional and activist after which participants could have insight in their knowledge about climate changes and ask questions as well as debate on the topic.
In the pub quiz the winners were elderly. All participants were given some seeds of meadow plants packed in our old leaflets and winners got also garbage bags that serve for sorting waste. “
Project Events for Replicable Use
• E-Democracy and Citizen Engagement
• Encouraging Participation in the 2024 EU Elections
• Climate and Environmental Policy
Replicability Action Plan
The following replicability action plan outlines the steps that should be taken when planning future activities and implementation sessions or when capitalising on opportunities for exchange and promotion that arise. The suggestions contained in this plan ensure thorough multi-level planning, a sound implementation phase and systematic follow-up.
Vision and Mission Alignment
A clear replicability and sustainability vision helps to look at the project objectives. A vision should be stated that emphasises the role of institutions and civic society in supporting awareness of European elections, democratic engagement and civic participation, environmental protection, and equal opportunities among different age groups. Dedication to leadership commitment, which ensures that project partners and other institutions are committed to integrating these aspects into their activities, curricula, and priorities. This must be continued also after the projectends.
Stakeholder Engagement
Actively involving a diverse group of stakeholders, including young people, seniors, professionalsfromdifferentfields,educational-, civic-, and other institutions, and policy-, and decision-makersonlocal,regional,andnational levels.
Maintaining transparent and regular communication on various relevant and situation-oriented channels to gather feedback andfosterongoing,meaningfulcollaboration.
Needs and Barriers Analysis
Conducting assessments to identify the key elements such as awareness, needs, and barriers faced by the target group regarding democratic engagement and civic participation, environmental protection, and equal opportunities. There should be a concentration
Sustainable Education and Training and Support/
onareaswheretheEasy-EUprojectcanhavethe greatest impact, such as raising awarenessand the fostering of behavioural change. A special focusshouldbeputontheneedsandbarriersof participants with fewer opportunities and lowqualifiedpersons.
By changing and further developing current curricula, topics related to democratic engagement and civic participation, environmental protection, and equal opportunitiesonEU-levelcanbeintegratedinto different fields to enhance awareness and selfefficacyamongparticipants.
By providing relevant hands-on training, workbasedlearning,theinterestinEU-relatedtopics canbeincreased.
SettingSMARTobjectives:Specific,Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, and Time-bound goals must be set for raising awareness and selfefficacyamongparticipants.
Goal Setting and Performance Metrics
Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) must be developed to track progress – this can be the number of participants engaged in a specific event,topicsimplementedinacertainfield,and feedbackfromparticipants.
Ressource Management and Innovation
TheresultsandoutcomesproducedintheEASYEU project are meaningful, innovative tools and resourceswhichwillbeusefulnotonlycurrently, but in the years to come. Therefore, their implementation, availability and usage must be well-managedandoverseen.
Community and Social Impact
Encouragingthedevelopmentofcommonvalues around democratic engagement and civic participation, environmental protection, and
Policy Advocacy and Influence
equal opportunities among different age groups throughlocalevents.
This can be done through stakeholder involvement in round tables, presentation and other types of advocacies. Educational authorities and policymakers must be consideredinthisaspect.
Continuous Improvement
Evenaftertheprojectends,userfeedbackshould alwaysbewelcome:itisimportantthatuserscan report their experiences and suggest possible improvements.Theprojectteammustbeopento this feedback and any well-founded recommendations.
Long-term Impact and Legacy
Ensuring that the tools, activities, and networks established during the project have a lasting impact beyond its duration – this will be done through the ongoing free availability of the resourcesontheprojectwebsite.
Concrete Sharing & Promotion Actions in the EASY-EU project and follow-up
The project consortium has come up with a number if ideas and concrete plans which will be implemented after the project ends, in order to keep the EASY_EU project and its legacy alive also after the funding period ends. The partnership views such a commitment as highly relevant for being able to achieve the project’s objectives also for the future.
The following areas will be considered, and the listed actions will be taken either by all or by specific partners:
The project website will continue to be updated with relevant information and will be available online after the project funding periodends.
Account Availablehere
National and international conferences
Stakeholder Meetings
Local and international contexts. Partnerswillidentifyrelevantevents andpromotetheprojectinasuitable way(e.g.stand,posters,flyersetc.)
Round tables, informal talks, personalcontacts,discussions. All project outcomes will be presented and opportunities will be highlighted.
Policy Maker Actions
Distributing the EASY-EU Policy Paper,whichisspecificallydesigned for policy makers, among relevant policymakersonlocal,national,and Europeanlevel.
Partners’ own News Outlets
Local Media Engagement
Newsletters, bulletins, intranet, website news, and internal informationchannels allpartners
Promoting the Project Results on Local Level
Identifying relevant local media outlets (e.g., newspaper, radio, advertisement opportunities, TV etc.) andgettingfreepartnershipsorpaid engagements for promoting the project. allpartners
Theprojectresultswillbeusedona local level by local associated partners of the project partner organisations. Partners will achieve this by intensely promoting the project resultsandenteringintocooperation partnerships with their selected organisations from their local networks.
These follow-up actions must be continued after the end of the project:
1. the project consortium will support other organisations in the implementation of EASYEU debates and seminars. This will be done with the partners' own resources or by activating new projects.
2. after the end of the project, the partners will continue to use their own established international networks to promote the innovative approach developed within the EASYEU project. These activities will be carried out with the partners' own resources.
3. implementation of the EASY-EU strategy in other national and European locations. It is expected that once the strategy is validated and disseminated by the EASY-EU project, other stakeholders, public institutions and NGOs belonging to the partner network will start to replicate the debates and seminars to sensitise the project's target group. The project partners will continue to act as national and international reference points for those interested in the EASY-EU strategy. Several contacts have already been made and organisations informed.
4. lobbying national and European decision-makers. All project partners are very active and play a prominent role in their respective fields. Thanks to their favourable position, members of the consortium consistently include the priorities of the EASY-EU project in their usual lobbying activities and ensure that the lessons learned from the project are noticed by policy makers and have an impact on future national and EU priorities and legislation.
5. all partners replicate the activities in their services as they add value to the services they manage privately or on behalf of public authorities.
The EASY-EU Replicability Plan shows a framework to ensure a sustainable, futureoriented and long-term impact and relevance of the project’s outcomes and results. By defining the content of the events, engaging different age groups with different backgrounds, the methodology applied during the events, the number of participants, and the focus on equality and gender sensitive language, a strong foundation has been laid for raising awareness, fostering the participation and engagement in civic society and green practices.
The project’s main results provide essential resources and methodologies designed to empower individuals and shift towards a more “European” self-perception. Therefore, these results must be continued to be made available to the public for free and with easy access.
The partnerships’ interest in achieving this is underlined by its commitment to several planned concrete actions:
- Continued updates and ongoing active engagement through the project website for at least five years after the project ends.
- Plans to participate in conferences, stakeholder meetings, seminars and other events as well as policy advocacy.
- A focus on the specific needs and barriers of different target and age groups by trying to bridge these gaps through participatory methods and actions.
The concrete replicability actions outlined in this plan show the project partnership’s dedication to maintaining and expanding the project's influence. These actions set the ground that the EASY-EU project’s legacy will endure and grow.