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Colours of Make Up Design

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Special Report

Special Report

The wisdom and magic of GOLD



As a person of South Asian diaspora descent, the Gold issue of this magazine was very important for me to be a part of. The metal gold is an integral and irreplaceable facet of our culture and customs regardless of religion/beliefs, and its beautiful metallic yellow colour does lend it some of yellow’s attributes. But Gold is unique – it is the colour of things that are elevated; whether that be wealth, knowledge or interpersonal understanding. The wisdom and magic of the ages is said to be passed down in the energy bestowed by each wearer into gold pieces of jewelry or heirlooms, as the metal is known to harness metaphysical traces of

its forbearers. Gold is sacred, and is a gift from the universe in its world-renowned beauty and power. Many cultures revered this substance long predating globalization or even cross-border trade. It is no surprise that the use of gold in beauty is also universal.

In this edition’s article, I wish for the power and beauty of gold to speak for itself, as it has for millennia. Here we focus on viewing the use of gold across a multitude of skin tones, socioeconomic backgrounds, religions and event themes to appreciate its versatility and wide acceptance in our industry. Enjoy!

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