7 minute read

Surrender and Radiate


The tone of olive has an important question for these times - Are you ready to surrender to a new power and radiate your true essence?


Olive reminds us of the infinite resources, strategies and platforms we now have access to, to expand our visibility in the world. And yet anyone with a ‘NO’ as an answer to the question above, will find themselves hitting a wall.

Olive is all about the expansion of the heart beyond the reaches of the mind and limitation of the intellect. In fact olive asks us to embrace our fears and move through and beyond the walls we discover along our journey to claim this new power.

Let’s dive into 3 important aspects of olive for those ready to say YES to this new world and visibility in business.


The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek.

Joseph Campbell

This isn’t about gender or to say woman will rule the world, in fact in the new world there is no hierarchy or ruler. It’s the end of the guru or higher authority figure. There is an understanding that we are all sovereign beings capable of leading our own life and accessing our own wisdom. Our path is completely unique and our journey to discover how our masculine and feminine qualities express themselves (or not) is ours to contemplate. The nature of our wild, intuitive, devotional, empathic, tender and emotional feminine side is no longer able to stay hidden or stand off to the side. We are beginning to really understand that in this new world of business we must honour feminine leadership, one that has not been accepted or honoured in the work place traditionally. We were taught to leave our emotions at the door and not to trust or even listen to our intuition. When we allow our feminine side to be heard, acknowledged and a guide in this world, it will provide the space for our masculine side to play out in a much healthier harmonious and sustainable way. Feminine leadership invites the energy of the heart to provide a non-linear path guaranteed to lead us to greater expansion, resources and visibility than we ever thought possible. This only happens when we have the courage and compassion to continue leaning into the barriers that present along our path (as they always will). To quote comparative mythologist Joseph Campbell. “The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure you seek”.


A Flower does not think of competing with the flower next to it. It just blooms.

Continuing with the rise of feminine expression, this new power understands the gift of co-creation, collaboration and letting go the concept of competition. We are seeing this strategy all over the Internet with apps like Instagram that have built-in abilities to go live with other co-creators. In doing this you mix audiences and become seen in communities you may otherwise never had access to. This can be said for all sorts of social media strategies and functions such as Facebook groups, YouTube collaborations, TikTok stitching and the list goes on! Even with all of this potential, it’s important not to discount that the conditioning of competition runs deep and this is a very important quality for healing in all of us. Competition feeds the illusion of lack and that there is not enough for everyone. It also potentially keeps us deaf, numb and blind to our unique essence. Truly there is no one like you, even if you have a similar business to thousands of people online, no one has your exact life experience, passion and wisdom. Even if you intellectually agree with this, it can be a good exercise when scrolling on social media to witness if you experience any shame, feelings of being less than, behind or of no value to the market. This is a great opportunity to heal this deep pattern versus pushing it down or pretending it doesn’t exist. This is the true power of visibility. Having the courage and compassion to sit with uncomfortable emotions and ask yourself honestly and lovingly what you really feel so you can make visible what you truly need. Healing through feelings of shame, jealously and envy can be a particular challenge as most cultures have conditioned us to be ashamed for even having them come up. This is a great example of the importance of feminine leadership, to provide loving space for the most uncomfortable feelings and therefore transmute them versus perpetuate them by denying they are even there. When we are being our authentic self, competition ceases to exist in our world and we will instead attract those who are looking to collaborate and support our work. We know there is truly nothing to compare, there is enough for all and radiating is effortless.

Spaciousness & Boundaries

Unity to be real must stand the severest strain without breaking

Mahatma Gandhi

Some have the false idea that boundaries are about closing off, putting up walls or keeping ourselves separate from others. If we come at this very important skill with that mindset, business will not work well for us. We will end up going against the expansion of the universe and slowly contract in fear. The new world is all about expanding into the experience of unity. Boundaries are really about defining yourself, while knowing you are not separate from anyone or anything. It’s acting in an intuitive way that is right for you and the whole. This often means we need to give ourselves more space as we make this big shift in consciousness. Boundaries enable us to integrate the rapid changes happening inside and around us. This often means we need to say no to more than we may be use to and yes to things we’d never previously considered. For example this may look like creating more time in your work schedule to spend time in nature. With more feminine energy rising on the planet, suppressed emotions are unleashed and they need the time and space to be acknowledged and processed. Spaciousness helps us to become masterful at responding versus reacting and therefore able to make harmonious and creative decisions about what’s best for ourselves, our business and our communities.

Olive is created with a mix of yellow (the intellect) and green (the heart). In bringing together two worlds; heart and mind, feminine and masculine, unconscious and conscious, it is no surprise there may be a clash. If this is your experience, know that you are not alone and this is the human journey. Crossing this bridge to the new world is not without its strain. As we discussed: 1. Feminine leadership courageously welcomes the space for our heart to open. 2. It reminds us that there is no competition, yet allows us to feel the contrast of the past and heal any neglected wounds. 3. Finally the quality of spaciousness gives us the opportunity to integrate all the changes we are experiencing as we transition from old ways of doing business to the new.

Embrace these 3 olive qualities and you will radiate your true essence brilliantly!

Feel free to watch my video in the online version of this magazine! https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b5L8ZlKjNMg

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