7 minute read


Are you stuck in the MUD?



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(Scroll down to reveal what shadows are keeping you stuck.)




As creatives, there are times when your muse does not turn up. Periods of time when you feel stuck and no matter how hard you work, not a single creative idea is forthcoming. Those times are the perfect opportunity to consult with your shadow self to analyze why you are staring at the blank page, unable to produce a single word or image.

Chances are, your soul has been trying to get your attention, trying to coach you towards a new direction, perhaps a new beginning or a life based on bliss; and you have missed the signposts to transform aspects of your life for the longest time!

Eventually, your soul invites your shadow in to help get your attention, often resulting in your shadow hitting the creative pause button so firmly that you end up feeling stuck in the mud.

In your shadow analysis, there are two specific copper patterns of behaviour you can identify and transform to get creative again; being celibate and unconscious passive aggressive habits.

Use Copper to Release Limiting Vows

What does being celibate have to do with your creativity drying up? It so happens that the energy of creativity is linked to the energy of sexuality, sensuality, intimacy, commitment and sharing love with a partner. If you are isolating yourself from love, you will eventually be separated from your creative muse. If you cannot commit to love, you will struggle to commit fully to your projects. Sex can amplify your creativity. As you open up to more intimacy, passion and love, automatically new ideas and successes will manifest.

Copper in its light aspect is a message from your soul to remind you that you did not come to this planet to be alone, lonely and unloved. You were meant to enjoy your body, feel love, give love and receive love. The frequency of copper will help you release old limiting religious vows of chastity and obedience relating to past lives. This is important spiritual work to do as the chastity vow included the vow of poverty. When you release those vows, both love and creativity will begin to flow again - bringing with it more money!

Copper teaches you how to be responsible with your Anger

The more difficult copper shadow pattern to master, is being fully aware of your anger. How you express or suppress your frustrations has a direct impact on your ability to succeed as a creative. When you practice passive aggressive behaviour, you may be perceived by potential clients as being untruthful or lack transparency. To attract more clients and grow your creative business, set an intention to speak your feelings more often.

Instead of going underground with your feelings, let people know in an appropriate way how they are annoying you or making you angry.

You may think that by being polite and not saying how you feel in the moment, that you are avoiding confrontation and the feelings will go away over time. What is actually happening is that the feeling you had and trying to avoid dealing with, amplifies when you fail to express it. Suppressing those angry feelings transports the energy to your unconscious mind, where it grows and waits until it can be expressed at some point in time. Because your shadow has guardianship of your unconscious, it has carte-blanche to release the pent up anger to whomever and whenever it feels like doing it.

Often the release happens when you are driving and road rage occurs spontaneously, leaving you wondering why you had such an intense reaction to the driver cutting you off

Embrace your inner muse

in your lane. Another favourite of your shadow, is to make you late for appointments, deadlines and commitments - often to the very people who annoyed you the most. Unknowingly you are getting back at them through the stored, now unconscious energy for how they previously made you feel. You being late annoys them, gets them angry, gets their blood pressure up, it can even give them headaches. Know though, that the energy intensifies while it travels and has to return to source and the headache your shadow sent out, returns to you as a migraine!

Copper teaches you how to be responsible with your anger, to always say how you feel in the moment as kindly as you can. Once felt, acknowledged and expressed, anger is transmuted and cannot go underground where it can cause havoc in your business. Healthy expression of anger and frustration frees up your energy to connect with your muse and get doing what you do best, create!

What number did you pick?


DEEP BLACK: Every cycle of growth has a beginning, middle and an end. You tend to use the ‘I Know’ defense to learning more when you are at the end of a cycle, the top of your game. So this becomes a two edged sword; you are acclaimed as having achieved top level success, however your arrogant ‘I know it all already’, is keeping you from the information you need for a new beginning in the next cycle of your personal, financial, business and spiritual evolution.

Your fears that you may not be good enough to step up to the next level, or that you will have to switch from being the big fish in your pond to the little vulnerable fish in the unfamiliar bigger pond, has you resisting with ‘I know more than you’ to stay both safe and admired.

Shadow wants you to stay in the dark and resist the teachers, mentors, books and knowledge that will inspire your next exciting adventure. Start a swear jar and put in a dollar for every time you say ‘I know’ to help you remove the block that is your shadow’s way of keeping you from bridging the old and the new.


COPPER: Vows of celibacy and poverty were used by organized institutional systems to enforce guilt if you enjoyed your body or wealth. Money and sex were perceived as human evils, abstaining from sexual activity and money meant you were considered to be a pure spiritual being. Sex and money served humans, purity served God.

Your judgments that the work you do is pure and money is not, has you limiting your ability to make a difference in your community. Depleting your resources by not charging your value or limiting sexual passion, is not serving anyone except your shadow that wants you to make sacrifices to feel accepted.

When you deny yourself joy through money and sex you have cut off your connection to your creative centre. Having fun with money and sex will activate your creative centre and reconnect your thinking and feeling body to once again allow you to be the inspirational genius you know you can be.

Focus on building a healthy sexually active physical body. Mirror that effort towards your finances and engage a mentor and set systems in place that ensure you are paid your value and paid consistently so you may serve passionately as a change maker.


PALE COPPER: You are using indirect behaviour to express your anger in the use of subtle insults, moodiness, stubbornness, arriving late, forgetfulness, misplacing items and not finishing jobs.

Withholding intimacy, sex and open communication has you set on a path to sabotage your relationship. Your partner may or may not be the person that originally offended you, however there were instances in your past where you failed to express your opinion or needs in the moment and they are now conveniently placed to be at the receiving end of your passive punishment.

You are not completing the courses or projects you committed to do and will find someone else to blame as the interference or perceived block to you moving forward instead of looking at your repressed emotions as the cause.

This behaviour may not spill blood, however it does increase the blood pressure, stress levels and headaches for the person to whom you are directing your displaced emotions towards. Become aware of and transform this pattern fast, as what you send out energetically has to return to its source – you – and when it does your passive anger will have amplified and multiplied in force. You will get back more than a headache.

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