2 minute read
A torrid affair with COPPER
She could feel the electric current coursing through her body, one that stimulated both her brain and body. The itching to take action, the fidgeting that seemed to help her focus, the need to push forward on her dreams. She knew she wanted to get stuff done but these impulses weren’t being solely triggered by a clear vision, a trust in the plan, or even a healthy body . No, these impulses were supported by brain fog, mood swings, lack of satisfaction, exhaustion and high impact anxiety! This constant state of fright or flight was caused by an overload of copper!
Copper is a must in our bodies and is absolutely essential to the proper functioning of the immune system, the endocrine system, and the nervous system but it needs to be in the right balance or it can have a negative and harmful effect on our entire system and lives.

This ambitious woman, ready to feed the fire burning from her purpose spark, was about to write her new lifestyle love story as she explored her relationship with copper and began dating her diet.
She began privately investigating copper’s slick moves with hair analysis but learned that testing hair would only give her half the story. Partnering hair and blood work would add so many more juicy details. She learned of the torrid affair copper was having with estrogen and dopamine as well as zinc! This mineral seemed to really get around.
While she continued getting to know copper more intimately, her chronic fatigue, insomnia, skin sensitivities and fibroids kept increasing. She loved the rush she’d get from the dis-regulated copper but the ‘crazy in love’ feeling was only giving her ADD and anxiety symptoms. Copper was talking over and she just didn’t have the chemical fortitude to manage her feelings. Her moods were all over the place and she feared her love story would end with a broken heart.

She needed a knight in shining armour to ride in on the white horse to help save her relationship with copper.
She didn’t give up, she knew romance could still be in the air, and to her surprise it came in the food as well! She wanted to love the copper in her body and appreciate its strengths and conducting ways. She wanted copper, zinc, folic acid, and dopamine, to all be friends again like the perfect group date.
This motivated woman determined to show up in this world and take action, opened her eyes to what copper was really doing to her. Her lifestyle love story was finally beginning as she learned of the hold copper had on her with its excessive presence in her life. With this awareness and nutrient therapy she and copper got their relationship back on track!
*This awareness piece was written so that you may recognize some of the symptoms or unexplained health situations you might be facing and to encourage you to get the necessary tests done that you need to write your own lifestyle love story. Please connect with me so that I can help direct you to some resources and play match maker for you and the right amount of copper.