United News Magazine January Edition

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UNITED Vol. 2 Ed. 1

Publicacion Unidos United Publication

Jan’09 Enero’09

“...some people think in the box, some people think outside of the box, others don’t even see a box.” -Designer Luis Barrera

Community: More Grant Writing Workshops Available in Colusa County. Business: Fabulous, Smart and Only 23: Luis Barrera Designer, Graphic Artist and Much More. Entertainment: Colusa Casino’s Wrestling Night, Elvis comes to town and Merle Haggard Performs Live! Services: Local Couple Can Aid Hispanics in Important Immigration matters.


You can do it, if you want to: By Eliseo Andrade

© 2009 Luis Barrera Photography Design United By Luis Barrera Graphic Design Services, A community Bilingual Monthly Newsletter

Serving the Colusa, Yuba and Sutter Counties



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You can do it, If you want it Eliseo F. Andrade

Entertainment: Colusa Casino World Pro Wrestling Elvis and Merle Haggard

Designer Luis Barrera

Grant Writing Workshop in Colusa

23: Going on Success


United Publication Publicacion Unidos By Angel Diaz Publishing January 2009 Edition

Published on Monday January 5th 2009

Angel Diaz, Publisher


Luis Barrera, Editor


and that’s only in the next 30 days


Graphics By Luis Barera Graphic Services


From The Editor Del El Editor

Luis Barrera

Editor, United Publication

Hi and Happy New Year! I hope you all had a great holiday time with your family, friends and loved ones. What a year it has been, 2008 brought us good times as well as really bad ones. Celebrity meltdowns, new political figures, bad economy, home foreclosures, among other things. Now that ‘08 is over how will you remember it? As a good year or as a bad year? What will you do to improve 2009 from last year? Every new year millions of people make their resolutions for the upcoming year, however many of them go un-accomplished. With the new economic hardships and high cost of living, I would like invite you to try something new. This year make a new kind of resolution, end the day with a smile. I think that’s what will get us thru these hard times, our attitude towards it. Everyday try and think positive, remember it could always get worse. Be grateful for what you have each day. I’m a strong believer that if you think positive, then positive things will come your way. One of the ways to end your day with a smile, is to be more compassionate, everyday do something nice for someone else. How great will this year be if everyday someone does something nice for us. Mow your neighbors front lawn, buy someone a cup of coffee on Monday morning, call your local school and volunteer a few hours this year. We might not be able to do much about foreclosures or the bad economy, but everyday we each can make a small yet powerful difference in each other’s lives with a nice gesture of kindness. Please don’t forget to visit us online at www.publicacionunidos.com, where you can view all of this month’s stories as well as previous issues. Have a great and safe year and thank you for picking up our publication. P.S. I hope you enjoy our new look!

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LUIS BARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY 430 Market Street, Suite D Colusa California 95932 photo@luisbarrera.com www.luisbarrera.com

(530) 458-5243


Grant Writing Workshop

Submitted By

Kathy Craigo Special To United

In September, 2008 the Community Foundation of Colusa County hosted a grant writing seminar. As a result of the two day event conducted by Harvey Chess, president of the FTF (First Things First) Group, several of the attendees wanted to build on this experience in a way that would further develop their skills. Thus, the Grant Writers Guild was formed. The group meets the fourth Wednesday of each month at the Felt & White Economic Outreach Offices at 2967 Davison Court, Suite A in Colusa. Foundation Executive Director Ben Felt said the group is open to anyone wishing to learn the craft of grant writing and who is willing to volunteer some time to writing grants for the benefit of the citizens, organizations, and communities within Colusa County. “Some people build their legacy through the donation of money to a worthy cause, and some people create their legacy by the investment of their time. This is an ideal opportunity for retired persons or anyone with the time to devote to it, to do something wonderful for their community. We are all novices in the writing of grants but our goal is to learn the craft together and help each other to perfect the skill, which could potentially develop into a career path,� said Felt. We would like to encourage anyone interested in learning to write grants to join the group. For more information contact Felt at 458-4222.

Do you have a community brief you would like people to know? Please send it to us at info@publicacionunidos.com

Tienes un informe comunitario que te gustaria compartir? Porfavor de mandarla a info@publicacionunidos.com

For Deadline information visit us at www.publicacionunidos.com

Local Couple Aids Hispanics

Pareja local ayudando a los Hispanos Por mas de 30 años Simon Robles a asistido a los emigrantes campesinos mexicanos con llenado de papeles para necesidades medicas, asistencia en welfare, papeles de ciudadania y aplicaciones para emigracion y arreglos para funerales. Lo que empezo en 1976 de una posicion pagada se convirtio en una posicion sin fondos cuando el dinero federal se evaporo en 1983 pero Robles ha continuado ayudando a la gente por su cuenta todos estos años.


For more than 30 years Simon Robles has assisted Mexican immigrant farm laborers with medical needs, welfare assistance, citizenship papers, immigration applications and funeral arrangements.

Let us know what you think: visit us online and comment our editorials. www.publicacionunidos.com

What began in 1976 as a paid position became a non-funded position when federal funding evaporated in 1983, but Robles has continued to help the people on his own all of these years.

In 1997 Robles married his long-time friend Luz Paz, and now the couple work together to assist the Mexican immigrants. Luz Robles offers an income tax preparation service including Rapid Refund after Internal Revenue Service acceptance and bank approval. “The refund anticipation loan is available again in January through April 2009,” said Luz Robles.

En 1997 Robles se caso con su amiga de muchos años Luz Paz Gutierrez y ahora la pareja trabajan juntos para asistir a emigrantes mexicanos y de otros paises.

Luz Robles ofrece servicio de preparacion de impuestos, incluyendo reembolso rapido despues de aprovacion del IRS y Banco Correspondiente, el prestamo de reembolso anticipa She can also assist in obtaining an ITIN do esta disponible otra vez de enero a abril del for filing tax returns. She is a Bonded Immi- 2009, comento Luz Robles. gration Consultant available to asssist in filling out and filing immigration applications for fam- Tambien le puede asistir en obtener un ily members as well as renewals of permanent ITIN para hacer sus impuestos. Ella tambien resident cards. She will schedule appointments tiene un Bond de Consultante de Emigracion to the U.S. Immigration and Nturalization offices disponible para ayudarle a llenar papeles de through INFOPASS. emigracion para la familia y miembros de esta, tambien renovacion de micas de residents per Simon Robles will assist in filing Califor- manents. Ella hace citas en las Oficinas de nia Unemployment insurance benefits, assist in Emigracion y Naturalizacion a travez de INfiling California Disability insurance benefits, and FOPASS. assist in filling out U.S. Passport applications. The couple also offers fax service (sending and Simon Robles ayuda en aplicar para el receiving). beneficio de Desempleo de California le ayuda en aplicar para Desability en California y aplica For more information call (530) 437-2239, ciones para Pasaporte. La Pareja tambien offax (530) 706-8794 or email rece servicio de Fax (Envio y Recepcion). at robpaz@frontiernet.net. Para mas informacion llamar (530)4372239, Fax(530)706-8794 o correo electronico a robpaz@frontiernet.net.

Rob-Paz & Co. Call for an appointment

(530) 437-2239

You can also download this issue, or forward it so someone you think might enjoy seeing it.



23 Going on Success

Designer Luis Barrera


For as long as he can remember, Luis Barrera knew he wanted to be creative. “I loved to play with Legos, I never followed the instructions, I just tried to come up with something different than what the “box” showed” said Barrera. Barrera says though he was a good student at school, he never found a niche. “I loved, history classes, music courses, I hated math past algebra and I never understood chemistry” He adds, “I liked the music and drama classes.” Barrera was born in Guadalajara Mexico on June 2, 1985. He and his mother immigrated to the US in 1995. For 9-yearold Barrera it was a difficult move to leave his family behind, yet he recalls that he quickly adjusted to the change in culture and quickly made friends. Midway thru high school, Barrera transferred out of Pierce Unified School District, to the Colusa Unified School District as a Junior. “After I took a career test the results told me, I should be a social worker,” said Barrera. “I knew that was far from what I wanted to do,” he added. After his 2003 Colusa High School graduation, he moved to ‘The City by the Bay’ – San Francisco where he began his pursuit of a career in design. Barrera studied and at the prestigious Fashion Institute of Design. “I loved it there, school was fun, exciting, interesting, everyday I learned something new, something I wanted to learn,” said Barrera, going on to explain; “It was like night and day from high school, it didn’t matter that I didn’t know much about chemistry, it was about what was inside my head, my ideas, my creativity and my ability to look “outside the box,” said Barrera.

“I think we over stress out youth with the idea of having to excel at every subject...” “I think we over stress out youth with the idea of having to excel at every subject, to prepare them to be lawyers and doctors, but the world also needs creative people. Architects that will design the law firms and hospitals, designers who will create the next eco-friendly vehicle, musicians that will in-

spire us with their songs. We forget that not everyone thinks the same way, some people think in the box, some people think outside of the box, others don’t even see a box.” Upon graduating from The Institute of Design, Barrera gained experience in the world of Model Home Merchandising working for Desa Design in Chico, California. “It was during the height of the housing boom. We were designing homes left and right, while I was there I helped in over 50 or more homes. I burned out, the designs started to be repetitive and very cookie cutter,” he recalled. Barrera commented that although he loved the idea of designing homes that inspired the buyer and future home owners he didn’t like the mass amount of design that was developed.

“I like to be inspired before I design...” “I like to be inspired before I design, and some of that inspiration was taken away from designs or in some instances recycled from other projects. That is not how I work.” Barrera left the firm and embarked on his journey to start to build on his own portfolio. His clientele grew little by little “The next thing I knew I decided to quit my job as a graphic artist to focus more on my own career development,” said Barrera. In early 2008, Barrera became a founding member of the first Hispanic Chamber of Commerce in the tri-county area. Since then he has been elected to serve on the North Valley Hispanic Chamber’s executive board. “It’s been a great experience; I believe our mission is very important especially during these hard economic times. I only hope to be part of this great organization for many more years to come.” Additionally, Barrera is now on the ballot for the upcoming Colusa County Chamber of Commerce Board of Directors election in January. He said he would like to serve on that board not only to do whatever he can to promote Colusa County businesses, but to serve as a link between the Chamber and the Hispanic Chamber of

Commerce and Hispanic businesses in the area. In the summer of 2008, with the help of both the Colusa County Chamber and the North Valley Hispanic Chamber Barrera opened The Luis Barrera Design Studio in downtown Colusa. “I know a lot of people here, I love the town of Colusa, I like that is family oriented and that everyone is very welcoming to new businesses” Barrera added “I also wanted to help better the town that gave me my High School diploma, I wanted to prove to myself and others that, you can come home again, and help better your towns, and help in the economic development of it, while creating a career for your self.” Luis Barrera Design Studio has three emphases, Interior Design; everything from residential, commercial, retail, model home merchandising to hospitality. Graphic Design which includes but is not limited to website design and development, print media advertising, business branding materials and printing of newsletter and magazines. Barrera also has embarked in the Photography design business where he provides photography services for marketing and promotional materials as well as for personal use. Just 23-years-old, some might say Barrera has done a lot, yet he says; “There is still a lot more I see for myself. There is more I want to give back to my community, when you are a left brain thinker it’s nonstop. Ideas come left and right, ways to not only improve the way of design, but ways for my community to improve and better itself”. “I only hope God gives me enough time and energy and that He will surround me with the same passionate people as He already has, to see it all done,” said Barrera. Barrera also would like people to know of his “open door policy.” “No matter if you need my services or not, I encourage anyone to take some time and come into my office and pick my brain, I only hope I can help with anything I can, even if it’s not related to the field I’m in.” The Luis Barrera Design Studio is located on 430 Market Street, Suite D, in Colusa California, in the Market Place building. For more information on Luis Barrera or The Luis Barrera Design Studio and its services please visit them online at their new website www.luisbarrera.com.



You can do it, If you want it Si se puede, si se quiere

Eliseo F. Andrade

30 de octubre de 1974 Yo emigré de México el 30 de octubre de 1974. Mi primer trabajo fue en las huertas de durazno y ciruela. Recuerdo como torpemente cortaba las ramas de los árboles mientras observaba como colgaba el hielo de las mismas en el invierno. Las ramas me golpeaban cuando hacía los cortes de los tupidos árboles. Sentía los latigazos en mi congelado rostro y estos golpes eran como cortadas punzantes en la piel debido a mi rostro gélido. Así fue como me gané mis primeros dólares en Estados Unidos. Después de esa experiencia, decidí tratar algo nuevo y diferente.


October 30, 1974 I immigrated from Mexico on October 30, 1974. My first jobs were pruning peach and prune trees. I remember my clumsiness on that job since this was the first time in my life that I had ever worked in this kind of activity. I remember how the icicles used to dangle from the branches. This job comes about during fall and winter season. I remember vividly how the branches slapped me across the face when I reached out to cut a branch off. The blows were so painful; they felt like lashes across my face because of the frigid cold. This was how I earned my very first dollars in United States. After that experience, I decided to try something different.

Submitted By

1975-1977 During these years, I worked in Robins, California. My first assignment in my new job was to cut and unearth bean plants. I remember the extreme heat. The temperature ranged from 1080-1100 F. Also, I recall the extreme pain in my lower back since most of the day I was working bent over with my back to the sun all day long. The soreness was unbearable. During the night; it was excruciating, hence, it was impossible to rest. Those farming days ranged between 10 hours 6 days per week in the slow periods, to 15-24 hours during the high peak season. I thought long and hard if this was what I wanted to do the rest of my life. But, what else could I have done during those days, since I only had a sixth grade education? This was the turning point when I began to experiment with other jobs in order to look for something better. 1977-1994 I worked in a meat company. I started in cleanup in the graveyard shift. I moved among the different production departments: ground beef and portion control (PC), this department worked with steaks. I realized that everything I had learned in that company was due to my own initiative. This was a turning point in my life when I realized that I had the drive to achieve whatever I strived for in life. From that point on, I dared to dream of an academic career for three very important reasons: first, I had taken and passed my GED in September 4 1986, second, there was neither a future nor stability in the meat company anymore, and finally, my daughters needed help with their school work and homework assignments. Now, all I needed was a flexible job that will allow me time to embark in the academic world.

1975-1977 Durante estos años, trabajé en el campo abierto en el área de Robins California. Mi primera tarea laboral fue cortar y desenterrar matas de frijol con un dielgo en una temperatura aproximada de 1080-1100 grados F. La mayor parte del día, me la pasé en cuclillas con la espalda hacia el sol. El dolor en la cintura durante la noche, era insoportable y era imposible descansar. Fueron días larguísimos de trabajo. Los días laborales variaban de 10 horas 6 días por semana durante la temporada lenta, hasta 15 a 24 horas 7 días por semana durante la temporada de mayor trabajo. Pensaba si esto era lo que quería hacer el resto de mi vida. Pero, ¿que otra cosa podría hacer, ya que únicamente contaba con una educación primaria? Así fue como comencé a experimentar otro tipo de empleos con el afán de indagar algo mejor.

1977-1994 Trabajé en una carnicería en la limpieza en el turno nocturno. Experimenté las labores de varios departamentos en esa compañía. Había dos departamentos de producción: carnes molidas y control de porciones, donde se trabajaba el bistec. Me dí cuenta que todo lo que aprendí era por iniciativa propia, entonces realicé que esa era la clave para lograr cualquier reto que me impusiera. De allí en delante, me atreví en soñar en una posible carrera académica por tres razones muy importantes: primero, porque tomé y pasé mi equivalencia de la preparatoria en 4 de septiembre de 1986, en seguida, porque la estabilidad en la carnicería ya no existía, tercero, mis hijas necesitaban ayuda académica en casa y yo en ese tiempo, era francamente analfabeto en el sistema educativo de este país. Para ayudarles a mis hijas tenía que cambiar de

empleo para asistirles en tareas escolares y así poderles ayudar. Pero, necesitaba un empleo con flexibilidad para dedicarme al mundo de los libros. Comencé a trabajar de conserje en el distrito escolar de Yuba City, tiempo parcial mientras me acomodaba tiempo completo en dicho empleo. Tres años más tarde, adquirí mi permanencia como conserje. Ya era tiempo 1994-2004 In the fall term of 1994, I registered in de comenzar. Yuba College. I went to Yuba College half-time 1994-2004 while working full-time. The educational chalEn el otoño de 1994, me inscribí en Yuba lenges were at times overwhelming since I had been out of school for quite a few years. This was College para comenzar a estudiar. Estudié mea challenge that I had to endure for the long-run dio tiempo. Mi proceso educativo fue un gran in order to achieve my objectives. In the spring reto porque ya tenía varios años sin tocar libro of 1998, I graduated with an AA in general edu- alguno. Este era uno de tantos desafíos que tenía que enfrentar para lograr mis objetivos. En cation. In the year 2000, I transferred to CSU, el primavera de 1998, me gradué con grado asoChico State University. At Chico, I continued ciado en educación (AA en educación general.). En el año 2000, me transferí a la universtudying half-time and working full-time. Even- tually, I graduated in the spring, of 2004, with a sidad de Chico State donde seguí mi educación Spanish major and a minor in Business Adminis- en tiempo parcial. Eventualmente, me gradué en primavera del 2004 con una licenciatura en tration. español y una carrera suplementaria menor en administración de empresas. 2004-2006 Durante este lapso comencé el programa 2004-2006 I began the teacher credentialing program in de la credencial de maestro en la universidad Chapman University, in Yuba City, California. de Chapman en Yuba City. Dí mi servicio de I did my student-teaching at River Valley High maestro en la nueva preparatoria River Valley, School in Yuba City. After I finished the creden- donde después del término de mi credencial fui tials program, I was hired full-time at River Valley, contratado como maestro de español y negocios en la primavera del 2006. to teach Spanish and Business in the spring of 2006. 2006-presente En este momento aún sigo dando clases 2006-Present I am still at River Valley High School. I have also de español y computación mientras estoy en el tackled another challenge. I am in the Tier 1 Ad- proceso de adquirir mi certificado de administración en la universidad de Chapman en Yuba ministration Credential program at Chapman University. I am expecting to finish in the summer City California. Dicho reto, se materializará en el veraof 2009. Currently, River Valley High School has no del 2009. River Valley High School me ha given me the opportunity to substitute for the vice-principals during their absence as an interim dado la oportunidad hoy en día, de substituir a vice principal. What will be my next challenge? los subdirectores, como administrador interino para darme la práctica necesaria para el entreOnly time will tell. Community needs and my desire to continue to be a productive member of namiento administrativo. ¿Que retos seguirán? solo el tiempo, las necesidades sociales, y mis society will help guide me in my future. inquietudes por ser un miembro productivo de la sociedad decidirán.


I began to work as a custodian in Yuba City Unified School District, part-time. I was waiting for an opportunity for full-time in this job to begin my educational career. Finally, three years later, it happened. It was time to begin.

Do you have a interesting point of view and you would like to share it? **Limit 600 words** Please send it to us at info@publicacionunidos.com

Quieres expresar y compartir tu punto de vista? **Limite 600 palabras** Mandanoslo a info@publicacionunidos.com

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Colusa Ca 95932

World of Pro Wrestling Comes to Colusa On January 7 Colusa Casino Resort will open its doors to the World of Pro Wrestling, and bring some of the sport’s superstars to Colusa. Some of the main events will include Doink the Clown and WWE Legend The Honkytonk Man vs Golden Boy Jerry Grey and Volkoff in a World Championship Tag Team match, plus the ladies match with World Champion Nitro Girl Erica vs. Morgan. Other matches include Destroyer vs Dragon, Santana vs. Heinererick, The Native American, and midget Superstars from Spanish TV and special Guest Managers Colusa Tribal Chairman, Wayne “Dusty Rhodes II” and Colusa Casino Resort General Manager Jim “Gentleman Jim the GM” Ervin plus much more. Additionally, Mexico’s “Blue Demon” the Mexican Lucha Libre will be signing autographs and taking photos on the casino floor between 5pm and 7pm prior to the show. The Casino resort is especially proud to present this type of entertainment for its patrons. World Pro Wrestling promoter Jerry Grey states that this show is free of vulgarity and is steroid and drug free entertainment while still providing the same great old-school showmanship wrestling style. Tickets are $25 for preferred or $15 for reserved and are available at the Casino Gift Shop. Doors open at 6pm with the first match at 7pm. Colusa Casino is owned and operated by The Cachil Dehe Band of Wintun Indians located at 3770 Highway 45 in the Northern California city of Colusa roughly one hour north of Sacramento, call 530-458-8844 for more information. Colusa Casino Resort is dedicated to responsible gaming. It’s a new day at Colusa Casino Resort, and it’s still all about you.

El dia 7 de Enero, el Colusa Casino Resort abre sus puertas al Mundo de Lucha Profesional y traer a algunos de los superestrellas a Colusa. Algunos de los eventos principales va incluir Doink the Clown y una leyenda de WWE The Honkytonk Man contra Golden Boy Jerry Grey y Volkoff en un Campeonato Mundial encuentro de Tag Team mas un enfrentamiento de mujeres con la Campeona Mundial Nitro Girl Erica contra Morgan. Otros encuentros incluyen Destroyer contra Dragon, Santana contra Heinererick, The Native American y los Midget Superestrellas de Latino TV e invitados especiales, Administradores Colusa Tribal Chairman, Wayne “Dusty Rhodes II” y Colusa Casino Resort General Manager, Jim “Gentleman Jim the GM” Ervin y mucho mas. Adicionalmente, “Blue Demon” de Lucha Libre Mexicana va a firmar autogrfos y sacar fotos en el Casino de las 5 pm y 7pm antes del show. El Casino Resort esta especialmente orgulloso en presentar este tipo de entretenimiento para su clientela. El promotor de World Pro Wrestling, Jerry Grey, expreso que este show es sin vulgaridad y este entretenimiento es libre de steroids y drogas mientras que proveen el mismo fabuloso tipo de presentacion de lucha libre de antaño. Lo boletos son a $25.00 dolares para preferencia o $15.00 dolares para reservados y estan disponibles en el Casino Gift Shop. Las puertas se abren a las 6:00 pm con el primer encuentro a las 7:00pm. El Colusa Casino es propiedad y operado por el Cachil Dehe Band of Wintun Indians localizado en 3770 Highway 45 en Norte California en la Ciudad de Colusa mas o menos 1 hora al Norte de Sacramento. Llame a (530)458-8844 para mas informacion. Colusa Casino Resort esta dedicado a que jueguen responsablemente. Es un dia nuevo en Colusa Casino Resort siempre se trata de ti.

Do you know of something coming up and would like to let everyone know? Let us know and we’ll help pass the word out. Email us at info@publicacionunidos.com for editorial deadlines visit us at www.publicacionunidos.com

Sabes de algo que va a pasar y te gustaria que todos lo supieran? Dinoslo a nostoros y te ayudaremos a decirlo, escribenos a info@publicacionunidos.com para saber las fechas de editoriales www.publicacionunidos.com



El mundo de Lucha Profesional viene a Colusa

Elvis is in the building

Elvis esta en el edificio

Colusa Casino Resort will have that old time Las Vegas feel during the week of January 23-31. Elvis Week at the Casino Resort will feature Elvis and the World’s Smallest Elvis look-a-likes, plus free photos and Elvis sunglasses for ongoing hot seats drawings. The ‘Elvis’s’ will be on the Casino floor taking photos with guests and handing out goodies all week long. On Monday, Jan. 26 Jack’s Lounge will host an Elvis Karaoke event from 7 pm until l1 pm. The contest winner will receive two free tickets to the “Blue Hawaii� concert scheduled for January 28 and 29 in the Casino Resort Showroom. Phil Robertson, Colusa Casino Resort publicity manager has commented that this show promises to be very exciting. “It features a Blue Hawaii theme with a ‘hot lava’ feel as well as fire dancers and hula girls,� said Robertson. Robertson added that this special week is one the Colusa Casino Resort patrons are sure to enjoy. “We are really looking forward to it,� he said. “Not only does it promise to be a great week a the Casino, but Elvis fan patrons will have an opportunity to fulfill another dream,� said Robertson, All Players Club card members who have earned 10,000 or more points in the second half of 2008 and/or in January 2009 will receive two free tickets to the concert plus a chance to win a trip for two to Graceland both nights one hour after the concert. All concert goers will receive one drawing ticket. This trip includes airfare for two, hotel for three nights and admission to Graceland. “This is going to be an exciting week,� said Robertson. “We hope everyone will join in the fun.�

Colusa Casino Resort va tener el sentir de los tiempos de antaĂąo de Las Vegas la semana de Enero 23-31. La Semana de Elvis en Casino Resort presenta a Elvis y los Mas PequeĂąos Elvis Parecidos en el Mundo mas fotos gratis y lentes oscuros como los de Elvis para el sorteo en curso de Hot Seats. Los Elvis’s van a estar en el Casino tomando fotos con invitados y entregando golosinas toda la semana. El Lunes 26 de Enero, Jack’s Lounge va presentar un evento Elvis Karaoke de las 7pm hasta las 11pm. El ganador del concurso va a recibir dos boletos gratis para el concierto “Blue Hawaiiâ€? programado para el 28 y 29 de Enero en el Casino Resort Showroom. Phil Robertson, el director de publicidad, ha comentado que la presentacion promete ser muy emosionante. “Se presenta un tema Blue Hawaii con un sentido de lava ardiente asi como se presentan bailadores utilizando lumbre y hula girls,â€? comento Robertson. Robertson aĂąadio que esta semana especial es una en que los clientes de Colusa Casino Resort de seguro van a gozar. “Lo estamos realmente anticipando,â€? ĂŠl dijo. “No nadamas promete ser una semana grandiosa en el Casino, pero clientes aficionados de Elvis tendran la oportunidad de llevar a cabo otro sueĂąo,’ comento Robertson. Todos los miembros con la tarjeta Players Club que han ganado 10,000 puntos o mas en la segunda mitad del 2008 y/o en Enero de 2009 van a recibir dos boletos gratis mas una oportunidad de ganar un viaje para dos a Graceland dos noches una hora despues del concierto. Todos los que atiendan al concierto van a recibir un boleto para el sorteo. Este viaje incluye boleto de avion para dos, tres noches en un hotel y entrada a Graceland. “Esta va a ser una semana muy emosionanteâ€? dijo Robertson. “Esperemos que todos se unan a la diversionâ€?.


50%+ of Colusa County 20%+ of Yuba County 30%+ of Sutter County Residents are bilingual Reach Everyone

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The North Valley Hispanic Chamber of Commerce would like to invite you to join us on

January 21, 2009 at 6:30pm for our first meeting of 2009 Meeting will be held at 415 Century Park Drive#D Yuba City, California 95991 for more info email us at info@northvalleyhispanicchamber.com www.northvalleyhispanicchamber.com



787 Plumas Street Yuba City, CA 95991

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Legendary Country Superstar Merle Haggard performs LIVE at Colusa Casino Resort On February 4, one of America’s country music’s legends will take the stage at the Colusa Casino Resort. Merle Haggard will appear for one show only at 7:30 p.m. in the Colusa Casino Resort Showroom. Typically a discussion about Merle Haggard includes the word legend. “It’s an acknowledgement of his artistry and his standing as “the poet of the common man”. It’s a tribute to his incredible commercial success and to the lasting mark he has made,” commented Phil Robertson, Colusa Casino Resort publicity manager. Robertson added that it is Merle Haggard’s music that creates a mind’s eye image that transports its listeners and brought his songs to the top of the charts time and again. He added that it can make an innocent-as-applepie grandma understand the stark loneliness and selfloathing of a prisoner on death row; a rich kid who never wanted for any material possession get a feel for the pain of wondering where the next meal will come from. ”As a result, Haggard found his songs at the top of the charts on a regular basis.” Haggard was immediately embraced by country fans, and he also earned the respect of his peers. In addition to the 40 number one hits, Haggard charted scores of Top Ten songs. He won just about every music award imaginable, both as a performer and as a songwriter, and in 1994 was inducted into the Country Music Hall of Fame. His body of work easily places him beside Hank Williams as one of the most influential artists in country music. It is speculated that the chances are good that Haggard also drew from personal experience when he sang such drinking songs as “Bar Room Buddies,” a duet with Clint Eastwood, and “I Think I’ll Just Stay Here and Drink” in 1980.

Though the hits slowed down a bit in the following decades, Haggard never stopped making music. He started producing his own cuts for the first time, and “My Favorite Memory” and “Big City,” went to No. 1 in 1981. The next year he and George Jones made an album together, with their duet “Yesterday’s Wine,” reaching the top of the chart. Teaming up with another legend-in-the-making, Willie Nelson, Haggard scored again with the 1983 hit “Poncho and Lefty.” In 1987, he scored his last No.1 hit, “Twinkle, Twinkle Lucky Star.” In the mid-nineties, with the release of the box set “Down Every Road” coming at the same time Haggard was releasing an album of new music; the media turned its attention to the long-ignored singer once more. His status as a living legend took hold about then, with good reason. It was overdue. It would be difficult to find an artist as creative, as successful, and as stubbornly true to himself as Haggard. In between his hits, he made albums that paid tribute to the musicians who influenced him, like Jimmie Rodgers, Lefty Frizzell and Bob Wills, done out of respect rather than commercial calculation. He blended elements of jazz, rock, blues and folk music into his arrangements, while staying true to the traditions of country. No matter what the current fashion of the moment was in music, Haggard always went his own way. Tickets are $45 for Preferred seating or $35 for Reserved seating and on sale at the casino gift shop or online at www.startickets.com beginning January 7. Colusa Casino is owned and operated by The Cachil Dehe Band of Wintun Indians located at 3770 Highway 45 in the Northern California city of Colusa roughly one hour north of Sacramento, call 530-458-8844 for more information. Colusa Casino Resort is dedicated to responsible gaming. It’s a new day at Colusa Casino Resort, and it’s still all about you.

Honky-Tonk Man vs. Doink the Clown! plus Midget Match Luchadors

Special Autograph and Photo Session with Fans...

Octigonzito vs. Tzuki Gorgeous Erica vs. Morgan Santana vs. Volkoff Native American vs. Golden Boy and More...

Wednesday, January 7th at 7pm Preferred Seating $25 • General Seating $15 Tickets on Sale Now at www.starticketsplus.com and at Ti the Colusa Casino Resort Gift Shop

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