United News Magazine March Edition

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Vol. 2 Ed. 3

Publicacion Unidos United Publication

News Magazine

Friends, Colleagues & Teachers: almost 20 years coming to an end

Mar’09 Marzo’09


FREEbie text of the month sponsored by Twisted River Cafe

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TWISTED RIVER CAFE 304 5th street, Colusa

On The Cover: The Teaching Staff at Grand Island Elementary; almost 20 Years, is this the last year for the group of four? United: New Editor & Chief Kathy Craigo’s letter from the editor. Business: Ben Felt & Mike Murray give us some insight on local AG & Economic issues. Community: Learn about the Williams Family Action Center & Colusa’s 24 hour relay, be a part of it!

save the date

CRMC’s Ride for Life, April 25th 2009

© 2009 Luis Barrera Photography Design


United News Magazine Published By Barrera Craigo Productions, A Community Bilingual Monthly News Magazine

Serving the Colusa, Yuba and Sutter Counties

FREEbie text of the month sponsored by Twisted River Cafe

sign up at www.unitednewsmagazine.com

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News Magazine

relay coming to Colusa, will help the youth

304 5th street, Colusa

Colusa Small Biz Showcase


Commodity Cook Off

or stop by

Chase’s Picks of the Month

The Staff @ G.I.

Vol. 2 Ed. 3

Learn what makes this little school such a big part of the community



United News Magazine By Barrera Craigo Productions

Local Economy

March 2009 Edition

Published on Monday March 4th 2009

Editor & Chief

Kathy Craigo

info@unitednewsmagaazine.com Creative Director

This month’s contributors

Luis Barrera









From The Editor

Luis Barrera Creative Director

United News Magazine

Kathy Craigo

Editor, United News Magazine Hello, You just never know what is coming next in your life. Anyone who has ever read my old column; “Thoughts I’ve Had” knows that I believe our lives are planned out for us and that we need to be patient and see what comes our way. At the beginning of 2009 I felt as if something was on the horizon, but I didn’t dream it would be the wonderful new adventure of becoming involved in publishing this great news magazine. Along with my new challenges as Editor & Chief of UNITED comes the good fortune of partnering with the talents of former Editor (now Creative Director) Luis Barrera. We are as different as any two people could be, but for some reason we mesh and the results are promising and creative. Although we laugh at our friendship and our partnership and know that in reality we should be a ‘sitcom’ instead of publishing team, it seems to be working and the future is bright. UNITED is a publication we are proud of and a publication we hope our readers will embrace and enjoy. It is our goal in the pages of UNITED to provide promotion of our many wonderful businesses, groups, and organizations in Colusa, Yuba and Sutter Counties. Luis and I still have our separate businesses of Kathy Craigo Media Consulting and Luis Barrera Design Studio, but together our joint venture is Barrera Craigo Productions. We are very excited about what the future may hold, and we are anxiously awaiting each new development. Thank you to our readers and advertisers for coming along for the ride.

Kathy Craigo, Editor & Chief P.S. Don’t forget to view our website for our Freebie Text of the Month.

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LUIS BARRERA PHOTOGRAPHY 430 Market Street, Suite D Colusa California 95932 photo@luisbarrera.com www.luisbarrera.com

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THE WILLIAMS FAM. ACT. CENTER. El Centro de Acción de Familia de Williams


El Centro de Acción de Familia de Williams esta localizado en 901 Calle E, en el edificio de la biblioteca, y ha estado abierto desde Marzo del 2006. Desde Noviembre del 2007, junto con El Centro de Acción de Familia de Arbuckle, ellos se hicieron una organización no lucrativa como los Centros de Acción de Familia del Condado Colusa. El Centro de Williams tiene una variedad de servicios libres abiertos al público incluso: Academia de Niños; inglés como Segundo Idioma; Clases de Diploma de Educación Generales; Clase de Crianza de los hijos; Clase de Computadora; y Asistencias de aplicaciones. Ellos están abiertos de Lunes a Viernes a las 8:30 hasta las 4:30 p.m. Visítenos o llame para más información—473-5400.


24-Hour Relay; an investment in youth

A May 24-hour relay event hosted by the Colusa Unified School District will benefit the entire community as well as raise funds to invest in the future of our youth by paying for youth development programs. The relay is an attempt to bring youth and adults together in a secure, drug free environment for 24 hours to promote healthy lifestyles, relationships and support for Colusa Unified School District’s positive youth development programs. The relay is made up of teams of 10 participants and coaches/chaperones. Organizers of the relay say its success depends on the involvement of the community organizations, adults and students. The team participants will take turns walking or running around the track at Colusa High School. They will work together to raise funds, select clothing or costumes and set up their campsite. All food will be provided as well as a safe, supervised alcohol and drug free environment. The event begins at 7:00 a.m. Saturday and ends with awards, prizes and breakfast at 7:00 a.m. Sunday.


The Williams Family Action Center is located at 901 E Street, in the library building, and has been operating since March 2006. As of November 2007, along with the Arbuckle Family Action Center, they became the non-profit public charity as the Family Action Centers of Colusa County. As non-profits, each of the Centers received grants from the Community Foundation of Colusa County. The Williams Family Action Center has a variety of free services open to the public including: Kids Academy; English as a Second Language Classes; General Education Diploma Classes; Parenting Class; Computer Class; and application assistance. They are open Monday through Friday 8:30 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. Feel free to call 473-5400 or drop in for more information..




Volunteers can be a teammate, a coach, a sponsor, a day volunteer, a night volunteer, or a cook. The goal is to get as many people involved as possible. Participants range in age from 12-?! The entrance fee per team is $250 or $25 per participant. Team participants will receive: the satisfaction of being a part of the support for positive school programs, a colorful T-shirt, lots of food including lunch, dinner and breakfast, awards and prizes, entertainment, and very little sleep! (Bring a tent!) The area will be safe, secure and staffed with medical and security personnel. If you are interested in forming or joining a team call for a registration packet that includes all registration forms, waivers, sponsor sheets and other necessary information, or the packet is available at Colusa High School or Burchfield Primary School. Contact Rosemary Hicks (530) 458-5853, rhicks@colusa.k12.ca.us. The forms must be completed and returned to Colusa High School, 901 Colus Ave., Colusa, CA. 95932 or Burchfield Primary School, 400 Fremont Street, Colusa, CA 95932 by April 20, 2009.

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What is your fondest memory of Grand Island Elemantary? Ann (Bowden) Krouse - Attended the 1950’s and 1960’s

That would be the last day of school when we had all the ice cream we could eat and all the good cakes the Mama’s made; especially the chocolate. It was just a fun day. Rose Ann (Powers) Ellis – Attended in 1950’s

Having my father Joseph Powers as my teacher, principle and father. Gene Caldwell – Attended in the 1950’s and 1960’s

Let this “Little Coupon Book” show what a big impact it can have on your business Deadline is approaching call Barrera Craigo Productions Today!

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UNITED News Magazine Asked You:

Well I remember a lot of things. In the first and second grade Mrs. Wilsey used to give us a kiss as we left her class. I thought that was nice, but I guess she couldn’t do that now. I remember being sent to My Limpky’s office for a spanking and putting paper lunch sacks in my pockets so it would lessen the sting. I guess that couldn’t happen now either. To be honest I have a million great memories about that place and very few bad ones. I loved growing up in Grimes in the time we got to grow up there. Kathy (Bowden) Craigo – Attended in the 1950’s and 1960’s

I remember the Christmas programs and the arrival of Santa. I was thrilled when I returned to Grimes so many years later to see that that tradition is still in place. I also remember the Mother’s Tea’s and the holiday parties the Mother’s Club parents provided for us. But one of my favorite memories is of a time when my friends and I spent every spare recess minute for weeks building a ‘fort’ in the field out behind the school. Insurance regulations would probably prevent that now. Gabriela Ramirez - Attended in the 1990’s

One thing for certain is that I will never forget my years and experience at Grand Island. When I was in my kindergarten class, I would always look forward to playtime where we would play with the fake plastic foods, and the little family house. I loved Mr. Kitchen’s class and everyone else’s also. I remember always getting in trouble in Mrs. Nerli’s class; the neat little projects (especially the mission project) in Mrs. Bruhn’s class; and the amazing trips in Mr. Marler’s class. There are too many fond memories that I have from Grand Island that I’m a little disappointed I cannot write about all of them. But if you would spend an entire day at Grand Island Elementary, I am sure you will remember it for the rest of your life. David Robles - Attended in the 1950’s



The Little Black Coupon Book Will be Mailed to Every Colusa County Household. For More Information Call: 530 458-3704

My fondest memories were the lunches and Mrs. Hines’s homemade peach ice cream at the last day of school picnic. Simon J Robles - Attended in the 1040’s and 1950’s

The greatest memories are the friends made 60+ years ago and having kept those friendships. During my school years we went from first through the eighth grade. We were like a family. Luis Barrera - Attended in the 1990’s

I didn’t appreciate the school and staff until I reached Junior High, then I realized that the magic, charm and love that Grand Island had was not common, it’s a rare and special chemistry that every year the staff creates under a little brick building in the middle of nowhere. Jamie York (Caldwell) graduated in 1991

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My best memories of Grand Island is how everyone knew each other and got along. It didn’t matter how you looked or how much money you had, everyone was friends! I will never forget the Christmas plays we did every year, they were so much fun! Olivia Cervantes-Kreisher.

I graduated from the 8th grade in 1957 as the only girl in my class. One of my many memories is how long the hallway seemed at that time as I collected our daily lunch money from each class room for delivery to Mr. Powers. Funny, now the old school building seems so small. I also remembered my first grade teacher, Mrs. Guitar and how she controlled our class. She had all the blackboard erasers lined up behind her and could she zero in on you. Unfortunately, I was at the end of one of those erasers when Dave Moore, my classmate in front of me ducked and no, it wasn’t intended for me but for Dave who saw it coming. Owella, them were the days. Lupe Robles-Sane

my fondest memory of Grand Island Elementary is the great food served in the cafeteria - and, looking back, must add, the superior education I received from first through eighth grade. May I add one more - the beautiful school building itself.

We want to know that you think!

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The teachers


Teachers, Colleagues & Friends The extraordinary teaching staff at Grand Isalnd Elementary BY KATHY CRAIGO, SPECIAL TO UNITED


Grand Island Elementary School remains the heart of the Grimes community. The little brick school house was built in the 1930’s and it has continued to serve as the focal point of the community. Traditions like the Mothers’ Club, the Mother’s Tea and the last day of school softball game that began several decades ago continue. The teaching staff, Principal Blake Kitchen (who also teaches kindergarten), Tish Nerli who teaches first grade, Teresa Bruhn who teaches a second and third grades combination class and Randy Marler who teaches a fourth and fifth grades combination class is more like a family than it is a group of co-workers. The teaching team has been teaching together in Grimes for 19 years. But that may come to an end now. Kitchen may be leaving the school. Pierce Joint Unified School District (PJUSD) Superintendent Patricia Hamilton commented that the PJUSD Board still needs to make a decision on whether Kitchen will make the move, but that because he is highly trained they are considering transferring him to Johnson Junior High School as principal. “He has received English Language Development training this year, four years of training with Marilyn Bates on instructional strategies as well as training in the reading adoption and recent math adoption,” said Hamilton. She added that the middle school has a QEIA (Quality Education Investment Act) grant, and that one of the grant requirements is to have a highly qualified administrator. A former Grand Island student herself, Hamilton stated that she loves the school. “Should Mr. Kitchen be moved to the middle school Carol Geyer would be administrator of Arbuckle Elementary School (her current post), and also of Grand Island. Grand Island would also have an assistant principal,” explained Hamilton. Hamilton added that there is a candidate within the District that is highly trained and has finished the first tier of her administrative credential. “I believe Mr. Kitchen will be an asset to the middle school and the administrators that will be assigned to Grand Island have outstanding qualities as well,” she said.


La escuela de Grand Island Elementary sigue en el corazon de la comunidad de Grimes. Esta pequeña escuela de ladrillo fue construida en los 1930’s y continua siendo el punto central de la comunidad. Tradicions como el Club de Madres, el Te de Madres y el juego de softball en el ultimo dia de escuela que hace varias decadas que empezo y continuan. El personal, Director Blake Kitchen (quien es maestro de Kinder), Tish Nerli quien es maestra de primero, Teresa Bruhn maestra de segundo y tercero combinado y Randy Marler maestro de cuarto y quinto combinado es mas como una familia que como un grupo de compañeros de trabajo. Este equipo de maestros tienen 19 años de enseñanza juntos en Grimes. Pero esto pueda ser que termine. Kitchen puede ser que se vaya de la escuala. Pierce Joint Unified School District (PJUSD) Superintendente Patricia Hamilton comento que la mesa directiva de PJUSD todavia tiene que hacer una desicion si Kitchen se va a cambiar, pero por que esta sumamente entrenado La Mesa de PJUSD estan teniendo en cuenta su traslado a Johnson Junior High School como director. “El ha recibido entrenamiento este año de English Language Development, cuatro años de entrenamiento con Marilyn Bates en estrategias instruccionales tanto como estrenamiento en adopcion de leer y reciente adopcion matematica, “dijo Hamilton”. Ella agrego que la middle school tiene un QEIA (Quality Education Investment Act) fondo monetario guvernamental, y que uno de los requerimientos del fondo es que tengan un administrador sumamente calificado. Hamilton una ex estudiante de Grand Island, dijo que ella quiere mucho a la escuela, “Si Mr. Kitchen es trasladado a Middle School, Carol Geyer fuera la administradora de Arbuckle Elementary School (su puesto actual), y al mismo tiempo de Grand Island. Grand Island tambien tuviera un Director Asistente,” explico Hamilton. Hamilton agrego que hay un candidato dentro del Distrito que esta sumamente entrenado y ha terminado el primer nivel de su credencial administrativo.” Yo creo que Mr. Kitchen va a ser una ventaja al Middle School y los administradores asignados a Grand Island tambien tienen cualidades

Kitchen declined to comment on the potential move, but he continued to share his thoughts on his time in Grimes. “The rewards of teaching at Grand Island are definitely the relationships that are built there; not only with the staff, but with the students”. “The greatest reward is definitely the relationships we make with the kids,” he said. “It is a small school (just 77 students this year), so while one teacher may teach a student in one class, we have our kids here for 7 years,” he said. “I teach kindergarten, but I get to see each of the kids grow in their education until they leave us to go to middle school,” he said. Kitchen said the little school has a family atmosphere and that he and his fellow teachers feel a great pride when they see their students go on to succeed. To the students who enter there, it becomes a place of education, nurturing and friendship. Often it is place to which they return to seek advice or share news of their successes. “Often our students come back to visit throughout their middle school, high school and college years,” he said. “I treasure getting to watch these kids succeed,” he said adding that one former Grand Island graduate is entering medical school this year, while yet another completed education in social work and is going to be working right here in Colusa County. “When the kids come back to visit and talk, I always take the opportunity to push for them to continue on to college,” he said. Kitchen said he has seen few changes at the school during his time there. “The biggest change I have seen came last year when the sixth grade students were moved to Johnson Junior High School,” he said. That decision came when the class size of the first and second grade combination class became too large with 30 plus students,” he said. However, next year the school is expected to return to the K-6 grade format and Kitchen said that is a good thing. He added that his list of improvements for the school isn’t a long list, but that it is a good list. “We have done very well and have made good improvements all along,” he said adding that each of the four classrooms is now equipped with LCD Projectors. The LCD Projectors are a great value in teaching the new curricular programs, many of which have technical components. Additionally, he said the school has great community and parental support. “In fact a couple of years ago one student’s grandparents provided the school with 12 new IMac computers. Another benefit for Grand Island students is that they have mini word processors that they may take home, type their homework and bring back to school for printing. Typically the school has about 100 students, but with the sixth grade going to Arbuckle this year the count is at 77 students. In past years, there has been a ‘waiting list’ of students from other communities that wanted to study at Grimes. Kitchen said that isn’t the case this year, but over the years there have been a number of students from other Colusa County towns, mainly Arbuckle that have joined the Grand Island student roster. The biggest challenge Kitchen has seen in his 19 years in Grimes is right now. “We need to make sure we continue the momentum and continue to move forward in tough budget times. We need to continue to do more with less,” he said.

sobresalientes,” ella dijo. Kitchen no quizo comentar del posible cambio, pero el continuo compartiendo sus reflexiones de su tiempo en Grimes. “Las recompensas de ser maestro en Grimes definitabamente son las amistades que de desarollan ahi, no nadamas con el personal, pero tambien con los alumnos. La mayor recompenza definitavamente es el relacion que hacemos con los niños,” el dijo. “Es una escuela pequeña (solamente 77 estudiantes este año), mientras un maestro enseña un estudiente en una clase, nosotros tenemos nuestro niños por 7 años. Yo doy clases al Kindergarten, pero me toca ver a cada niño desarollarse en su educacion hasta que se nos van a Middle School.,” el dijo. Kitchen dijo que la pequeña escuela tiene un ambiente familiar y el y sus compañeros maestros sienten un gran orgullo cuando miran a sus estudiantes tener exito. A los estudiantes que entran a este lugar, se convierte a un lugar de educacion, nutre y fomenta la amistad. Frecuentemente es un lugar en donde ellos regresan a pedir consejos o a compartir sus exitos. “Frecuentemente nuestros estudiantes vuelven para visitar durante sus años de Middle School, High School y Colegio,” el dijo. “Yo valoro mirar a estos muchachos tener éxito, “ el dijo agregando que un alumno graduado de Grand Island esta entrando a la Escuela de Medicia este año, mientras que otro termino su educacion en Trabajo Social y va a trabajar aqui en el condado de Colusa. Cuando los jovenes regresan a visitar y platicar yo siempre tomo la oportunidad para animarlos a continuar el Colegio, “ el comento. Kitchen dijo que ha visto algunos cambios durante su estancia aqui. “El cambio mas grande que he visto fue el año pasado cuando los estudiantes del 6to grado los cambiaron a Johnson Junior High School, “el dijo. Esa decision vino cuando el tamaño de la clase de grados primero y segundo combinados se hizo muy grande con mas de 30 estudiantes, “ el comento. No obstante, el proximo año de escuela se espera que regrese al formato K-6 grados y Kitchen dijo que eso es una cosa buena. El agrego que su lista de mejoras para la escuela no es una lista grande, pero es una lista buena. “Nosotros hemos hecho muy bien y hemos hechos mejoras buenas todo el tiempo. “el agrego que cada uno de los cuatro salones de clases estan ahora equipados con proyectores LCD. Los proyectores LCD tienen un gran valor en la enseñanza de los nuevos programas de curriculo, muchos que tienen componentes tecnicos. Adicionalmente, el dijo que la escuela tiene un gran apoyo de la comunidad y de los padres. “De hecho algunos años atraz los abuelos los abuelos de un estudiante proporcionaron a la escuela 12 computadoras IMAC nuevas. Otro beneficio para los estudiantes de Grand Island es que ellos tienen Mini Word Processors que ellos podian llevarse a casa, mecanografiar sus tareas y traerla de regreso a la escuela e imprimirla. Tipicamente la escuela tiene cerca de 100 estudiantes, pero con el 6to grado que se fue a Arbuckle este año contamos con 77 estudiantes. En los años pasados, ha habido una “lista de espera” de estudiantes de otras comunidades que quieren estudiar en Grimes. Kitchen dijo que no es el caso este año, pero durante los años ha habido un numero de estudiantes de otros pueblos del Condado de Colusa, principalmente Arbuckle, que se han unido a la lista de estudiantes de Grand Island. El mas grande reto que ha visto Kitchen en Grimes es ahorita. “Nosotros necesitamos estar seguros que continuemos el impulso y coninuemos moviendonos hacia adelante en tiempos dificiles con los presupuestos. Nosotros necesitamos hacer mas con menos, “el dijo.

“I treasure getting to watch these kids succeed” -Blake Kitchen, Grand Island Elementary Principal

The community

The Students

See what former students had to say about their time in Grand Island, See Page 5

FREEbie text of the month sponsored by Twisted River Cafe


Troughton Top Cook at the Farm Show

or stop by

TWISTED RIVER CAFE 304 5th street, Colusa


Photo by Kathy Craigo Media Consulting Kim Troughton is pictured receiving the Best of Show Award at the 2nd annual Colusa Farm Show Commodity Cook-off. Pictured from left to right are Colusa Fairgrounds CEO Carolan Meek, Cook-off judges Chef Colus chef Kathleen Rocha, 2008 Miss Colusa County Karla Girimonte, (Troughton) and Colusa Casino Resort chefs Doug Baird and Ross Montejano.

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For the second consecutive year, Kim Troughton of Maxwell captured the $500 Best of Show award at the annual Colusa Farm Show’s Commodity Cook-off. Troughton, a meat cutter by profession also owns Kim’s Deli in Maxwell. She was the inaugural Best of Show winner when the Commodity Cook-off was introduced at the 2008 Colusa Farm Show. The contest’s first run featured dishes using California-grown rice. The competition grew this year to welcome entries using California-grown rice and/or nuts. The divisions were salad, side dish, main dish and dessert. Troughton took home third place in the salad division with her Japonica Rice Salad, a side dish first place for her Jasmine Rice with Peas & Scallions, and second place in the main dish division for her Brown Rice and Chicken Enchiladas. It was the final judging on the enchiladas dish that snagged the top prize for Troughton. Troughton said she was just shocked by the final outcome. Appearing very excited and near tears she said she could not believe she had won. She was equally excited that her daughter Sara Hendrix competed for the first time this year and also took home a prize. Hendrix placed third in the dessert category with her Cherry Almond dessert, a dish Troughton said her daughter has perfected for all of their family gatherings. Other returning cooks coming back to claim wins this year were Alma Hickel and Bernice Dommer. Hickel placed second in salads with Lime Jell-O Salad with Nuts, and second in the dessert division with Walnut Pie. Dommer captured second place in the side dish division with Rice with Roasted Poblano Spinach and Cheese. Stan Walker who was a contestant in the original cook-offs hosted years ago as

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a part of the “Orchard Show” returned this year to take home third place for his main dish entry; Polynesian Chicken & Rice, a dish with which he said he has previously won a number of awards. Overall there were 18 dishes entered in this year’s competition. Judges for the event which was sponsored by Colusa Casino Resort, Tri-County Newspapers and Umpqua Bank were Colusa Casino Resort chefs Doug Baird and Ross Montejano, and Chef Colus chef Kathleen Rocha. The reigning Miss Colusa County Karla Girimonte served as a judge as well. Jim Lemos served as master of ceremonies. Each contestant brought their dishes to the judging table where they answered questions about the dish, its origin, ingredients and preparations. Each dish was taste-tested by the judges and then graded on a point system based on a set criteria. The four individual judge’s sheets were added together and averaged. The entry with the highest percentage was awarded first place in each division. Second and third places were determined by the final average votes as well. Division winners received $100 for first place, $75 for second place and $50 for third place. Colusa Fairgrounds CEO Carolan Meek said she thought the cook-off went beautifully this year. “We are learning more each year,” she said adding that the comments from the participants are very welcomed and helpful. “We are very grateful not only to the judges who volunteer their time, but to the contestants,” she said. “Without the cooks taking the time and making the effort to enter these great dishes there wouldn’t be a cook-off,” she added. “We are looking forward to the next cook-off in 2010. It only keeps getting better,” she said.


entertainment in theaters and dvd

Private Screening “The world will look up and shout “Save us!”... And I’ll whisper “No.” One of the most memorable quotes by the character Rorschach, from the highly anticipated graphic novel adaptation, Watchmen. This story follows a group of retired superheroes in an alternate 1985 time line. When one of their own is murdered, “The Watchmen” decide to discover the truth on their own. In taking the law into their own hands they become outlaws once again. Unravel the dark twists and turns for yourself on March 6th 2009. (Action / Sci-Fi) (Rated R)

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Your Health

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Possibly the world’s perfect exercise Make time for yourself; we all live in such a “hurried” world; we need to make time for ourselves. I love yoga and have been teaching it for 37 years. I have taught all ages, from 8 to 88. Doing yoga relaxes me and gives me strength and energy to do all that I do. Yoga is that special time that I plan and give to myself. I encourage everyone else to make time for them selves In teaching yoga, I wanted to incorporate using the pool so I created two classes, one is “Aqua Yoga” and the other is “Aqua Aerobics.” We have found working against water’s natural resistance makes for a healthier more balanced workout than is possible on land, with almost no risk of injury to the body. Low impact to the muscles and joints help heal faster than normal exercise. It is possibly the world’s perfect exercise. Water workouts provide a highly effective, low-impact way to


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Box Office Buzz

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burn calories, build muscle, improve flexibility, and have fun! The best part is that the more you put into your workout the better results you get. The water aerobic methods create muscle strength and tone, flexibility, good body alignment and agility. There are many water devices for assisting in water work outs; weights for arms, feet, legs and the waist. Olympic athletes use a waist belt called an “Aqua Jogger.” They have the student go to the deep end of the pool and do an intense fast jog for 15 minutes and then a slow jog for 5 minutes. Then they are instructed to alternate for another 15 minutes of intense jogging. Of course this is an extreme workout for those who are in excellent physical shape. As you can see there is something for everyone when it comes to water exercise. I recommend it to everyone.

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It may surprise you to learn that the University of California (UC) has academic and paraprofessional staff in every county in California, including Colusa. Their mission is to bring UC programs to local communities and to conduct applied research on issues important locally. They have expertise in the subject matter of agriculture, natural resources and human resources. Additionally, they are expected to provide feedback to the UC campuses about local community needs and issues. There are four academic advisors and one 4-H Program Representative assigned to the Colusa CE office. Following are some of their current and ongoing activities: Youth Development: 4-H is possibly the best known program delivered by UCCE. The UC contact for that program in Colusa County is Liz Dawley. Orgaized and supervised youth activities are important in rural, agrarian communities such as Colusa. There are currently over 300 youth and 89 adult volunteers in the program. The objective of the 4-H program is simply stated as “to provide knowledge and expertise that helps youth develop into responsible, self-directed, and productive members of the global society”. This is accomplished through projects presented by adult volunteers from the communities. Agricultural education and applied research: These programs assist commercial farmers and ranchers learn the most recent





production technology and help them remain competitive. In Colusa, John Edstrom presents the pomology (tree crops) programs, Jerry Schmierer the agronomic programs, Luis Espino the rice programs and Mike Murray the vegetable crops programs. Applied research is conducted in grower’s commercial fields to answer local problems. Field Days at research plots, newsletters and production meetings are used to extend that information. Master Gardener: This is a new program for Colusa and will be operational in April. The objective is to provide answers for home gardeners and landscapers. The program is conducted by adult volunteers that have received over 50 hours of training in problem-solving and plant sciences. They are available to help homeowners identify the cause of garden or landscaping problems, as well as conducting ‘plant clinics’, demonstration gardens, gardening columns for local media and other educational venues. The Colusa CE contact for the Master Gardener program is Gerry Hernandez and Melodie Johnson. Want to learn more?? The programs mentioned above barely scratch the surface of the activities conducted by the Colusa UCCE. We are constantly attempting to expand our clientele base and welcome your inquiries about programs of interest and active participation. We may be contacted at (530) 458-0570.


sible while providing a one-on-one venue for the business owners to share information. The concept of the four-hour Showcase is to provide an opportunity for area businesses to share information about the products and services they provide, rejuvenate interest in their businesses, and increase their overall revenue. Are you a small business, a home-based business, a new busiBarrera Craigo Productions and its owners Luis Barrera and ness, or an established business that just needs a boost? Kathy Craigo has made it its mission to create, design and proIn an effort to boost the business economy, Barrera Craigo duce events, publications and other media as an effective way Productions is hosting a Small Business Showcase at the Coluof creating profitable business opportunities for its clients. sa County Fairgrounds from 4 p.m. to 8 p.m. on April 8. ....Continues on next page The Showcase will feature as many area businesses as pos-

Colusa Small Business Showcase

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Colusa County Economic Development Corporation is the “Front Door to the Community”

Show your support for your community businesses by becoming a member of the Colusa County EDC. Together we can insure the expansion and retention of the Colusa County businesses we already have while preparing for the economic turn-around in the future. Together we can support one another and our local governments (City Councils and County Supervisors) to see us through these times. We are able to provide Grant searches and assist with business development. For More Information Contact

Colusa County EDC at 2963 Davison Court PO Box 1077 Colusa, CA 95932 (530) 458-3028



EDC Insight

The Colusa County Economic Development Corporation (CCEDC) serves to stimulate investment in business, facilitate new businesses into our community, assist in the start-up of new businesses, and assist with expansion or retention of existing business operations. This article will focus on the need to retain our existing businesses. We all know the economy is in the tank. But the worst is yet to come. I’m sure you have heard the old expression “can turn on a dime�. Well, not today’s economy; it has to go around the globe, and this is the problem. We all know the story with housing, jobs, local and state budgets, and the deepening national recession. But, the second act is the one that will be hard to follow: Global recession and its adverse effect on American agricultural exports; Competition from other nations selling their manufactured goods at lower prices, because their currency has devalued faster than the dollar; And, the fact that the debt being run up in Washington is financed primarily by the sale of U.S. government bonds to China. (Let’s just hope we don’t default on our country’s mortgage.) The yield on US bonds is not high enough to entice the oil-rich nations to buy them, at least not yet.

“It is also our goal to assist as many area businesses as possible in promotions that will increase revenues during these hard economic times,� said Barrera. “We came up with the idea for the Small Business Showcase after a local beauty care representative stopped by our offices with samples of her products,� said Barrera. “What better way for our area businesses to show off what they have to offer, than to bring them together in one convenient location for an evening?� For more information or to register as a Showcase vendor call (530) 458-3704. The deadline to register as a vendor is March 31, 2009.

Now, more than any other time in decades, it is imperative that we focus on the retention of our existing businesses. Business owners, big or small, farm or retail, know that the easiest sale is to an existing customer. Well, it is also easier to retain an existing business, than to bring in a replacement. Our existing business owners like living here, or they wouldn’t be here. However, their livelihood is now at stake: their families, friends, finances, the years of blood, sweat, and tears, everything is at risk. We need to do everything possible to support our local businesses and therein our local economy. Your Colusa County Economic Development Corporation is here to help all business owners and entrepreneurs in any way that we can. Please call or stop by to discuss your business needs whether it be cash flow, business plans, debt restructure, lease negotiations, marketing strategies, neighborhood development projects, small business development, planning and feasibility studies, bank negotiations, help with planning or building permits, or assistance with government programs and incentives. It’s time to work together! CCEDC, 2963 Davison Court, Colusa, Ca 95932, Phone: 530-458-3028 By CCEDC member Ben Felt.

Colusa Small Business Showcase a barrera-craigo Production

register by march 31, 2008 Calling @ (530) 458-3704 April 8, 2009 4 p.m. - 8 p.m. Colusa County Fairgrounds

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2967 Davison Court, STE C Colusa, CA 95932 (530) 458-4222 bfelt@economicoutreach.com cwhite@economicoutreach.com


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