2020 Nov Unite

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November 2020 Volume 30/ Number 11 • Find Digital Version @ www.unitenewsonline.org •

Free Take One


Limited Offer For Free 6 Month Subscription See Offer On Page 10

Building Empowering Connections

Two Opposing Opinions On Page 8 & 9 Earl Coleman Is honored at the SPS Hall Of Fame Class of 2020 Page 5 Earl Coleman

Exhibition Eye to I: Self Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery At The Springfield Art Museum Page 6

James Amos Porter

Marie Van Brittan Brown, Inventor: laid the foundation for the 1st Closed Circuit Security System Page 7

Marie Van Brittan Brown

‘Updated COVID-19 Community & Public Health Resource Directory See Information on PAGE 13

U j im a Kids Corner Mission: Ujima uses literacy to educate, connect, and empower children and families. Learn more: www.ujimamo.org Kids Corner is powered by:

Ujima Drive-Thru Night

Parent Appreciation Night (Virtual Annual Meeting)

Turning Point Church 1722 N National Ave Springfield, MO Date: 11/11/2020 Time: 6p-7p

Save the Date: 12/9/2020

How many words can you create out of THANKSGIVING?

Diverse Children’s Literature


Book of the Month

2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10.

Designed By: Nicole Sage

Page 2 Building Empowering Connections | Unite News


The story of the beautiful relationship between a little girl and her grandfather. When she asks her grandfather how to say something in his language, Cree, he admits that his language was stolen from him when he was a boy. The little girl then sets out to help her grandfather find his language again. This sensitive, beautifully illustrated picture book explores the intergenerational impact of Canada's residential school system, which separated young Indigenous children from their families. Written by: Melanie Florence

Illustrated by: Gabrielle Grimard


COVID-19 Community & Public Health Resource Directory: See PAGE 13

Tableof Contents Community

Earl Coleman Is honored at the SPS Hall Of Fame Class of 2020

Page 5

Exhibition Eye to I: Self Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery At the Springfield Art Museum

Page 9


Ledership Springfied Welcomes New Board Member: Monica Horton

Page 5

Opinion & Editorial

Marie Van Brittan Brown, Inventor: Laid foundation for 1st Closed Circuit Security System

Page 7

Ice Cube Gets It -- Almost by Larry Elder

Page 8

Black support for Trump is a mirage, despite what rappers say by Dahleen Glanton

Page 9 Heath & Wellness

Self-Care is Self-Love: Steps for better Self-Love and Self-Care

Use Your Voice by Robert T. Gibson

Page 11

Page 10

Unite News Building Empowering Connections | Page 3

The Unite News Publication is published by Unite. of Southwest Missouri, Inc.

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Volume 30, Number 11



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EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES Are you inspired to create a better future for yourself and others? If so, Missouri State has a place for you. With a campus community filled with diverse perspectives, voices and opinions, Missouri State is fulfilling its commitment to address the needs of a changing society.

Missouri State University is an Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action/Minority/Female/Veterans/Disability/Sexual Orientation/ Gender Identity Employer and Institution. Employment will require a criminal background check at university expense.



Page 4 Building Empowering Connections | Unite News

The Unite. publication is a monthly newspaper published by Unite of Southwest Missouri, Inc. a 501(c)(3) non-profit community organization. Our mission is to promote a broader understanding and appreciation of the ethnically diverse talent, community resources and opportunities available in the Springfield/Greene County area. Distribution of Unite. is by free circulation at various locations. However, request for home delivery by mail may be directed to Unite. P. O. Box 1745, Springfield, Missouri 65801 and accompanied by $25. for one year’s postage and handling. Those wishing to make a contribution or become a monthly sponsor should direct correspondence to the same address. Reader’s comments and questions are welcomed. The opinions expressed in these pages do not necessarily reflect the views of Unite. of Southwest Missouri, Inc. “The Unite Publication in accepting advertising in this publication, makes no independent investigation concerning the services of products advertised and neither endorses nor recommends the same and assumes no liability therefore.” For further information, you can contact us at (417) 864-7444. Email: unitepublication@yahoo.com

Make A Contribution Today! If you would like to make a contribution to the Unite News Publication and it’s mission, please mail your gift to Unite, P.O. Box 1745, Springfield, MO 65801 or contact our office at (417) 864-7444. “Let’s build a stronger community together.” - Samuel Knox

Managing Editor

Community: News, People & Events Earl Coleman joins SPS Hall Of Fame 2020

Springfield, MO—Earl Coleman, Parkview of Missouri; The Barstow School in Kansas High School, Class of 1965 City; Bemidji State University; University of A renowned musician, vocalist and teacher. Tennessee-Chattanooga; University of MemEarl Coleman has applied his considerable talphis; and University of Michigan. ents to help others become successA seasoned baritone, who has ful performers in their own right. sung with more than 60 orchestras, Many of those students remember Coleman earned a bachelor’s degree Coleman as the teacher who made and two master’s degrees in voice a difference in their lives. Thanks and violin performance and education to his guidance and coaching, some from the MU School of Music. He also of them have been nominated for Oscar, Emmy, Grammy and Tony trained at The Juilliard School, Univerawards and performed in opera sity of Michigan, Aspen Music Festival Earl Coleman houses, musical theaters and symphoand Chautauqua Institute. In 2007, his nies across the country. friends, family and former students established Coleman recently retired from Columbus the Earl Coleman Music Scholarship in MU’s State University in Georgia where he served as School of Music. In 2010, he was selected as Curry Eminent Faculty Scholar Chair in Voice one of four Master Teachers for the National and Dean. His extensive teaching career has Intern Program of the National Association of included time at Hickman High School, ColumTeachers of Singing—a lifetime designation. bia College, Stephens College and University

Ledership Springfied Welcomes New Board Member Springfield, MO– As they begin the 2020-2021 treasurer of the Greene County Senior Citizens program year, Leadership Springfield is excitServices Fund Board and is involved with the ed to welcome 7 new members to their Board Mayor’s Commission for Children as well as of Directors. This group of leaders is the Prosper Springfield – Data Mandedicated to the mission of Leaderagement & Performance Measures ship Springfield and eager to serve Workgroup. Monica was named a 40 the Springfield community. Meet Under 40 honoree by the Springfield Monica Horton, Signature Class 36 Business Journal in 2017, has been Monica Horton is the CEO/Lead recognized with the 2018 Minorities Consultant at Lenica Consulting in Business Young Entrepreneur Group here in Springfield. She holds Award, and received the NAACP’s Monica Horton a Master’s degree in both Music Freedom Fund Banquet’s 2019 EducaTherapy and Public Administration tion Award. She recalls the Mock City Counfrom Florida State University and Missouri cil meeting for the Signature Class 36 Civic State University, respectively. In her spare time, Monica loves spending time outside with Awareness program day as one of her favorite her family, brunching, going to the spa, readLeadership Springfield experiences, as well as ing, and researching. Monica is the founding the Education & Life Long Learning program board chair of Ujima Language and Literacy, day.

New Maker Space inside the Midtown Carnegie Branch At The Library If you’re in the heat of a homework project, or need an answer pronto, ask the Library anything on Live Chat. You can get there from the icon on the bottom of the home page, thelibrary.org. Reference librarians are experts at researching electronic and print resources. Just click on the Live Chat icon, type in your question, and a librarian will respond via chat in a timely way, 8:30 a.m. - 6 p.m. If Live Chat is not available, the link will not be visible. ••• Did you know you can create professional signs with a laser engraver; make and cut vinyl lettering for T-shirts, flags and more; use a 3D printer for replacement parts to board game pieces – all at the Library? You can do even more at the new Maker Space inside the Midtown Carnegie Branch. The new equipment also allows you to convert and save your camera film strips, slides VHS and DVD movies to a USB drive or SD card with the video transfer equipment. The soldering stations let you repair anything from electronic components to jewelry. Use of the Maker Space, including tours to get acquainted with the equipment, is by appointment by calling the Edge at 417-837-5011. Fees apply for materials. ••• Who doesn’t need a good laugh? Kids love it, and they can hear a new joke every day on Joke of the Day. 8:30 a.m.-6 p.m. for age 3 and older. Through November, kids can call the Library Center, 616-0526; Library Station, 6160673; or the Schweitzer Brentwood Branch, 616-0703 with a parent’s permission. A new Continued on page 12

Unite News Building Empowering Connections | Page 5

What Will Your Family’s Holidays Look Like With COVID-19? by Gwen Marshall Unite Contributing Writer

the most important thing for your family is to be open to change. A change in plans could be an opportunity to help your student adapt to As the pandemic looms are you change, learn from it, and grow. Let one of the many families that are them know that the holidays aren’t starting to wonder what the holidays canceled but that the family is going might look like for 2020. For many, to do things differently this year. Be big family events seem out the quessure to acknowledge any sadness, tion. For others, traditional travel disappointment, or anger they feel. plans may be up in the air. Because Avoid minimizing their emotions by of factors like travel complications recognizing how important the holiGwen Marshall and family members with underlying days are to them and let them know conditions. With these factors in mind that as a family we will make it the best there may be a need to rethink your plans holiday we can. If we show our children a and, possibly, cancel them altogether, which little empathy it might encourage them to get will add more unhappiness to a period already filled with immense stress. With so many changes in our normal activities many of our students may have problems adjusting emoJames Amos Porter Self-Portrait tionally. James Amos Portrait The CDC recently released safety guideOil on canvas lines for holiday celebrations. While they do 1957 not recommend being indoors or hosting large National Portrait Gallery, Smithsonian gatherings, they do provide ways in which you Institution; gift of Dorothy Porter Wesley and your family and friends can stay as safe as possible during the holiday season. Also, the James A. Porter created the foundation for CDC notes that its considerations should not the field of African American art history. After replace any local/state safety laws. With these graduating from Howard University in 1927, he recommendations in mind and the continued spent a decade studying both art and art histospike in covid-19 cases, all of our plans for the ry in Paris and New York City, and earned an holidays are in limbo. MA from New York University in 1936. He then Psychologist Dr. A. Bennett with Health went on to teach at Howard, where he eventuEssentials, recommends that after you have ally served as chair of the art department and considered all the risks and you decide to director of the art gallery. skip the holiday gatherings be sure to “keep Porter championed African American artyour feelings, comfort and responsibilities at ists, including those from the Caribbean. His the forefront of your decision making.” Your influential book Modern Negro Art (1943) was situation could also change suddenly. Whether the first to place the contributions of African it’s a positive test or an onset of symptoms for American artists in the context of the history of either you or your family, it’s possible that even modernism, and Porter’s own art was exhibitthe best-made plans might go sideways at the ed at major institutions, including the Corcoran last minute. Dr. Bennett recommends talking Gallery of Art and the Museum of Modern Art. about these possibilities ahead of time with Here, he presents himself in his studio, in front your family. of an image of Howard Hall, one of the oldest Regardless of your decisions for the holiday buildings on Howard’s campus.

involved in planning a less traditional holiday. New plans filled with new ideas like going out for sushi for Thanksgiving or wearing your favorite ugly Christmas sweater to dinner at Jose Locos. Remember to be flexible in your thinking and eliminate as much stress as possible. Happy Holidays to you and your family pandemic style. Coming Events: Thanksgiving Vacation: Nov. 25-27 (School System Closed) Dates of ACT Test for 2020 – 2021 Nov 6, 2020; Nov 20, 2020; Dec 12, 2020; Dec 22, 2020; Jan 5, 2021

Exhibition Eye to I: Self Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery

Page 6 Building Empowering Connections | Unite News

See this work along with an additional 59 self-portraits at the Springfield Art Museum 1111 E Brookside Dr in the exhibition Eye to I: Self Portraits from the National Portrait Gallery. This touring exhibition organized by the National Portrait Gallery, will be on view October 24, 2020 through January 17, 2021.

Springfield Job Pathways and Short-Term Training Opportunities playing, and living. Job Pathway Maps serve as that meet workforce needs now. a visual for individuals to see the level of eduIndividuals have many new and exciting opcation they have and the level of training they portunities to increase their job skills through may need for the desired job pathway of interWith Springfield’s commitment the MO Job Center and other local est to the individual. To access the job pathway to return stronger than ever before, training and educational institutions maps, please visit www.prosperspringfield.org/ community leaders and cross-sector in the area. In addition, MO Job jobs and to learn more about Springfield area partners are committed to connectCenter North location’s recent move resources related to education, health, housing individuals with good paying to the Fairbanks Community Center ing, job/financial security and transportation, jobs. The community is redesignallows greater access for participants please visit www.prosperspringfield.org. ing its ecosystem of opportunity to develop skills. The Geek Foundato provide access to prosperity for tion, also housed at the Fairbanks, Lauren Rogers Prosper Springfield is a collective impact initiative Springfieldians by connecting inprovides information technology and focused on a shared community vision to improve dividuals and families to training and web development training. For more economic mobility in the Springfield community. educational opportunities for jobs in the area’s information about opportunities available The Prosper Springfield mission is to build comtop five industries: Health/Medicine, Busithrough MO Job Center, please visit: munity relationships and align community resourcness/Entrepreneurship, Teaching/Education, https://jobs.mo.gov/. es to create pathways that help move people to Manufacturing/Engineering and Information Prosper Springfield recently developed job prosperity. Today’s column was written by Prosper Technology/Software Solutions. To connect pathway maps to share with the community so Springfield’s Lauren Rogers. For more informajob seekers to employment opportunities, we that individuals can have a guide to use, based tion about Prosper Springfield, contact Prosper need to create access for individuals based on on their personal goals related to working, Springfield at 417-888-2020. their job readiness for enrollment in training or education needs that are specific for the level of educational needs and the job position in phone and an alarm button that could be pressed by Carla Benham their industry of choice. Unite Contributing Write to contact the police immediately. The Brown’s The Missouri Job Center Ozarks Region had a television monitor that was located in their (MO Job Center) has several strong programs Marie Van Brittan Brown 10/30/1922 - 2/2/1999 bedroom. Albert used a radio controlled wireless that provide training for jobs available in the How many of you ever heard of SimpliSafe, system to feed images seen at the door. Thus, the Springfield areas top industries. Through the ADT, Vivint Smart Home, Nest, Blink, two way microphone allowed converRing or Frontpoint? An American Greene County CARES Act Relief Fund, the sation with the person at the door. This inventor by the name of Marie Van invention was patented on December 2, MO Job Center is connecting individuals to Brittan and her husband, Albert L. 1969. The patent application states that training in industries with local high employBrown of Queens, New York laid the the invention was a video and audio sement opportunity.Programs that are offered foundation for the 1st Closed Circuit curity system for a house under control by the MO Job Center include training opporSecurity System and features known to of the occupant. This application noted tunities for job seekers of all ages that allow many of us today. Marie was a nurse 3 previous patents (1) television syswho worked nights and Albert was an individuals to earn field specific skills - some tem by Edward D. Phinney (2/7/1939), electronics technician. It should be Marie Van Brittan Brown (2) identification system by Thomas J. programs even offer payment while in the noted that he was the expert behind the Reardon (11/24/59) and (3) a remotely training program. MO Job Center job options logistics of this invention. Marie’s idea for this operated control of scanning system (6/28/1966). and job training programs include: Aspire invention was sparked by the high crime rate and Sadly, the Browns did not pursue commercial (youth program), MO Works Together, Green slow response time to emergencies in the area manufacturing options. Records do not indicate for Greene, Career Services, America’s Promin which their home was located. She wanted a whether they profited from this invention. It would system that would increase her level of personal ise, SkillUP and Franklin Apprenticeship & have been almost impossible for a black woman safety. By August 1,1966 Marie and her husband at this time to sell her idea in a male dominant Dislocated Worker programs and more! Earndevised a system that people inside could talk to business world. Marie Brown is referred to as ing certifications through these short-term visitors outside, open doors remotely and contact the inventor because her name was first on the training programs allows individuals to gain the police if needed. The system actually had patent. She did receive an award for the National the skills to be competitive when applying for four peep holes of different heights located on the Scientists Committee (NSC),however; it was unjobs, while also earning trade specific skillsets front door, a camera monitor, a two way microclear of the date she received this honor. by Lauren Rogers Unite Contributing Writer

Inventor: Laid foundation for 1st Closed Circuit Security System

Unite News Building Empowering Connections | Page 7

Ice Cube Gets It -- Almost by Larry Elder The Sage from South Central larryelder.com

Democratic Party. In explaining why he recently met with Democrats and Republicans, Cube tweeted: “Every side is the Darkside for us here in Rapper/actor Ice Cube America. They’re all the is on the brink of undersame until something standing the left-wing con! changes for us. They all lie He appears on the verge and they all cheat but we of understanding the fake can’t afford not to negotiproduct that the Democrats ate with whoever is in powand the media have been er or our condition in this peddling: that America country will never change. remains guilty of “systemic Our justice is bipartisan.” Larry Elder racism.” I sent him a series of In a video Cube posted tweets to assist him in his on social media, he wondered what journey of political discovery: Blacks are getting in return for their virtually unquestioned loyalty to the Dear Ice Cube,

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Page 8 Building Empowering Connections | Unite News

Urge Blacks to follow your lead and that of your parents! You were raised by two parents and were voluntarily bused to a better school rather than attending the nearby inferior public school. Like your parents, you raised your own kids in a nuclear intact family. Democrats’ policies hurt Blacks. Welfare causes fatherlessness. Unskilled illegals compete with unskilled Blacks for jobs. Democrats oppose school choice. For votes, Democrats play the race card to keep Blacks angry. IT’S A ... SCAM! The No. 1 problem in the Black community is that 70% of Black kids are born without the father married to their mom. Barack Obama said kids growing up without a father are five times more likely to live in poverty, nine times more likely to drop out of school and 20 times more likely to end up in prison. Blame government welfare. “There’s no more important ingredient for success, nothing that would be more important for us reducing violence than strong, stable families -- which means we should do more to promote marriage and encourage fatherhood.” -Barack Obama, Feb. 15, 2013. “I know for a fact that had I had a father, I’d have some discipline ... more confidence. Your mother cannot calm you down the way a man can ... can’t reassure you the way a man can ... You need a man to teach you how to be a man.” --Tupac Shakur. “Don’t blame the system (for Black incarceration). It starts at the home. It starts at home. ... It starts with how you raise your children. If a young man doesn’t have a father figure, he’ll go find a father figure.” -- Denzel Washington, Nov., 2017. Of the 1,000 people killed by cops

each year, less than 4% are white cop/unarmed Black. Half of all homicide victims are Black, almost all killed by Blacks. It isn’t poverty or “systemic racism.” During the Great Depression, Black unemployment was 50%, with a lower murder rate. Speaking of “systemic racism,” Democrats want to INCREASE the minimum wage to $15. Economist Milton Friedman called the minimum wage law “the most anti-Negro” law on the statute books. “There is nothing more painful to me at this stage in my life than to walk down the street and hear footsteps and start thinking about a robbery. Then (I) look around and see someone white and feel relieved.” -- The Rev. Jesse Jackson, 1993. Of the approximately 1,000 people killed by police each year, most resisted with a weapon or resisted violently. Half are white. Less than 4% of the 1,000 involve a white cop and an unarmed Black. More unarmed whites are killed by cops each year than unarmed Blacks. “White police officers were less likely than Black or Hispanic officers to shoot unarmed Black suspects. ... ‘An Empirical Analysis’ ... by (a Black) Harvard economics professor ... (found) zero evidence of racial bias in police shootings. ... Note also that police officers face an 18.5 times greater chance of being killed by a Black male than an unarmed Black male has of being killed by a police officer.” -- Heather Mac Donald, Manhattan Institute, July 12, 2016. In 2018, the FBI reported 748 interracial homicides between Blacks and whites. Homicides committed by Blacks (13% of the population) against whites: 514. Homicides committed by non-Hispanic whites (60% of the population) against Blacks: Continued on page 12

Black support for Trump is a mirage, despite what rappers say By Dahleen Glanton Chicago Tribune

Attitudes) rapper known for anti-establishment songs like “F*** Tha Police,” had joined forces with Trump If you have been paying attention on a new “Platinum Plan” for African to the news lately, it might Americans. appear as though African Facing a backlash from Americans are abandoning the Black community, Democrats and lining up to including many of his vote for Donald Trump. fans and fellow rappers, That would be a disaster Ice Cube embarked on a for Democratic challenger public relations campaign Joe Biden, who has no last week, attempting to chance of becoming presexplain why he would Dahleen Glanton ident unless Black voters allow Trump to use him. turn out for him in large He said that both the Bidnumbers. en and Trump campaigns reached The polling organization out to him regarding his proposed FiveThirtyEight reported Monday “Contract with Black America,” and that Trump is losing ground with he agreed to work with the one that white voters but seems to be gaining seemed most interested. He added momentum with Latinos and Afrithat he has never met Trump and can Americans, particularly young doesn’t trust either campaign. Blacks. On Monday, rapper Curtis “50 Trump always has had the supCent” Jackson, who was among the port of a handful of high-profile Afwealthiest hip-hop artists before filrican Americans such rapper Kanye ing for bankruptcy in 2015, appeared West, former NFL player Herschel to endorse Trump on Instagram. He Walker and video bloggers Diamond posted a graphic showing the tax & Silk. Is it possible that he’s winrate for those earning over $400,000 ning over a new crop of voters? a year under Biden’s plan and wrote, In his first public rally after test“... (VOTE ForTRUMP) IM OUT.” ing positive for COVID-19, Trump But “Blacks for Trump” is a made a political statement using mirage. And celebrities, particularly African Americans and Latinos as foul-mouthed rappers, don’t repreoptics. These unlikely supporters, sent typical African American voters. some without masks and wearing Some African Americans, howev“Make America Great Again” caps, er, know at least one Trump supportcheered from the South Lawn as er this time, as opposed to four years Trump spoke from a White House ago. There’s a reason they want to balcony. keep their opinions about Trump to The message was that Blacks are themselves. welcome within his base and are just They know that Trump will use as enthusiastic as white supporters. them until he gets whatever he It was revealed later that conservawants and then discard them. Just tive activist Candace Owens’ group, ask Omarosa Manigault Newman or BLEXIT, paid the travel expenses for Gregory Cheadle, the man Trump some of them to attend. called “my African American” during Then we learned that Ice Cube, a rally in 2016. the former N.W.A. (N***** Wit Cheadle’s life was never the same

after that. His girlfriend dumped him. He lost other friends and had to go into hiding. He told CNN that he’s not supporting Trump this time. In addition, he said he has lost respect for some Black Republican conservatives, whom he compared to “ventriloquists dolls — puppets employed by powerful white people to mouth political platitudes that hurt Black people.” The 63-year-old real estate broker also told CNN that he was disappointed in the Republican Party’s reaction to the death of Black businessman and former Republican

presidential candidate Herman Cain, who died of the coronavirus in July shortly after he was pictured dancing without a mask at a Trump rally. “It was like, ‘He’s dead. No problem. Goodbye,’” Cheadle said. In many ways, Black Trump supporters are no different than white ones. They see Trump as the ultimate renegade, someone they have always longed to be. They are drawn to what they see as an anti-politician, a president who isn’t afraid to stand up for what he believes in, even though those beliefs are generally unpopular. They are Continued on page 12

Unite News Building Empowering Connections | Page 9

Health & Wellness News Self-Care is Self-Love by Melesha Bailey Unite Contributing Writer

it’s true. Self-Care is crucial for your well-being as going to the docHow many times do you push tor, taking medications, eating your needs or wants to the side? healthy, and getting physical Do you feel like you activity. It’s vital to are selfish, and your maintain a healthy reladesires don’t matter? tionship with yourself Are you afraid of what to experience your others may say when self-worth and value in you take time to care the world. Understand, for you? Well, join when you make you a the club of the many priority, it affects every Melesha Bailey people who suffer from aspect of your self-esthe dreaded “Self-Care is Selfish teem, your work, and your home Syndrome.” (I made that up), but life.

Targeting Communities of Color for COVID-19 Assistance Springfield, MO—Unite of Southwest Missouri, Inc has partnered with CPO Caring Communities, Springfield NAACP and Prosper Springfield to launch a COVID-19 resources and services outreach campaign. A grant was provided by the Community Foundation of the Ozarks, COVID-19 Response and Recovery Fund. The grant is being used to contact targeted community members to obtain names and mailing addresses of residents needing vital COVID-19 health information. African American families or individuals can sign-up for a free six month Unite News subscription now until November 2020, please contact (417) 864-7444 or email your: • Name • Mailing Address to unitepublication@yahoo.com Predomanant African American Churches or Organizations, you can get assistance with: • masks, • gloves, and or • hand sanitizer Please contact: Brooke Ash, CPO at 417-888-2020.

Page 10 Building Empowering Connections | Unite News

Self-love occurs when you have a deep appreciation for yourself. It grows from behaviors that support physical, psychological, and spiritual growth. Self-love means to regard your well-being and happiness as something that is a non-negotiable for your well-being. Self-love means taking care of your own needs and not sacrificing yourself to please others. Self-love means not settling for less than you deserve, according to the Brain and Behavior Research Foundation. Self-Care and Self-Love are very similar. The premise is to prioritize and take care of your wants and desires in all areas of your life. Many experience guilt and shame when making themselves a priority. And at times, you are made to feel like you are doing something wrong. Those feelings can lead to depression, frustration, abuse of food, drugs, alcohol, and other things that can cause self-harm, which is on the opposite end of the spectrum of self-care. Take heart not to fall into the trap of self-destructive feelings and check-in with yourself to make sure you are on the right path. You work hard to sustain good relationships with your family, co-workers, business associates, and people in your communities. Why not work as hard to make self-care a priority by showing yourself the love and care you need and deserve? You will discover that your mind, body,

and spirit will function at a higher level. You will be happier, less stressed, eat better, and be more motivated to make sure you put yourself first before anything or anyone else. We are experiencing the disparities of Coronavirus’s threat, racism, social unrest, and a political system that fails to protect all its citizens in this country. It’s taking a toll on our minds and health. Many are feeling anxious, afraid, tired, and frustrated. As a result, many have put themselves on the back burner because they don’t know what to do, and the worry that things will not get better has become exasperating in some instances. Steps for better Self-Love and Self-Care: • Become more mindful about how you think and feel • Focus on what you need rather than what you want • Protect yourself from people and things that bring you down • Set boundaries, set limits, and say no • Forgive yourself • Live life with a purpose Don’t put yourself to the side. Make yourself a priority. It’s not selfish to be selfish about taking care of yourself first. You will be all the better navigating this thing called LIFE. If you would like some SelfCare guidance, contact Melesha Bailey-www.love4lifewellness.com to schedule a FREE consultation.

Use Your Voice my siblings were too stubborn to give me my credit (there’s relevant merit to this theory)… Maybe I was so wise beyond my years that it “Lift ev’ry voice and sing scared my family to let loose as they ‘Til earth and heaven ring feared my quick rise to fame and Ring with the harmonies of Liberty hosting my own TV show… Maybe, Let our rejoicing rise I’m just a loud guy… High as the list’ning skies The latter is probably the Let it resound loud as the true story. Even as an rolling sea” adult, I sometimes have a I grew up in rural Louhard time with my volume isiana, born into a family levels. In fact, one of my that featured an immigrant friends told me, “Talking father, a northeast native to Robert is like taking a mother, and 5 siblings, Robert T Gibson leaf blower to the face.” plus what seemed like an Dang. endless supply of nephews, nieces, So with a loud kid that talked a lot, and church members that were how did my parents encourage my always around. As the youngest of personality? They provided structure 6, I was often last: in races, sports, to it. They quickly understood that I games, clothes… you name it, I likehad the social prowess of a comedily lost. Even at an early age, though, an with the volume levels of a rock I can vividly remember how commitband. My parents and siblings gave ted I was to showing that I could fit discipline and direction (and regretin. The closest sibling to my age is tably, they still do at times) on the still 5 years my elder and I can recall timing of using my voice. The worst countless conversations of my parthing that they could have done ents reminding me that I am NOT was find ways to silence me. What their age and therefore cannot do/ I have learned is there is a strategy say the things that they were doing/ with how you use your voice. There saying. One more point of reference are times to sit and listen, there are about me: I was ALWAYS LOUD!!! times where you are to be listened My dad used to tell some story to, but there is NEVER a time to be about me being born with some lung silent. Nadezhda Mandelstam said, issues- I’m still unsure of what those “I decided it is better to scream. issues were to this day. Despite Silence is the real crime against those phantom lung problems, I humanity.” was “the loudest one in the house.” One of my favorite TedTalks by Clint Right, wrong, indifferent, I made Smith, titled The Danger of Silence” sure my voice was heard. Sidenote: ends with him saying “Because the worst place in life is when you who has to have a soapbox when all are the youngest, the loudest, and you’ve ever needed is your voice?” wrong… nonetheless, I remained My mentor, Wes Pratt always says it loud and proud. Why? I don’t know. is time for people to “Speak up, stand Maybe there was this element of up, and stay up.” Why? Because too knowing I was lesser and needing often, there have been people voiceto overcompensate for this incompeless. Silent due to oppression, due tence with noise… Maybe I actually to fear, due to guilt, due to pain, due had something of value to add, but by Robert T. Gibson Unite Contributing Writer

to hurt, due to being ostracized and ridiculed. There are people remaining silent because they believe their voice isn’t enough. That no matter what they say, nothing will change as they will not be heard. I often imagine what it must feel like to be fighting for my life and scream-

ing for help, only to not be heard. Oftentimes, the very last piece of ourselves we can control is our voice. This is encouragement for you to USE that voice. No longer can we be a silent people. The time is up for us to cower in a corner away from

Continued on page 12

You’re Just the Person We’ve Been Looking For City Utilities is looking for motivated people to partner with to provide our customers with the care and service they’ve come to expect. If you’re a contractor who thinks outside the box, a vendor with an item to sell, or a hardworking person looking for a great place to work, look no further than CU. For more information on opportunities at CU, log on to cityutilities.net.

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Unite News Building Empowering Connections | Page 11


Continued from page 5 joke will be provided each day. Kids are also invited to share one of their own! ••• Your child will love practice reading to a friendly dog during Virtual Reading Pals at 4:30 p.m. Thursday, Dec. 3. The program for grades K-5 will be via Zoom. Registration must be made by a parent or guardian by

Ice Cube Gets It --Almost Continued from page 8

Blacks: 234. In 2018, there were over 600,000 interracial violent victimizations (excluding homicide) between Blacks and whites, with 90% committed by Blacks against whites, and 10% by whites against Blacks. In 2018, Blacks, at 13% of the population, committed 24% of “hate crimes.” Whites, at 60% of the population, committed 54% of hate crimes. A 1997 Time/CNN poll asked

Use Your Voice

Continued from page 11 the whiles of this world. Your voice matters. There are many different languages, soft-spoken people, loud people, individuals that use ASL, individuals that use interpreters, individuals that use assistive technology, individuals that write, individuals that use formal words, and slang, and inside jokes, and sarcasm. In short, there are many ways to communicate and use your voice. The same is true for social justice and civil rights. Silence is compliance and acceptance of the norm. “Speak up, stand up, and stay up.” Advocate

emailing and providing their library card number. A link and password to access the virtual event and a statement of consent will be shared with registered participants. Registrations accepted Nov. 18-Dec. 2; email teenlibrarian@thelibrary.org.

Kathleen O’Dell is community relations director of the Springfield-Greene County Library District. She can be reached at kathleeno@thelibrary.org.

Black teens if racism was a big, small or no problem in their own lives, and 89% said small or no problem. More Black teens than white teens called “failure to take advantage of available opportunities” a bigger problem than racism. Ice Cube is starting to get it. Hopefully, all this information helps him. Racism has never been a less important factor in success. For votes, Democratic politicians say otherwise to keep Blacks angry. Mr. Cube, bring others to the light. for the rights of others. Vote. Speak up when something is not right. Vote. Write a letter. Vote. Send an email. Vote. Find ways to use your vote because America needs it. This world needs it. I need to hear you!! For Black people, America has a history of silencing us. Are you tired of this? Are you ready to take back your voice? Are you ready to honor the fight of our ancestors? Stop waiting for “the right moment” and start using your voice to make meaningful change. “Bury me in the ocean, with my ancestors that jumped from the ships, because they knew death was better than bondage,” Black Panther. Release your voice from bondage, lift up your voice, and BE the change.

Page 12 Building Empowering Connections | Unite News

Blacks support for Trump... Continued from page 8

excited to see a president so willing to defy the establishment, particularly the media, and who refuses to be bullied into submission. They are convinced that he is good for the country economically and that only he can rescue us from pandemic-induced financial despair. But there is one way in which Black Trump supporters are unique. They have convinced themselves that they are more woke than African Americans who support Biden. Their eyes have been opened to the self-loathing idea that Blacks are more responsible for their unequal status in America than society is. Trump has made them understand that racism is a crutch that Black people hold onto because they are too weak to acknowledge their own failures. It’s the exact argument racists have been making for 400 years. Now some Black folks are helping them make their case. Owens, one of the most vocal among them, is committed to promoting Trump’s claim that he has done more for Blacks than any president since Abraham Lincoln. As she intimated in a 2017 YouTube video, “How to Escape the Democrat Plantation,” Black people are fed up with lying Democrats and are ready to give the GOP a shot. Her BLEXIT movement is there to help them make the transition. The plantation analogy isn’t new. The GOP has been making the argument that the Democratic Party is nothing more than a modern-day plantation for Black people for years. But Owens and other right-wing African Americans have added a fresh element — that Blacks ought to flee like runaway slaves.

Trump is attracted to the notion that he can do what no Republican president has done since Dwight D. Eisenhower got 39% of the nonwhite vote in 1956. Of course, Trump has a selfish motive for trying to woo Black voters too. How better could a president who has been so blatantly accused of racism prove that he is not a racist? And what better excuse could Republicans use to blow off those assertions and vote with a clear conscience for a man who most African Americans despise? In the end, the truth always comes to light. It didn’t take Ice Cube long to find out that he is just a pawn in Trump’s political game. On Tuesday, Trump’s son Eric Trump shared a doctored photo of Ice Cube and 50 Cent sitting side by side wearing “Trump 2020” hats. He added the caption, “Two great, courageous Americans.” Ice Cube wasn’t happy. He responded as any hardcore rapper would, tweeting, “N***** please.” Both tweets have since been deleted. Dahleen Glanton is a columnist for the Chicago Tribune. She joined the Tribune from the Los Angeles Times in 1989, was a metro editor and the Atlanta bureau chief, and covered Hurricane Katrina, the Obama Presidential Center and national gun laws. A Georgia native, she writes regularly about race, civil rights and neighborhood violence.

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Help Ozarks is the City of Springfield’s main website to share official directions to slow the spread of the coronavirus (COVID-19). This website provides direct links to information on the latest Springfield-Greene County health updates, resources for job seekers and employers, and a pledge citizens, businesses and institutions can voluntarily take to show commitment to slowing the spread of the Coronavirus during Recovery orders. For more information visit: https://www.springfieldmo.gov/5107/Help-Ozarks

Springfield-Greene County Health Department | COVID-19 Resources

The Springfield-Greene County Health Department’s website has guidelines for good hand and respiratory hygiene habits, tips for at-risk groups that may be more affected by the Coronavirus (COVID-19) and guidance for travel and isolation/quarantine timelines. The health department’s website also shows testing sites—Cox Virtual Health Visits and MyMercy—available in Springfield. For more information visit: https://www.springfieldmo.gov/5068/ Coronavirus or call 417-874-1211.

Cox Health Visits

Cox Healthcare System is providing free virtual visits to screen patients for COVID-19 and provide more guidance about the appropriate actions to take if they are sick with the Coronavirus. Virtual visits are online appointments that are available for people ages two years and older and include a COVID-19 Risk Assessment and if needed, a prescription referral to a pharmacy. For more information visit: https://www.coxhealth.com/services/virtualvisits/ or call 417-269-3000.

Mercy Health

Mercy Health provides virtual care options to seek medical treatment without exposing others to illness. MyMercy is a free, easy-to-use application to manage your whole family’s health online. This app allows users to access information about their health and care team 24 hours a day. For more information visit: https://www.mercy.net/patients/mymercy/ or call 417-820-2000.

Missouri Food Stamp

Pandemic Food Stamp/Supplemental Nutritional Assistance Program (P-SNAP) provided all households currently eligible for SNAP to receive the maximum amount for their house size for March through June 2020 to prevent Food Stamp benefits from ending during the COVID-19 pandemic. Starting July 1, 2020, Missourians are required to complete a periodic recertification process to verify the household still qualifies for Food Stamp/SNAP benefits. For more information visit https://mydss.mo.gov/covid-food-stamp-info.

Food Resources in Springfield and Greene County

Food resources in Springfield that are available to the general public, children and older adults who are 60 years and above during COVID-19 Stay-atHome and Recovery orders can be found at the following Google Spreadsheet. The list is updated with new resources when they become available and contains the location, hours, type of food service, ways to access food services and who can access services: https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1v3UBVz5i68INI3agcZLM7ULys-O3jHOKm6zwJXWqJB0/edit#gid=0

Unite News Building Empowering Connections | Page 13


Effective March 18, 2020, all satellite WIC locations were closed until further notice. All appointments are handled over the phone. The WIC program is housed at Jordan Valley Community Health Center and provides free services for qualifying participants such as health screenings, nutrition education and additional food packages, breastfeeding support, referrals to health care providers or social services agencies. For more information visit: https:// www.jordanvalley.org/services or call 417-864-1540.

Missouri Department of Social Services (DSS)

Most DSS offices are still closed to the public at this time, but some offices are taking in person visits by appointment only. Please visit the DSS website to see how the Family Support Division, Child Care Subsidy, MO HealthNet (Medicaid), Children’s Division and Division of Youth Services will conduct business during this time period if assistance is needed at https://dss.mo.gov/covid-19/

MO HealthNet (Medicaid)

Telehealth is available to MO HealthNet participants. There will be no copays for COVID-19 testing for MO HealthNet participants. Coverage will be extended to Missourians ages 19 to 64 who test positive for COVID-19. Requirements for prescriptions refills will make sure participants have access to essential medications. For more information visit: https://dss.mo.gov/mhd/ or call 573-751-3425.


The Missouri Job Center has reopened to the public and offers a variety of job options and job training programs during Recovery Orders to make sure individuals can get back to work stronger than ever before with events and opportunities such as: Aspire (youth program), MO Works Together, Green for Greene, Career Services, America’s Promise, SkillUP and Franklin Apprenticeship & Dislocated Worker programs. The north location job center has relocated from the Cox building to the N. W. Project, located in the on Fairbanks. For more information visit https://www.springfieldmo.gov/1007/Workforce-Development or call 417-887-4343.

Prime, Inc.

Prime, Inc. is a logistics company with a Driver Training Program that allows individuals to earn their Commercial Driver’s License (CDL) while getting paid. CDL training classes start each week and gives driver’s real-world experience to prepare for any situation they may encounter on the road. Prime also offers in-house job opportunities to ensure the safety, success and reliability of operations. For more information visit https://www.primeinc.com/ or call 1-877-774-6356.

SRC Holdings

SRC Holdings is a manufacturing company that remanufactures products for major industries that allows individuals to gain real-world experience, pursue an education and avoid student debt through apprenticeship, internship and tuition reimbursement programs. Participants receive one-on-one mentorship, earn wage increases at work milestones and learn cutting edge technology practices from Ozarks Technical Community College (OTC). For more information on how to apply, students may contact their high school counselor or OTC’s Career Center. All others can visit https://www.srcholdings.com/ career-development or contact them at 417-862-4510.

File for Unemployment | Missouri Department of Labor

The Missouri Department of Labor’s website provides information on how to file or manage an unemployment claim or claim benefit eligibility. The website also features information on worker’s compensation and discrimination complaints for businesses and workers. Businesses can file unemployment for groups of employees they may have to lay off due to COVID-19. For more information visit: https://labor.mo.gov/coronavirus.

US Small Business Administration (SBA)

The US Small Business Administration website describes areas eligible for SBA disaster loans and the steps to apply for a loan. SBA can provide small businesses who have experienced substantial suffering due to COVID-19 with low-interest federal disaster loans to overcome temporary loss of revenue. For more information visit: https://disasterloan.sba.gov/ela/ or call 1-800-877-8339. Page 14 Building Empowering Connections | Unite News


Springfield Public Schools (SPS) has an online resource center to help adjust to schooling from home to create an environment for your student to learn well at home. Resources include tips to schedule a routine for homeschooling children at each grade level, special education and English Language Learner (ELL) resources. For more information visit https://www.sps.org/Domain/57 or contact your child’s school.

Kahn Academy

Kahn Academy is offering free resources to parents, teachers, schools and districts to keep everyone learning. Their website offers resources such as daily schedules, weekly learning plans for students in remote learning environments. For more information visit https://keeplearning.khanacademy.org/.

Fast Track Program

Fast Track is a financial aid program from the Missouri Department of Higher Education that helps adults obtain an industry-recognized credential in high need job areas. Students who receive the Fast Track grant have any remaining college tuition and fees covered after using other state and federal aid programs. Individuals 25 years or older or who have not been enrolled in school within the last two years and are seeking to earn a bachelor’s degree are eligible to apple. Participants must earn under $40,000 per year or $80,000 filing jointly. For more information visit https://dhewd.mo.gov/initiatives/fast_track.php.

Ozarks Technical Community College

OTC is a community college in Springfield, Missouri. Students can earn a one-year certificate, two-year Associate of Applied Science degree or Associate of Arts degree. They also have a variety of apprenticeship programs. For more information visit https://www.otc.edu/ or call 417-447-7500.

Missouri State University

MSU is a public, comprehensive university system with a mission in public affairs. Their purpose is to develop fully educated persons with a focus on ethical leadership, cultural competence and community engagement. For more information visit https://www.missouristate.edu/ or call 417-836-5000.

COMMUNITY RESOURCES Community Health Advocates | Springfield-Greene County Health Department

Community Health Advocates help individuals navigate Springfield resources and work with individuals to determine their needs and provide personalized referrals to employee assistance, affordable housing, healthcare, pregnancy and parenting services, education, disability services and childcare assistance. To make a referral visit: https://www.springfieldmo.gov/CHAreferral or call 417-874-2477.

U.S. Census 2020

The U.S. 2020 Census invitations began arriving at households March 12. For the first time, nearly everyone will be invited to respond online, by phone, or by mail. Along with the invitation, households will receive a census overview, description of language assistance in English and 12 additional languages, and a census ID number. More information about when most people will receive their invitations can be found at 2020census.gov. https://2020census.gov/en.html?utm_campaign=20200312msprts1ccpupnl&utm_medium=email&utm_source=govdelivery

Tax Filing New Due Date

TThe 2019 tax filing deadline was extended to July 15, 2020 due to COVID-19. For individuals with simple returns to file, Community Partnership of the Ozarks is hosting Tax Clinics through September 30, 2020. If individuals have access to a computer, they can also use the following website suggested by Community Partnership of the Ozarks: www.myfreetaxes.com. For more information visit https://www.cpozarks.org/financial-literacy/ or call 417-720-2000.

Prosper Springfield Website: “Get Help & Get Informed”

This website has information on current resources and services available in the Springfield/Greene County area. Click “Get Help” to find information related to almost any area of need related to education, health, housing, job/financial assistance and transportation. Please visit: www.prosperspringfield.org.

More resources listed online at: unitenewsonline.org


Internet Access, Internet Affordability, Tutoring, Mentoring and Outreach for Job Skill Options Internet Access, Internet Affordability, Tutoring, Mentoring and Outreach for Job Skill Options, August 25, 2020 Springfield Area organizations that focus on providing assistance to students of color and students who qualify for free and reduced lunch and/or are Pell Grant eligible can seek assistance to help any age active student with internet access, affordability, devices, mentoring, tutoring as well as information on job skill training and local apprenticeships. If you are a community-based organization or a faith-based organization, and you provide assistance to students of all ages, please contact Francine Pratt, Executive Director for the Missouri College Access Network (MOCAN). MOCAN received a grant from the Greene County CARES Act Relief Fund to assist students in Greene County who had internet access barriers and other learning needs disrupted last semester and this semester. MOCAN is in partnership with the Missouri Department of Higher Education and Work Force Development (DHEWD) and

which reinforces appropriate body regulation. In short, toxic stress is Continued from page 8 disabling, healthy stress is empowering. important. Biologically speaking, The ultimate stress is trauma. our bodies are designed to cope According to the American Psywith a reasonable level of stress. chological Association, trauma “is Our brains are designed to first be a an emotional response to a terrisurvival brain in which it is constantble event like an accident, [sexual ly monitoring our surroundings to abuse], or natural disaster.” The Unite enriches lives and connects you with ensure our safety is maintained. For response to trauma is individualized, diverse news about your community you can example, if you woke up to a bear... meaning, people may respond differtrust and count on. Unite is now available Err, bearcat (proud SBU alumnus) ently to the same traumatic event/ online at unitenewsonline.org in your bedroom, chances are high experience. However, the effects that you will go into an automatic of trauma can lead to symptoms of Have the Unite Publication delivered to response of either fight, flight, or Post-Traumatic Stress, Depression, your home or office for only $25. freeze- terms you are likely already Anxiety, and other mental health deper year. 864-7444 familiar with. ThisCall: type of(417) high stress fects. Why? Because our brains and puts us on high alert and causes our bodies are NOT naturally designed bodies to be in a heightened state to cope with these types of stressors. (i.e. increased heart rate). Healthy Generally speaking, the more severe stress, such as the awareness of an the trauma or the longer exposure to upcoming work or school deadline, the trauma, the more of an impact it prompts us to take action which has on us. Building Empowering Connections In Our Diverse Community often releases a euphoric feeling Can we all agree that 2020 has

Reflect and Connect

the Missouri Department of Elementary and Secondary Education (DESE) to determine how to address barriers to internet access across the state starting with grant funds that will only be used for students of all ages in Greene County. Ms. Pratt stated, “I am so grateful that MOCAN was asked to join DHEWD and DESE in this work to focus on the student’s needs. One of MOCAN’s key areas of focus is internet affordability and accessibility. I am also extremely thankful for the Greene County Commissioners and the grant process that was utilized to award MOCAN the grant. Knowing about the threetiered review process made MOCAN even more appreciative for receiving the grant that will only serve students in Greene County and will help DHEWD and DESE determine what can work in other parts of Missouri.” For more information, please contact Francine Pratt at FPratt@mocollegeaccess.org or 916-541-1675.

been traumatic?!?! We are living through a global pandemic which has literally changed life as we know/knew it. The other major function of our brain seeks connection with others. This, too, helps reinforce euphoric experiences that strengthen our brains resilience and health. The more connections you have with others, the more likely you are to feel a sense of security. The less threatened you are, the safer you feel. COVID-19 forced us to feel unsafe and disconnected. That is trauma. The social unrest helped resurface reminders of the inequities that exist in America built off generations of racism. This is a different type of trauma, yet still trauma. Let’s not forget that some of us have had to cope with the loss of loved ones, jobs, normalcy... So, again I ask you to think about the last time you got a chance to just sit, relax, and take a real break? The

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need to build up vacation time, save Job thousands of dollars, orOpening: develop a courage to fly in an airplane is irrelePart-Time vant as it relates to habitual practices Engagement Coordinator of setting your glass down (s/o to Join the Leadership Burrell Behavioral Health’s Be Well Springfield Team! Community). Just as our busyness is an act of intention, so should our Primary job duty is commitment to self-care. to build relationships & This is an encouragement to engage community with explore you. This is an invitation to individual connections & discover you. This is a plea to care group events. for you. This is a charge to normalize Ideal candidate is a abnormality- delineate mental health connector, who builds stigmas. This is a call to action. Take relationships easily. time to count your blessings and conFlexible schedule 20 hrs/ sider the wins/successes that you week with potential for have achieved up to this point. Even growth. If interested contact if you are just holding on by a thread, Carrie at crichardson@ count it! You deserve it! leadershipspringfield.org “Never let the future disturb you. You will meet it, if you have to, with Visit the same weapons of reason which leadershipspringfield.org today are you against the present.” for info. Marcus Aurelius

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