Unite News - Jul 2012

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July Unite Page 12

How To Market continued from page 7

say by dropping business cards in a fishbowl or filling out a quick form. If you’re selling products, be sure you have enough stock on hand, an appealing display and several ways to accept payment (a mobile credit card reader like Square can be great for this purpose). Either way, make sure you have several friendly, welltrained and energetic staff members to work the event.

Food Review

continued from page 9 And the color scheme is cozy and inviting and has a soft hint of elegance. I do enjoy a good steak on occasion and on this particular evening I was a part of a small

Assess results. Like any marketing effort, you need to track results to see if the event was worthwhile. Set goals for how much you want to sell, how many prospects you want to talk to or how many leads you want to capture. Track them and assess your results afterward. Fine-tune your approach depending on what you learned. For smart small business owners, summer events can be a way to capture new leads and sales—while having some fun in the sun, too. group so I got to also check out the various food choices they ordered. So steak it is! I usually like my steaks on the medium well side because I tend to not want any blood rolling down my plate....sorry....if that bothers you. My steak was cooked to order and a good portion. Obvi-

ously there are a variety of cuts and Jimm's is very popular for prime rib which I know a number of readers like. But don't worry there are some good chicken choices which were at my table and I got to notice some neighboring tables as well. Of course like many steakhouses there is a very good salad bar and it has an abundant supply of toppings. I went for the salad bar and my plate was full and the fixins were fresh and very tasty. I usually go for the baked potato as well and the potato did not disappoint...it was cooked well and fresh too. Before I forget the staff were pleasant and the service was comfortable and complete. They tried on the bread and it was good but sometimes on the bread it is hit and miss. Of course we had to tell our waiter we needed some bread and butter....yes we kept it coming. I was full between the bread

and the salad....yes I am confessing I like the bread too sometimes...too much..lol. Back to the meat...the steak was good..... prepared pretty close to specifications and my portion was ample....I am not trying to wolf down a pound of red meat. The prime rib at Jimm's is excellent if that is your preferred choice and my table mates enjoyed their chicken dishes. One of the things I want to mention is that the pricing was very reasonable and if you get the early bird specials you can really get a good meal at an affordable price and feel like you have been a king or a queen for the afternoon. The restaurant is open Sunday through Thursday from 11 to 10 and Friday and Saturday from 11 to 11. If you haven't been it is worth stopping by...you will be glad you did. It is a good choice for some of that summer meat without you having to do the cooking! 31/2 forks!!!

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Building Empowering Connections In Our Diverse Community

July 2012 Volume 22/ Number 7 • A Monthly Publication by Unite. of Southwest Missouri, Inc •



Sign-Up For ParkDay Reunion Weekend Parade See page 4

Building Empowering Connections In Our Diverse Community

Author ReShonda Tate Billingsley Shares Her Story Wednesday, July 11

Against All Odds: The Road From Felon To Counselor by Mia Jackson Huskisson Unite Contributing Writer

ReShonda Tate Billingsley

See Story On Page 3

ParkDay Reunion Weekend 2012 theme is “Do You Remember ...?” Springfield, MO— Get ready Springfield! Park Day is just around the corner and members of the Springfield Reunion Club are busy getting things set to make sure it is the best one yet. The theme is “Do You Remember ...?” So mark your calendar for Friday, August 3 through Sunday, August 5, 2012. The following are some exciting changes for this year: • First, hospitality and the Saturday night dance will be held at the newly renovated Ramada Oasis Convention Center. Continued on page 2

It’s not every day that an ex-con receives the keys to the prison cell that he used to call home. That’s how far Willie Carter has come on the journey from prison to rehabilitation. He traded in the spot he landed on the FBI’s Most Wanted List for drug trafficking charges, and left the Missouri prison system for the fifth and last time, vowing not to return. Little did he know he would return to the same prison, this time as a certified substance abuse counselor. “I grew up in jail,” Carter said. Within a 30 year time span Carter was incarcerated five times in the state of Missouri. Carter said each time he was released he vowed not to return but in time ended up back in the prison system. “Committing crimes was as common for me as buying a loaf of bread is for others,” Carter said. Carter flashes back to his beginnings, as a 12 yearold in St. Louis , his academic excellence had afforded him a chance to skip a grade in school, he was a good kid or at least that’s what his parents thought, until new- found friends educated him to the

Willie Carter, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor

ways of the street. A PEW Center study ranks Missouri’s recidivism rate among the nation’s highest at approximately 40 percent. According to the Webster’s dictionary, recidivism is the act of repeating criminal behavior after receiving negative results. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 70 percent of prisoners are non-whites. One in 11 is African American and one in 27 is Latino. While recidivism rates are alarming, Carter says it is possible to break this devastating cycle. Carter soberly describes being released from prison at 44 years- old and realizing that the sum of his life was little more than a long rap sheet and mountain of disappointment.

“When I first got out I remember my parole officer said, ‘there is one thing you will need to change and that’s everything’,” Carter said. Consequently, Carter permanently relocated to Springfield from urban St. Louis, changed his group of friends, and landed his first job at Prestressed Casting Company, where he later became the company’s first African-American foreman. Carter recalls his parole officer requiring him to attend 90 Narcotic Anonymous meetings in 90 days. He exceeded the parole officer’s expectation by attending 3 times the number of required meetings. “I learned a lot about myself, I learned I had to forfeit the Continued on page 2

July Unite Page 2

July Unite Page 11

March Unite Page 6

Against All Odds

successful,” Carter said. Carter said he realized the key to remaining free was completely tied to his own choices. He realized he had to learn healthy skills like responsibility

continued from page 1

“I learned a lot about myself, I learned I had to forfeit the right to smoke joints or drink to be

Park Day

you like. It will take you down memory lane because it will have a 70’s theme and you are asked to dress accordingly—if you so choose. There will be prizes for the best dressed man, best dressed woman and best dressed couple. So get that Afro together, pull those clothes and platform shoes out of your closet—if you can still get into them—and come on out to the dance. As Marvin Gaye said— “Lets Get it On.”

continued from page 1 • This year, the kids will be in with the adults on Friday night and must be accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian. The charge for kids from age 4-11 will be $5.00 and those age 12 and up will be $10.00 Second, the dynamic band Something Xtra from Wichita, KS will perform Saturday night. They are sure to play something

George Washington Carver National Monument Diamond MO

The 69th Carver Day Celebration! Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.       

Exhibitors Music Performers Storytelling Guided Tours Education Programs Activities for Kids Food Concession

Portrait of George Washington Carver © Tuskegee University Archives/Museum

Lem Sheppard Blues, Jazz and Folk Guitarist & Musician

John Ferrell Author of Fruits of Creation: A Look at Global Sustainability as Seen Through the Eyes of George Washington Carver

Carver Birthplace Association

For more information contact the park at 417.325.4151 or visit www.nps.gov/gwca

Bobby Norfolk Emmy Winning Storyteller as George Washington Carver Sensational Wonders

All Activities Free of Charge!

The park is located two miles west of Diamond, Missouri on Highway V, then 1/2 mile south on Carver Road.

and accountability instead of the blaming and manipulation of his former life. “Everything that happens, happens in your head first,” Carter said. Additionally, Carter found refuge and strength by joining church. “I couldn’t have made it with the 12-step program alone,” Carter said. In time and against all odds, Carter became a certified sub stance abuse counselor, at Ozark Correctional Center in Fordland, Missouri where he had been incarcerated. Eventually, Carter was instrumental in establishing the Victory Circle, a men’s peer support group, that offers moral support, guidance, and confrontation geared toward positive change for men attempting to re-establish themselves within the community. Carter now serves as the Executive Director of Victory Circle. Carter said the peer group is open to men of all ages. Victory Circle meets each Tuesday at 6:30 at Deliverance Temple Ministries, 2101 W. Chestnut Expressway. To date, more than 500 men have been positively influenced by Victory Circle meetings since it was established in 1996. “Giving back is living for me, I wanted to stay far away from the self-centeredness I used to

embrace,” Carter said. Carter has also served on the Citizens Advisory Board for Probation and Parole as well as the Greene County Restorative Justice Board. As our interview concludes, Carter has a reflective moment in which he realizes he can’t change what his life is but he hopes others will learn from his experiences. He offers the following suggestions to other at-risk individuals: 1) take responsibility for the things that are holding you back; 2) take responsibility for your actions, don’t blame others; 3) re-evaluate your self-talk. “This is life this is not a joke, you only get one shot at this,” Carter said. For the numerous parents who are concerned about their children, Carter suggests: 1) instill good values in youth 2) avoid denial of the problems; 3) encourage good self-esteem. “We want to think our children are good but it’s not always the case, now is the time to instill the right values in them,” Carter said. If you would like to help support the Victory Circle Peer Support Group, you can make you tax deductible gifts to: Victory Circle Peer Support Group, 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy., Springfield, MO 65802. You may also call Mr. Carter at: 417-894-0188.

You are invited to our Sunday Adult Class for the month of July. We will be exploring the theme: “Eight Little Questions and One Really Big Answer!” • Are you pursuing or possessing? • Trying or trusting? • Working from obligation or opportunity? Together, let's see if we can find answers that will make our lives more of what we really want them to be! The class instructor is Mark Dixon. Class runs from 9:00 - 10:00 am, each Sunday morning in July (but there will be coffee, juice, and donuts for you "early birds" at 8:45 am). Casual clothes are fine, so come on by and hang out with us this Sunday. We meet in the multi-purpose building, on the west side of the parking lot. See you there! [Bring this Ad with you for a chance to win a family pack of swim tickets, good at any Springfield-Greene County Park Board Pool!] Deliverance Temple Ministries, 2101 W. Chestnut Expressway


continued from page 3

A Directory of free or low cost Business Assistance

Tickets are on sale now at all library branches for another rare performance treat: “Walking Toward America,” with two shows at 7 p.m. July 14 and 2 p.m. July Springfield Area Chamber 15 at the Library Center. of Commerce Former Springfield author www.spfldchamber.com 417.862.5567

Small Part-Time Business Custodian 30 hours per week, Administration (SBA) Tues-Sat 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. www.sba.gov Drury University has an opening 417.864.7670

for a part-time custodian. Apply at www.drury.edu/hr, send letter Small Business and resume, or apply in person at Development Center Drury University, Human Resourcwww.sbdc.smsu.edu es, 900 N. Benton Ave., Burnham 417.836.5685 Hall – Room 107, Springfield, MO 417.864.7670 65802 EOE

Affordable Housing Opportunities There are currently housing vacancies in the City of Springfield’s program for rental or home ownership. These programs include requirements for fair marketing and nondiscrimination. You must be income eligible to qualify. For rental, call Marti Fewell, 417-864-1039 or visit springfieldmo.gov/housing


Sandy Asher wrote this oneAsher also used material Foundation fundraiser are $10 for adults and $5 for students woman script based on the from Ilga Vise’s memoir in the grades 5-12. Proceeds will go memoir of Springfieldian Ilga Library’s Ethnic Life Stories to support library services for Vise. Former Springfieldian and Project, which you can read in children, teens and adults. actress Meek Montgomthe Library Center’s HisNewAnnie Podcast Discuss When To StartLocal Receiving Retirement Benefits Kathleen O’Dell is community reery portrays young Ilga during tory Department, or by going to lations director of the Springfieldand Jason Fichtner, the Acting you’d like to retire and how Byflight Ron Ponds, Security her with herSocial family from http://thelibrary.org/lochist/ Greene County Library District. District Manager Deputy Commissioner of the much expect at to kathleeno@ earn in their homeland in Latvia during els/menu.cfm. She can you be reached agency, explore the factors to future working years. thelibrary.org. World War II. Tickets for this Library Have you been wondering be considered when you think So stop wondering when the when the best time is to about when to retire. best time is for you to retire. retire? If you have, then If you want to “There is no Fades Barber Shop Your first step to figuring out Holy we have Ground an audio podone ‘best age’ and for experience something new Specializing in Fades the answer to that question is to cast just for you. explains Ministries Celebrates —the before and after look other everyone,” popular styles. visit HYPERLINK "http://www. Social Security’s Fichtner in the podof true beauty, come to: Their Pastor & Wife socialsecurity.gov/podcasts" new podcast, “Deciding cast. “Ultimately, it’s 812 S. Glenstone Ave Trena’s Exquisite 6th Anniversary www.socialsecurity.gov/podWhen to Start Receiving Call to schedulechoice an a personal that Hair Salon Retirement Benefits,” is casts and to listen to “Deciding appointment come peopleorhave toby. make Theme: "One Shepherd" Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Walk-ins are on welcome. available for you to listen When1553 to Start Receiving based their individEzekiel 34:23 N. National Ave. Ronald Ponds to"And nowIat HYPERLINK ual circumstances.” (417)832-8242 Retirement Benefits.” will set up one shepCall: (417) 862-1106 "http://www.socialsecurity.gov/ The podcast encourages lisherd over them, and he shall Then, you’ll want to subpodcasts" www.socialsecurity. feed them... he shall feed them teners to use Social Security’s scribe to the ongoing series, or gov/podcasts. and he shall be their shepherd." online Retirement Estimator, bookmark the web address and In this discussion, Social which you can find online at check back for additional podSaturday,will July 14,you 2012 at of Security tell some HYPERLINK "http://www. casts. 6:00 p.m. Musical and the things you need toWords consocialsecurity.gov/estimator" To learn more about Social of Encouragement from sider before making oneGuest of www.socialsecurity.gov/estimaPastors Security, visit the website at the most important decisions tor. Retirement Estimator 2101 W.The Chestnut Expwy. HYPERLINK "http://www. Springfield, MO 65802 in your life. Social Security’s can help you “try on” different (417) 374-7179 Sunday, July 15, 2012 at www.deliverancetemple.org socialsecurity.gov" www. Deputy Commissioner for retirement scenarios, playing 4:00 p.m. with Guest Speaker Communications, Jim Courtney socialsecurity.gov. with such variables as when

Good News, Great Music & Warm People

Elder Marshawn C. Wilbourn, Service Times: Sun 10:15 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Wed 7;00 p.m. Sr., Pastor 1034 N. Broadway, Will Your Life Work the Way You Want It To In 2009? Springfield, MO by Jack Canfield and dreams just because "the world is thriving. Co-Author of Chicken Soup for time isn't good"... you can still When people ask me about the Soul Series make 2009 the year you uncover the single most important ingrea whole new you for the dient to success, I always share As I mentioned better! the same response: realizing earlier, 2009 may Even in tough times, what's making you achieve suc“TheMayor’s Mayor’s Commissionon onHuman Human “The Commission bring greater unceryou get to decide how cess, and then realizing what is Rights and Community Relations Rights and Community Relations tainty and more unsetto respond to certain stifling your success. tling economic news workstotopromote promote understanding and works understanding and conditions, opportuniSometimes recognizing the Chase Card Services than recent years, but respectamong among all citizens and respect all citizens and ties, and outcomes--both things that are NOT working More circumstances than a Job…a Career. these providesin the community recourse for provides the community recourse good and bad. your life can be painful,for yet Open positions in our Springfield, MO Center. Join an should compel us to discriminatory acts.” organization recognized as one of the World’s Most discriminatory acts.” Life will always be VERY powerful to shaping the Jack Canfield Admired Companies by Fortune Magazine. take a deep breath, and a series of choices and life you want. Now Available: pause think about our lives. • Customerto Service Advisors 840to Boonville Avenue 840 N.N.decide Boonville Avenue YOU get on what will Don't try to rationalize them, • Collections Springfield, MO 65802 65802 When happen in the • Team Manager things & Team Leader moveSpringfield, you closerMO to your goals, make excuses for them, or hide Apply today. that Visit us online at careers.jpmorganchase.com. world seem so far beyond or farther away from them. them. This is when it's even Keyword: SpringfieldMO 417-864-1012 417-864-1012 our individual control, it can feel External forces will always be more critical to take personal unsettling. www.springfieldmo.gov/boards/humanrights/index.html www.springfieldmo.gov/boards/humanrights/index.html part of the equation, even durinventory and evict those Don't give up on your goals continued on page 7 ing the good times when the

CityofofSpringfield Springfield City Mayor’sCommission Commissionon onHuman HumanRights Rights Mayor’s andCommunity CommunityRelations Relations and

July Unite Page 10

July Unite Page 3


Be Home at a Reasonable Hour by Dr Jennifer Baker, Connect & Communicate Column for Operation Us

area was simply not worth the effort. Let me illustrate. If my boyfriend and I went to a movie that We didn't have a ended at 9 p.m., my curfew when we folks figured no later were teenagers. My than 10:30 p.m. was parents just said, "Be plenty of time for us home at a reasonable to go get something hour." There was little to eat and then drive doubt that they knew the 15-20 minutes it we knew what "reawould take to our sonable" meant. On home six miles south the few occasions I of town. After that, tested the limits of they emphasized, Dr Jennifer Baker "reasonable," I underthere was only time stood exactly what I was for trouble. Once we got doing, got the response I thought home, they expected us to come I might get, and quickly learned in the house. No sitting in the that breaking their trust in this car in the driveway and "talking."

Springfield NAACP Project HELP Community Event! Learn about healthy snack alternatives and what you can do to reduce your chances of getting heart disease and diabetes. This program is for children, teens, adults and seniors. Where: Deliverance Temple Campus, 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy. Springfield, MO 65802 When: Saturday, July 28, 2012 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. We hope to see you there! For more information please contact the Springfield Branch NAACP at 417-873-6386

They wanted us in the family room where they could check in on us as necessary. On the few occasions I tested out the "whatwould-it-hurt-to-sit-in-the-car-inthe-driveway" tactic, the porch light began flashing and I knew we needed to come in before my mother came out to get us—definitely something I did not want to happen. Rules and Relationships Protect Our Young For the last several weeks I've been writing about the important role parents have in teaching and modeling healthy relationships, especially for their teens. It would be nice if a great relationship with our teen was enough to avoid poor choices on his or her part, but it's usually not. Kids, even teenage kids, need us to set limits. They may not always like, or observe the boundaries we set for them, but they need to know they're there. When we set limits, we help to protect them until they are mature enough to protect themselves. Unfortunately, many parents today think their children are mature, long before they are able to make wise decisions about love and relationships. Teens today live in a highlysexualized culture with sophisticated media pounding them almost every waking moment with images and messages chal-

lenging the standards and ideals we have for them with regard to a healthy intimate relationship. There are far fewer social morés to guide their behavior than there were just 30-40 years ago. At the same time, parents are often busy and distracted with work obligations and media distractions of their own. Paul Hagen, author of A Trip for Life, says it well: Kids these days are just like kids over the last 5,000 years. They just want to know where the line is and to count on someone to correct them when they step over or outside of it. In short, they just want someone who they can trust to care about them, teach them, and be there for them. Limits = Love When we set limits for our children, we let them know we love them enough to withstand their discomfort and unhappiness with us. When we establish oundaries that we maintain with respect and dignity in the face of their adolescent angst and anger, we provide them with protection. When we set a standard for acceptable behavior and stand by it, we lay a foundation that will help them recognize suitable behavior in relationships now and in the future. At 16 years of age, I wasn't wise enough to protect myself from all the implication of poor decision making on my part. I didn't always like or observe my parents' rules. Sometimes I tested the limits and learned from the experience. Today I'm glad they were wise and courageous enough to stand up for me and to me. Their relationship with me, along with their consistent example and the rules they established, had a lifelong impact for my good.

Community News

An Inspiring Success Story From ReShonda Tate Wed., July 11 by Kathleen O’Dell , Springfield-Greene County Library District

Want to hear an inspiring success story from a writer who worked her way up to become a best-selling author and NAACP awardee? The Library Center is proud to feature author ReShonda Tate Billingsley as a guest speaker at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 11. The event is free and open to the public. ReShonda is the national bestselling author of 21 titles, and her novel, “Let the Church Say Amen,” is being made into a movie that she will produce and actress Regina King will direct. This NAACP Image Award winner will talk about and celebrate the publication of “The Secret She Kept…” Her teen books, “Nothing But Drama” and “Caught up in the Drama” are also being made into movies. ReShonda’s debut novel, “My Brother’s Keeper,” launched her career with Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books. ReShonda is a five-time winner of the National Association of Black Journalists Spirit in the Words competition. Her books have appeared on the Essence Bestseller’s list more than 20 times, and on The Washington Post and Dallas Morning News Bestsellers lists. continued on page 11

5 6

Monica Jones Named New Assistant Director for Academics & Student Services Business Resource Guide

5 Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn From TV Makeover and Mentoring Shows by Small Business Administration


Lifestyle & Entertainment News

Movie & Food Review

UNITE. Volume 22, Number 7 Publisher Unite. of Southwest Missouri, Inc. Managing Editor Samuel G. Knox Contributing Writers Lyle Foster Mia Jackson-Huskisson Gwen Marshall Kathleen O'Dell Photography David Huskisson Dr. David N Knox

by Lyle Foster


Distribution Bradley Knox

Be Home at a Reasonable Hour

Volunteers Tyra Knox Kerri McGrew Angelor Wilkes

by Dr Jennifer Baker

The Unite. publication is a

Gorman-Scharpf Funeral Home, Inc. The quality and care that you expect in 242 years of combined experience

W. Bruce Howell Robert J. Lohmeyer Don R. Lohmeyer Marquis D. Howell, Jr Heather K. Howell Angela N. Collins Harley R. Williams Clint W. Mease Winford R Laster

(417)886-9994 • Fax: (417) 886-9996 • 1947 E. Seminole • Springfield, MO 65804

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City Employment Link The City of Springfield offers a variety of municipal career opportunities for individuals interested in public service. Job opportunities are updated each Friday and can be accessed through a number of mediums: Web: http://www. springfieldmo.gov/jobs; or Phone: Jobs Hotline at 417-8641606; or TV: CityView on Medicacom Cable Digital Channel 80; or In Person: visiting our offices at 840 Boonville, Room 324, Springfield, MO 65802. The City is fully committed to a policy of hiring without regard to age, sex, race, religion, national origin, or disability. The City is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer.

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July Unite Page 9

July Unite Page 4


Movie Review

continued from page 8

RACE: Are We So Different? Community Field Trips Springfield, MO—You and your family are invited to RACE: Are We So Different? Community Field Trips - Presented by Missouri State University, Division for Diversity and Inclusion You may choose one of the 3 remaining Thursday dates this summer to bring the family. July 12th, July 26th or August 9th, 2012 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. The Community Field Trips for RACE: Are We So Different? are being offered to bring families and community resources together for an exciting experi-

ence focused on the scientific, historical and contemporary experience of race and racism in the United States. Families and individuals from throughout the area can be part of this important community conversation at no cost through the generous contributions of many local sponsors. In addition to experiencing and exploring this nationally acclaimed exhibit, participants will be treated to light refreshments and be automatically entered to win a number of exciting door

Park Day Parade Participants Needed Springfield, MO—The annual Park Day Parade will take place on Saturday, August 4, 2012. This year Park Day will take you down memory lane because it will have a 70’s theme, “Do You Remember…? You can help to make it a success by becoming a parade participant. Dance troupes, church groups, businesses, civic, fraternal and social organizations are all welcome and encouraged to take part in this

fun filled activity. Decorated and/or restored cars, convertibles and floats are needed. Lineup will begin at 11:00 a.m. at the intersection of Sherman and Webster. The parade will start at 12:00 noon and will follow the same route as in the past. If you are interested in being a part of this community event, please submit the following registration form by August 1, 2012.

2012 Park Day Parade Entry Form Parade is August 4, 2012 (Please Print)

Organization Name: Mailing Address: Contact Name:

Phone #: Type of Entry



Dance Group


Other ____________

Please Mail to: Ladies Civic League - P.O. Box 8296 -Springfield, MO 65801 Tax deductible donations to the Ladies Civic League Fund are welcome!

prizes. Participants will be requested to complete an anonymous pre and post tour survey. After completing the post tour survey, participants will be treated to complimentary snacks. Community Field Trips provide access to the RACE exhibit areas only. The remainder of Discovery Center will not be open. No Reservation required. For general information

about the exhibit, please check the website or contact Guest Services at 417-862-9910 Ext 706. The exhibit takes place at the Discovery Center of Springfield 438 E St. Louis St. Springfield, MO 65806 The cost is FREE -organizers suggest you come early so that you can experience 3 floors of the traveling exhibit, RACE: Are We So Different?

suggested he keep the suit on like he did in Mr. Deeds...maybe it is because the truth is the Madea franchise sells tickets.... in fact a lot of them. Just for full disclosure....I just sometimes want our community to expect and demand a higher level of acting and professionalism and not play in to the stereotypes at least always. Also the multiple characters played by one person is just sometimes.....a

Food Review

continued from page 8

Summer Movies At Founders Park Begin July 6 thru Aug 25 Springfield, MO—The Springfield-Greene County Park Board’s annual Movies at Founders Park series begins July 6-7 and continues every Friday and Saturday night until August 2425. The eight-week movie series is a contemporary version of a drive-in theater, with films shown outdoors in downtown Springfield’s Founders Park. Audiences are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy new release films under the stars. As in previous years, Friday is Family Night, Saturday is Date Night. All Family Night movies are rated G or PG. Date Night movies are rated up to PG-13. This season’s complete movie line-up is available at springfieldmo.gov/founders/ <http://www.springfieldmo. gov/founders/>. Admission to Movies at

Founders is free with advance tickets, available starting the Monday before each film at: • Chesterfield Family Center, 2511 W. Republic Road • Doling Family Center, 301 E. Talmage St. • Mediacom Ice Park, 635 E. Trafficway • Busch Municipal Building, 840 Boonville Ave. • Mediacom Communications, 1533 S. Enterprise Ave. The Park Board partners again this summer with Springfield And The Ozarks (SATO) 48 organizers to highlight several of the filmmakers who participated in the 2012 SATO 48film challenge. Concessions are available. No smoking or alcohol allowed. For more information, visit springfieldmo.gov/founders/ <http://www.springfieldmo. gov/founders/> or call the Springfield-Greene County Park Board office at 417-864-1049.

Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub.... Steak Anyone? Well it's no secret that Springfpatch is an eating town and restaurants seem to be popping up almost every month. This month's review is not a new restaurant but a recent one and that is Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub at 1935 S. Glenstone Ave. If that location sounds familiar to anyone that is because it is the former location of the Steak and Ale which was kind of a landmark establishment here in town. The Springfield location seemed to always be doing well but the overall company went belly-up a few years ago so the local restaurant was a casualty. New ownership installed the former general manager of the Steak and Ale to run the new operation....Jimm's Steakhouse. I had visited a few times before and was favorably impressed with the remodel which totally did away with the Steak and Ale look which was a little dated and brought a more contemporary feel and also installed a piano lounge which is very stylish and well received.

little too much. Now off of my soapbox....it's summer and it's getting hot and movies often are the perfect chill out solution to escape from the Ozark heat and there is nothing quite like a good movie and some popcorn well at least something from the concession stand.....lol. And I know many people are going through different things and it is also a good way to escape and forget your cares for a few minutes and a Madea laughfest is a good medicine. Well it is no surprise that Madea is up

to something crazy and in the latest installment Madea is the hideout for a Wall street investment banker who has been set up as the linchpin of his company's mob backed ponzi scheme. He has to hide out at Madea's southern family home....can you see the plot......I'm sure you can. The well know father character from the American Pie franchise is the banker needing to hideout and he is pretty good in whatever he plays in. The main leads are Eugene Levy(American Pie), Romeo Miller, Denise Richards,

Doris Roberts and of course Mr. Perry. Now rest assured even thought Madea is sometimes too much I plan to go to get my laughs on and escape the heat. It starts in theatres on June 29 so when this issue comes out... you can head straight to the theatre and check it out. Let me know what you think. Who knows?....Mayb we will be laughing together!!! Looking at some of the early scenes I can promise you this....it is wilder than ever!!!!

On a recent June night I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled into the parking lot a bit after 5 and the lot was pretty full to the point I had to look for a parking spot and later realized that Springfield diners are value conscious and like the early bird dinner pricing as I noticed the restaurant was not nearly as full after the early bird time was over. The early bird pricing is a pretty good value and can include the very generous salad bar and a selection of fixed deserts. The truth is a lot of people like a good steak on ocassion and there are always new places trying to prove they are the choice for steaks in town and they go from casual to upscale. Summer weather can be one of those seasons when we think of good steak because we may be a backyard chef or we have slightly more time to try out some of the steak houses in town. I like Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub....for one it is a local establishment and the owner thought enough about the customer base here to make an investment after the closing of Steak and Ale. I consider the finished look very comfortable and well done. It is a little dark in some of the small

rooms for my tastes but I realize that many customers looking for a steakhouse are looking for a

bit of atmosphere as they wine and dine their significant others. continued on page 12

Mediacom is a recognized leader in the telecommunications arena, offering cutting edge technologies to our communities. We offer services such as digital cable, high definition T.V., digital video recording, and high speed internet access. We continue to grow through the acquisition of new customers while maintaining a solid customer base. NOW HIRING • Direct Sales Representatives (Springfield/Joplin & surrounding areas) – Sell Mediacom services in local neighborhoods and communities serviced by Mediacom as the company’s neighborhood marketing representative. Maintain minimum sales quotas as indicated by the Sales Supervisor following company guidelines. One year of sales experience preferred. • Installers (Joplin & Springfield) - Install cable television and high speed internet within the Joplin, Springfield and surrounding areas. The successful applicant will possess a strong technical aptitude, adept customer service attitude, satisfactory driving record, and enjoy working outdoors • Commercial Account Representative (Springfield) – Sell strategic communications solutions including fiber-based networks, internet, video and phone related services to business customers in the government, education and medical industries. Revenue and customers goals will be met by developing and maintaining strong relationships with current and prospective customers. Candidates must have a Bachelors degree in sales/marketing or related field or equivalent experience and a minimum of 3-5 years Telecom or Technology sales experience. Mediacom offers a competitive wage in addition to a comprehensive benefit package to include paid vacation/flex/holidays, medical, dental, vision, and life insurance, matching 401K, discounted services, tuition assistance and more. A minimum of High School Diploma/GED required for all positions. Apply online at careers.mediacomcc.com for immediate consideration. Pre-employment drug screen and background check required. MEDIACOM IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

July Unite Page 8

July Unite Page 5

Jones Named New Assistant Director of Athletics for Academics & Student Services

LifeStyle&EntertainmentNews Movie Review: “Madea’s Witness Protection” by Lyle Foster Unite Contributing Writer

ets today for the mega hit but do plan to be part of the early crowds to say Holy Jeepers MADEA is BACK!!! Batman!!! So if you are a fan we Well... I almost don't know what may be there together... now to say... summer 2012 that gas has dropped is here and this is a few pennies maybe movie blockbuster we can also go to the season so in some concession stand and respects there is more eat some skittles! We to share than this colwill talk a little more umn will allow... but about that in the August in other respects the issue! I have gotten to quality and originality see quite a few movLyle Foster from Hollywood still ies of late... some good makes it clear that if they think ...some not so good. One of the someone will buy a ticket it is a ones I will briefly mention is movie... plot and substance don't Snow White and the Huntsman. matter. And on that same note It is blowing me away the new the number of remakes and part emphasis on fairy tales and II and part III still is amazing. the increasing trend towards So I know Men in Black was out the dark side. These are not but I was trying to check out the fables our parents read to some other flicks...I am a Will us before they cut the lights Smith fan but not as much on out at night... lol...I decided to the Men In Back franchise...well check out the Snow White flick let's get you up to date on the because it has gotten some movie scene! favorable press and has done As I mentioned its summer so very well at the box office. that means the studios are rollFeaturing stars Kristen Stewart, ing out the highly anticipated Charlize Theron and Chris blockbuster films including one Hermsworth they have cerof my favorites... Batman!!!.. tainly reworked the famous tale. Yes on July 20 the Dark Knight Kristen Stewart is of course the rises!!! I am not buying my tickfamous Bella from the Twilight

series and is now a mega star and reportedly one of the top female earners and according to some reports at the top of the heap in annual earnings for the past year. Now I know some of you secretly read the Twilight series and are all over Breaking Dawn!!! Well the movie version has its share of darkness, sorcery and magic I suppose you could say and takes a couple of interesting turns. It keeps your attention and keeps moving but it has the © 2012 Lionsgate fairly predictable themes of immortality and purity in conflict with one another. Ms. Theron turns in a very respectable acting job as the treacherous queen who has a trick behind every spell... I want say much about Chris... aka the Huntsman as he is the ally of the queen who begins to

question what he is doing and what he should be doing and of course he is there for his fan base and to fight the bad guys. Snow White.... well you know the story of Snow White don't you... Kristen Stewart is certainly in a different role in this movie and she did a decent job but I won't call it academy level... but again she has a fan base and they seem to come support her regardless... she gets to show some different sides in fight scenes and other aspects... if you want to catch it at the Palace... it will help you stay cool in the summer heat. Okay, now to the main feature... Madea is back in her new flick... Madea's Witness Protection... obviously Tyler Perry didn't listen to me after I continued on page 9

“Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub”— Food Review Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub.... Steak Anyone? Well it's no secret that Springfpatch is an eating town and restaurants seem to be popping up almost every month. This month's review is not a new restaurant but a recent one and that is Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub at 1935 S. Glenstone Ave.

If that location sounds familiar to anyone that is because it is the former location of the Steak and Ale which was kind of a landmark establishment here in town. The Springfield location seemed to always be doing well but the overall company went belly-up a few years ago so the local restaurant was a casualty.

New ownership installed the former general manager of the Steak and Ale to run the new operation....Jimm's Steakhouse. I had visited a few times before and was favorably impressed with the remodel which totally did away with the Steak and Ale look which was a little dated and brought a more con-

temporary feel and also installed a piano lounge which is very stylish and well received. On a recent June night I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled into the parking lot a bit after 5 and the lot was pretty full to the point I had to look for a parking spot and later realized continued on page 9

Long-Time Arkansas Administrator Will Join MSU Staff July 23

associate director of Arkansas' student-athlete academic support and achievement since December 2008. Previously, she spent 2002-08 at the University of Louisville working first as assistant direcSPRINGFIELD – Missouri State tor of campus life and later as Director of Athletics Kyle Moats assistant director for advising announced today (June 21) the and student support hiring of Monica Jones services. She began as assistant director of her professional career athletics for academics at Arkansas in 1997 as and student services. an athletic academic Jones, who is curcounselor and advanced rently serving as to academic advisor for interim director of the College of Educastudent-athlete develoption and Health Proment at the University Monica Jones fessions in July 2000. of Arkansas, will begin Before moving to Louisville in her new post at the Springfield December 2002, she also served campus on July 23. as the director of multicultural "I am very excited about the student services at Arkansas. opportunity to join Missouri "We are looking forward to State," Jones said. "I want to having Monica on our team at thank Kyle Moats and the adMissouri State," Moats said. ministration for this opportunity. "She understands intercolleI look forward to working with giate athletics and working with the wonderful faculty and staff students and faculty on a daily at MSU and continue providing basis. Her background in acasupport for student success. demics and multicultural affairs I am honored to build on the will be invaluable to the continfoundation established by Bryan ued success of the Achievement Hicks during his tenure and Center and in helping MSU look forward to getting started." develop well-rounded studentShe is a 1995 graduate of Arathletes." kansas in her second tenure in Jones is a native of Malvern, Fayetteville. She has been assistArk., and is a member of the ing with the university's student National Academic Advising development operations since Association and National AssoMarch. She has also served as

ParkDay Reunion Weekend

Gospel Music Concert Sunday, Aug 5, at 4 p.m. Silver Springs Park

ciation of Academic Advisors for Athletics. She is also part of the 2011-13 class for the NACADA Emerging Leaders program and earned her master’s degree in counseling from Arkansas in 1999. She will complete her Doctor of Philosophy in Educational

Leadership and Organizational Development from the University of Louisville in August 2013. Jones’ hire is contingent upon formal approval by the Missouri State University Board of Governors at its regularly-scheduled meeting on Aug. 3.

No Meeting In July 2012 Every First Tuesday of the Month

Minorities In Business monthly networking meeting

What: Networking & Guest Speaker When: 5:15 p.m. Where: Q Enoteca • Anyone interested in business is welcome. 308 West Commercial Street For more information call: (417) 861-0760

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Missouri State University is currently recruiting diverse staff and faculty to add to the growing University system.

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Successful candidates must be committed to working with diverse student and community populations.

If you are a soloist, have a choir, praise team, rapper or some type of musical group and want to share your talent, please contact Samuel Knox at 417-864-7444 for details.

Please register your entry by July 15

Employment will require a criminal background check at University expense. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution

July Unite Page 7

July Unite Page 6

A Directory of free or low cost Business Assistance Minorities In Business Monthly Networking Meeting 417.861-0760 Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce www.spfldchamber.com 417.862.5567 Small Business Administration (SBA) www.sba.gov 417.864.7670 Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) www.score.org 417.864.7670 Drury University - Breech Center / Student in Free Enterprise www.drury.edu 417.873.7243 Ozarks Technical Community College www.otc.edu 417.895.7158 The Library Center Business Reference thelibrary.springfield.missouri.org 417.874.8110

Small Business & Technology Development Center

sbtdc.missouristate.edu 417.836.5685 • Loan assistance • Financial analysis • Business planning • Marketing products • Trademark searches • Training seminars (business planning, business valuation, business management, finance, human resources, QuickBooks, marketing and international trade)

Business ResourceGuide 5 Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn From TV Makeover and Mentoring Shows by Caron_Beesley, Community Moderator for Small Business Administration Are you a fan of TV business “makeover” or mentoring shows? Programs like Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, Tabatha Takes Over, Shark Tank, or The Apprentice make for compelling viewing. Designed as pure entertainment, these shows often smack of voyeurism, like you’re watching a train wreck about to happen. But they can also offer invaluable insights to business owners – opening our eyes to some universal truths about entrepreneurship and business ownership. Not convinced? Here are some transformational learning moments common and consistent to many of the businesses brave enough to open their doors to the cameras: 1. Communication is Key The effect of poor communication in business is perhaps the starkest lesson learned from reality business shows – and the results are universal. Low employee morale, uncontained egos, poor understanding of duties and roles, unhappy customers, gossip, rumors, and disrespect for management are all signs of poor communication. So what are the antidotes for poor communication? • Check your Ego – Ego is a significant obstacle to business success, as encountered by countless reality TV business turnaround experts. Counteract it by being objective about your business and open to new ideas.

• Demonstrate Good Leadership – It takes time and effort to be a good leader. Put aside day-to-day distractions and

schedule one-on-one time with staff, solicit their input, and listen. Regular staff meetings that encourage input and give you an opportunity to share business goals and achievements are vital to building engagement, trust and improved communication. • Show Respect and Courtesy and Be Consistent – Go beyond mere verbal niceties and ensure that your actions consistently evidence your good will as an employer. A strong, happy team will benefit enormously from a leader with the right attitude. • Listen – One of the first things the hosts of a business transformation TV show will do is listen to the business owner, the staff, and even customers. This is the first step in gauging what’s working, what’s not, and healing the wounds of a dysfunctional team. Listening attentively, providing meaningful feedback, and offering support and encouragement open the doors to a healthier business environment.

2. Learn From the Competition The epiphany is another common scenario in these shows: opening the business owner’s eyes to what the competition is doing. Hosts like Gordon Ramsay and Tabatha Coffey mentor business owners to embrace rather than retreat from competition. They encourage business owners to take a hard look at what they think they are doing wrong or could do better in the context of what the competition is doing. This involves refining their niches and finding ways to connect with their target market. Demonstrating value, customer service and leadership in a niche are proven techniques that work time and time again. 3. Need Funding? Value Your Business Carefully Budding entrepreneurs seeking funds on the reality TV show Shark Tank make the common mistake of miscalculating the worth of their business venture based on sales and profit projections. Whether you’re seeking angel investment or a traditional business loan, over- or undervaluing your business or investment needs is something savvy lenders or investors will jump on. Proper financial planning and research are essential to a continued from page 7

5 Lessons

continued from page 6 realistic, yet attractive proposal to potential lenders or investors. Here are a few guides and training resources from SBA to help you forecast your growth and financing needs: 4. Become a Pro at Delivering Your Elevator Pitch Another hot tip for budding entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners looking to grow is perfecting your elevator pitch. Why? If you can’t describe succinctly what you have to offer, to whom, and the benefits

you provide, then any pitch to investors is going to quickly fall apart (as often demonstrated to cringe-worthy effect on Shark Tank). 5. Be Prepared to Diversify Diversification strategies are often at the heart of reality TV business transformation shows. For example, would adding a new line of products or killing off unprofitable lines help drive focus and profits? Explore all possible avenues, plan your approach and desired outcome, and test and review your findings.

How to Market Your Business at Summer Events, Fairs and Festivals by Rieva, Guest Blogger , For Small Business Administration Summer’s here and for most communities, that means the season of outdoor fairs, festivals and other events is underway. For a small business, community events like these can be a great opportunity to market your products and services to local residents and other event-goers. Here are some steps to get you started. Research what events exist in your community and nearby communities. Your options might range from local “fun runs,” chili cook-offs or classic car shows to surfing contests or music festivals that bring in attendees from all over the country. If you’re new to event marketing, you’ll probably want to start at the smaller end of the spectrum. Find the right match. Figure out which events are likely to bring the kinds of customers you want to target. Consider the city where the event is held, the target audience and the activity. It’s best to start with an event that has a track record in the

community since the organizers will be better able to give you an estimate of attendance and audience breakdown. Get the details. Contact organizers to see what opportunities exist. This could range from sponsoring the event (contributing money in return for getting your name on banners, fliers, programs, etc.), having a booth at the event to give away information or samples, or actually selling products at the event. Ask about costs and requirements. Talk to others. Events don’t always live up to their hype, so find other business owners who have participated in the events you’re considering and ask them what they liked and didn’t like. Were fees and registration costs worthwhile? Did they get qualified leads or make a lot of sales from the event? Would they recommend it or not and why? Be prepared. If you’re working a booth or selling products, plenty of advance planning is required. If your goal is collecting leads, make sure you have enough samples and literature to give out. Make it easy for attendees to give you their information, continued from page 12

African American Community Organizations Directory Mark A. Dixon Bartley-Decatur Neighborhood Center 918 E. Calhoun Springfield, MO 65802 417-719-4300 www.bartley-decatur.org Duke Winkfield American Legion Post Norvel Stafford 1339 E. Division St Springfield, MO 65803 417-862-9123 Alana Lyles, President Ladies Civic League Provides scholarships for youth P. O. Box 8296 Springfield, MO 65801 Robert Looney, Ozarks Golf Club, Inc Spfld. Community Center 618 N. Benton Springfield, MO 65806 Sidney Needem, Sec., Sherman Avenue Project Committee, Inc. Housing Org. 1228 N. Sherman Springfield, MO 65802 417-865-1203 W.M. Herman Burkett, Jr. Prince Hall Masons Truth Lodge #151 P.O. Box 8063 Springfield, MO 65801 417-890-5180 Wesley Pratt The Gathering A community action group For more information call 417-987-7809 Shelia Burton, President Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Board, Inc. P.O. Box 9282 Springfield, MO 65801 417-877-0668

Lynette Adams, Worthy Matron Order Of Eastern Star Greater Truth Chapter #88 P.O. Box 9412 Springfield, MO 65801 417-866-6878 Calvin L. Allen, Exec. Director Springfield Community Center- Family Achievement Academy Corner of Sherman Ave/Division St Springfield, MO 65803 417-866-4359 Cheryl Clay, President Springfield Branch N.A.A.C.P. P.O. Box 8983 Springfield, MO 65801 Meetings are every third Saturday of the month from 1:30-2:30 p.m. 417-873-6386 Flora (Pat) Looney, President Our Night Out Social & Charitable Org. 417-866-2387 James Pike, President Springfield Reunion Club Organizes the Annual Park Day/ Reunion Weekend 1447 N. Hampton Springfield, MO 65802 417-869-0183 Meeting every first Monday Willie Carter, Director Victory Circle Peer Support Inc 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy Springfield, MO 65802 417-894-0188 Support group for men in recovery Samuel G. Knox Unite of SWMO, Inc. Publishes the Unite Publication; presenters of the Annual MultiCultural Festival 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy. Springfield, MO 65802 Phone: 417-864-7444 unitepublication@yahoo.com www.unitenewsonline.org

If you are a part of a Springfield African American Community Organization, we want to hear from you. Please send the name of your organization, address, phone number and a contact person to Unite., P. O. Box 1745, Springfield, MO 65801

July Unite Page 7

July Unite Page 6

A Directory of free or low cost Business Assistance Minorities In Business Monthly Networking Meeting 417.861-0760 Springfield Area Chamber of Commerce www.spfldchamber.com 417.862.5567 Small Business Administration (SBA) www.sba.gov 417.864.7670 Service Corps of Retired Executives (SCORE) www.score.org 417.864.7670 Drury University - Breech Center / Student in Free Enterprise www.drury.edu 417.873.7243 Ozarks Technical Community College www.otc.edu 417.895.7158 The Library Center Business Reference thelibrary.springfield.missouri.org 417.874.8110

Small Business & Technology Development Center

sbtdc.missouristate.edu 417.836.5685 • Loan assistance • Financial analysis • Business planning • Marketing products • Trademark searches • Training seminars (business planning, business valuation, business management, finance, human resources, QuickBooks, marketing and international trade)

Business ResourceGuide 5 Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn From TV Makeover and Mentoring Shows by Caron_Beesley, Community Moderator for Small Business Administration Are you a fan of TV business “makeover” or mentoring shows? Programs like Ramsay’s Kitchen Nightmares, Tabatha Takes Over, Shark Tank, or The Apprentice make for compelling viewing. Designed as pure entertainment, these shows often smack of voyeurism, like you’re watching a train wreck about to happen. But they can also offer invaluable insights to business owners – opening our eyes to some universal truths about entrepreneurship and business ownership. Not convinced? Here are some transformational learning moments common and consistent to many of the businesses brave enough to open their doors to the cameras: 1. Communication is Key The effect of poor communication in business is perhaps the starkest lesson learned from reality business shows – and the results are universal. Low employee morale, uncontained egos, poor understanding of duties and roles, unhappy customers, gossip, rumors, and disrespect for management are all signs of poor communication. So what are the antidotes for poor communication? • Check your Ego – Ego is a significant obstacle to business success, as encountered by countless reality TV business turnaround experts. Counteract it by being objective about your business and open to new ideas.

• Demonstrate Good Leadership – It takes time and effort to be a good leader. Put aside day-to-day distractions and

schedule one-on-one time with staff, solicit their input, and listen. Regular staff meetings that encourage input and give you an opportunity to share business goals and achievements are vital to building engagement, trust and improved communication. • Show Respect and Courtesy and Be Consistent – Go beyond mere verbal niceties and ensure that your actions consistently evidence your good will as an employer. A strong, happy team will benefit enormously from a leader with the right attitude. • Listen – One of the first things the hosts of a business transformation TV show will do is listen to the business owner, the staff, and even customers. This is the first step in gauging what’s working, what’s not, and healing the wounds of a dysfunctional team. Listening attentively, providing meaningful feedback, and offering support and encouragement open the doors to a healthier business environment.

2. Learn From the Competition The epiphany is another common scenario in these shows: opening the business owner’s eyes to what the competition is doing. Hosts like Gordon Ramsay and Tabatha Coffey mentor business owners to embrace rather than retreat from competition. They encourage business owners to take a hard look at what they think they are doing wrong or could do better in the context of what the competition is doing. This involves refining their niches and finding ways to connect with their target market. Demonstrating value, customer service and leadership in a niche are proven techniques that work time and time again. 3. Need Funding? Value Your Business Carefully Budding entrepreneurs seeking funds on the reality TV show Shark Tank make the common mistake of miscalculating the worth of their business venture based on sales and profit projections. Whether you’re seeking angel investment or a traditional business loan, over- or undervaluing your business or investment needs is something savvy lenders or investors will jump on. Proper financial planning and research are essential to a continued from page 7

5 Lessons

continued from page 6 realistic, yet attractive proposal to potential lenders or investors. Here are a few guides and training resources from SBA to help you forecast your growth and financing needs: 4. Become a Pro at Delivering Your Elevator Pitch Another hot tip for budding entrepreneurs and seasoned business owners looking to grow is perfecting your elevator pitch. Why? If you can’t describe succinctly what you have to offer, to whom, and the benefits

you provide, then any pitch to investors is going to quickly fall apart (as often demonstrated to cringe-worthy effect on Shark Tank). 5. Be Prepared to Diversify Diversification strategies are often at the heart of reality TV business transformation shows. For example, would adding a new line of products or killing off unprofitable lines help drive focus and profits? Explore all possible avenues, plan your approach and desired outcome, and test and review your findings.

How to Market Your Business at Summer Events, Fairs and Festivals by Rieva, Guest Blogger , For Small Business Administration Summer’s here and for most communities, that means the season of outdoor fairs, festivals and other events is underway. For a small business, community events like these can be a great opportunity to market your products and services to local residents and other event-goers. Here are some steps to get you started. Research what events exist in your community and nearby communities. Your options might range from local “fun runs,” chili cook-offs or classic car shows to surfing contests or music festivals that bring in attendees from all over the country. If you’re new to event marketing, you’ll probably want to start at the smaller end of the spectrum. Find the right match. Figure out which events are likely to bring the kinds of customers you want to target. Consider the city where the event is held, the target audience and the activity. It’s best to start with an event that has a track record in the

community since the organizers will be better able to give you an estimate of attendance and audience breakdown. Get the details. Contact organizers to see what opportunities exist. This could range from sponsoring the event (contributing money in return for getting your name on banners, fliers, programs, etc.), having a booth at the event to give away information or samples, or actually selling products at the event. Ask about costs and requirements. Talk to others. Events don’t always live up to their hype, so find other business owners who have participated in the events you’re considering and ask them what they liked and didn’t like. Were fees and registration costs worthwhile? Did they get qualified leads or make a lot of sales from the event? Would they recommend it or not and why? Be prepared. If you’re working a booth or selling products, plenty of advance planning is required. If your goal is collecting leads, make sure you have enough samples and literature to give out. Make it easy for attendees to give you their information, continued from page 12

African American Community Organizations Directory Mark A. Dixon Bartley-Decatur Neighborhood Center 918 E. Calhoun Springfield, MO 65802 417-719-4300 www.bartley-decatur.org Duke Winkfield American Legion Post Norvel Stafford 1339 E. Division St Springfield, MO 65803 417-862-9123 Alana Lyles, President Ladies Civic League Provides scholarships for youth P. O. Box 8296 Springfield, MO 65801 Robert Looney, Ozarks Golf Club, Inc Spfld. Community Center 618 N. Benton Springfield, MO 65806 Sidney Needem, Sec., Sherman Avenue Project Committee, Inc. Housing Org. 1228 N. Sherman Springfield, MO 65802 417-865-1203 W.M. Herman Burkett, Jr. Prince Hall Masons Truth Lodge #151 P.O. Box 8063 Springfield, MO 65801 417-890-5180 Wesley Pratt The Gathering A community action group For more information call 417-987-7809 Shelia Burton, President Lincoln Memorial Cemetery Board, Inc. P.O. Box 9282 Springfield, MO 65801 417-877-0668

Lynette Adams, Worthy Matron Order Of Eastern Star Greater Truth Chapter #88 P.O. Box 9412 Springfield, MO 65801 417-866-6878 Calvin L. Allen, Exec. Director Springfield Community Center- Family Achievement Academy Corner of Sherman Ave/Division St Springfield, MO 65803 417-866-4359 Cheryl Clay, President Springfield Branch N.A.A.C.P. P.O. Box 8983 Springfield, MO 65801 Meetings are every third Saturday of the month from 1:30-2:30 p.m. 417-873-6386 Flora (Pat) Looney, President Our Night Out Social & Charitable Org. 417-866-2387 James Pike, President Springfield Reunion Club Organizes the Annual Park Day/ Reunion Weekend 1447 N. Hampton Springfield, MO 65802 417-869-0183 Meeting every first Monday Willie Carter, Director Victory Circle Peer Support Inc 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy Springfield, MO 65802 417-894-0188 Support group for men in recovery Samuel G. Knox Unite of SWMO, Inc. Publishes the Unite Publication; presenters of the Annual MultiCultural Festival 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy. Springfield, MO 65802 Phone: 417-864-7444 unitepublication@yahoo.com www.unitenewsonline.org

If you are a part of a Springfield African American Community Organization, we want to hear from you. Please send the name of your organization, address, phone number and a contact person to Unite., P. O. Box 1745, Springfield, MO 65801

July Unite Page 8

July Unite Page 5

Jones Named New Assistant Director of Athletics for Academics & Student Services

LifeStyle&EntertainmentNews Movie Review: “Madea’s Witness Protection” by Lyle Foster Unite Contributing Writer

ets today for the mega hit but do plan to be part of the early crowds to say Holy Jeepers MADEA is BACK!!! Batman!!! So if you are a fan we Well... I almost don't know what may be there together... now to say... summer 2012 that gas has dropped is here and this is a few pennies maybe movie blockbuster we can also go to the season so in some concession stand and respects there is more eat some skittles! We to share than this colwill talk a little more umn will allow... but about that in the August in other respects the issue! I have gotten to quality and originality see quite a few movLyle Foster from Hollywood still ies of late... some good makes it clear that if they think ...some not so good. One of the someone will buy a ticket it is a ones I will briefly mention is movie... plot and substance don't Snow White and the Huntsman. matter. And on that same note It is blowing me away the new the number of remakes and part emphasis on fairy tales and II and part III still is amazing. the increasing trend towards So I know Men in Black was out the dark side. These are not but I was trying to check out the fables our parents read to some other flicks...I am a Will us before they cut the lights Smith fan but not as much on out at night... lol...I decided to the Men In Back franchise...well check out the Snow White flick let's get you up to date on the because it has gotten some movie scene! favorable press and has done As I mentioned its summer so very well at the box office. that means the studios are rollFeaturing stars Kristen Stewart, ing out the highly anticipated Charlize Theron and Chris blockbuster films including one Hermsworth they have cerof my favorites... Batman!!!.. tainly reworked the famous tale. Yes on July 20 the Dark Knight Kristen Stewart is of course the rises!!! I am not buying my tickfamous Bella from the Twilight

series and is now a mega star and reportedly one of the top female earners and according to some reports at the top of the heap in annual earnings for the past year. Now I know some of you secretly read the Twilight series and are all over Breaking Dawn!!! Well the movie version has its share of darkness, sorcery and magic I suppose you could say and takes a couple of interesting turns. It keeps your attention and keeps moving but it has the © 2012 Lionsgate fairly predictable themes of immortality and purity in conflict with one another. Ms. Theron turns in a very respectable acting job as the treacherous queen who has a trick behind every spell... I want say much about Chris... aka the Huntsman as he is the ally of the queen who begins to

question what he is doing and what he should be doing and of course he is there for his fan base and to fight the bad guys. Snow White.... well you know the story of Snow White don't you... Kristen Stewart is certainly in a different role in this movie and she did a decent job but I won't call it academy level... but again she has a fan base and they seem to come support her regardless... she gets to show some different sides in fight scenes and other aspects... if you want to catch it at the Palace... it will help you stay cool in the summer heat. Okay, now to the main feature... Madea is back in her new flick... Madea's Witness Protection... obviously Tyler Perry didn't listen to me after I continued on page 9

“Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub”— Food Review Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub.... Steak Anyone? Well it's no secret that Springfpatch is an eating town and restaurants seem to be popping up almost every month. This month's review is not a new restaurant but a recent one and that is Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub at 1935 S. Glenstone Ave.

If that location sounds familiar to anyone that is because it is the former location of the Steak and Ale which was kind of a landmark establishment here in town. The Springfield location seemed to always be doing well but the overall company went belly-up a few years ago so the local restaurant was a casualty.

New ownership installed the former general manager of the Steak and Ale to run the new operation....Jimm's Steakhouse. I had visited a few times before and was favorably impressed with the remodel which totally did away with the Steak and Ale look which was a little dated and brought a more con-

temporary feel and also installed a piano lounge which is very stylish and well received. On a recent June night I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled into the parking lot a bit after 5 and the lot was pretty full to the point I had to look for a parking spot and later realized continued on page 9

Long-Time Arkansas Administrator Will Join MSU Staff July 23

associate director of Arkansas' student-athlete academic support and achievement since December 2008. Previously, she spent 2002-08 at the University of Louisville working first as assistant direcSPRINGFIELD – Missouri State tor of campus life and later as Director of Athletics Kyle Moats assistant director for advising announced today (June 21) the and student support hiring of Monica Jones services. She began as assistant director of her professional career athletics for academics at Arkansas in 1997 as and student services. an athletic academic Jones, who is curcounselor and advanced rently serving as to academic advisor for interim director of the College of Educastudent-athlete develoption and Health Proment at the University Monica Jones fessions in July 2000. of Arkansas, will begin Before moving to Louisville in her new post at the Springfield December 2002, she also served campus on July 23. as the director of multicultural "I am very excited about the student services at Arkansas. opportunity to join Missouri "We are looking forward to State," Jones said. "I want to having Monica on our team at thank Kyle Moats and the adMissouri State," Moats said. ministration for this opportunity. "She understands intercolleI look forward to working with giate athletics and working with the wonderful faculty and staff students and faculty on a daily at MSU and continue providing basis. Her background in acasupport for student success. demics and multicultural affairs I am honored to build on the will be invaluable to the continfoundation established by Bryan ued success of the Achievement Hicks during his tenure and Center and in helping MSU look forward to getting started." develop well-rounded studentShe is a 1995 graduate of Arathletes." kansas in her second tenure in Jones is a native of Malvern, Fayetteville. She has been assistArk., and is a member of the ing with the university's student National Academic Advising development operations since Association and National AssoMarch. She has also served as

ParkDay Reunion Weekend

Gospel Music Concert Sunday, Aug 5, at 4 p.m. Silver Springs Park

ciation of Academic Advisors for Athletics. She is also part of the 2011-13 class for the NACADA Emerging Leaders program and earned her master’s degree in counseling from Arkansas in 1999. She will complete her Doctor of Philosophy in Educational

Leadership and Organizational Development from the University of Louisville in August 2013. Jones’ hire is contingent upon formal approval by the Missouri State University Board of Governors at its regularly-scheduled meeting on Aug. 3.

No Meeting In July 2012 Every First Tuesday of the Month

Minorities In Business monthly networking meeting

What: Networking & Guest Speaker When: 5:15 p.m. Where: Q Enoteca • Anyone interested in business is welcome. 308 West Commercial Street For more information call: (417) 861-0760

Distinctive Mission, Remarkable Education Affordable Choice, Unbeatable Value Memorable Experiences, Lifetime Success

Missouri State University is currently recruiting diverse staff and faculty to add to the growing University system.

www.missouristate.edu/jobs Vacancy recording: 417-836-4683

Successful candidates must be committed to working with diverse student and community populations.

If you are a soloist, have a choir, praise team, rapper or some type of musical group and want to share your talent, please contact Samuel Knox at 417-864-7444 for details.

Please register your entry by July 15

Employment will require a criminal background check at University expense. Equal Opportunity/Affirmative Action Institution

July Unite Page 9

July Unite Page 4


Movie Review

continued from page 8

RACE: Are We So Different? Community Field Trips Springfield, MO—You and your family are invited to RACE: Are We So Different? Community Field Trips - Presented by Missouri State University, Division for Diversity and Inclusion You may choose one of the 3 remaining Thursday dates this summer to bring the family. July 12th, July 26th or August 9th, 2012 from 5:30 - 8:00 p.m. The Community Field Trips for RACE: Are We So Different? are being offered to bring families and community resources together for an exciting experi-

ence focused on the scientific, historical and contemporary experience of race and racism in the United States. Families and individuals from throughout the area can be part of this important community conversation at no cost through the generous contributions of many local sponsors. In addition to experiencing and exploring this nationally acclaimed exhibit, participants will be treated to light refreshments and be automatically entered to win a number of exciting door

Park Day Parade Participants Needed Springfield, MO—The annual Park Day Parade will take place on Saturday, August 4, 2012. This year Park Day will take you down memory lane because it will have a 70’s theme, “Do You Remember…? You can help to make it a success by becoming a parade participant. Dance troupes, church groups, businesses, civic, fraternal and social organizations are all welcome and encouraged to take part in this

fun filled activity. Decorated and/or restored cars, convertibles and floats are needed. Lineup will begin at 11:00 a.m. at the intersection of Sherman and Webster. The parade will start at 12:00 noon and will follow the same route as in the past. If you are interested in being a part of this community event, please submit the following registration form by August 1, 2012.

2012 Park Day Parade Entry Form Parade is August 4, 2012 (Please Print)

Organization Name: Mailing Address: Contact Name:

Phone #: Type of Entry



Dance Group


Other ____________

Please Mail to: Ladies Civic League - P.O. Box 8296 -Springfield, MO 65801 Tax deductible donations to the Ladies Civic League Fund are welcome!

prizes. Participants will be requested to complete an anonymous pre and post tour survey. After completing the post tour survey, participants will be treated to complimentary snacks. Community Field Trips provide access to the RACE exhibit areas only. The remainder of Discovery Center will not be open. No Reservation required. For general information

about the exhibit, please check the website or contact Guest Services at 417-862-9910 Ext 706. The exhibit takes place at the Discovery Center of Springfield 438 E St. Louis St. Springfield, MO 65806 The cost is FREE -organizers suggest you come early so that you can experience 3 floors of the traveling exhibit, RACE: Are We So Different?

suggested he keep the suit on like he did in Mr. Deeds...maybe it is because the truth is the Madea franchise sells tickets.... in fact a lot of them. Just for full disclosure....I just sometimes want our community to expect and demand a higher level of acting and professionalism and not play in to the stereotypes at least always. Also the multiple characters played by one person is just sometimes.....a

Food Review

continued from page 8

Summer Movies At Founders Park Begin July 6 thru Aug 25 Springfield, MO—The Springfield-Greene County Park Board’s annual Movies at Founders Park series begins July 6-7 and continues every Friday and Saturday night until August 2425. The eight-week movie series is a contemporary version of a drive-in theater, with films shown outdoors in downtown Springfield’s Founders Park. Audiences are encouraged to bring their own lawn chairs and blankets and enjoy new release films under the stars. As in previous years, Friday is Family Night, Saturday is Date Night. All Family Night movies are rated G or PG. Date Night movies are rated up to PG-13. This season’s complete movie line-up is available at springfieldmo.gov/founders/ <http://www.springfieldmo. gov/founders/>. Admission to Movies at

Founders is free with advance tickets, available starting the Monday before each film at: • Chesterfield Family Center, 2511 W. Republic Road • Doling Family Center, 301 E. Talmage St. • Mediacom Ice Park, 635 E. Trafficway • Busch Municipal Building, 840 Boonville Ave. • Mediacom Communications, 1533 S. Enterprise Ave. The Park Board partners again this summer with Springfield And The Ozarks (SATO) 48 organizers to highlight several of the filmmakers who participated in the 2012 SATO 48film challenge. Concessions are available. No smoking or alcohol allowed. For more information, visit springfieldmo.gov/founders/ <http://www.springfieldmo. gov/founders/> or call the Springfield-Greene County Park Board office at 417-864-1049.

Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub.... Steak Anyone? Well it's no secret that Springfpatch is an eating town and restaurants seem to be popping up almost every month. This month's review is not a new restaurant but a recent one and that is Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub at 1935 S. Glenstone Ave. If that location sounds familiar to anyone that is because it is the former location of the Steak and Ale which was kind of a landmark establishment here in town. The Springfield location seemed to always be doing well but the overall company went belly-up a few years ago so the local restaurant was a casualty. New ownership installed the former general manager of the Steak and Ale to run the new operation....Jimm's Steakhouse. I had visited a few times before and was favorably impressed with the remodel which totally did away with the Steak and Ale look which was a little dated and brought a more contemporary feel and also installed a piano lounge which is very stylish and well received.

little too much. Now off of my soapbox....it's summer and it's getting hot and movies often are the perfect chill out solution to escape from the Ozark heat and there is nothing quite like a good movie and some popcorn well at least something from the concession stand.....lol. And I know many people are going through different things and it is also a good way to escape and forget your cares for a few minutes and a Madea laughfest is a good medicine. Well it is no surprise that Madea is up

to something crazy and in the latest installment Madea is the hideout for a Wall street investment banker who has been set up as the linchpin of his company's mob backed ponzi scheme. He has to hide out at Madea's southern family home....can you see the plot......I'm sure you can. The well know father character from the American Pie franchise is the banker needing to hideout and he is pretty good in whatever he plays in. The main leads are Eugene Levy(American Pie), Romeo Miller, Denise Richards,

Doris Roberts and of course Mr. Perry. Now rest assured even thought Madea is sometimes too much I plan to go to get my laughs on and escape the heat. It starts in theatres on June 29 so when this issue comes out... you can head straight to the theatre and check it out. Let me know what you think. Who knows?....Mayb we will be laughing together!!! Looking at some of the early scenes I can promise you this....it is wilder than ever!!!!

On a recent June night I was pleasantly surprised when I pulled into the parking lot a bit after 5 and the lot was pretty full to the point I had to look for a parking spot and later realized that Springfield diners are value conscious and like the early bird dinner pricing as I noticed the restaurant was not nearly as full after the early bird time was over. The early bird pricing is a pretty good value and can include the very generous salad bar and a selection of fixed deserts. The truth is a lot of people like a good steak on ocassion and there are always new places trying to prove they are the choice for steaks in town and they go from casual to upscale. Summer weather can be one of those seasons when we think of good steak because we may be a backyard chef or we have slightly more time to try out some of the steak houses in town. I like Jimm's Steakhouse and Pub....for one it is a local establishment and the owner thought enough about the customer base here to make an investment after the closing of Steak and Ale. I consider the finished look very comfortable and well done. It is a little dark in some of the small

rooms for my tastes but I realize that many customers looking for a steakhouse are looking for a

bit of atmosphere as they wine and dine their significant others. continued on page 12

Mediacom is a recognized leader in the telecommunications arena, offering cutting edge technologies to our communities. We offer services such as digital cable, high definition T.V., digital video recording, and high speed internet access. We continue to grow through the acquisition of new customers while maintaining a solid customer base. NOW HIRING • Direct Sales Representatives (Springfield/Joplin & surrounding areas) – Sell Mediacom services in local neighborhoods and communities serviced by Mediacom as the company’s neighborhood marketing representative. Maintain minimum sales quotas as indicated by the Sales Supervisor following company guidelines. One year of sales experience preferred. • Installers (Joplin & Springfield) - Install cable television and high speed internet within the Joplin, Springfield and surrounding areas. The successful applicant will possess a strong technical aptitude, adept customer service attitude, satisfactory driving record, and enjoy working outdoors • Commercial Account Representative (Springfield) – Sell strategic communications solutions including fiber-based networks, internet, video and phone related services to business customers in the government, education and medical industries. Revenue and customers goals will be met by developing and maintaining strong relationships with current and prospective customers. Candidates must have a Bachelors degree in sales/marketing or related field or equivalent experience and a minimum of 3-5 years Telecom or Technology sales experience. Mediacom offers a competitive wage in addition to a comprehensive benefit package to include paid vacation/flex/holidays, medical, dental, vision, and life insurance, matching 401K, discounted services, tuition assistance and more. A minimum of High School Diploma/GED required for all positions. Apply online at careers.mediacomcc.com for immediate consideration. Pre-employment drug screen and background check required. MEDIACOM IS AN EQUAL OPPORTUNITY EMPLOYER

July Unite Page 10

July Unite Page 3


Be Home at a Reasonable Hour by Dr Jennifer Baker, Connect & Communicate Column for Operation Us

area was simply not worth the effort. Let me illustrate. If my boyfriend and I went to a movie that We didn't have a ended at 9 p.m., my curfew when we folks figured no later were teenagers. My than 10:30 p.m. was parents just said, "Be plenty of time for us home at a reasonable to go get something hour." There was little to eat and then drive doubt that they knew the 15-20 minutes it we knew what "reawould take to our sonable" meant. On home six miles south the few occasions I of town. After that, tested the limits of they emphasized, Dr Jennifer Baker "reasonable," I underthere was only time stood exactly what I was for trouble. Once we got doing, got the response I thought home, they expected us to come I might get, and quickly learned in the house. No sitting in the that breaking their trust in this car in the driveway and "talking."

Springfield NAACP Project HELP Community Event! Learn about healthy snack alternatives and what you can do to reduce your chances of getting heart disease and diabetes. This program is for children, teens, adults and seniors. Where: Deliverance Temple Campus, 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy. Springfield, MO 65802 When: Saturday, July 28, 2012 Time: 1:00 p.m. - 3:00 p.m. We hope to see you there! For more information please contact the Springfield Branch NAACP at 417-873-6386

They wanted us in the family room where they could check in on us as necessary. On the few occasions I tested out the "whatwould-it-hurt-to-sit-in-the-car-inthe-driveway" tactic, the porch light began flashing and I knew we needed to come in before my mother came out to get us—definitely something I did not want to happen. Rules and Relationships Protect Our Young For the last several weeks I've been writing about the important role parents have in teaching and modeling healthy relationships, especially for their teens. It would be nice if a great relationship with our teen was enough to avoid poor choices on his or her part, but it's usually not. Kids, even teenage kids, need us to set limits. They may not always like, or observe the boundaries we set for them, but they need to know they're there. When we set limits, we help to protect them until they are mature enough to protect themselves. Unfortunately, many parents today think their children are mature, long before they are able to make wise decisions about love and relationships. Teens today live in a highlysexualized culture with sophisticated media pounding them almost every waking moment with images and messages chal-

lenging the standards and ideals we have for them with regard to a healthy intimate relationship. There are far fewer social morés to guide their behavior than there were just 30-40 years ago. At the same time, parents are often busy and distracted with work obligations and media distractions of their own. Paul Hagen, author of A Trip for Life, says it well: Kids these days are just like kids over the last 5,000 years. They just want to know where the line is and to count on someone to correct them when they step over or outside of it. In short, they just want someone who they can trust to care about them, teach them, and be there for them. Limits = Love When we set limits for our children, we let them know we love them enough to withstand their discomfort and unhappiness with us. When we establish oundaries that we maintain with respect and dignity in the face of their adolescent angst and anger, we provide them with protection. When we set a standard for acceptable behavior and stand by it, we lay a foundation that will help them recognize suitable behavior in relationships now and in the future. At 16 years of age, I wasn't wise enough to protect myself from all the implication of poor decision making on my part. I didn't always like or observe my parents' rules. Sometimes I tested the limits and learned from the experience. Today I'm glad they were wise and courageous enough to stand up for me and to me. Their relationship with me, along with their consistent example and the rules they established, had a lifelong impact for my good.

Community News

An Inspiring Success Story From ReShonda Tate Wed., July 11 by Kathleen O’Dell , Springfield-Greene County Library District

Want to hear an inspiring success story from a writer who worked her way up to become a best-selling author and NAACP awardee? The Library Center is proud to feature author ReShonda Tate Billingsley as a guest speaker at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 11. The event is free and open to the public. ReShonda is the national bestselling author of 21 titles, and her novel, “Let the Church Say Amen,” is being made into a movie that she will produce and actress Regina King will direct. This NAACP Image Award winner will talk about and celebrate the publication of “The Secret She Kept…” Her teen books, “Nothing But Drama” and “Caught up in the Drama” are also being made into movies. ReShonda’s debut novel, “My Brother’s Keeper,” launched her career with Simon & Schuster/Pocket Books. ReShonda is a five-time winner of the National Association of Black Journalists Spirit in the Words competition. Her books have appeared on the Essence Bestseller’s list more than 20 times, and on The Washington Post and Dallas Morning News Bestsellers lists. continued on page 11

5 6

Monica Jones Named New Assistant Director for Academics & Student Services Business Resource Guide

5 Lessons Small Business Owners Can Learn From TV Makeover and Mentoring Shows by Small Business Administration


Lifestyle & Entertainment News

Movie & Food Review

UNITE. Volume 22, Number 7 Publisher Unite. of Southwest Missouri, Inc. Managing Editor Samuel G. Knox Contributing Writers Lyle Foster Mia Jackson-Huskisson Gwen Marshall Kathleen O'Dell Photography David Huskisson Dr. David N Knox

by Lyle Foster


Distribution Bradley Knox

Be Home at a Reasonable Hour

Volunteers Tyra Knox Kerri McGrew Angelor Wilkes

by Dr Jennifer Baker

The Unite. publication is a

Gorman-Scharpf Funeral Home, Inc. The quality and care that you expect in 242 years of combined experience

W. Bruce Howell Robert J. Lohmeyer Don R. Lohmeyer Marquis D. Howell, Jr Heather K. Howell Angela N. Collins Harley R. Williams Clint W. Mease Winford R Laster

(417)886-9994 • Fax: (417) 886-9996 • 1947 E. Seminole • Springfield, MO 65804

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City Employment Link The City of Springfield offers a variety of municipal career opportunities for individuals interested in public service. Job opportunities are updated each Friday and can be accessed through a number of mediums: Web: http://www. springfieldmo.gov/jobs; or Phone: Jobs Hotline at 417-8641606; or TV: CityView on Medicacom Cable Digital Channel 80; or In Person: visiting our offices at 840 Boonville, Room 324, Springfield, MO 65802. The City is fully committed to a policy of hiring without regard to age, sex, race, religion, national origin, or disability. The City is an equal opportunity/ affirmative action employer.

spondence to the same address. Readers comments and ques-

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For further information, you

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July Unite Page 2

July Unite Page 11

March Unite Page 6

Against All Odds

successful,” Carter said. Carter said he realized the key to remaining free was completely tied to his own choices. He realized he had to learn healthy skills like responsibility

continued from page 1

“I learned a lot about myself, I learned I had to forfeit the right to smoke joints or drink to be

Park Day

you like. It will take you down memory lane because it will have a 70’s theme and you are asked to dress accordingly—if you so choose. There will be prizes for the best dressed man, best dressed woman and best dressed couple. So get that Afro together, pull those clothes and platform shoes out of your closet—if you can still get into them—and come on out to the dance. As Marvin Gaye said— “Lets Get it On.”

continued from page 1 • This year, the kids will be in with the adults on Friday night and must be accompanied by their parent(s) or guardian. The charge for kids from age 4-11 will be $5.00 and those age 12 and up will be $10.00 Second, the dynamic band Something Xtra from Wichita, KS will perform Saturday night. They are sure to play something

George Washington Carver National Monument Diamond MO

The 69th Carver Day Celebration! Saturday, July 14, 2012 10:00 a.m. - 3:00 p.m.       

Exhibitors Music Performers Storytelling Guided Tours Education Programs Activities for Kids Food Concession

Portrait of George Washington Carver © Tuskegee University Archives/Museum

Lem Sheppard Blues, Jazz and Folk Guitarist & Musician

John Ferrell Author of Fruits of Creation: A Look at Global Sustainability as Seen Through the Eyes of George Washington Carver

Carver Birthplace Association

For more information contact the park at 417.325.4151 or visit www.nps.gov/gwca

Bobby Norfolk Emmy Winning Storyteller as George Washington Carver Sensational Wonders

All Activities Free of Charge!

The park is located two miles west of Diamond, Missouri on Highway V, then 1/2 mile south on Carver Road.

and accountability instead of the blaming and manipulation of his former life. “Everything that happens, happens in your head first,” Carter said. Additionally, Carter found refuge and strength by joining church. “I couldn’t have made it with the 12-step program alone,” Carter said. In time and against all odds, Carter became a certified sub stance abuse counselor, at Ozark Correctional Center in Fordland, Missouri where he had been incarcerated. Eventually, Carter was instrumental in establishing the Victory Circle, a men’s peer support group, that offers moral support, guidance, and confrontation geared toward positive change for men attempting to re-establish themselves within the community. Carter now serves as the Executive Director of Victory Circle. Carter said the peer group is open to men of all ages. Victory Circle meets each Tuesday at 6:30 at Deliverance Temple Ministries, 2101 W. Chestnut Expressway. To date, more than 500 men have been positively influenced by Victory Circle meetings since it was established in 1996. “Giving back is living for me, I wanted to stay far away from the self-centeredness I used to

embrace,” Carter said. Carter has also served on the Citizens Advisory Board for Probation and Parole as well as the Greene County Restorative Justice Board. As our interview concludes, Carter has a reflective moment in which he realizes he can’t change what his life is but he hopes others will learn from his experiences. He offers the following suggestions to other at-risk individuals: 1) take responsibility for the things that are holding you back; 2) take responsibility for your actions, don’t blame others; 3) re-evaluate your self-talk. “This is life this is not a joke, you only get one shot at this,” Carter said. For the numerous parents who are concerned about their children, Carter suggests: 1) instill good values in youth 2) avoid denial of the problems; 3) encourage good self-esteem. “We want to think our children are good but it’s not always the case, now is the time to instill the right values in them,” Carter said. If you would like to help support the Victory Circle Peer Support Group, you can make you tax deductible gifts to: Victory Circle Peer Support Group, 2101 W. Chestnut Expwy., Springfield, MO 65802. You may also call Mr. Carter at: 417-894-0188.

You are invited to our Sunday Adult Class for the month of July. We will be exploring the theme: “Eight Little Questions and One Really Big Answer!” • Are you pursuing or possessing? • Trying or trusting? • Working from obligation or opportunity? Together, let's see if we can find answers that will make our lives more of what we really want them to be! The class instructor is Mark Dixon. Class runs from 9:00 - 10:00 am, each Sunday morning in July (but there will be coffee, juice, and donuts for you "early birds" at 8:45 am). Casual clothes are fine, so come on by and hang out with us this Sunday. We meet in the multi-purpose building, on the west side of the parking lot. See you there! [Bring this Ad with you for a chance to win a family pack of swim tickets, good at any Springfield-Greene County Park Board Pool!] Deliverance Temple Ministries, 2101 W. Chestnut Expressway


continued from page 3

A Directory of free or low cost Business Assistance

Tickets are on sale now at all library branches for another rare performance treat: “Walking Toward America,” with two shows at 7 p.m. July 14 and 2 p.m. July Springfield Area Chamber 15 at the Library Center. of Commerce Former Springfield author www.spfldchamber.com 417.862.5567

Small Part-Time Business Custodian 30 hours per week, Administration (SBA) Tues-Sat 11:00 a.m.-6:00 p.m. www.sba.gov Drury University has an opening 417.864.7670

for a part-time custodian. Apply at www.drury.edu/hr, send letter Small Business and resume, or apply in person at Development Center Drury University, Human Resourcwww.sbdc.smsu.edu es, 900 N. Benton Ave., Burnham 417.836.5685 Hall – Room 107, Springfield, MO 417.864.7670 65802 EOE

Affordable Housing Opportunities There are currently housing vacancies in the City of Springfield’s program for rental or home ownership. These programs include requirements for fair marketing and nondiscrimination. You must be income eligible to qualify. For rental, call Marti Fewell, 417-864-1039 or visit springfieldmo.gov/housing


Sandy Asher wrote this oneAsher also used material Foundation fundraiser are $10 for adults and $5 for students woman script based on the from Ilga Vise’s memoir in the grades 5-12. Proceeds will go memoir of Springfieldian Ilga Library’s Ethnic Life Stories to support library services for Vise. Former Springfieldian and Project, which you can read in children, teens and adults. actress Meek Montgomthe Library Center’s HisNewAnnie Podcast Discuss When To StartLocal Receiving Retirement Benefits Kathleen O’Dell is community reery portrays young Ilga during tory Department, or by going to lations director of the Springfieldand Jason Fichtner, the Acting you’d like to retire and how Byflight Ron Ponds, Security her with herSocial family from http://thelibrary.org/lochist/ Greene County Library District. District Manager Deputy Commissioner of the much expect at to kathleeno@ earn in their homeland in Latvia during els/menu.cfm. She can you be reached agency, explore the factors to future working years. thelibrary.org. World War II. Tickets for this Library Have you been wondering be considered when you think So stop wondering when the when the best time is to about when to retire. best time is for you to retire. retire? If you have, then If you want to “There is no Fades Barber Shop Your first step to figuring out Holy we have Ground an audio podone ‘best age’ and for experience something new Specializing in Fades the answer to that question is to cast just for you. explains Ministries Celebrates —the before and after look other everyone,” popular styles. visit HYPERLINK "http://www. Social Security’s Fichtner in the podof true beauty, come to: Their Pastor & Wife socialsecurity.gov/podcasts" new podcast, “Deciding cast. “Ultimately, it’s 812 S. Glenstone Ave Trena’s Exquisite 6th Anniversary www.socialsecurity.gov/podWhen to Start Receiving Call to schedulechoice an a personal that Hair Salon Retirement Benefits,” is casts and to listen to “Deciding appointment come peopleorhave toby. make Theme: "One Shepherd" Monday - Saturday 8 a.m. - 8 p.m. Walk-ins are on welcome. available for you to listen When1553 to Start Receiving based their individEzekiel 34:23 N. National Ave. Ronald Ponds to"And nowIat HYPERLINK ual circumstances.” (417)832-8242 Retirement Benefits.” will set up one shepCall: (417) 862-1106 "http://www.socialsecurity.gov/ The podcast encourages lisherd over them, and he shall Then, you’ll want to subpodcasts" www.socialsecurity. feed them... he shall feed them teners to use Social Security’s scribe to the ongoing series, or gov/podcasts. and he shall be their shepherd." online Retirement Estimator, bookmark the web address and In this discussion, Social which you can find online at check back for additional podSaturday,will July 14,you 2012 at of Security tell some HYPERLINK "http://www. casts. 6:00 p.m. Musical and the things you need toWords consocialsecurity.gov/estimator" To learn more about Social of Encouragement from sider before making oneGuest of www.socialsecurity.gov/estimaPastors Security, visit the website at the most important decisions tor. Retirement Estimator 2101 W.The Chestnut Expwy. HYPERLINK "http://www. Springfield, MO 65802 in your life. Social Security’s can help you “try on” different (417) 374-7179 Sunday, July 15, 2012 at www.deliverancetemple.org socialsecurity.gov" www. Deputy Commissioner for retirement scenarios, playing 4:00 p.m. with Guest Speaker Communications, Jim Courtney socialsecurity.gov. with such variables as when

Good News, Great Music & Warm People

Elder Marshawn C. Wilbourn, Service Times: Sun 10:15 a.m. & 6:00 p.m. Wed 7;00 p.m. Sr., Pastor 1034 N. Broadway, Will Your Life Work the Way You Want It To In 2009? Springfield, MO by Jack Canfield and dreams just because "the world is thriving. Co-Author of Chicken Soup for time isn't good"... you can still When people ask me about the Soul Series make 2009 the year you uncover the single most important ingrea whole new you for the dient to success, I always share As I mentioned better! the same response: realizing earlier, 2009 may Even in tough times, what's making you achieve suc“TheMayor’s Mayor’s Commissionon onHuman Human “The Commission bring greater unceryou get to decide how cess, and then realizing what is Rights and Community Relations Rights and Community Relations tainty and more unsetto respond to certain stifling your success. tling economic news workstotopromote promote understanding and works understanding and conditions, opportuniSometimes recognizing the Chase Card Services than recent years, but respectamong among all citizens and respect all citizens and ties, and outcomes--both things that are NOT working More circumstances than a Job…a Career. these providesin the community recourse for provides the community recourse good and bad. your life can be painful,for yet Open positions in our Springfield, MO Center. Join an should compel us to discriminatory acts.” organization recognized as one of the World’s Most discriminatory acts.” Life will always be VERY powerful to shaping the Jack Canfield Admired Companies by Fortune Magazine. take a deep breath, and a series of choices and life you want. Now Available: pause think about our lives. • Customerto Service Advisors 840to Boonville Avenue 840 N.N.decide Boonville Avenue YOU get on what will Don't try to rationalize them, • Collections Springfield, MO 65802 65802 When happen in the • Team Manager things & Team Leader moveSpringfield, you closerMO to your goals, make excuses for them, or hide Apply today. that Visit us online at careers.jpmorganchase.com. world seem so far beyond or farther away from them. them. This is when it's even Keyword: SpringfieldMO 417-864-1012 417-864-1012 our individual control, it can feel External forces will always be more critical to take personal unsettling. www.springfieldmo.gov/boards/humanrights/index.html www.springfieldmo.gov/boards/humanrights/index.html part of the equation, even durinventory and evict those Don't give up on your goals continued on page 7 ing the good times when the

CityofofSpringfield Springfield City Mayor’sCommission Commissionon onHuman HumanRights Rights Mayor’s andCommunity CommunityRelations Relations and

July Unite Page 12

How To Market continued from page 7

say by dropping business cards in a fishbowl or filling out a quick form. If you’re selling products, be sure you have enough stock on hand, an appealing display and several ways to accept payment (a mobile credit card reader like Square can be great for this purpose). Either way, make sure you have several friendly, welltrained and energetic staff members to work the event.

Food Review

continued from page 9 And the color scheme is cozy and inviting and has a soft hint of elegance. I do enjoy a good steak on occasion and on this particular evening I was a part of a small

Assess results. Like any marketing effort, you need to track results to see if the event was worthwhile. Set goals for how much you want to sell, how many prospects you want to talk to or how many leads you want to capture. Track them and assess your results afterward. Fine-tune your approach depending on what you learned. For smart small business owners, summer events can be a way to capture new leads and sales—while having some fun in the sun, too. group so I got to also check out the various food choices they ordered. So steak it is! I usually like my steaks on the medium well side because I tend to not want any blood rolling down my plate....sorry....if that bothers you. My steak was cooked to order and a good portion. Obvi-

ously there are a variety of cuts and Jimm's is very popular for prime rib which I know a number of readers like. But don't worry there are some good chicken choices which were at my table and I got to notice some neighboring tables as well. Of course like many steakhouses there is a very good salad bar and it has an abundant supply of toppings. I went for the salad bar and my plate was full and the fixins were fresh and very tasty. I usually go for the baked potato as well and the potato did not disappoint...it was cooked well and fresh too. Before I forget the staff were pleasant and the service was comfortable and complete. They tried on the bread and it was good but sometimes on the bread it is hit and miss. Of course we had to tell our waiter we needed some bread and butter....yes we kept it coming. I was full between the bread

and the salad....yes I am confessing I like the bread too sometimes...too much..lol. Back to the meat...the steak was good..... prepared pretty close to specifications and my portion was ample....I am not trying to wolf down a pound of red meat. The prime rib at Jimm's is excellent if that is your preferred choice and my table mates enjoyed their chicken dishes. One of the things I want to mention is that the pricing was very reasonable and if you get the early bird specials you can really get a good meal at an affordable price and feel like you have been a king or a queen for the afternoon. The restaurant is open Sunday through Thursday from 11 to 10 and Friday and Saturday from 11 to 11. If you haven't been it is worth stopping by...you will be glad you did. It is a good choice for some of that summer meat without you having to do the cooking! 31/2 forks!!!

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Building Empowering Connections In Our Diverse Community

July 2012 Volume 22/ Number 7 • A Monthly Publication by Unite. of Southwest Missouri, Inc •



Sign-Up For ParkDay Reunion Weekend Parade See page 4

Building Empowering Connections In Our Diverse Community

Author ReShonda Tate Billingsley Shares Her Story Wednesday, July 11

Against All Odds: The Road From Felon To Counselor by Mia Jackson Huskisson Unite Contributing Writer

ReShonda Tate Billingsley

See Story On Page 3

ParkDay Reunion Weekend 2012 theme is “Do You Remember ...?” Springfield, MO— Get ready Springfield! Park Day is just around the corner and members of the Springfield Reunion Club are busy getting things set to make sure it is the best one yet. The theme is “Do You Remember ...?” So mark your calendar for Friday, August 3 through Sunday, August 5, 2012. The following are some exciting changes for this year: • First, hospitality and the Saturday night dance will be held at the newly renovated Ramada Oasis Convention Center. Continued on page 2

It’s not every day that an ex-con receives the keys to the prison cell that he used to call home. That’s how far Willie Carter has come on the journey from prison to rehabilitation. He traded in the spot he landed on the FBI’s Most Wanted List for drug trafficking charges, and left the Missouri prison system for the fifth and last time, vowing not to return. Little did he know he would return to the same prison, this time as a certified substance abuse counselor. “I grew up in jail,” Carter said. Within a 30 year time span Carter was incarcerated five times in the state of Missouri. Carter said each time he was released he vowed not to return but in time ended up back in the prison system. “Committing crimes was as common for me as buying a loaf of bread is for others,” Carter said. Carter flashes back to his beginnings, as a 12 yearold in St. Louis , his academic excellence had afforded him a chance to skip a grade in school, he was a good kid or at least that’s what his parents thought, until new- found friends educated him to the

Willie Carter, Certified Substance Abuse Counselor

ways of the street. A PEW Center study ranks Missouri’s recidivism rate among the nation’s highest at approximately 40 percent. According to the Webster’s dictionary, recidivism is the act of repeating criminal behavior after receiving negative results. According to the Bureau of Justice Statistics 70 percent of prisoners are non-whites. One in 11 is African American and one in 27 is Latino. While recidivism rates are alarming, Carter says it is possible to break this devastating cycle. Carter soberly describes being released from prison at 44 years- old and realizing that the sum of his life was little more than a long rap sheet and mountain of disappointment.

“When I first got out I remember my parole officer said, ‘there is one thing you will need to change and that’s everything’,” Carter said. Consequently, Carter permanently relocated to Springfield from urban St. Louis, changed his group of friends, and landed his first job at Prestressed Casting Company, where he later became the company’s first African-American foreman. Carter recalls his parole officer requiring him to attend 90 Narcotic Anonymous meetings in 90 days. He exceeded the parole officer’s expectation by attending 3 times the number of required meetings. “I learned a lot about myself, I learned I had to forfeit the Continued on page 2

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