MSc Affluencers and Luxury Business

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Master of Science (MSc)

AFFLUENCERS AND LUXURY BUSINESS Affluencers are affluent consumers to whom others turn for advices on products or services. They usually describe themselves as early adopters with inside scoops on a new product or service, by enjoying sharing their knowledge and recommendations with others. The majority of Affluencers are very young social-media Influencers who generate more than 100,000$ of personal income. Their focus is becoming more and more luxury products and services. Our innovative project-based MSc program is first of all designed to create expertise and economic value from the sophisticated analysis of high-end customers’ decisions and affluencers’ strategies in social media. Another objective is to strengthen our understanding of the luxury universe as a specific ecosystem through a new market-validated approach: studying luxury consumers and using this data to develop working practices dedicated to this market. The co-direction of the MSc by Michael Jais – CEO of Launchmetrics – one of the most brilliant analyst of top fashion-luxury global brands worldwide, assures the perfect interaction between the academic and the entrepreneurial approach within our MSc program.

FUTURE CAREERS Chief Digital Officer, Influencer Marketing Manager, Content Marketing Manager, Consumer Data Analyst, LuxuryTech Entrepreneur, etc. Indicative salary within 5 years from the end of MSc : €30,000 - €35,000 per year

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International program fully taught in English


A program developed with potential employers using a skills-based approach

Innovative teaching methods (reinforced interactions, rich course content, integrated projects)

COURSE CONTENT OVERVIEW This program is a two-year program. Typical core modules include • Luxury Fashion Consumer trends • Digital content strategies and trends • Influencer Marketing for Luxury • Impact of megatrends on consumption society and luxury • Data analysis for luxury business • Social networks: influencers’ models and economic effects

• Artificial Intelligence for Business Strategy • Behavioral Economics and Neuroscience for Luxury • Key platforms for luxury consumers • Content creation for influencers and luxury brands

CONDITIONS FOR ADMISSION • A qualification equivalent to a 3 or 4-year degree in business, data analysis, data science or marketing • A creative and entrepreneurial mindset • A high level of proficiency in English

TUITION FEES • €8,000 per year max. • Scholarship are available • Please visit:

APPLICATIONS • Usually from December to June, on the e-candidat platform • Visit

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