Universal Magazine Issue 9

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Exploring the Elements


Earth Pathways Diary

Recognising Imbalances Double Digits -

Messages from the Universe

The Digital Magazine for Holistic Living

Goddess Meditation CD

I created this Goddess Meditation to inspire and empower women of all ages, to discover your courage and your voice, to create a happy and fulfilled life that you deserve. As women we have an incredible source of power at our disposal, residing quietly within ourselves, waiting to be resurrected and utilised to enhance our lives. The Goddess energy is in each and every one of us. We are the creators of life and as such we also have the ability to creativily enrich our lives in any way that we choose to do so.

Goddess Meditation – Series 1 Disc 1 is the first CD in a new collection that will be expanding throughout 2016. Follow us on Facebook to get the latest news on products and offers from Universal Magazine. Click here to listen to a 2 min sample... For tips and practical advice to maintain the flow of Goddess energy in your day to day life go to: Enhancing the Goddess Energy

My wish for you is to reclaim and reignite your power, to see it, feel it and become your true authentic self; a radiant, empowered Goddess!

To purchase your copy of the Goddess Meditation CD - visit our website Universal Magazine on-line store.

Love, light and abundant blessings Samantha xxx

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and welcome to issue 9 of Universal Magazine.

As we enter the final quarter of 2016, a number 9 year in Numerology, which signifies a time of detachment and clearing; the end of a cycle or phase of life, a time to let go of what no longer serves our highest good and make way for the winds of change to blow off the cobwebs in preparation for the transition into the next exciting chapter of our life. We have been blessed with a glorious Summer here in Norfolk and the warmth of the sun is still evident, although there is now a nip in the air as the temperature begins to drop. Dewdrops on cobwebs and magical misty mornings herald the season of Autumn. The beautiful Earth Pathways Diary is featured on page 40; created and produced by a co-operative of earth-loving people, it is a celebration of the work of UK visionaries, writers, artists and activists that share a collective vision of the future that is sustainable, fair and that benefits all. I have now used the diaries myself for the last for 2 years, each page offers an inspirational opportunity to remember our connection to Mother Earth and each other, with gratitude and heart-felt love. At the heart of the Earth - Fire is the transformer; the consumer, creative, yet destructive, the only element that does not exist in a natural state, Avalon Whitefeather Gillott continues our series - Exploring the Elements - Fire on page 32. What is our natural state as human beings? Recognising Imbalances by Amanda Hart on page 10, highlights the signs that you may be selfsabotaging your own life, and offers practical solutions to change the negative programs that may be preventing you from moving forward. Finding Grace in Simplicity by Joanna Gregory on page 54 is one woman’s inspirational story of how Amanda Hart’s strategies were instrumental in bringing forth healing, and productive new thought patterns which allowed her to align with her intuition and reach her fullest potential in life. This is what makes Universal Magazine ... the magazine with a heart we’re keeping it real; featuring real life stories, offering real solutions from our tribe of authentic heart-centered contributors. We wish you all a magical festive season filled with love, laughter and prodigious blessings, To catch up on all of our past issues visit our Website

Samantha xxx


Our UNIVERSAL Tribe Hello, I am Andy Dibble, the publisher of Universal Magazine. My main passion in life is photography and IT, although my first love is taking pictures; of any subject and turning them into atmospheric images that captures a viewers attention and imagination. I began capturing moments in time through the lens of my camera thirty years ago, I am still learning and developing my skill. My photographs are featured in issue 6 of Universal Magazine and will appear in other issues from time to time. My images will soon be available on the Universal Magazine website to order in your chosen format. I would love to hear what you think of my work. If you prefer to call me, please do on 07772759814 Andy Dibble - Email

Amanda Hart is an Intuitive Consultant and Author of her recently released memoirs, “The Guys Upstairs.” Amanda has helped clients for over 20 years to overcome negative programming. Her methods are radical yet subtle as she assists with releasing clients from traumas that can go back to childhood and beyond. She was asked to write her book to help others understand her methods, this is now a platform and part of a worldwide campaign to raise awareness in helping people find their power and voice. Here in the UK Amanda is raising awareness as part of a nationwide law change to help with coercive control. Her book is endorsed by key experts in this field who support her mission. Amanda teaches classes to help people find their ‘success mechanism’ and sees clients in Suffolk and London. She is currently writing the sequel to her first book and embarking on her nationwide tour to support her work. “The key is to unlock the programs that inhibit you...once discovered it will serve you for the rest of your life.” Amanda Hart - Website - Facebook

Hi, I’m Samantha; Editor and Chief at Universal Magazine. I have a passion for life, sharing knowledge, holistic health, any subject dealing with the hidden aspects of existence and our fabulous British weather! For me the secret of happiness is integration, blending the spiritual and the physical into a harmonious balance. I feel as excited and inspired today as I did when I began my spiritual and personal development journey many years ago. The magazine is the platform to share my discoveries and those of others, to offer an alternative perspective on reality and to infuse you with the courage and inspiration to embrace this amazing serendipitous journey that is LIFE! Samantha Yates Vikki Fosdal - I am an hereditary psychic and Empath and have worked as a Healer and Numerologist at events around East Anglia for over twenty years. I offer Intuitive Numerology Readings, Charts, courses and workshops. Tarot readings ,Sacred geometry readings, workshops and courses. Reiki Attunements to Master/Teacher level and Healer development. Meditation classes and development circles. I am fully insured and work mainly from home. Many of my courses and readings are available on-line via web chat or e-mail. For more information you can contact me at on: Vikki Fosdal Facebook / Email


.....the Contributors I have always been at home with the spirit of nature, content with the trees and grasses, flowers,moon and stars. This affinity fuels my writing and is the source of my inspiration. Nature is the real world. Ecology, transition and positive change feature strongly in my work, so does esoteric thought. Man stands between the heavens and the earth and we are all equally linked to both realms. My writing expresses elements of this sacred space. Anne Fallas Website Facebook

Prior to her husband’s death Phyllis Walsh was a wife and mother of two children. Her husband Owen was a musician and had his own music school which she helped with the secretarial side of things while raising their two small children. The incredible events which followed her husband’s death led her on a mission to spread the message that our consciousness survives our physical death. The book “The Illusion of Mortality” was born through Phyllis’s glimpses from the otherside. Phyllis has been interviewed on various radio shows both here in the UK and in America, promoting her wonderful book. This is a powerful message aimed at the bereaved and grief stricken. To give the hope and validation that you will see your loved ones again. Death is the end of the physical state but not the end of consciousness as we know it. Phyllis Walsh - Website - Facebook They say Shaman/Witches are chosen,Thunderbeings certainly accompanied my entrance into the world, attended my marriage and the birth of my daughter and many other significant milestones in my life. A catalogue of things pointed me in the direction of a spiritual life since early childhood . I accepted my calling when during a healing session I experienced a ‘shamanic death’ where my guides led me through a disintegration of my physical body until I became nothing but a glint of light in a vast universe, a time of no time, nothing yet everything all at once, in truth I have no real words to describe the experience, the ultimate Shamanic Death experience and for that I am forever humbled. So my life continues. Avalon Whitefeather Website or Facebook

Dawn Chrystal is a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner, Reiki Master and teacher, Medium, Healer and workshop facilitator. Her book Divine Intervention - Your Spiritual Development Workshop Manual was published in 2011. She also has an array of meditation Cd’s available to purchase on her website. Dawn’s passion is the Bach Flower Remedies which were a life-line for her during a challenging period in her life, which she now shares with others to help and support them back to a place of peace, balance and clarity. Dawn works alongside her Guides, Angels and friends from the Spiritual realm in the workshops to assist others to integrate the spiritual and physical aspects of themselves to become whole and reach their full potential in life. Dawn offers 1-1 or telephone readings/consultations and distant healing. Dawn Chrystal 07936546791 Website


Share and connect with us; tell us what you like, what you would like to see in the magazine and send your questions to our wonderful tribe of experts to; samantha@universal-magazine.com Dear Universal.... I am a huge fan and a dedicated follower on ISSUU. I wait with anticipation for each new issue to be published. Your magazine is an inspiration! I love the beautiful images that you use in your articles and the vibrant colours throughout, I liken it to a dose of colour therapy. I purchased the Wisdom Of The Hidden Realms oracle deck by Colette Baron Reid after seeing it featured in Issue 6 - it is as stunning as described and I am enjoying using it immensely. Many thanks from a devoted fan. Alicia Essex Hi Alicia, Thank you for your kind words. Universal Magazine is a labour of love, and we are so blessed to have such a wonderful tribe of contributors that want to share their passions with the world, in order to offer an alternative perspective on this physical journey that is life. This is what makes Universal...the magazine with a heart. I too have the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck and it is stunning. I love the part in the guidebook when it asks us to remember a ‘Sacred Alliance’ before using the cards - it always gives me a frisson moment! Enjoy the journey with the cards. Samantha Editor at Universal Magazine

Dear Universal.... In Issue 8 of your magazine you featured Sensual Strokes... Caresses on Canvas by Elena Chambou, this could be my own life story. To the outside world I seem to have it all but on the inside I feel empty and unfulfilled. There’s a part of me that wants to break away from everything to discover what it is that will bring the passion and creativity back into my life. I have always had a secret desire to be a Potter and can clearly see myself sat at a potters wheel, feeling the clay between my fingers and creating beauty. It feels so real, maybe I was a Potter in a past-life, who knows? Your wonderful article has given me the inspiration to do some research for classes in my vicinity. I already feel excited at the prospect of taking steps towards my dreams and thank you from the bottom of my heart for sharing Elena’s inspirational story and exquisite art. Sally Devon


Dear Sally, Thank you so much for your beautiful message, you have touched me deeply. This is the exact reason why I paint and share; because I want to awaken all the incredible, amazing and gifted souls to follow their passion. When we start to transmute all of our creative energy in a positive way i.e., painting, pottery, dancing, singing, writing, anything expressive, we live with a whole new meaning; we live with passion and purpose! Follow your heart lovely lady. I look forwards to one day seeing your pottery. All my love Elena x

Dear Universal.... I was inspired by your feature Into The Wild in Issue 2 and took a leap of faith. As a mother of four, I’d never traveled on my own before, or done anything remotely like the Walkinginspirit retreat. All I can say is I had an amazing time. Somiedo is beautiful! We stayed in a lovely rustic cottage on the side of the mountain...and to wake up every morning, go sit outside looking up at the mountains and down into the valley below, sipping coffee, is just heavenly, and I’m not religious! I met some great people. I was challenged but felt really safe, and grew a little, for the first time, in my own space. Frankie, the tour guide, is the coolest guy, I felt I could really be myself, with a little healing assistance from Mother Earth in all her glory. Thank you for inspiring me to step out of my comfort zone and into the wild. Sharon Norfolk WIN a copy of the Robin Wood Tarot (featured on page 67) and uncover the secrets of the Tarot or choose to experience the peace and tranquility of Shades of Kefalonia; a colour chakra visualisation CD, and booklet by Jennifer Anne Lynch (featured on page 70). Good Luck! Samantha xxx


Recognising Imbalances

Recognising Imbalances I spent most of my formative adult years stumbling from one disaster to another. From dysfunctional relationships, codependencies, health issues, financial poverty and loss to isolation, I sampled a kaleidoscope of imbalances that many of us can experience throughout our lifetime. As I didn’t recognise my life was out of balance, it became more extreme with losing a child through abduction, being stalked for years, suicidal tendencies to finally having a fatal illness which nearly cost me my life. It took that fatal illness to at long last register my life was completely out of balance. That’s when I finally acknowledged that something deeper lay within which was attracting the out of control situations and that it was not just down to a run of bad luck. I came to understand finally that I was running programs which were simply playing out in my environment as instructions from my subconscious mind. When I discovered this, I felt betrayed and duped. I felt that I was the obvious cause of my own misery and mayhem and therefore in some way I was self-sabotaging. I even convinced myself that I deserved all the punishment as I’d probably somehow asked for it.

A lot of this is compounded by the way we’re taught as we grow up with statements from our parents, teachers or piers such as “You’ve got to put the work in at school if you’re going to succeed in life” and “Be careful when you go out tonight with your friends.” Simple and well-meaning statements such as this have an underlying message in the subconscious mind when it’s something we’ve been used to hearing for some time. In fact, it only takes approximately 30 days for us to create a new program (or habit) in our mind. That in itself can show how quickly and powerful it is for our minds to create programs and most are ones that we’re not even aware of. So repeatedly hearing “You’ve got to put the work in at school if you’re going to succeed in life” could ultimately create negative programs that later on in life push you to be a workaholic, to become a people pleaser - always trying to do whatever it takes to make others happy.

That for me was the starting point. I had finally asked the question.

The statement “Be careful when you go out tonight with your friends” could eventually translate to a program that always puts you in fear mode every time you go out or enter into new situations, so you are fearful for your security or wellbeing. It can be limiting and debilitating and this is just the well-meaning stuff our parents teach us. Initial negative programs we learn when we’re young therefore can create further negative programs that can lead to chronic and debilitating situations later in life.

So many of us can look back and recognise, at some stage in our lives that familiar feeling of being caught in a drama of some kind and thought we had no control over it. Or we accepted it and

When I was a little girl, I used to run up to my father, excited to share with him what I wanted to achieve and he would always reply “Don’t tell me what you’re going to do, tell me when

At first it took me down a very dark tunnel which I was resigned to tread as I felt I was somehow going to seal my fate and exit this world anyway so what had I got to lose. The truth of the matter was, I was intrigued by the dire circumstances I’d created in my life and questioned why.


carried on regardless as we thought it was our lot. I spent most of my life thinking the latter as I just assumed that I’d come from a severely negative upbringing which had imprinted a violating program of mass destruction and I had no power to do anything about it.

you’ve achieved it.” He was an entrepreneur, a high achiever, ex top athlete, deep sea diver, photographer and all round James Bond double and excelled at everything. So I lived life as a child, feeling I couldn’t impress him enough. How could I ever accomplish anything that would amaze him, when he was the best at everything?

intelligence. So eventually I started to tune into this invisible force when I recognised it had all the answers. You could say I had nowhere else to go and had run out of options, so even though I didn’t trust it at first, I dipped my toe in the water to see what would happen.

As it put so much fear in me because of his high achievements, it pushed me further into self-doubt which amplified the already developing negative conditions of my upbringing. I simply couldn’t work out how I could impress such a giant of a man so I resigned myself to giving up every time I started a new hobby or interest. That programming of ‘giving up’ stayed with me for years through failed relationships, work commitments, security, money, health and fighting for justice. Everything I set my heart on failed.

Consciousness, another term for the energy world, contains all information about who you’ve been, who you are now and who you will be in the future based on your potential choices so even though it was alien to my thinking at the time, I was so desperate for guidance, I gave it a shot.

Even though I spent many years searching for answers to rid the programs that seemed to have cast a spell on me, the very program I was trying to overcome, was trying to tell me I would fail and constantly challenged me to give up. Fortunately, my blueprint (our instruction manual on how to live our best life) or my higher self, had more power to try to influence me in ways to keep going regardless. I was naïve at the time, but eventually learned how energy (connected to Source or God) links us to each other as human beings, to the animal and plant world, the planet and the Universe. It’s like an invisible soup that flows through all living matter and effects everything that resides here on this planet. It is the life force that feeds us, our fuel to navigate us in this world and contains all

I discovered I had a blueprint and that we all do. Even though I wasn’t exactly sure what that was at the time, I was armed with enough information to know it was like my instruction manual. It came with me into life from the moment my cells started to develop and contained information that would be crucial for me to navigate this world. The animal and plant kingdoms work perfectly in harmony as they honour their blueprint and know how to reproduce themselves in alignment with the planet. We have the same ability however having free will gives us the ability to make choices. Those choices depend on whether we’re in alignment, based on programs that best serve us or whether we’re making them from a place of imbalance or negative programming. I learned a vital lesson in those years of struggle. Don’t ever give up. I would have given up over and over, but my ingenious blueprint had given me reasons to keep going regardless and my excuse in a nutshell came in the form of my children. If


it weren’t for them I would have exited this world and never had the ability to finally see myself in my true authentic state, negative and destructive program free. So my children were my reason for existing, the questioning of “why had my life been so corrupted?” was the energy and focus I needed to keep searching for answers and the sheer uncomfortableness of my out of balance life was the driving force which led me to overcome the cause. It was like holding onto a rope hanging off the edge of a cliff face sometimes. There were days when I felt I couldn’t hold on any longer and other days where I was so driven to hold on for dear life, regardless of the exhaustion and pain. Recognising imbalances which sometimes can be subtle, can be very deceptive to our conscious mind. I was completely bowled over when my memoirs The Guys Upstairs was released to find out exactly 30 days later, a law change had occurred to The Serious Crime Act 2015 in the UK. I attended a Coercive Control Conference which I was invited to one month prior to my book being released. I didn’t realise at the time the impact that conference would make on my world. I was stunned to discover that the law was about to change and for the first time would recognise imbalances that were otherwise overlooked with the judiciary system prior in relation to domestic violence. Was it a coincidence or was it part of my path that then led me on to be invited to become part of a wider campaign to raise awareness? In the publication, Family Law Week in the UK, which provides free access to all the latest family law news and judgments it states about the law change: “Victims who would otherwise be subjected to sustained patterns of domestic abuse will be able to seek protection under a new offence which came into force on the 29th December. The new coercive or controlling behaviour offence, which is contained in section 76 of the Serious Crime


Act 2015, will mean victims who experience the type of behaviour that stops short of serious physical violence, but amounts to extreme psychological and emotional abuse, can bring their perpetrators to justice. This type of abuse in an intimate or family relationship can include a pattern of threats, humiliation and intimidation, or behaviour such as stopping a partner socialising, controlling their social media accounts, surveillance through apps and dictating what they wear. Controlling or coercive behaviour causes someone either: • to fear that violence will be used against them on at least two occasions; or • serious alarm or distress which has a substantial effect on their usual day-to-day activities.” The Minister for Preventing Abuse and Exploitation, Karen Bradley said: “Our new coercive or controlling behaviour offence will protect victims who would otherwise be subjected to sustained patterns of abuse that can lead to total control of their lives by the perpetrator. We are sending a clear message that it is wrong to violate the trust of those closest to you and that emotional and controlling abuse will not be tolerated.” After the conference I was compelled to write to Professor Evan Stark as I was intrigued with his findings which were referenced throughout the debate. I sent him a copy of my book which he endorsed: “In The Guys Upstairs, Amanda Hart vividly demonstrates that abuse has less to do with what families and coercive and controlling men do to girls and women than with what they keep them from doing for themselves. And it shows something else, that the antidote to power over human beings is the power of self-creation, a power that shines through every page.” Evan Stark, Ph.D., MSW Professor Emeritus, Rutgers University Author of Coercive Control (Oxford, 2007)

The Guys Upstairs, How I Was Shown My Power and Voice The Police and Crime Commissioner for Surrey in the UK, Kevin Hurley stated: “Dr Stark’s innovative work on the legal, policy and health dimensions of interpersonal abuse was an important basis for the new offence of coercive or controlling behaviour within an intimate or family relationship, which came into force on 29 December 2015. His work and critically acclaimed book, Coercive Control: The Entrapment of Women in Personal Life (Oxford, 2007) has developed understanding worldwide and is referenced in the Home Office Statutory Guidance.” What I hadn’t bargained on was that within a short period of time I would be involved in a campaign to raise awareness about this plight, which highlighted how I address all imbalances in many people’s lives. Professor Stark’s research points out clearly that before, 90 – 95% of domestic violence was behind the veil of the judiciary and health sector. Clearly he recognised through his research and now equally does the UK law, that a huge percentage is coercive controlling behaviour. This is something I’ve recognised for many years of my life throughout many controlling relationships

however, like the vast majority of people in similar situations, I didn’t recognise nor thought I had the power to do anything about it at the time. Ironically, I’ve helped countless clients through my consultancy to help not only move out of these controlling relationships, but most importantly, to let go of the programs that attracted them in the first place and eventually found myself becoming a spokesperson for this subject. Again, what came first, the chicken or the egg? Did I attract these clients and have a valid discussion to have with solutions or did I attract these clients because it was my destiny to help people overcome these programs? Either way, it all led to the same conclusion. This is the flip side of victim to survivor when we embrace our power and voice. So coercive control is a classic example of an imbalance in our life which we may ignore for the sake of self-preservation or fear. Those imbalances can be subtle but over time take away the human right to live a life of safety, freedom and security. Those behaviours can include controlling communication with friends or loved ones, what you wear, where you go, who you connect with,


your social media, your phone and email messages, your finances, decisions, work, your hairstyle, the way you speak/what you say and so the list goes on. It’s endless. I’ve had men and women come to see me as clients in a desperate attempt to regain control of their lives and many of them have been in long term relationships which lasted decades. For much of that time, they were oblivious to the fact they were being controlled - they just accepted that was the way it was and thought they could do nothing about it. I can’t express enough, the relief the client feels when they break down in tears finally recognising that they weren’t ‘mad after all’ and their instincts were right and finally they could not only talk about it but could ‘do something about it.’ Apart from the subtle, undertones of imbalances in our lives, we can also experience the obvious ‘biggies’ like knowing our partner is wrong for us, our job is depressing and tedious, our financial situation is at crisis point or our health is challenging us. It doesn’t mean to say though that we have more control over it when we recognise it, but it’s the starting point. It then gives us the ability to do something about it through right choice and that then gives us back our power. We’ve always had power as it flows through us from Source. It is only through negative experiences and learned behaviour that doesn’t serve us that we think we lose our power. When I see clients, they pour out the dilemmas and dire situations they’re in. More often than not they’re having many symptoms of imbalance such as relationship difficulty, financial, emotional and mental stress and this can affect so many areas of their lives and that of their loved ones too. In fact, it can affect more people than we can possibly recognise because of how we’re all connected.

Many of us know what it’s like if a colleague has had yet another argument with a family member and then come into work. The office could be open planned and filled with 20 to 30 other colleagues. Everyone can relate to ‘bad atmospheres’ and as humans, we tend to try to cope with it as best we can. How many colleagues do you think working around that person, go through their day feeling dreadful themselves and counterproductive with their work output because of atmosphere or tension? Then, how many of them go home to their families and pass that negativity onto their loved ones? So the ripple continues. Being in alignment is not just about taking responsibility for our own energy but it has the ability for us to not pass on negativity to others, which as you can see in this example could affect hundreds of people if not more from just one person alone. When seeing clients, we go to the root cause which tends to be the answer to all the imbalances in that person’s life. More often than not we go back to childhood and go on a journey of discovery to find the initial ‘learned behaviour’ or program that is the origin. The human mind is incredibly clever at putting things into perspective and once we learn that something is not good for us and we can replace it with what is stored in our blueprint, all the cells in our body become responsive and obey our new positive program. With that, our external world shifts and we see the result of attracting new and positive experiences which serve our highest good. When I talk to my clients about our energy I incorporate an analogy to explain how we should address ourselves as a whole, including our health and wellbeing, our mental and emotional state, our spiritual nature, our physical body, relationships, finances, work and creative outlet. I explain it as if we’re a beautiful garden. Each section has to be tended to lovingly to create

Knowing others is wisdom, knowing yourself is true wisdom Tao Te Ching 16

balance and harmony for the whole. If we only focus on certain sections of the garden or ignore problem areas, it has a knock on affect to the harmony and natural beauty of the entire landscape. It’s interesting to note that Professor Steve Peters who wrote the book ‘The Chimp Paradox: The Mind Management Programme to Help You Achieve Success, Confidence and Happiness, talks about relationships and how to detect imbalances. He describes how you can summarise your relationship with a partner and test to see if it will last by drawing 3 columns on a piece of paper. In the 1st column he suggests writing all the things you love about that person, in the 2nd column, all the things you find irritating about that person but you can overlook and then in the 3rd column, the things you cannot tolerate about that person and can’t overlook. He describes that if somebody writes anything in the 3rd column which would indicate there are things that they cannot tolerate about their partner, it’s like the equivalent of being served a beautiful meal but putting a drop of poison in the middle of it. It completely ruins the dish and likewise the thing they cannot tolerate about their partner slowly poisons the rest of the relationship. So the garden analogy is a good way of looking at your entire life to see where there are imbalances. After all, keen gardeners can relate to this as they regularly go out into their gardens and work on what areas need to be frequently addressed to keep it healthy and beautiful. So the importance of this chapter is pretty much the first port of call for many of my clients. They may have been suffering for many years before recognising their imbalances, or they may well have had wake up calls or prompts as I did through illness, that finally gets them to make a decision to change. I’m certainly not saying it’s an easy decision for many people, but something triggers their higher

self to kick in and to take the action necessary to change. Often it is not clear how to make the adjustment but they have a strong conviction that they will find the solutions through their guidance system. This opens the door of Faith which is all that’s needed. Often, just the recognition there’s an imbalance can bring tremendous relief to many which in itself provides a space cleared in our energy system to allow for new opportunities to emerge. Listening to our higher self through our intuitive faculties gives us the power to move forward and make those changes which I will go into in my next book. Finding empowerment through re-alignment, discovering our authentic self and honouring our blueprint is our birth right. Therefore, as you start to open the door of faith, honour your worthiness and take right action based on positive choices you will start to discover your true power and voice. Website Email Facebook


I help people live life to their full potential. We all have ups and downs. We all want to make changes to our lives. I help people unlock and overcome obstacles that are in their way, change perspective and empower them to live the life they want to live. Hypnotherapy and NLP

I originally trained to be a hypnotherapist as a result of receiving hypnotherapy myself. A number of years ago, I was suffering from a broken heart and couldn’t see the way forward. In desperation I rang a hypnotherapist on the recommendation of a friend. That single session was one of the most empowering experiences of my life. For the first time in a very long time, I stopped feeling like a victim and felt able to take control of my life. Over the following months I attended occasional sessions in order to help me with issues that I felt I needed some help with. My therapist empowered me to change perception in how I saw situations and gave me the confidence to help me deal with them. I became more and more interested in hypnotherapy works and the power of the unconscious mind. When my therapist asked me if I would like to train to be a hypnotherapist I jumped at the opportunity. I now run my own practice in Cromer offering Hypnotherapy and NLP throughout Norfolk and Suffolk. Hypnotherapy involves tapping into our unconscious minds to make long lasting changes. My consultations are divided into 2 parts. The first part involves me getting to know the client better, exploring issues that are affecting them, the changes they would like to make and steps that can be made to enable this to happen. The focus is very much on the ‘well formed outcome.’ It is a solution based consultation, often using NLP techniques (Neuro Linguistic Programming), which changes our thought patterns, which then has a knockon affect on our feelings and behaviour. The consultation period involves working with the


‘Transformative Momen

Beverley Bishop ali

nts in Unexpected Places’

ias Tina Bradshaw

conscious mind. I then re-enforce these new ways of thinking, feeling and behaving with both direct and indirect suggestion through hypnosis which engages the unconscious mind. Some people worry about loosing control during hypnosis, this is never the case. Hypnosis involves going into a trance like state, a bit like when we are just about to fall asleep or when we wake. Whilst in trance a client has the ability to open their eyes at any time. People who have experienced hypnotherapy have described it as relaxing, motivating and rejuvenating. Hypnotherapy and NLP are very powerful and extremely effective for overcoming phobias, relieving anxiety, increasing confidence, insomnia, overcoming exam nerves, pain relief, weight loss and smoking cessation and so much more. I run my own practice from Cromer where I offer one to one treatments. The benefits of these is that they are focused specifically on your needs and the benefits are fast and long lasting. I also run group sessions throughout the county. These are focused on issues such as weight loss, self-esteem and stress management. Group sessions usually involve between 6 and 12 people and last 1.5 to 2 hours. The benefits of group sessions are that they can be more affordable and people enjoy sharing of experiences and receiving the support of the group. Laughter Workshops Laughter has always played an important part in my life . It has helped me through many difficult situations and has many physiological and psychological benefits.


“Bev Bishop as Tina is fantastic; a master at engaging the audience and immersing them in this ‘gorgeous’ experience with boundless energy and enthusiasm.” Laura Kavanagh Community Engagement Worker, ArtsNK Laughter relaxes the whole body, boosts the immune system, triggers the release of endorphins and protects the heart. My laughter workshops combines laughter and yogic breathing exercises. It’s a perfect way to laugh and get some exercise at the same time. It approaches laughter as a body exercise so it’s easy to have a good laugh even if you’re depressed or in a bad mood. Each session lasts an hour and works best with groups of between 10 and 30.

Tina Bradshaw - Eastern Life Coach and

Social Entrepeneur I have long believed in the healing power of laughter and for a number of years I was one half of a comedy double act called The TinaMarinas. Our catchphrase was ‘Your gorgeous’ and when the double act split I continued as a solo act as the same character; Tina Bradshaw. I maintained the catchphrase ‘Your gorgeous’ and hosted ‘gorgeous’ parties for women which combined comedy with wellbeing encouraging better self esteem and gorgeousness in a humorous and thought provoking way. The concept was developed further when I was commissioned to convert an empty shop into a pampering parlour as part of a large arts project in Lincolnshire. The


response was overwhelmingly positive and I was surprised to discover the extent to which people opened up and shared their stories, problems and experiences. Shortly after this time I trained to be a hypnotherapist and NLP practitioner and decided to use some of the skills learned in order to offer ‘life coaching’ as part of these events. Since qualifying, I have been booked by various charities and arts organisations as part of health and wellbeing events and subsequently received arts council funding to further develop the concept by offering 1-2-1 consultations in public spaces throughout the county. As Tina Bradshaw, I combine my skills as a performer and therapist offering transformative moments in unexpected places. Some people may not feel the need for a therapist but they may feel the need to have a best friend to talk to and I see Tina as being everyone’s best friend. Using humour, performance, entertainment and counselling skills, I aim for people to feel, lighter, brighter and to change the way in which they see their day to day problems. Most importantly I aim to make people laugh and have fun. As adults, we often forget our ability to play, through my work as Tina Bradshaw, I resurrect the inner-child and reignite peoples desire to play and have fun.

Laughter is very healing and is a positive release of emotion. My performances as Tina Bradshaw aims to make people laugh through humour, whereas my laughter workshops encourage people to laugh through a series of exercises as well as laughter meditation. I trained as a Laughter Yoga teacher in order to compliment my performance work as Tina Bradshaw. Laughter yoga is becoming increasingly more popular within the NHS and offers a physical workout that equals 20 minutes on an exercise bike as well as the emotional benefits of making you feel happy!

“I found the whole process very inspiring and I left feeling very positive and proud. I was not sure what hypnotherapy in tailed and was very pleased to discover that it is a relaxing experience and at no point did I feel out of control, manipulated or in any way uncomfortable. I would recommend Bev’s services very highly.” Gill, Norwich

Laughter is amazing therapy, talking cures, hypnotherapy transforms. I love my work in all its diversity. I want to make a genuine difference to people’s lives...and so does Tina!

Beverley Bishop Mobile 07951420981 Website Tina Bradshaw website


The Five Stages of Grief 2. Anger

We continue the series The Five Stages of Grief. In my first instalment I spoke of the first stage which is ‘ Denial and Isolation’. In this issue I will be covering the next stage which is Anger. Of all the stages I believe that this is a very important one to recognize and feel. Because without connecting with your anger, you really are not able to fully move on with your life following a bereavement. The reason being that without feeling a certain degree of anger you are not fully participating in what has happened to you. In some way it is a proactive action on your part by acknowledging what has happened. Anger can actually move you forward more effectively and quickly to resolving grief issues. If you are not able to feel anger sometimes the grief process can be long and drawn out, it is your way of rebelling against what has happened in your personal world. When you lose someone you love your world implodes dramatically. It varies from person to person but the effect is quite similar with everyone. You feel cheated and robbed of that person and the void that this leaves in your life. You are angry at this loss and rightly so. But this anger will in time move you along more quickly to the final stage which is acceptance. Acceptance of what has just happened to you. But that is some way in your future. Too long to even contemplate. We usually feel anger when we are either sad or frustrated. And this feeling is normal. But the type of anger that one feels with a bereavement is unique because it is actually part of a longer process. When we are angry we rebel against a particular situation, and bereavement is no different. However sometimes anger can


resolve certain issues but not entirely with grief. Because you can never bring back that person you have lost physically. So in this instance it may seem futile to feel anger, but it is crucial to do so. You have to feel this emotion and the impact of anger to help heal the pain of loss. Too many times society tries to diminish the raw impact of death. We do not like to discuss any area around dying. We use euphemisms to make light of one of the most ravaging of life situations. And we try to wear a brave mask in the face of family and friends. But all that this does is to prolong the process of recovery in the long run. When the dust settles and people move back into their own lives we are left alone with our memories and our solitude. We are also left with many questions. “So many whys - ‘Why’ did this happen to me, ‘Why’ did they die, ‘What’ will I do now, ‘How’ am I going to continue living my life without this person?” The list is endless and there are so many unanswered questions when a person dies. However it is important to face up to your own personal feelings and be true to yourself. This is not the time to put on a brave face and pretend that you are ok. You are far from ok and people are very understanding. There is no quick fix.

Grief is universal but it is also subjective. Each one of us reacts differently to a loss. We also have our own unique coping mechanisms around loss. It is harmful to appear too stoic and act like you are better than you actually are. This is one time in your life where you need to reach out to others for help and support. This may not come easily to you if you are a very private person. But it is very important to let others know that you are in pain and need a degree of support. People will mirror your behaviour and react accordingly. Most of the time people feel awkward and really do not know what to say or how to react around you. They feel pity and compassion for your loss. Of course they do. But unless you have experienced grief yourself it is very difficult to empathise fully with another who is grief stricken. Also around the topic of anger what others say to you after a bereavement can make


you feel angry. I would personally advise people not to judge others too harshly if someone says something to you that may cause offence. Because sometimes people are unsure what to say. They see your pain and they want to say something to help. But there are times when in trying to say the right thing they may actually say the wrong thing and not mean it. It happened to me many times after I lost my young husband. And even during those exchanges I could see the desperation in the face of the person trying to say something soothing so I never judged that person. I put it down to that hopelessness that we all feel when we are no longer able to resolve a situation. And in this case not being able to bring the deceased person back. And it is around this very essence of truth that people feel uncomfortable and try to find words to heal and support you. But of course there is very little one can say to plaster over such an emotional sore. It is invisible and internal. And there is no quick fix to heal all. A bereaved person has to navigate their own way around a new kind of reality. Their identity can change; for example with a married person who loses a spouse, they are no longer part of a partnership like before. They have lost their partner. They felt like a team. So yes in a sense their identity has changed and changed forever. They identified strongly with that person and now they are gone. There is a sense of, “Who am I now?” “What is my purpose?” If that person had children they are still a parent, and they may still feel married, but they do not have a partner anymore. It was this aspect of my reality which I found very difficult to accept and to deal with. There was a lot of anger around this for me. So many people, that I spoke to in similar situations felt the very same. There are so many aspects to anger, some big and some

small. But they activate deep emotions within your mind, body and heart. People can see anger as destructive or negative, and at times it certainly can be this. But with the anger that comes with grief it really helps to heal your pain in the long run. It gives you such a wake up call to reality. A reality you certainly were not asking for or even dreamed would ever happen to you. But it has happened and now you have to cope with the huge aftermath that this all brings into your immediate life. Your new life. I am a firm believer in seeking professional help when you lose a significant other in your life, be it a spouse, partner, child, parent or close friend. There are so many great professionals out there who are trained to help you along this sad and painful path. Never close the option to talk to someone who has experience to help with the healing process. And never be too proud to ask a family member or close friend to help you get through this time. You may feel helpless and powerless because of your loss. which can compound the feeling of anger. Anger at others can often surface too. For example you may see a loving couple hand in hand and think of your own loss of a spouse or partner. You will naturally feel cheated and robbed of that person and all the wonderful experiences you both shared together; all the plans you may both have made for the future together. You are bound to feel angry and that is ok, it is normal . It is the reaction to what has happened. Do not be too hard on yourself. Try to be gentle with others too because they feel your pain and feel helpless as a result.

They are not able to bring back that special person you lost and as a result feel a certain degree of inadequacy. It is this feeling that truly is at the core of bereavement anger. Broken things can always be either fixed or replaced, but not with people. There is a huge difference. We still are not comfortable about the permanency of loss. Having experienced many loses myself and lived through the stage of anger I can say it was definitely one of the most difficult and challenging. But in the long run I had to face up to my new reality and my new life. I always tried to sooth the anger with something to still be grateful for in my life. My family and close friends who still supported me. New people that entered my life, who rang in positive changes, who I would normally have never met. These were like human angels placed to help me deal with tragic circumstances. I also tried not to clutter up my day. I was not able to do more than was absolutely necessary in any given day. During this time your perception of reality can be clouded and dull. You are not able to cope as much as before your loss. What has happened to you is monumental, so give yourself time. And also give time ... Time. If you try to do too much you will get tired and any anger you feel will be compounded and made worse. So do the minimum amount you need to do to survive in the early days. It is your self protective mode, to keep you from burning out and feeling depleted of energy, strength and motivation.

Usually when people are sad, they don’t do anything. They just cry over their condition. But when they get angry, they bring about a change . James Russell Lowell 25

Sometimes it seems insurmountable to make a cup of tea. But one day you will multi task again and you will feel a lightness about your life which you never would have dreamed possible. But again this will not happen overnight. Accept that healing from a loss can ambush you in many ways. For example if you hear a song which was special for you and the person you lost, it will bring you back to those dark and bleak days. So sometimes it is like taking five steps forward and three steps back. But this is all natural, and in time you will not be moving backwards but forwards with a renewed sense of living. This is your goal and use whatever steps necessary in your life to help you achieve it. Professional groups or one to one counseling can be good for some. Others may feel the strong inclination to have a lot of alone time and solitude to resolve issues, and that is fine. Grief is unique to each person. What feels right for one person may not feel right for another. It is important to find a goal where you feel supported, moving towards healing and a renewal of mind, body and soul. Anger can flow. It can come and go. Like a lot of things there is a process to this stage. It will be resolved. It will also release many negative feelings you may have around your loss. Sometimes to keep a journal is effective way to express your emotions. Try to focus on what exactly is making you angry. Be very honest. If there is any way you feel like venting your anger like punching a pillow or shouting then do that. Whatever feels good for you then you should take that course of action providing it is not harmful to yourself or others. Be true to yourself and also try to be very gentle with yourself. I cannot emphasize this enough. Get rid of the ‘shoulds’. I should be feeling this by now


or I should be doing this. There is no time stamp to go by. No compass to compare yourself to. We are all as different and unique as our finger prints. Try to go with the flow . Try to have a certain degree of expectation for a more positive and happy outcome for your well being in time. You do not want to wilt and fade away because that would be the death of your spirit. And the person you loved would not want to see that happen to you. Try to have realistic expectations. You are still alive. Your life has a purpose and a vision. In time you will find out what that purpose is. You are here for a reason. That is why you are still breathing and alive. You make a difference to the world. Your life is precious and valuable. You count as a human being. Your existence is empowering to others even if you do not believe that. In time the anger will fade and change and evolve and so will you. And in time you will be a beacon for others to take example from and learn from your own methods of persistence and tenacity of spirit. And yes you will smile and laugh and feel human again ..... In time. Phyllis Walsh To purchase a copy of The Illusion of Mortality go to Website / Facebook

Duangkamol - Handmade Jewellery and Artistry

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We are constantly bombarded with ideas about how we can improve our life, but where do we start? The world around is full of stress and trauma, which is often hard to avoid. Having been told the planetary line up has changed again, and last week we had a full moon which makes us even more sensitive and has an impact on our energy levels. For many months I have been having vivid dreams and times of interrupted sleep. I know my soul is working through layers of healing whilst I sleep. Amazing how tiring this can be. On a positive note there are wonderful new opportunities on the horizon, and I’m patiently waiting for them to come to fruition at the perfect time. We are going through times of massive change, healing and transition. During these times of stresss and constant change it can be a challenge to stay calm and centred. How we are meant to stay calm? I am so grateful that I know how I can help myself by taking time to stop and listen to what my body needs. Every time I stop to listen I learn more about me, and why I am overeacting to the simplest of things. The Bach Flower Remedies have been invaluable in these times of stress and transition. I often use them to help me understand where I need to make changes.

How many times do we relentlessly push and push oursleves forward? Maybe it is time to just stop and listen to what your body is saying so you can learn more about your needs?

Oak has given me strength to keep going until now, and helped me realise how tired my body is. Olive helped me feel revitalised in my mind and gives me clarity. Impatiens brings patience and an understanding of synchronicity to me. Rock Water brings an intention of being kinder and gentler on myself. Walnut helps me to adjust to the changes, and be less oversensitive to the influences around me.


remedies could help you. Or if you are not sure where to start I could do a consultation with you, after which I can recommend which 7 remedies would give the best results, and create your own personal remedy for you. Your personal remedy will last 3-4 weeks, after which other remedies will be recommended.

Red Chestnut has helped me stop worrying about others wellbeing and trust they will be ok. Honeysuckle helped me lay the past to rest to enable me to move on. Scleranthus helped me to make a decision to make changes. Centaury has helped me create new boundaries. Cerato has helped me feel empowered and found out who I truly am.

They can be taken alongside any medication and have no harmful side effects. They can be used by anyone at any age. They compliment any other natural therapies. They are nature’s way of helping you to find balance and harmony in your life. The Bach Flower Remedies are a life-line for me and can be for you too. Consultations can be done by telephone or in person. If you are not sure where to start call me so I can help you understand your emotions and start you on the beginning of your healing journey. Dawn Chrystal Mobile 07936546791 Website / Facebook

Pine has helped stop me feeling guilty for taking this time out, and realise that only I can be responsible for my own wellbeing. Elm is invaluable when I feel everwhelmed and unable to cope. That’s quite a list. Too many to use in one go. I would normally recommend using 7 remedies together. Wow. I just love taking time out for me. I am so very grateful Dr. Bach created these beautiful natural remedies. The Bach Flower Remedies are a gentle way to move you into a place of clarity and greater understanding. How can the Bach Flower Remedies help you today? They can help you see stressful situations from a calmer and clearer perspective. There are 38 different remedies. From my experiences above you may recognise which


‘Divine Intervention - Your Spiritual Development Manual by Dawn Chrystal’

Exploring the Elements


Fire has perhaps been the most important element for humankind across all cultures, all religions from pre-history through to the present time. It has been the most revered yet most feared of the four classical elements.


The discovery of fire is perhaps the most important thing that transformed the lives of humans many eons ago. We do not worship fire in quite the same way our ancestors did, but still it seems to hold our fascination. A cosy fire in the hearth, is both warming and comforting on a cold, dull day, a blazing bonfire thrills us and serves to burn up the dross and decay, especially this time of year, a small camp fire with marshmallows or crumpets being toasted sparks memories of childhood.

The electric light bulb has of course replaced the candles, tallow wicks and gas lamps, yet even in our modern, centrally heated homes, we haven’t forgotten the call of the element of Fire, calling on candles for romantic dinners, in prayer circles or a focus for meditation, and in spell casting too. It is creative, yet it is destructive, and is the only element that does not exist in a natural state, it can only exist, spring into life, by consuming and changing some other element, such a wood/earth. Therefore Fire is the transformer, the consumer, consuming and converting other items into something else - heat, light, charcoal, ash, smoke etc. Fire is the light and heat that comes from the Sun, the Stars, transferring the energy from above us into a usable source here below. Fire is at the heart of the Earth when enormous pressures and energies collide to spark heat and internal combustion that become the molten lava of volcanoes. Fire is lightening from the Sky realms putting on spectacular celestial shows yet in an instant splitting an aged tree in two and setting ablaze a forest. Fire burns, it burns through and can burn out, it smoulders, smokes, glows and sparks into life, dancing and flickering in flames, it smoulders gently or roars into life, it can be controlled but can become very out of control very quickly, therefore its energy is active, movement, forceful, pushing and pulsing. Fire therefore symbolizes raw wild untamed energy, it can save or it can destroy. Its creative nature can be hidden in its all consuming flames, yet hidden there we find the new rising from the ashes of the old, The Rising Phoenix is a timeless symbol of this. We can only gain benefit from this volatile element by strict control, one moment or lapse in concentration and this energy is away, seemingly with a life of its own. We use fire for light, for warmth, to cook, to clear and cleanse away the old - be it bonfires in the garden or candle magic in the home.


Fire is the active energy within creation and gives the spark of life to our everyday actions, be it through the words we use, our thoughts - here working with the element of Air, or through our emotions (Water element). Fire is the catalyst that sets everything in motion and creates what happens next. Becoming aware of this continual dynamic taking place and how this affects our creations, we can understand the need to be effective in focusing that creative power into


the positive so that what we manifest for ourselves, and the world at large, becomes a conscious act of combining the elements to bring our desires and choices to fruition. Mindful creation. Fire is the life force that lives within us, the source of our power and energy, how we use the energy can either empower or deplete our life force. Therefore it becomes essential to awaken our sensitivities to the elements and how they interact to create our lives, our world, so we can make

conscious choices that will strengthen us rather than weaken us. Fire inspires us to take action, to take risks, to act on impulse, on the strength of our beliefs and convictions, to tap into our courage, our inner strength and our free will. Fire is the initiator of change. Fire is connected to sexual passion, often mistaken with Love, yet it can be used to show our Love by activating our commitment, either to someone, to a project or goal we wish to achieve, or to make changes within our own lives or in the world. When we connect to the Fire element within us, we activate our passions for life, empowering ourselves to trust ourselves, to work for what we believe in, to set new goals, intentions and actions. With fire energy we can become the catalyst to spark life changing transformations, filling us with a boldness to pursue, create, achieve. Just as we are Air and Earth, we are also Fire. Air is our imagination but Fire is the spark that sets it in motion so it can manifest into the Physical - the Earth element. Basic Nature - creative, destructive, purifying, cleansing, motion, energetic, sexual, projective. Colour - red and shades there of - including oranges and yellows. Places - deserts, hot springs, volcanoes, fire pits, hearths, sauna, bedrooms, kitchen/oven, warrior and athlete venues. Human - masculine, youth, kundalini/chakra/ lifeforce energy. Rituals - protection, courage, energy, strength, banishing negativity, sex. Herbs - stinging, thorny plants - nettles, thistles hot spices - chilli, cayenne, ginger, stimulating foods - coffee. All heat dried herbs, resins, incense. Minerals - red stones such as Jaspers, volcanic glass/Obsidian, pumice/lava rock, Clear Quartz, Carnelian.


Metals - gold, brass. Music - guitar (think flamenco/Spanish). Stringed instruments. Creatures - snake, lizards, scorpions, bee’s, ladybirds, praying mantis, shark. Direction - South. Season/Time - Summer, particularly Beltaine for the union of male/female, fertility and creativity/ sexuality. Midsummers Day when the sun at its highest point in its celestial journey. Midday/noon. Magickal Tools - knife, candle, Fire.

Alchemy of Fire. Every day affirm: “I am the source of change in my life and in the world. I have the freedom of choice and the power to use it.” Let go of negative things that drain your energy, actively pursue those passions that excite you, take a risk now and then.

Astrological - Aries, Leo, Sagittarius.

Practice saying YES instead of “I’m not sure, I don’t know, I’d like to BUT...”

Sense - sight.

Smile at other people and spread positive energy.

Nature symbols - flame, lava, anything hot, sand, lightening/storms, Sun, Stars.

Use candles/hearth fires to spark your enthusiasm for life and to remind you that action brings results.

Change begins first in the imagination, the realm of Air, if we can imagine it, we can bring it to life, Fire is the spark needed to bring imagination into being. We can give thanks for the living spark of energy that is Fire; in generating and creating through expansion, by directing and opening energy pathways within us, by keeping our Chi - our life force flowing through our bodies by working with our chakras, through the use of acupuncture, by setting change in motion, strengthening our intentions and activating our will power. Acupuncture is using a sharp/forceful/projecting implement - needles, to kick start stuck or negative energy within the body, to get the natural flow going again and so ease ill health or dis-ease. We can’t all become Acupuncturists, but we can use the meridian lines in the body and massage or gentle pressing/pushing action in order to stimulate blockages and movement. We are of the Fire element, we carry the spark of the life force within us, therefore we are initiators, our conscious choices set change in motion, whether for positive or negative, therefore we are


free to choose life enhancing actions for ourselves or for the greater whole, to be spontaneous, adaptable, creative. We have the essence of free will, the boldness to begin anew, the courage to live by our passions, initiate our visions, to set in motion the potential we hold within ourselves.

Be aware of your choices and the energy you set in motion by your daily words and actions. Whatever you imagine you can do, you CAN, once you put the spark of fire and action into it. Use fire to regularly ‘burn away’ that which you do not need in your life, whether it is old bank statements to burn, garden waste, or lists of negative things. Light candles daily in your home to bring the warmth and energy of the living flame into your life. Give thanks to the Sun and Stars for their light and warmth, even in winter, give thanks when the Sun shines. Embrace Fire within yourself and become who you are. Rise like the Phoenix from the ashes of your past. Many Blessings Avalon Whitefeather )o( Website / Facebook

Diary dates for workshops and courses


Friday 14th October - Drumming Circle 7pm Monday 17th October - Full Moon Lodge 7.30pm Sunday 30th October - Samhain Ceremony & Supper 6pm Monday 31st October - New ‘Black’ Moon Lodge 7.30pm Friday 11th November - Drumming Circle Monday 14th November - Full Moon Lodge Tuesday 29th November - New Moon Lodge Friday 9th December - Drumming Circle Weds 14th December - Full Moon Lodge Yule Meal Sunday 18th December - 11.30 am Solstice/Yule celebrations and ceremony. Thursday 29th December - New Moon Lodge Places are limited, to secure your place early booking is advisable. For further information and additional dates contact Avalon Whitefeather at; Facebook / Website


Earth Pathways Diary Honouring our Sacred Earth

From simple beginnings the Earth Pathways Diary has become a wonderful success story and a well-established networking resource to inspire all those living with awareness and care for our beautiful Earth. From the very first page of the diary to the last, we are all encouraged to get out there and connect with the land, to really tune in to these special times, create our own ceremonies and love song to the Earth. The small team who produce the diary are driven by a deep love and passion for these isles and a collective vision of a future that is sustainable, fair and that benefits all. The diary is a celebration of the work of UK writers and artists who share that same vision, and the Celtic Wheel of the Year provides the structure and context to place all of the artwork and writing. Also included are Moon phases and signs, sunrise and sunset times, moonrise and moonset times and some astrological information for the UK. Community-building is key to making the positive change so important to the future of our Earth and the diary also champions communityled initiatives such as the Transition Town movement, Permaculture and other eco pioneers. The diary was founded in 2007 by two friends, writer and artist, Glennie Kindred and fellow artist Jaine Rose. They’d both admired the American “We’Moon’ diary but felt that they wanted something that related more directly to these isles and that had UK contributors and artists. With no money to support their vision and not wanting to take out costly bank loans, Glennie and Jaine sent out the message to friends and friends of friends, ‘lend us a £100’ and to their astonishment they raised a staggering £2,500 in a few months thanks to everyone’s generosity.


“The diary evolved from genuine heart-energy and trust,” said Glennie. Now, nine years on, their magical vision is a successful, vibrant reality and has grown into an exciting network of writers, artists, activists and visionaries and an inspiring hub for earth-loving people and ideas. They now print between 6 and 7,000 copies of the diary which is often sold out before the New Year actually starts! In 2015 the team launched the first Earth Pathways wall calendar as a sister-publication. Not only is the Earth Pathways Diary 2017 a beautiful and sustainable product, but the team, who are also a co-operative, use some of the profits from the diary sales to support grass-roots projects that benefit the earth through local community activities. In recent years the Earth Pathways Seed-Fund has funded a variety of initiatives including community gardens and allotments, a bee project, an outdoor nature kindergarten, an animal rescue centre and an eco-storytelling resource for schools. This year one of the projects to receive funding is a touring film initiative, ‘We the Uncivilised: A Life Story’ which focusses on positive change rooted in the ethics of fair-share, people care and earth care. As well as seed-funding the tour, the diary team were so inspired by the project that they are also hosting community screenings of the film in Stroud and Derbyshire. Each year the team invites submissions of artwork and writing from anyone who shares a deep love of this land and a vision of positive change. You don’t have to be a professional artist or writer. All submissions need to be in by October 31st each year and the team look at each and every one of them! Details of how to submit work can be found on the Earth Pathways website (www.earthpathwaysdiary.uk) and in the diary itself. All successful contributors are given a 40 word profile and a free diary for each contribution published, plus the opportunity to buy copies of the diary at a cheap rate for the year they are in the diary. The diary team continue to support the promotion of their contributors’ work through their Facebook page and through their website which provides a ‘virtual’ gallery space for successful contributors plus a profile with biographical and/or contextual information about themselves and contact details. The diary website also showcases a regular ‘Featured Musician’ and the team are now exploring how they could include musical offerings as part of the yearly call for submissions. An Earth Pathways e-newsletter is available too, with updates on projects that the Diary has seed-funded and latest news from diary contributors, plus details of relevant workshops, talks or positive action campaigns that their readers might wish to support. From humble beginnings, Earth Pathways has become so much more than a beautiful diary and wall-calendar, it’s now the touchstone for a vibrant community of passionate people who are committed to creating a more sustainable way of living in harmony with our beloved Earth. Buying directly from The Earth Pathways website means a greater return of the profits becomes available for financing the next production of the diary and to fund small community projects that help the Earth. You can also follow the diary via Facebook.

Finding Grace in Simplicity

this affinity, this kinship, perhaps undetected beneath the concrete and murky waters, but nevertheless, always there. If you feel this Rhythm, the music in these words, the unstitching of parts long shunned, I ask of you only to listen attentively; to devote your awareness to what the intricate, wise hum of your EssenceHeart is delivering to you through the vehicle of my journey shared. Only you will see. Only you will know.

There are probably hundreds and thousands of transformational life journeys being shared and circulating the entire world. Mine is just another amongst them. I am not better than any other person. I am not spectacular or extraordinary in any sense. I am not a hero. I have fallen into the deep core and disorientating recesses of devastation, grief and loneliness many times. I have longed to depart from this earthly existence. Just as many, I have shed tears of burning agony and occasionally tasted the revered nectar of absolute, resounding inner peace and unconditional, Divine Love. But that which I am is also infinite and just as any other; my capacity cannot be measured, contained or restrained by the hand or body of man. My only wish upon your eyes meeting this page is to speak with the Heart of your Essence, transcending this arrangement of words before you, in total recognition and acceptance of one another, as only and wholly, One. Our hearts have always been dancing with one another. There has always been this camaraderie,


Less than a decade ago, to the outside world or the projections of society, it would have seemed I ‘had it all’. I had worked my way up to being a Style Director for Toni & Guy, within the hairdressing industry for nine years. I had a mortgage on small, cosy, one bedroom home with my fiancé at the time, had a little car and was holidaying in sunny Miami. In the material sense, I was leading a comfortable life and the blessings still continue. Yet, something had always been missing for me. Working 10 hour days, 50 hours a week, in what, at the time, felt mostly felt like a factory style environment, I felt continually under pressure and rushed through the creative expressions which were asking permission to surface through me. Constantly feeling depleted and drained, I had little awareness of energy and the exchanges which come of even the most seemingly insignificant daily interactions. A part of me always felt empty and spiritually malnourished and no matter how hard I tried, these feelings just couldn’t be ignored. Over the years a lingering, intuitive knowing continued to grow in its intensity; a feeling of being disconnected or unaware of something far greater. I was also suppressing and turning away from a much wounded part within which just wanted to be cradled and held; being afraid of the rage and outbursts frequently occurring in my dad’s presence my entire life. As a young child I learned to lock away my tears, smile and silently agree, when I felt most alone, frightened and when my heart was tearing up in agony. But my face was

just disguising my Truth. More than anything, I simply wanted to feel completely safe, being able to love and be loved more than humanly possible by my dad, but I was mostly always deeply unsettled by his side during the majority of our moments shared.

intuition and instincts about what simply didn’t feel right and later on also ignoring what no longer resonated within every aspect of my life, until I became severely unwell, through which I was unable to work or engage with the world for almost two years.

My parents divorced when I was around aged two and my mum was pretty much a single parent; a warrior with seemingly inexhaustible energy, working seven days a week. Rather than spending time with friends, I would have to spend my weekends and nights at her office in central London entertaining myself and dreaming. Naturally, I was quite socially awkward and was bullied at school for some time, spending lunchbreaks hiding in the toilets, wishing and praying for something unknown. I was quiet but hyperactive, having a lot of energy to expend and would run off with people’s shoes at school and play pranks on the people I lived with. I was the ‘weird’ kid; cheeky yet shy and would be too scared to talk to anyone or raise my hand in class. But the mile long meeting room table at my mums workplace was my stage to dance upon, the photocopying machine was fun for taking silly pictures of my face and hands and I enjoyed rearranging the staff room furniture and leaving love letters for people I didn’t know.

There were seven doctors and specialists, three brain, neck and spine scans, nine neck injections. Pain medication. Anxiety attacks on public transport. Fear of eating certain foods. Fear of closing my eyes. Nightmares. Being almost unable to walk. Unable to bend my fingers. My entire body burning with jolts of electrical like sensations and feeling I was dying or soon to be resigned to a wheelchair. It was agony to even turn the page of a book.

Those nights at the office, I slept by my mum as she worked, lying on two chairs pushed together. I grew up sharing our home with 18 people across the years from all different parts of the world. Columbia, Canada, Peru, Spain, Italy and more. As you may imagine, our carpets were stained, our sofas were so old they required concrete blocks inside them to hold them up and our kitchen table was a window with a tablecloth over it. My mum and I had to share a bedroom until I was around 16 and some friends refused to come round as they thought my house was haunted, based on its appearance. But none of this defined my happiness.

I lived in immense fear and terror and had no concept of the mind body connection or much beyond the limitations of the tangible existence I had perceived. I was staring my past traumas directly in the eyes and had no clue that my body was just expressing and manifesting a spiritual disharmony that I had attempted to suppress for so long. This was my blessing in disguise; I was being brought forth an opportunity to evolve, discover and return home to a portal and therefore stream of intangible, infinite riches which we all share within. Out of desperation I agreed, through my mum’s suggestion, to go to an energy healing session with the beautiful Karina Grant, back in 2012.

That part of my life was very conflicted in that the fun times were actually very fun but they had their extreme opposites. I continued on with my life, remaining passive, not listening to my


others. I lost complete interest in watching TV, in drinking, in going out clubbing and focusing solely on the distraction of a material and superficial reality. Consciously, I stripped everything away, became more childlike, more curious and inquisitive, more in awe of our miraculous existence and felt the urge to start living humbly and in simplicity. All my heart began calling for was fresh air, nature, meditation, solitude, writing, reading and likehearted company. In the course of the hour, I experienced such a huge paradigm shift, that it completely sparked off the transformation of my inner world and inevitably my outer world, with a series of life altering events. In that one hour I went from barely being able to walk and feeling I had no chance at life, to running down the stairs at the end of the session. I experienced what felt like the force of two bolts rotate and unlock in my knees and immense heat rising to the surface of my body. As soon as I arrived home I danced for what felt like the first time in my life. It was bliss. I was totally present with the gift of life; with these legs I’ve been given, with this heart which also dances in my chest. It was so beautiful. I began wondering about this new world I had just been thrown into the deep end with. What was going on!!!!? This experience confirmed for me, in that moment, that the magical world I suspected to be alive as a child, the Divinity, truly IS… And that there is so much more beyond what the human eye can comprehend. Questioning everything around me, everything as I knew it began rapidly falling away. I left the hairdressing industry, lost touch with some friends, my beautiful-hearted fiancé and I parted ways and I left the home we had created over the years. During those times, I had changed so much as a person that I had become unrecognisable to


It was a deeply painful journey at the time which transported me into exploring and delving into immense periods of introspection and seeking what our True reality may be. I began wondering what would happen if I simply put pen to paper, disconnecting from thought and attachment to outcome whilst bringing my full presence to the moment, allowing anything and everything to pour through onto the page. Often, I would blink my eyes and there would be several pages of Divine guidance in writing, (which some of would later come to manifest) including words of which I didn’t yet know their meaning or interpretation. Visions and messages started pouring through and I simultaneously fell In Love with writing in the process and the Love affair continues until this day. The next stepping stone upon my path soon flowed in to meet me. It was a position working within a beautiful, bustling, vegan café called inSpiral, based by a glimmering canal in my beloved Camden Town. There, I was and am blessed to have met some of the most beautiful souls I know, which emanate such a Divine Love, I had never previously experienced in person before. It was an absolute blessing and space in which I felt safe, warmly embraced and held, in the midst of which, I was attempting to process my way through such huge transitions. Some very powerful people and teachers also began entering into my life, mirroring things within myself which needed to be healed and released. It was a time which also further shattered me, ripping me open in many painful ways, yet I still go on to cherish every moment until this day.

After trying my hardest to settle into the cafe within the initial months, I began struggling with the responsibilities and pace along with the magnitude of heartbreak I was feeling, the exchange of energies from surges of people passing through and the treacherous, emotional rollercoasters as a result of this. I was continually going to the toilets to release huge floods of tears and was soon let go of from my job. Gratefully, I was able to let go with grace, ease and humility, recognising that all has its timing and purpose. After this time, I took a couple of months to travel abroad, first stopping over in Tenerife with a dedication to being completely with myself and Beyond. It was the perfect breathing space for Feeling the pain which needed to be felt, in solitude. My world felt destroyed and my spirit broken, but beneath this I began to recognise and connect with a first glimpse of inner, ever-present stillness. Beneath the chaos of my rattling mind and tornado-like emotions, a quiet internal world was there to greet me. The silence taught me so much. Its student, I became. Within it, I laughed and cried. I fell victim to passing thoughts. I was my own best friend and worst enemy. I sat in front of the ocean, losing myself in salty, never-ending tears tracing down my cheeks and the wisdom of crashing waves penetrating my soul. I let the sun kiss my face and observed how nature just IS. I felt victoriously strong and debilitatingly weak. I resisted. I surrendered. I felt emotion for the pure expression of energy it is and also felt it with judgements and labels. I smiled in the same language as others. I painted, read, wrote, I daydreamed and contemplated. I experienced the sacred beauty of a passing butterfly, twice. I sat in peace. I sat in restlessness. I experienced the misery of aloneness and the recognition of soulsoothing Oneness. I smashed open a coconut or two in the middle of the street and didn’t care what anyone thought. I took a breath. I took a few. And then remembered that they were only ever Given. I felt deep, heartfelt gratitude for all in my life.

The next stop from there was Belgium, staying with family for over a month. For several years, my father had been very unwell with terminal cancer. With intentionally limited contact and not visiting him for months, out of fear, I grasped the phone to return a call of his a few days prior. As I went to return his call, in that exact moment, the phone rang in my hands and I intuitively knew that he had passed. The immensity of grief, regrets and guilt I felt, absolutely tore through me. I cried from the deepest pit of my stomach and what felt like the depths of my soul. Next, I was alone on a flight from Belgium to Spain the very following morning and before I knew it, standing in front of his body with just a sheet of glass between us. It was remarkable to see with my own eyes, that the soul, no longer inhabited the body lying before me. What followed cannot be fully explained in words. It was and is one of the most beautiful and deeply sacred experiences of my life. As I stood there, an incredibly prominent voice of guidance came to me asking for me to forgive him so that he may transition over peacefully. Peacefully complying, I did so three times, speaking the words of forgiveness within my heart and felt a huge wave of peace ripple out from the core of my being into the world. That night, as I laid alone and quite scared in his empty, three story home, scattered


with unfinished teas lying dormant in mugs, stubbed out cigarettes in ash trays, piles of cancer medication, tossed duvet covers and his wilting shirts, I saw something white and very bright, fly right across my face. I knew without a single doubt or hesitation, that it was his Spirit. It was a moment: indescribable. It is only after my dad’s passing that I have been able to form a new friendship with him, on an Essence level. When he was present in physical form, I only ever had eyes to see the angry man before me. Never did I have the eyes to see the scared little boy that was actually raising his voice for help, out of desperation, a deep ache and loneliness. And instead of feeling compassion, I felt fear. I didn’t see the wounded, unsettled two year old boy who suddenly lost his father in the Second World War. I didn’t see the young man born into a 1938, incredibly anti-Semitic environment in Ukraine, facing gangs and working in a bicycle factory at age 13. I saw the man who would tell me so often that he felt depressed or suicidal and just didn’t want to be here on this planet anymore and I didn’t know how to handle it. Instead of holding my dad’s hand, I would feel my muscles tighten and I prepared to run away. Even if I was still standing beside him, a part of me had already escaped. There were actually two scared little children present and also, eventually, two adults driven apart by fear, and uniting


within beautiful, brief fragments of momentary unshielded love. One was expressing fear through anger, the other expressing fear through silence and a frozen state. It was terrible to be tangled in such pain and the cords of trauma which had traversed generations, strongly reinforced and transferred between both our childhoods. It is only recently that I have begun to see how the huge challenges my dad faced in his life had shaped him to behave in such ways. By Grace, I was also blessed with experiencing so many wonderful gifts through my father, being witness to his creativity as an extraordinary craftsman, the sensitivity of his soul and his adoration of nature and the animal kingdom. During my travels I had been in touch with a man whom I had met earlier that year. He recognised the pain and struggles within me through our short exchanges whilst I had been working in the cafe and we began messaging from time to time. We both shared our past traumatic life experiences with one another and also resonated in having a sense of life purpose and desire to create change within the world. It was only a few weeks after my father’s passing, that we began spending more time together, falling in love and becoming aware of what felt to be a past life connection. We both quickly spiralled, with shadows of the past being triggered through present experiences on both sides. The brief, magical experiences were sacred and other worldly, with a depth of passion I had never, until then, experienced within this lifetime. The dark moments were incredibly traumatic, degrading, humiliating and abusive in an emotional, psychological and spiritual way. These events took place in public, on the underground, on busy streets, quiet streets and also in private. I became deeply confused, frightened, feeling caged, suffocated, trapped, controlled and having frequent anxiety attacks, continually shifting between deep, unconditional love and into immense fear of my partner. I was completely frozen and sank into being that scared little girl

again, being afraid of the anger unleashing through the male figure before her. My hair was falling out heavily and I hardly had any energy left even to climb the stairs. At one point it felt as though every particle of what made me Alive had been almost eradicated and I felt the way I was allowing myself to be treated was inhumane. Sleep deprived, unable to think clearly and feeling completely lost and overwhelmed, I was unable to listen to my True Inner Voice as a result. We both kept trying to elevate the relationship, understandably without the support of family and friends who had been witness to my Light diminishing. We spent, in total, nine months together, falling apart and coming back together again, uniting with some powerful experiences. Regardless of the dark times, I saw into this partner as a mirror; I saw the aching soul beneath, crying out for love; the love which he had never received as a child and all I wanted to do was to cradle this beautiful child, giving all of my love, with the expense of my health and his on many occasions. I was a mother, a lover, a nurse, a friend, a servant and a nothing. At the time, I was irrevocably blind to the degree of tethering, addiction and unhealthy attachment which had grown into being a huge basis of the relationship. I was looking for love in all of the wrong places, never taking the time to start rebuilding from within. I was unable to keep continually taking the hurtful words and the deep scars they were leaving upon my heart, spirit and wellbeing. Despite the heartfelt apologies, I began losing faith and trust in the relationship and the feeling of wanting to free myself and spread my wings only continued to grow. I felt pressure at home from family and friends to leave the relationship.

in previous years and without even searching, she popped up as a ‘suggested friend’ on Facebook. It was Divine Timing. We connected and began communicating and resonating with each other’s blog posts and I was truly blessed to receive so many beautiful and encouraging comments from her. I came across her videos regarding the unbelievable struggles of her life’s journey and her book project, ‘The Guys Upstairs,’ and was very deeply inspired. Her inner strength, wisdom, compassion and Love for humanity were so evident that it was only a matter of time until we connected in person. My partner at the time was abroad and before I knew it, I was in the car for over an hour’s drive on the way to meet with Amanda. I went without any expectations, only full love and surrender. What took place over the weeks to come altered my life in uncountable ways. Amanda worked at an Alpha Frequency on brain patterns which no longer served me and were halting my progress in moving forward and reaching into my fullest capacity in life. Each session and healing felt like an eraser wiping out the old inside and bringing forth new and productive patterns. The shifts were fast and powerful, aligning me strongly with my intuition, inner guidance and heightened visions which Amanda explained to me in a depth I wouldn’t have Seen on my own. Synchronicities began to culminate, meeting specific people, being in particular places, seeing signs or overhearing fragments of conversations of passers-by, all

Towards the end of the relationship, Amanda Hart - Intuitive Consultant and now friend, (who also writes for Universal Magazine) came into my life. A mutual friend mentioned her name several times


leading to huge insights and realisations regarding next steps to be taken. I knew then, more than ever in my entire life, that I was being Divinely guided, assisted and protected the entire time. Feeling deeply unwell, drained and at breaking point through the relationship, I began seeing through the fear, with Great Clarity that departing and saving myself and therefore all involved, would best serve the world. Unfortunately the relationship came to an end in a devastating way, yet was ultimately my liberation. My wings were free. It has taken almost a year to process the shock and impact of the relationship, which left me at times, unable to get on a train out of fear of being in close vicinity to other men and initially unable to be touched even by my own mother. It was through the experience with this man that I eventually broke open completely and continue to grow stronger, more courageous, learning about self-love and ultimately self-respect. And even beyond that, Being the Self that Loves. Upon deep contemplation, great insight was brought forth in seeing how this relationship and


every single encounter in existence was and is about the bigger picture, recognising the darkness in need of transmuting and sometimes, as in this case, the love to be transformed and sincere Forgiveness and Compassion Felt and attained. Every day I feel more able to Forgive this person as well as myself, to an even higher degree. It is so beautiful to now reflect on all of these events and re-experience the lessons and gifts, which are still very much alive and continue unravelling within every breath. It has been a roller coaster journey of challenges and opportunities to grow, which brought me to my knees several times, but it was and is in those moments that I felt and still feel extremely close and Held by God, the Divine, the Universe, or whichever you wish to call it. My message, purpose and mission became completely revolutionised after never even previously having awareness of the notion of bringing a sense of aliveness to life and contributing to the earth experience, starting through taking responsibility for my presence here. During those years, of what feels to be another lifetime, I would pause and take a look around me and see so many living their lives in a stagnant, unfulfilled and unnourished way, I once included.

Most sad of all, I observed the absence of the inner sparkle in the eyes, the smile which would usually reach up to the eyes and then pour into the hearts of all those surrounding. Gifts and clarity of Purpose may take some time to come into our awareness and arise within us and this is to be at peace with. To compare ourselves to the paths of others does not help. We each have our own journey to tread toward the same Home. I have found that Feeling Life has led me more greatly in being in touch with my Intuition and therefore clarity in taking inwardly guided action. Creating space for solitude, self-inquiry, journaling and being Witness to arising thoughts and emotions has aided immensely within my personal evolution. The consistent practice of pen to paper, expressing heart-thoughts and sometimes a wild mind, without judgement, has opened up such Sight for me. Writing has become one of my most deeply sacred tools for reconnecting with and living through a flow which is infinite in its expression. When doing what feels good to me, I notice others feeling good around me too. It can be that simple. There is such Grace in Simplicity; starting with one small action, thought or visualisation which lights up your day and repeating it.

Now. Even if it means moving along at snail’s pace, take those steps. When we listen to our Hearts, we are simultaneously blessing this gift upon others. Allow yourself to be surrounded by beautiful people. Come together as Family in Unity, with Love. We all have something to Contribute within this Lifetime. My wish and prayer is that we keep Our Hearts open despite the challenges. Let us Feel the trees, Feel the earth and allow Our Hearts to be Fully Awakened. We are here to make a difference and we are the difference to be made. Love is the greatest healer and each day I feel humbled and beyond blessed to come home to this Truth. Joanna Gregory Email / Facebook / Instagram / Blog

I continue to learn that unwavering Courage is needed; to risk looking a fool, but to never be a fool to our own Heart and Soul. After leaving hairdressing, I went onto selling vintage clothing, learning photography, training as a laughter yoga leader, becoming an energy healing practitioner, working at inSpiral and sampling health products and doing some marketing and social media work. Currently, I am working parttime in Paradise Unbakery, a beautiful plant based café in Kensal Rise whilst also taking some time to Breathe, heal and see what else I naturally feel to develop upon this path. One facet of what I’m trying to express is, please, for yourself and your loved ones: Be True To Your Self, to the presence of Love within you; to your Essence. Not tomorrow, next week, or next year but



EIP - Energetic Interference Patterning with Gudi Grange

About 10 years ago, my tutor and mentor Lisa told me of a new healing technique called EIP of DNA. This had been channeled by an American healer called Margaret Ruby. A course was held here in Norfolk and it literally ‘blew me away’. I can only explain this by giving you an insight into the treatment I gave to Samantha. Using a meditation we first activated Samantha’s DNA from a 2 strand chemical DNA to a 12 strand energetic DNA. The DNA activation is like a rites of passage to spiritual connection. Energetic DNA enables you to have access to 12 rather than 2 levels of information. The purpose of the activation is the connection of energetic pathways within your cellular memory from the 3rd dimension to the 5th dimension. It helps to disconnect from the ties of the 3rd dimensional Matrix and raises the vibrational frequency. I imagine the Matrix to be like a mesh of belief systems that was put in front of us to block out the light. The DNA activation is the prerequisite to work on releasing your Energetic Interference Patterns.

that patterns were repeating themselves in my life and was interested to understand how EIP could help to clear those negative patterns and assist me to move forward.

You come into this world with your DNA but your physical DNA is only half the story. The other half is the emotional DNA handed down through many generations and also the many negative beliefs we have learnt about ourselves in this lifetime. The EIP of DNA reveals how the stories of our ancestors affect our success and failures today. It offers a practical and easy guide for discovering why and how our personal DNA family history is affecting us. You do not have to be a prisoner to your genetic heritage and learnt beliefs any more, with EIP of DNA we are able to reset your genetic code for wellness and abundance.

Samantha: This definitely made sense as I was my own worst critic but also had a fear of being judged by others. If I stayed where I was and didn’t bring attention to myself I would therefore avoid any criticism. As a single parent I have to put my daughter first, but can clearly see how over the last 10 years I have put my own needs on hold, and by doing this my confidence had diminished somewhat.

Gudi: We first established the issue that Samantha wanted to work on; she felt she wanted to work on prosperity and abundance issues as she found it hard to acquire prosperity and abundance in this life. Samantha: Prosperity and abundance have always been an area of challenge for me, I could clearly see


Gudi: In step 1 of the treatment we found that there were some trust issues, and her main character for this pattern was the Judge. We also found the main pattern for this belief was that she was not fulfilling her own needs and the Energetic Interference Pattern was ‘resisting change, immobility created from fear of change’. On asking Samantha how this story made her feel she replied “Maybe I have attracted the repetitive patterns because I was afraid of change?”

Gudi: Looking at her ancestral story in step 2 we discovered some ancestral patterns, the first one being Betrayal (tricked, unfaithful, disloyal, dishonour). Pattern number two brought up the word Concubine (this is explained as given away, loss of power, loss of freedom), and the third pattern was Judged (condemned, criticised, discrimination). When I asked Samantha how she felt about her ancestral story she became quite emotional and said that there were some issues from a past life relating to this. The effect these patterns had on her in this life was mistrust and a

feeling of not being good enough, not worthy. Samantha: In my past relationships I gave away my power, and when I was younger I thought I needed to be in a relationship to be happy, and allowed the relationship to limp on when it was way past it’s sell-by date. I now know different. My past partners thought monogamy was a board game and I didn’t want to see the truth of the situation or our relationship. So infidelity was a character trait that I attracted in partners, and this in turn affirmed the feelings of mistrust and not being good enough etc. I was actually shocked how accurate this was and I felt quite emotional. I did have a past life regression that relates quite clearly to this; I was a concubine, one amongst many, I knew that when my looks faded that I would no longer be of use and would be discarded. Gudi: Samantha came into this world with a strategy, we all do, hers was ‘to survive I must be needed’. Samantha: This actually makes me cringe lol, I didn’t like to hear this at all. I am a strong and independent lady, bringing up my daughter by myself and think that I have satisfied this need now. In doing so I believe that a new relationship would be a compliment to my life now and not a necessity. I use the analogy that 2 people are like salt and pepper, they are equally tastey by themselves but when you combine them you create a new flavour sensation. It doesn’t take away from their own flavour, it just adds new depth to the flavour. Gudi: The triggers for this strategy to be implemented are number; 1. Changes and the explanation for this is ‘pushing beyond you’re your limits and worn out.’ 2. Karma, explained by ‘persecute, oppress or harass due to race, religion or beliefs’. 3. Trauma ‘cut by a sword – cut by comments’ When asking Samantha how her ancestral story made her feel she replied that there had been a lot of name calling in the past that made her feel mistrusting and self conscious.

Samantha: 1. I have and still do at times, stop and realise I’m in auto-pilot mode, running on empty but still going. Last year I started to make changes to make time for myself; I attended the Walkinginspirit (https://walkinginspirit.co.uk/ (make the name the link) which was amazing, and the opportunity to let someone take control for a while was heaven. When I feel overwhelmed I turn to the Bach Flower Remedies, which I swear by. So I can recognise when I am ‘pushing beyond my limits’ and do something about it. 2. I’m not religious, I am Spiritual, which I consider a way of being in line with my true authentic self. It has been a lonely road at times, when friends and family didn’t understand where I was coming from, but I have always been prepared to stand alone, true to my beliefs and be authentic, rather than try to fit in. 3. When I was younger I was called names because of my sharp profile, which as a child was hurtful. I was quite shy and introverted up until I was about 30 - then I began personal and spiritual development, with an insatiable appetite for reading and I learned to love myself, perfect imperfections and all. But of course, there are also good things that we come into this world with and Samantha’s gift is Faith. The Change of Heart we came up with is “I have the right to praise myself ” and the Aha! Moment is “I have great compassion.” We then created a new manifestation and affirmation that


Samantha could use to manifest her hearts’ desires of Abundance, Prosperity and Success. After we created this new manifestation, we neutralised the old belief and activated the manifestation of the new belief through a divine love healing meditation and visualisation. Samantha: The whole process was amazing, and I could resonate with everything Gudi said. Some of the work and healing I have already accomplished myself, and I acknowledge that I am still very much a work in progress, as we all are as human beings experiencing this physical life. It was emotional and enlightening, and I needed a siesta after to take time to allow the healing meditation to take affect. I would thoroughly recommend an EIP reading to everyone! We accumulate so many layers of emotions and trauma through this physical journey, not to mention the emotional DNA and

negative beliefs that we carry form previous lifetimes. An awareness of all this is the first stage to begin the healing journey and shed the emotional baggage that we may have been carrying for too long. I’ve always believed that the right people come into our lives at the perfect time to help us to move forward and create a life of joy and abundance that we all deserve. Gudi’s reading confirmed things that I already knew but also highlighted patterns that I wasn’t aware of, which will allow me to move forward with confidence and clarity. For a personal EIP reading or for more information contact; Gudi Grange Facebook / Email Mobile: 07798912137

My business name; Gudi’s Shower of Light was inspired by a beautiful photograph, taken one day, just after 9.11., when my daughter and my sister had gone to New York. I felt that I needed to send healing to them on this particular day. Just at that precise time my sister took a photo of my daughter ice-skating, and it looks as though she is standing in a shower of light on an ice rink in Central Park. This photograph is now my Facebook cover image and makes me smile every time that I look at it. I have been fascinated by different healing techniques for a long time, learning Spiritual and Crystal Healing, then on to Reiki. I then proceeded to learn Hypnotherapy, Neuro Linguistic Programming, Life Coaching and Time Line Therapy. I have also since learnt several different massage techniques. I am constantly wanting to learn new therapies as it is my upmost wish to help people who are feeling a bit stuck, not confident and so forth, to move forward in their lives. Sometimes it just takes a few kind words, a smile and an empathetic ear to turn this feeling around and embrace a new way of living. Love and light Gudi x



The Robin Wood Tarot This was my first Tarot deck that I acquired many moons ago and in my personal opinion is still one of the best decks to begin the journey through the Tarot and unlock the secrets hidden within.

This Robin Wood deck is a detailed pictorial deck, illustrated in bright vivid colours and strong archetypal symbols and imagery. The deck consists of the 78 cards of a traditional Tarot deck; 22 Major Arcana and 56 Minor Arcana consisting of; 40 pip cards and 16 Court cards. Learning the ancient art of the Tarot is a journey of spiritual and self-discovery. The journey of the Fool represents our own search for enlightenment as we respond to the trials and tribulations of this physical life. The Tarot is an amazing tool to use for meditation, self-understanding, reflection, clarification, personal growth and divination. Using the Tarot offers an opportunity to consider an alternative view to situations and relationships in our lives and awaken our innate intuition and psychic gifts. On page 27, in issue 1 of Universal Magazine we featured the first article in the series ‘Intuitive Tarot’ by Gill Macdonald. The series is a step by step guide to help you to discover how to connect with your own personal

deck, to intuitively interpret the images, symbols, numbers and positions of the cards to offer and full comprehensive reading. There is an excellent guide book to compliment this deck - TAROT Plain and Simple by Anthony Louis. The book gives thorough interpretations of each individual card, it also offers additional Numerology information and card lay-outs; from a simple 3 card spread to a more elaborate Celtic Cross. Whichever spread you choose, go at your own speed and take the time to get to know your cards, they will become treasured tools and need to be treated with the utmost respect to gain the maximum benefits and guidance. Before you choose a Tarot card; sit for a few moments and take deep breaths to center yourself and calm your mind. Then think of a situation you would like to receive guidance on, open your eyes and let your intuition guide you to the Tarot card that has a significant message for you. Turn the page to read the interpretations. If you have any additional insights write them down, you may want to come back to them at a later date.

Card 1 - The Magician Mastery of special knowledge. Focused energy.

skills at organisation come in handy. In money questions, financial success is likely. The Magician tells you there is a way that you can manipulate the forces of nature to achieve your goals. Special skills and technical expertise may be necessary for success. The Magician urges you to observe, experiment, remain adaptable, refine your skills, and learn about how to manipulate the world. In health matters, The Magician can represent a skillful physician or surgeon. Card 2 - 7 of Wands Holding firm. A position of advantage.

You are about to take advantage of the expertise you have gleaned from a period of disciplined training. You, or someone you trust, are able to use special skills and talents to achieve your goals. The time is right to initiate projects because you are master of your destiny. Any equipment you need will be at hand. Technical mastery of modern gadgets will assist you. You are able to master new situations, take positive action and focus your attention to realise your potential. You are able to promote and market yourself to those who are interested in making use of your special skills and knowledge. Creative visualisation would be beneficial at this time, as well as advanced training or education. Your


A situation of conflict is coming to a head, and you are able to view the matter from a superior vantage point. You may feel pressured as you enter this

time of confrontation, challenge, and opposition. You will need to call on your reserves of strength and courage to prevail. You must summon your inner strength and determination to overcome the odds and face the competition. You have the advantage even if you don’t realise it. Perhaps a prior achievement has placed you in a competitive situation. To achieve success you will need to take a firm stand and defend your position. If necessary, you will be able to hold your own in an argument. Your devotion to the cause will win the day. You have the strength and tenacity to face the competition that is entering your life or business ventures. Do not give up the struggle. If you make the effort, you will achieve victory. The best strategy is to tackle one problem at a time. Your hard work and thoughtfulness will pay off. This is a time to be especially observant. If your question was about career, you will be able to make a successful career move. You may be entering a period of new learning. You may be asked to teach or write about what you know.

Your time and effort will pay off. For some, the Eight of Pentacles will indicate starting over in a new career. Now is a time to learn all you can about your profession. Do your homework. Take courses, attend seminars, and read books about your chosen field. You may have the chance to work with someone who can teach you new methods, or you may have the opportunity to teach others. You may not receive much financial reward now but the foundations you lay will pay off in career success at a later date. Wise money managements is part of what you need to master. The Eight of Pentacles also symbolises acquiring the latest information about modern technology and computers. Whether you are a complete beginner or an experienced Tarot card reader this is a wonderful deck to add to your collection, that will present valuable insights and depth to your readings. Available from Amazon

Card 3 - 8 og Pentacles Holding firm. A position of advantage.

The Eight of Pentacles suggests that your work will be fulfilling and enjoyable. You will use your skills wisely. If you are starting a new job, you will settle in easily and find the work absorbing. Your heart is in your work, and you may be up for a promotion. You have the opportunity to enter a phase of apprenticeship to develop your talents.


Interview with the Author Shades of Kefalonia is a wonderful 8 track colour meditation CD and accompanying guidebook, composed on the stunning island of Kefalonia, Greece. I spoke to Jennifer about her love affair with the island. (1) You have published 5 books to date; We Hear You Angels, Liberty Angel, The Silver Lining, William’s Wishes and Attracting What Your Really Want (ebook) is the visualisation CD; Shades of Kefalonia a new creative avenue that you will be exploring further? Yes, I am planning on producing other CDs in the near future. I want to create a CD of Angelic Meditation set to music and Inner Child Meditations. I was lucky to have the help of Glen Farthing who created all the background music and sounds for Shades of Kefalonia. We are


planning on collaborating on some future projects. The bird sounds and the waves transport you to this beautiful island! (2) What is it about Kefalonia that pulls at your heart-strings and inspired you to create the visualisations? Kefalonia is totally beautiful. I stayed in Poros which is charming with its picturesque port, crystal blue sea and it isn’t over run with tourists. The beach has fantastic bright, white pebbles and I was lucky enough to have a whole stretch of beach to

- Jennifer Anne Lynch

myself. It was the perfect place to lean against a rock and write. Parts of Kefalonia are like stepping back in time to a more traditional way of life where people close their shutters, sleep in the afternoon and in the nearby mountain villages, they fill up bottles of spring water ready for the day ahead. (3) How does Colour Therapy play a part in each of the visualisations? Each of the meditations are based on the 7 chakras. The CD starts with red and finishes with violet/ white light being the crown chakra. I was inspired by the beautiful colours of Kefalonia, the incredible blue sea, the green olive trees, the green grape vines and a lemon tree in the garden where I stayed, as well as the colours of the changing sun. Each of the meditations has its own special energy which balances and harmonizes you.

(4) What do you consider the benefits of visualisation? I call Shades of Kefalonia a meditation CD but it is based on visualisation – the idea being that by connection to the colours through visualisation – we can bring more positive energy into our chakras and feel energised. I do practice mindfulness which helps to be in the present moment. This CD is aimed at relaxation and balance and it is particularly beneficial, when played in the evening. (5) In the accompanying booklet, it features some wonderful images of angel paintings, who is the artist? The angel paintings are by Keziah Osborne who also created the blue cover image for Shades of


Kefalonia. Each of her angels are based on the chakras and I wanted to include them in the booklet to add another dimension to our healing. I believe she has these paintings for sale. (6) I’m guessing from the titles of 2 of your books; We Hear You Angels, and Liberty Angel that your connection to the Angelic realm is part of your creative process, how is that so? We Hear You Angels is a book about angels and my angelic experiences, as well as containing some channelled and factual information about the Archangels. Liberty Angel is a novel about a single parent who finds her Spiritual path to freedom. She meets her guardian angel in the book and she grows. I had a similar experience years ago, during a meditation session where I connected to the energy of liberty which was an amazing experience. The angelic realm is part of my creative


process because I draw on both my personal experiences, as well as my higher guidance for inspiration and clarification. (7) Do you plan on writing any more books in the near future? Yes, I am currently working on a novel which will be released in October. It is a romance about a single parent, a very real book in all respects and it is different to the other books I have written. It has a thread of Spirituality and the law of attraction which lead the character to make the right decisions for her but it also has a few surprises along the way. It is quite a fun novel and at the same time, it is very awakening for women. Jennifer Lynch Shades of Kefaonia - purchase from Createspace. Website / Amazon


“A beautiful collection of chakra meditations inspired by the stunning beauty of Kefalonia. Beautifully narrated the sounds of nature will relax & unwind you.”

Detta Darnell, www.creativelifearts.com

“I bought this CD for my daughter who has difficulties with sleeping. She found it calming and often uses it to help aid relaxation before bedtime to help her drift off to sleep.”

Jane Last

“I really enjoyed listening to the Shades of Kefalonia. I liked the calming sounds of the water, which made me feel I was there too. I prefer the audio CD to reading a book, as I could really relax and let the narrator guide me through the meditations. I would thoroughly recommend this CD.”

Lynda Hansen



Double Digits

Have you ever woken up and looked at the clock, to see that the time is 3:33 or some other double or triple number? Do you wonder what this means?


Messages from the Universe Some people call these double numbers ‘Messages from the Angels’. Doreen Virtue’s book Angel Numbers explains these Angelic messages and can be found in most book stores. Sometimes we can be given messages by the Universe or by the source of all that is. Often these messages or signs come in at a time when we are experiencing difficulties or when we are feeling very alone. Sometimes these signs appear as we open ourselves to spiritual development. Personally I have been given many signs over the years and these signs have always appeared at a time when I have been in need of reassurance or comfort. Many people recently have been asking about double digits. Some have been seeing the numbers 11:11 on their digital clocks. A client recently said it was exactly 11 o’clock when I answered the phone. So what do these numbers mean? Well, for me, we have to look at what each number means and by tapping into the energy of the number we can gain insight as to what the message or sign may be. 11:11 is a powerful Master Energy number. Eleven is the number of intuition and often associated with Clairvoyance (which literally means to see clearly). To see 11 o’clock or 11:11 is a message to trust our instincts. Trust your intuitive feelings. We all have those “gut” feelings from time to time and 11 reminds us to trust them. This number often appears when we are experiencing major change or are about to make a breakthrough. So listen to that ‘knowing’ within. To bring this energy closer link to the colour White. For 11 ask Archangel Jophiel for wisdom. 22:22 - Twenty two is a powerful number. It is the number of the healer/teacher. Two is the birth portal through which we birth new ideas and new projects. To see this number reminds us that we are still in the early stages of development and to

trust our own judgement - if we nurture this new growth all will be well. Two is the number of justice and so when we see this number we are reminded to do things properly, to be fair and honest in our undertakings. This number can also bring emotions to the surface so that we can deal with them and move on. Sensitivity can be heightened when this number appears so trust your feelings at this time. To balance these sensitive energies link to the colour Orange. Call upon Archangel Chamuel for comfort and protection and Raphael for Healing. 3:33 - Three is the number of pure creative energy. It is the number of manifestation. If we see this number we are being reminded that we have the power to create what we wish from life. We must believe in what we are doing in order to succeed. Three is the number of the Artist, the Dancer, the Musician. It is the number of celebration and joy. This number reminds us to celebrate life and to find the joy in everyday things. Three also brings us closer to family and loved ones. Expect joy. To embrace the energy of three link to the colour Yellow. Call upon Archangel Raziel for understanding and Archangel Raguel for creative help. 4:44 - Four is the number of planning and order. It reminds us of the importance of firm foundations. Often when beginning new projects, there is a sense of excitement that can sometimes carry us away with it. We try to go too big too soon instead of taking time to ensure that our roots are strong. Four reminds us to maintain our connection to Earth and to stay grounded whilst we work. It reminds us to allow things to grow organically instead of pushing too fast. If we are struggling, four reminds us that Angels are close. When we are working hard these numbers remind us that we will reap the rewards of our efforts. To ground the energy of four link to the colour Green. Ask Archangel Ariel for help in grounding and protecting nature.

5:55 - Five is the number of change. When we see these numbers we are being asked to prepare ourselves for big changes. Under the influence of five these changes are usually of our own choosing rather than change imposed by outside influences. 5:55 reminds us that we have chosen this and therefore it is an opportunity for growth and we will be ok. Five is also the number of communication so there may be someone you need to talk to. Often a good old fashioned heart to heart talk can clear any misunderstandings. Angels are waiting to help, so if you feel unsettled call upon them. To enable free speech link to the colour Blue. For help with communication call on Archangel Gabriel. 6 is the number of balance and harmony. If you see 66 or 666 then you are being asked to address the balance in your life. The focus here should be on the spiritual aspect of life. Balance this and the rest will follow. Six is also the number of relationships and family, so look to your relationships and work to bring them into balance. Six reminds us to take time to appreciate the natural beauty all around us. Connecting to nature, listening to the sounds of nature and looking at the beauty of a sunset or a flower. All these things are harmonious to the soul and can help us to feel more in balance. To balance the emotions use the colour Indigo. Ask Archangel Haniel to bring grace to the situation. 7 is the number of contemplation. If you are seeing 77 or 777 then the angels are asking you to slow down. There is no rush to get to where you wish to be. Slow down, focus on your inner self, listen to the quiet inner voice. Step away from the chaos of the world and spend quiet time communing with nature - this will centre you and help you to focus. Seven is also the number of sound, so listening to a favourite piece of music will also help. Seven is the number of learning, so if you are studying these numbers may be a reminder that you need to focus. Seven energy is represented by the colour Violet but it is also linked to all 7 colours of the Rainbow. The Archangel of music is Sandolphin.


8 is the number of Self and of letting go. If you are seeing 88 or 888 you are being reminded that it is time to let go of anything which holds you back. Eight enables us to fully step into our own power and to see this number brings a reminder that it is time to step up and simply be you. This is also the number of organization and finances, so these numbers may be a reminder to check that everything is in order. Eight is linked to the higher heart centre and the colour Rose Pink. Ask Archangel Michael for help in letting go and Archangel Zadkiel to help with forgiveness. 9 is the number of completion. To see 99 or 999 reminds us that we are finishing a cycle. Nine brings the energy needed for completion and to make room for new energy to come to us. Nine reminds us to dream big, to expand on what we do and to put our work out into the world. These numbers bring opportunities for huge advancement. Under the influence of nine we can often have visionary dreams. Nine also encourages travel, so if the opportunity arises to travel you should go. To understand and link to the energy of Nine visualize the colour Gold. Call on Archangel Jeremiel for understanding visions. For personal Numerology readings, workshops and course details contact: Vikki Fosdal The Numberwitch Facebook

When we recognise the virtues, the talent, the beauty of Mother Earth, something is born in us, some kind of connection; love is born. Nhat Han

Walking in Spirit R I first heard about the Walkinginspirit Retreat in 2013, and promptly added it to my ever-growing 'Wish List.' I had no doubt that I would go on the retreat; I felt something stirring deep within me, so I put my wish on pause, and let it go until the time was right...

Three years later, June 2016 and to mark my 50th year, it’s time to fulfill a few ticks on my list and step out of my comfort zone. Clad in Khaki (I figured I would blend into my surroundings if we came up close and personal with any hungry bears or wolves), my walking boots ready for action, and my energy battery flashing a warning red light - it was time for some long over-due, unadulterated ‘me time!’ This would be the first time, in the 10 years since my daughter was born, that I would be away from her for more than two nights. I knew the break would be equally beneficial for both of us, and give us a little personal space in our microfamily life. A seasoned traveler I am not. My last holiday was a package holiday to Fuerteventura with nine members of our family, to celebrate my


grandmothers 90th birthday. I love my own company and solitude, travelling alone was a different kettle of fish all together though. Luckily for me, when I told my best friend Nola, she jumped at the chance of accompanying me. As we had lived together on a couple of occasions in the

Retreat...An Experiential Guide

past, I couldn’t think of anyone that I would rather share my adventure with. The flight from London Stansted STN to Asturias OVD takes only 1 1/2 hours. As we got comfortable in our seats, toasting the forthcoming freedom of

responsibility, with a glass of bubbles each; the lady sat next to Nola asked “Are you on Frankies’ trip?” I think the boots and attire were a give-away. It turned out that Sarah lives only ten minutes from Nola, a happy coincidence or synchronicity at play, we were all excited to discover more.

Day 1

Our party of seven was greeted at the airport by our tour guide and Director of the Walkinginspirit retreat, Frankie Sikes. I had been in contact with Frankie for the past four years in connection with the retreat and Universal Magazine, but it was lovely to actually meet him in person. After brief introductions, we loaded ourselves and our bags onto the mini-bus and headed off a short distance,


through the lush green countryside, for our induction at Los Quebrantos beach at St Juan de la Arena. On arrival at the beach we found a quiet place to sit and share our personal reasons and intentions for attending the retreat. This was the starting point of our journey, and the point that we would

meal later in the evening. As we headed into the heart of Somiedo Natural Park, in the Cantabrian mountains, the roads reduced to single file traffic with hair-raising views down into the beautiful valley below.

return to at the end of the week. Our group consisted of only women, although the retreat is also open to men. The age range varied from four0 to 55 and from all different walks of life. The resonating thread weaving through our group was a need for quiet, the space to step out of our busy lives, to enable ourselves to heal, gain clarity and a fresh perspective on our lives. Frankie explained the nature of our circuitous journey, symbolizing the path of the water as it flows from the rio Somiedo beginning it’s journey 80 kms away in the mountains where our walks take place. After flowing into the rio Piguena and Narcia, it eventually joins the rio Nalon and empties back into the sea at this point. Our first task was to take Two0 minutes by ourselves to find an offering, a token from El Espumeru, the playful spirit of the surf in the local mythology, to take to the mountaintop, later in the week. From the beach we headed inland to a local Tapas bar for a bite to eat to sustain us until our

Our accommodation consisted of four apartments in La Pinietsa in the Valle de Lago. We all made sounds of approval as we approached our home for the week; a beautiful rustic cottage clinging to the side of the valley, surrounded by breath-taking views. The self-contained apartments include; a bathroom with shower and toilet, an open kitchen and lounge which also contains a sofa-bed. There is a bedroom containing Two single beds, and all the basic essentials in the kitchen. All of our party were more than happy with their accommodation and facilities - it was exactly as it was pictured on the WIS website. After unpacking and an opportunity to get our bearings, we went down into the village, to a local restaurant for food. We had a wonderful meal during which we laughed, shared and connected. I enjoyed a delicious beef-steak with cheese sauce, chips and salad. At the end of a long and happy day, the only thing left to sample...was the bed.

Day 2

After a comfortable and peaceful nights sleep, I woke to the melody of tinkling cowbells and an enthusiastic cockerel. The view all around was spectacular, the peace and tranquility seeps into your bones as you sleep, to allow you to wake feeling refreshed and energised. There is no wake up call or time restraints on the retreat; everyone wakes and has breakfast in their own time. Breakfast provisions are provided to cater for everyone’s personal tastes.


Before our first walk we gathered at the picnic bench outside La Piniesta for our briefing of the days schedule. Today we were introduced to El Busgosu, the guardian of the forest in the local Celtic lore. Psychologically and metaphorically, he guards the threshold between the cultivated and the wild, mind and being. This is what we came here to do, to step out of the robes of our many roles as women and to resurrect our authentic nature. We were encouraged to be serene, to be present, to offer gratitude and respect to El Busgosu and Mother Nature for the beauty and energy of our surroundings. Our challenge being to ignore El Trasgu, (a disruptive house goblin), he is a trickster figure and represents the tricksy nature

from the cultivated land we were embraced in the wild natural beauty of Mother Nature. Our path climbed higher and higher, we were able to take advantage of the stunning views from rocky outcrops along the way, up on to a ridge with a wonderful view of the forest below and the mountain with an eye in it, that witnessed our progression. When we were hungry, we stopped for lunch in a tranquil meadow by a stream, sharing our space with a herd of cows, grazing peacefully close by. After dipping our feet in the cool waters of the stream, we explored the valleys numerous deserted stone igloo brañas; ancient shepherd dwellings, before continuing on our path. We all eagerly embraced our new roles as detectives, searching for evidence of Wolf and Bear feces and footprints, which we did actually see throughout the week on numerous occasions.

of the mind in its ability to devise different ways of hijacking our attention and stealing our peace of mind.

Our path eventually took us in a circuitous route, leading gently back down to the end of our walk to L’Auteiro. We all returned tired and contented, regathering at the picnic table, to take turns to hold the ‘Speaking Stick’ and share our experiences of the day before breaking the group silence.

As we closed the gate at base camp, our silent walk began. We rambled at a leisurely pace, and I must confess the desire to talk and express my delight in our surroundings was a challenge. At first I expected to pick up the pace, but then realised that this was the pace, to be set for the week ahead. I had to make a deliberate effort not to march as is my usual pace, but rather to take my time, connect with my surroundings and surrender myself to the experience. Frankie encouraged us all to keep together and take turns to lead, to find our cohesive rhythm, with each other and the land around us. Today our walk was local, taking us through Brańas de Sousas. The route was a beautiful meander through L’Auteiro, in the valley of Somiedo. We encountered gentle climbing pathways up the mountainside, along the side of Valle de Lago, offering tree shaded resting points to quench our thirst and take a little respite from the glorious sunshine. As we stepped away

In the evening we had a BBQ and fire ceremony to celebrate the Summer Solstice. As the day drew to an end and a blanket of darkness descended on the valley, we watched the silvery moon hide behind the clouds before disappearing behind the mountain. A perfect end to a perfect day.

Day 3

We woke to a cloudless sky, refreshed and ready for action. This was to be our most challenging walk of the week. We set off by car for the 20 minute drive to “Llamardal�, a few houses and smallholdings at the head of the valley, en route to the pass into Leon at Puerto de Somiedo. After our briefing at the picnic table we set off on our walk to the top of the mountain peak called Molino, with our offering from the beach to El Nuberu, the Asturian divinity of clouds and storms. The narrow path gradually ascends to the peak, clinging to the side of the mountain offering panoramic views of the valley as we climbed higher, and higher, into the realms of the mythical gods. The drop from the path and view down was breath-taking and a little scary at times. We were exposed to the elements, and the wild natural energy of the valley. Trees along the path offered shade and refuge from the dazzling rays of the sun. Sun protection cream is a must on days like this one, I thought I had covered myself adequately but still ended the day looking like Rudolph, the red-


nosed reindeer, with a sunburnt nose. A light long sleeved top is also advisable to prevent shoulders, and arms getting burnt, and a hat or scarf is essential to protect your head from the heat of the midday sun. Our simple picnic lunch was devoured in a beautiful pasture enroute. We filled our water bottles at a trough with cool, fresh, spring water and continued our journey, wondering through a herd of cows contentedly grazing. The cows offered us a curious gaze, and one decided to join our happy party briefly, following at the rear, a metre away from Charlotte, who’s expression was a picture! The lady soon lost interest and returned to the serious business of grazing. At one point as we drew nearer to the top of the peak, we left our bags in a bush and scrambled through bracken to climb a few steps with our hands and feet to the summit. Clutching our offerings we stood side by side, pilgrims sharing a bond of friendship, love and adventure. Standing on the peak, immersed in the stunning landscape, witnessing the offerings of previous travelers that had made this same journey,

and stood in the same spot as we now stood, was a poignant moment. It’s hard to explain in words the emotion and gratitude that floods your whole being as you stand between the heavens and the earth, at one and at peace with yourself and your surroundings...it was magical! As we sat in silent contemplation we were encouraged to find an offering to take back to the beach on our last day. Vulchers circled high above the valley, searching for their next meal. We took turns to watch them through binoculars, it was a spectacle to behold, and not the kind of thing you get to see every day in Norfolk. Our descent wound round the path of the mountain, admiring beautiful flora and forna every step of the way. We tip-toed over rocks to avoid muddy paths...well most of us did; Sharlene slipped and got stuck in the mud. After a rescue mission and a few giggles we continued our return journey. Seven hours later we arrived back at the picnic bench at La Piniesta, tired, content and hungry, ready to take our turn with the ‘Talking stick’ and share our fabulous day with Mel, who had decided to have a day of rest at base camp.


This was the longest walk that we did, and it was a long day, but so rewarding - I wouldn’t have missed it for anything. Only a moderate level of fitness is required to attend the retreat, the pace is a ramble and the paths have a mild incline. The group stays together at all times, so that no-one is left behind. If members of the party prefer to spend time at La Piniesta and miss a walk, that’s fine. There are no rules and regulations on the retreat, it is all about personal choice and development.

In the evening we went to Valle de Lago village and had a delicious meal together. The owner was a lovely lady and couldn’t do enough for us. We arrived quite late to eat by local standards, and it looked as though the restaurant was about to close but we were assured that we were welcome to stay and eat. We had 2 huge tureens of soup,

one with cabbage and beans for the vegetarians and a sea-food chowder for the rest of us, it really was delicious. The was followed by steaks and salads, and a moderate quantity of local wine. Fed, watered and a little drowsy, we piled into the transport and headed back to base camp.

Day 4

Today was a day off, after yesterdays long walk, it was perfectly timed. We drove to the Asturian capital city of Oviedo to do a little sight-seeing and take in some of the stunning local architecture. Not all of our party came on the outing, Mel and Cath decided to stay immersed in the tranquility of the valley, back in Somiedo. It is personal choice how you want to spend your free day. Again there was no time restraints, everything and everyone just flowed in a natural rhythm. We wondered around the covered market, browsing and purchasing from the tempting array of trinkets and items on offer. The old part of the city has many beautiful buildings and sculptures to admire, as well as quaint


of space in the restaurants in the evening. For me this complimented the whole retreat experience and allowed our party to discover the beauty of Asturias as if in our exclusive private tour. Mist descended on the road as our winding climb took us back to Somiedo. The drive along the narrow road with the sheer drop to the side was

winding streets and splendid squares to discover. Our party split into 3 small groups and went our separate ways for a while. Nola and I took in some cafe culture, sipping coffee and watching the world go by. At the allocated time, we all met up again and went to eat in one of Oviedo’s many famous Sidrerias, and of course sample the local Cider (it would have been rude not to!) which is “poured from a great height”, without so much as a glance at the glass! The tranquility and pace of the valley stayed with us; I don’t think I could have rushed if I needed to - I was completely absorbed in the ‘spirit of the moment.’ Enroute back to Somiedo we stopped for refreshments in a little village, admiring the stunning back-drop of the view of the mountains. June is out of season in Asturias and it was pretty quiet everywhere we went. We seldom passed other walkers during the day and there was plenty

hair-raising in good visibility, in the mist it was more so! I closed my eyes for part of the journey. At one point we encountered a horse, stood stock still in the middle of the road. We had to inch forward in order to persuade it to move to the side and allow us to pass. We then saw a gorgeous little fox cub trotting up the road to catch up with it’s mother, to a chorus of “Oohs” and “Ahhs.” I was glad to get back to our haven, La Piniesta, after another wonderful day shared in great company and stunning surroundings.

Day 5

We were greeted this morning to the sight of the valley cloaked in a thick mist; no matter what the weather, the view of the valley from La Piniesta is absolutely beautiful. The weather in Somiedo can be changeable, so today we were advised to wear, or at least take our water-proofs with us. We didn’t go on the longer walk as intended as visibilty can also change quite quickly.


briefing some of us had a clearing with Frankie, which was wonderful, the rest of our group had experienced it the day before. Frankie asked us to contemplate what we wanted to release as a result of the clearing, and if we felt the need, to choose a stone and use it like a worry stone; transferring our uncovered emotions to the stone, to be given to Mother Earth at Lago de Cueava, a beautiful lake and our destination for the day.

At our morning gathering we were introduced to El Cuelebre; the dragon in the local mythology.

By the time we set off on our walk, the mist had lifted. We walked through lush green pastures, with vibrant wild flowers, accompanied by the melody

He symbolises the part of ourselves that guards the threshold which divides the ego from our authentic “Self ”. To pass this threshold is to heal the division and become one. Before our daily

of tinkling cow bells. I thought the silence of the week would be a challenge, far from it, it totally enhanced the experience. The silence allowed us to connect and immerse ourselves in the energy of the valley of Somiedo, and be in the moment.

As we walked through the valley the mist eerily followed us, like a serpent creature silently weaving it’s way between the mountains, on the path behind us. Just before we got to the lake, the mist caught up and settled lightly around us. The lake was breath-taking, we all stood in awed silence. Lunch was a barefoot picnic, silently taking in the tranquility of the still water that mirrored our calm emotions. Within moments the mist thickened, obscuring our view of the opposite side of the lake and reduced visibility immensely. I half expected a mythical creature to rise from the water in front of us, to appear as if by magic from the dragon mist....not this time unfortunately. We left our stones in and around the lake and made our way back to base camp. On our return we were treated to a home cooked buffet by Mel, who had decided to stay at La Pinesta today, investigating the surrounding area and making friends with the local wildlife. The food was a delicious vegetarian meal, devoured with wine, heart-felt conversation and wonderful new friends. We were creating special memories to take home with us, although none of us were ready to think about that yet.

Day 6 Today was our final walk of the week and my personal favourite. This was the day we would make our offering to Xana; a creature of extraordinary beauty believed to live in fountains, rivers, waterfalls or forested regions with pure water. The Xana represents the divine feminine, the heart, the soul, nature, and is the keeper of the source symbolised by water. Our offering was to our own deepest nature and nature in general. For me this symbolised letting go of ways of being that no longer served me. We were asked to bring something natural from home to leave at Xana’s shrine. I chose a beautiful fluorite crystal that I had bought for someone very special to me. It had been a gift to assist the healing process, and had been returned to me when my Soul friend had made the transition to spirit. I saw my first sign that this was to be a significant day as we were preparing for our walk; in the kitchen


of the apartment, a stone set into the brick-work of the apartment, shaped like a heart - it reminded me that my friend was still close by. We drove to just outside Pola de Somiedo, to begin our pilgrims journey to Castro our destination for the walk. After our briefing at a picnic table, we stored our offerings safely for the walk ahead. As soon as we stepped onto the graduating path, marked by bolders on either side and tall staffs of royal purple irises, on the bank to the side; this walk felt very significant, like a sacred pilgrimage. Our footsteps following those of previous travelers, searching for truth and healing too. As we meandered the incline path, the building energy was palpable. We saw heart shaped leaves, petals and rocks. By the time we arrived at the secluded shrine, I was feeling very emotional. The shrine itself was hidden at the bottom of a muddy bank which took careful footsteps to navigate down safely. Some of our party chose to stay on the path and make their offering at another point,

where the river trickled down ancient steps, before it’s course flowed to the pool of the shrine below. We all held our offerings, immersed in our own thoughts but still very much aware of the love and support of the members of our group. This was the day we were christened the ‘Love Group’ by Frankie. I placed my crystal in between two moss covered rocks at the side of the pool; my intention to give thanks to Mother Earth for the loan of such a beautiful crystal and return it to it’s rightful place. I left my offering to Xana, as well my sadness and emotions that I had been holding onto for too long. We climbed back onto the path and celebrated our mission with hugs all round, and a group hug to seal our friendship and mutual gratitude for our incredible shared journey. In quiet contemplation we left the path and entered the silent village of Castro. Stepping from the wild, into the cultivated, leaving behind the old shadows of ourselves to embrace and open ourselves to the new. We walked through the eerily quiet village, admiring the characteristic houses with storage lofts on stilts, with not a single person in sight. We broke our silence, each taking turns to hold the


‘Talking Stick.’ It was an emotional and cleansing day, leaving us all feeling a lightness of spirit, that wasn’t present when we arrived in Somiedo. We returned to our favourite restaurant Las Cobrañas in the Valle de Lago village and shared what would

be our last delicious evening meal together. On our return to La Piniesta we began the inevitable chore of packing up, ready for our departure the next morning.

Day 7

After breakfast we had the daunting task of getting ready to leave. The owner of La Pinesta; Emma Alverez, came to see if we had enjoyed our stay and joined us for a few photographs before leaving. On route to the beach we stopped at Las Cobrañas for our final coffees and a farewell hug to the lovely owner of the cafe. Whilst in the village we wandered around the shops buying last minute gifts for friends and family back home. We then headed to Los Quebrantos beach at St Juan de la Arena, where we had begun our journey. We sat for our final turn with the ‘Talking Stick’ to share our thoughts, feelings and experiences of our week in Somiedo on the Walkinginspirit retreat. It was emotional, I don’t think any of us wanted our adventure to end but it was an inevitable reality that we had to face. After dropping Mel and Cath at their hotel for the next part of their journey, the rest of continued to Oviedo to catch our plane home. With heavy hearts we said goodbye to Frankie and made ourselves comfortable in the airport to await our flight. On arriving home to the UK, I felt different, more myself, than I had felt for a long time. The silence, whilst connecting with Mother Nature; allowed me the time and space to process my emotions, to quieten the chattering monkey within, to recharge my batteries, and to hear the still small voice within, the whispers of my Soul, teasing me with glimpses of things to come on the next chapter in my book of life. Would I go again?.....In heart-beat, I loved every second of the time I spent with a wonderful group of strangers, that I now call friends. I have booked my place for 2017 and will be counting the days until my return to the wild heart of Somiedo Natural Park. Samantha Yates Facebook Walkinginspirit Frankie Sikes Facebook


Walking in Spirit Retreat Practicalities; Boots - A comfortable pair of walking boots is a must. We walked for hours and needed to be able to go the distance. There were muddy areas on the paths that we needed to tip-toe over and step onto strategically positioned rocks. Socks - A few pair of quality socks that cover the ankle and keep your feet cool throughout the day. Hat - Most of our group wore a hat, but I chose scarves instead. Your head will need to be covered as it can get hot on the exposed sections of the walks. Tops - Some long sleeved tops are advisable, although I took cotton scarves to cover my arms and neck when it felt like I was burning. A lightweight cotton shirt would be ideal. It is best to wear layers of light clothing with can be added or removed as the weather changes. Rucksack - I learned this lesson the hard way! I took a light rucksack with thin straps that had no outer pockets, and ended up being really uncomfortable, digging into my shoulders. I borrowed a small rucksack from Sarah which had padded shoulder straps, attached around my waist and chest. It also had outer pockets on the sides, that were easy to reach that held my water and snacks. Aloe Vera Cream - This was like gold dust to us all! Most of us, at some point during the week, got

a red, itchey heat rash around our ankles from the socks that we wore. The Aloe Vera tube made it’s way into each of our apartments, to offer soothing and cooling relief. Eye Mask - If you are sharing accommodation and choose to sleep in the lounge on the sofa-bed, it is quite light in the mornings, an eye-mask would help to block out the light, unless of course you want to rise with the enthusiastic cockerel. Snacks - I would recommend taking snacks on the walks, a little nibble of something to keep your energy levels up. I took nuts myself, but seeds, oat bars or anything like that would suffice. There is fruit in the apartments that you can also take. Water-bottle - You do need a lightweight water bottle as you could be carrying the water for the whole day. Food - The food is delicious but simple, just the way I like it. But if you do have particular dietary requirements, or allergies this could prove to be a challenge. I would recommend taking a Spanish phrase-book and learning the important words like ‘vegan’ and ‘vegetarian’ as even the salads came with tuna fish on top. The soups were gorgeous and the beef-steak with cheese sauce and chips was my personal favourite, that I chose at every opportunity. Website

Stock Photography - by Wayne Dibble


UNIVERSAL MIND BODY SPIRIT ISSUE 9 OCT 2016 Editor Samantha Yates Publisher Wayne Dibble

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