Universal Magazine issue 6

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Universal Love

Becoming the Alchemist

Wish Magic & Spells


On Unbecoming

The Digital Magazine for Holistic Living

If you have been touched by our channel of love and wish to offer a contribution at whatever level you can, you honour our collective guidance, wisdom and inspiration, support our work and allow the magazine to continue to shine our beam of radiance into the darkest corners of the world. www.universal-magazine.com


6 8

Contributors Gallery - Meet the Tribe Umail - Readers Letters

10 Universal Love - The Frequency of Love 12 Wish Magic & Spells - A Wish to bring happiness back into your life 17 Featured Deck - Wisdom of the Hidden Realms 22 Numerology - Should I change my name and how will it effect me?

26 Interview with the Author Anne Fallas 30 Photography - Featuring Andy Dibble 40 Astrology - Jupiter in Virgo 44 Becoming the Alchemist - A new series by Avalon Whitefeather 52 On Unbecoming Reconnection of the Self 56 Bach Flower Remedies - Star of Bethlehem


Join our Universal tribe visit us at Facebook



Interview with the Author

Astrology The Shamanic Drum Numerology

2015 Re-connecting with the Spirit of Nature The digital magazine for Holistic Living


and welcome to issue 6 of Universal Magazine.

After a brief period in pause mode, to gain a little breathing space between issues - we are now back on track; more energised, more enthusiastic and more committed to deliver our inspirational magazine to a wider audience. We have a wonderful new website created by our publisher and techno wizard, Andy Dibble. On the website we have created our Support Page to allow you, our loyal readers to pledge your support and allow the magazine to continue to be a free resource for everyone, around the world. We begin issue 6 in my favourite season of Autumn - I love the colour palette of Mother Nature in all her splendour; the dark nights and twinkling lights - transforming into misty mornings with cobwebs of jewels, adorning every protrusion in a silent celebration of the cycle of life. The cycles of Mother Nature are the pivotal focus of our newest contributor, as she shares her enlightened wealth of wisdom in a new series of features beginning on page 44 with Becoming the Alchemist - a very warm welcome to Avalon Whitefeather. The Earth Pathways diary on page 9 and the Wall Calendar on page 55, are a beautiful collection of Art, inspirational writing, details of the Moon phases, Earth Festivals and so much more - if you’re looking for early Christmas gift ideas, look no further. I had one last year and they are gorgeous. Lingering with the Earth theme, on page 26 we talk to Anne Fallas the Author of The Earth Changes in our Interview with the Author feature. We will be giving away copies of The Earth Changes and the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck on page 8, our new page - Umail. Our prize winning readers letters will also be published in issue 7.

To catch up on our back issues click here or please email /contact Samantha Yates

Until January, I wish you joy on your journey and a fabulous festive season filled with magic and sparkle! Love, light and abundant blessings.

Samantha xxx

Hi, I’m Samantha; Editor and Chief at Universal Magazine. I have a passion for life, sharing knowledge, holistic health, any subject dealing with the hidden aspects of existence and our fabulous British weather! For me the secret of happiness is integration, blending the spiritual and the physical into a harmonious balance. I feel as excited and inspired today as I did when I began my spiritual and personal development journey many years ago. The magazine is the platform to share my discoveries and those of others, to offer an alternative perspective on reality and to infuse you with the courage and inspiration to embrace this amazing serendipitous journey that is LIFE! I wish you an abundance of love, laughter and happiness on your journey. Samantha Yates


Our UNIVERSAL Tribe Hello, I am Andy Dibble, the publisher of Universal Magazine. My main passion in life is photography and IT, although my first love is taking pictures; of any subject and turning them into atmospheric images that capture a viewers attention and imagination. I began capturing moments in time through the lens of my camera thirty years ago, I am still learning and developing my skill. My photographs are featured in issue 6 of Universal Magazine and will appear in other issues from time to time. My images will soon be available on the Universal Magazine website to order in your chosen format. I would love to hear what you think of my work. If you prefer to call me, please do on 07772759814 Andy Dibble - Email Dawn Chrystal is a Bach Flower Remedy Practitioner, Reiki Master and teacher, Medium, Healer and workshop facilitator. Her book Divine Intervention - Your Spiritual Development Workshop Manual was published in 2011. She also has an array of meditation Cd’s available to purchase on her website. Dawn’s passion is the Bach Flower Remedies which were a life-line for her during a challenging period in her life, which she now shares with others to help and support them back to a place of peace, balance and clarity. Dawn works alongside her Guides, Angels and friends from the Spiritual realm in the workshops to assist others to integrate the spiritual and physical aspects of themselves to become whole and reach their full potential in life. Dawn offers 1-1 or telephone readings/ consultations and distant healing. Dawn Chrystal 07936546791 Website

Frankie Sikes works as a therapist, consultant and trainer in the UK and is the owner/guide of the Walkinginspirit mindful walking retreat. He is also a journalist and has a smallholding in Asturias called “Pomar.” He is currently the coordinator of service user involvement in drug & alcohol services in the London Borough of Islington and is working with NHS England to improve patient participation within healthcare in London prisons. Frankie has a great love of the natural world and enjoys guiding mindful walking groups in the wilderness, traveling and pursuing his interests in natural spirituality, philosophy, shamanism and mythology. He is available for one to one therapeutic work, Skype sessions. wild-therapy, (group and individual), retreats and team building and mindfulness training for business. Frank Sikes Website 1 and Website 2 Facebook Vikki Fosdal - I am an hereditary psychic and Empath and have worked as a Healer and Numerologist at events around East Anglia for over twenty years. I offer Intuitive Numerology Readings, Charts, courses and workshops. Tarot readings, Sacred geometry readings, workshops and courses. I also teach Reiki Attunements to Master/Teacher level and Healer development. Meditation classes and development circles. I am fully insured and work mainly from home. Many of my courses and readings are available on-line via web chat or e-mail. For more information you can contact me at: Vikki Fosdal Facebook or by Email.


.....the Contributors I have always been at home with the spirit of nature, content with the trees and grasses, flowers, moon and stars. This affinity fuels my writing and is the source of my inspiration. Nature is the real world. Ecology, transition and positive change feature strongly in my work, so does esoteric thought. Man stands between the heavens and the earth and we are all equally linked to both realms. My writing expresses elements of this sacred space. Anne Fallas Website

After many rewarding years as a Hospice Staff Nurse, Sheila chose early retirement to allow her to care for her husband following his devastating stroke. This allowed her to discover a passion for writing. She devised a formula using magical wishing and visualisations for personal enhancement, happiness and fun and created the Wish Magic series of e-books. Sheila has also published a vegetarian cookbook, and a compilation of loving and uplifting messages received from spirit during 25 years of giving psychic palm and tarot card readings to family and friends is the next project in the pipeline. Sheila Carr Website Email

They say Shaman/Witches are chosen,Thunderbeings certainly accompanied my entrance into the world, attended my marriage and the birth of my daughter and many other significant milestones in my life. A catalogue of things pointed me in the direction of a spiritual life since early childhood. I accepted my calling when during a healing session I experienced a ‘shamanic death’ where my guides led me through a disintegration of my physical body until I became nothing but a glint of light in a vast universe, a time of no time, nothing yet everything all at once, in truth I have no real words to describe the experience, the ultimate Shamanic Death experience and for that I am forever humbled. So my life continues. Avalon Whitefeather Website or Facebook

I am a NY based Astrologer & Tarot reader with 10 years of experience and I study through the NCGR education program for astrologers. I incorporate both Astrology and Tarot into my readings at parties. I currently read for two major international websites; as well for a diverse personal clientele and at several Corporate and private events. I love working with people at parties and I am very passionate about what I do. I find great accuracy both through looking at what’s impacting the individual’s chart and through empathic guidance through Angel Tarot Readings and have great consistency and accuracy with my clients. Tisch Aitken Website / Facebook


Share and connect with us; tell us what you like, what you would like to see in the magazine and send your questions to our wonderful tribe of experts to; samantha@universal-magazine.com Dear Universal.... I read your article ‘Women & Transformation’ in issue 1 of Universal Magazine and compelled to write. This article could have been written just for me, it resonated with me on such a deep level. I have been experiencing some challenging situations lately and falling into victim mentality, wondering what I’m doing wrong. You’re article helped me to look at my life from a different perspective and regain my personal power. Thank you so much and keep up the good work. Miriam Hastings Thank you Miriam, for your wonderful letter. The magazine is a labour of love for all of our Universal Tribe and a platform to share our life experiences in a bid to inspire and offer an alternative perspective on life to our readers. As human beings it is our essential nature to want to reach out and help each other, this becoming a startling reality in times of crisis and tragedy. Life will never be without challenges, it’s how we respond to them that matters. I am now able to welcome change into my life, I find exciting and liberating. I guess the most important thing is trust; we need to believe and trust that the changes are not random acts to disrupt our lives but rather experiences for our highest good that allow us to move forward and grow into the best human being that we can possibly be. We have a choice, to either be a victim ruled by fear, or a brave pilgrim trusting in the light of our intuition to illuminate the path ahead. I know which one I would rather be! Brightest blessings Samantha xxx

Dear Universal.... Recently I purchased a pack of Tarot cards and have begun to learn how to read the cards. The Death card has appeared 3 times now and I must confess I am a little worried; does this mean that someone close to me will pass away? I am new to the Tarot and must admit this is making me a little nervous about continuing my studies. Sheila Derbyshire The Death card always poses problems for people. Very few these days it seems are happy to ever read it as a literal death and yet as the major card triumphs are concerning most of the commonalities we all share it is hard to avoid seeing it this way. Some prefer to see Death as a symbolic ‘death’ , IE. the death of a way of life, or partnership or way of thinking etc. But yes, it can sometimes herald the departure of someone. If any court cards are pulled as being paired with it or crossing it then it leans slightly more towards it being connected with a person. And sometimes it can mean we are having to face our


own mortality. Facing ‘death’ in all it’s guises is a major part of our spiritual path. My answer therefore is to look into what you fear most about any sort of death. Often once we are able to find acceptance of death the fear associated dissolves. And all forms of death lead to re-birth and a new life. So my advice is to meditate and ask for courage and then go deeper asking for strength to face your greatest fear surrounding death and then ask the universe to send you peaceful signs to ease your fear of it. Gill MacDonald Tarot Card Reader Website

Dear Universal.... I am fascinated by Numerology and would love an insight into the energy of my present house - it is a number 23 and things have been pretty challenging, particularly financially since I moved here 2 years ago. Linda Norfolk The number 23 when reduced to a single digit is 5 the number of change, disruption, realignment, resourcefulness and freedom. Two is about balance and 3 brings creative energies. It will be a busy house with more coming and going than being settled. There is a need for flexability, encouraging us to go more with the flow. Order and balance are the key here, using creative solutions to establish stability in the home and family life. Grounding by connecting to Nature will help. Also look at Feng shui for tips on how to stabilize the energy. You could give the house a name and include letters which bring grounding energy such as 4 or 8. Vikki Fosdal Numerologist Facebook WIN a copy of the inspirational book - The Earth Changes by Anne Fallas (page xx) or the Wisdom of the Hidden Realms oracle deck by Colette Baron-Reid (page

The Earth Pathways diary is more than just a diary, it is a networking resource and inspiration for the growing community of people who Love and celebrate our beautiful land. It includes Sun and Moon rise/set times, astrological information, a focus for each of the Earth Festivals and the work of UK artists and writers. It has page-a-week views, month-at-a-view planners, year planner and notes pages. Colour illustrations throughout. Price ÂŁ13.00 + p&p To buy our diary or our wall calendar, or to send your artwork and writing for possible inclusion please visit www.earthpathwaysdiary.co.uk

Universal Love There is a frequency, 528 hertz, known as the love frequency. It vibrates, resonates and connects us to the heart of all there is. It connects our hearts and spiritual nature to the heavens and to the earth.

This frequency was recognised and used by priests and healers of ancient times to manifest miracles and to bring about amazing changes. It is the frequency used by the spiritual masters to perform miraculous healing.

Universal love is enduring and it survives. As our old system breaks down we have the opportunity to create and experience new ways of being. Sustainable, healthy, loving and whole ways of being are a possibility.

The healing power of love can create unlimited transformation, it creates miracles. It is formless and has no bounds. This unconditional love is in our cellular memory, it transcends our ego and we all have access to it.

We can live in harmony with the body and spirit of the earth, for this is our own body and spirit. We can live in harmony with the divine nature of the heavens, for this is our own true nature.

Love is the most powerful and still the most unknown energy of the world. Pierre Teilhard de Chardin Love, the transformer, is the main ingredient in all miracles, it heals. It is the miraculous magical energy that can create harmony within our bodies, our minds and all that we touch. This love is the connecting force of the universe, here everything is connected, there is no separation.


As man stands balanced between the heavens and the earth, all is connected. Universal love is the miraculous connecting force and it is with this love that we can heal ourselves and the world around us. Anne Fallas Website


Wish Magic & Spells What is a spell? Do you need a large fire and a bubbling cauldron? I hope not! I believe a spell is a wish for something that you desire to enter your life, it may be something new and exciting, it may be peace and relaxation. Spell, is the name I give to the ritual of bringing these new things into your life. Performing the spells and wishes will help you to add something extra to every area your life, a little magical sparkle and fun!


During your life I wonder how often you have said ‘I Wish’. You probably say it more often than you realise. Can wishes come true? If you believe in yourself and your personal energy anything is possible! Wish Magic & Spells works by connecting you with your inner being, the deep part of you which is usually sleeping. By making this connection between yourself, Mother Earth and the Universe, you are able to use vast amounts of never ending pure energy. Wish Magic & Spells uses your energy, your imagination and your ability to achieve whatever you set out to achieve. And works alongside your personal beliefs, spiritual or religious, with no conflict. I often refer to Mother Earth and the Universe, when I do this I am referring to all that is your world, the earth, sky, moon and stars, the water which flows all around, falls from the sky and is within your body, your emotions and the energy contained in each component of your world and yourself. This amazing power and energy is around you all day every day and ready for you to use, although you may not always be aware of it. Wish Magic & Spells uses simple planning, a bit of magic and a chant or a rhyme, add this to a belief in your own ability to achieve your dreams and you will see that Wishes can come true. Don’t be afraid to ‘find your voice’ the chant or rhyme will connect your energy with the energy of Mother Earth and the Universe and should be said with love and passion. We are all magical beings with unknown power at our fingertips. Wish Magic & Spells will help you tap into that personal magic. A Wish To Bring Happiness Back To Your Life There may be times in your life when you can feel so sad that you don’t really know what to do, how to cope and how to relax. It can take a long time to work through difficult situations. This Wish may be able to uplift you, give you hope and move you gently towards a better future, and set you on the healing journey towards happiness. Take your time when you perform this Wish, take time to really feel your emotion. Believe that your life will improve. Sometimes just writing down how we feel can have a powerful effect on the healing process.


What you will need: A sheet of paper and a pen What you need to do: Write the Wish below on plain paper using a black ink pen, the black ink helps to release any negativity which may be around you. The Wish: ‘Mother Earth feel my pain, feel my sorrow too Absorb my sorrow and my pain, draw it inside you. Show me peace, show me joy, and show me hope ahead, I trust your wisdom in my heart, by you I will be led’ <<To the bottom of this Wish add any words which you would like to describe your life in the future. For example, happy, fulfilled, settled, enjoying life, content. <<Fold the paper, each time you make a fold say ‘I trust you Mother Earth.’ <<Sit quietly for a moment or two with the paper in your cupped hands. <<As you sit, visualise a slim ray of silver light entering the paper you are holding within your hands. The light gradually grows larger and larger until your hands are glowing silver, then slowly the silver light fades and floats off to the Universe, taking your heartfelt Wish with it. <<You now need to go to a place in your garden, if you do not have a garden you can use a plant pot. Plant the paper about 5cm (1”) below the ground. Be aware as you plant the paper that you are releasing negative feelings and replacing them with positive and happy feelings. Mother Earth will now take your note and absorb the note, along with your Wish into her being. Your Wish and your request has now been set to Mother Earth and the Universe. Blessing for a peaceful future. Sheila Carr To purchase your copy of Wish Magic & Spells go to Amazon

Inspirational books by Sheila Carr

Website / Amazon

Don’t miss our series instalments in each issue of Universal Magazine!

Featured Deck

Wisdom of the Hidden Realms This is one of my favourite oracle decks by Collette Baron-Reid and stunningly illustrated by Jena Della Grottaglia. When I first read the instructions in the accompanying guidebook, I experienced shivers down my spine and the words stirred something deep within me. Imagine... From the oldest cultures on Earth, ancient myths and legends tell of powerful, magical beings that have existed as our trusted allies, protectors, and advisors. It’s said they’ve lived alongside humanity since time began, yet in another dimension separated only by a thin etheric veil. Angels, Fairies, Nature Spirits, and others walked between the worlds and beside us openly for a time. They served with us as co-creators of the bridge between the realms of the spirit and those on Earth. . . To tap into the guidance of the oracle cards, begin by taking a few deep breaths, centre yourself and visualise the person, situation or the matter on which you would like to gain clarity. “ Close your eyes and imagine you’re sitting in an ancient forest beside a small pond filled with lotus flowers. See a golden bridge reaching from just in front of you across to the other side of the water, which is hidden in a beautiful sparkling white mist.

Imagine a white dove with a scroll in its beak flying out of the mist toward you. See the bird drop the scroll into your hand and watch it unravel. There is one word written on it: Remember. . . You’re being asked to remember a Sacred Alliance from long ago that requires your invitation for it to return. Give that invitation to the dove to bring back the helpers in the Hidden Realms, requesting that they return and guide you on your path. The dove flies back and presents you with a spiral of light that explodes around you in a beautiful, sparkling, glowing, white radiance.” Take a few more deep breaths, feel the warmth of the radiance as it wraps itself around your physical body, then when you feel ready, open your eyes and choose your card 1, 2 or 3;


will be periods when things slow down and begin anew, move into fruition, and then slow down again in a never-ending natural flow. Be mindful of which Sister greets you, for she points directly at the next. Every moment counts now.

Card 1: 17 Sisters of the Seasons

Cycles of growth, natural law, Divine order When the Sisters of the Seasons meet you on your path, they remind you that everything has a natural rhythm that obeys a higher law. Just as the seasons magically pass, be reminded that the nature of birth, growth, harvest, and decay cannot be altered. So if you keep on your path with determination and discernment, allowing for the natural course of events to unfold, success is assured. Divine appropriate timing is guiding your desired into perfect manifest form. This is a very good period to start new things, as you’ve moved out of Winter into the beginning of Spring. Continue with patience, and be aware of the rhythms of your opportunities. There


Card 2: 7 The Well Watcher Wisdom, power of the Divine

The Well Watcher signals the need to go within to contemplate the true source of power in the world which, he reminds you, it is that of the Divine. This is a message to let you know that you are being called to the Well, and this unseen power will be there and will be yours to align with.

This affirmation and prayer will invite the Divine to bring miracles and resolution to your life: “Thy will be done through me for the highest good of all and for the true manifestation of my purpose.” You will know the way forward by the still, small voice within. The Divine may also answer your call by sending others to help guide you.

The Hungry Ghosts also bring understanding about the distractions of life that seduce you into forgetting what you really desire. They’re asking you to become aware that what others want and what the culture dictates will make you happy may not be what’s best for you. Don’t get caught up in outside appearances. All that glitters may not be gold - at least not for you. Look beyond the veneer and you will find the true substance in your life. You deserve nothing less. Take a few moments to ponder the significance of the chosen card to the matter in question. We don’t always get the answers we would like when asking for Divine guidance, but rest assured that you will get the answer that you need. Timing is of the essence and sometimes it is necessary to have faith and live into the answers, in the fullness of time, at the right time.

Card 3: The Hungry Ghosts Obsessions, scarcity consciousness, attachment When the Hungry Ghosts appear on your path, they may not at first seem like Allies because they represent your constant focus on the past and the consuming desire to know the future, which rob you of your true present. But, in fact, they are here in the service of alerting you to obsessive thinking and addictions: they’re masters at magnifying repetitive behaviours. The message is for you to examine whether you are doing the same thing over and over while expecting a different result. “This time will be different” and “I have control over this” are false statements and a sign of deep denial of the truth. Now is the time to let go of that thinking. Surrender your will, your life, your heart’s desires, and all that pains you to the Divine. Order will be restored in your world.

You can purchase your deck of Oracle Cards at Amazon For more information about the Author


Amanda, a mum of 3 discovered she was very different to other children during her childhood. This in itself helped her to survive a dire upbringing when taken from her mother by her father. She was invisible behind the veil of a middle class family hiding a very dark secret. Amanda learned survival from the age of 4 but equally she discovered a ‘presence,’ her angels, which helped her survive the 15 years of physical, mental and emotional hell she suffered. After leaving home as a young adult she felt the world would become an adventure however her ‘programs’ learned from childhood attracted even more dire predicaments to torture her more so. Eventually when her world came crashing in, she gave in and asked her angels for guidance and that’s when they led her to discover the secret behind the programs she’d attracted. Amanda had a full blown epiphany from a near death experience when she contracted Meningococcal Septicaemia. She was shown the reason why she’d gone through so much hardship and why she’d had the reoccurring dreams since she was 3. It was the push she needed to discover her own exceptional abilities to help others. This, at long last was her saving grace. Through years of study, research and meeting people who recognised her gifts she finally found the key that helps unlock the negative programs that have held so many back from achieving their full potential. Amanda was eventually nominated to go on ‘Britain’s Psychic Challenge’ hosted by Trisha Goddard to find the top psychics in the country, which was on Channel 5 in 2005/2006. She was then asked to present her own radio show, The Soul Searching Show on My Spirit Radio, writing all her own material and interviewing experts in the Mind, Body and Spirit Field. Her passion for writing led her to then become an expert for Soul & Spirit Magazine writing the Soul Solutions page, giving tips and advice on soul evolution. It was whilst at My Spirit Radio she was asked to write her memoirs by her then agent, because of her extraordinary life experiences. 5 years later, Amanda finally succumbed when a secondary condition from the Meningitis stopped her in her tracks from working and she finally resigned herself to sitting down and writing her book. Her memoirs are a remarkable account of how against all odds she found the key to unlock us all from our negative programs and how we have the power within us to do that. Amanda’s life is now dedicated to taking her work out globally to help victims of abuse, past and present. Whether it be in families, institutions, the workplace or behind closed doors of any description, her ability to help others to heal goes beyond logic and is the core of her work to enable people to empower themselves. Through mentorship and support, Amanda’s work helps pave the way through all that inhibits people, to move on with greater independence, courage and certainty to achieve all that their hearts desire. She certainly walks her talk as she lives as if every day is her last and dreams as if she’ll live forever. Amanda’s inspiration has touched the hearts of everyone she meets and is her life’s work to achieve that. www.thesoulsearchingcentre.com

“The Guys Upstairs – how I found my power and voice” Due for release in 2015. There is nothing worse than being a child in a home where violence and hatred are rife and no-one will listen. It’s all the more remarkable then that Amanda Hart survived such harrowing beginnings to arrive at a point in life where she could write The Guys Upstairs. This book charts the life of Amanda Hart from childhood to middle age, a life which saw her stumble from one unbearable relationship to another as she strived to maintain custody of her children and make sense of a world where trust was in short supply. To get through she puts her faith in ‘The Guys Upstairs’, angels who at times can be frustrating in their messages but who in the end always deliver. The Guys Upstairs is an absorbing book on surviving relationships and finding your power and voice to live your destiny. Click here to read more about The Guys Upstairs Kickstarter Project

The Guys Upstairs Campaign Amanda is working with Kat Byles, PR Consultant, ex Global Communications Director, Homeless World Cup, (www.katbyles.com) who is helping her to build a campaign to reach a wide audience to raise awareness, backed by an inspiring campaign inviting people to find their power and voice and live their destiny. “The Guys Upstairs, How I was shown my power and voice” is due for release on 30th November 2015. My memoirs are part of a nationwide campaign to help introduce a solutions-based approach to helping sufferers of abuse and address the wider societal issues of how abuse needs to be dealt with by society. This all coincides with the upcoming change in the law on coercive control. theguysupstairs98@gmail.com



Should I cha

ange my name and how will it affect me? In Numerology we believe that the letters of our name resonate to the energy of the numbers 1-8.These numbers vibrate to a certain frequency and the vibrational energy of numbers give us clues to the character traits of the person. Some of these traits may well be inherited from our parents and often we carry family names into the next generation.

Sometimes we may abbreviate our name (for example Victoria becomes Vicky) and by doing this we begin to change the vibrational frequency of the name. To work out the numbers of the whole name we need to look at all the letters of the name, first, middle and surname. The western version of the Chaldean/Hebrew conversion chart; 1 A I Q J Y

2 B K R

3 C G L S

4 5 6 7 8 D E U O F M H V Z P T N W X

I usually write the numbers of the vowels above the name and the consonants below as this separates inner self from outward expression. Full name; 1 7 1 1 1 5 = 16 = 1 + 6 = 7 Eg. Victoria Blake = 38 = 3 + 8 =11 6 3 4 2 2 3 2 = 22 = 2 + 2 = 4


Christian Name; 1 7 1 1 = 10 = 1 Victoria = 25 = 7 6 3 4 2 = 15 = 6 You can see that Victoria resonates to the number 7 which would make for quite an insular lifestyle. This would be a deep thinking person who would need to have a lot of peace and quiet around her in order to function at her best. On the soul (or vowel) level this is a very independent person who would find it difficult to work with others and would need to be in control. There would also be many changes throughout life as brought in by the energy of the number 10. Outwardly (consonants) this is a very family oriented person who needs a harmonious environment and would find it difficult to function under emotional stress. You can see above that the number of inner self is 7, the number of outward expression is 4 and the whole name number is 11. Abbreviated Christian name; 1=1 Vicky 6 3 2 1 = 12 = 3 When abbreviated to Vicky we can see that the energy is different. The 3 on the soul line brings creative energy and a love of life along with a strong sense of Justice. The 1 as an outward expression brings independence and leadership skills. The overall number 13 brings the ability to turn negative energy into positive outcome ,whilst 4 brings a down to earth practical approach to life whilst providing grounding. Four also brings a need for


stability and order. So the Abbreviated name brings different vibrational energy. When we begin to use the new name and allow this new frequency of energy into our energy field, we begin to change who we are. Usually these frequencies come in at a time where they are needed to help us to progress, to grow and to become all that we can be. We often change our name when we marry or when we divorce or when we go through big changes in life. As a Numerologist I found it interesting that my daughter used her first name in primary school but used her middle name in high school. This was her choice and I understood her need to tune into different aspects of herself. On a personal level I have had four name changes throughout my life. My maiden name allowed me to carry forward the energetic vibration of a farming family and gave me the opportunity to live close to the land and to understand the cycles of nature and the importance of family. It also gave me a background understanding of religion and religious beliefs. When I married, I took my husband’s name in the traditional way and this brought in new energy for me. During this part of my life I visited many sacred sites and attended many music festivals experiencing a totally different culture to my childhood. This opened me more to the spiritual side of life which (although I didn’t know it at the time) was invaluable training for the work I do now. When I divorced my husband I didn’t want to go back to my childhood family name. It seemed important to move forward and have a complete

fresh start. After speaking to my Mother I chose to adopt my Grandmothers maiden name. This new name brought the energy of Romany ancestry and opened me to psychic work and ultimately led me to where I am now. When I married my present husband I took his name and this energy brought in a much more grounded and organized approach to life whilst still allowing for creative flow. When I look back at these name changes I can see how the energy of each new name enabled me to grow in order to learn everything I needed to know to follow my life path. Whilst it is always possible to change a name or to change the spelling of a name, I have always felt that to a certain extent the name we are given is almost fated. The name comes to us because it carries a vibration which will help us to learn the lessons we have come here to learn. However there are times where the energy of the name becomes a real stumbling block to a person’s development, holding them to a vibrational energy which is detrimental to their well being. We may decide to work self employed and need a business name which will attract people to use our services. In these circumstances I would suggest a consultation and the opportunity to try different spellings until you find the one that feels right for you. Once the name is changed it can take up to eighteen months to two years for the new energy to be fully integrated into your life. When I began to work as a Numerologist and Psychic reader I was given the name Lightweaver in Meditation. This name brought in the number 11 which enabled me to work with my intuition

and develop my psychic abilities. It also brought in the energy of the number 3 enabling me to develop myself and also to share what I had learned with others. As a whole name the number 5 brought the gift of communication and a thirst for knowledge which has been the driving force of my life journey. As I began to run workshops and courses I found the energy of the name Lightweaver no longer resonated with me. As if to confirm this my website disappeared. It took several days to reinstate it by which time with the help of my children I had found my new name, TheNumberwitch. This new name encompasses my love of Magic and Mystery and has a sense of fun to it. As soon as I had the name, synchronicity kicked in, and within days a friend of my daughter had created my new logo which is vibrant and colourful and is used on my promotional leaflets and cards. It has taken two years for the vibrational energy of the new name to really flow and now I am busy teaching and sharing my passion for numbers and what I have learned with others. TheNumberwitch resonates to the number 8 which brings a sense of Balance and a more organized approach and a stronger link to the material world. As an outward expression we have the number 4 which brings order and structure to the workshops and the overall number 3 brings self development (which is what the workshops are intended for) whilst still maintaining a sense of fun and creativity. If you are contemplating a name and ready to bring in new energies to your life, I am available for consultations either in person or via Skype. Vikki Fosdal Facebook


Interview with the Author I was contacted by Anne Fallas and asked to review her inspirational book ‘The Earth Changes’, little did I know then how deeply I would resonate with this book and the profound effect it would have upon me. I felt spirit close to me as I read certain portions of the book, a deep truth that needed to be heard whispered to me as i quietly encountered each chapter. The book is now in my all-time favourite list and has a special place on my book-shelf at home. I spoke to Anne about the book; QQ What was your inspiration for writing ‘The Earth Changes’. AA I wasn’t really inspired to write! I wrote it during a period of illness. Unable to do much on a physical level, I wrote down the things that I could see and feel, it was during this time that I connected with all of my characters. I could hear them and see them, I watched them and recorded the situations that they produced. At the time the story seemed unbelievable, it doesn’t anymore, things have progressed and some things have come true. I now see the story as a story of survival, not just for us human beings but for Mother Earth herself. QQ Are any of the characters based on real life people? AA I guess they must be! They seem to be a mishmash of the people I have met and have got to know, although some elements of the personalities of the book’s characters seem unique and I do not recognise these at all, I don’t know where they have come from! The book’s characters formed themselves. QQ This book resonated with me personally on such a deep level, there is a message for humanity encoded in the pages of the story do you connect with spirit/universal energy when you write? AA Yes I connect with the energy of the heavens and of the earth, the life force. It is real and there for us all.


QQ Do you have a specific routine that you follow to connect or is it an intuitive process that begins with the flow of words? AA It is an intuitive process. I relax quietly and allow the words to flow. Short pieces emerge complete, larger sections can appear over days/ weeks and these I piece together. Sometimes the words come in the middle of the night and this is most annoying! QQ Would you describe yourself as a spiritual person? AA I suppose I must be a spiritual person, but one that is ‘warts and all’! I don’t follow any particular creed or way, I follow where my heart and soul lead me. QQ Do you think we have lost our connection to Mother Earth? Almost numbed by the constant noise of technology? AA Yes I do think we have lost our connection. We have been conditioned to function in a separate way, separate from our earthly connection. We have been led to believe this separate existence is our reality. Thankfully many people are waking up and realising that this separate reality is just an illusion and that our earthly connection is the real link. The closer we move towards Mother Earth, the closer we move to ourselves and to each other. Without the protection of Mother Earth we cannot survive and without our protection Mother Earth cannot survive. The noise of technology

AA not only surrounds us, it passes through us. WIFI is now very difficult to avoid, it creates disharmony and causes a range of symptoms. We are being bombarded by unseen waves from wireless appliances, microwaves, mobile phones etc.,We are numbed by technology and further alienated from our natural source. QQ What would you recommend our readers do to remember and nurture our connection with Mother Earth and also minimise the effects of technology on our physical bodies and minds? AA It is easy for us all to consciously reconnect with Mother Earth because we are a part of it. Getting back to basics is probably one of the easiest ways, try growing some food from seed. Watch how it grows and develops, it is then easy to realise just how Mother Earth provides for us and how she sustains us. We are closely linked to her nature because we are a part of it, we are nature. Mother Earth is not some separate being, the natural root of our being is a part of it. Technology is not linked to this life giving relationship, it is external and we can take it or leave it. We cannot take or leave our relationship with Mother Earth, for without it we would not survive! QQ The Shift - Charlie felt it, yet he wasn’t a deeply spiritual man; is it possible to recognise the shift in our own lives? AA The shift seems to be affecting the consciousness of many of us. We are just not comfortable with many things we used to tolerate. We cannot turn a blind eye anymore to the injustices that we once tolerated, injustices not only to fellow man but also to the animals that we share the planet with and of course injustices that our planet Mother Earth has endured for so long. The shift is moving us to a more rightful place, it is a place where we can experience harmony and live without causing or experiencing damage. We are all tied to the effects of our actions.


QQ Sometimes I feel that progress has caused us to lose basic life skills and forget how to connect with each other, would you agree? AA Yes I feel we have lost basic life skills and that ‘progress’ has stamped them under foot but I do feel that there is a positive emergence being driven by a conscious need or desire to reconnect with the valuable things we have lost or forgotten. More and more people are rediscovering their roots and learning the ‘old ways’, the self reliant skills that allow us to be independent of the failing system that we endure. These precious skills are forging our survival and enabling us to interact and share with each other, they are creating sound, solid, industrious and healthy communities. Anne is busy writing the sequel to The Earth Changes at present, and I for one will be ordering my copy and eagerly awaiting completion. Samantha Yates Editor at Universal Magazine To purchase your copy, click the link below

The Earth Changes

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JUPITER IN VIRGO Physician, heal thyself Jupiter, the luckiest planet, entered the practical and highly productive sign of Virgo on August 11th, 2015, where it tours through September 9, 2016. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, which is practical, helpful, and highly productive. Jupiter is the planet of hope, optimism, and expansion.

The sign of Virgo benefits the most; however, for each of us, Jupiter in Virgo is a great time to focus on health, begin beneficial routines, work, be of service to others, and expand by getting organized and streamlining the daily regimen. Virgo is a mutable earth sign, which is ruled by the planet Mercury. Mercury rules communication and learning. Jupiter in Virgo expands all forms of communication and ideas. It emphasizes what is really important, and how each of us can take little steps to make BIG changes. It is an excellent placement for industries based on green living, nutrition, alternative health care, and natural ways to get healthy. Virgo is an earth sign, and the earth is our medicine. The North Node of destiny also enters the sign of Virgo on November 12, 2015, where it will remain through April 27, 2017. The North Node represents where we are meant to develop and grow. The North Node of destiny in the practical earth sign of Virgo indicates growth through discipline, self care, and service. This is a very lucky and unusual pairing. Jupiter and the North Node meet up approximately every seven years. The North node represents areas of growth, direction, and fated opportunity. Jupiter is where we receive benefits and good fortune. The fact that the North Node and Jupiter are both in the sign of Virgo through fall of 2016 means that

there is a lot of opportunity to improve and evolve your life in this upcoming year. I will outline how Jupiter in Virgo benefits each sun sign based on Solar Astrology. This is general astrology and not based on your specific birth chart. It is based on your sun sign. If you know your time of birth, look to see what house Virgo rules, and if you have planets in the sign of Virgo. That is the area of your chart where you will receive the most benefits and expansion from lucky Jupiter. It is also fun to see how Jupiter impacts your sun sign, as that can also hold clues as to other ways you will grow in the year ahead. Jupiter is the benevolent planet, and it will enable each of us get some celestial assistance to improve our lives. Aries: Jupiter is transiting your sixth house of health and daily routine. This is the house that Virgo traditionally rules. This is an excellent year for weight loss, giving up smoking or other bad habits, and a big year for focusing on work. This is a great year to upgrade your office and improve your work conditions. It is also an excellent year to get organized! Jupiter expands, and it will be expanding your work load! Get ready to get busy and get things done! This is a time to focus less on self and more on being of help to others. You will expand yourself by focusing on other people’s needs.


Taurus: Jupiter is transiting your fifth house of romance, creativity, self expression, and children. This is an excellent year for romance and love affairs! This placement of Jupiter can also favor investments, stocks, and other speculative matters. This year favors creativity in all forms. It is time to indulge your inner child. It is a highly creative cycle, and your inner muse will want to shine. However, be wary of over indulgence because Jupiter can sometimes bring too much of a good thing. Especially when you are a Taurus! Gemini: Jupiter is transiting your fourth house of home, family, and inner foundation. Jupiter is accidentally exalted in this house, and it brings much abundance. This is a great year for purchasing or selling real estate, moving to a bigger or better home, and for improving your emotional foundation. This placement of Jupiter favors domestic matters, and it can help mollify tensions within families. It is an excellent year for renovating and fixing up your home. Emotional contentment is the main theme with this helpful transit. If you work for yourself, it is an excellent time for expanding your home based business. Cancer: Jupiter is transiting your third house of communication, short distance travel, and education. This is a great year for expanding your knowledge, networking, teaching, and writing. If you are in sales, this is an excellent placement for Jupiter: you will be able to influence others more easily now. This is a great time for working on a book or taking writing classes. Try to get involved in neighborhood activities, as working with locals could be helpful for your self expansion. Networking, connecting locally, and brainstorming are all favored this year.


Leo: You have handed the throne over to Virgo; however, your expansion and self growth continue. Jupiter is now transiting your second house of income and value. You have the potential to earn a lot more money this upcoming year, and this a year where you will feel even more valued. The areas which you have been building in the past year will have more benefit to you, and you might start to see some real money coming from these ventures. This is a year in which you could make a big purchase of art or something else of value; it is also a year where you could sell something of great value and make a good profit! Virgo: This is a year of expansion in all areas, as Jupiter is transiting your first house of self. This house rules your immediate environment, but it comprehensive of all the houses, and growth can occur wherever your focus lies. On August 11, 2015, you embarked on a new twelve year cycle. This is your year to shine! It is an excellent year for new love relationships, as Jupiter also lights up your house of partnerships. It is also good for improving existing relationships. This is an excellent year full of a lot of promise, so take this time to focus on your dreams. Jupiter brings multiple opportunities, so the benefits are limitless. Libra: Jupiter is transiting your twelfth house of spirituality. This is a year where you will expand most by doing selfless and charitable acts. This cycle is good for eliminating self-destructive habits. The twelfth house is the house of the subconscious mind, so this is an excellent year for meditating and quieting your mind. This is a highly creative year, and you might find your dreams becoming a

lot more powerful. This is a great year for studying various forms of metaphysics. Write down your dreams, as they could be prophetic.

things. It is excellent for doing different types of promotion and advertising. If you own your own business, this is an excellent time to market yourself.

Scorpio: Jupiter is transiting your eleventh house of friends, groups, and networking. This is an excellent year to meet new people and to make new contacts. It is a good cycle for getting involved with organizations and new groups. This house rules the future, so think big to manifest big dreams! Your income from career is likely to soar, and people will help promote you! Your social circle is also likely to expand, and it is a time to reach out to others. Your love life can also improve with Jupiter in the eleventh house, as it ignites your house of romance.

Aquarius: Jupiter is transiting your eighth house of joint resources, merged assets, and intimacy. This is an excellent financial cycle! It is a great time to repair and improve your credit; as well as build your financial assets. This is a great time to achieve intimacy in partnerships. This is a time when you could receive refunds, rebates, or inheritance. The eighth house rules other people’s money. It is also a great cycle for entering therapy, as this is a psychological house.

Sagittarius: Jupiter is transiting your tenth house of career and public recognition. This is an excellent career cycle! This is a time when you can take on more leadership in your chosen field, and you are likely to get more public praise and approval. Jupiter expands career opportunities. If you are unhappy where you are, this is a time to look into other options. Authority figures will take more notice of you. Awards and other forms of recognition come your way now. This is a time when you are seen as an authority and leader in your field.

Pisces: Jupiter is transiting your seventh house of relationships. This is a great cycle for entering a new partnership, getting married, or beginning new business relationships. This is an excellent cycle for dealing with clients and building a favorable reputation through others. You find happiness through partnering in all sorts of ways. This is an excellent year for contracts and negotiations of all forms. This is a year that you can improve or solidify a relationship. Sometimes, people divorce under this cycle; but, it is usually very liberating under this transit.

Capricorn: Jupiter is transiting your ninth house of higher education, long distance travel, publishing, and spirituality. This is a peripatetic transit where you learn and expand by going out in the world and learning from life experience. This is an excellent cycle for getting published, going back to school, earning a degree, and for all forms of travel. This cycle heightens your curiosity to learn about new

Astrologer Tisch Aitken Facebook Website


Becoming the Alchemist My inspiration for a series of workshops, which I now present as a series of articles, came about through watching our ever changing world around us, the struggles of friends and family to survive, to find ‘purpose’ in their lives, to ‘find who they truly are’. It became ever more apparent how disconnected most people are from the very elements of who we are, and of which we are made, along with everything else in this universe. My own journey has taught me the importance of that connection and although I have been teaching Shamanic and Wiccan ways for many years now which encompasses this philosophy and connection.


With the growth of modern technology, it has brought many positive changes - through the Internet we have a better concept of our ‘global’ existence, of being part of something larger than ourselves, connecting us with wonderful people we may never have had to joy of communicating with without the Internet and its many social sites. Yet, at the same time, we find ourselves disconnected from family units, we now spend so much time in man-made boxes of various sizes, from our homes down to our mobile phone apps, that we have forgotten what it is like to be ‘at one’ with the Earth and all that is around us, and even less ‘at one’ with ourselves, as we battle with the stresses and strains of our modern existence, its social confines, traditions and religious doctrines. The more detached we become from the natural elements around us and within us, the more lost, disorganised and violent our external and inner worlds become. The health and future of our Mother Earth, and ourselves, depends on how we communicate with all that is around us and within us. We cannot begin to communicate with those around us or in the wider global family if we do not understand the very elements that are within ourselves and that make up the world in which we live. I see it as a need to understand our own


deeper levels of ‘knowing’ and understanding, of reconnecting with who we are on all levels of our being, in so doing, we inspire and encourage others to do the same, and so it spreads through our communities like ripples in the pond, creating a new phase of positive change. Slowly but surely, the tide begins to turn, the turning point is not perceptible to the outer eye, but the more we become less interested in materialism, in having and holding onto, the more our relationships to ourselves and all that is around us, can grow and expand. The less attached to outcomes we are, the more we enjoy the journey and the lessons it brings to us, obstacles become challenges to help us grow. The more open and honest we are with ourselves and each other, the more our lives flow naturally into place. So, over the next few magazines we will explore each of the elements of which we and everything around us is made, the Earth, the Stars, the Universe, the Air we breath, the cleansing Water of which we are over 80%, the Fire that is our lifeforce and the world of spirit around us, guiding us. Past Influences - how our past has shaped us and how to unlock those memories of ancient lives.

Air - the domain of the mind, the intellect, communication and the very breath of life. Earth - The physical and material worlds, the Earth Mother, Her gifts for healing of our physical self, grounding. Fire - the passions within us, the life force, Kundalini/Serpent energy, motion and movement, raising energy. Water - the substance all life cannot live without, our emotions, the effects of the Moon and our inner visions and dreams, cleansing and purification. Akasha - Spirit, the wisdom of the universe, omens and signs, our guides, the ascension process, reaching and awakening our higher soul selves. Alchemy - The way forward. Marrying all the elements of who we are with the elements around us to step out fully aware of who we are and where we are going. All of the physical world, and all of the unseen world, is alive with energy, each is vibrating at its on frequency, its own unique pace. We cannot always see this process, but we can sense it if we allow ourselves to. Even today’s scientists have finally agreed that we are not separate from other forms of existence, we are actually a part of it and are all connected albeit it in subtle ways, yet this is something mystics and sages from all cultures in all ages have been saying for eons.

the current state of our world, just by choosing to reconnect to aspects and elements of ourselves and create new and innovative ways of being, just by embracing the natural unity of all life. When we consciously decide to awaken to this unity, not just in our intellectual minds, but with our whole beings, we can work with the 5 elements of life and our past influences to reclaim our natural powers and live and work in total harmony. Before we can reach that state however, we have to understand each of these elements, and how we, as both individuals and as part of the wider global, community, interact with those elements. These elements have been represented in various ways by various cultures and modes of thinking over the generations humanity has walked the Earth, from the equal armed cross to the pentagram, Wheel of life, the seasons etc. As we explore each of the elements in coming months, we will discuss their historic representations and our changing relationship to them as well as practical work and exercises to connect to them. We are living in extraordinary times of rapid change, and it is becoming ever more important we each understand our role, or purpose, in this Earth walk, letting go of old baggage, belief systems that no longer serve us, of ways of being that disconnect us from the source of all life, from the delicate balance of our Eco-systems that we all depend, to our own health and wellbeing. Yet, to understand who we are now, we must be aware

We have a synchronistic relationship, I’d even say symbiotic relationship with the Earth, and with all life forms both on the planet and above us in the Sky realms, the Sun, the Moon, the Stars and Planets. Embracing this level of consciousness, I believe, is crucial to the survival of humanity and the Earth and all Her creatures. We have within each one of us, the power to change outcomes, to change within ourselves, to ultimately, change


of who we have been, where we have come from, what has shaped and influenced us, to acknowledge and release deep ingrained and imprinted patterns from our past, the past of this Earthwalk as well as previous incarnation and the trials and tribulations we may have experienced, and which colour our view of the world in the here and now. Who we are now, is the sum total of who we once were. The concept of reincarnations is now accepted by around 80% of the worlds religions, and even once in the Christian faith, but it was removed by the 2nd Council of Constantinople in AD553 when it was decreed that there was no pre-existence of the Soul and that only God made each and every human, new from birth. Of course this theory has been hotly debated for centuries and there are now numerous reports of children giving implicit details of past lives where those details can be checked and verified in official written records. One particularly powerful case hit the news a few years ago and was the subject of a TV documentary, where a young 7 year old Indian boy living in a remote village, spoke of his life as a shopkeeper in a town many miles away, how he was killed by intruders/thieves to his shop, and how his wife and son still run the shop there. He gave names, dates of birth, locations, all of which the film crew followed up and found to be accurate. Yet this was a boy in a remote village with no access to newspapers, TV or the Internet. With his families permission, they took the child and his


mother to the shop in question, guided by the boys own distinct directions. On arrival he ran into the shop calling for his wife and son, who was about his own age, after some confusion and statements that these people did not know the boy, they agreed to listen to his story. Eventually the ‘wife’ agreed he knew only things her deceased husband could know, and after much emotions, and admitting that she felt she ‘knew’ the boy even though they had never met, had to concede this must be the reincarnation of her dead husband, even down to the boys love of a particular craft activity, that her husband had a passion for. Of course stories of such a vivid recollection are rare, but none the less, we are all influenced by our past lives and we cannot begin to fully unravel our current lives if we do not understand the influences and shadows our past casts over us. Trauma’s, relationships, career choices, religious beliefs, pertinent memories - all these things from past lives can have significant and sometimes substantial effects on our present lives. For example, we may over react to certain situations or a person and yet there appears to be no logical reason why, you may not even understand the outburst yourself, yet the feelings are intense. Aside from parental conditioning as a child, if there is no logical reason why you should behave in this way, then the connection may well be a past life experience that the current situation reflects. The only true way to heal these emotions is to clear them from the past through acceptance, forgiveness, of yourself as well as anyone else involved and Love. The same can be said of past life injuries, we may be affected with certain illnesses or physical pains for which the cause or a cure seems elusive, despite doctors tests etc. Past life work can often reveal a trauma at a certain age in a previous lifetime, that manifest again at roughly the same age in this lifetime. Clearing the residual link with that trauma can ease and often cure the problem completely from this lifetime. I believe this is a route that deserves much more research.

But how can we know what our past lives were, where and how we lived ? So many of us have strong affinities with a certain culture, or cultures, a certain time in history or a certain place. We may have had moments of de ja vu when visiting a place for the first time, or an historic building or landscape. Each of these experiences can relate to specific lifetimes and are stirring subtle memories stored deep in our subconscious. Yet the knowledge and certainty of those lifetimes can remain elusive and unclear, yet each is a a thread in the rich tapestry of our own life and the experiences, wisdom and knowledge gained during those incarnations, when unravelled, can begin to help us understand various aspects of ourselves, from our fears, affinities, attitudes and preferences that we exhibit today. In short, our present personalities are reflections of all that we have been in the past. To reach a state of Alchemy within ourselves, understanding the impact the past has in shaping who we are today, and how we move forward to releasing and expressing all of whom we are, I believe, is the initiating key on that journey to becoming whole, to becoming the Alchemist. Many psycho-analysts and most mainstream

scientists believe that at death, our memories are wiped out and in rare cases only, a small fragment of them remains awaiting rediscovery. Personally, I believe these memories are not wiped out, but are held intact deep inside our cellular memory for a reason. That reason, for me, is that each new life has lessons for us to experience and gain wisdom from, when we do so, it allows memories relevant to that growth, to be released so we can then incorporate the wisdom gained in the previous lifetime, into the present one. Also, some memories may be too painful and traumatic to have access to until we have grown sufficiently in strength and spirituality through the trials and tribulations of the current lifetime. If we experienced traumatic deaths, suffered torture or deep humiliations, these may break our spirit before we have even learned what this lifetime has to offer us. For many, in their current lifetimes, often due to social conditioning, it is believed we are the body, the physical vehicle and that death is the end, yet somewhere lurks that thought that there is more than just death on the physical. So, many of our irrational and unexplained fears are based on past experiences and the law of karma. Karma in Eastern philosophies is basically ‘cause and effect’ - the notion that for every action


there is a reaction and an opposite reaction. Karma has its roots in our own desires, activities, creativity and the universal law of mutual exchange, like for like, balance and re-balance. What we give out is returned to us. It is therefore a willingness to explore and understand our own personal karmic past that is the first step in discovering our true soul self and creating spiritual fulfillment within this lifetime. Finding patterns that repeat themselves in our lives, looking at the gifts we have been given and how we use them and share them with others, indeed, if you do - perhaps you keep them hidden because you fear expressing them? You may fear being different, or labelled. The beauty of karma is that when we understand these things about ourselves, we can work to rebalance them. A simple example might be that you feel your life is full of trauma’s, one mishap after another seems to beset you, you feel you cannot reach out to others because you have nothing but ‘bad’ energy to offer them. Yet to rebalance this effect on your current life you have to reverse it, reaching out to others with traumas in their lives, offering a helping hand despite your own circumstances, and very soon you find your own trauma’s lessening because you are creating a new thought pattern, a new way of expressing yourself that redresses the previous imbalance. Karmic balance from a simple shift in focus.


There are several ways in which we can work to release these ‘hidden’ memories. Meditation - with simple guided suggestions to open our subconscious memories and allow glimpses of a past life. Dream working - programming ourselves to dream of a past life that is relevant to your current life and the situations you find yourself in. The use of crystals here is an excellent tool, crystals can be programmed to help you recall past lives and remember the dreams the next day, crystals such as ;Amethyst - this works on the third eye and connects to the Akashic records. Carnelian - helps us to see how the past has shaped who we are now and how to use the information to assist this lifetime. Fossils/Wood/Jet - these all have links to the past and can help place us in the frame of mind to connect with the past. Hematite - works to create a deep relaxation to facilitate the right consciousness for past life recall. Jade - this can help ground us and thus see the threads that connect us to our past selves Lapis Lazuli - a powerful third eye stimulator, open up the channels to past life recall, also helps

us to recognise the pains, wounds and traumas and how to release them. Especially helpful if you think you have Egyptian connections. Moonstone - this opens our intuitive, psychic self thus enabling us to reach out to past lives. Phrenite - links to our heart centre so connects us to the emotions of past lives and how they manifest in this lifetime. Quartz - a general all rounder, easily programmed, record keepers, elestials and cathedral types of quartz are particularly helpful in connecting to past lives. Tanzanite - is a high vibration crystal that awakens our psychic abilities, awakening a deeper consciousness and connection to our soul self. Turquoise - steeped in sacredness from many indigenous cultures, from Indian Tibet to Native American, this stone helps us connection with tribal past lives and to bring the truths of that time forward into the present.

desire to go there or live there. Or perhaps, like myself, even as a child you had a deep affinity to a specific culture. Alike. Certain symbols can trigger past life recall, someone who collects elephants for example may have had a past life in either Africa or India, someone who collects pigs may have been a pig farmer. Certain patterns or shapes, designs and patterns that seem to be a recurrent theme in your life can also point to a certain time period in history or a particular culture where that pattern was prevalent. Researching all these things can help to trigger recall. The next article will discover the element of Air and how we can use this wonderful element to enrich our lives. Many Blessings - Avalon Whitefeather )O( Website Facebook

Regression/Hypnotherapy - Regression can be through an extremely deep form of meditative state whereby you go back to being a spirit form prior to your birth in this lifetime. As a spirit being you are free to travel back and view your past lives, which is the method I use. Hypnotherapy places you in a structured state where you are reliant on the practitioner to guide you. The main difference between the two types is that with hypnotherapy you are unaware of your recall until you are brought back by the practitioner to discuss the session or hear a taped recording. This is of course open to suggestion and practitioner input, whereas with the deeply meditative, spiritual state, you remain in full control of what you are doing and seeing, speaking of your visions with only a few basic questions from the practitioner. You have full recall immediately you come round and are able to discuss of fully. I use this method because personally, I am wary of hypnotherapy where you have no control over yourself and totally open to another’s suggestions. Exploring Cultures - this is beneficial if you have a life long fascination with a specific culture, perhaps you collect Egyptian ornaments, or feel ‘at home’ when you visit there or have an overwhelming


On Unbecoming

Like a lot of people, I find the writings of Carl Jung to be a wonderful source of wisdom on many different subjects but there is one idea he articulated that continues to resonate with me and has really affected the way I have facilitated the Walkinginspirit retreat in the last couple of years, it’s something that I have called “unbecoming”.


Jung said that people spend the first half of life trying very hard to BE something or, at least to establish who they are in their own minds as well as in the minds of others. This act of becoming is commonly understood and, although challenging in itself, it’s an effort that many people can relate to and find support for in daily life. The world likes to think it knows who it’s dealing with so there’s often an expectation that we declare the kind of person we are early on and quickly assemble a character out of the ingredients of what we like, dislike and the roles and habits we have grown into. This process of adapting to the world is one that most people, I suspect, are very familiar with. Having had experiences of a transpersonal nature even as a child, my heart was never really convinced by this process and the act of becoming seemed a very arduous and inauthentic task that took me away from my essential self. I remember as a young person encountering people who were referred to as “characters” and although I wasn’t able to articulate why, I intuited there to be a spiritual danger in ossifying around an idea of self and I silently vowed never to become one. I perceived, rightly or wrongly, that the

mystery of life propels us along this path to some extent but then undergoes a natural shift in the other direction. If we are too loaded up with accumulated identifications and ideas about who we are, if we are too entrapped by meeting other people’s expectations of us to remain what they think we are…we are unable to stay in life’s flow and can end up eccentric and marooned in a circulating, spiritual backwater. Jung thought that the second half of life should be devoted to the undoing of all these identifications of the self and to the reconnection of the Self with a large S, to the transpersonal. He understood what it takes to remain spiritually vital and held within the mysterious flow throughout life. His insight suggests that we must adapt and then throw those adaptations away if we are to hold to the synchronous path. It seems to me that there is little support in the world for this kind of development, (de-velop… as in the opposite of envelope), and this is where, frequently, people seem to come unstuck. Often the people around them are unsettled by change and would rather they remain something that is familiar to them rather than support them to return to what they essentially are. These


movements are also often deeply unsettling for the person concerned too. Our livelihood or way of life can manifest as a trap or a block at this point and our relationships may break down as the realisation of the necessity for radical change emerges. On the Walkinginspirit website I say: “It’s not about becoming anything, it’s about unbecoming everything that isn’t really you.” Many people that come to Walkinginspirit are dealing with changes, the end of relationships, careers, and children fleeing the nest or menopause, something that triggers the desire to make the journey home. Some are not but all are feeling the pull back towards the essential and have intuited that time spent mindfully in the natural world will allow this “unbecoming” a space to happen. In this “not-doing”, this effortless unclenching the psyche settles and realigns with the flow and it is my pleasure and good fortune to be able to assist in this process. Frankie Sikes Website


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Bach Flower Remedies

Star of Bethlehem

Frequently in life we are bombarded by news of grief, loss and trauma through the media. Things which are often out of our control, and take us out of our true essence and into a state of shock. There are also times when we experience shock first hand through the trials and tribulations of life. Star of Bethlehem is the Bach Flower Remedy to help you to process and deal with shock and trauma in a natural and gentle way. Whether it is your own personal grief or that of another, it can literally shake your core sense of well being. It often brings with it a delayed sense of despondency or despair. Shock can come in many forms; the death of a loved one, bad news, illness etc, sometimes through something we can anticipate that would cause shock, and often from unexpected sources. We all deal with shock and trauma in our own way. Some people will feel frozen in time with their grief, unable to process what they are feeling, or function normally in their daily life, whilst others may feel overwhelmed by their emotions. For some the shock may be delayed and it will come out at a later time, sometimes even years later when triggered by old memories and the raw emotions resurface. Star of Bethlehem can be taken at the first awareness of being in a state of shock. It can be used alone to soothe and calm the shock and grief, or combined with other Bach Flower essences to create a personal remedy. 4 drops of the remedy can be put into a glass of water to release the initial trauma from their body. It can be taken as regularly as 4 drops every 10 minutes in extreme cases, until a state of calm is restored. The remedies can be taken internally on the tongue, in a drink, or rubbed into the pressure points if the person is unable to take the remedies for whatever reason. The flower remedy helps you release emotions from your precious body, enabling you to regain clarity and balance and begin to function normally again. Do not be afraid to show or express your emotions when they start to come to the surface. Shock can be expressed in many different forms from tears and sobbing, to extreme anger or rage. Releasing your emotions is often the first step on the path of self healing.


If you ever find yourself in a state of shock or turmoil, where you can’t pinpoint what your feelings are, Star of Bethlehem is the Remedy to help to soothe and comfort your emotions, and bring you gently back to a place of calmness and clarity. Be gentle with yourself when you are working through the recovery process, and take the necessary time. The shock and grief will be released as they are meant to be in the fullness of time. I have been working with the Bach Flower Remedies for about 20 years and have seen and also experienced how overwhelming shock can be. I am constantly amazed by how gentle and effective the Star of Bethlehem flower remedy can be in bringing about a calmer and more peaceful state of mind. When people are in a state of shock they may talk quite randomly, often repeating themselves. Be empathic and patient with them as they work through the process. It is an important part of the healing, and the greatest gift that you can give someone in times of need is your time and patience. Star of Bethlehem is available in many supermarkets, chemists and health food stores. It can also be found in the Rescue Remedy, which is more readily available. The Bach Flower Remedies were a life-line for me and this is why I am so passionate about them still, so many years on. Wherever you are I can help you. With a telephone consultation I can create a personal remedy to support you, delivered to your door by postal service. Dawn Chrystal 07936 546791 www.dawnchrystal.co.uk



ISSUE 6 OCTOBER 2015 ISSUE 7 - OUT JANUARY 2016 Editor Samantha Yates Publisher Andrew Dibble The Digital Magazine for Holistic Living

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