All about life kbone

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Your Perspective is what forms your Life! Read and be In-Formed! Written By: Kody Bonaparte© Each individual person symbolizes a seed pattern of potentiality, and must successfully relate seemingly unconnected and often confusing life events and personal crisis into orderly, meaningful phases and turning points in a lifelong process of self actualization. This means throughout our life we are to connect the dots of understanding into an art show of perfected paintings, not only realizing it was us that was in the paintings, but that we are also the painter! Through this understanding we are able to create relationships with all of life no matter what form or guise is used. The actualizing process is the long arduous path of understanding how you(the painter) relates to the painting and what form of expression was being egested at that time. Creating a relationship to your masterpiece or creation… When external life unfolds rather spontaneously and uncontrollable, sometimes people will believe they are victims or less fortunate than others who have better waves of experience, due to their position or place in time. The only reason we could allow ourselves to be victim to our own experience would be because we weren’t aware of the connections and relations between other events or situations which lead to this point. This would mean life could be seen as a bunch of random, non-related points or dots which will eventually drift apart into oblivion without a line connecting or a circle encompassing them. Once we connect the lines to the once unrelated subjects, we may notice that 4 lines make a square, 3 a triangle and so on. No longer do we see life as scattered unrelated experiences or bits of information, we can form shapes by rearranging these connections or viewing them from specific angles, in turn evolving the structure of our being and trans-forming our identity or mode of activity/perception. If there were 2 Subjects who viewed the same object, do you believe they would fully perceive the same exact thing or experience? If they did would they be unique and self conscious, in the sense of their particular purpose in a collective and personal experience?

If you were to look directly at a wall in the picture above which one would you pick? Once you chose a wall ask yourself why you chose that shape and if it at all seems related to the other wall which you didn’t pick. Why didn’t you pick the other wall? Were you consciously aware of why you didn’t pick it or was it a feeling, a sensation? Did you want a blue circle which wasn’t pictured and have to choose which was more important the circle or the color blue? Or was there no pondering of such thoughts? Or did you think their actually is a blue circle, so I could have still picked the square and blue circle! Slowly we will begin to see the depth of ourselves and our perception of life, in turn extending our being into multiple dimensions. However through denial of what’s witnessed from the deep recesses of one’s core some will stay flat never transforming beyond their current plane of experience. A square seen from one perspective is only a line, however from a different angular degree we can see what once looks only to be a line was actually a square lying flat. However to see this we must go outside of our ‘comfort’ zone, in this case being the one linear perspective, to view to picture as a whole which would be a square and eventually once one can incorporate depth into their consciousness will perceive a cube, and at more advanced stages a hypercube.(More on 4/5 th dimensional consciousness in another paper) ^^^PICTURE ABOVE^^^ If subject A were to look linear at the yellow wall and subject B straight at the blue wall, it’s safe to assume they would both be masters of their observations. We could claim that they would be specialist and have measured the ins and outs of the shape they have observed, creating very intricate systems to address any malfunctions regarding the original form. However what they have yet to Realize is that in actuality they are observing the same shape however perceiving different planes or angles.

From a mathematical point of view we could say these perspectives do not see eye to eye due to their 90 degree or square relationship to each other. Subject C must now come in to observe the picture as a whole which includes both walls and the object that is casting the shadow. This now allows the picture or experience as a whole to be related together to form an understanding of how it is possible one shape could cast 2 seemingly different ones.

First one must realize their innate, often dormant potential through life lessons and consciously seek to fulfill this through their directed and focused actions and awareness of themselves in relation to the whole experience. Responsibility= To fulfill ones birth purpose to the fullest potential so one can grow into the cosmic substance needed by the universe at that time. Every human is a particular aspect of humanity born at a particular time and place in answer to a particular cosmic and all inclusive human need. Stages of Development 4 Levels of human activity and consciousness 1) Biological 2) Socio/cultural 3) Individual 4) Trans-personal(super individual) LIFE= The process of discovering ones true core rhythm of being, through many unrelated experiences and events to hopefully realize the relativity between them creating solidity through focalization. •

Through placing value upon the perceived experience one is enabled to extract meaning and worth from these once useless bits of information, and unrelated life events.


Through meaning we can relate with more things and can widen our scope of vision and activity.

GOAL= To turn Chaotic substance into Cosmic order through conscious creativity!

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