Lunation station©New Moon-march1

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Lunation StationŠ -Tune into cosmic cycles Tune out of social static -

Written by: Kody Bonaparte ď ś New Moon-March 1,2014 1. This month will rattle the foundation of ones personality in order for them to identify themselves with their transformative function, rather than allowing external life always do the work. 2. This month presents great tension and crisis but gives the opportunity for extreme growth into a new phase of human activity. Through this emotional level of activity one will find their conscious self, midway between action and reaction. As we all know we are at the Dawn of a new Age with unlimited possibilities of potential outcomes, however we must understand the patterns which may arise from this and set a clear distinct goals, so we can achieve the Golden Age alas!

Theme of the Month: A New tone to Human relationships This month allows one to totally transform their identity into the next level of being, a being who can co create with others without releasing emotional radiation upon the shores of social living, creating a new desire of human nature. This is going to open one to their own subconscious mind which they will see reflected through their relationships, allowing for them to dive into their previously unknown selves setting repressed emotional energy free. -This month our relationships will represent hidden parts of ourselves which we would have no access to without the use of this partner or relationship, and act as the key to open ones personal Unconscious realms.

There are 2 basic polarities of life and consciousness which confuse and affect Humankind at this time. This is a time to create true authentic relationships that have significant value and meaning whether society can see it worthy or not.

QUESTION of the MONTH- Are you Willing to Transcend? This month will set a new tone to human nature and will dramatically affect our relationships to previously unknown aspects of ourselves, which we see reflected through our reality. We will notice that the people we attract into our lives are the exact people we need in our lives at that time. In order to maximize the energy patterns(Potential energy) available on Earth this month one must learn how to consciously use their transformative function, transcending limitations of their individual self through relationships with others. This will cause a split in consciousness allowing One to become Many without losing their unique identity. This is a psychological complex which stirs within the subconscious minds of men as they seek to find themselves in the world, however soon become lost of their distinctiveness by getting swallowed by the over bearing weight of collective social patterns. Without relationships the individual is powerless, however with only relationship and no individual there will be no focusing point to manage and direct the energy. *This is a common duality which causes us to question how God is One and Many!

DUALITY: Earth is dual in nature for she is never fully illumed in the radiant spirit of the Sun, so she must spin in order to fully awaken all of her inhabitants to the Source Point. A FULL Rotation of earth around her axis causes a split in consciousness for all organisms subject to this cycle. This is waking and sleeping consciousness, and are a bi-product of the cyclic nature of Earth. One cannot leave or skip this level of awareness but must transcend it. During waking consciousness the individual rises like the sun, stimulating the senses he must feed the ego(Egocentric identity) and the physical body(biocentric identity) during this time. In order to survive on this level one must fulfill his social responsibilities (Taxes,work,bills) and eat food to supply nutrients to the body. Without a body one could not go to work but without going to work one could not supply himself with adequate resources to sustain his body. However we also know that without sleep one will Die! Sleep is Soul food and nourishes the aspects of self which are unconscious and cannot feed directly from ones source. This leads us into Sleeping consciousness, which reflects awareness like the moon in the darkness of night, dimming the shadows. -This is the level of oneself which they are mostly unaware of for it hides in the shadows out of conscious sight. This is the unconscious and is a vast sea of collective patterns and beliefs. During the night we recover from the day and ‘reprogram’ the parts of ourselves which we cannot do consciously during the day, for we are still unaware of these aspects of ourSelf. …………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Most people are scared of Dying however if you were to think about it, you “DIE” every night as you go to sleep! If you are not ‘aware’ of yourself as you sleep at night then couldn’t you say that you’re dead, and lacking a unique self which is distinct and different than the rest? (Speaking here strickly in terms of consciousness.)

If you are unable to clearly identify who or what you are in that given moment then we could equate that to a state of death, which are aspects of oneself that are unconscious of eachother. The only reason you ‘KNOW’ you’re alive right now is because you woke up and filled your conscious self with the light of day, stimulating sensory receptors causing hormonal/chemical and electrical messages to flood the consciousness of self. The human organism is tuned into the 24 hour cycle of the Earths rotation (DAY) and affects its physiological/psychological functions at different times during the day. This usually happens Autonomously without having to be aware of what’s taking place, however sometimes Life will bring up specific circumstances in order for the self to emerge consciously from the operating room, only to rely less on their automatic subconscious functions. ^(This is the process of maturity) Most people do not want to be responsible of being a conscious creator of life and would rather rely on autonomic pre destined pathways to do it for them as they Relax and Enjoy! Could you imagine if you had to consciously tell your heart to pump the right amount of blood, or your capillaries to extract the proper amount of oxygen? We are so busy nowadays it’s hard to even remember to tie our shoes and buckle our seatbelts! -All organisms on Earth are attuned to the cyclic processes of life whether we are aware of them or not, however life is always aiming for one to become more aware which in turn allows for the system as a whole to evolve. *Without awareness, nothing exists! (The only reason there was a dead deer(person) on the side of the road is because you recognized it, little did you know that deer had been there for a week)

Rather than people being afraid of death couldn’t we say they are afraid of the Day (24 hour cycle), or losing that aspect of consciousness which is married to the human organism and its sensory stimulus, giving it ‘LIFE’ or awareness of the body. If we can’t even consciously understand our body and its cyclic relationship to life how will we ever consciously understand Our Self and our relationship to life cycles? The conscious awareness of self can extend far beyond physical form so long as the individual is able to understand the dimensional aspects of consciousness, and not become polarized in linear reality. (FLAT) -To give life depth one must view beyond the surface transcending the present limitations by moving through the form and not around them. Most swim in the shallows of life becoming ruled by their fear of the unknown, which is their personal unconscious. This leads one to become scared of themselves and their true nature, never bringing depth into self and forever living life on the surface of existence. *As you live on the surface you become flat and linear unable to view the dimensions of experience, limiting your existence to a 2 dimensional reality. Reality has many dimensions and can be seen as vast geometrical shapes spanning many levels, and houses life within these patterns. Most people see life less complex, like a square, and can only understand the shape by measuring the edges and scanning the surface. However once one can view the depth of reality they will realize it was a cube all along, and they had been looking from the wrong angle!

*Example- Look down on a cup, it looks like a flat circle, however when you step to the side slightly you will notice it’s actually a cylinder. My questions becomes- What is your view of life and are you using the proper angles at the correct time? Most people identify themselves with their fears therefore must go through them in order to emerge free from them, and when they do emerge they don’t realize it and continue to repeat them by unconscious reactions. The most taboo of the collective fears is Death and all cultures adopt very similar beliefs since its inevitability is literally breath taking! Many people believe once they die they will just go somewhere and awaken to something, however my question becomes… How can you awaken to anything when you died sleeping? What will this “you” look like that travels to this ‘place? What will you identify with? Life is the awakening process which was designed around the death(s) and Births of that specific Individualized consciousness. Life allows one to extend the awareness of self beyond physical limitations, overcoming death by constantly rebirthing oneself to the next level of identity. As a child develops they grow each day in awareness of self and their relationship to the environment around and within them. There are certain phases which may seem more crucial which we have termed puberty, adolescence, etc. Since our society is not designed around our internal individual growth, most people stop growing and learning because they think they are done with it. *Once you decide to stop growing you choose to start dying! Since we as a collective culture don’t believe in spiritual levels of operation we limit the potential in the human being, in turn causing disease and death. This is also one reason why the

human hasn’t mastered the full use of the brain as the Dolphin has! A relationship is the death of the individual at some level for there must be Two “I” selves merging into ONE relation. What most of us have forgotten is once we merge into a relationship we sacrifice part of our uniqueness in order to create a more complex unit. This unit has now formed an identity and has a consciousness of its own, whether each individual is aware of it or not. The relationship will do whatever it needs to feed itself, and if it was formed by two half people then it will always be in a state of imbalance and lack wholeness. Individual and Relationship are 2 polarities of life which constantly split ones consciousness , allowing for one to broaden their horizon of identity. We must start to understand the words and concepts we identify with and what part of ourselves carries that pattern of identity. If we do not wish to react to life a certain way we must emerge conscious and in control of what once was unconscious and impulsive. 

This organismic unconscious level is ruled by our Autonomic nervous system and expresses our Animalistic nature which is driven from impulsive instinct. The expression is very polarized and off set, never balanced and always in a fight-or-flight response to life.

The conscious level is in control of ones Reactions to life and is ruled by the Central Nervous system and Brain. They create a high speed roadway receiving and sending environmental messages through the whole Human organism simultaneously.

-The CNS sends electrical signals to certain glands within the body and in turn release chemical messages into the bloodstream.(This way you will answer the call!) After these chemical messengers are released into the blood the subject has no choice but to REACT to life. *Once chemicals/hormones have been released into the bloodstream it could take hours before they dissipate and your blood volume returns to ‘normal’. The Goal is to master ones responses to life (Environmental stimulus) in turn consciously mastering ones bio-psychic drives which are ruled by our Endocrine glands. -

People must learn to teach and condition their central nervous system so it can scan and read the environment, both internal and externally, more efficient and effectively.

This relationship that constantly goes on within and around one self, determines and defines what level of human activity one is operating on.

Levels of Human Activity-

Biological level- During this time the human organism is undergoing a metamorphosis of chemical/hormonal back up. This will be a blow out of endocrine glands to cleanse them out so they are renewed and ready for proper function. There shall be an electro-magnetic marriage as the CNS and glands unify in understanding to begin their relationship on the conscious level in full control of ones reactions to life.

Social-cultural level- This will be a time of rebirth into the third realm of activity(Individual level) for the species as a whole. Mankind has the potential to emerge from the womb of their cultural past and birth free from its restraints into their own identity which is aware of its uniqueness and creates from its own center. Individual/Trans-personal level- this is the time of Initiation for those willing to tread the path of return to their Source. The depths of their being will be tested, in an emotional cleansing phase, to realign with soul consciousness and not distorted feeling responses.

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