Lunation Station © Tune into the cosmic cycles Tune out of the social static!
Written by: Kody Bonaparte
January 1, 2014=New Moon New Month New Year Sight or Vision? Many ancient cultures have been formed through the cyclic understanding of life, a type of wisdom which was expressed not explained, compared to a literal-analytical, knowledge based approach, which defines everything into a formula to be coded and decoded at the exact same level. Western society does this to make everything more generalized and mass related in order to “teach” or explain how life should be learned from a group identity. Because if you don’t learn the same way as the group, then you aren’t normal and something is now ‘wrong’ with you! Rather than seeing everyone is unique yet very much alike at another level, holistic sight, we send them to get checked and diagnosed to reform this uniqueness back into the socially accepted norm at every level possible; As if we are all on flat ground drawing the same lines and connecting the same points! These ‘points’ are points of view which can never be connected by the same line of sight! Even though that line may be needed in the formation process of this newly formulated insight, it doesn’t mean it’s THE line.
Life has many dimensions and should not be viewed linearly as if ones process of aging is a line to a destination called death. Many people see death as an end point and do everything they can in between these two points, birth and death- creating a line. That line is what we associate as life, existential life line of egocentric identity! This is a two dimensional perspective of life, because one has not brought any depth into their reality, they cannot express the true nature of their existence. This leads to the gazing outward in search to answer a problem, however that problem isn’t outside the box, it’s within the cube! A fisherman will never catch adequate food until he casts his hook into the depths of the sea where the life resides. Skimming the surface will limit the quality of his catch, bringing no value to the output of his desire for life!
To understand the process of life visualize a spring or spiral. If we were using this spring as a measuring tool for age we would see an ascending pattern which oscillates back and forth, starting and ending, starting and ending. These starting and ending points are years alive which we call age, meaning ‘time’ expended on earth since birth.
The second year or inch would be on top of the 1 st year much like a spine builds on top of itself. Still using the spring as a tool, any half ½ year would be opposition to the year with a whole number, any quarter 1/4 year would be 90 degrees or square angled to the whole number and half number. By viewing life this way one can see the patterns of their reality and assist in this process rather than reject it through a lack of knowing, by misused sight! We can see the angular relationships within ourselves during this transformative process called age or life. From a Two Dimensional p-o-v, Life being the line which increases in length as ‘time’ is expended. From a 3D perspective it is the geometrical shapes created from the multiple lines of sight, which are used to connect various points of view along the spiralic process of reality. This allows one to identify with deeper aspects of themselves, in turn expanding ones identity into multiple dimensions. Evolution! Ever heard of the saying, “ Why are you such a square?” “We are not seeing eye to eye?” “Why must you always oppose me?” “You are not level headed!” These sayings now can be seen at a transcendental level, giving one the ability to view the pattern of ones relationships and the aspects of our lives which don’t agree and lead to divorce, or those which are in conjunction leading to a marriage!
Who says the blind man cant see? Intromission VS Extramission Light in (visible light or matter)
VS Light out ( invisible light waves-
They may not see as we do, through our eye balls which perceive the small range of visible light on the whole electro-magnetic spectrum. The Ones who see through infared, and ultra-violet frequencies are the true visionaries. The ones who transcend the senses which lock us into a reality which must be proven! These are the leaders who see truth, and must
constantly withstand the overflowing pressures of society upon their individuality and uniqueness. Some are born to be unique and different, so why is it right to conform these individuals into the group which is always seeking an agent of transformation!? Some lines need to be connected to New points which cannot be seen with the outdated sight of the proven past! These are future seeds imagining what could be rather than what cant, by seeing only what has been! Why does everything have to be right and not left? Is this referring to an angular perspective, meaning right angle? Why does the word Correct become identified with the word right? •
[ Di-Vision= line between 2 points dissecting a common line of sight! Divorcing the connection of the 2 separate entities by horizontal awareness.]
>January 1-NEW MOON to start the New Year!< Action ACTION ACTION!!! Must be initiated in order to break the chain of self defeating inertia of the past. Forgetting about that past doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t break the chain or redirect the momentum into a futureward purpose or goal. --The past and future must have a wedding in the present moment, but do you possess the qualities needed to marry them, even if they are seemingly incompatible!
This is a very unique New Moon to start the New year, as every person will be tested to structure themselves around transcending dualistic knowledge. *The key for this new year is Wisdom vs. Knowledge Personal knowledge into planetary wisdom Tuning yourself into the nature of your being by possessing the substance which has been formed. These forms are identification for the self to relate to. Many times will someone say, “ I want a beer, or I want a candy bar.” Without truly thinking, Who is this “I” character you are relating to, because most likely your liver and other internal organs don’t want the beer! Aren’t we all human beings inhabiting a physical body, which is our true home? My liver cant say, Hey man, why are you drinking alcohol, your hurting me and I cant take it anymore I want a divorce! That language will be communicated to ME through many ways, such as thoughts and symbols, physical illness, emotional crisis, until I can realize which “I” structures need an intervention. We must see the relationships that go on within ourselves and in the world around us, fine tuning our identification of self. If “I” drink an excess amount of alcohol knowing my liver wont appreciate it, then “I” identified with a structure of self which opposes healthy choices, in that it would rather unite with personal desire and impulsively react to its instinctual urges.(Which is building inertia of the past always resisting your force and drive futureward.) If one continues to identify with an aspect of themselves rooted in self defeat and lack of will, then they will continue to succumb to the ever spinning inertia of the past which has yet to fulfill itself!
>Last month we were aligned with the galactic center at the full moon phase. This is extremely important, symbolically of course, in that the sun married the Galactic Center becoming impregnated with a New Purpose, a new spiritual function within its community of Solar identities. The moon being full, reflected back this purpose to the illumined minds of men on Earth, in forms of symbols, patterns, shapes, and endless ranges of light, imprinting the subconscious of humanity, to eventually emerge as a sustainable island, representing the conscious mind, able to build its foundation from the emergence of self from within. Living free from lines and in tune with nature, transcending death by realizing its cyclic relationship to life, at both the marriage phase and divorce phase, and anywhere in between. Our Geocentric identity is aligned with our Galactic Point of View! Our line of sight was eye to eye with the galactic center and our purpose as a Solar system! We have the ability to possess more of our galactic identity depending on whether ones structures can withstand the immense galactic energies, for there foundations will be tested for depth of rootedness in self, and the truth which the self was built on. Even ones spiritual truths will be tested for validity and structural integrity of a bigger more vast and complex purpose and truth! Will one crumble and implode under the immense force of the surrounding black hole or sustain themselves burning even brighter in self trust and truth within, illuminating inner vision, to reflect these realizations into their organic being grounded into physical reality. (Real-Eyes-ation) One can be a dreamer, but at some point they must wake up and actualize these dreams into visions for construction. After
informing oneself from the multiple angles and points of view which have shaped their vision into the identity they operate from, they will be tested. This means ones home will be tested in foundation and structure after the house is lived in and experiences weather and time upon its materialized form. Does it live up to the purpose in which is was built for? This test is called human life, which then by the use of the tools which one possesses, must shape and form reality by sight of this new found inner vision. If he is successful enough in materializing this seed idea or future vision, can and will what he has formed and expressed, withstand the intended purpose and pressure of failure. This determines the quality of being one expresses as their desire to live. Last month allowed one to gain completely new perspective upon his traditions, in turn testing their integrity. Allowing for a building of new structures to house the newly realized identity, which endlessly evolves through identification and awareness of self. We were asked to define ourselves and build our foundation from an inner truth, which is unique to everyone no matter how similar it may seem. Our foundation of truth which was built last month is now being tested for its validity and structural integrity. If the foundation of a home is weak, the walls will collapse under the pressure of gravity and time. To withstand these disasters which are imposed upon the house, the home must be built on solid ground! However sometimes things that seem solid will reveal their weakness only after stress and tension have been applied. This month will test ones capacity to possess the character needed to fulfill the purpose which this foundation was built upon. With no purpose the home
will be a house empty of meaning and function, with no bathrooms or sinks to release waste products that have been created. Will you release creative expression from the new identity, or will you release waste products from the old identity, which has yet to be realized? This month we will be asked to build our reputation around that which we have brought to light! This month allows us to form new structures of ourselves built from the new tools of truth which we have made for our own personality and reality. Everyone shares the same tools however may use them differently, well this month allows us to use the newly formed tools which are unique to every builder, and only that builder can use since it only fits his hands and vision! The energy present for earth this month allows individuals to emerge from the socio/cultural womb one has been feeding from, and form a new symbol from that food which feed specifically the individual. Those who havenâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t mastered the polarities of existence will be pulled back and forth from the opposing selves, which are trying to marry and have a child of new perspective which transcends dualitistic knowledge. By superseding this level of mind one learned the difference of wisdom and knowledge, and only then can see the likeness in differences, thus forming an allegiance through love of uniqueness not hate of differences! As one emerges from this collective sea of socio/cultural identities, they will be tested to exteriorize that which they have formed through the use of their value system. This will be the armor of action for the individual which once was a personal warrior of sin, now rebirthing social desire into love and compassion for this newly formed identity to fulfill its purpose.
What is your New Years Resolution! If we are to begin a NEW Year we must first review and understand the past year, either dissolving the limited structures formed from a misunderstood purpose, or reeping the rewards from a successful harvest, using this as fuel for the newly emerging cycle to fulfill itself! One cannot effectively RESOLVE the Goals of the new year, without dealing with the past cycle which they are apart of and struggling to escape from! The purpose of a new years resolution is to bring to light an aspect of oneself which must be resolved, thus evolving in resolution! ReSolving the past problems by creating a conscious Solution! This now brings me to a new questionWhat is your New Years SOLUTION!? How can you resolve something without having a question which needs answering? Those who donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t question themselves, their quality of being, or life which surrounds and interpenetrates them, have troubles following their new years resolution because there was never a conscious question to be reSOLVED! Rather than focusing on superficial aspects of ourselves, this month
allows us to dive into the depths of existence, transforming fear into trust, giving us a possibility to aim toward our true New Years ReSOULution, infusing soul identity which will balance ones duality of reality! This gives one the ability to transcend ego identity, which sees only differences, white and black/male and female, allowing for the awareness of cosmic unity which sees that a difference at one level is a similarity at another. We realize everyone is a unique aspect of the Universal play and rather than comparing each character, we relate to that character by understanding the position their in and how not everyone can be the same character in the same scene, for the play would cease to exist! We all share the same planetary soul which all past and future cultures/traditions are born from! We also all share the same elements Hydrogen, oxygen, nitrogen and carbon which is the substance that gives form to a physical body, however each person may assimilate these differently, in turn giving an illusion of looking different, yet being completely similar in materials. If you were to look around your neighborhood you may see that each house looks relatively unique depending on the geographic location it occupies(Mountain vs. Creek valley) and the purpose that house serves ( family of 4 vs batchelor pad).
No matter how unique each home is however, the substance which built the home is all the same. (Bricks, concrete, lumber, nails) As we look at the process of assembly we notice each home is built with the same tools, trowels to lay the brick and concrete for the foundation, nail guns and hammers for the lumber and building of the framework, however even though these tools are the same, the operating force using the tools are different. No matter how similar the materials or tools are, doesn’t mean everyone will use them in the same way. This is because each home is built from a separate vision even though the steps to achieve this vision are in a relatively similar direction. How can you say someone is using the tools wrong when you don’t know the vision and purpose of the home which they are building! To take it a step further we notice we also share the same Air, which continuously recirculates through the lungs of the planet symbolically speaking the atmosphere. Everyone has unlimited potential of air surrounding them which fills the human with Life for without oxygen the body will die! However even though there is an abundance of this element doesn’t mean every person will breathe the same or have the same lung capacity as the other. With that being said we can see that those who aren’t breathing are refusing to live, and welcoming death into their being in turn causing many chain reactions to take place, producing major
waste in the human cells and body as a whole. Each cell in the human body is and has to be an individual cell yet at the same degree relate and work with its neighboring cells, never taking too much and releasing to little. The only way for the cell to do this without turning cancerous and leeching all materials from the group its apart of, is to have a holistic, big picture understanding of that which is happening. The lung cell doesnâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t say: well I donâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;t agree with the heart cell so I will not feed himâ&#x20AC;? or else a chain reaction would occur leading to a divorce, sometimes called a heart attack, resulting in the death of the body which all the trillions of cell constitute. Despite the differences each cell has in relation to the others, it must marry in that difference to realize they are similar, in that they make up a larger body which carries out more complex functions than a single cell could achieve alone. They marry with purpose, with clear sight of the goal, resolving their attitude and reaction to life, transcending any symptom expressed through opposition or divorce phase. Rather than the home owners expressing their differences by comparing how their house is structured, and whos holds more value, they will create weddings of similarities, realizing both homes were built by the same brick and morter, wood and nails, both have foundations and framework.
The next question is, Why did you build your home that way? What is the purpose and function in this structure and foundation? Theme of the month- Fear and its Rewards -Levels of Human ActivitySocio/culturalTo become a conscious cell of Earth, unifying in difference with a common purpose, to evolve as one even though there are many. Realizing through being separate that all things are together at another level of being! *All for one, and one for all! This month allows one to extend their family, for our true home is the Earth and our true family is Humanity! You can ‘fight’ for your city, state, country, race, gender, beliefs… But at the end of all of those roads leads to one common link, the fact that we are all Human beings, made of the same earthly organic material, we breathe the same air, we drink the same water, and we share the same Planet! This month we must ground ourselves into the earthly realm of existence and become the center of our own Universe.
GOAL: To resolve ones connections to the unknown by realizing that life operates at many levels, awakening ones sight by transcending rational analysis. - When we see with only our physical eyes we become blind to the connections we have to everything in existence. In turn over using certain aspects of the brain and body, polarizing ourselves in misunderstanding. Trans/individual levelTo test the foundation one has built their home on and find out whether itâ&#x20AC;&#x2122;s stable enough to harness the energies of the evolving environment from gross elements into more subtle energies. These energies will be missed if one continues to view reality the wrong way and refuse to see truth! To release a new social desire through how we construct ourselves by the use of materials we possess at any given time. Do we own a shovel to build our empire, or even possess the mind which envisions the construction? Do we have what it takes in our toolbox to build our spiritual Civilization? To see it through and stop at no cost! Using crisis points in life as fuel for more transformative potential in the process of unfoldment and fulfillement.
Psalm 19:1-14 A Psalm of David. The heavens declare the glory of God, and the sky above proclaims his handiwork. Day to day pours out speech, and night to night reveals knowledge. There is no speech, nor are there words, whose voice is not heard. Their voice goes out through all the earth, and their words to the end of the world. In them he has set a tent for the sun, which comes out like a bridegroom leaving his chamber, and, like a strong man, runs its course with joy. Amos 5:8 - [Seek him] that maketh the seven stars and Orion, and turneth the shadow of death into the morning, and maketh the day dark with night: that calleth for the waters of the sea, and poureth them out upon the face of the earth: The LORD [is] his name: Genesis 1:14 - And God said, Let there be lights in the firmament of the heaven to divide the day from the night; and let them be for signs, and for seasons, and for days, and years: Yahweh in His wisdom has given us a calendar in the sky for all to see. He uses the sun and moon to establish days, months, years, and also His appointed observances, Genesis 1:14. A critical component to His calendar is the new moon, which starts each Biblical month. Yahweh uses the new moon to establish moedim, or commanded observances, Psalm 104:19. Special offerings were also given on the new moons, 2Chronicles 2:4; 8:13; 23:31. Isaiah 66:23, â&#x20AC;&#x153;From new moon to new moon, and from Sabbath to Sabbath, all flesh shall come to worship before me, says the Lord.â&#x20AC;?