Degree in Biology School of Sciences
4 years 240 ETCS Specialization Programs Double Degree
2020 21
Student Profile – A vocation for science and an interest in life, including the environment, the animal world, microscopes and disease research. – Laboratory and field work. – An ability to observe, work on a team, analyze and synthesize. – A sense of creativity applied to science. – Entrepreneurial spirit.
What makes us different SPECIALIZATION PROGRAMS
- Science Business Program: acquisition of knowledge and skills for managing scientific and technological firms. - International Science Program: students acquire the competences and knowledge they will need to work in their profesional research career in a growing international market. - Diploma in Clinical Biology: students acquire profesional competences for greater specialization in the field of biological analysis (microbiology, clinical biochemistry and genetics, immunology) and biomedical research. Covers the content included in the civil service examination for biology and biochemistry residency programs in Spain. - Diploma in Marine Biology: offered in conjunction with the University of Tromsø (Norway). Focuses on Arctic biology, aquaculture, etc. - Diploma in the Management and Creation of Science Businesses: designed to foster the acquisition of skills in business organization, management and development; it is run in conjunction with the University of Navarra Career Services. A PRACTICAL APPROACH
Applied experimental subjects provide each student with the opportunity of exploring complex practical problems using the most advanced instrumental techniques. More than half of the program credits are for laboratory practicals, fieldwork, company visits, etc.
Students may take first year either in Spanish or English. Exchange agreements with other international universities enable study and research overseas. In addition, the 19% of the students are international.
– Clinical Biology – Marine Biology – Business and Management
– Double Degree in Biology + Environmental Sciences
PROFESSIONAL OPPORTUNITIES – Research and Teaching. In universities, research centers, businesses and industries, R&D departments, etc. Health and environmental education; or as the basis for other degree programs (such as Environmental Sciences, Marine Sciences, Food Technologies, etc.). – The environment: environmental management and consultancy work; pollution monitoring and management; water and plague control; environmental impact studies and restoration of the natural environment; management of natural resources, etc. – Healthcare: resident intern (biology), clinical analysis (clinical biochemistry, microbiology and parasitology, immunology), epidemiological studies, biomedical research; healthcare biotechnology, etc. – Industry: waste and pollution management, research, development and monitoring of industrial biological processes, biotechnology, R&D laboratories, chemical, pharmaceutical and food industries, quality control, etc.