Degree in Early Childhood Education School of Education & Psychology
2020 21
4 years 240 ETCS Double Degrees Specialization Programs
DEGREE IN EARLY CHILDHOOD EDUCATION Student profile – Vocation for the theory of Education and its applied study and methods. – Conversation and orientation skills. – An open mentality. – An international profile.
Double Degrees – Double Degree in Education + Early Childhood Education
97% of School students find a job within one year of completing their University studies.
– Specialization in Dealing with Diversity – Specialization in Foreign Language Proficiency
The Practicum is a required subject for students in all School of Education and Psychology degree programs. It is taught during the third and fourth academic years (or in the fifth year for double degrees). The Practicum includes a practical component carried out at an external center, and a theoretical component taught by a tutor at the School. INTERNATIONAL PRACTICUM
More than 100 students in degree and double degree programs in Education have completed study internships abroad in countries such as China, India, the United States and Finland. Undertaking a study internship abroad allows students to develop many of the skills they will later need when entering the job market, such as flexibility, adaptability, resilience and the ability to work on multidisciplinary teams.
Employment Opportunities To enhance graduate recruitment in the labor market, Early Childhood Educators and Primary Teachers receive specialised training to meet the educational changes in today’s society. Successful graduates may work in any of the following areas: • • • • •
Public and private schools and colleges, including special needs centers. Associations and organizations for people with special physical and/or cognitive needs. In-patient education, hospital classrooms. Prison education programs. Educational materials design.