Fichas Derecho - Degree in Law (ENG)

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Students of Law at the University of Navarra are known for their passion for justice, academic excellence, analysis and communication skills. They have a strong sense of ethics and social responsibility, and value teamwork in multicultural environments with a global vision and a desire to make a positive contribution to society.

Fundamentals of Anthropology

Roman Law

Fundamentals of Accounting Theory of law

Political Thought and Human Rights

Elective I Ethics / Ethics (inter-school pathway)

General Theory of Crime

General Theory of Civil Obligations and Contracts

Constitutional Jurisdiction and Fundamental Rights

Public International Law

Elective III

Real Rights

Administrative Law: Forms and Means of Activity in Public Administrations

Entrepreneurial Status and Competition Law

Introduction to Procedural Law

State Ecclesiastical Law

Cultural Keys I Elective V

Elective VI

Pamplona Campus Spanish

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and Inheritance Law Tax law

Legal Ethics

Contract, Securities and Insolvency Law

Criminal Processes

Social Security Law

Elective VIII

We offer 360-degree training with innovative teaching methodologies to provide students with excellent technical abilities but also a comprehensive education in professional skills and competences.

Concept and Fundamentals of Criminal Law

Rights of Individuals

Policy Economics

Constitutional System. Sources of Law

History of Law

Elective II

Spanish Criminal Justice System Crimes

Civil Contracts

Basic Institutions of Administrative Law and Organization of Public Administrations

EU Law

Marriage under Canon Law

Elective IV

Employment Law

Institutions of Financial and Tax Law

Company Law

Civil Processes

Cultural Keys II Elective VII

Year Project* Philosophy of Law

Private International Law

Elective IX

Elective X

Complete your degree with one of our specialization diplomas to receive training in complementary knowledge that is highly valued in the labor market. Choose yours!


Law + Anglo American Law Program

This diploma, which is taught entirely in English, is designed to give students an international professional profile, with solid notions of common law. A diploma to complement the knowledge of European (continental) law taught as part of the Degree in Law. The AALP allows students to learn about another legal system, common law. This is becoming increasingly common and is taking center stage on the international scene in, for example, negotiations, trials and alternative dispute resolution.

Law + Global Law Program

The Global Law Program is the most comprehensive program offered by the School of Law. Over the course of the four years of the degree, students will take the subjects that make up the two diplomas themselves: the AngloAmerican Law Program and the International Business Law Program.

Relate law to other, non-legal disciplines with which it is linked and acquire a comprehensive and integrated vision of today’s society and the most relevant problems it presents. much-more-than-a-degree/ global-law-program


+International Business Law Program

Law + Diploma in Economic Law much-more-than-a-degree/ anglo-american-law-program

The International Business Law Program (IBLP), which is taught entirely in English, aims to provide training in the fundamental legal aspects that affect the international business environment, with an outstanding faculty of worldrenowned teaching staff.

Intended for students who want to dedicate their future career to providing companies with legal advice. Complement the Degree in Law and provide specialist knowledge of business economics, finance and management. much-more-than-a-degree/ international-business-lawprogram much-more-than-a-degree/ diploma-in-economic-law

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