The Society for the Study of Narrative Annual Conference 2019

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The Society for the Study of Narrative Annual Conference May 30-31 and June 1, 2019 University of Navarra, Pamplona (Spain)

Facultad de

FilosofĂ­a y Letras

Hotel Blanca de Navarra


Abierto a alumnos

Av .P ío

Clínica Universidad de Navarra

Reservado para empleados

CIMA superficie CIMA subterráneo 1 10

9 Museo

Facultad de Comunicación 8 4 Edificio Central 2 Parking Comedores

7 Biblioteca de Humanidades

Comedores Universitarios



Facultades Eclesiásticas

3 Arquitectura 5 Polideportivo

Abierto a visitantes

FCOM Building map

Room 7

Room 8

Room 9

Room 10

Room 6

Room 11

Room 12

Room 13

Room 1

Room 2

Room 3

Room 4

Room 5


Cafeteria Room 14




Table of Contents Conference Overview The International Society for the Study of Narrative Executive Board and Organizing Committee Awards The 2019 Wayne C. Booth Lifetime Achievement Award Events at the 2019 Conference Affiliated Institutions General Information

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Plenary Speakers Conference Program List of participants




CONFERENCE OVERVIEW All Conference events will be held at the Edificio de Ciencias Sociales/FCOM Building of the University of Navarra. WEDNESDAY, May 29th 5:00-7:00 pm Registration 7:45: Newcomers’ Dinner. Meet at the Lobby of the AC Ciudad de Pamplona, Calle Iturrama, 21. Alternatively, you may also proceed directly to the Café Iruña, in the Plaza del Castillo. Our reservation is for 8:15 pm. THURSDAY, May 30th 8:00: Registration Opens 8:30-10:00: First Session 10:00-10:30: Coffee Break 10:30-12:00: Second Session 12:15-1:30: Official Conference Welcome and First Plenary Lecture 1:45-3:00: Pedagogy Lunch 3:15-4:45: Third Session 5:00-6:30: Fourth Session 6:45-8:15: Fifth Session 8:15: Juevintxo Dinner and Flamenco FRIDAY, May 31st 8:00 am Registration Opens 8:30-10:00: Sixth Session 10:00-10:30: Coffee Break 10:30-12:00: Seventh Session 12:15-1:30: Second Plenary Lecture 1:45-3:00: Sustainability Town Hall Lunch Meeting 3:15-4:45: Eighth Session 5:00-6:30: Ninth Session 6:45-8:15: Tenth Session SATURDAY, June 1st 8:30-10:00: Eleventh Session 10:00-10:30: Coffee Break 10:30-12:00: Twelfth Session 12:15-2:45: Awards Luncheon 3:00-4:30: Thirteenth Session 4:45-6:15: Fourteenth Session 6:30-7:30: Free Museum Tour


The International Society for the Study of Narrative The International Society for the Study of Narrative (ISSN) is a nonprofit association of scholars dedicated to the investigation of narrative, its elements, techniques, and forms; its relations to other modes of discourse; and its power and influence in cultures past and present. “Narrative” for us is a category that may include the novel, epic poetry, history, biography, autobiography, film, the graphic arts, music, performance, legal writing, medical case histories, and more. The Society sponsors the International Conference on Narrative each year. The first conference was held at Ohio State University in 1986, and in subsequent years, the meeting has been held at sites across the United States, Canada, and Europe. At each conference, approximately 350 speakers address issues of narrative from a variety of positions and perspectives. There are currently approximately a thousand members in ISSN, and new members are always welcome. Membership in the Society includes a subscription to Narrative (winner of the 1993 award for Best New Journal from the Council of Editors of Learned Journals), as well as to the Society’s newsletter, which contains information about the annual conference, MLA sessions, the online discussion group, and other activities. For more information about the ISSN, please visit our website at:


Executive Board Executive Committee President: Maria Mäkelä, University of Tampere First Vice President: Sylvie Patron, University of Paris Diderot Second Vice President: Lindsay Holmgren, McGill University Past President: Dan Punday, Mississippi State University Secretary-Treasurer; Editor, Narrative: Jim Phelan, The Ohio State University Conference Liaison: Sue J. Kim, University of Massachusetts, Lowell Electronic Communications Coordinator: Edward Maloney, Georgetown University Executive Council Per Krogh Hansen, Member-at-Large, University of Southern Denmark, 2017-2019 Tara MacDonald, Member-at-Large, University of Idaho, 2017-2019 Christopher González, Member-at-Large, Utah State University, 20182020 Henrik Skov Nielsen, Member-at-Large, Aarhus University, 2018-2020 Dorothee Birke, Member-at-Large, University of Innsbruck, 2019-2021 Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman, Member-at-Large, Brown University, 2019-2021

ISSN 2019 Organizing Committee Rosalía Baena Rocío G. Davis Ana Belén Martínez Sofía Brotons Conference Staff Verónica García Raquel Goñi


Awards Perkins Prize Established in 1994, the Perkins Prize honors Barbara Perkins and George Perkins, the founders of both The Journal of Narrative Technique and the Society itself. The prize, awarded to the book making the most significant contribution to the study of narrative in a given year, provides $1,000 plus a contribution of $500 toward the winning author’s expenses for attending the Narrative Conference at which the award will be presented. The Perkins Prize is conceived as a book prize rather than an author prize. All books on the topic of narrative, whether edited collections, collaboratively written books, or monographs, are eligible to compete. If an edited collection or collaboratively written book is selected, the prize goes to the editor(s) or the collaborators. The winner of the competition for books published in 2018 will be announced at the MLA Convention in Chicago in January 2020, and the prize will be presented in March 2020 at the Narrative Conference in New Orleans. To nominate books with a copyright date of 2018, please send an email with “Perkins Prize” in the subject line to the chair of the judging committee, Dan Punday: Publisher, third-party, and self-nominations are all appropriate. Copies of books must be sent directly to each of the three judges. Please indicate in the nominating email whether the publisher or the author will send the books. The deadline for receipt of books by the judges is July 1, 2019. Books should be sent by authors or their publishers directly to each of the three committee members: Dan Punday Department of English Mississippi State University, Box E Mississippi State, MS 39762 USA Astrid Ensslin 200 Old Arts University of Alberta Edmonton AB T6G 2E6 Canada Paul Dawson School of the Arts and Media University of New South Wales NSW 2052 Australia


Best Graduate Student Essay All graduate students who present papers at the conference are invited to compete for the prize for best graduate student essay. The winner will receive a copy of a Perkins Prize-winning book of his or her choice and will be encouraged to expand the winning paper for consideration by Narrative. In addition, the 2019 winner will be eligible for $500 toward expenses to attend the 2020 conference. Submit papers electronically as attachments (Word or PDF) to both of the judges: Aliyyah Abdur-Rahman ( and Dorothee Birke ( Papers must be received by July 15, 2019. Papers must be unrevised conference presentations. While formatting changes, correction of typos, and the addition of a Works Cited page are expected, changes to the substance of the argument are not acceptable.


The 2019 Wayne C. Booth Lifetime Achievement Award Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan is Emeritus Professor of English and Comparative Literature at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, where she held the Renee Lang Chair for Humanistic Studies. Born in 1942, she received her Ph.D. from the University of London and has held visiting professorships at Harvard University and the University of Helsinki. She is the author of The Concept of Ambiguity, the Example of James (1977), A Glance Beyond Doubt: Narration, Representation, Subjectivity (1996), and most notably of Narrative Fiction: Contemporary Poetics (1983, revised 2002), which remains one of the most widely used and valued introductions to narratology.


Events at the 2019 Conference Pedagogy Lunch The ISSN Pedagogy Lunch will be held this year on Thursday, May 30th, from 2:15 – 3:30, directly following the first Plenary and opening welcome. We are delighted with the line-up of contributors whose names and talk titles are listed in the program. The contributors will give roughly 10-minute talks describing their unique approaches to teaching narrative, providing some tips about what works well. We hope we will see many of you there for these great talks from Europe, Canada, and the United States, and we look forward to a rich discussion to follow. Sustainability Town Hall The ISSN Executive Council invites all participants for an open discussion on the possible measures to be taken for reducing the carbon footprint of future Narrative conferences. No registration is needed. The conference organizers will provide a light lunch for everyone interested in participating. Chair: Maria Mäkelä, President of the ISSN Awards Lunch You are invited to attend the International Society for the Study of Narrative Awards Lunch. In addition to providing general updates about the Society and future conferences, we will also be awarding the Booth Award for Lifetime Achievement in the Study of Narrative, the Perkins Prize, the Nadel Prize, and the Phelan Prize for the best essay in Narrative last year. Visit to the University of Navarra Museum The University is proud of its Museum of Contemporary Art and invites all conference participants to visit free of charge. Please show your Conference Badge at the entrance for admission. We will also have a Museum Tour on Saturday at 6:30 pm. Please tell one of the Student Helpers at Registration if you are interested in attending.


Affiliated Institutions In seeking ways to support potential ISSN conference organizers, the Executive Committee of the Society is trying to widen our source of funding for the conference. We have found that potential organizers can sometimes be intimidated by the need to raise funds, especially if their home institution isn’t able to make a significant financial contribution itself. Conversely, there are many members of the society whose institutions would like to sponsor the conference, but who work in locations where hosting the conference just isn’t practical. The 2020 Narrative conference in New Orleans is piloting a new method of support. In addition to the host (Mississippi State University) and sponsors (The University of New Orleans and Tulane University) we are recruiting universities and other organizations that would like to serve as affiliated institutions. Affiliated institutions will make a contribution of $500 to the conference, and will be listed on conference materials along with the host and sponsors. In addition, each affiliated institution will be given up to one page in the conference printed program to showcase their curriculum, faculty accomplishments, or new initiatives. Institutions can choose to sponsor for 1, 2, or 3 years at a time. In addition to supporting a conference we all enjoy, becoming an affiliated institution is one way of highlighting the contributions your university or institution is making to the study of narrative. We think that this will be particularly appealing to emerging programs that may not necessarily be widely associated with research in narrative. Faculty members at the conference routinely advise undergraduate and Masters students on potential PhD programs, so serving as an affiliated institution can draw attention to options for graduate study that may not be part of the current conversation between faculty and students. Affiliated institutions will make their contribution to the Ohio State University Press, via check, credit card, or wire transfer. The Press will then forward the funds to the conference organizers. For details about the submission process, please write to Kathy Edwards at the Press To be an affiliate sponsor for a given calendar year, the Press must receive the funds by January 31 of that year. We hope that each year we will have a pool of affiliated institutions to support the conference, and that future organizers will be able to depend on this source of funding as they work with their own institutions and other local supporters. General questions about this initiative should be directed to Dan Punday at


General Information Registration and Conference Venue Registration and the Conference events will all be held at the FCom Building of the University of Navarra. The building has wheelchair access. Conference participants are required to wear their badges during the events. Audiovisual and Media Requirements All the classrooms are technology enhanced. We suggest that you bring your presentations on a USB stick, which will facilitate connection. Presenters using Mac laptops need to bring their own adaptors. Power Plugs and Adapters Please be reminded that, in Spain, power plugs and sockets are of Type F. You might want to make sure you bring an adapter for phone or computer charging. Wi-Fi Access to the Eduroam network is available to participants from universities and research institutions that are part of the network. For those who do not have access to the network, you may sign on to the Guest Network: unav-guest. Dining on Campus The following cafeterias and dining areas are open Thursday and Friday:  Faustino: in the Conference Building and in the Central Building. Serves sandwiches and casual meals. Open from 9:00am-7:00pm.  The University Dining Hall (Comedores): across from the Central Building. Reasonably-priced self-service dining hall. Opens from 1:00-3.30pm  Rodilla: In the Amigos Building, beside the Conference Building. Serves sandwiches. Open from 8:00am-7:00pm.  Aramark Cafeteria: In the Humanities Library Building. Sandwiches and meaos. Open from 8:30am-5:00pm.  The University Museum has a dining room that serves lunch. Open from 1:30-3:30pm. Taxis in Pamplona Taxis in Pamplona park in front of hotels and designated spots. You cannot hail a cab here but need to call for one: + (34) 948-351335. Uber does not operate in Pamplona. However, as you will soon discover, the city is small and very walkable. Enjoy!


Plenary Speakers

Prof. Rebecca Garden, Center for Bioethics and Humanities, Upstate Medical University Critical Healing: Narrative and Health Humanities My friend Robert became sick with AIDS just as I started grad school in the 1990s. Disease and disorder remade my friend and all of those who loved him. Unmoored by his dementia and then by his death, I looked for literature and literary practices that could help me remake my world. I found the health humanities. This talk describes my engagement with a discipline that foregrounds literature that represents the experiences of those who are disabled and ill and those who seek healthcare. I will discuss how health humanities approaches bore me through trauma and loss and how literature and its theories and methods can investigate the social and structural aspects of health and embodiment. Health humanities reveal the historical, political, and economic forces that shape health, ability, and embodied identity. They can stage analyses of the bias, discrimination, and segregation—in both the clinic and the community—that lead to health disparities. Health humanities set literary and narrative theories and methods in dialogue with healthcare practice to develop a range of strategies to survive the cure and redress inequities. My friend Robert’s illness and death are one of many that contribute to the critical healing and cultural repair that make up the health humanities. Rebecca Garden, Ph.D., is Associate Professor of Bioethics and Humanities and holds a joint appointment in Public Health and Preventative Medicine at Upstate Medical University. She earned her doctorate in English and comparative literature from Columbia University. Dr. Garden’s research draws on fiction, autobiography, film, and video, as well as critical approaches to disability, gender, sexuality, and ethnicity, to examine socio-cultural and ethical issues related to illness, disability, deafness, and health care. Her current research explores literary and critical paradigms that move understandings of dementia and decision-making in healthcare beyond reason. She has published in journals such as New Literary History, Disability Studies Quarterly, the Journal of Medical Humanities, the Journal of Clinical Ethics, Academic Medicine, and the Journal of General Internal Medicine.


Prof. Julie Rak, University of Alberta The Exquisite Corpse: George Mallory and the Narrative of Everest No one is more identified with the history of Mount Everest than George Mallory, who famously explained that he wished to summit the mountain “because it is there.” Mallory has become a mythic figure, connected by the needs of others to a larger narrative about the right kind of masculinity and heroism for Everest. When Mallory’s body was unexpectedly discovered on Everest in 1999, the climbers who found it immediately “read” the body as a story of an authentic climber’s life. What imperatives turn bodies--and mountains--into stories of authenticity, and who do those stories serve?

Julie Rak is Professor in the Department of English and Film Studies at the University of Alberta. Her major areas of research are auto/biography and life writing, popular culture and North American literature. She is also interested in book history and publishing, as well as online forms of identity construction, graphic memoirs and video gaming, and is committed to researching what ordinary people think, do and write about their lives. Her publications include Life Among the Qallunaat (edited with Mini Aodla Freeman and Keavy Martin. University of Manitoba Press, 2015), Identity Technologies: Constructing the Self Online (edited with Anna Poletti. University of Wisconsin Press, 2014), Boom! Manufacturing Memoir for the Popular Market (Wilfrid Laurier University Press, 2013) and the anthology (edited with Hannah McGregor and Erin Wunker) Refuse: CanLit in Ruins.


Conference Program WEDNESDAY, May 29th 5:00-7:00 pm Registration (Edificio de Ciencias Sociales/FCom Building) 7:45: Newcomers’ Dinner. Meet at the Lobby of the AC Ciudad de Pamplona, Calle Iturrama, 21. Alternatively, you may also proceed directly to the Café Iruña, in the Plaza del Castillo. Our reservation is for 8:15 pm.

THURSDAY, May 30th 8:00: Registration Opens 8:30-10:00: First Session / Aula 6 1.1 Contemporary Narrative Theory. Panel #1 Chair: Brian McHale, The Ohio State University Kent Puckett, University of California, Berkeley. “RAND Narratology.” Stefan Iversen, Aarhus University. “Defamiliarizing Ascriptions: The Case of Metanoia.” Erin James, University of Idaho. “Narrative Theory and the Environmental Humanities.” 10:00-10:30: Coffee Break 10:30-12:00: Second Session 2.1 Narrative and Play: Exchanges, Interfaces, Borderlands (Aula 2) Chair: Stefan Schubert, Leipzig University Katja Kanzler, Leipzig University. “‘This game is not meant for you’: HBO’s Westworld at the Crossroads of Narrative and Play.” Maria Sulimma, University Duisburg-Essen. “Play by Paratext: Television Narration, Seriality, and Interactivity.” Stefan Schubert, Leipzig University. “Choose Your Own Identity: Playful Life Writing in the Autobiography of Neil Patrick Harris.” 2.2 Space and Time I (Aula 3) Chair: Marzia Beltrami, Durham University Marzia Beltrami, Durham University. “Spatial Plots: Understanding Narratives Through Embodied Experience.” Lena Mattheis, University of Duisburg-Essen. “Translocal Haunting and Narrative.”


Jenne Powers, Bentley University. “Intersectional Feminist Narratology and the Chronotope of the Road in Moshfegh’s Eileen.” 2.3 Narrative Enigmas: Internal Voices and Independent Characters (Aula 4) Chair: H. Porter Abbott, University of California, Santa Barbara H. Porter Abbott, University of California, Santa Barbara. “Hearing voices: An excess of narrativity in a regress of narrative.” John Foxwell, Durham University. “Sharing the Load: Authors’ Intentions and Characters’ Agency.” Angela Woods, Durham University. “Shame, resistance and the fragment: the narrative complexities of hearing voices.” 2.4 Narrative Strategies of Uncertainty in Comics (Aula 5) Chair: Ahmed Maaheen, Ghent University Giorgio Busi Rizzi, Independent Scholar. “Oblivion: Amnesiac Narrative in Sutu’s These Memories Won’t Last.” Rebekah Slodounik, Bucknell University. “Beyond Art Spiegelman’s Maus: Holocaust Testimony in Graphic Narrative.” Ahmed Maaheen, Ghent University. “Child Narrators in Graphic Novels: Variations on Strangeness.” 2.5 Multi-Narratives I: Forms of Juxtaposition (Aula 10) Chair: Corinne Bancroft, University of Victoria Jutta Zimmermann, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. “Multinarratives: Ideal Type and Narratological Concept.” Cord-Christian Casper, Institute for Advanced Study in the Humanities. “Multiplying Here — Juxtaposition and Sequence in Comics.” Emmanuel Tristan Kugland, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. “Unfulfilled Promises? Multi-Narrative in Nicole Krauss’ A Forest Dark.” 2.6 Objects and Practices: Rethinking the Mediality of Narrative (Aula 11) Chair: Dorothee Birke, University of Innsbruck Yasemin Hacioglu, University of Oslo. “Orchestrating the Narrative: Functions of Poetry in Romantic Women’s Novels.” Natalia Igl, University of Oslo. “Materializing the Narrative: Multimodal Novels as Test Case for a Media-Ecological Narratology.” Dorothee Birke, University of Innsbruck. “The Good Book? Narrating Media Hierarchies in the Digital Age.” Hyesu Park, Bellevue College. “Media, Narrative, and Culture: Narrativizing and Contextualizing Korean Mukbang Shows.” 2.7 Finding Place and Creating Space: Cognitive Readings in Latinx Studies (Aula 12) Chair: Doug Bush, Converse College Indra Leyva, The Ohio State University. “Netflix and Spill: Latinx Cultural Schema and the Coming-Out Narrative.” Doug Bush, Converse College. “The Cultural Schema: A Cognitive Roadmap for Reading Minority Literature.”


2.8 Small Stories Research Across Disciplines (Aula 13) Chair: Sylvie Patron, University of Paris Diderot Cécile de Bary, University of Paris Diderot. “Valérie Mréjen: Small Stories Out of Order.” Stéphanie Smadja, University of Paris Diderot. “Inner Speech and Small Stories.” Sylvie Patron, University of Paris Diderot. “Dialogue, Small Stories, and Exile Identities in Mario Benedetti’s Historias de París.” 12:15-1:30: Official Conference Welcome and First Plenary Lecture / Aula 6

Rebecca Garden, Center for Bioethics and Humanities, Upstate Medical University. “Critical Healing: Narrative and Health Humanities” 1:45-3:00: Pedagogy Lunch / Aula 5 Organizers: Lindsay Holmgren, McGill University Eddie Maloney, Georgetown University Presenters: Pia Masiero, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. “Some Reflections on using Moodle and its Forum with First-year Students.” Erin James, University of Idaho. “Background as Foreground: Teaching Climate Change Fiction.” Gretchen Busl, Texas Woman’s University. “Narrative Theory and Public Audiences: Pop Scholarship Assignments in the Graduate Classroom.” Rae Muhlstock, University at Albany, State University of New York. “Ideas, Images, and Movie Magic: Narrative Filmmaking as Pedagogy.” 3:15-4:45: Third Session 3.1 Multi-Narratives II: Homogeneity (Aula 2) Chair: André Schwarck, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel Kerstin Howaldt, University of Erfurt. “Fragile Paper-Narratives? Crossing Out Stories in Julian Barnes’s The Only Story.” Liz Bahs, University of Surrey. “Reading the Null Point: Multi-Narrative Strategies in Gabrielle Calvocoressi’s Rocket Fantastic.” André Schwarck, Christian-Albrechts-University of Kiel. “‘Another scrap in a life full of scraps’: Holistic heterogeneity in Anne Enright’s The Green Road.” Corinne Bancroft, University of Victoria. “Manuscripts, Writing Desks and Fiction: The Possibility of Attachment in Nicole Krauss’s Braided Narratives.”


3.2 Narration and Enumeration: On the Experientiality of Lists (Aula 3) Chair: Roman Alexander Barton, Freiburg University Julia Böckling, Freiburg University. “Narrating Objects and Enumerating People: Lists in Our Mutual Friend.” Sarah Link, Freiburg University. “Bertillon, Galton, and Co.: Narrating Forensics in Detective Fiction.” Roman Alexander Barton, Freiburg University. “Endless Lists in Sprawling Narratives: Enumeration in the Sternean Novel.” 3.3 Extending Rhetorical Investigation of Narrative Progression: Intertextuality, Adaptation and “Covert Progression” (Aula 4) Chair: James Phelan, Ohio State University Kelly A. Marsh, Mississippi State University. “Intertextuality and the Progression of Sapphire’s Push.” W. Michelle Wang, Nanyang Technological University. “(Re)Shaping Narrative Progression: Adapting Chinese Web Novels for Television.” Daniel Candel, University of Alcalá. “Extending Covert Progression to Comics: Frank Miller’s 300.” 3.4 Cognitive Approaches to Experimental Narrative (Aula 5) Chair: H. Porter Abbott, University of California, Santa Barbara Lars Bernaerts, Ghent University. “The Limits of Cognitive Realism in Experimental Fiction.” Marco Caracciolo, Ghent University. “Slow narrative, philosophy, and essayistic attractions.” Dan Irving, United States Merchant Marine Academy. “Experimental Storytelling in really, really new media: On Narrative Affordances in Twitch streaming.” Jan Alber, RWTH Aachen University. “Towards an Empirical Narratology: What Actual Readers do with Unnatural Narratives.” 3.5 Narrative Co-construction I: Literary Co-constructions (Aula 10) Chair: Malcah Effron, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Margarida McMurry, University of Birmingham and Virginia Pignagnoli, University of Zaragoza (co-authored with Malcah Effron). “Co-construction in the Unnarrated and Disnarrated.” Sarah Copland, MacEwan University. “Narrator-Narratee Co-Construction and the Ideal Narratee.” Melba Cuddy-Keane, University of Toronto. “The Space of Possible Storyminds: Coconstruction as Embodied FID.” 3.6 Demediation and Narrative (Aula 11) Chair: Mikko Keskinen, University of Jyväskylä Danuta Fjellestad, Uppsala University. “Interval Detexting in Leanne Shapton’s Important Artifacts.” Mikko Keskinen, University of Jyväskylä. “Do It Yourself Multimodality and Demediation: The Uses and Abuses of the Book Medium in Keri Smith’s Wreck This Journal.”


Laura Piippo, University of Jyväskylä. “Rinse and Repeat: Demediating the Internet in Karri Kokko’s Retweeted.” Juha-Pekka Kilpiö, University of Jyväskylä. “Demedia Archaeology: Digging into the Narrative in Mika Taanila’s Book Sculptures.” 3.7 Archives & Narrative Theory (Aula 12) Chair: Joshua Parker, University of Salzburg Marc Farrior, University of Arizona. “Willa Cather Haunts the Archive: Spectral Mythology in One of Ours.” Gaura Narayan, Purchase College, State University of New York. “Fact and Fiction in the Archives of the Indian Uprising of 1857.” Sue J. Kim, University of Massachusetts-Lowell. “Narrative Challenges of Community Archives.” 3.8 Reading the Past (Aula 13) Chair: Philip S. Peek, Bowling Green State University Naiara Ardanaz Iñarga, University of Navarra. “Reading a Canon’s Narrative to Excavate the Past.” Philip S. Peek, Bowling Green State University. “Herodotus’ Margins.” Zeng Ying, Shandong University. “The ‘Journey’ of Narrative: An Analysis of Nonfictional Travel Writings in the Middle Ages.” 5:00-6:30: Fourth Session 4.1 Embodied Experience and its Challenges to Narrative Conventions (Aula 2) Chair: Cindie Maagaard, University of Southern Denmark Sarah Hardy, Hampden-Sydney College. “The Multitudinous Self and the Problem of Story.” Elizabeth Starr, Westfield State University. “[S]he was ‘a ticking time bomb’”: Illness Narrative and Suspense.” Cindie Maagaard, University of Southern Denmark. “To Give Pause: Fragmentary Form in Illness Narratives.” Kathryn Kirkland, Geisel School of Medicine, Dartmouth. “The Clinician-Reader, the Text, the Poem (with apologies to Louise Rosenblatt).” 4.2 Emergent Narrative, Emergent Authority (Aula 3) Chair: Paul Dawson, University of New South Wales Maria Mäkelä, Tampere University. “Emergent Authority and the Viral Exemplum.” Richard Walsh, University of York. “Narrative Cognition? Between the Implicit and the Self-reflexive.” Paul Dawson, University of New South Wales. “Emergent Storytelling in the Digital Public Sphere.”


4.3 Storyworld Possible Selves and the Study of Narrative Engagement (Aula 4) Chair: María-Ángeles Martínez, Complutense University of Madrid Anneke Sools, Universiteit Twente (co-authored with Sofia Triliva and Theofanis Filippas). “The Role of Desired Future Selves in the Creation of New Experience: The Case of Greek Unemployed Young Adults.” María-Ángeles Martínez, Complutense University of Madrid. “Storyworld Possible Selves: An Introduction.” Luc Herman, University of Antwerp. “Testing the Theory: Storyworld Possible Selves and the Graphic Narrative City by Wasco.” 4.4 Ecology and Narrative I: Human and Nonhuman Encounters (Aula 5) Chair: Carolin Gebauer, University of Wuppertal Shannon Lambert, Ghent University. “‘Analogical Ecologies’: Exploring Corporeality in Scientific Narratives.” Brian J. McAllister, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates. “Towards a Nonscalable Narratology.” Vid Stevanovic, LMU Munich. “Telling the Lives of Things: Object-Biographies and Ecocriticism.” 4.5 Narrative Co-construction II: Interdisciplinary Co-constructions (Aula 10) Chair: Melba Cuddy-Keane, University of Toronto Lindsay Holmgren, McGill University. “Co-constructed Narratives of the IMF (International Monetary Fund).” Joshua Parker, University of Salzburg. “Intersubjective Entwining in Online Videos of Climatic Disasters.” Cody Jay Mejeur, Michigan State University. “Theorizing Narrative Convergence from Music to Video Games.” 4.6 Therapeutic Narratives (Aula 11) Chair: Jenn Miller Scarnato, Tulane University Sofia Brotons, University of Navarra. “May Words Transform Inner World?: FutureSelf Narratives and Reflexivity in Adolescents at Risk of Exclusion.” Ronit Kuriel, Kibbutzim College of Education. “The Contribution of Education Dynamic Processes to a Person’s Narrative Change, Case Study: SLS Program.” Jenn Miller Scarnato, Tulane University. “Digital Testimonio: A Narrative Approach to Trauma Treatment with Latinx Adolescents.” 4.7 Narrative, Society, and Politics (Aula 12) Chair: Shuchi Kapila, Grinnell College Ana Belén Martínez García, University of Navarra. “Women’s Rights and Life Narrative from Conflict Zones.” Eir-Anne Edgar, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. “The One You’re With: Adultery and Divorce Law Reform During the Sexual Revolution.” Shuchi Kapila, Grinnell College. “Partition Narratives and Intentional Communities.”


4.8 Race, Culture, and Narrative I (Aula 13) Chair: Tabitha Espina Velasco, Washington State University Tabitha Espina Velasco, Washington State University. “The Halo Halo Generation: Rhetorics of Third-Generation Filipino Identity on Guam.” Hein Viljoen, North-West University. “‘Green like the sky is blue’: Narrative and Moral Experimentation in Recent Afrikaans Novels.” Bibiana Pérez, Complutense University. “African Motherhood: Proposal of a Mothers’ Typology in Anglophone Women’s Literature.” 4.9 Fictionality and Fictionalization (Aula 14) Chair: Mengchen Lang, University of York Anora Yu, Hang Seng University of Hong Kong. “Multiple Truths and Multiple Realities: Fictionalisation as Re-presentation in Narrative Inquiry.” Mengchen Lang, University of York. “From Vladimir Nabokov's ‘Fictional Worlds’ to a Rhetoric of Fictionality.” 6:45-8:15: Fifth Session 5.1 Narrative and Image: Comics and Graffiti (Aula 2) Chair: Mark McKinney, Miami University Mark McKinney, Miami University. “A Human River.” Fabrice Leroy, University of Louisiana at Lafayette. “Back to the Future: Reversal and Reflexivity in Smolderen and Clérisse’s Souvenir de l’Empire de l’Atome.” Richard J. Ellis, University of Chichester. “What a Waste: Graffiti as Narrative in Athens, 2011-2016.” 5.2 Ecology and Narrative II: Fictionality, Ethics, and Genre (Aula 3) Chair: Brian J. McAllister, American University of Sharjah, United Arab Emirates Lieven Ameel, University of Turku. “Fact, Fiction, Futura: Fraught Fictionality in Forecasting Environmental Futures.” Carolin Gebauer, University of Wuppertal. “‘Fostering ‘Ecological Thought’: Exploring the Ethical Dimension of Anthropocene Fiction.” Reuben Martens, KU Leuven. “Abstract Ecology and Narrative: Tracing Petromelancholia through Solarpunk Storyworlds.” Gry Ulstein, Ghent University. “‘The tower, which was not supposed to be there’: Weird Unnaration.” 5.3 Lists and Narrative Configuration in Comics and Graphic Narratives (Aula 4) Chair: Anne Rüggemeier, University of Freiburg Olivier Stucky, University of Lausanne. “Theoretical and Methodological Issues of Narrative Reconfiguration in Comics.” Anne Rüggemeier, University of Freiburg. “Fragmentary Linearities: The List, Graphic Illness and the Concept of Broken Narrative.” Nancy Pedri, Memorial University of Newfoundland. “Lists: Design and Deception in Graphic Illness Narratives.”


5.4 Narratives and/of Violence (Aula 5) Chair: Timothy Melley, Miami University David Rudrum, University of Huddersfield. “Defamation, Provocation, Calumniation: A Prehistory of Narrative-based Abuse.” Olga Michael, University of Central Lancashire-Cyprus. “Female Sexuality in the aftermath of Childhood Sexual Abuse: Undoing the Official Iconography of Female Hysteria and Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder in Una’s Becoming, Unbecoming.” Timothy Melley, Miami University. “Narrating Risk: Threat Culture and the Management of the Future.” 5.5 Narrators (Aula 10) Chair: Lawrence K. Stanley, Brown University Marina Ludwigs, Stockholm University. “Narrative Desire vs the Narrator's Desire: The Performative Dynamics of Narrative Consciousness on the ‘Scene’ of Representation.” Beñat Sarasola Santamaria, University of the Basque Country. “The Problem of the (Un)Reliable Narrator in the Debate about Fictionality.” Lawrence K. Stanley, Brown University. “‘The he and the she of it’: The Androgynous Narrator.” Karen A. Winstead, Ohio State University. “Dracula and the Fantastic.” 5.6 Reading Narrative Strategies (Aula 11) Chair: Jacob Lothe, University of Oslo Ayşegül Turan, Istanbul Kültür University. “Forms of Clothing as Tropes of Change in Leila Aboulela’s Minaret.” Jacob Lothe, University of Oslo. “The Ethics of the Endings of Ian McEwan’s Atonement and Joe Wright's Atonement.” Kai Mikkonen, University of Helsinki. "‘The Marquise went out at 5 o’clock’: The Novel’s Beginning and Realistic Expectations.” Ella Mingazova, University of Liège & KU Leuven. “Slowness as Effect in Reading Proust.” 5.7 Contemporary Narrative Strategies (Aula 12) Chair: Courtney Jacobs, University of Oklahoma Tero Eljas Vanhanen, University of Turku. “Description as a Narrative Tableaux of Violence in Cormac McCarthy’s Blood Meridian.” Courtney Jacobs, University of Oklahoma. “Feeling at Home: Affective Architectures in Marilynne Robinson’s Housekeeping and Marianne Hauser's The Talking Room.” Jaclyn Partyka, Rowan University. “‘Be a little genrequeer’: Rushdie’s The Golden House in the Age of Post-Truth.” Maria Epp, MacEwan University. “Around the World in Fourteen Years.” 5.8 Race, Culture, and Narrative II (Aula 13) Chair: Gretchen Busl, Texas Women’s University Gretchen Busl, Texas Women’s University. “‘Alien’ Narratives: Reading Narratives of the Other as Unnatural.”


Delphine Munos, Goethe University Frankfurt, Humboldt Foundation. “Digital Storytelling by Contemporary Minority Authors.” 8:15: Juevintxo and Flamenco Dinner

FRIDAY, May 31st 8:00 Registration Opens 8:30-10:00: Sixth Session / Aula 6 6.1 Contemporary Narrative Theory. Panel #2 Chair: Brian McHale, The Ohio State University Divya Dwivedi, Indian Institute of Technology Delhi. “The Addressee Function in Narratology.” Françoise Lavocat, Université Sorbonne Nouvelle - Paris 3. “‘Demographic style’ as a New Narratological Concept.” Jennifer Ho, University of North Carolina, Chapel Hill. “Author Functions, Literary Functions, and Racial Representations.” 10:00-10:30: Coffee Break 10:30 am -12:00: Seventh Session 7.1 The 2019 Wayne C. Booth Award Panel to Honor Shlomith RimmonKenan (Aula 6) Chair: Jan Alber, RWTH Aachen University Gerald Prince, University of Pennsylvania. “Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan, Classical and Postclassical.” Rita Charon, Columbia University. “Embodied Words and Spoken Body: RimmonKenan’s Mortalized Worlds.” James Phelan, Ohio State University. “A Glance Beyond Doubt: Narrative as Theory.” Susan Lanser, Brandeis University. “Classically Post: Shlomith Rimmon-Kenan’s Narratology at the Checkpoint.” 7.2 Traversing worlds: Text-world Perspectives on Fictionality, Transmediality and Mind-modelling (Aula 2) Chair: Alison Gibbons, Sheffield Hallam University Alison Gibbons, Sheffield Hallam University. “‘Why do you insist Alana is not real?’: Visitors’ Perceptions of the Fictionality of Andi and Lance Olsen’s ‘there’s no place like time’ Exhibition.” Jessica Norledge, University of Nottingham. “Interactive Dystopian Worlds: Reading Eli Horowitz’s The Pickle Index.”


Sam Browse, Sheffield Hallam University. “‘What she really meant’: Crossing the Epistemological Divide in the Text-worlds of Political Punditry.” 7.3 Reimagining the Environment in Speculative Fiction: From Climate Crisis to Personified Images of Nature (Aula 3) Chair: Hanna-Riikka Roine, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies Markus Laukkanen, Tampere University. “Literalizing Complex Figures: the Tellability of Climate Change in A Song of Ice and Fire.” Mikko Mäntyniemi, Tampere University. “Phantasmagorical Landscape: Folded Space in Claire Vaye Watkins’ Gold Fame.” Elise Kraatila, Tampere University. “Strangely Familiar: Estrangement and Readerly Empathy in N. K. Jemisin’s The Broken Earth.” Helena Mäntyniemi, Tampere University. “Female Sexual Liberation through Nature Metaphors in Harry Potter Fanfiction Story Skirt Full of Thorns.” 7.4 On Narrative Perspective (Aula 4) Chair: Trask Roberts, University of Pennsylvania Joanna Jeziorska-Haładyj, University of Warsaw. “Let Me Tell You Your Story: Second Person Narratives in Fiction and Non-Fiction.” Joseph Klemens, University of Toronto. “The ‘Performative Monologue’ in Roberto Bolaño’s Amuleto.” Trask Roberts, University of Pennsylvania. “Translating My Self: Julien Green’s First Person Narrator in Self-translation.” Donald B. Redmond and John Mark Parker, Mercer University. “Narratives across Disciplines, Mediums, and Time Zones: Using Narrative Nonfiction, International Travel, and Digital Storytelling to inspire Critical Thinking.” 7.5 Television Narratives (Aula 5) Chair: Alberto García, University of Navarra Alberto García and Pablo Castrillo, University of Navarra. “The Poetics of Anthology Series.” Joäo Senna Teixeira, Federal University of Bahia. “Differentiating between Possible World and Storyworld as a Way of Analyzing Serial Narratives.” Emily Anderson, Knox College. “Narrative and Spectacle: Implicating Viewers in Black Mirror.” Courtney Hopf, New York University, London. “When the Political is the Personal: Marrying Spy Thriller to Family Drama in The Americans.” 7.6 Space and Time II (Aula 10) Chair: Sean Yeager, Pacific Northwest College of Art Sean Yeager, Pacific Northwest College of Art. “Assata’s Experimental Temporal Space.” Ran Wei, Washington University. “Narrating the 3/11 Disaster: ‘Superpresent’ and ‘Timelessness’ in Furukawa Hideo’s Horses, Horses.” Oliver Buckton, Florida Atlantic University. “‘That damned business about the birds’: The Natural Environment as Narrative Symptom in Ian Fleming’s Dr No.”


7.7 Character and Narrative Identity (Aula 11) Chair: Suzanne Gannon, Lancaster University Eric Bergman, University of Helsinki. “Narrative In-betweenness in Sandra Cisneros’s The House on Mango Street.” Suzanne Gannon, Lancaster University. “Agency and the Construction of Self in Exit Narratives.” Siddarth Srikanth, Ohio State University. “Literary Character and Communal Life in the Postcolonial Novel.” 12:15-1:30: Second Plenary Lecture / Aula 6

Julie Rak, University of Alberta “The Exquisite Corpse: George Mallory and the Narrative of Everest” 1:45-3:00: Town Hall Lunch Meeting / Aula 5 3:15-4:45: Eighth session 8.1 Narrative Contest, Positioning and Counter Narrative I (Aula 2) Chair: Matti Hyvärinen, Tampere University Amy Shuman, Ohio State University. “The Co-Production of Dominant and Counternarrative in Political Asylum Hearings.” Anke Piekut, University of Southern Denmark. “How Intercultural is Intercultural Education? ‘Otherness’ and Contested Master Narratives in Danish Higher Education.” Matias Nurminen, Tampere University. “Evil Master Narrative in the Making: The Manosphere’s Dubious Counter-narrative and Positioning to tell about it in Antifeminist Field Reports.” 8.2 Music and Narrative in Radio Drama (Aula 3) Chair: Jarmila Mildorf, University of Paderborn, and Pim Verhulst, University of Antwerp, Belgium Pim Verhulst, University of Antwerp, Belgium. “The Concept Album as Soundscape: Pink Floyd’s Dark Side of the Moon in Tom Stoppard’s Radio Play Darkside.” Siebe Bluijs, Ghent University, Belgium. “Referenced Music in the Dutch and Flemish Radio Play.” Jarmila Mildorf, University of Paderborn, Germany. “The Interplay of Sound Tapestry and Music in the German Radio Play Adaptation of J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Lord of the Rings.”


8.3 Videographic Criticism and Serial Narrative (Aula 4) Chair: Jason Mittell, Middlebury College Kathleen Loock, Freie Universität Berlin. “Blade Runner 2049 and the Narrative Unfolding of the Film Sequel.” Sean O’Sullivan, Ohio State University. “One to Another: Deadwood and the Transitional Moment.” Jason Mittell, Middlebury College. “The Chemistry of Character in Breaking Bad.” 8.4 Fictionality, Truth, Reality. Panel I: Fictionality and Truth (Aula 5) Chair: Maria Mäkelä, Tampere University Marie-Laure Ryan, Independent Scholar, “Truth in fiction / Truth of fiction.” Raphaël Baroni, University of Lausanne. “Animals in Maus: On the Factual Authenticity of Graphic Narratives.” Henrik Skov Nielsen, Aarhus University, “Fictionality beyond Fiction – The Novel Beyond Fictionality.” 8.5 Contingency and Complexity between Narrative Representation and System I (Aula 10) Chair: John Pier, University of Tours and CRAL/CNRS, Paris Anne Duprat, University of Picardie-Jules Verne/Institut Universitaire de France. “Narrative Causalities: From Logics to Logistics.” Marina Grishakova, University of Tartu. “The Predictive Mind, Attention and Narrative Complexity.” Toon Staes, University of Tartu. “Narrative Complexity and the ‘Systems Novel’: Andrew Crumey’s Pfitz.” John Pier, University of Tours and CRAL/CNRS, Paris. “Narrative Instabilities.” 8.6 The Limits of Narrative I: Roundtable (Aula 11) Chair: Merja Polvinen, University of Helsinki Brian Schiff, American University of Paris. “Structural Straightjackets.” Hanna Meretoja, University of Turku. “Metanarrativity: Narratives Exploring the Limits of Narrative.” Jouni Teittinen, University of Turku. “Exploring Threat and Uncertainty in Future Fictions.” 8.7 Illness Narratives I (Aula 12) Chair: Klay Lamprell, Macquarie University Klay Lamprell, Macquarie University. “A Narrative Approach to Patient Stories as Data.” Danielle Spencer, Columbia University. “Medical Anagnorisis: Narrative Effects of Lived Retrospective Diagnosis.”


8.8 19th-Century British Narratives I (Aula 13) Chair: Tara MacDonald, University of Idaho Tara MacDonald, University of Idaho. “Body-Reading in Nineteenth-Century Literature.” Melissa Rampelli, Holy Family University. “Author as Medical Practitioner: Rewriting Narratives of Pathology and Cure in Middlemarch.” Ellen Peel, San Francisco State University. “Adoption, Counterfactual Tragedy, and the Failed Search for Origins in Frankenstein.” 5:00-6:30: Ninth session 9.1 Narrative Contest, Positioning, and Counter Narrative II (Aula 2) Chair: Per Krogh Hansen, University of Southern Denmark Matti Hyvärinen, Tampere University. “The Double Meaning of Counter Narrative.” Anne Rüggemeier, University of Freiburg. “Contesting the Experience of Illness: The Form of the List as a Means of ‘Counter Inscription’.” 9.2 Fictionality, Truth, Reality. Panel II: Fictionality in Reality (Aula 3) Chair: Marie-Laure Ryan, Independent Scholar Simona Zetterberg Gjerlevsen, Aarhus University. “From Legal to Literary Fiction.” Samuli Björninen, Tampere University. “Challenging and Complementing Rhetorical Fictionality Theory–Why Nonfictionality and Factuality Should not Be Synonymous.” Yonina Hoffman, Ohio State University and Alice Gaber, Ohio State University. “Rhetoric of the First Person: Fictionality from Ancient to Modern.” Pernille Meyer Christensen, Aarhus University. “Fictionality and Second Person Narration.” 9.3 Contingency and Complexity between Narrative Representation and System II (Aula 4) Chair: Anne Duprat, Université de Picardie-Jules Verne Demian Battaglia, Aix-Marseille University/CNRS. “Emergent Narrations: Short Stories on Complex Dynamics.” Alexandre Gefen, CNRS, Paris. “From Oulipo’s Computer Experiments to Current Online Hypertexts: Digital Chance Technologies for Fiction.” Olivier Caïra, University of Paris Saclay and CRAL/CNRS, Paris. “Local Gods Playing Dice with their World: Chance and Narrative Complexity in Tabletop Roleplaying Games.” 9.4 The Limits of Narrative II: Stories vs. Systems (Aula 5) Chair: Merja Polvinen, University of Helsinki Kaisa Kortekallio, University of Helsinki. “Type-based Characters as Affective Devices.” Juha Raipola, Tampere University. “Beyond the Human: Approaching the Problem of Scale.” Hanna-Riikka Roine, Helsinki Collegium for Advanced Studies. “Computational Media and the Limits of Narratology.”


Esko Suoranta, University of Helsinki. “Failing to Depict Systemic Change in Dave Eggers and William Gibson.” 9.5 Telling Images: Figuring Out Graphic Narratives (Aula 10) Chair: Lauranne Poharec, Memorial University of Newfoundland Charles Forceville, University of Amsterdam. “Visual Narration and Focalization in the Medium of Comics.” Lauranne Poharec, Memorial University of Newfoundland. “Complex Characterization in Comics: Concealed Faces, Exposed Bodies.” Zuzana Fonioková, Masaryk University. “The Narrating-I and the Experiencing-I in Autobiographical Comics: Aline Komisky Crumb’s Need More Love.” 9.6 Narrative Revivals: The Past in Texts (Aula 11) Chair: Edward Adams, Washington and Lee University Edward Adams, Washington and Lee University. “Aristotelian Simple Plots, Neoclassical Epic Theory, and The Tradition of Declinist Epic History: Edward Gibbon’s Example and Legacy.” Fatma Yüksel Çamur, Ankara University. “Rethinking Hadith as Natural Narrative.” Howard Sklar, University of Helsinki. “Retelling as Interpretation: Midrashic Narrative Expansion in the Medieval Spanish Poem ‘Las Coplas de Yosef’.” 9.7 Plural Narrators (Aula 12) Chair: Hayley Scrivenor, University of Wollongong Micaela Beck, Technische Universität Dresden. “Repetition, Rhythm, ‘Lyric Progression’: Lyrical Strategies in ‘We’ Narratives.” Hayley Scrivenor, University of Wollongong. “‘But we know who it was, don’t we?’: The first person plural in Malcolm Knox’s The Wonder Lover.” Anke Sharma, Freie Universität Berlin. “The ‘We’ Narrative Voice, Selfreferentiality and Play in John Barth’s Sabbatical: A Romance.” 9.8 Multiple Narrative Worlds (Aula 13) Chair: Pia Masiero, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice Noelle Hewetson, University College Dublin. “Reimagining Plot in the Braided Narrative: David Mitchell’s Ghostwritten and Cloud Atlas.” Pia Masiero, Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. “Past and Present Tenses in David Foster Wallace’s Infinite Jest: In Search for (an Embodied) Pattern.” Evan Van Tassell, Ohio State University. “Textual Integration in MultipleStoryworld Narratives: Reading Black Mirror: Bandersnatch.” 6:45-8:15: Tenth Session 10.1 Toni Morrison (Aula 2) Chair: Sonya Isaak, Heidelberg University John K. Young, Marshall University. “‘Certainly no clamor for the join a kiss’: Editorial and Narrative Ethics in the Ending(s) of Toni Morrison’s Beloved.” Sonya Isaak, Heidelberg University. “Toni Morrison’s New Narrative: A Reconsideration of the Western Literary Canon.” Paula Martín-Salván, University of Cordoba. “Narrative Causality, Delayed Disclosure and Ethics in Toni Morrison’s Love.” 25

10.2 Emotions I (Aula 3) Chair: Elise Nykänen, University of Helsinki Laura Otis, Emory University. “Metaphors for Unsavory Emotions.” Elise Nykänen, University of Helsinki. “Reading Narratives of Anxiety.” Francesca Arnavas, University of York. “Carroll’s Alice Books and Theories of Emotions.” 10.3 The Poetics and Politics of the Global Novel (Aula 4) Chair: Brian Richardson, University of Maryland Neus Rotger, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. “Rewriting and Counterwriting the Novel in a Global Context.” Marta Puxan-Oliva, Universitat Oberta de Catalunya. “The Poetics of Space: Global Environments for a Global Novel.” 10.4 Rhetoric and Narratology (Aula 5) Chair: Janine Hauthal, Vrije Universiteit Brussels Yoon Sun Lee, Wellesley College. “Taxonomy, Narratology, and Natural History.” Katherine Weese, Hampden-Sydney College. ““Kate Atkinson’s Companion Novels and the MTS/SMT Models of Narrative.” Janine Hauthal, Vrije Universiteit Brussels. “Contemporary Drama and the Postdramatic: Towards a ‘Narrative Aesthetic’.” 10.5 Gender and Narrative (Aula 10) Chair: Rahel Orgis, University of Geneva Xin Huang, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. “Gender at the Interface of Photobased and Oral Life Narratives.” Rahel Orgis, University of Geneva. “Early Modern Women Writers’ Negotiation of Narrative Authority.” Anhiti Patnaik, Birla University of Technology and Science-Pilani. “On Not Narrating Nanette: Hannah Gadsby and the Queer Art of Traumedy.” Alla Tsapiv, Kherson State University. “Fairy Feminist Narratives: From Cinderella to Rebel Women.” 10.6 Biographical and Historical Fiction (Aula 11) Chair: Alison Booth, University of Virginia Alison Booth, University of Virginia. “Mid-Range and Distant Reading of Nonfiction Lives: Collective Biographies of Women.” Lorna Gibb, Middlesex University. “Constructing a Narrative from Sources: Narrative in Practice.” Maria Jesús Martínez Alfaro, University of Zaragoza. “The Estrangement Effect: Secrets and Silence in Three Holocaust Tales.” 10.7 Cinematic Narrative Strategies (Aula 12) Chair: Jessica Jumpertz, RWTH Aachen University Jessica Jumpertz, RWTH Aachen University. “Unreliability in Film: A New Model.” Wibke Schniedermann, Giessen University. “Nostalgic Intermediality: Affective Space in The Ballad of Buster Scruggs.”


Catalina Iricinschi, University of the Arts. “‘Of Snails and Men’: Narratives of Displacement in Contemporary Romanian Films.” 10.8 Henry James (Aula 13) Chair: José A. Álvarez-Amorós, University of Alicante José A. Álvarez-Amorós, University of Alicante. “Patterns of Cognitive Complexity in Henry James's Notebooks: Parallel and Contrasting Cases.” Nathaniel Cadle, Florida International University. “Henry James, Sensationalist.” 10.9 Irrealist and Speculative Fiction (Aula 14) Chair: Dwight Tanner, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Natalya Bekhta, Helsinki University. “‘Mimetic Bias’ in Narratology and Contemporary Irrealist Fiction.” Dwight Tanner, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill. “The Development of Realist Speculative Narratives to Represent and Confront The Anthropocene.” Sergio García Gómez, University of La Rioja. “A Glen Between Two Worlds: Epistemological Dichotomy and Conceptual Metaphors in ‘The Legend of Sleepy Hollow’.”

SATURDAY, June 1st 8:30-10:00: Eleventh Session 11.1 Emotions II (Aula 2) Chair: Rosalía Baena, University of Navarra Lorna Martens, University of Virginia. “Narrative Joy.” John Hellström and Magnus Kilger, Swedish School of Sport and Health Sciences, GIH. “‘How does it feel?’ A Narrative of Sports-Interviews After Performance.” 11.2 Narrative Mediations (Aula 3) Chair: Monique Rooney, The Australian National University Vanessa Smith, University of Sydney. “Toy Medium.” Guy Davidson, University of Wollongong, Australia. “Going Underground: Moviegoing in Brossard and Wright.” Monique Rooney, The Australian National University. “Intermediating Sovereignty: The Crown as ‘Interbrow’.” 11.3 Before Factuality/Fictionality: History and Narrativity in Premodern and Early Modern Arabic Literary Tradition (Aula 4) Chair: Johannes Stephan, Freie Universität Berlin Isabel Toral-Niehoff, Free University of Berlin. “Before History: Stories about the Arabic Past in the Past.” Matthew L. Keegan, Barnard College/Freie Universität Berlin. “The Rhetoric of Unreality in 10th-century Arabic.” Beatrice Gruendler, Freie Universität Berlin. “Narration by Redaction.”


Johannes Stephan, Freie Universität Berlin. “‘They Staged the Story as if it Was Real…’ Fictionality in Arabic during the 18th Century.” 11.4 Epic/Fail: Three Takes on Training in the Narrative RPG (Aula 5) Chair: Janine Tobeck, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater Megan Condis, Texas Tech University. “Sorry, Wrong Apocalypse: Horizon: Zero Dawn and the Difficulty of Narrating Slow Environmental Violence.” Janine Tobeck, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. “Retraining Perception: The RPG and the Modern Disposition toward Narrative.” Donald Jellerson, University of Wisconsin-Whitewater. “Narrative Technique in Epic Literature and Role Playing Video Games.” 11.5 Metareference in Video Games (Aula 10) Chair: Jan-Noël Thon, University of Nottingham Theresa Krampe, University of Giessen. “Towards a Typology of Metareference in Video Games.” Jan-Noël Thon, University of Nottingham. “Metareference and Narrative Complexity in Recent Indie Games.” Stephanie Lotzow, University of Giessen. “Metareferential Disruptions in Indie Horror Games.” 11.6 Narrative to Film (Aula 11) Chair: Pedro Javier Pardo, University of Salamanca Pedro Javier Pardo, University of Salamanca. “From Tristram Shandy to A Cock and Bull Story: Self Consciousness from Page to Screen.” David Richter, Queen’s College and CUNY Graduate Center. “Filming the Epistolary Novel: From Lady Susan to Love & Friendship.” 11.7 Meta-narrative and Meta-memory (Aula 12) Chair: Josh Toth, MacEwan University Silvia Pellicer Ortín, University of Zaragoza. “British-Jewish Women Writers and the Meta-memory Novel.” Josh Toth, MacEwan University. “I, Tonya and the Other Account, or, Metafiction Renewed.” Keith Schaefer, Monmouth College. “A Kenotic Flow: Weakening Divine Authority in Miguel de Unamuno’s Narratives.” Alexandra Urakova, Helsinki Collegium. “The Plot of the Black Donor and the Metanarrative of The Liberty Bell.” 11.8 Narrative Complexities (Aula 13) Chair: Stephanie L. Hawkins, University of North Texas Stephanie L. Hawkins, University of North Texas. “Eloquent Objects: Narrative Complexity and the Extended Mind in James Agee’s Let Us Now Praise Famous Men.” Orin Posner, Tel Aviv University. “Buildings and Their Authors: Architecture’s Authority and Posthuman Architecture in J.G. Ballard’s High Rise and in Philip Kerr’s Gridiron.”


Zoltan Varga, Western Norway University of Applied Sciences. “Voice, Embodiment, and Temporality in Music and Narrative: Exploring Jazz and Electronica in Contemporary Musical Fiction.” 10:00-10:30: Coffee Break 10:30-12:00: Twelfth Session 12.1 Theorizing Dissonant Narrative Temporalities (Aula 2) Chair: Elana Gomel, Tel Aviv University Brian Richardson, University of Maryland. “Making Time: Theorizing Unruly Temporalities.” Jay Clayton, Vanderbilt University. “Time Considered as a Helix of Narrative Possibilities.” Elana Gomel, Tel Aviv University, "Chronotopes of Post-utopia: Narrative Formlessness and Ideological Stasis in Fantastic Fiction." 12.2 Rewritings (Aula 3) Chair: Alison Case, Williams College Alison Case, Williams College. “Toward a Theory and Vocabulary of Literary CoNarratives.” Shirley (Holly) Stave, Northwestern State University. “A Midsummer Night’s Nightmare: The Muddied Green World of Mudbound.” Barry A. Spence, University of Massachusetts-Amherst. “Narratological Aspects of Oral Storytelling in Homer and Joyce.” Clinton Caward, Macquarie University. “Negating Narrative Desire as ‘Way’ Home in Rachel Cusk’s Outline.” 12.3 Visual Art and Narrative (Aula 4) Chair: Kathy Desmond, Endicott College Qiao Yang Chen, University of Iowa. “Kill and Overkill: Formal Corruption in The Picture of Dorian Gray.” Kathy Desmond, Endicott College. “The Use of Intimacy in First-Person Narrative in Contemporary Art.” Rebecca Clark, Dartmouth College. “Linocut to the Quick: The Graphic Character(s) of Flannery O'Connor's Wise Blood.” 12.4 Omniscience (Aula 5) Chair: Lukas Klik, University of Vienna Annjeanette Wiese, University of Colorado. “In (Partial) Defense of Omniscience.” Lukas Klik, University of Vienna. “Towards an Intersectional Narratology: Employing the Concept of Perspective Structure.” Lauren Sirota, University of Michigan. “Jane Austen, Emma, and the Problem of Omniscience.” 12.5 Authorship (Aula 10) Chair: Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan, University of Haifa Stefan Kjerkegaard, Aarhus University. “The Author beyond ‘the Implied Author’ in Postclassical Narratology.” 29

Elizabeth King, University of New South Wales. “Dead Authors Tell No Tales: Ailing Author-Characters and the Decline of Authority in Contemporary Novels about Novelists.” Daphna Erdinast-Vulcan, University of Haifa. “The Hetero-Biograpy of Elena Ferrante.” 12.6 Discourse and Narrative Medicine (Aula 11) Chair: Xavier Salet, University of Stirling María Joana Escamilla Lerner, University of Navarra. “Narratives that Built a Mental Disorder: Attention Deficit and Hyperactivity in Spain, during the first third of the 20th century.” David Gibson, Dublin State University. “Situating Narrative Identity in the Bioethics of Personal Identity.” Xavier Salet, University of Stirling. “Vaccination and Narrative: On Power-Relations in Post-structuralist Anti-Vaccination Discourse.” 12:15-2:45: Awards Luncheon 3:00-4:30: Thirteenth Session 13.1 Plot and Narrative Structure (Aula 2) Chair: Jessica Merrill, Columbia University Eyal Segal, Tel Aviv University. “Chronological Order, the Narrative Present, and Dialogue.” Jessica Merrill, Columbia University. “The Perception of Plot.” Justin Ness, Northern Illinois University. “Narrative Tension Revisited: Historicizing Narrative Interest via Camilo José Cela’s La Familia de Pascual Duarte.” Will Nelles, University of Massachusetts, Dartmouth. “Narrative Order in Jane Austen’s Novels.” 13.2 Clutter in the Glutter: Visual “Disorder” in Comic Book Narratives (Aula 3) Chair: Vanessa Ossa, University of Tübingen Lukas R. A. Wilde, University of Tübingen. “Graphic Mediation and Material ReEnactment: Sebastian Lörscher’s Making Friends in Bangalore.” Vanessa Ossa, University of Tübingen. “The Fragmented and Layered Narrative in Matt Kindt’s Comic Series Mind MGMT.” Marina Rauchenbacher and Katharina Serles, University of Vienna. “Queering Comics: ‘Fatties’ and ‘Whores,’ Gender Gaps, and Body Signs.” 13.3 Narrative Situations (Aula 4) Chair: Ned Schantz, McGill University Ned Schantz, McGill University. “Situation vs. Plot and Character.” Kevin Pask, Concordia University. “Situation in Shakespeare and the Novel.” Marcie Frank, Concordia University. “This Situation: What the History of Performance can Contribute to the Study of Narrative.”


13.4 The Long Afterlives of Victorian Narratives (Aula 5) Chair: Lauren M. E. Goodlad, Rutgers University Frederik van Dam, Radboud University Nijmegen. “Against the Victorian Narrative of Vocation: John Banville’s Mrs. Osmond and Henry James.” Ayelet Ben-Yishai, University of Haifa. “The Postcolonial Politics of the PostVictorian Novel.” Lauren M. E. Goodlad, Rutgers University. “Ontological Reading and the Case of the Occulted Landscape.” 13.5 Illness Narratives II (Aula 10) Chair: Joey Ferraro, Ohio State University Joey Ferraro, Ohio State University. “Learning Our Lesson: Reynolds Price, Didacticism, and the Ethics of Reading Illness Narratives.” Cherie Henderson, Columbia University. “Having the Last Words: Brittany Maynard and the Cultural Authority of the Terminally Ill.” Petter Aasletad, Norwegian University of Science and Technology. “The Psychiatric File and the Author Knut Hamsun.” 4:45-6:15: Fourteenth Session 14.1 Between Narrative and Data (Aula 2) Chair: James Dorson, Freie Universität Berlin Sebastian M. Herrmann, Leipzig University. “Half Data, Half Literature: Catalog Rhetoric as Narratively Liminal Form.” James Dorson, Freie Universität Berlin. “Evolutionary Narrative and the Data Sublime.” Regina Schober, Mannheim University. “Data, Narrative, and Privilege: SelfQuantification and the Agency to (Re-)Count.” 14.2 Humans and Others: Constructions of Difference and Conflict in Print and Film Narratives (Aula 3) Chair: Hilary Duffield, University of Trier Amanda Boyce, University of Trier. “Othering in the Heteronormative: A Study in Queerbaiting.” Markus Huppert, University of Trier. “What Makes a Monster Monstrous? Movie Monsters and their Relationship to Humans.” Britta Maria Colligs, University of Trier. “A Conflict between Forces: The Forest’s Agency in Narratives of Human Interference in the Ecosystem.” Hilary Duffield, University of Trier. “Humans and Others in the Invasion Narrative.” 14.3 Write Globally: (En)Act Locally: Narrative Influence on Actual Spaces and Places (Aula 4) Chair: Malcah Effron, Massachusetts Institute of Technology Carra Glatt, Bar Ilan University. “From ---Shire to Wessex: Mapping Literary Locations.” Judit Mudriczki, Károli Gáspár University of the Reformed Church in Hungary. “Narratives Writ in Water: Literary Tourism and its Cultural Influences.” Rae Muhlstock, SUNY, Albany. “Re-Making Myth: Michael Ayrton’s Myth of the Labyrinth.” 31

Malcah Effron, Massachusetts Institute of Technology. “Reshaping Reality: Literary Tourism and the Realism Effect.” 14.4 Unreliable Narration, Minoritized Authors, and Authorial Agency (Aula 10) Chair: Faye Halpern, University of Calgary Faye Halpern, University of Calgary. “Charles Chesnutt, Rhetorical Passing, and the Uses of Unreliability.” Arielle Zibrak, University of Wyoming. “Either Crazy or Obstinate Beyond Reason”: Toward a Feminist Politics of Unreliability.” Laura Thiemann Scales, Stonehill College. “Playing with Death: Truth and Reliability in Spiritualist Performance.” 14.5 19th Century British Narratives II (Aula 11) Chair: Michael Greaney, Lancaster University Tina Young Choi, York University. “Routes, Junctions, Destinations: A Narrative Cartography for the Nineteenth Century.” Michael Greaney, Lancaster University. “Narrating Community in Jane Austen’s Emma.” Emma C. Eisenberg, University of California, Berkeley. “Modelling Milieu in Elizabeth Gaskell’s Cranford.”

6:30-7:30: Free Museum Tour


List of participants A Aasletad, Petter……………….....31 Abbot, H. Porter………………….13 Adams, Edward………………….25 Ahmed, Maaheen………………..13 Alber, Jan…………………………...15 Álvarez-­‐Amorós, José A……....27 Ameel, Lieven…………………….18 Anderson, Emily…………………21 Ardanaz Iñarga, Naiara……….16 Arnavas, Francesca…………….26

B Baena, Rosalía……………….......27 Bahs, Liz…………………………….14 Bancroft, Corinne……………….13 Baroni, Raphaël………………….23 Barton, Roman A...……………...15 Battaglia, Demian……………….24 Beck, Michaela…………………...25 Bekhta, Natalya………………….27 Beltrami, Marzia………………...12 Ben-­‐Yishai, Ayelet………………31 Bergman, Eric…………………….22 Bernaerts, Lars…………….…….15 Birke, Dorothee….......................13 Björninen, Samuli………………24 Bluijs, Siebe………………………..22 Böckling, Julia…………………….15 Booth, Alison……………………...26 Boyce, Amanda…………………..31 Brotons, Sofía…………………….17 Browse, Sam………………….…...21 Buckton, Oliver…………………..21 Bush, Doug………………………...14 Busi Rizzi, Giorgio..…………....13 Busl, Gretchen……………....14, 19

C Cadle, Nathaniel………………....27 Caïra, Olivier……………………...24 Candel, Daniel…………………….15 Caracciolo, Marco……………….15 Case, Alison………………………..29 Casper, Cord-­‐Christian………..13 Castrillo, Pablo…………………...21

Caward, Clinton……………..…...29 Charon, Rita…………………..…...20 Chen, Qiao Yang………………….29 Choi, Tina Young………………...32 Clark, Rebecca…………………....29 Clayton, Jay………………………..29 Colligs, Britta Maria…………....31 Condis, Megan……………………28 Copland, Sarah…….....................15 Cuddy-­‐Keane, Melba……..15, 17

D Davidson, Guy…………………….27 Dawson, Paul…………….……….16 De Bary, Cécile……………..…….14 Desmond, Kathy…………………29 Dorson, James…………………….31 Duffield, Hilary………………..…31 Duprat, Anne…………………..….23 Dwivedi, Divya………………..….20

E Edgar, Eir-­‐Anne………...…….….17 Effron, Malcah………...….....15, 32 Eisenberg, Emma C……….…....32 Ellis, Richard J………….………...18 Epp, Marla……………..………......19 Erdinast-­‐Vulcan, Daphna..29,30 Escamilla, María Joana….........30

F Farrior, Marc……………………...16 Ferraro, Joey……………………...31 Fjellestad, Danuta……………....15 Fonioková, Zuzana……………..25 Forceville, Charles……………...25 Foxwell, John………….………….13 Frank, Marcie………….………….30

G Gaber, Alice…………………...…...24 Gannon, Suzanne………………..22

García Gómez, Sergio………….27 García, Alberto……………...…....21 Gebauer, Carolin…………...17, 18 Gefen, Alexandre….…………….24 Gibb, Lorna………….…………….26 Gibbons, Alison……………...…..20 Gibson, David………..……….…..30 Gjerlevsen, Simona Z.………….24 Glatt, Carra……………..................31 Gomel, Elena………………...........29 Goodlad, Lauren M. E……….…31 Greaney, Michael………………..32 Grishakova, Marina...................23 Gruendler, Beatrice…………….27

H Hacioglu, Yasemin……………...13 Halpern, Faye……………………..32 Hansen, Per Krogh……………...24 Hardy, Sarah……………………....16 Hauthal, Janine…………………..26 Hawkins, Stephanie L………....28 Hellström, John…………………..27 Henderson, Cherie……………...31 Herman, Luc…………………...….17 Herrmann, Sebastian M……...31 Hewetson, Noelle……………….25 Ho, Jennifer………………………..20 Hoffman, Yonina………………...24 Holmgren, Lindsay…….….14, 17 Hopf, Courtney…………………...21 Howaldt, Kerstin………………...14 Huang, Xin………………………....26 Huppert, Markus………………..31 Hyvärinen, Matti………...…22, 24

I Igl, Natalia………………………….13 Iricinschi, Catalina……………...27 Irving, Dan………………………....15 Isaak, Sonya…………………....….25 Iversen, Stefan……….…………..12

J Jacobs, Courtney……………….. 19 James, Erin……………...……12, 14 Jellerson, Donald………………..28 Jeziorska-­‐Haładyj, Joanna…...21 Jumpertz, Jessica………………..26

K Kanzler, Katja…………………….12 Kapila, Shuchi………………….....17 Keegan, Matthew L……...……..27 Keskinen, Mikko………………...15 Kilger, Magnus….........................27 Kilpiö, Juha-­‐Pekka……………...16 Kim, Sue J……………………..……16 King, Elizabeth…………………...30 Kirkland, Kathryn…………...….16 Kjerkegaard, Stefan…………….29 Klemens, Joseph………………....21 Klik, Lukas………………………....29 Kortekallio, Kaisa……………… 24 Kraatila, Elise……………………..21 Krampe, Theresa………………..28 Kugland, Emmanuel Tristan..13 Kuriel, Ronit…………………..…..17

L Lambert, Shannon……………...17 Lamprell, Klay……………………23 Lang, Mengchen………………....18 Lanser, Susan……………………..20 Laukkanen, Markus…………....21 Lavocat, Françoise……………...20 Lee, Yoon Sun…………………….26 Leroy, Fabrice……………....……18 Leyva, Indra……………………….13 Link, Sarah………………………...15 Loock, Kathleen………………….23 Lothe, Jakob…………………….…19 Lotzow, Stephanie……………...28 Ludwigs, Marina………………...19

M Maagaard, Cindie……….……….16 MacDonald, Tara……………..….24

Mäkelä, Maria……………….16, 23 Maloney, Edward……………….14 Mäntyniemi, Helena…………...21 Mäntyniemi, Mikko…………….21 Marsh, Kelly A…………………....15 Martens, Lorna…………………..27 Martens, Reuben…………..........18 Martín-­‐Salván, Paula…………..25 Martínez Alfaro, Mª Jesús....…26 Martínez, Ana Belén…….……..17 Martínez, María-­‐Ángeles….....17 Masiero, Pia………………….14, 25 Mattheis, Lena……………………12 McAllister, Brian J…………17, 18 McHale, Brian……………….12, 20 McKinney, Mark…………………18 McMurry, Margarida….............15 Mejeur, Cody……………………...17 Melley, Timothy………………....19 Meretoja, Hanna………..……….23 Merrill, Jessica…………..……….30 Michael, Olga……………………...19 Mikkonen, Kai…………………….19 Mildorf, Jarmila………………….22 Mingazova, Ella…………………..19 Mittel, Jason……………………….23 Mudriczki, Judit………………….31 Muhlstock, Rae…….............14, 31 Munos, Delphine……………..….20

N Narayan, Gaura……….................16 Nelles, Will…………………………30 Ness, Justin………………………...30 Nielsen, Henrik Skov…………..23 Norledge, Jessica………………..20 Nurminen, Matias………………22 Nykänen, Elise…………………...26

O O’Sullivan, Sean……………...…..23 Orgis, Rahel………………………..26 Ossa, Vanessa……………………..30 Otis, Laura…………………....…....26

P Pardo, Pedro Javier…………….28 Park, Hyesu………………………..13 Parker, John Mark………………21 Parker, Joshua………………16, 17 Partyka, Jaclyn…………………...19 Pask, Kevin……….........................30 Patnaik, Anhiti…………………...26 Patron, Sylvie……………………..14 Pedri, Nancy……………………....18 Peek, Philip S……….……………..16 Peel, Ellen…………………………..24 Pellicer Ortín, Silvia…………....28 Pérez, Bibiana…………………….18 Phelan, James……………..….15,20 Piekut, Anke……………………....22 Pier, John…………………………...23 Pignagnoli, Virginia…………….15 Piippo, Laura……………………...16 Poharec, Lauranne…...………...25 Polvinen, Merja…………………..23 Posner, Orin……..........................28 Powers, Jenne…...........................13 Prince, Gerald…...........................20 Puckett, Kent…............................12 Puxan-­‐Oliva, Marta………….….26

R Raipola, Juha……………………...24 Rampelli, Melissa…....………….24 Rauchenbacher, Marina…..….30 Redmon, Donald B…………..….21 Richardson, Brian E…………....26 Richter, David………………….....28 Roberts, Trask…………….……...21 Roine, Hanna-­‐Riikka……..21, 24 Rooney, Monique……………….27 Rotger, Neus…………….…..…….26 Rudrum, David………….………..19 Rüggemeier, Anne…………18, 24 Ryan, Marie-­‐Laure………...23, 24

S Salet, Xavier……………………….30 Sarasola Santamaria, Beñat...19 Scales, Laura Thiemann……...32 Scarnato, Jenn Miller…………..17

Schaefer, Keith…………………...28 Schantz, Ned……………………....30 Schiff, Brian……………………….23 Schniedermann, Wibke……....26 Schober, Regina………………….31 Schubert, Stefan……………..…..12 Schwarck, André………………...14 Scrivenor, Hayley…....................25 Segal, Eyal………………………….30 Serles, Katharina………………..30 Sharma, Anke……………………..25 Shuman, Amy……………………..22 Sirota, Lauren…………………….29 Sklar, Howard…………………….25 Slodounik, Rebekah…………....13 Smadja, Stéphanie………....…...14 Smith, Vanessa………………...…27 Sools, Anneke M….……………...17 Spence, Barry A………………….29 Spencer, Danielle………………..23 Srikanth, Siddarth……………...22 Staes, Toon………………………...23 Stanley, Lawrence K…………...19 Starr, Elizabeth…………………..16 Stave, Shirley (Holly)................29 Stephan, Johannes…..................27 Stevanovic, Vid…………………..17 Stucky, Olivier……………………18 Sulimma, Maria…………….…….12 Suoranta, Esko………...…....……25

T Tanner, Dwight…………………..27 Teittinen, Jouni…………………..23 Teixeira, Joäo Senna……...…....21 Thon, Jan-­‐Noël…………………...28 Tobeck, Janine…………………....28 Toral, Isabel……………………….27 Toth, Josh…………………………..28 Tsapiv, Alla………………………...26 Turan, Ayşegül…………………...19

U Ulstein, Gry……………………...18 Urakova, Alexandra………….28 Van Tassell, Evan………………..25

V VanDam, Frederik …………....31 Vanhanen, TeroEljas…………..19 Varga, Zoltan……………………...28 Velasco, Tabitha Espina………18 Verhulst, Pim……………………..22 Viljoen, Hein……………………....18

W Walsh, Richard…………………..16 Wang, W. Michelle……………...15 Weese, Katherine……………….26 Wei, Ran…………………………….21 Wiese, Annjeanette…………….29 Wilde, Lukas R.A………………...30 Winstead, Karen A……………...19 Woods, Angela…………………...13

Y Yeager, Sean……………...……….21 Ying, Zeng………………………….16 Young, John K…………………….25 Yu, Anora…………………………...18 Yüksel Çamur, Fatma……...…..25

Z Zibrak, Arielle…………………….32 Zimmermann, Jutta…………….13

Have Your University or Organization Become an Affiliated Institution of the ISSN In seeking ways to support potential ISSN conference organizers, the Executive Committee of the Society is trying to widen our source of funding for the conference. We have found that potential organizers can sometimes be intimidated by the need to raise funds, especially if their home institution isn’t able to make a significant financial contribution itself. Conversely, there are many members of the society whose institutions would like to sponsor the conference, but who work in locations where hosting the conference just isn’t practical. The 2020 Narrative conference in New Orleans is piloting a new method of support. In addition to the host (Mississippi State University) and sponsors (The University of New Orleans and Tulane University) we are recruiting universities and other organizations that would like to serve as affiliated institutions. Affiliated institutions will make a contribution of $500 to the conference, and will be listed on conference materials along with the host and sponsors. In addition, each affiliated institution will be given up to one page in the conference printed program to showcase their curriculum, faculty accomplishments, or new initiatives. Institutions can choose to sponsor for 1, 2, or 3 years at a time. In addition to supporting a conference we all enjoy, becoming an affiliated institution is one way of highlighting the contributions your university or institution is making to the study of narrative. We think that this will be particularly appealing to emerging programs that may not necessarily be widely associated with research in narrative. Faculty members at the conference routinely advise undergraduate and Masters students on potential PhD programs, so serving as an affiliated institution can draw attention to options for graduate study that may not be part of the current conversation between faculty and students. Affiliated institutions will make their contribution to the Ohio State University Press, via check, credit card, or wire transfer. The Press will then forward the funds to the conference organizers. For details about the submission process, please write to Kathy Edwards at the Press To be an affiliate sponsor for a given calendar year, the Press must receive the funds by January 31 of that year. We hope that each year we will have a pool of affiliated institutions to support the conference, and that future organizers will be able to depend on this source of funding as they work with their own institutions and other local supporters. General questions about this initiative should be directed to Dan Punday at


Intensive Spanish Language Programs UNIVERSIDAD DE NAVARRA June-July-August

PROGRAM OVERVIEW Our intensive Summer Programs helps students greatly improve their oral and written communicative abilities in Spanish in just three weeks. Students will study at Universidad de Navarra main campus, located in the beautiful northern city of Pamplona.

COURSE DESCRIPTION All students will take a Spanish Written and Oral Communication Course, for a total of 6 ECTS, four class hours per day Monday to Friday for 3 weeks (60 class hours). Students will be placed in beginning, intermediate, or advanced level courses. Syllabi are available for transferring credits to home institutions. Our programs are taught by outstanding local professors from the Universidad de Navarra and by distinguished invited professors from other universities such as Columbia University, Dartmouth College, Scranton University, and the University of Miami.

CO-CURRICULAR ACTIVITIES Weekly co-curricular activities to enrich cultural immersion in Spain and to better understand the culture in the context of coursework. Students will have the opportunity to visit many influential sites, learn about the country's unique history, and become immersed in Spanish culture. The Programs includes trips and activities such as: Day trip to Bilbao and Guggenheim Museum Day Trip to San Sebastián Excursion to the Royal Palace of Olite Cathedral of Santa Maria la Real “Running of the Bulls” walk Rumba Flamenca workshop Juevintxo

International Week in New York & Washington DC Sociocultural Perspective


100% Career Placement within three months

JOURNALS from Duke University Press Novel A Forum on Fiction Nancy Armstrong, editor

As globalization and crises in biopolitics and the environment rapidly increase, and as models of affect theory multiply, the novel and how we read it are undergoing a sea change. Novel is especially interested in theory and scholarship that address these changes in terms of their formal, historical, political, and/or epistemological significance.

Poetics Today Brian McHale, editor

Poetics Today brings together scholars from throughout the world who are concerned with developing systematic approaches to the study of literature and with applying such approaches to the interpretation of literary works. The journal presents a remarkable diversity of methodologies and examines a wide range of literary and critical topics. | 888.651.0122

Explore Literary and Narrative Studies with Edinburgh Journals EMAIL JOURNALS@EUP.ED.AC.UK WITH THE CODE JOURNALS20 FOR A 20% DISCOUNT OFF A SUBSCRIPTION TO ANY OF THESE TITLES Articles Jedidiah Anderson

Deleuze’s Theory of Dialectical Ideas: The Influence of Lautman and Heidegger James Bahoh

From Spectacle to Deterritorialisation: Deleuze, Debord and the Politics of Found Footage Cinema Claudio Celis Bueno

A Politics of Peripheries: Deleuze and Guattari as Dependency Theorists Samuel Weeks Deleuze and Buddhism: Two Concepts of Subjectivity? Tony See

Forum: In Honour of Ronald Bogue


The Point, the Domain, and the Way Out Frida Beckman

The Joy of Surfing with Deleuze and Guattari Gregg Lambert

Ronald Bogue: A Monument Catarina Pombo Nabais

Book Reviews

Francesco Sticchi A Journal for the Study of the Post-Literary

Guillaume Collett (2016) The Psychoanalysis of Sense: Deleuze and the Lacanian School, Edinburgh: Edinburgh University Press Genevieve Sartor

Cover image: Desire Machine Collective, Film still Noise Life I , 2014, High Definition Video.

ISSN: 2398-9777 eISSN: 2398-9785

Volume 4, Issue 3, December 2018

Edinburgh University Press

VO LU M E 5 5 , I S S U E 2 ( 2 1 0 ) , D E C EM B ER 2 0 1 8 , I S S N : 0 0 4 7 - 8 1 0 5

Edinburgh University Press

Translation and Literature


Stefano Bellin

Deadly Mirrors: Animal Death in Tommaso Landolfi and Stefano D’Arrigo Damiano Benvegnù

Bestiality, Zoophilia and Human–Animal Sexual Interactions Joanna Bourke Species at War? The Animal and the Anthropocene Florian Mussgnug Notes on Contributors

Edinburgh University Press

Edited by Stefano Bellin, Kevin Inston and Florian Mussgnug

Edinburgh University Press

C.S. Lewis J.R.R. Tolkien Charles Williams Owen Barfield & their circle

25 Years Anniversary Volume

ROMANTICISM Volume 25.1 2019 Transporting Romanticism


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Oxford Literary Review

Spring 2019

Volume 28 Part 1



Volume 40 | Number 2 Embracing Uncertainty: Primo Levi’s Politics of the Human

Deconstruction and the Survival of Love

Edited by Luke Donahue and Adam R. Rosenthal

Volume 40 Number 2 2018



The Human–Animal Relation in Rousseau’s Discourse on Inequality Kevin Inston

Edinburgh University Press


When Silence Strikes: Derrida, Heidegger, Mallarmé Rodrigo Therezo



‘I Have an Empty Head on Love’: The Theme of Love in Derrida, or Derrida and the Literary Space Michal Ben-Naftali

The Nonhuman Demand Ian James

The Many Worlds of Jean-Luc Nancy Martin Crowley

Rethinking the Human–Animal Relation: New Perspectives in Literature and Theory

Journal of

Journal of Inklings Studies


Force of Love Elissa Marder

Deconstruction and the Survival of Love

The Death Penalty within the Bounds of Life/Death Alone: From the Deconstruction of Life to the Possibility of a Future Abolition Armando Mastrogiovanni


Introduction Stefano Bellin, Kevin Inston and Florian Mussgnug

Rethinking the Human–Animal Relation (eds Bellin, Inston and Mussgnug)

Love of Life: Deconstruction, Biotech & the Survival of Indefinite Life Adam R. Rosenthal

Edited by Stefano Bellin, Kevin Inston and Florian Mussgnug

42.1 March 2019

Loving the Other Beyond Death Kas Saghafi

Rethinking the Human–Animal Relation: New Perspectives in Literature and Theory



Edinburgh University Press

Journal of Beckett Studies

Editors’ Introduction Luke Donahue and Adam R. Rosenthal


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Edinburgh University Press

Journal of Beckett Studies

The Journal of the International Research Society for Children’s Literature

Deleuze and Guattari Studies

Autumn/Winter 2018


Special Issue: ‘Possible’ and ‘Impossible’ Children Guest edited by Cheryl Cowdy and Alison Halsall



VOLUME 12 • NUMBER 1 • 2019


Comparative Critical Studies

Volume 11 Number 2 December 2018

Volume 13 Number 1 2019

Claudio Celis Bueno (2017) The Attention Economy: Labour, Time and Power in Cognitive Capitalism, London: Rowman & Littlefield


The Ben Jonson Journal

Deleuze and Guattari Studies


Volume 13 Number 1 2019

The Homeland, Imprisoned and Illegal: The Impact of Marginalisation on Views of the Homeland in Kanafānī’s and Khalīfa’s Work

Deleuze and Guattari Studies Volume 13 Number 1 2019 I

Edinburgh University Press

Comparative Critical Studies

Deleuze and Guattari Studies


Number 2

Volume 25

Volume 16 Number 1 2019







Romanticism Crime Fiction Studies An innovative new journal that provides a much-needed, academically-rigourous publication within the area of crime fiction that is both focused, interdisciplinary and international.



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