Universidad de Navarra Escuela de Arquitectura Degree in Design Product, Fashion & Services
Degree in Design
Curriculum FIRST YEAR ECTS 1ST SEMESTER Artistic Culture of Last Century 6 Form and Image 6 Integration Laboratory 6 Design Workshop I 9
What makes us different? An International Degree This degree in design is a bilingual degree that is taught exclusively in English during the first year in order to facilitate the transition and adjustment period for international students. In addition to the bilingual academic environment, students will learn about the main design capitals of the world and will have the possibility to complete an exchange semester abroad.
Multidisciplinary Education The degree in design relies on professors from various faculties in the University of Navarra, such as the Faculty of Communication, the Faculty of Philosophy and Arts, IESE, or the Faculty of Architecture itself. This allows us to offer students a multidisciplinary education that places importance on culture, and in which various subjects are connected in a transversal manner. This multidisciplinary style is also materialized in hands-on learning with projects, and through vertical workshops in which students from different courses work in teams, fostering leadership and responsibility.
Connected To Business Close ties to the professional world are another feature that distinguishes this degree in design. The degree program includes subjects that aim to train students in team project management with an innovative and business vision, which is key in the current world of design. The design student will develop a degree Final Project in companies both national and international. All of this will contribute in providing the degree student with ample professional experience.
Three Fields The degree in design allows students the possibility to specialize through three fields: Product Design. Povides the necessary knowledge and techniques to design and develop creative and innovative products, according to demand and production needs. The student who follows this path will be able to design an original product according to specific fabrication processes and current design trends. Fashion Design. Designed in close collaboration with the University of Navarra’s ISEM Fashion Business School, to meet the demand for new fashion industry professionals. Through theoretical and practical subjects, the student will acquire the necessary skills to conceive of a fashion product: from the learning of classic patterns to 3D modeling and prototyping, brand communication strategies, or management tasks. Service Design. Provides the basic knowledge to conceive, develop, and execute a service of diverse nature, ranging from events to image campaigns. The student will be able to plan resources and respond to a given assignment’s needs from the very beginning: lighting systems, furniture, ephemeral architecture, risk prevention, advertising, coordination, etc. To achieve this, diverse tools and techniques are used from various disciplines, such as architecture, plastic arts, anthropology, psychology, or communication.
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2ND SEMESTER Creative Traditions Throughout History 6 Form and Material 6 Integration Laboratory II 6 Design Workshop II 9 ANNUAL Anthropology 6
SECOND YEAR 1ST SEMESTER Creative Traditions in Hispanic Culture 6 Form and Technique 6 Integration Laboratory III 6 Design Workshop III 9 2ND SEMESTER Contemporary Creative Events 6 Form and Industry 6 Integration Laboratory IV 6 Design Workshop IV 9 ANNUAL Ethics 6
THIRD YEAR 1ST SEMESTER The Heritage of Applied Arts 6 Applied Techniques I 3 Project Management 3 Cultural Keys I 3 Creation Laboratory I 6 Design Workshop V (guided) 9 2ND SEMESTER Contemporary Trends in Design 6 Applied Techniques II 3 Managing Innovation 3 Cultural Keys II 3 Creation Laboratory II 6 Design Workshop VI (guided) 9
FOURTH YEAR 1ST SEMESTER Optional Subjects 30 2ND SEMESTER Communication and Internet Strategies 3 Business Management 3 Market Strategies 3 Creative Leadership Workshop 3 Final Year Project (guided) 18