NOVA's TQAS Framework

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NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

February 2011

NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

According to the 38/2007 Law, of August the 16th, Higher Education Institutions (HEI), depending on their mission, should adopt not only a quality assurance policy with respect to their programmes but also establish specific procedures to implement this policy. Moreover, each HEI should foster a culture of quality and quality assurance, together with a strategy for continuous quality improvement. Policy, procedures and strategy have all to be approved by the legally and statutorily competent structures of each HEI and should be publicly disclosed. Finally, each HEI should ensure the participation in this process of the governance and management bodies, academic and non-academic staff and students, as well as external stakeholders These provisions of the law assume the prior definition of the University’s mission and of the missions of its different Academic Units (AU). These missions have already been established at NOVA and are part of their recently published Statutes. The process also implies formal approval of a document defining the policy, the procedures and the strategy for a quality assurance system. The following text corresponds to one part of this document, namely that regarding the organization and subject of NOVA’s internal quality assurance system for Teaching and Learning.

Data of approval by the Teaching Quality Council: July 15th, 2011 Updated on December 5th, 2011

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework Aim, scope, characteristics and values, organization and subject Introduction UNL has established that its mission will be pursued through a teaching system "of excellence [...] with competitive academic curricula both at national and international levels" (Statutes, Article art.2). Therefore, the University should be able to assure the fulfillment of its mission and the teaching quality in a systematic and permanent way. This goal implies a sustained effort to develop a quality assurance system and to enhance a teaching1 quality culture. The fulfillment of these demands will enable the University to be accountable for its activities and outcomes and, at the same time, will create the basis for the national and international recognition of the teaching and learning quality at NOVA. The need to create an internal quality assurance system is also a result of the Portuguese Government commitments within the European Union, regarding the construction of a European Higher Education Area, and of the national legislation already published (Law 38/2007 of August 16th). Furthermore, the existence of an internal quality assurance system will also facilitate, in the future, the process of external evaluation by A3ES (Agency for Assessment and Accreditation of Higher Education). In fact, given the information provided by the agency, and after the phase of programme accreditation, the A3ES will tend to mainly audit the quality assurance systems in each HEI rather than impose its own, thus establishing a less intrusive external evaluation. This aim corresponds to the European trend: "Mature quality systems [are] moving away from programme evaluation and towards lighter touch institutional audit / evaluation" (Reichert, Looking Back, in the U.S., Implementing and Using Quality Assurance: Strategy and Practice, 2007). 1

We adopt the broadest possible sense for “teaching” – not only the educational interaction between student and teacher, under the responsibility of the latter, but also the design, implementation and evaluation of learning experiences. Thus, the concept integrates the whole pedagogical activity and also the establishment of the conditions to support good learning. We recognise too that students have a responsibility for their own learning.

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

Internal quality assurance is also central to the autonomy of an HEI: "consistent with the principle of institutional autonomy, the primary responsibility for quality assurance in higher education lies with each institution itself and this provides the basis for real accountability of the academic system within the national quality framework" (Communiqué of the Conference of Ministers for Higher Education, Berlin, 2003). That is to say, irrespective of any legislation an organization seeking to proclaim excellence in what it does should have a means of assuring that its claim is valid. 1. “Quality” definition The term quality is understood here to mean the appropriateness and adequacy of all organizational structures, processes and activities in order to attain the defined purposes of the institution (fit for purpose). 2. Objective The main goal of the internal teaching quality assurance system is to contribute to the continuous improvement of the quality of teaching and learning at NOVA. 3. Scope The teaching quality assurance system includes teaching and learning, and the interactions between these two dimensions, research and other activities of the University. The teaching quality assurance system should work in articulation with the overall performance evaluation systems of teachers and services. 4. Characteristics and values 4.1 The system must conform to international best practices, particularly with the European Standards and Guidelines of ENQA, transposed into the 38/2007 Law of August the 16th, which governs the evaluation of Portuguese Higher Education.

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

4.2 The system must build on the institutional culture of NOVA, being appropriately decentralized in its operation and flexible in its structure, in order to adapt to the diversity of NOVA’s AU. 4.3 At the same time, because NOVA has an identity to preserve, the system must be based on a shared responsibility between the University and its AU, assuming internal coherence and consistency within a shared values framework. 4.4 The existence of a teaching quality assurance system is not only an institutional need (in terms of the verification of compliance with its mission, of the recognition of its teaching quality at national and international levels and of the practice of its autonomy), but also a duty, in order to be accountable to society. 4.5 Quality assurance requires the involvement and commitment of all the stakeholders, both internal (top management of the University and of the AU, teaching staff, researchers, students and non-teaching staff) and external (alumni and employers). It also involves the participation of external experts. 4.6 Simultaneously, the appropriate teaching and learning quality is a student’s right. 4.7 The system management should be based on transparent objectives and procedures and anticipate mechanisms to ensure the impartiality and accountability towards the different stakeholders involved. 4.8 Monitoring and evaluation procedures should be used as tools for reflection and improvement and be aligned with academic staff professional development. 4.9 The University is deeply committed to academic staff professional development. 4.10 The teaching quality assurance system must not stifle diversity or innovative practices.

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

5. Organization 5.1 Central Bodies 5.1.1 The University has a Teaching Quality Council, which is the governing body of the teaching quality assurance system. It is accountable to the Rector for ensuring that an appropriate quality assurance process is in place and, in the first instance for its design in collaboration with AU’s. The Teaching Quality Council's mission is to ensure the operation of the teaching quality assurance system across the University. The TQC has the following functions: a) to propose, for approval by the Rector, after consulting the Board of Deans the framework of the teaching quality assurance system as well as other guidance documents considered relevant; b) to propose, for approval by the Rector, the creation of the appropriate bodies for the proper operation of the teaching quality assurance system at NOVA; c) to propose, for approval by the Rector, the basic documentation for programme reviews, programme monitoring and module evaluations; d) to review reports submitted by the Teaching Quality Office of the University; e) to approve the annual report on the operation of the TQAS and on the quality of teaching to be submitted to the Rector and to the General Council of NOVA; f) to review funding proposals for teaching quality improvement initiatives. The TQC of the UNL has the following composition: a) an external member of the General Council, who will chair; b) one or more Rectoral Team members responsible for the quality of teaching; c) five members of the University teaching staff, appointed by the Board of Deans;

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

d) three students’ representatives, one for each study cycle type. The representatives of 1st and 2nd study cycles are appointed by the Council of Students and the one representing the 3rd study cycles in appointed by the Rector; e) a member of NOVA’s Teaching Quality Office in attendance. 5.1.2 One or more Rectoral Team members are responsible for teaching quality assurance at NOVA. One or more Rectoral Team members are in charge of: a) liaising between the rectoral team, and in particular the Rector, and the Teaching Quality Council; b) liaising between the Rectorate and the Academic Units, on teaching quality issues; c) overseeing the activities of the Teaching Quality Office and of the Pedagogical Innovation and Staff Development Unit. 5.1.3 The Teaching Quality Office at the Rectorate is an executive body for the teaching quality assurance system. The Teaching Quality Office is responsible, inter alia, for: a) preparing the framework of the teaching quality assurance system; b) preparing other guidance documents of the teaching quality assurance system considered relevant; c) preparing the basic documentation for programme reviews, programme monitoring and module evaluations; d) monitoring the operation of the system throughout the University; e) monitoring the quality of teaching and learning at programme level, based on quantitative indicators and on the AU reports;

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

f) preparing the annual report on the operation of the teaching quality assurance system and on the quality of teaching at the University for submission to the Teaching Quality Council; g) organizing thematic and cross-cutting2 reviews across the University; h) supporting the organization of programme reviews; i) liaising between the University and the A3ES. 5.1.4 At the Rectorate there is a Pedagogical Innovation and Staff Development Unit (PI/SD Unit). The mission of this unit is to contribute to the quality of the learning experiences of NOVA’s students by supporting the professional development of their teachers. The PI/SD Unit has, among others, the following functions: a) to organize teachers’ training courses; b) to work with individual teachers or with groups of teachers in the context of the teaching evaluation procedures and at request from the Academic Units; c) to assist the Academic Units and their Programme Committees, in programme reviews, programme monitoring and module evaluations; d) to coordinate the forum for exchange of best practices in teaching; e) to promote and coordinate the publication of good practices guides. 5.2 Local Bodies (Academic Units) 5.2.1 Within each Academic Unit a member of the academic staff will be appointed by the Dean to be responsible for teaching quality assurance. This member has the following functions:


As examples of cross-cutting reviews, we have the IT services, libraries, sports, health services, student support services and student experience survey.

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

a) to liaise between the Academic Unit and the Rectorate, by interacting with the rectoral team member(s) responsible for teaching quality assurance; b) to liaise with all the other bodies within the AU; c) to supervise the Academic Unit Teaching Quality Office, if existent; d) to assure the articulation between the teaching quality assurance system and other institutional evaluation mechanisms, namely teachers’ and services’ performance evaluations. 5.2.2 In each Academic Unit there is a “Teaching Quality Committee” formally appointed by the Dean, which is a governance body of the quality assurance system at Academic Unit level. Its mission is to ensure the management of the teaching quality assurance system at Academic Unit level. This body has, inter alia, the following functions: a) to analyse self-evaluation and external evaluation reports produced in the context of programme reviews; b) to approve the annual report on the operation of the TQAS and on the teaching quality; c) to approve questions to be included in the documentation for programme monitoring and for module evaluation to meet specific A.U. needs. The “Teaching Quality Committee” should be composed of: a) the member of the academic staff responsible for the teaching quality assurance system at Academic Unit level; b) representatives of teachers and students; c) an external member to the A.U., who should chair; d) other external members (optional);

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

e) the overall composition of this body should reflect the interests of the Pedagogical Council, of the Scientific Council and of the students. 5.2.3 Each Academic Unit may have its own Teaching Quality Office, to act as an executive body. The functions of the Academic Unit TQO are: a) to produce the annual report on the operation of the TQAS and on the teaching quality; b) to produce summary reports on programme monitoring and on module evaluations. 5.2.4 Each programme has a “Programme Committee”. The functions of this committee are: a) to elaborate the annual programme monitoring report; b) to prepare the self-evaluation programme report, in the context of the programme review. The composition of this committee should comply with the following criteria: a) to include the programme coordinator, who should chair; b) to include teachers and students representing the full cycle experience; c) if the committee hasn’t any student representative its reports should be able to demonstrate that the students have been fully consulted; d) in cases where research units collaborate significantly in the teaching of the programme through the provision of the time of researchers, and where those units are not represented in any other way, one of their researchers should be included in the membership or otherwise consulted.

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

6. Subject 6.1 Module evaluation 6.1.1 Each module will be evaluated after its full completion. 6.1.2 The main instruments to be used will be student feedback questionnaires and staff feedback reports. According to the circumstances, other tools may be adopted. These may include peer evaluation and meetings among academic staff and students. 6.1.3 Peer evaluation of teachers is a desirable activity as a part of quality assurance and especially of staff development, and some AU may feel it should be made an obligation on staff to participate in peer evaluation. 6.1.4 Questionnaires are anonymous and can be completed either on paper or online. 6.1.5 Questionnaires will have a common core of questions applied across the University, approved by the Teaching Quality Council. Additional questions may be added by each AU, whenever relevant. 6.1.6 Student participation in module evaluation processes is voluntary. 6.1.7 Feedback regarding module evaluations should be given to students as well as information on improvement actions taken. 6.1.8 The question of access to the results of module evaluation will be dealt with in a later addendum to this framework. 6.2 Programme monitoring 6.2.1 Programmes will be monitored at the end of each academic year. 6.2.2 Programme monitoring report will include core questions common to all University. The report should not be larger than four pages. 6.2.3 The Teaching Quality Council will decide which will be the common core questions of the programme monitoring report. 6.2.4 Additional questions may be added by each Academic Unit. NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


NOVA’s Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework

7. Initial implementation Within a month after the approval by the Rector of the Teaching Quality Assurance System Framework, each academic unit should inform the Quality Office of the manner in which their institution intends to implement this framework.

List of Acronyms A3ES – Agência de Avaliação e Acreditação do Ensino Superior AU – Academic Units ENQA – European Association for Quality Assurance in Higher Education HEI – Higher Education Institutions PI/SD Unit – Pedagogical Innovation and Staff Development Unit TQAS – Teaching Quality Assurance System TQC – Teaching Quality Council TQO – Teaching Quality Office UNL – Universidade Nova de Lisboa

NOVA – Teaching Quality Council


Teaching Quality Office Reitoria da Universidade Nova de Lisboa Campus de Campolide |1099-085 Lisboa Portugal Telef.: +351 213 845 203 | 210 436 891/892 E-mail: |

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