Alumni of the Month June 2015

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ÂŤI am proud to be an Alumni AmbassadorÂť

Marina Vasileva

Alumni of the Month June 2015

Dear Marina, you graduated from the Master’s degree programme in Banking and Financial Management at the University of Liechtenstein. How did you make your choice to come to Liechtenstein? My first experience with Liechtenstein is connected to the Erasmus exchange programme. This was the way I discovered this amazing place for myself. Being an exchange student I spent one semester at the University of Liechtenstein and I had a really good impression about how the university is organised and how things are done here. The level of teaching and learning was very high: different projects, papers, business case studies - I did have to work harder than my colleagues who did an exchange at other European universities. And since I like challenges and appreciate the quality of education I experienced here, I decided to come back as a full-time student. The university had the perfect study programme for me, which made it possible to satisfy my interest in the financial markets, while developing my soft skills and academic research abilities. Now looking back to your study time do you think that this programme has prepared you well for your future career or do you think something could be added to bring extra value? Well, opportunities for additional courses are already provided by the university, through partnerships with various organisations. One example in the field of Finance is the Chartered Financial Analyst® (CFA) Programme, in which I am also enrolled.

«I can certainly say that the programme has prepared me well for the future.» The only thing I can add here: people should

remember that a university degree is only a part of the “career puzzle”. Education does not end with the degree and one should learn and acquire different skills also outside and after the university. From the employers’ point of view, every additional internship or training is a valuable addition to the application package and makes a candidate more attractive.

«A university degree is only a part of the “career puzzle”.» What is the brightest memory from your student time? Hmm, it is hard to pick one. Perhaps my first (unsuccessful) attempts with skiing will remain in my head for a while… A lot of moments are connected with the student dormitory where I lived during my master studies (the whole two years). There I met many unique people from very different cultures and with different backgrounds. They are the people I have many unforgettable memories with. I remember both the crazy parties and the relaxed evenings with discussions on various topics - from the weather to politics and religion. Numerous sleepless nights of studying with classmates in the group-rooms of the university, as well as the excitement before each exam and presentation are also quite unforgettable! What was your first step after graduating from our university? Taking some time to relax. And I advise everybody to do the same – to spend some time travelling, or home with their family. The time after studies is probably the best or even the only opportunity to fully recharge yourself.

What is your current job about? Are you satisfied? Now I am working at CAIAC Fund Management AG (Centre for Alternative Investments and Administrative Competence). The company’s main business is fund administration, which includes the whole life-cycle of an investment fund – from the construction and certification from the FMA, to fund accounting, risk management, asset management, etc. I really like working for CAIAC – the team is very nice and the environment facilitates a smooth work process and nurtures constructive dialogue. I always wanted to work for a smaller company. I know many people who would disagree, but I believe that learning opportunities are better in such firms - I see the big picture clearly and I have immediate access to all of the department managers, who are always open for help, questions, or new ideas. It says that the characteristics for being a successful student distinguish from the characteristics for having a successful career. Do you agree with this statement? Why? Could you specify the characteristics required? It is hard to give a specific list of characteristics. Perhaps having a successful career requires a wider set of skills in comparison to being a successful student. Both definitely require motivation, discipline, and dedication. But for a successful career one needs not only to have knowledge on a variety of topics, but also to be creative and open-minded, to have “soft skills”. Of course, the set of skills depends on the field you are working in.

«Both studying and having a successful career require motivation, discipline, and dedication.»

We also know that during your studies you were working at the University of Liechtenstein and also now you continue your relationship with the university by being our first Alumni Ambassador. Could you tell more about this position? And the Alumni Ambassador programme in general? I was working as a Student assistant for both the Chair in Business Administration, Banking and Financial Management and the Chair in Finance. The position involved different supporting activities for academic projects and administration of both chairs. Now apart from working I am proud to be an Alumni Ambassador. The Alumni Ambassador Programme is for all graduates who appreciated their studying experience at the university and wish to stay connected as alumni. There are various ways to participate, for example by consulting prospective students online or at educational fairs, giving lectures, etc. New members with fresh ideas are, of course, always welcome to join! Do you have any life credo? I do not have a specific credo. But I always strive for balance between all the things that are important for me and I try to allocate enough time for all of them. Besides that, staying fit, keeping an open-mind and a positive attitude… I guess that is my recipe for success and happiness. What advice would you give to our students with regards to studies/career? To grab every opportunity. Today’s globalised world provides unlimited opportunities exchanges, internships, trainings, study trips, student organisations… One just needs to get involved. And if something seems impossible: just try and give your best – you might be closer to your dream than you imagine!

Alumni Ambassador Programme Represent the University of Liechtenstein as an Alumni Ambassador in your community or at events on campus. The Alumni Ambassador Programme gives you the opportunity to share the value of a degree of the University of Liechtenstein, to stay connected and to extend your network.

Be University of Liechtenstein`s voice! As a graduate of the University of Liechtenstein you know best what it means to study at the University of Liechtenstein and how you benefited of your studies. We would love you to share your first hand experiences and your success with our prospective students - as an inspiration to consider University of Liechtenstein for their studies. Various ways to join: Prerequisites: - Communication with prospective students (via - Degree of the University of phone, e-mail...). Liechtenstein. - Participation in events at the University of - Passion to share the positive experiences you made at the University of Liechtenstein. - Volunteering as speaker. Liechtenstein. - Participation in fairs, open day, freshmen week - Interest to communicate the benefits of studying at the University of Liechtenstein etc. anare inspiration. prospective please let us know - together we will find a suitable way for you Ifas you interestedfor in participating, students. to represent your alma mater. What`s in for me? - Recognition of the University of Liechtenstein as an Alumni Ambassador - Annual Alumni Ambassador dinner - Expansion of your own network

Are you ready to become an Alumni Ambassador? Contact us: Verena Burtscher Phone +423 265 11 04

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