Welcome Präsentation WS 2023/24

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Welcome Days

Your Welcome Team

Days Projectmanager

Gabriela Cortes Manager Accommodation & Living


Study Specific Supporters

Spinnerei (Lennart & Mischa)

Study Abroad Advisor Guest Students


Study Abroad Advisor Guest Students

Zimmermann Annika Willi Organizer Welcome Mirjana Schädler Anita Omasta ESN Erasmus Student President International Office


Welcome Days Programme WS 23/24

Goodie Bag

APA Documents (residence FL)

• Personal Data Documents

• IT Document

• IT Brochure

• Study specific programme

• Regio Booklet

• Library Information

• Public Transportation

• Goodies

Student ID Card & Batch

• Student ID card / International student ID card is offered for download on the personal intranet website (at http://my.uni.li) for download

• Only online!

• Each student receives a "key" or a batch, which gives access to the university facilities and to which money can be uploaded for print jobs and the cafeteria (More Info: Your Study Programme Manager)

Bus payment

Student Fair

• Students up to their 25th birthday: 25 and older:

• You will get 50% back of your annual pass at the town hall in Vaduz (if you live in Vaduz). Same in Schaan and Triesen.

• Eschen, Mauren, Balzers, Triesenberg refund CHF 80.-/60.-

Annual Pass CHF 280.- 370.Monthly Pass CHF 42.- 72.Weekly Pass CHF 21.- 36.Day PassCHF

Parking @ Campus

• Monday to Friday: 7.00 am - 5.00 pm

• Saturday, Sunday and Public Holidays are free of charge

• Parking fees in Cash (only CHF) or www.parkingpay.ch

• www.parkingpay.ch cheaper for frequent parkers (register your vehicle number)

• Due to actual situation write an email to info@uni.li with your Name and your Plate number.

• Or organize car pooling

• Or take the bike, think of the climate

Any Questions left?

• Welcome Week: welcome@uni.li

• Study Specific: Study Manager

• Living: Gabriela Cortes

• Study Abroad: International Office

• Erasmus Student Network: Anita Omasta

• Visum: Fabienne Vils

• Campus Life: Spinnerei

Spinnerei ft. Campus Life

- Lennart

- Graduate Student Entrepreneurship

- Campus Life Coordinator

- Strategic

- Mischa

- Bachelor Student IME

- Student Assistant

- Operational

- Email: Spinnerei@uni.li


Instagram: @spinnerei_unili

- Office: C.125 Kommunikation & Marketing


• Supporting Ideas of Students (infrastructure, …)

• Cooperating with Student Organizations

• Red Cube Bar

• Uni Sports

• Supporting Welcome Days

• Events & Partys

Get in touch…


Red Cube

• Our Campus Bar (Beer, Wine, Music – all you need for a good evening)

• Every second Thursday 4:30 pm – open end

• Hosted by Student Organizations, study courses, employees and YOU!


• Volleyball (Monday, 8:30 – 10 pm, @ Gym Ebenholz)

• Soccer (Wednesday, 7-9 pm, @ Primaryschool Ebenholz)

• Dancing (Thursday, 7:30 – 8:30 pm @ Primaryschool Ebenholz

 Much more soon!


Further activities


Student Initiatives

information today
Sports Academy Association *more

• Johanna Müller (MA ENT)

• Christopher Bergmann (MA ENT)

• Lennart Krebs (MA ENT)

• Valerie Winkelmann (BA AR)

Welcome Week September 2023 University Sports Federation of Liechtenstein LHSV.LI OFFICE@LHSV.LI
unicommunity.li/en/campuslife OR unicommunity.li/de/campuslife/

Ideas for Campuslife or for a Student Organization?

Spinnerei supports you.


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