Introduction Guide

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Academic year 2024/2025

Welcome to the Faculty Governance and Global Affairs!

This guide will tell you everything you need to know about studying at our faculty. For instance, how to use our IT systems and who you can turn to for help during your studies. We have also included the true highlights of your new student city The Hague. We advise you to read this guide carefully and keep it on hand to help you transition smoothly into your new life as a student!

Our faculty

Science for and about society is the domain of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA). FGGA provides highquality interdisciplinary education and research on social and governance issues such as terrorism, public administration, climate change and economic crises.

The Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs (FGGA) is one of the seven faculties of the Leiden University and is based in The Hague. The faculty consists of three academic institutes:

•Institute of Public Administration

•Institute of Security and Global Affairs

•Leiden University College The Hague

These institutes provide various bachelor, minor and master programmes.


The education and examination regulations (OER) is an important legal document. The OER contains, for example, the content of your study programme, the way in which examinations are held and information on the binding study advice (BSA). Each programme therefore has its own OER, which you can find on your programme’s website.

Leiden University in The Hague

Leiden University in The Hague has five locations in the heart of the city. Good to know: all locations are at walking distance from each other. Next year we will open a sixth building, the Spui building.

The Haagse Bos (The Hague's forest)
Stichthage (13e verdieping)
Anna van Buerenplein
The palace Noordeinde
China Town
Binnenhof Plein (Town's square)
Beehive Student Centre
The Hague City Center Central Station

Anna van Buerenplein

Anna van Buerenplein 301, The Hague

Tel: +31 (0)70 - 800 9507

Beehive Student Centre

Turfmarkt 104, The Hague

Tel: +31 (0)71 - 527 3310


Schouwburgstraat 2, The Hague

Tel: +31 (0)70 – 800 9300


Turfmarkt 99, The Hague

Tel: +31 (0)70 – 800 9500


Koningin Julianaplein 10, The Hague

Tel: +31 (0)70 – 800 9199

The new Spui-building in The Hague will be opened in 2026. This building will house Leiden University and will be used together with other universities.

Bicycle parking

Three of the four university buildings in The Hague have their own bicycle parking facilities which you can access using your LU-Card. The only location without its own bicycle parking is Stichthage, which is located in Central Station The Hague.


On the first three floors of Wijnhaven you will find lockers. You can use them by scanning your LU-Card. Please note that the lockers are emptied after 24 hours.


Leiden University is a smoke-free environment which means that you are not allowed to smoke in and around the buildings of the university. The university is a member of the Healthy Universities Network, where we ensure a healthy smokefree learning and working environment.

Our university

Our motto is Praesidium Libertatisbastion of freedom

Dies Natalis 2024 in the Pieterskerk at Leiden


Besides being vibrant student cities, Leiden and The Hague boast the oldest university in the Netherlands. From this rich history, there are several traditions you will definitely encounter. Each year, we celebrate the Opening of the Academic Year at the Pieterskerk in Leiden, and the university marks its anniversary on 8 February at the same venue. Next year, the University will be celebrating its 450th anniversary with various associated activities.

Another well-known tradition is that every student, upon completing their master’s degree, may place their signature in the Sweat Room in the Academy Building.

Another tradition is that the university is closed every year on 3 October due to Leiden Relief, which also marks the university’s founding.

Academic Freedom

Dutch law describes academic freedom. For students, this means that you are allowed to choose your own research questions and methods in your assignments. Lecturers have the freedom to decide which themes they cover in their teaching and which literature they prescribe to their students. Researchers are free to determine what research they want to conduct, with whom they collaborate, and where they publish. At the same time, this freedom is not unlimited. Researchers must not conduct sloppy, biased, or fraudulent research. Moreover, one person’s academic freedom should not be restricted

by another person’s freedom. Additionally, the university can set boundaries on the academic freedom of students, lecturers, and researchers.

How do we interact with each other?

Social Safety in Online Learning Environments

Bastion of freedom

Leiden University values freedom of mind, thought and speech. Our motto is therefore Praesidium Libertatis - bastion of freedom. Since 1917 it has been the border text of the university’s seal. The seal can also be found in the university’s logo.

The faculty strives to have an ‘inclusive’ culture, which means that it wants to offer all students and employees an honest, open, safe and inspiring study and working environment. This code of conduct is intended for all students and employees of the Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs The Hague.

During your studies, you will use various online environments such as WhatsApp groups for your course or student society, Kaltura, Brightspace, and MS Teams. These platforms form part of your learning environment. Please be aware of this and aim to contribute constructively in line with an academic learning environment. Together, we ensure a pleasant and secure learning environment for everyone at Leiden University.


Getting started with the systems


On MyTimetable, you will find your timetable. When you log in to MyTimetable, you can link the courses you are taking to your personal timetable. This is automatically saved and displayed again the next time you log in.


You can use free Wi-Fi in all university buildings. By logging onto the Eduroam network with your ULCN username and password, you will be automatically connected to the network.


You must register for all parts of your courses, such as lectures, tutorials and exams. This applies to both the mandatory components of your study programme and to study activities within your elective courses. Without registration, you cannot take part. Here you will find all important information about registering for courses and exams.

uMail account

All communication from the university goes through uMail. You get your own uMail address and log in via your ULCN account.


With more than 100 study places, the library in Wijnhaven is a pleasant place to study. There are computers, there is a printer and

you can borrow books as well. The library is open seven days a week. Please note: during (public) holidays opening hours can vary.


uSis is the university’s administrative system. All grades, courses and other data related to your enrolment are processed in it.


You use your ULCN account to log in to various systems at the university. You can think about your uMail, Brightspace, the Student Portal and reserving a study place, for example.


Brightspace is the university’s online learning environment. On Brightspace you will find information about the courses, such as lecture and workgroup slides, assignments from lecturers and papers. You access Brightspace by logging in with your ULCN account.

LU-Card and college card

As a student, you will receive two cards: a LU-Card and a college card. The LU-Card counts as your proof of identity and gives you access to the buildings and it is also your printing and copying card. You must apply for this card yourself. Your college or registration card is your proof of enrolment at the university.

Study places

Do you need a study place? Then you can make use of the various study spots in Wijnhaven. There are study areas where you can always sit and do not need to make reservations, but also areas where you need to make reservations (during exam time).

You can do this via the SharedDesk platform. Simply log in via Okku with your ULCN details, choose the place where you would like to sit and confirm your choice.

Student portal

Via the Student portal, you choose the study groups, subjects and exams you want to take.

Please note: you can only take exams once you have confirmed your exam registration via the Student portal. You will also find MyTimetable, MyStudymap and your grades.

For discounted software rates

As a university student, you can often obtain software for free or at a reduced rate. This applies to online programmes for planning, cloud storage, antivirus software, and much more. For further details, please visit: Other software - Leiden University (

The Buzz

Student centre Beehives is also home to The Buzz. At The Buzz, you can work out according to the latest and most innovative insights. There is also a room where you can join many different group classes.

Leiden University Libraries

In addition to the study places in The Hague, there are also many study places in Leiden. You will find more than 2.300 study places in the Leiden University Libraries (UBL). Many study places are freely accessible for everyone, others can only be used by Leiden University students.

Who to turn to

Are you looking for a helping hand in finding your way in your studies and student life? Do you have doubts about your approach to your study or do you want to further develop your skills?

Study advisor

The study advisors are available for guidance and advice about your studies. They will discuss your study plan and planning with you and are available to provide support if you are having problems with your studies.

Student deans

Student deans support students on matters relating to regulations and legal provisions. Students can contact a student dean for questions and issues regarding combining studies with other responsibilities, money matters, study delays, studying with a disability and support with complaints.


We want to help you as best we can when you start your studies. We do this by means of the mentorship. The mentorship consists of a mentor (a senior student) and a tutor (a teacher) who will show you around the city and the study. The mentor is your first point of contact and can help you with study problems or refer you to the right people. The details of the mentor and tutor system vary per programme and are arranged during the first semester of the first year.


The Education Service Centre (OSC) handles all course and student administration. You can contact the OSC for questions about, for example, the organisation, your exams, applying for diplomas, and the processing of exam results. The OSC can be found at the Information Desk on the second floor of Wijnhaven but can also be contacted by phone.

Student Affairs

Front Office

If you have general questions about studying at Leiden University, you can contact the Student Affairs Front Office. Here,

you can find information about all kinds of topics, such as your tuition fees, your student card, admission to the bachelor and details of your ULCN account.

Confidential Counsellor for Unacceptable Behaviour

If you have been subjected to (sexual) intimidation, bullying, aggression, violence or discrimination, you can contact the Confidential Counsellors for Unacceptable Behaviour. They have a fully independent position and everything you discuss will be treated with the utmost confidence.


Participation bodies function as bodies of consultation, advice, information and communication. They represent the interests of staff and students. We have listed some of them for you.


The education committee (OLC) is an employee participation body just like the Faculty Council, but only for the programme. Each programme therefore has its own OLC, which is also partly made up of students and staff. Like the faculty council, the OLC discusses the OER, but also your teaching and examination schedules.

Faculty Council

The Faculty Council (FR) is the main participation body of the faculty. The council consists of staff and students. The FR has approval and advisory rights and thus acts as a representative of students and staff and as a

sounding board for the faculty board.

Student members are elected via elections for 1 year.


Leiden University has a coparticipation body, the University Council (UR). It is the role of the University Council to keep a critical eye on and advise the Executive Board and in some cases to participate in decisions regarding important matters. The Council has sixteen members, half of whom are elected by and from among the students and half by and from among the staff.

Additional support

If you could use some extra support during your student time, we have a few more options for you.

Studying with a disability

Studying with a disability can require more time or effort. The university provides a variety of services for students with, for instance, chronic illness, dyslexia, ADHD, visual impairments, or other disabilities. In some cases it is possible to attend classes online, get extensions on deadlines or be given alternative assignments.

LGBT+ network

The LGBT+ network is the network of all lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, intersex and queer staff and students at Leiden University. If you join the network, you are free to participate in various activities.

The network provides awareness training courses to assist university staff members in dealing with the problems that affect people from the LGTB+ community. In addition, the network also organises readings, get-togethers, and film evenings.

The Meeting Point

A place for refugee and firstgeneration students. But also for students from the Dutch Caribbean and Suriname. The Meeting Point is a place for students who could use some help finding their way in the Netherlands or within the university.


POPcorner is a place where you can meet new people, follow workshops with other students, organise activities, and find support. Everyone is welcome at POPcorner. You will find other students in case you need a helping hand. And you can find more information about what to do when you experience a lack of focus due to stress, for example.

Additional education

You can work on your career, CV, and future career while still studying at Leiden University. The university offers students a wide range of possibilities to work on their study career, resume or future career options.

Honours education

Another possibility is Honours education. This is personal and challenging education that you do alongside your bachelor’s or master’s degree. You will work together with students from other disciplines and broaden your perspective, for example by looking at a scientific issue from different disciplines. Because you are taught in small groups, there is plenty of room to experiment and follow your own interests.

Daily Dutch

Join Daily Dutch at POPcorner and dive into the essence of Dutch language and culture! This course covers grammar, pronunciation,

and intonation through engaging weekly topics. Perfect for students planning to stay in the Netherlands after their studies!

Summer and Winter Schools

Going abroad for education for a shorter period during your studies? You can do this by applying for a Summer or Winter Schools. There are many offers worldwide, a selection of these are available on the website of Leiden University and the FGGA International Office.

International Experience

Having international experiences gives you the chance to develop international competences. Research shows that these competences are crucial for the job market and for your personal development.

Semester exchange programme

You can study abroad in the autumn or spring as an exchange student. Leiden University has partner agreements with many universities worldwide.


Thesis research, fieldwork and research clinics abroad

A research project abroad or doing (thesis) fieldwork abroad is not only a fun and educational experience, but also an asset to your CV.

An internship or research project abroad, or at an international organisation in the Netherlands, is not only a fun and educational experience, but also an asset to your CV. Finding a suitable internship is your own responsibility. There are several useful websites to find internships, such as the internship platform TRAIL.


The Hague is home to many international organisations and institutions and thus offers many opportunities in terms of volunteering in international working environments. Finding suitable places to volunteer is your own responsibility.

Erasmus+ blended intensive programme (BIP)

If you want to go abroad for a short period, a BIP might be an ideal solution. This programme lasting up to four weeks, combines virtual collaboration with students from other foreign universities with a short trip to one of these universities.

The BIP offerings vary each year and are announced through your study programme.

Language courses and language exchange

Learning a new language opens up a new world for you. You can learn a new language by taking a language course at Leiden University or together with a language buddy. You can find a language buddy through, for example, the Act of Kindness pillar in Wijnhaven, study or student associations.

Virtual options

Want to gain international experiences while staying in the Netherlands or at home? Then virtual options might be for you.

Collaborative online international learning

Collaborative Online International Learning (COIL) connects classrooms from two or more universities from various parts of the world. COIL projects are based on the involvement of teachers and students, with different geographical origins, language, and culture, to develop joint teaching and learning processes using online communication tools.

Online courses

Online courses are a great way to acquire international competences by learning new academic or nonacademic skills and knowledge. Online courses are more flexible as they are taken remotely and usually without a fixed schedule. Check websites like Coursera and MOOC to find out more about free online courses you can take during or after your studies at FGGA.

Well-being support

During your time as a student, you will encounter various challenges. As part of your well-being, here are some options that we hope will help support you.


If you need some extra help or support as a student, the personal online coaching from Siggie can help. With all that is coming your way, student life can be challenging. It may be difficult to balance a job with your studies, adjust to your new surroundings, or keep up with the pace of your studies. The coaches will help you with these and many other challenges. You can make an appointment with Siggie within two weeks.

Coaching by Siggie is reimbursed by FGGA, but is independent. Your personal information is never shared.

Gezonde Boel

Sometimes you can use some extra guidance and support around topics such as planning, mental health, structure in your life or money matters. Gezonde Boel’s online modules allow you to work on strengthening both your study skills and mental health. Doing a module is free and anonymous. Gezonde Boel is a platform with self-help modules for students. The modules are based on students’ most common questions. For example, there are modules on brooding, planning and structure, dealing with money, relaxation and happiness.

Act of Kindness

You can leave a note on the Acts of Kindness pilar located on the second floor of Wijnhaven to ask for help or as a way to get in touch with other students.

Career support

During your studies, you can already work on your career. This can be done in various ways. We would like to show you some of the ways in which we can help you.


Our students have much to offer both public and private organisations. To better connect them, FGGA has developed an online internship and traineeship platform. This platform is called TRAIL.

Internship book/ Workbook

The coaches at Career Service

FGGA will take you step by step through all the aspects involved in labour market orientation so that you can get the best out of yourself. This workbook is full of tips, checklists, examples, and exercises to help you find the career that suits you.

Alumni Mentor network

The mentor network is an online portal that allows you to get in touch with alumni (former students) of Leiden University. With the help of keywords and search filters you can search for an alumnus who can answer your questions. You can send him or her a mentor request.

Career coaching

What to do after graduation?

What are the options, where do I start my job search and how do I increase my chances in the labour market? As a university, we believe it is important that young alumni make a good start after graduation.

As an alumnus, you can therefore contact Career Services for career guidance up to a year after graduation. An interview with one of the career counsellors is free of charge. For the workshops you pay the student rate.

Career Service

The Career Services assists students and recent graduates in making the transition from life as a student to working (during an internship or for a job). Career Service provides advice on career and internship possibilities, as well as helping you with your resume among other things during workshops and events throughout the year.

The golden idea

Whether you have a passion for sustainability, social justice, technological innovation or something in between, at PLNT we provide the support and resources you need to make your ideas flourish. Together with our experienced team, but certainly with the PLNT Community. Your journey starts here, at PLNT. The centre for innovation and entrepreneurship.

Study associations

At a study association you get to know your fellow students and combine sociability with study-related activities.

Which FGGA study association is the right fit for you?


Linked to the International Relations and Diplomacy programme.


Linked to the programmes Security Studies and Crisis & Security Management.


Linked to the bachelors and masters Public Administration and Management of the Public Sector.


Linked to Leiden University College.

Student city The Hague

The Hague is a lovely place to live.

There is plenty to do, with the beach nearby and plenty of cosy cafés in the city. If you want to live in The Hague, you have several options. For example, you can register with a student housing provider, but you can also look (online) for a real estate broker or other rental platform.

Grote Markt

The Grote Markt is one of the most charming parts of The Hague. The atmosphere at Grote Markt is laid-back, and the nightlife crowd is often creative and eclectic. Students enjoy coming here. Situated in the heart of the city, the square hosts various dining establishments catering to every taste: from traditional pubs to cocktail bars, from live music venues to restaurants.


Het Plein is located next to the Binnenhof in the centre of The Hague. There are several restaurants and cafés that organise events on a regular basis. Plein is also a popular location for politicians and administrators to meet over drinks. Next to the Plein is the Mauritshuis, where you can visit the Girl with the Pearl Earring!


The Westduin Park is located between Scheveningen and Kijkduin and is one of the largest nature reserves in the municipality. There are several walking and cycling routes where you can unwind and rest after a long day at the university.

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faculty of governance and global affairs


Every fortnight, you will receive a newsletter from the faculty. We recommend reading it carefully as it keeps you informed about events and everything the university can assist you with.

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