Master's in The Hague
Leiden University in The Hague
The Hague
Locations of Leiden University in The Hague
Public Administration
Economics and Governance;
International and European Governance; Public Management and Leadership.
Management van de Publieke Sector
Politiek, Beleid en Management;
Bestuur en Advisering.
Governance of Sustainability
Crisis and Security Management
Governance of Crisis;
Governance of Radicalism, Extremism and Terrorism;
Cybersecurity Governance;
Intelligence and National Security;
War and Peace Studies;
Governance of Violence.
International Relations and Diplomacy (Adv.)
Political Science: International Organisation
Population Health Management
Law & Society
Criminologie en Veiligheidsbeleid
Economie van de Publieke Sector
Governance of Migration and Diversity

Career Services
The Mentor Network
Recruitment Activities & contact
This guide has been compiled with great care. However, the information is subject tochange,assuchthecontentisnon-binding. Deze gids is met zorg samengesteld. Het is echter mogelijk dat informatie tussentijds verandert.Deinhoudisdusnietbindend.
Leiden University in The Hague

The Hague is the beating heart of Dutch politics. In addition to housing the Netherlands' ministries and government bodies, major companies and international organisations are also headquartered here which allows a close cooperation between education, business and politics.
Leiden University has been established in The Hague for over 20 years More than 7,000 students have preceded you, representing over 103 different nationalities - all studying in the administrative heart of the Netherlands.
This brochure provides a brief overview of the Master’s programmes offered by Leiden University in The Hague and highlights what this city can contribute to your experience as a Master’s student.
As the International City of Peace and Justice, The Hague brings together nations from around the world, creating the ideal environment for dialogue and debate Here, you can immediately apply what you learn in an international setting. Attend guest lectures by highly respected experts, or gain hands-on experience through an internship at one of the many institutions that help shape our world all right on your doorstep.

The Hague

The Hague proudly claims the title of ‘The International City of Peace and Justice’. It is the administrative and political centre of The Netherlands, home of the Dutch monarchy, NATO, the International Criminal Court, embassies and consulates from around the world, plus hundreds of organisations, multinational companies, knowledge centres and think tanks.
The Hague is a cosmopolitan city with around 560,000 inhabitants representing over 200 nationalities. The International City of Peace of Justice hosts some 160 international organisations and NGOs, including the International Court of Justice and several UN bodies. The Hague is the beating political and administrative heart of The Netherlands. As the seat of the Dutch government and public administration, it has a rich history, which can still be savoured today on the streets and squares near the Houses of Parliament and many other historical buildings. The city has an excellent art house cinema, several theatres and venues for both popular and classical music, as well as many wonderful museums, including the famous Mauritshuis. With its many parks and beaches
within cycling distance, it is also a relaxed city that you will enjoy studying and living in.
International organisations in The Hague with connections to Leiden University: International Court of Justice
International Criminal Court (ICC)
NATO Communications and Information Agency
Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW)
Peace Palace
International Centre for CounterTerrorism (ICCT)
A large number of NGO’s, including OxfamNovib, Care and Cordaid
Locations of Leiden University in The Hague

Leiden University in The Hague comprises five locations, all right in the heart of the city centre. These buildings are all within walking distance of each other.
Wijnhaven is our main building. The building has large auditoria, a courtyard and the ‘Spanish Steps’ Events frequently take place here and can be attended by everyone. Here you’ll also find the library on the second floor The offices of the Institute of Security and Global Affairs and the Institute of Public Administration are located in the closed part of the fourth floor
Anna van Buerenplein
This 21 story college building is located next to The Hague Central Station and the Royal Library. Students of Leiden University College (LUC) live in this building which includes all living and learning facilities. Lectures and classes from other programmes do also take place in this location.
This building houses a large part of the administration for the Bachelor's Programmes International Studies and Urban Studies of the Faculty of Humanities. Lectures and classes from other programmes do also take place here
Centre Beehive
Across from Wijnhaven: a facility for students and staff, providing space for social and cultural activities and different support services for students, such as PopCorner. It provides study workplaces and a fitness room
The upper floors of this building above the Central Station are used for workgroups for several Bachelor’s and Master’s programmes.
Spui (2026)
Leiden University is developing a major, new university premises at Spui, in the city centre of The Hague. The building, a former department store, will provide space for around 3,000 university students and staff.
Public Administration
Economics and Governance
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Public Administration
Content of the Programme
The Economics & Governance specialisation of the Master Public Administration aims to develop professionals who are able to analyse and address policy problems broadly, and in the field of social policy and market regulation specifically. The focal point is on welfare states and markets. You learn about the role of government in creating, facilitating and controlling markets. You also examine the status of the current welfare state, such as the pension system, social security, labour markets, and income distribution in society; and the challenges the welfare state currently faces. You are provided a strong multidisciplinary preparation for a professional career in areas such as socio-economic policymaking or market regulation. The combination of applied economics and public governance forms a solid base for policy-makers, consultants and future leaders.
4 reasons to choose Economics & Governance
You will learn to produce solutions to current issues found where economics and public administration meet.
You will analyse the ways in which socio-economic policy and regulatory governance can be improved, and how to realise those improvements in dynamic and refractory settings in which you will be confronted with politics and differing interests.
You will combine theoretical knowledge with academic and professional skills, in doing so, preparing yourself for a career as a policy advisor, policy analyst, or consultant.
You will be instructed by driven lecturers who are involved in high-level research within your subject and who are experienced with strategic policy advice in practice.
As you will be examining international cases, performing comparative research and having discussions with your fellow students based on their international perspectives, you will develop a broad perspective on issues that involve economics and governance.
Additional information
Start date: September/February
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science in Public Administration (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Public Administration
International and European Governance
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Public Administration
Content of the Programme
The International and European Governance specialisation of the Master Public Administration provides the essential theoretical background and professional skills to address the challenges of effective and legitimate governance in a globalised world. You learn to formulate governance solutions to address crossborder societal challenges You will do this by applying state-of-the-art scientific knowledge of the EU and international institutions, international decision-making and management of EU and international organisations. Through the programme you will obtain a deep understanding of the interplay between the international, EU, and (sub)national governance systems and how this interplay affects a national government’s capacity to address crossborder societal challenges. The specialisation is designed for you to become a professional capable of developing, implementing and evaluating public solutions for societal problems that transcend national and European borders.

This expertise will prepare you for a job in (inter)national public institutions or private sector organisations that need to cope with implications of an increasingly globalised policy-making environment.
Additional information
Start date: September/February
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science in Public Administration (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Public Administration
Public Management and Leadership
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Public Administration
Content of the Programme

Why does governance so often fail to effectively address societal problems? Why does the success of policy solutions vary so strongly across countries and policy domains? The specialisation Public Management and Leadership develops a theoretical and practical understanding of how management and leadership behavior is at the heart of understanding – and improving – public governance.
The programme provides an internationally comparative perspective on how the actions of political executives, top-level bureaucrats, managers in government agencies, and frontline professionals ultimately determine successful governance. This expertise prepares you for a career in an (inter)national public organisation or management consultancy.
Public governance broadly refers to the structures, processes and institutions used by the government to address urgent societal problems However, to understand what makes public governance work in practice, it is necessary to look beyond the structures and processes of government, and pay attention to
the behavior of organisations and the individual actors that operate within them. This master specialisation uses management and leadership theory to critically analyze how the decisions and actions of public managers ultimately determine successful governance. In doing so, the programme has an internationally comparative and practiceoriented perspective.
Additional information
Start date: September/February
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science in Public Administration (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Management van de Publieke
Politiek, Beleid en Management
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Instituut Bestuurskunde
Inhoud van het Programma
In deze dagopleiding krijg je inzicht in hoe de Nederlandse overheid omgaat met actuele uitdagingen zoals de energietransitie, de wooncrisis of kunstmatige intelligentie Je ervaart hoe complex maatschappelijke problemen zijn en ontwikkelt vandaaruit inzichten en vaardigheden om ze als bestuurskundige te helpen oplossen. De onderliggende gedachte van de (dag)track Politiek, Beleid en Management is dat je (1) begint met een concrete uitdaging door meteen aan de slag te gaan met actuele bestuurskundige casus, (2) dan vanuit wetenschappelijke perspectieven reflecteert op de uitdaging, (3) om vervolgens de academische kennis weer toe te passen op (zelfgekozen) maatschappelijke, economische en bestuurlijke vraagstukken. Binnen de opleiding specialiseer je je door een profiel te kiezen dat een van de kernthema's binnen bestuurskunde vertegenwoordigt.

De vijf profielen zijn: organisatie en management, besluitvorming, politiek en bestuur, beleidseconomie, en digitalisering.
In de Master Management van de Publieke Sector leiden deskundige en toegewijde docenten van het instituut Bestuurskunde jou op tot een academisch geschoolde professional voor een toekomst in het publieke domein. Uitgerust met wetenschappelijke kennis en getraind in academische vaardigheden word je voorbereid om maatschappelijke uitdagingen te analyseren en aan te pakken.
Aanvullende informatie
Startdatum: september
Duur: 1 jaar
Titel: Master of Science in Management van de Publieke Sector (MSc)
Locatie: Den Haag
Taal: Nederlands
Onderwijsvorm: Voltijd
Meer informatie

Management van de Publieke
Bestuur en Advisering
Faculteit Governance and Global Affairs
Instituut Bestuurskunde
Inhoud van het Programma

In deze avondopleiding bestudeer je de laatste ontwikkelingen in politiek-bestuurlijke verhoundingen, beleide, management en public affairs en lobbyen. Je gaat aan de slag met actieve werkvormen die voortbouwen op je ervaring en de casuïstiek die je meebrengt als je al een loopbaan en werkervaring hebt. Binnen deze specialisatie draait het om de kwaliteit en vernieuwing van het openbaar bestuur en haar relatie met de omgeving waarin allerlei organisaties, groepen en burgers eisen en wensen hebben. In deze opleiding ligt de nadruk op toepassingsgericht werken waarin je theorie en ervaringskennis gebruikt om de praktijk beter te begrijpen, daar oplossingen voor te vinden en te adviseren. Er zijn twee profielen voor specialisatie. Het eerste gaat over een hoogwaardig openbaar bestuur, met uitgebreide aandacht voor bestuurlijk functioneren en vernieuwing. Het tweede gaat over stakeholders, public affairs en maatschappij, waarin de relatie tussen de overheid en haar omgeving centraal staat. In je afstudeerproject werk je binnen een van de twee proielen aan een concreet vraagstuk, een beter inzicht daarin en kom je tot advisering om de praktijk te verbeteren.
In de Master Management van de Publieke Sector leiden deskundige en toegewijde docenten van het instituut Bestuurskunde jou op tot een academisch geschoolde professional voor een toekomst binnen de publieke sector of een functie waarbij je daarmee voortdurend in relatie staat. Toegerust met wetenschappelijke kennis en getraind in academische en adviserende vaardigheden word je voorbereid om maatschappelijke uitdagingen te analyseren en aan te pakken.
Aanvullende informatie
Startdatum: februari
Duur: 1 jaar
Titel: Master of Science in Management van de Publieke Sector (MSc)
Locatie: Den Haag
Taal: Nederlands
Onderwijsvorm: Avondopleiding
Meer informatie

Governance of Sustainability
Faculty of Science & Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Environmental Sciences & Institute of Public Administration

Content of the Programme
The Governance of Sustainability programme offers a transdisciplinary approach to tackling urgent environmental challenges. Designed for students from diverse academic and cultural backgrounds, this programme goes beyond traditional learning. On your path to becoming a change agent, you will learn how to integrate governance and environmental science perspectives and to collaborate with nonacademic actors. This will enable you to cocreate solutions to real-world sustainability issues like climate change, biodiversity loss, water management, and circular economy.
4 Reasons to study Governance of Sustainability at Leiden University
You will collaborate with interdisciplinary and international students to design and execute integrative research projects, combining concepts, theories and research methods of both governance and environmental sustainability. You will be confronted with real-life sustainability challenges, that require indepth insights into the environmental science and governance aspects thereof and the skills to integrate different perspectives.
Our teaching creates a transdisciplinary environment in which you are challenged to integrate multiple perspectives, reflect on those and take ownership of your own learning process. Be inspired by co-teaching professors from two leading institutes, who are at the forefront of the field of environmental sustainability and public administration.
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 2 year
Degree: Master of Science (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Crisis and Security Management
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)

Content of the Programme
This programme focuses on the causes of (perceived) threats to security, the political and social construction of (in)security, the pattern of reactions to these threats, and prevention strategies and best practices. Crises and security issues are studied from a multidisciplinary, multi-actor, and multi-level approach. Crisis and Security Management offers you the choice of six specialisation tracks, each of which explores different aspects of cisis and security management; radicalisation and (counter)terrorism, intelligence and national security, war and peace, interpersonal violence, and cybersecurity.
You will choose one specialisation before the start of your programme A specialisation consists of a coherent set of courses aimed towards gaining specific skills and knowledge, and you cannot switch during the year.
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
Governance of Crisis
Governance of Radicalism, Extremism and Terrorism
Cybersecurity Governance
Intelligence and National Security War and Peace Studies
Governance of Violence (also starts in February)
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Governance of Crisis
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)
Content of the Programme
Crises such as hurricanes, system blackouts, pandemics and terrorist attacks are considered serious threats to the basic functioning and fundamental values of modern societies. They challenge public and private organisations in terms of business continuity, providing safety and security, and responding to threats and emergencies.
In the track Governance of Crisis, you will engage with research from multiple academic disciplines. Combined with the in-depth study of empirical cases, you will learn the main concepts, processes, challenges, and dilemmas of crisis management. Special attention will be paid to what effective crisis management entails, the role of leadership and organisations in crisis management, citizen responses to crises, and the politics of crisis management.
In this track, you will be familiarised with: what causes crises and what societies do to prevent and prepare for them; the role of crisis responses in order to minimise damage and impact in the long run; the dynamics, consequences and challenges of post-crisis governance.

We teach you research skills and professional labor-market oriented skills using several activating working methods, such as serious games, setting up your own survey, group discussions, individual presentations, a scenario-workshop, providing strategic communication advice, and writing policy briefs based on comparative analysis.
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Governance of Radicalism, Extremism and Terrorism

Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)
Content of the Programme
Terrorism remains one of the most pressing security challenges of the 21st century, with far-reaching implications for societies worldwide. The Governance of Radicalism, Extremism & Terrorism (GRET) specialisation provides students with a comprehensive understanding of the causes and consequences of extremism, terrorism, and political violence more broadly. Students will learn about progress and pitfalls in research on this subject, understand the characteristics and psychological underpinnings of extremist thinking, the strategies societies can employ to combat and prevent terrorism, as well as when and why radicalisation does, and does not, lead to such violence.
Whether you're interested in the causes of terrorism or the practical responses to it, whether you envision a career in the security domain – prevention, investigation, analysis, response, or policy-making – or in research, the GRET specialisation prepares you to tackle one of the most complex challenges of our time.
Our students have diverse academic backgrounds, but share three common traits: (1) an interest in studying (counter)terrorism, protest movements, (de)radicalisation, and extremism, (2) a willingness to challenge themselves by learning new analytical and research skills, and (3) a desire to bridge the gap between research and policy development
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Crisis and Security Management
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)

Content of the Programme
In a world that increasingly relies on networked digital technologies, cybersecurity has become a pressing concern. In recent times, academics, governments and organisations have come to realize that cybersecurity is not only a technical issue, but also involves questions of governance and policy making, law and regulations, politics and international relations, and economics and psychology. In the track Cybersecurity Governance, you will be familiarised with the breadth, depth and complexity of cybersecurity challenges from a governance point of view and to find creative and workable solutions to address these challenges. This includes gaining expertise and skills in a range of disciplines such as law, international politics, behavioural sciences and criminology. As the programme focuses on the governance aspects of cybersecurity, we do not expect prospective students to have indepth technical knowledge on cybersecurity before starting this specialisation track.
We are looking for students with a keen interest in cybersecurity as a policy field and the desire to know more about this fascinating topic and how to solve the challenges of the 21st century.
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Crisis and Security Management
Intelligence and National Security
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)
Content of the Programme
On the Intelligence and National Security track we explore the secretive world of intelligence agencies and the vital roles they play in informing policymaking, influencing statecraft, diplomacy and international relations, and maintaining both foreign and domestic security.
The four courses on this specialisation track examine such topics as: Intelligence collection and analysis; Covert action; Offensive cyber operations; The different responsibilities and priorities of intelligence agencies in different parts of the globe; The relationship between intelligence agencies and policymakers.
You will learn both academic and professional skills on this track, including: data collection, data analysis, reviewing and critically engaging with current research on numerous subjects and fields such as those listed before, international negotiation, and providing intelligence briefings to policymakers.

We welcome students with backgrounds in Security Studies, International Relations/Studies, Political Science, Cyber Security, History, Area Studies, and other related fields.
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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MASTER’S PROGRAMME Crisis and Security Management
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)
Content of the Programme

In the multidisciplinary War and Peace Studies track, you will immerse yourself into core academic debates and crucial practical and policy-oriented issues surrounding war and peace. Unique about the programme is that it integrates insights from both war studies and peace studies, fields which rarely talk to each other. In this track, you will learn that you cannot understand war without understanding peace, and that you must understand war in order to know how to preserve and advance peace.
Apart from obtaining knowledge about why war breaks out, how it is conducted, how societies move from war to peace, and how peace is sustained, you will acquire key transferable skills with regard to critical analysis and data collection.
This specialisation is for you if you want to obtain insight into how societies conduct war and how they maintain peace, and what the role of the international community is in promoting peace and security.
It is also for you if you are interested in how theories translate to practice, and want to interact with practitioners to learn about the complexities of warfare and peacemaking
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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MASTER’S PROGRAMME Crisis and Security Management
Governance of Violence
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs (ISGA)
Content of the Programme

Violence can create a climate of fear and insecurity, and can potentially undermine national security. In this specialisation track, you will be familiarised with the many faces of violent offending, to provide the knowledge and tools to understand, and ultimately, contribute to curbing the impact of violence on society.
In four in-depth courses you will study the origins, correlates, mechanisms and social contexts of violence, coupled with prevention and intervention measures aimed at reducing violence. Research skills constitute the heart of each course.
In these four courses, we acquire skills that include doing literature reviews; critical reviews of existing research, but also data collection; and data analysis.
This track provides you with a thorough, multi-layered and multidisciplinary understanding of violence. The study of violence becomes increasingly relevant, not only because of the impact on victims, but because the ripple effect goes far beyond the initial act.
Additional information
Start date: September / February
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science Crisis and Security Management (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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International Relations and Diplomacy (Advanced)
Faculty of Governance and Global Affairs
Institute of Security and Global Affairs, The Institute of Political Science and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael
Content of the Programme

The Advanced Master’s programme in International Relations and Diplomacy offers a unique blend of academic education in international relations and international organisations, and practical training in international negotiation and diplomacy. It is taught jointly by Leiden University and the Netherlands Institute of International Relations Clingendael. In the current era of global interdependence, collaborative efforts are needed to meet the most pressing challenges in international politics, security and economics. Increased transnational channels of communication, global trade and capital flow characterize an increasingly interconnected world of both nation states and non-state actors. The resulting challenges to global governance can be met most effectively by patterns of international and transnational cooperation and diplomacy. This highly selective programme allows students to develop their analytical and research skills, take on internships and build their network with experts in the relevant fields.
Upon graduation, students are prepared to take on positions in international organisations, government institutions, NGOs, diplomatic missions, think tanks as well as within the private sector.
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 2 years
Degree: Master of Science in International Relations and Diplomacy (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
Tuition fee: €20 400,- per academic year
Application deadline: 1 April
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Political Science
International Organisation
Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences
Institute of Political Science

Content of the Programme
The Political Science MSc programme International Organisation focuses on the interplay of international rules and institutions, non-governmental organisations, and national governments in light of today’s most pressing issues of security and prosperity. It combines substantive courses in political science and international politics with skills-oriented courses on policy analysis, monitoring, and evaluation. You will deepen your knowledge of international cooperation and conflict. Global governance issues are analysed in-depth and critically. Our lecturers are active scholars and experienced teachers from many countries. They have expertise in many areas of international politics, including several with direct experience in policy formation and diplomacy at national and international levels. They will stimulate you to think critically and independently and prepare you to contribute professionally to governments, NGOs and international organisations.
Career possibilities
Politics, Adminstration and Management: as a junior policy officer, policy advisor, commercial or regional manager;
Consultancy: as a consultant, business, chief or commercial advisor, junior; adviser public affairs or projectmanager
Research: as a technical analyst, research adviser or researcher;
HRM: as a customer support officer or international markets coordinator; Media / Communications: as a media and public affairs assistant or communications assistant;
Finances: as a financial trainee or adviser.
Additional information
Start date: September/February
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science in Political Science (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Population Health Management
Faculty Medicine/LUMC
Health Campus The Hague

Content of the Programme
The interdisciplinary two years Master’s Population Health Management (PHM) will train you to contribute to a large-scale transition towards a more sustainable and future proof health care system. Health care faces ageing populations, rising health care costs, fragmented health care supply and advancing medical technologies and IT systems Health care professionals will require new competences to meet these challenges. PHM aims at tackling these challenges in a broad sense and has emerged as an important strategy for health care worldwide.
4 Reasons to study Population Health Management
Interdisciplinary approach
You will develop skills to look and act across domains and to solve complex healthcare issues. Contribute in the role of broker to support health care organizations, government agencies or commercial companies to develop a more integrated healthcare system
Data driven approach
Learn to interpret and connect data, such as big data, artificial intelligence (AI), and quantitative data to the health care.
Throughout the curriculum a lot of attention is being paid to your personal interests and development. In the second year you are free to choose an internship (abroad) and/or courses in the topics of your interest.
Blended learning
Gain theoretical knowledge during two weeks of online self study followed by an intensive on-campus week where these insights are applied. Our teachers work in the PHM field and teach how to apply theoretical knowledge to real-life examples.
Additional information
Start date: September / February
Duration: 2 years
Degree: Master of Science (MSc)
Location: The Hague
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Leiden Law School
Van Vollenhoven Institute for Law, Governance and Society
Content of the Programme
The Master Law & Society offers a unique opportunity to study the interaction between law and social issues. The programme enables you to acquire in-depth knowledge of the different ways in which laws and legal institutions affect society and vice versa how society influences the formation and functioning of law. You will study the complexity and ambiguity of processes of law-making, law-implementation and dispute resolution, and how these relate to ideals of social justice, development and the rule of law. The programme takes an interdisciplinary perspective, combining insights from law, social sciences and humanities, and it has an explicitly global focus, including case studies and theories from both the Global North and the Global South.
The Master is distinct from other degrees offered by law schools through its focus on the practical operation of law across a broad range of legal fields, from criminal law to climate change regulation. The core curriculum equips students with the conceptual approaches and qualitative empirical research methods necessary to analyze law in context.

Specialized electives enable students to dive deeper and focus on particular areas of legal practice
The Master Law & Society has been initiated in response to a labour market demand: a need expressed by experts from the professional field for students trained in an interdisciplinary, socio-legal approach to law, with an in-depth understanding of the formation and functioning of law.
Additional information
Start date: September / February
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Science (MSc)
Location: The Hague and Leiden
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime
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Criminologie en Veiligheidsbeleid
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Instituut Strafrecht en Criminologie
Inhoud van het Programma
Deze master richt zich op veiligheidsproblematiek in de samenleving en het ontwikkelen van effectief en legitiem beleid om deze problematiek aan te pakken. Daarbij hanteren wij een multidisciplinair perspectief. We belichten vraagstukken vanuit het brede terrein van criminologie, sociologie, psychologie, bestuurskunde en rechtswetenschappen om tot goed gefundeerde, bruikbare oplossingen te komen.
In deze master bestudeer je interessante vraagstukken, zoals: Wat is veiligheid eigenlijk, en wie draagt de verantwoordelijkheid voor veiligheid(sbeleid)?; Hoe komt een onderwerp op de veiligheidsagenda (en waarom een ander onderwerp niet), en wat speelt daarbij een rol?; Hoe verloopt de samenwerking tussen organisaties in de veiligheidszorg, en hoe ga je om met mogelijke conflicterende belangen van beleids- en handhavingsorganisaties?; Hoe kan de overheid gedrag van burgers, bedrijven en organisaties beïnvloeden om de veiligheid te verbeteren?;

Hoe kunnen we de stad veiliger maken, zonder afbreuk te doen aan de positieve aspecten van het stedelijk leven?; Hoe evalueer je of beleid effect gesorteerd heeft? Met deze studie ben je op de hoogte van de meest actuele ontwikkelingen in de veiligheidszorg Vanuit een breed wetenschappelijk perspectief verdiep je je in een scala aan veiligheidsvraagstukken, van uitgaansgeweld tot onveiligheidsgevoelens en van milieufraude tot witteboordencriminaliteit.
Aanvullende informatie
Startdatum: September/Februari
Duur: 1 jaar
Titel: Master of Science (MSc)
Locatie: Den Haag en Leiden
Taal: Nederlands
Onderwijsvorm: Voltijd/Deeltijd
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Economie van de Publieke Sector
Faculteit der Rechtsgeleerdheid
Instituut Fiscale en Economische vakken

Inhoud van het Programma
Wil jij complexe maatschappelijke vraagstukken aanpakken en bijdragen aan het beleid van morgen? De Nederlandstalige master Economie van de Publieke Sector aan de Universiteit Leiden bereidt je voor op een impactvolle carrière als beleidseconoom.
Deze unieke opleiding combineert economische theorie en empirische analyse met actuele thema’s als ongelijkheid, klimaatverandering en technologisering. Je leert beleidsvraagstukken analyseren en praktische oplossingen ontwikkelen binnen de context van Nederlandse instituties, met veel aandacht voor schriftelijke en mondelinge communicatieve vaardigheden.
De opleiding is gevestigd in Den Haag, het bestuurlijke hart van Nederland, met directe toegang tot ministeries, planbureaus en gastdocenten uit de praktijk. Colleges zijn interactief en kleinschalig, gericht op zowel wetenschappelijke kennis als praktische toepasbaarheid.
Na de master liggen er carrièremogelijkheden bij ministeries, planbureaus, zelfstandige uitvoeringsorganisaties (zoals UWV of DNB), onderzoeksbureaus en maatschappelijke instellingen. Werk jij binnenkort als beleidseconoom aan een betere toekomst voor Nederland?
Aanvullende informatie
Startdatum: September
Duur: 1 jaar
Titel: Master of Science (MSc)
Locatie: Den Haag
Taal: Nederlands
Onderwijsvorm: Voltijd
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Governance of Migration and Diversity (Legal) LL.M.
Faculty of Law
Public Law/European Law
Content of the Programme
The Governance of Migration and Diversity specialisation provides in-depth expertise on migration, asylum, diversity and nondiscrimination law with an international and European focus. Courses span multiple academic disciplines, offering a broad, multidisciplinary legal education leading to a full recognized LL.M. degree. This programme offers a unique LL.M. from Leiden University, combining expertise from three prestigious universities (Leiden, Delft, Erasmus Rotterdam). You’ll study migration and diversity from legal, historical, sociological, political, and development perspectives. The programme includes practical classes, wherein you will develop writing and advocacy skills. Additionally, you will build a strong international network across the borders of academic disciplines. MASTER’S
Why choose Governance of Migration and Diversity in Leiden?
Study at three renowned universities (Leiden, Delft, Erasmus Rotterdam) with excellent international reputations; Gain insights into migration and diversity from multiple academic perspectives, while earning a recognized LL.M. from Leiden’s law faculty;

Work closely with your professors in the privatissimum and practicum, gaining useful insights into how to translate your knowledge into written pieces, court memorials, and defend your ideas and arguments orally before a court of law; Build an international network across academic fields with access to three universities' education and research resources.
Graduates of the LL.M. Governance of Migration and Diversity, depending on their bachelor qualification, will obtain civil effect in the Netherlands and will be able to access the Dutch bar.
Additional information
Start date: September
Duration: 1 year
Degree: Master of Laws [LL.M.]
Location: Leiden/ The Hague, Rotterdam
Language: English
Mode of study: Fulltime/ part-time
More information

Career Service

Studying is about more than just gaining a diploma. It is also about preparing for a professional career. The Career Service main aim is to smoothen the transition from university to the job market.
Each year we’re organising a variety of activities, you can think of:
Individual career advice and a CV check; Workshops and training courses, for example 'Networking & LinkedIn ' , ' CV & personal profile' or ' Interview skills'; Career Colleges in which alumni tell about their job, how they got their job and their typical workday;
Information sessions, for example ‘How to find a job in the Netherlands’ or ‘Working for the EU’; Company visits (for example to embassies, different ministries, the European Commission in Brussels, Accenture or AIVD); Internship market; Campus The Hague Career Event.

We can support you in creating your future! So if you want help with figuring out what it is that you really want (either academically or professionally), and what you need to pursue your dream career, don’t hesitate to contact us.
The Career Service organises different kinds of activities, such as:
Career Event
The Career Event is an annual event that is designed to inspire all students. Many different companies and organisations participate and give presentations or organise workshops that you can join. On this day, you can ask all your questions and will get to know more about possible job opportunities, application procedures, and what companies look for in new employees.
Internship Fair
The Internship Fair, too, is a returning event that takes place every year. Companies, NGOs and Ministries present themselves at an information market Here, you learn everything about current internship opportunities, how to apply, what the application procedure looks like, and what it is like to do an internship within an organisation. Very interesting if you are looking for an internship, but also inspiring when looking for a fulltime job.
Company Visits
Another great opportunity for students: company visits All kinds of organisations open their doors for a group of students to visit their building, learn more about the organisation in a presentation and speak with current employees. A great opportunity to experience what working for these organisations is like, and see if it is something you would picture yourself doing.
Frequently, workshops are organised, ranging from ‘how to write a good motivation letter’, to LinkedIn workshops, and to ‘how to ‘sell yourself ’ in an elevator pitch’. A good way to learn about skills necessary in landing your dream job!
Career Colleges
During the year we organise different Career Colleges. Several alumni from different organisations will tell you about their careers, and give tips about what you can do after your studies. Find out what their typical workday looks like, and what they have done to get where they are now. In this way, we hope to inspire students and encourage them to start thinking of what they like or don’t like.

The Mentor Network

Are you looking for an ‘expert’ view when choosing an area of study for your Bachelor’s or Master’s degree or are you looking for information about specific sectors, organisations or positions?
The Mentor Network is an online portal that allows you to get in touch with alumni former students of Leiden University. Within the portal you can check out the profiles of 650 alumni. By using keywords and search filters, you can search for an alumnus who can answer your questions by contacting them via a mentor request.
More information

Recruitment Activities & Contact

Student for a day
Some programmes offer a Student for a day event. Follow a lecture and receive insights from current students. Get a real taste of what to expect. Do you want to be a student for a day in a Master’s programme? Please contact the study ambassador of that Master’s programme or keep an eye on the website.
Master Talks: Programme video's
Watch the videos of the master's programmes at Leiden University. Every master's programme will feature 2 videos: an introduction video with the basic information and the recording of the indepth presentations during the Master's Online Open Days. Learn more and decide which master's programme suits you best. Scan the QR code for the homepage of the Master Talks video's.

For any questions regarding a Master’s programme or specialisation, please contact the relevant study advisor. Their contact details can be found on the programme’s webpage.
Curious about student life in The Hague? Chat with a current student via our website to hear firsthand experiences. For general inquiries, reach out to the StudyLine an information service run by students, for students.
Email: study@leidenuniv.nl