New Student spring 2016

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Contents Welcome to the University of Bergen 1. Introductory Programme 2. Checklist

4 6 8

01. Register for the Semester 9 02. Pay the Semester Fee 10 03. Open a User Account 10 04. Student ID Card 11 05. Student ID App 11 06a. E U/EEA/EFTA Citizens: Register and Visit the Police Station 12 06b. N on-EU/EEA/EFTA Citizens: Apply for a Residence Card 12 07. Apply for a Norwegian ID number 13

08. Sign up for TB Testing: Chest X-ray 13 09. SiB Student Deposit Account (for visa purposes) 15 10. Open a Norwegian Bank Account (optional) 15 11. Sign up for Tandem Language Learning (optional) 16 Meet Our International Student Blogger ������������������������������������������ 19

3. Important Documents


Letter of Acceptance ���������������������������������������������������������������������������� 21 Welcome Letter ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21 Student Confirmations ������������������������������������������������������������������������ 21 Confirmation of student status – issued by UiB if needed �������������� 21

4. Access Internet on Campus


With a UiB user account ������������������������������������������������������������������������22 Before you get a UiB user account ������������������������������������������������������22

5. The University Of Bergen Library 6. Student Welfare

23 24

8. Getting Around In Bergen 9. Where to get help

30 32

Health care �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 24 Training ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 Cafeteria �������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 Counselling ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 Career Centre ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 Child Care ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������25 The Student Centre �������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 26

Student Pages ���������������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 My Space/MittUiB ��������������������������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Semester Startup Help Desk ���������������������������������������������������������������� 32 Faculty Information Centres ���������������������������������������������������������������� 33

7. Student Life

Notes 38


International Student Organisations ������������������������������������������������ 27 Study Bergen ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 27 Det Akademiske Kvarter ���������������������������������������������������������������������� 29 Volunteer in a student organisation! �������������������������������������������������� 29

10. Useful Contact Information


Emergency Services ������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 36 Transport ������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������������ 36

WELCOME TO THE UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN UiB is a truly international university with students from more than 100 countries all over the world and our campus is located in the heart of Bergen. You will find that student life in Bergen is both vibrant and diverse with a range of student organizations and a great amount of cultural happenings throughout the year. Bergen is also called the Gateway to the fjords, and it’s well worth exploring both the historic city and it’s beautiful surroundings.


We are confident that you will all gain new knowledge about yourself and the world during your stay. Make the most of your study period in Bergen and remember that we are here to help you! Best wishes,

Ana Veronica







EDUCATION • 64 bachelor’s degree programmes

1. Germany

4. France

• 100 master’s and professional study programmes • More than 1,900 courses

2. Spain

5. Poland

• 6 PhD programmes • Approx. 250 doctorates are conferred every year

3. Sweden

• 29 research schools at PhD level



Faculty of Social Sciences 3,310 Faculty of Psychology 1,982 Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry 1,943


Faculty of Humanities 3,375

Total ca 16,000

Faculty of Law 2,307 Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences 3,077

Bachelor 5,859

Master 5,110

Professional 1,443

International 1,866

Students by gender Norway is considered to be one of the world’s most gender equal countries. This is also reflected in ­higher education. In 2014 more than 60 per cent of our ­student population were women.







Opening Session

Auditorium 1, Faculty of Law (Campus map index no. 44)

Registration (hand-out of personal welcome envelope) Welcome speech by vice-rector for International Relations Practical information



Complimentary lunch

11:30– 12:30

Information stands

Social Sciences Library (campus map index no. 18)





Meeting the Locals

Auditorium Egget, The Student Centre (Campus map index no. 14)

Lecture by student counsellors from the Student Welfare Organisation (SiB)


Understanding Norway: a Historical Perspective

Lecture by PhD candidate Eyvind York from the Department of Archaeology, History, Cultural Studies and Religion 11:15

Academic Norms – Global or Local? Lecture by Associate Professor Knut Martin Tande from the Faculty of Law


Lunch break


Enjoy Norwegian nature Lecture by the Red Cross and the student organisation BSI Friluft

13:30– 15:00

Registration Assistance (optional) If needed, UiB staff will provide assistance on how to sign up for courses and exams, tuberculosis testing (if applicable) and how to create a UiB user account.

Social Sciences and Music Library (campus map index no. 18)




09:00– 12:00 (meet up at 08:30)

Placement Test

Social Sciences and Music Library (campus map index no. 18)

For Norwegian language course applicants at level 2 or higher only. The test is obligatory. If you fail to attend you will lose your place.




09:00– 10:00

Orientation Meeting – Norwegian Language Courses

Sydneshaugen school, Auditorium A (campus map index no. 41

For students with granted admission to beginner’s level courses only (U01, U1, U1+2).




11:00– 15:00

Student Organisations on Stands

The Student Centre (campus map index no. 14)

Meet a range of Bergen’s student organisations within culture, politics, sports etc. on stand. This is a good time to find an organisation for you, talk to current members and even sign up!






01. Register for the Semester

All students

02. Pay the Semester Fee

All students, except exchange students

03. Open a User Account

All students

04. Obtain a Student Card

All students

05. Download Student ID App

All students

06a. EU/EEA/EFTA Citizens: Register at the Police Station

Students from EU/EEA/EFTA

06b. N on-EU/EEA/EFTA Citizens: Apply for a Residence Card

All students from countries outside the EU/EEA/EFTA

07. Apply for a Norwegian ID Number

Students staying for more than 6 months

08. Sign up for TB Testing: Chest X-ray

Students from certain countries, see p. 14

09. SiB Student Deposit Account

Students who have deposited money to SiB’s student deposit account

10. Open a Norwegian Bank Account

Students staying for 6 months or longer (optional)

11. Sign up for Tandem Language Learning

All students (optional)

01. REGISTER FOR THE SEMESTER Student Category: All students Where: When: As soon as you have received your UiB registration numbers. If you need assistance, university staff will be available at the Social Sciences and Music Library Friday 8 January Documentation: UiB registration numbers Deadlines Semester registration

1 February

Norwegian Language Courses – beginner’s level: NOR-U01, NOR-U1, NOR-U1/2*

15 January

Norwegian Language Courses – level 2 or higher: NOR-U2, NOR-U2/3, NOR-U3*

Individual deadline

Courses with limited capacity at the Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences*

14 January

* For students with granted admission only. ** See online checklist for details

StudentWeb services: • Register for classes and exams • Confirm your individual education plan, change or cancel exam registrations • Semester fee payment information (if applicable) • Address in Norway: Make sure that you provide your correct address in Norway when you register at UiB. If you live at Fantoft Student Hostel your correct address is: [Your name] Fantoft Student Hostel P.O. Box [no.] 5075 Bergen • Emergency contact person/next of kin: Register name and contact information (phone number, email and/or address). This will be used in case of emergencies only. • Check exam results • Order transcript of records is the students’ online registration service. Log on with your UiB registration numbers.


02. PAY THE SEMESTER FEE Student Category: All students except exchange students Where: Any bank or post office When: Deadline 1 February UiB does not charge tuition fees, but all students (with exemption of exchange students) have to pay a semester fee of NOK 590. The students will then automatically become members of the Student Welfare Organisation (SiB) and can benefit from all of SiB’s services


Student Category: All students Where: When: After completing semester registration Documentation: UiB registration numbers Your user account will provide you with: • My Space or MittUiB; your personal pages with access to online learning resources and relevant academic information • Your personal e-mail address: at • Access to computer rooms, printing services • Access to UiB’s computer system from your own computer Please note that after you have opened your user account, you must allow one day for the user account to be activated.

04. STUDENT ID CARD Student Category: All students Where: The Card Centre at the Student Centre, 1. floor When: Mon–Fri 09:00–14:00. 24 hours or more after you have opened a user account Documentation: ID card/passport The card serves the following purposes: • ID card • Key card • Library card • Charge card for printing services • Access card to SiB’s sports halls

PullPrint All students are required to pay for their prints and copies. You can access your prints from any of the student printers by swiping your student card. For more information on PullPrint, see under ICT Services on Student Pages (

05. STUDENT ID APP Student Category: All students Download from: App Store or Google Play When: Any time When you have paid the semester fee (if applicable) and completed the semester registration, the app is valid proof that you are a student at UiB this semester. The app will show the picture from your Student card. The app is currently only available for iOS and Android phones. You can find more information about the app on the Student Pages. If you cannot download the app, you may choose to receive a semester receipt by post when you register on StudentWeb.


06a. EU/EEA/EFTA CITIZENS: REGISTER AND VISIT THE POLICE STATION Student Category: Students from EU/EEA/EFTA countries Where: 1. Register at before your visit. Select ‘Bergen Sentrum’ Police Station 2. Visit Politiet’/SUA Bergen Sentrum Police Station, Nonnesetergaten 4, 5050 Bergen When: Friday 22 January is reserved for UiB students only Documentation: Paper copies: Passport, Letter of Acceptance, European Health Insurance Card/other health insurance documentation If you do not attend the scheduled appointment, you risk that the process will take longer.


06b. NON-EU/EEA/EFTA CITIZENS: APPLY FOR A RESIDENCE CARD Student Category: Students from countries outside the EU/EEA/EFTA Where: ‘Politiet’/UTLE Bergen sør Police Station, Nesttunbrekka 95, 5221 Nesttun. Stop at the Bergen Light Rail: Skjoldskiftet When: As soon as possible after your arrival Fee: NOK 3,200 to be paid when you apply online. Documentation: Applied before departure: Passport Applying after arrival: Paper copies: Passport, Letter of Acceptance and documentation of finances. You must register at (‘Want to Apply’) before you visit the police. The residence card proves that you have been granted a study permit in Norway.

07. APPLY FOR A NORWEGIAN ID NUMBER Student Category: Students staying in Norway for more than 6 months Where: Skatteetaten/Tax office, Nonnesetergaten 4 When: Open Mon–Fri 09:00–15:00 Documentation: Passport or ID card with gender specification, Valid residence registration certificate (EU/EEA/EFTA citizens) or residence card (NON-EU/EEA/EFTA citizens) and tenancy agreement with your address in Bergen. Please note that a national ID card can only replace a passport when it includes information about gender. The Norwegian national ID number is an 11-digit personal identifier, issued by the Norwegian National Registry (Folkeregisteret). The needed form, ‘Report a move to Norway from abroad’ (RF-1401), can be downloaded at 13 It may take up to 6 weeks to obtain a Norwegian ID number.

08. SIGN UP FOR TB TESTING: CHEST X-RAY Student category: Students from certain countries must be tested for tuberculosis by getting a chest X-ray, see list below. Where: On Deadline to sign up: 22 January Fee: None Documentation: Health documents and appointment confirmation received by e-mail after signing up. Remember to print it!

Residence permits are not valid until final clearance from the health authorities has been given. Persons exempt from TB testing must still be tested if they have been a resident in one of the countries listed below for more than 3 months and if they will be working within health care. The TB-test will take place on 9 February at Betanien Hospital. If you do not attend your UiB scheduled appointment on 9 February, you must make your own appointment and pay the required consultation fee by contacting the Office of Infection Control (Smittevernkontoret) directly at phone no. (+47) 55 56 58 80. TB-testing is compulsory for citizens from: Europe: Bosnia-Herzegovina, Greenland, Romania, Estonia, Belarus, Latvia, Lithuania, Moldova, Russia and Ukraine.

Africa All countries except Egypt, Mauritius, The Comoros, The Seychelles and Tunisia.


America: Belize, Bolivia, Brazil, the Dominican Republic, Ecuador, Guatemala, Guyana, Haiti, Honduras, Panama, Paraguay, Peru and Surinam.

Oceania: Fiji, Guam, Kiribati, Mariana Islands, the Marshall Islands, Micronesia, Nauru, Palau, Papua New Guinea, the Solomon Islands, Tuvalu and Vanuatu.

Asia: Afghanistan, Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Bhutan, Brunei, Burma (Myanmar), Cambodia, China, East Timor, Georgia, India, Indonesia, Iraq, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Laos, Malaysia, Mongolia, Nepal, North-Korea, Pakistan, Philippines, Singapore, Sri Lanka, South Korea, Taiwan, Thailand, Tajikistan, Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Vietnam and Yemen.

09. SIB STUDENT DEPOSIT ACCOUNT (FOR VISA PURPOSES) Student category: Students that have transferred money to SiB’s deposit account, for visa/study permit purposes. Where: The Student Centre (Campus Map Index no. 14). E-mail: Opening Hours: Mon–Fri 08:00–15:00 When: As soon as possible Before you have acquired a Norwegian bank account, SiB can issue a cash card to cover your living expenses. You can get up to NOK 19,800 deposited to the cash card, NOK 9,500 at a time. Make sure that the amount is sufficient to cover your expenses until you get your own bank account. The cash card can be ordered by sending an e-mail to SiB with your name and the amount required, or you can visit the office in person. The cash card will be ready to be picked up the following day. SiB will transfer your deposit to you as soon as you notify them of your Norwegian bank account number.

10. OPEN A NORWEGIAN BANK ACCOUNT (OPTIONAL) Student Category: Students staying in Norway for 6 months or longer (optional) Where: Any bank When: When you have received your Norwegian ID number Documentation: Passport, residence registration certificate (EU/ EEA/EFTA citizens) or residence card (non-EU/EEA/EFTA citizens), Letter of Acceptance, documentation of your Norwegian ID number


11. SIGN UP FOR TANDEM LANGUAGE LEARNING (OPTIONAL) Student category: All interested students Where: Sign up at When: Deadline 1 February Do you want to practice Norwegian or another foreign language in a fun, informal way? Sign up for UiB’s language exchange programme Tandem and improve your language skills through communication and interaction with a fellow student who speaks another language. There are no strict rules or grammar tests – you and your Tandem partner decide where you want to meet and what you want to talk about. Go for a walk, discuss a book you’ve read, tell stories from your home country, or just have a cup of coffee! The Tandem programme is available for all international students and other UiB students. After you have signed up, we will seek Tandem partners who match in their preferred languages. Sign up before 1 February! 16


Meet Our International Student Blogger


Hei hei! Welcome to the University of Bergen, I’m Stand, the international blogger. I’m from Seattle in the United States, yes, it is the one you’re thinking of from… Grey’s Anatomy… Nirvana… Starbucks… Microsoft (sorry about some of those). Yes, the weather is rainy there, too, but not quite as rainy as it is here. I’m studying a masters of Health Promotion here at the UiB. I’ve been writing the International Blog for over a year, and I’m loving it. I’m thrilled to share my various student adventures, my love of Bergen and its mountains, fun Norwegian idioms, and any tips and tricks I can find to make international student life easier. Feel free to take a look at the blog at for vicarious “thrills”, tips on university-related events, and all things having to do with international student life. Hope to hear from you!


The Museum garden and the University Aula


Outside the Faculty of Law (Dragefjellet)

3. IMPORTANT DOCUMENTS Letter of Acceptance Your Letter of Acceptance is only provided electronically and confirms your admission to the university and it states your period of study and the faculty, courses or programme you are admitted to.

Welcome Letter This letter is included in your welcome envelope or folderand contains your UiB registration numbers: • UiB Registration number: required to log on to StudentWeb and to open a user account. • Student number: required to open a user account. • PIN: required to log on to the StudentWeb and to open a user account.

Student Confirmations Learning Agreement for Erasmus+ students Learning Agreements from home universities can be submitted at your faculty information centre for signatures. Signed Learning Agreements usually take one week to issue.

Confirmation of arrival and departure Arrival and departure forms that need signatures can be handed in at your faculty information centre. We can only include our official semester dates and the end date can be no later than 20 June. If you need signatures on any of these documents, please go to your faculty’s information Centre

Confirmation of student status – issued by UiB if needed All confirmations of student status / study period, for renewal of visa applications and for home university and home country authorities, can be ordered online at Student Pages. The documents will be issued within two weeks or less, depending on your student category.



4. ACCESS INTERNET ON CAMPUS With a UiB user account • Your own device: Eduroam is UiB’s wireless Internet. To log on, you can use your UiB user account. • UiB computer: All faculties and libraries have computer rooms.

Before you get a UiB user account • If you have a Norwegian mobile number, use the “uib-guest” network. Enter your Norwegian mobile number, and a password will be sent to you. • If you are using Eduroam at your home university, you will also have Internet access through Eduroam at the UiB campus. • The public library next to the bus station has stationary computers with Internet access.

5. THE UNIVERSITY OF BERGEN LIBRARY The University of Bergen Library (UBL) aims to advance learning, research and scholarly inquiry by providing access to knowledge, expertise and study spaces. You can access the library resources online, chat with a librarian, or visit our branch libraries at each faculty. The library staff is readily available to help you get the most out of the library. Through our library services, you can • access print and online books, journals and other information resources, as well as databases • access the library special collections, which include photographs, manuscripts, rare books, maps and the Norwegian Queer Archive • use a variety of study spaces for individual or collaborative work with computer facilities and wireless internet access • participate in academic writing workshops and courses that will enable you to find, use and apply information effectively and critically in your academic work • discuss your study and research needs with a librarian All you need to borrow books from the library is your student card.

Opening Hours Arts Library Mon–Fri: 08:30–19:00 Sat: 10:00–16:00 Law Library Mon–Wed + Fri: 08:30–19:00 Thu: 09:00–19:00 Science Library Mon–Fri: 08:30–19:00 Sat: 10:00–16:00

Medical and Dental Library Mon–Fri: 08:30–19:00 Psychology, Education and Health Library Mon–Fri: 08:30–19:00 Sat: 10:00–16:00 Social Sciences and Music Library Mon–Wed+Fri: 08:30–19:00 Thu: 08:30–18:00 Libraries will have extended opening hours during the exam period.


6. STUDENT WELFARE SiB’s Information Centre for housing and other services is located at the Student Centre. Opening hours Monday to Friday: 08:00–15:30 Website: As a student at UiB, you automatically become a member of the Student Welfare Organisation (SiB). SiB’s main task is to contribute to your well-being as a student in Bergen. As a member of SiB, you have access to a broad range of free or subsidized welfare services, such as health care, counselling, child care, student housing and various sports activities.

Health care 24

All international students must have valid health insurance while in Norway. Find out if you should become a member of the Norwegian National Insurance Scheme or if you should have a social security coverage from your home country. SiB has an agreement with two medical centres. They are general practitioners and also offer treatment to students who do not have a regular doctor in Bergen. If you are staying in Bergen for more than 6 months, you must apply for a General Practitioner (GP) after you have received your Norwegian ID number. SiB Health includes: • Medical centre • Dental treatment • Free health care centre for sexual health and pregnancy • Mental Health Care Centre • Partly refund of health expenses More information on

Housing SiB has more than 4,300 accommodation units. The housing is comfortable and conveniently located near the campus. It is usually less expensive to rent a unit from SiB than on the private market. The monthly rent for a room varies from NOK 2,000–4,700.

Training SiB operates several sports centres in Bergen. For a very low fee, you have access to a swimming pool, modern training equipment, climbing walls, bouldering rooms, spinning, various aerobic and dance lessons and changing rooms with saunas and solariums. The student sports club, Bergenstudentenes Idrettslag (BSI), offers activities like: scuba diving, dance, football, badminton, handball, sailing, basketball and fencing.

Cafeteria There are several cafeterias on campus offering hot and cold meals. Some of them serve dinner. The SiB cafĂŠs offer student-friendly prices and a varied selection of menus, including vegetarian and healthy food on campus.

Counselling As a student you may encounter different challenges in your everyday life. To be able to focus on your studies, you may need someone to talk to. SiB offers individual counselling for academic, financial and personal issues, and guidance on how the Norwegian health care system works. All counsellors have a duty of confidentiality, and the service is free of charge.

Career Centre The Career Centre offers information and advice about career opportunities, further studies, job searching strategies or just a part-time job.

Child Care SiB runs several child care centres. Prices vary according to the parent’s income.


The Student Centre Parkveien 1 (campus map index no. 14)

UiB Services: • UiB Semester Startup Help Desk • UiB Card Centre

SiB services: • SiB Information Centre (Housing and all other services • Gym studios and swimming pool • Career Centre • SiB Counselling • SiB Cafeteria • SiB Mental Health Care Centre (SPH) 26

Other organisations and services: • Egget – lecture hall • Akademika Studentsenteret – student book shop • Student organisations and student media • Bergen Student Chaplaincy

The Student Centre

7. STUDENT LIFE Bergen has a vibrant student life with more than 160 student organisations, societies, clubs and associations covering all fields of interest, from politics to underwater rugby. A number of social and cultural activities will be arranged for all new university students throughout the semester.

International Student Organisations International Student’s Union (ISU-UiB) ISU is an organisation run for and by international students, committed to improving international students’ stay in Bergen through social and cultural activities.

Erasmus Student Network (ESN) Bergen ESN is an international students’ organisation that arranges social events for students.

Buddy Bergen The objective of Buddy Bergen is to provide you with your own ‘buddy’, a Norwegian student who will try to make your stay easier and more fun. For six weeks, you will have a buddy who will introduce you to the typical Norwegian way of life. Follow the student organisations on Facebook to find out more about the upcoming activities and find their web pages at

Study Bergen Study Bergen is a collaborative organisation, including UiB and SiB among others. During the semester Study Bergen arranges exciting trips including ski days, boat trips, hikes and a number of other events. All the events are subsidised for students attending UiB, and in addition to new experiences, you will meet students from academic fields other than your own. Follow Study Bergen on Facebook or check out to find an overview of student organisations and activities in Bergen.


At Det akademiske kvarter, you can enyoy some of the best part of student life in Bergen.

Det Akademiske Kvarter Det Akademiske Kvarter, or “Kvarteret”, is the epicentre of student culture in Bergen, hosting over 2,200 events every year. Kvarteret is a meeting space, cinema, concert venue, debate scene, theatre, bar, gallery and much more. Everything is organised and run by students for students. At any given time about 400 students volunteer at Kvarteret. Do you want to volunteer at Kvarteret? Try one of the following: • Work in one of the bars • Work as a security guard • Join the PR-group • Take part in the concert technician group Come by for a chat, e-mail or visit

Volunteer in a student organisation! Voluntary work or participation in student organisations is great to meet new people, get involved, gain work experience and of course practice your Norwegian language skills. You can for instance volunteer at the student venues Det Akademiske Kvarter, Hulen (The Cave), the Student Radio, Student TV or participate in one of the other student organisations.

Meet all the Student Organisations on stands at the Student Centre on 19 January. See the Programme for more information.


8. GETTING AROUND IN BERGEN Many students will use buses or the Bergen Light Rail (Bybanen) on a daily basis to get around in Bergen. Bybanen has several stops close to the main UiB campus. The Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry is located outside the city centre. Catch bus no. 2 or 3 from Småstrandgaten in the city centre to get there. These buses also take you to Alrek Student Hostel (get off at the bus stop called Statsarkivet) and Haukeland University Hospital. Time tables are available at

Tickets and Travel Cards


Single tickets for buses and Bybanen can be purchased beforehand: • On ticket machines at many of the bus stops or Bybanen stops. • In certain shops in the city centre (e.g. 7-Eleven, Deli de Luca, Narvesen) • By using the Skyss’ ticket app • By Visiting one of Skyss’ Customer Centres. A single ticket costs NOK 35 (as of October 2015). It is also possible to buy a single ticket on the bus (not on Bybanen), with a cost of NOK 50 (as of October 2015). Students get a 40% discount on the ordinary adult fare for a season ticket. This ticket entitles you to unlimited travel for 7, 30 or 180 days on city buses and Bybanen. The season ticket is available for both the Skyss Travelcard or Skyss Mobile ticket app. Before you have obtained the student ID app (or received a semester receipt by post), you can use your Letter of Acceptance when buying a travel card. You must also bring a passport. The Skyss Travelcard can be ordered on Day 1 of the Introductory Programme at the Skyss stand, or at Skyss’ Customer Centres in the city centre. You may also order one online at Valid Student ID Always remember to bring valid student ID for inspections if you travel with a student discount card or ticket. Before you have obtained the student ID app (or received a semester receipt by post), you can use your Letter of Acceptance to prove that you are a student at UiB.

The Bergen Light Rail passing Geophysical Institute

9. WHERE TO GET HELP Student Pages On the Student Pages ( you will find a lot of useful information related to your studies and student life.

My Space/MittUiB When you log on to, your personal pages give access to relevant academic and administrative resources, a calendar with information about your timetable, your reading list, subject information, e-mail services, discussion groups, etc. You need a user account to log on to My Space. 32

We are currently piloting a new Learning Platform called Mitt UiB. Some courses will be found on the new plattform •

Semester Startup Help Desk The Semester Startup Help Desk for international students at the Student Centre (Campus Map Index no. 14) will give you guidance during semester startup. Our Help Desk is located on the first floor (street level), next to the SiB Information Centre. Opening hours: Monday–Friday 8–15 January: 09:00–14:00 18–29 January: 09:00–13:00 During semester startup only

Services available: • Welcoming new students and handing out information • General campus guidance • Assistance on using online services • Semester registration guidance

Faculty Information Centres The information centre at your faculty offers a variety of services for students and will provide further information and help regarding your studies at the faculty. You can also visit your faculty information centre to have your Learning Agreement and confirmation of arrival/departure signed.

Faculty of Humanities

Faculty of Medicine and Dentistry

E-mail: Phone: (+47) 55 58 93 70 Location: The Information Centre, Sydnesplassen 9 Opening hours: Mon–Fri 10:00–15:00

E-mail: Phone: (+47) 55 58 64 00 Location: The Information Centre in Armauer Hansens hus, Haukelandsveien 28 Opening hours: Mon–Fri 12:00–14:00 (extended opening hours 10 Aug–1 Sept 10:00–15:00)

Faculty of Law E-mail: Phone: (+47) 55 58 95 00 Location: The Information Centre, Law Building, Magnus Lagabøtes plass 1 Opening hours: Mon–Fri 09:00–14:00

Centre for International Health E-mail: Phone: (+47) 55 58 61 00 Location: Overlege Danielsens hus, Årstadveien 21, 5th floor

Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences

Faculty of Psychology

E-mail: Phone: (+47) 55 58 30 30 Location: The Information Centre, Science Building (Realfagbygget), Allégaten 41 Main opening hours: Mon–Fri 10:00–15:00

E-mail: Phone: (+47) 55 58 27 10 Location: The Information Centre, Christies gate 13 Opening hours: Mon–Fri 09:30–14:30

Faculty of Social Sciences E-mail: Phone: (+47) 55 58 98 50 Location: The Information Centre, Fosswinckels gate 6 Faculty of Social Sciences Building, 3rd floor Opening hours: Mon–Fri 10:00–15:00


The centre of Bergen seen from Mount Fløyen, with the campus in the middle



Emergency Services


Fire Service

Bergen Airport Flesland

Emergency: 110 Non-emergency: (+47) 53 03 00 00

Tel: (+47) 67 03 15 55


Skyss (local bus company)

Emergency: 112 Non-emergency: (+47) 02800

Tel: (+47) 55 55 90 70

Nor-way Bussekspress

Medical Assistance

(national bus company) Tel: (+47) 815 44 444

Emergency: 113 Non-emergency: (+47) 55 56 87 60 / 116117

Accident and Emergency Clinic (‘Legevakten’) Solheimsgaten 9 Open: 24 hours Emergency number: 113 Tel: (+47) 55 56 87 00 / 116117

Emergency Dental Clinic (‘Tannlegevakten’) Solheimsgaten 18 Open: Mon–Fri: 18:00–20:30 Sat/Sun: 15:30–20:30 Tel: (+47) 57 30 31 00

Bergen Taxi (taxi service) Tel: 07000

Information about Norway • Study in Norway: • Public Sector Information and Services: • Visit Norway: • Bergen Tourist Board: • Fjord Norway (tourist and travel information):

When calling Norway from abroad, dial +47

Students enjoying winter weather outside the Student Centre.




Division of Student Affairs, University of Bergen Communication division, University of Bergen Eivind Senneset (cover, p. 2, 16, 18, 20, 22, 28, 31, 35) Paul S. Amundsen (p. 35) • Stand Hiestand (p. 17) • Marianne Røsvik (p. 26) Bodoni, Bergen 1,000 Soporset (115g/250g)

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