CPC webinars The 2020/21 CPC webinar series got off to a flying start, with many embracing the new online format and all webinars being well-attended. Since the start of the new semester in October 2020, we have hosted 18 CPC webinars from our sites in Southampton and Scotland. We have welcomed speakers from across the globe, and we have been able to welcome more attendees than before with travel no longer a barrier to attendance. Most of the webinars are now available to watch again on our YouTube channel, so do take a look if you missed out or would like to see the presentations again.
Webinars Carl Schmertmann, Florida State University Estimating total fertility from the shape of the age pyramid: Bayesian models and applications
Ben Wilson, Stockholm University and London School of Economics
Matthias Studer, University of Geneva
Understanding the lives of immigrants and their descendants: From selection to adaptation
The link between previous life trajectories and a later life outcome: A feature selection approach
Tom Alexis and Cecilia Macintyre, Scottish Government
Alexia Fürnkranz-Prskawetz, Vienna Institute of Demography
Developing linkage ready data on Looked After Children for a new data linkage infrastructure in Scotland
An agent-based modelling approach to account for social interactions in demography. This keynote seminar formed part of the short course on Agent-based modelling for social research which ran in the autumn semester.
Sylwia Åukasik, Adam Mickiewicz University, and Jakub Bijak, University of Southampton Paleodemography of Black Sea Scythians
Reconsidered disadvantage in the United States: An intersectional analysis This was a CPC Athena Swan webinar held jointly with FemQuant.
Jamie Pearce, University of Edinburgh
Michaela Benzeval, University of Essex
Gunnar Andersson, Stockholm University
Emilio Zagheni, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research and University of Washington
The spatial diffusion of nonmarital childbearing in Belgium (1968-2017)
A new look at the geography of housing careers in Great Britain
Dominique Green, University of St Andrews
Britain’s first demographic transition: an integrated geography
Yoann Doignon, UCLouvain, Centre for Demographic Research
A Bayesian cohort component projection model to estimate adult populations at the subnational level Rory Coulter, UCL
Alice Reid, University of Cambridge
Utilizing population register data to understand socioeconomic determinants of COVID-19 mortality: The case of Sweden
Monica Alexander, University of Toronto
Understanding Society COVID-19 Study
Studying health and migration using social media: Tools for survey participant recruitment complement digital trace data Cecilia Vindrola, UCL Carrying out rapid qualitative research during a pandemic: Emerging lessons from COVID-19
Lifecourse of Place: how environments throughout life can support healthy ageing Peter Eibich, Max Planck Institute for Demographic Research Does retirement affect voluntary work provision?
Our upcoming webinars are listed on our events calendar, and you can follow us on Twitter and Facebook for the latest updates. And if you are unable to attend the live sessions, do subscribe to our YouTube channel to be alerted when our new videos become available.